* Copyright (C) 2008 The Guava Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.google.common.escape;
import com.google.common.annotations.GwtCompatible;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
* Tests for {@link UnicodeEscaper}.
* @author David Beaumont
public class UnicodeEscaperTest extends TestCase {
private static final String SMALLEST_SURROGATE =
private static final String LARGEST_SURROGATE =
private static final String TEST_STRING =
"\0abyz\u0080\u0100\u0800\u1000ABYZ\uffff" +
// Escapes nothing
private static final UnicodeEscaper NOP_ESCAPER = new UnicodeEscaper() {
protected char[] escape(int c) {
return null;
// Escapes everything except [a-zA-Z0-9]
private static final UnicodeEscaper SIMPLE_ESCAPER = new UnicodeEscaper() {
protected char[] escape(int cp) {
return ('a' <= cp && cp <= 'z') ||
('A' <= cp && cp <= 'Z') ||
('0' <= cp && cp <= '9') ? null :
("[" + String.valueOf(cp) + "]").toCharArray();
public void testNopEscaper() {
UnicodeEscaper e = NOP_ESCAPER;
assertEquals(TEST_STRING, escapeAsString(e, TEST_STRING));
public void testSimpleEscaper() {
UnicodeEscaper e = SIMPLE_ESCAPER;
String expected =
"[0]abyz[128][256][2048][4096]ABYZ[65535]" +
"[" + Character.MIN_SUPPLEMENTARY_CODE_POINT + "]" +
"0189[" + Character.MAX_CODE_POINT + "]";
assertEquals(expected, escapeAsString(e, TEST_STRING));
public void testGrowBuffer() { // need to grow past an initial 1024 byte buffer
StringBuffer input = new StringBuffer();
StringBuffer expected = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 256; i < 1024; i++) {
input.append((char) i);
expected.append("[" + i + "]");
assertEquals(expected.toString(), SIMPLE_ESCAPER.escape(input.toString()));
public void testSurrogatePairs() {
UnicodeEscaper e = SIMPLE_ESCAPER;
// Build up a range of surrogate pair characters to test
final int min = Character.MIN_SUPPLEMENTARY_CODE_POINT;
final int max = Character.MAX_CODE_POINT;
final int range = max - min;
final int s1 = min + (1 * range) / 4;
final int s2 = min + (2 * range) / 4;
final int s3 = min + (3 * range) / 4;
final char[] dst = new char[12];
// Put surrogate pairs at odd indices so they can be split easily
dst[0] = 'x';
Character.toChars(min, dst, 1);
Character.toChars(s1, dst, 3);
Character.toChars(s2, dst, 5);
Character.toChars(s3, dst, 7);
Character.toChars(max, dst, 9);
dst[11] = 'x';
String test = new String(dst);
// Get the expected result string
String expected =
"x[" + min + "][" + s1 + "][" + s2 + "][" + s3 + "][" + max + "]x";
assertEquals(expected, escapeAsString(e, test));
public void testTrailingHighSurrogate() {
String test = "abc" + Character.MIN_HIGH_SURROGATE;
try {
escapeAsString(NOP_ESCAPER, test);
fail("Trailing high surrogate should cause exception");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) {
// Pass
try {
escapeAsString(SIMPLE_ESCAPER, test);
fail("Trailing high surrogate should cause exception");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) {
// Pass
public void testNullInput() {
UnicodeEscaper e = SIMPLE_ESCAPER;
try {
e.escape((String) null);
fail("Null string should cause exception");
} catch (NullPointerException expected) {
// Pass
public void testBadStrings() {
UnicodeEscaper e = SIMPLE_ESCAPER;
String[] BAD_STRINGS = {
Character.MIN_LOW_SURROGATE + "xyz",
"abc" + Character.MIN_LOW_SURROGATE,
"abc" + Character.MIN_LOW_SURROGATE + "xyz",
Character.MAX_LOW_SURROGATE + "xyz",
"abc" + Character.MAX_LOW_SURROGATE,
"abc" + Character.MAX_LOW_SURROGATE + "xyz",
for (String s : BAD_STRINGS) {
try {
escapeAsString(e, s);
fail("Isolated low surrogate should cause exception [" + s + "]");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) {
// Pass
public void testFalsePositivesForNextEscapedIndex() {
UnicodeEscaper e = new UnicodeEscaper() {
// Canonical escaper method that only escapes lower case ASCII letters.
protected char[] escape(int cp) {
return ('a' <= cp && cp <= 'z') ?
new char[] { Character.toUpperCase((char) cp) } : null;
// Inefficient implementation that defines all letters as escapable.
protected int nextEscapeIndex(CharSequence csq, int index, int end) {
while (index < end && !Character.isLetter(csq.charAt(index))) {
return index;
assertEquals("\0HELLO \uD800\uDC00 WORLD!\n",
e.escape("\0HeLLo \uD800\uDC00 WorlD!\n"));
public void testCodePointAt_IndexOutOfBoundsException() {
try {
UnicodeEscaper.codePointAt("Testing...", 4, 2);
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException expected) {
private String escapeAsString(Escaper e, String s) {
return e.escape(s);