/****************************************************************************** * * Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Broadcom Corporation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ******************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************************ * * Filename: btif_sock_thread.c * * Description: socket select thread * * ***********************************************************************************/ #include <hardware/bluetooth.h> #include <hardware/bt_sock.h> //bta_jv_co_rfc_data #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <errno.h> #include <features.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <sys/un.h> #include <time.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <signal.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <sys/select.h> #include <sys/poll.h> #include <cutils/sockets.h> #include <alloca.h> #define LOG_TAG "bt_btif_sock" #include "btif_common.h" #include "btif_util.h" #include "bta_api.h" #include "btif_sock.h" #include "btif_sock_thread.h" #include "btif_sock_util.h" #define asrt(s) if(!(s)) APPL_TRACE_ERROR("## %s assert %s failed at line:%d ##",__FUNCTION__, #s, __LINE__) #define print_events(events) do { \ APPL_TRACE_DEBUG("print poll event:%x", events); \ if (events & POLLIN) APPL_TRACE_DEBUG( " POLLIN "); \ if (events & POLLPRI) APPL_TRACE_DEBUG( " POLLPRI "); \ if (events & POLLOUT) APPL_TRACE_DEBUG( " POLLOUT "); \ if (events & POLLERR) APPL_TRACE_DEBUG( " POLLERR "); \ if (events & POLLHUP) APPL_TRACE_DEBUG( " POLLHUP "); \ if (events & POLLNVAL) APPL_TRACE_DEBUG(" POLLNVAL "); \ if (events & POLLRDHUP) APPL_TRACE_DEBUG(" POLLRDHUP"); \ } while(0) #define MAX_THREAD 8 #define MAX_POLL 64 #define POLL_EXCEPTION_EVENTS (POLLHUP | POLLRDHUP | POLLERR | POLLNVAL) #define IS_EXCEPTION(e) ((e) & POLL_EXCEPTION_EVENTS) #define IS_READ(e) ((e) & POLLIN) #define IS_WRITE(e) ((e) & POLLOUT) /*cmd executes in socket poll thread */ #define CMD_WAKEUP 1 #define CMD_EXIT 2 #define CMD_ADD_FD 3 #define CMD_REMOVE_FD 4 #define CMD_USER_PRIVATE 5 typedef struct { struct pollfd pfd; uint32_t user_id; int type; int flags; } poll_slot_t; typedef struct { int cmd_fdr, cmd_fdw; int poll_count; poll_slot_t ps[MAX_POLL]; int psi[MAX_POLL]; //index of poll slot volatile pthread_t thread_id; btsock_signaled_cb callback; btsock_cmd_cb cmd_callback; int used; } thread_slot_t; static thread_slot_t ts[MAX_THREAD]; static void *sock_poll_thread(void *arg); static inline void close_cmd_fd(int h); static inline void add_poll(int h, int fd, int type, int flags, uint32_t user_id); static pthread_mutex_t thread_slot_lock = PTHREAD_RECURSIVE_MUTEX_INITIALIZER_NP; static inline void set_socket_blocking(int s, int blocking) { int opts; opts = fcntl(s, F_GETFL); if (opts<0) APPL_TRACE_ERROR("set blocking (%s)", strerror(errno)); if(blocking) opts &= ~O_NONBLOCK; else opts |= O_NONBLOCK; if (fcntl(s, F_SETFL, opts) < 0) APPL_TRACE_ERROR("set blocking (%s)", strerror(errno)); } static inline int