#!/bin/sh # the next line restarts using wish \ exec wish "$0" "$@" # # Copyright (c) 2006-2010 by Karl J. Runge <runge@karlrunge.com> # # ssvnc.tcl: gui wrapper to the programs in this # package. Also sets up service port forwarding. # set version 1.0.28 set buck_zero $argv0 proc center_win {w} { global is_windows update set W [winfo screenwidth $w] set W [expr $W + 1] wm geometry $w +$W+0 update set x [expr [winfo screenwidth $w]/2 - [winfo width $w]/2] set y [expr [winfo screenheight $w]/2 - [winfo height $w]/2] if {$is_windows} { set y [expr "$y - 30"] if {$y <= 0} { set y 1 } } wm geometry $w +$x+$y wm deiconify $w update } proc small_height {} { set H [winfo screenheight .] if {$H < 700} { return 1 } else { return 0 } } proc mac_raise {} { global uname if {$uname == "Darwin"} { catch {exec /bin/sh -c {osascript -e 'tell application "Wish Shell" to activate' >/dev/null 2>&1 &}} after 150 update update idletasks } } proc toplev {w} { catch {destroy $w} toplevel $w catch {wm withdraw $w} } proc apply_bg {w} { global is_windows system_button_face if {$is_windows && $system_button_face != ""} { catch {$w configure -bg "$system_button_face"} } } proc line_count {{str ""} {pad 0}} { set n $pad foreach l [split $str "\n"] { incr n } return $n } proc scroll_text {fr {w 80} {h 35}} { global help_font is_windows scroll_text_focus if {$h == 35 && [small_height]} { set h 28 } catch {destroy $fr} frame $fr -bd 0 eval text $fr.t -width $w -height $h $help_font \ -setgrid 1 -bd 2 -yscrollcommand {"$fr.y set"} -relief ridge apply_bg $fr.t scrollbar $fr.y -orient v -relief sunken -command "$fr.t yview" pack $fr.y -side right -fill y pack $fr.t -side top -fill both -expand 1 if {$scroll_text_focus} { focus $fr.t } } proc scroll_text_dismiss {fr {w 80} {h 35}} { global help_font if {$h == 35 && [small_height]} { set h 28 } scroll_text $fr $w $h set up $fr regsub {\.[^.]*$} $up "" up button $up.d -text "Dismiss" -command "destroy $up" bind $up <Escape> "destroy $up" pack $up.d -side bottom -fill x pack $fr -side top -fill both -expand 1 } proc jiggle_text {w} { global uname if {$uname == "Darwin"} { $w yview scroll 1 pages update idletasks $w yview scroll -1 pages update idletasks } } proc ts_help {} { toplev .h scroll_text_dismiss .h.f center_win .h wm title .h "Terminal Services VNC Viewer Help" set msg { Terminal Services: The Terminal Services VNC Viewer uses SSH to establish an encrypted and authenticated connection to the remote server. Through the SSH channel, it automatically starts x11vnc in terminal services mode on the remote server to find or create your desktop session. x11vnc is used for both the session management and the VNC transport. You MUST be able to log in via SSH to the remote terminal server. Ask your administrator to set this up for you if it isn't already. x11vnc must also be installed on the remote server machine. See "Requirements" below. This mode is started by the commands 'tsvnc' or 'ssvnc -ts' or toggled by pressing Ctrl-t. "SSVNC Mode" under Options -> Advanced will also return to the full SSVNC. Or in your ~/.ssvncrc (or ~/ssvnc_rc on Windows) put "mode=tsvnc" to have the tool always start up in that mode. To constrain the UI, run with -tso or SSVNC_TS_ALWAYS set to prevent leaving the Terminal Services mode. Hosts and Displays: Enter the remote VNC Terminal Services hostname in the 'VNC Terminal Server' entry. Examples: far-away.east fred@someplace.no Then click on "Connect". Once the SSH is running (you may need to type a password or accept a new ssh key in the terminal window that pops up), the VNC Viewer will be automatically started directed to the local port of the SSH tunnel which, in turn, encrypts and redirects the connection to the remote VNC server. x11vnc is run remotely to find or create your terminal services desktop session. It must be installed and accessible on the remote system. Enter "user@hostname.com" in 'VNC Terminal Server' if the remote username is different from the yours on this machine. On Windows you *MUST* supply the remote username due to a deficiency in Plink. This entry is passed to SSH; it could also be an SSH alias you have created (in ~/.ssh/config). If the remote SSH server is run on a non-standard port, e.g. 2222, use something like one of