// ***************************************************************************
// *
// * Copyright (C) 2015 International Business Machines
// * Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
// * Tool: org.unicode.cldr.icu.NewLdml2IcuConverter
// * Source File: <path>/common/rbnf/en.xml
// *
// ***************************************************************************
* ICU <specials> source: <path>/xml/rbnf/en.xml
"0: 0 seconds; 1 second; =0= seconds;",
"60/60: <%%min<[, >>];",
"3600/60: <%%hr<[, >>>];",
"0: 0 minutes; 1 minute; =0= minutes;",
"0: 0 hours; 1 hour; =0= hours;",
"0: =0= sec.;",
"60: =%%min-sec=;",
"3600: =%%hr-min-sec=;",
"0: :=00=;",
"60/60: <0<>>;",
"0: :=00=;",
"60/60: <00<>>;",
"3600/60: <#,##0<:>>>;",
"0: =%in-numerals=;",
"& ':' = '.' = ' ' = '-';",
"-x: \u2212>>;",
"0: =#,##0=$(ordinal,one{st}two{nd}few{rd}other{th})$;",
"0: hundred;",
"1: oh-=%spellout-numbering=;",
"10: =%spellout-numbering=;",
"-x: minus >>;",
"x.x: =#,###0.#=;",
"0: =%spellout-numbering=;",
"1010/100: << >%%2d-year>;",
"1100/100: << >%%2d-year>;",
"2000: =%spellout-numbering=;",
"2010/100: << >%%2d-year>;",
"2100/100: << >%%2d-year>;",
"3000: =%spellout-numbering=;",
"3010/100: << >%%2d-year>;",
"3100/100: << >%%2d-year>;",
"4000: =%spellout-numbering=;",
"4010/100: << >%%2d-year>;",
"4100/100: << >%%2d-year>;",
"5000: =%spellout-numbering=;",
"5010/100: << >%%2d-year>;",
"5100/100: << >%%2d-year>;",
"6000: =%spellout-numbering=;",
"6010/100: << >%%2d-year>;",
"6100/100: << >%%2d-year>;",
"7000: =%spellout-numbering=;",
"7010/100: << >%%2d-year>;",
"7100/100: << >%%2d-year>;",
"8000: =%spellout-numbering=;",
"8010/100: << >%%2d-year>;",
"8100/100: << >%%2d-year>;",
"9000: =%spellout-numbering=;",
"9010/100: << >%%2d-year>;",
"9100/100: << >%%2d-year>;",
"10000: =%spellout-numbering=;",
"0: =%spellout-cardinal=;",
"0: =%spellout-cardinal-verbose=;",
"-x: minus >>;",
"x.x: << point >>;",
"0: zero;",
"1: one;",
"2: two;",
"3: three;",
"4: four;",
"5: five;",
"6: six;",
"7: seven;",
"8: eight;",
"9: nine;",
"10: ten;",
"11: eleven;",
"12: twelve;",
"13: thirteen;",
"14: fourteen;",
"15: fifteen;",
"16: sixteen;",
"17: seventeen;",
"18: eighteen;",
"19: nineteen;",
"20: twenty[->>];",
"30: thirty[->>];",
"40: forty[->>];",
"50: fifty[->>];",
"60: sixty[->>];",
"70: seventy[->>];",
"80: eighty[->>];",
"90: ninety[->>];",
"100: << hundred[ >>];",
"1000: << thousand[ >>];",
"1000000: << million[ >>];",
"1000000000: << billion[ >>];",
"1000000000000: << trillion[ >>];",
"1000000000000000: << quadrillion[ >>];",
"1000000000000000000: =#,##0=;",
"1: ' and =%spellout-cardinal-verbose=;",
"100: ' =%spellout-cardinal-verbose=;",
"1: ' and =%spellout-cardinal-verbose=;",
"100: , =%spellout-cardinal-verbose=;",
"1000: , <%spellout-cardinal-verbose< thousand[>%%commas>];",
"1000000: , =%spellout-cardinal-verbose=;",
"-x: minus >>;",
"x.x: << point >>;",
"0: =%spellout-numbering=;",
"100: << hundred[>%%and>];",
"1000: << thousand[>%%and>];",
"100000/1000: << thousand[>%%commas>];",
"1000000: << million[>%%commas>];",
"1000000000: << billion[>%%commas>];",
"1000000000000: << trillion[>%%commas>];",
"1000000000000000: << quadrillion[>%%commas>];",
"1000000000000000000: =#,##0=;",
"0: tieth;",
"1: ty-=%spellout-ordinal=;",
"0: th;",
"1: ' =%spellout-ordinal=;",
"-x: minus >>;",
"x.x: =#,##0.#=;",
"0: zeroth;",
"1: first;",
"2: second;",
"3: third;",
"4: fourth;",
"5: fifth;",
"6: sixth;",
"7: seventh;",
"8: eighth;",
"9: ninth;",
"10: tenth;",
"11: eleventh;",
"12: twelfth;",
"13: =%spellout-numbering=th;",
"20: twen>%%tieth>;",
"30: thir>%%tieth>;",
"40: for>%%tieth>;",
"50: fif>%%tieth>;",
"60: six>%%tieth>;",
"70: seven>%%tieth>;",
"80: eigh>%%tieth>;",
"90: nine>%%tieth>;",
"100: <%spellout-numbering< hundred>%%th>;",
"1000: <%spellout-numbering< thousand>%%th>;",
"1000000: <%spellout-numbering< million>%%th>;",
"1000000000: <%spellout-numbering< billion>%%th>;",
"1000000000000: <%spellout-numbering< trillion>%%th>;",
"1000000000000000: <%spellout-numbering< quadrillion>%%th>;",
"1000000000000000000: =#,##0=.;",
"0: th;",
"1: ' and =%spellout-ordinal-verbose=;",
"100: ' =%spellout-ordinal-verbose=;",
"0: th;",
"1: ' and =%spellout-ordinal-verbose=;",
"100: , =%spellout-ordinal-verbose=;",
"1000: , <%spellout-cardinal-verbose< thousand>%%commas-o>;",
"1000000: , =%spellout-ordinal-verbose=;",
"-x: minus >>;",
"x.x: =#,##0.#=;",
"0: =%spellout-ordinal=;",
"100: <%spellout-numbering-verbose< hundred>%%and-o>;",
"1000: <%spellout-numbering-verbose< thousand>%%and-o>;",
"100000/1000: <%spellout-numbering-verbose< thousand>%%commas-o>;",
"1000000: <%spellout-numbering-verbose< million>%%commas-o>;",
"1000000000: <%spellout-numbering-verbose< billion>%%commas-o>;",
"1000000000000: <%spellout-numbering-verbose< trillion>%%commas-o>;",
"1000000000000000: <%spellout-numbering-verbose< quadrillion>%%commas-o>;",
"1000000000000000000: =#,##0=.;",