create_server_socket(const char* name) { int s = socket(AF_LOCAL, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if(s < 0) return -1; APPL_TRACE_DEBUG("covert name to android abstract name:%s", name); if(socket_local_server_bind(s, name, ANDROID_SOCKET_NAMESPACE_ABSTRACT) >= 0) { if(listen(s, 5) == 0) { APPL_TRACE_DEBUG("listen to local socket:%s, fd:%d", name, s); return s; } else APPL_TRACE_ERROR("listen to local socket:%s, fd:%d failed, errno:%d", name, s, errno); } else APPL_TRACE_ERROR("create local socket:%s fd:%d, failed, errno:%d", name, s, errno); close(s); return -1; } static inline int connect_server_socket(const char* name) { int s = socket(AF_LOCAL, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if(s < 0) return -1; set_socket_blocking(s, TRUE); if(socket_local_client_connect(s, name, ANDROID_SOCKET_NAMESPACE_ABSTRACT, SOCK_STREAM) >= 0) { APPL_TRACE_DEBUG("connected to local socket:%s, fd:%d", name, s); return s; } else APPL_TRACE_ERROR("connect to local socket:%s, fd:%d failed, errno:%d", name, s, errno); close(s); return -1; } static inline int accept_server_socket(int s) { struct sockaddr_un client_address; socklen_t clen; int fd = accept(s, (struct sockaddr*)&client_address, &clen); APPL_TRACE_DEBUG("accepted fd:%d for server fd:%d", fd, s); return fd; } static inline int create_thread(void *(*start_routine)(void *), void * arg, pthread_t * thread_id) { pthread_attr_t thread_attr; pthread_attr_init(&thread_attr); pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&thread_attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE); int policy; int min_pri=0; int ret = -1; struct sched_param param; if ((ret = pthread_create(thread_id, &thread_attr, start_routine, arg))!=0 ) { APPL_TRACE_ERROR("pthread_create : %s", strerror(errno)); return ret; } /* We need to lower the priority of this thread to ensure the stack gets * priority over transfer to a socket */ pthread_getschedparam(*thread_id, &policy, ¶m); min_pri = sched_get_priority_min(policy); if (param.sched_priority > min_pri) { param.sched_priority -= 1; } pthread_setschedparam(*thread_id, policy, ¶m); return ret; } static void init_poll(int cmd_fd); static int alloc_thread_slot() { int i; //revserd order to save guard uninitialized access to 0 index for(i = MAX_THREAD - 1; i >=0; i--) { APPL_TRACE_DEBUG("ts[%d].used:%d", i, ts[i].used); if(!ts[i].used) { ts[i].used = 1; return i; } } APPL_TRACE_ERROR("execeeded max thread count"); return -1; } static void free_thread_slot(int h) { if(0 <= h && h < MAX_THREAD) { close_cmd_fd(h); ts[h].used = 0; } else APPL_TRACE_ERROR("invalid thread handle:%d", h); } int btsock_thread_init() { static int initialized; APPL_TRACE_DEBUG("in initialized:%d", initialized); if(!initialized) { initialized = 1; int h; for(h = 0; h < MAX_THREAD; h++) { ts[h].cmd_fdr = ts[h].cmd_fdw = -1; ts[h].used = 0; ts[h].thread_id = -1; ts[h].poll_count = 0; ts[h].callback = NULL; ts[h].cmd_callback = NULL; } } return TRUE; } int btsock_thread_create(btsock_signaled_cb callback, btsock_cmd_cb