these: far-away.east:2222 fred@someplace.no:2222 (unlike SSVNC mode, the number is the SSH port, not the VNC display) If you find yourself in the unfortunate circumstance that your ssh username has a space in it, use %SPACE (or %TAB) like this: fred%SPACEflintstone@xyzzy.net Zeroconf/Bonjour: On Unix or Mac OS X, if the 'avahi-browse' or 'dns-sd' command is available on the system and in your PATH, a 'Find' button is placed by 'VNC Host:Display'. Clicking on Find will try to find VNC Servers on your Local Network that advertize via the Zeroconf protocol. A menu of found hosts is presented for you to select from. Profiles: Use "Save" to save a profile (i.e. a host:display and its specific settings) with a name. The "TS-" prefix will be suggested to help you distinguish between Terminal Services and regular profiles. To load in a saved Options profile, click on the "Load" button, and choose which one you want. To list your profiles from the command line use: tsvnc -profiles (or -list) To launch profile1 directly from the command-line, or to a server use things like: tsvnc profile1 tsvnc /path/to/profile1.vnc tsvnc hostname tsvnc user@hostname Note that the 'Verify All Certs' setting is NOT saved in profiles. Proxies/Gateways: Proxy/Gateway is usually a gateway machine to log into via SSH that is not the machine running the VNC terminal services. However, Web and SOCKS proxies can also be used (see below). For example if a company had a central login server: "ssh.company.com" (accessible from the internet) and the internal server name was "ts-server", one could put in VNC Terminal Server: ts-server Proxy/Gateway: ssh.company.com It is OK if the hostname "ts-server" only resolves inside the firewall. The 2nd host, ts-server in this example, MUST also be running an SSH server and you must be able to log into it. You may need to supply a 2nd password to it to login. Use username@host (e.g. joe@ts-server or jsmith@ssh.company.com) if the user name differs between machines. NOTE: On Windows you MUST always supply the username@ because putty's plink requires it. NON-STANDARD SSH PORT: To use a non-standard ssh port (i.e. a port other than 22) you need to use the Proxy/Gateways as well. E.g. something like this for port 2222: VNC Terminal Server: ts-server Proxy/Gateway: jsmith@ssh.company.com:2222 On Unix/MacOSX the username@ is not needed if it is the same as on this machine. A Web or SOCKS proxy can also be used. Use this if you are inside a firewall that prohibits direct connections to remote SSH servers. In Terminal Services SSH mode, the "http://" prefix is required for web proxies. VNC Terminal Server: fred@someplace.no Proxy/Gateway: http://myproxy.west:8080 or for SOCKS: VNC Terminal Server: fred@someplace.no Proxy/Gateway: socks://mysocks.west:1080 use socks5://... to force the SOCKS5 version. For a non-standard port the above would be, e.g., fred@someplace.no:2222 As with a username that contains a space, use %SPACE (or %TAB) to indicate it in the SSH proxies, e.g. john%SPACEsmith@ssh.company.com One can also chain proxies and other things. See the section "SSH Proxies/Gateways" in the Main SSVNC Help for full details. Options: Click on Options to get to dialog boxes to: - Desktop Type (kde, gnome, failsafe, twm...) - Desktop Size (Geometry WxH and pixel depth) - X Server Type (Xvfb, Xdummy, Xvnc) - Enable Printing (CUPS and/or SMB/Windows) - Enable Sound (TBD, ESD partially working) - File Transfer (Ultra or TightVNC filexfer) - View Only (View only client) - Change VNC Viewer (Realvnc, ultra, etc...) - X11 viewer MacOSX (use bundled X11 vncviewer) - Delete Profile... (Delete a saved profile) - Advanced Options: - VNC Shared (optional traditional VNC sharing) - Multiple Sessions (more than 1 session per server) - X Login Greeter (Connect to Login/Greeter Display) - Other VNC Server (redirect to 3rd party VNC Server) - Use unixpw (optional x11vnc login mode) - Client 8bit Color (VNC Viewer requests low color mode) - Client-Side Caching (experimental x11vnc speedup) - X11VNC Options (set any extra x11vnc options) - Extra Sleep (delay a bit before starting viewer) - Putty Args (Windows: string for plink/putty cmd) - Putty Agent (Windows: launch pageant) - Putty Key-Gen (Windows: launch puttygen) - SSH