// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com
#include "../../include/reflow/reflowengine.h"
#include "../../src/reflow/reflowedpage.h"
typedef CFX_SegmentedArray<CRF_CharData*> CRF_CharDataPtrArray;
typedef CFX_SegmentedArray<FX_INT32> CFX_CountBSINT32Array;
class CRF_TextPage : public IPDF_TextPage
CRF_TextPage(IPDF_ReflowedPage* pRefPage);
virtual ~CRF_TextPage() ;
FX_BOOL ParseTextPage();
void NormalizeObjects(FX_BOOL bNormalize)
FX_BOOL IsParsered() const;
int CharIndexFromTextIndex(int TextIndex) const;
int TextIndexFromCharIndex(int CharIndex) const;
int CountChars() const;
virtual void GetCharInfo(int index, FPDF_CHAR_INFO & info) const;
void GetRectArray(int start, int nCount, CFX_RectArray& rectArray) const;
int GetIndexAtPos(CPDF_Point point, FX_FLOAT xTorelance, FX_FLOAT yTorelance) const;
int GetIndexAtPos(FX_FLOAT x, FX_FLOAT y, FX_FLOAT xTorelance, FX_FLOAT yTorelance) const;
virtual int GetOrderByDirection(int index, int direction) const;
CFX_WideString GetTextByRect(CFX_FloatRect rect) const;
void GetRectsArrayByRect(CFX_FloatRect rect, CFX_RectArray& resRectArray) const;
int CountRects(int start, int nCount);
virtual void GetRect(int rectIndex, FX_FLOAT& left, FX_FLOAT& top, FX_FLOAT& right, FX_FLOAT &bottom) const;
virtual FX_BOOL GetBaselineRotate(int rectIndex, int& Rotate);
virtual FX_BOOL GetBaselineRotate(CFX_FloatRect rect, int& Rotate);
virtual int CountBoundedSegments(FX_FLOAT left, FX_FLOAT top, FX_FLOAT right, FX_FLOAT bottom, FX_BOOL bContains = FALSE);
virtual void GetBoundedSegment(int index, int& start, int& count) const;
int GetWordBreak(int index, int direction) const;
CFX_WideString GetPageText(int start, int nCount = -1 ) const;
CPDF_ReflowedPage* m_pRefPage;
CRF_CharDataPtrArray* m_pDataList;
CFX_RectArray m_rectArray;
CFX_CountBSINT32Array* m_CountBSArray;