cmd_callback) { asrt(callback || cmd_callback); pthread_mutex_lock(&thread_slot_lock); int h = alloc_thread_slot(); pthread_mutex_unlock(&thread_slot_lock); APPL_TRACE_DEBUG("alloc_thread_slot ret:%d", h); if(h >= 0) { init_poll(h); pthread_t thread; int status = create_thread(sock_poll_thread, (void*)(uintptr_t)h, &thread); if (status) { APPL_TRACE_ERROR("create_thread failed: %s", strerror(status)); free_thread_slot(h); return -1; } ts[h].thread_id = thread; APPL_TRACE_DEBUG("h:%d, thread id:%d", h, ts[h].thread_id); ts[h].callback = callback; ts[h].cmd_callback = cmd_callback; } return h; } /* create dummy socket pair used to wake up select loop */ static inline void init_cmd_fd(int h) { asrt(ts[h].cmd_fdr == -1 && ts[h].cmd_fdw == -1); if(socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, &ts[h].cmd_fdr) < 0) { APPL_TRACE_ERROR("socketpair failed: %s", strerror(errno)); return; } APPL_TRACE_DEBUG("h:%d, cmd_fdr:%d, cmd_fdw:%d", h, ts[h].cmd_fdr, ts[h].cmd_fdw); //add the cmd fd for read & write add_poll(h, ts[h].cmd_fdr, 0, SOCK_THREAD_FD_RD, 0); } static inline void close_cmd_fd(int h) { if(ts[h].cmd_fdr != -1) { close(ts[h].cmd_fdr); ts[h].cmd_fdr = -1; } if(ts[h].cmd_fdw != -1) { close(ts[h].cmd_fdw); ts[h].cmd_fdw = -1; } } typedef struct { int id; int fd; int type; int flags; uint32_t user_id; } sock_cmd_t; int btsock_thread_add_fd(int h, int fd, int type, int flags, uint32_t user_id) { if(h < 0 || h >= MAX_THREAD) { APPL_TRACE_ERROR("invalid bt thread handle:%d", h); return FALSE; } if(ts[h].cmd_fdw == -1) { APPL_TRACE_ERROR("cmd socket is not created. socket thread may not initialized"); return FALSE; } if(flags & SOCK_THREAD_ADD_FD_SYNC) { //must executed in socket poll thread if(ts[h].thread_id == pthread_self()) { //cleanup one-time flags flags &= ~SOCK_THREAD_ADD_FD_SYNC; add_poll(h, fd, type, flags, user_id); return TRUE; } APPL_TRACE_DEBUG("THREAD_ADD_FD_SYNC is not called in poll thread, fallback to async"); } sock_cmd_t cmd = {CMD_ADD_FD, fd, type, flags, user_id}; APPL_TRACE_DEBUG("adding fd:%d, flags:0x%x", fd, flags); return send(ts[h].cmd_fdw, &cmd, sizeof(cmd), 0) == sizeof(cmd); } bool btsock_thread_remove_fd_and_close(int thread_handle, int fd) { if (thread_handle < 0 || thread_handle >= MAX_THREAD) { APPL_TRACE_ERROR("%s invalid thread handle: %d", __func__, thread_handle); return false; } if (fd == -1) { APPL_TRACE_ERROR("%s invalid file descriptor.", __func__); return false; } sock_cmd_t cmd = {CMD_REMOVE_FD, fd, 0, 0, 0}; return send(ts[thread_handle].cmd_fdw, &cmd, sizeof(cmd), 0) == sizeof(cmd); } int btsock_thread_post_cmd(int h, int type, const unsigned char* data, int size, uint32_t user_id) { if(h < 0 || h >= MAX_THREAD) { APPL_TRACE_ERROR("invalid bt thread handle:%d", h); return FALSE; } if(ts[h].cmd_fdw == -1) { APPL_TRACE_ERROR("cmd socket is not created. socket thread may not initialized"); return FALSE; } sock_cmd_t cmd = {CMD_USER_PRIVATE, 0, type, size, user_id}; APPL_TRACE_DEBUG("post cmd type:%d, size:%d, h:%d, ", type, size, h); sock_cmd_t* cmd_send = &cmd; int size_send = sizeof(cmd); if(data && size) { size_send = sizeof(cmd) + size; cmd_send = (sock_cmd_t*)alloca(size_send); if(cmd_send) { *cmd_send = cmd; memcpy(cmd_send + 1, data, size); } else { APPL_TRACE_ERROR("alloca failed at h:%d, cmd type:%d, size:%d", h, type, size_send); return FALSE; } } return send(ts[h].cmd_fdw, cmd_send, size_send, 0) == size_send; } int btsock_thread_wakeup(int h) { if(h < 0 || h >= MAX_THREAD) { APPL_TRACE_ERROR("invalid bt thread handle:%d", h); return FALSE; } if(ts[h].cmd_fdw == -1) { APPL_TRACE_ERROR("thread handle:%d, cmd socket is not created", h); return FALSE; } sock_cmd_t cmd = {CMD_WAKEUP, 0, 0, 0, 0}; return send(ts[h].cmd_fdw, &cmd, sizeof(cmd), 0) == sizeof(cmd); } int btsock_thread_exit(int h) { if(h < 0 || h >= MAX_THREAD) { APPL_TRACE_ERROR("invalid bt thread handle:%d", h); return FALSE; } if(ts[h].cmd_fdw == -1) { APPL_TRACE_ERROR("cmd socket is not created"); return FALSE; } sock_cmd_t cmd = {CMD_EXIT, 0, 0, 0, 0}; if(send(ts[h].cmd_fdw, &cmd, sizeof(cmd), 0) == sizeof(cmd)) { pthread_join(ts[h].thread_id, 0); pthread_mutex_lock(&thread_slot_lock); free_thread_slot(h); pthread_mutex_unlock(&thread_slot_lock); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static void init_poll(int h) { int i; ts[h].poll_count = 0; ts[h].thread_id = -1; ts[h].callback = NULL; ts[h].cmd_callback = NULL; for(i = 0; i < MAX_POLL; i++) { ts[h].ps[i].pfd.fd = -1; ts[h].psi[i] = -1; } init_cmd_fd(h); } static inline unsigned int flags2pevents(int flags) { unsigned int pevents = 0; if(flags & SOCK_THREAD_FD_WR) pevents |= POLLOUT; if(flags & SOCK_THREAD_FD_RD) pevents |= POLLIN; pevents |= POLL_EXCEPTION_EVENTS; return pevents; } static inline void set_poll(poll_slot_t* ps, int fd, int type, int flags, uint32_t user_id) { ps->pfd.fd = fd; ps->user_id = user_id; if(ps->type != 0 && ps->type != type) APPL_TRACE_ERROR("poll socket type should not changed! type was:%d, type now:%d", ps->type, type); ps->type = type; ps->flags = flags; ps->pfd.events = flags2pevents(flags); ps->pfd.revents = 0; } static inline void add_poll(int h, int fd, int type, int flags, uint32_t user_id) { asrt(fd != -1); int i; int empty = -1; poll_slot_t* ps = ts[h].ps; for(i = 0; i < MAX_POLL; i++) { if(ps[i].pfd.fd == fd) { asrt(ts[h].poll_count < MAX_POLL); set_poll(&ps[i], fd, type, flags | ps[i].flags, user_id); return; } else if(empty < 0 && ps[i].pfd.fd == -1) empty = i; } if(empty >= 0) { asrt(ts[h].poll_count < MAX_POLL); set_poll(&ps[empty], fd, type, flags, user_id); ++ts[h].poll_count; return; } APPL_TRACE_ERROR("exceeded max poll slot:%d!", MAX_POLL); } static inline void remove_poll(int h, poll_slot_t* ps, int flags) { if(flags == ps->flags) { //all monitored events signaled. To remove it, just clear the slot --ts[h].poll_count; memset(ps, 0, sizeof(*ps)); ps->pfd.fd = -1; } else { //one read or one write monitor event signaled, removed the accordding bit ps->flags &= ~flags; //update the poll events mask ps->pfd.events = flags2pevents(ps->flags); } } static int process_cmd_sock(int h) { sock_cmd_t cmd = {-1, 0, 0, 0, 0}; int fd = ts[h].cmd_fdr; if(recv(fd, &cmd, sizeof(cmd), MSG_WAITALL) != sizeof(cmd)) { APPL_TRACE_ERROR("recv cmd errno:%d", errno); return FALSE; } APPL_TRACE_DEBUG("cmd.id:%d", cmd.id); switch(cmd.id) { case CMD_ADD_FD: add_poll(h, cmd.fd, cmd.type, cmd.flags, cmd.user_id); break; case CMD_REMOVE_FD: for (int i = 1; i < MAX_POLL; ++i) { poll_slot_t *poll_slot = &ts[h].ps[i]; if (poll_slot->pfd.fd == cmd.fd) { remove_poll(h, poll_slot, poll_slot->flags); break; } } close(cmd.fd); break; case CMD_WAKEUP: break; case CMD_USER_PRIVATE: asrt(ts[h].cmd_callback); if(ts[h].cmd_callback) ts[h].cmd_callback(fd, cmd.type, cmd.flags, cmd.user_id); break; case CMD_EXIT: return FALSE; default: APPL_TRACE_DEBUG("unknown cmd: %d", cmd.id); break; } return TRUE; } static void process_data_sock(int h, struct pollfd *pfds, int count) { asrt(count <= ts[h].poll_count); int i; for( i= 1; i < ts[h].poll_count; i++) { if(pfds[i].revents) { int ps_i = ts[h].psi[i]; asrt(pfds[i].fd == ts[h].ps[ps_i].pfd.fd); uint32_t user_id = ts[h].ps[ps_i].user_id; int type = ts[h].ps[ps_i].type; int flags = 0; print_events(pfds[i].revents); if(IS_READ(pfds[i].revents)) { flags |= SOCK_THREAD_FD_RD; } if(IS_WRITE(pfds[i].revents)) { flags |= SOCK_THREAD_FD_WR; } if(IS_EXCEPTION(pfds[i].revents)) { flags |= SOCK_THREAD_FD_EXCEPTION; //remove the whole slot not flags remove_poll(h, &ts[h].ps[ps_i], ts[h].ps[ps_i].flags); } else if(flags) remove_poll(h, &ts[h].ps[ps_i], flags); //remove the monitor flags that already processed if(flags) ts[h].callback(pfds[i].fd, type, flags, user_id); } } } static void prepare_poll_fds(int h, struct pollfd* pfds) { int count = 0; int ps_i = 0; int pfd_i = 0; asrt(ts[h].poll_count <= MAX_POLL); memset(pfds, 0, sizeof(pfds[0])*ts[h].poll_count); while(count < ts[h].poll_count) { if(ps_i >= MAX_POLL) { APPL_TRACE_ERROR("exceed max poll range, ps_i:%d, MAX_POLL:%d, count:%d, ts[h].poll_count:%d", ps_i, MAX_POLL, count, ts[h].poll_count); return; } if(ts[h].ps[ps_i].pfd.fd >= 0) { pfds[pfd_i] = ts[h].ps[ps_i].pfd; ts[h].psi[pfd_i] = ps_i; count++; pfd_i++; } ps_i++; } } static void *sock_poll_thread(void *arg) { struct pollfd pfds[MAX_POLL]; memset(pfds, 0, sizeof(pfds)); int h = (intptr_t)arg; for(;;) { prepare_poll_fds(h, pfds); int ret = poll(pfds, ts[h].poll_count, -1); if(ret == -1) { APPL_TRACE_ERROR("poll ret -1, exit the thread, errno:%d, err:%s", errno, strerror(errno)); break; } if(ret != 0) { int need_process_data_fd = TRUE; if(pfds[0].revents) //cmd fd always is the first one { asrt(pfds[0].fd == ts[h].cmd_fdr); if(!process_cmd_sock(h)) { APPL_TRACE_DEBUG("h:%d, process_cmd_sock return false, exit...", h); break; } if(ret == 1) need_process_data_fd = FALSE; else ret--; //exclude the cmd fd } if(need_process_data_fd) process_data_sock(h, pfds, ret); } else {APPL_TRACE_DEBUG("no data, select ret: %d", ret)}; } ts[h].thread_id = -1; APPL_TRACE_DEBUG("socket poll thread exiting, h:%d", h); return 0; }