Local Protections (a bit of safety on local side) - SSH KnownHosts file (to avoid SSH 'localhost' collisions) - SSVNC Mode (Return to full SSVNC mode) - Unix ssvncviewer (set options for supplied Unix viewer) Requirements: When running this application on Unix/MacOSX the ssh(1) program must be installed locally. On Windows a plink/putty binary is included. On the remote VNC Terminal Services host, x11vnc must be installed (0.9.3 or higher), and at least one virtual X server: Xvfb, Xdummy, or Xvnc must be available. Xvfb is the most often used one. All of these programs must be available in $PATH on the remote server when logged in via SSH. The VNC terminal services administrator can make "x11vnc" be a wrapper script that sets everything up correctly and then runs the real x11vnc. Real X servers: As a *BONUS*, if on the remote host, say a workstation, you have a regular X session running on the physical hardware that you are ALREADY logged into you can access to that display as well (x11vnc will find it). So this tool can be used as a simple way to launch x11vnc to find your real X display on your workstation and connect to it. The Printing and Sound redirection won't work for this mode however. You will need to use the full SSVNC application to attempt that. If you (mistakenly) have not logged into an X session on the real X server on the workstation, a VIRTUAL (Xvfb, etc.) server will be created for you (that may or may not be what you want). The X Login Advanced setting can be used to connect to a X Display Manger Greeter login panel (no one is logged in yet). This requires sudo(1) privileges on the remote machine. More Info: See these links for more information: http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/#tunnelling } global version set msg " SSVNC version: $version\n$msg" .h.f.t insert end $msg jiggle_text .h.f.t } proc help {} { global ts_only if {$ts_only} { ts_help return } toplev .h set h 37 if [small_height] { set h 26 } scroll_text_dismiss .h.f 82 $h center_win .h wm title .h "SSL/SSH VNC Viewer Help" global help_main help_prox help_misc help_tips set help_main { Hosts and Displays: Enter the VNC host and display in the 'VNC Host:Display' entry box. It is of the form "host:number", where "host" is the hostname of the machine running the VNC Server and "number" is the VNC display number; it is often "0". Some Examples: snoopy:0 far-away.east:0 sunray-srv1.west:17 Then click on "Connect". When you do the STUNNEL program will be started locally to provide you with an outgoing SSL tunnel. Once the STUNNEL is running, the TightVNC Viewer (Or perhaps Chicken of the VNC on Mac OS X, or one you set under Options) will be automatically started and directed to the local port of the SSL tunnel which, in turn, encrypts and redirects the connection to the remote VNC server. The remote VNC server **MUST** support an initial SSL/TLS handshake before using the VNC protocol (i.e. VNC is tunnelled through the SSL channel after it is established). "x11vnc -ssl ..." does this, and any VNC server can be made to do this by using, e.g., STUNNEL or socat on the remote side. SSVNC also supports VeNCrypt and ANONTLS SSL/TLS VNC servers (see below.) * Automatic SSH Tunnels are described below. * The 'No Encryption' / 'None' option provides a direct connection without encryption (disable the button with the -enc option, or Options menu.) More info in Tip 5. Port numbers: If you are using a port less than the default VNC port 5900 (usually the VNC display = port - 5900), use the full port number itself, e.g.: Note, however, if the number n after the colon is < 200, then a port number 5900 + n is assumed; i.e. n is the VNC display number. If you must use a TCP port less than 200, specify a negative value, e.g.: For Reverse VNC connections (listening viewer, See Tip 2 and Options -> Help), the port mapping is similar, except "listening display :0" corresponds to port 5500, :1 to 5501, etc. Specify a specific interface, e.g. to have stunnel listen on that interface only. Listening on IPv6 can also be done, use e.g. :::0 or ::1:0 This listening on IPv6 (:::0) works for UN-encrypted reverse connections as well (mode 'None'). Zeroconf/Bonjour: On Unix or Mac OS X, if the 'avahi-browse' or 'dns-sd' command is available on the system and in your PATH, a 'Find' button is placed by 'VNC Host:Display'. Clicking on Find will try to find VNC Servers on your Local Network that advertize via the Zeroconf protocol. A menu of found hosts is presented for you to select from. VNC Password: On Unix or MacOSX IF there is a VNC password for the server you can enter it in the "VNC Password:" entry box. This is *REQUIRED* on MacOSX when Chicken of the VNC is used, because that viewer does not put up a user password prompt when it learns that a password is needed. On Unix (including MacOSX using the X11 viewer) if you choose not to enter the password you will simply be prompted for it in the terminal window running TightVNC viewer if one is required. On Windows TightVNC viewer will prompt you if a password is required. NOTE: when you Save a VNC profile, the password is NOT saved (you need to enter it each time). Nor is the 'Verify All Certs' setting. Profiles: Use "Save" to save a profile (i.e. a host:display and its specific settings) with a name. To load in a saved Options profile, click on the "Load" button. To list your profiles from the command line use: ssvnc -profiles (or -list) You can launch ssvnc and have it immediately connect to the server by invoking it something like this: ssvnc profile1 (launches profile named "profile1") ssvnc /path/to/profile.vnc (loads the profile file, no launching) ssvnc hostname:0 (connect to hostname VNC disp 0 via SSL) ssvnc vnc+ssl://hostname:0 (same) ssvnc vnc+ssh://hostname:0 (connect to hostname VNC disp 0 via SSH) see the Tips 5 and 7 for more about the URL-like syntax. If you don't want "ssvnc profile1" to immediately launch the connection to the VNC server set the SSVNC_PROFILE_LOADONLY env. var. to 1. (or specify the full path to the profile.vnc as shown above.) SSL Certificate Verification: *** IMPORTANT ***: If you do not take the steps to VERIFY the VNC Server's SSL Certificate, you are in principle vulnerable to a Man-In-The-Middle attack. Without SSL Certificate verification, only passive network sniffing attacks will be guaranteed to be prevented. There are hacker tools like dsniff/webmitm and cain that implement SSL Man-In-The-Middle attacks. They rely on the client user not bothering to check the cert. Some people may be confused by the above because they are familiar with their Web Browser using SSL (i.e. https://... websites) and those sites are authenticated securely without the user's need to verify anything manually. The reason why this happens automatically is because 1) their web browser comes with a bundle of Certificate Authority certificates and 2) the https sites have paid money to the Certificate Authorities to have their website certificate signed by them. When using SSL in VNC we normally do not do something this sophisticated, and so we have to verify the certificates manually. However, it is possible to use Certificate Authorities with SSVNC; that method is described below. You can use the "Fetch Cert" button to retrieve the Cert and then after you check it is OK (say, via comparing the MD5 or other info) you can "Save" it and use it to verify future connections to servers. (However, see the note at the end of this section about CA certificates.) When "Verify All Certs" is checked, this check is always enforced, and so the first time you connect to a new server you may need to follow a few dialogs to inspect and save the server certificate. See the "Certs... -> Help" for information on how to manage certificates. "Verify All Certs" is on by default. Note, however, "Fetch Cert" and "Verify All Certs" are currently disabled in the very rare "SSH + SSL" usage mode to avoid SSHing in twice. You can manually set a ServerCert or CertsDir in this case if you like. Advanced Method: Certificate Authority (CA): If you, or your site administrator, goes though the steps of setting up a Certificate Authority (CA) to sign the VNC server and/or VNC client Certs, that can be used instead and avoids the need to manually verify every cert while still authenticating every connection. More info: http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/faq.html#faq-ssl-ca See the cmdline option -cacert file below in 'SSL Certificates' for setting a default ServerCert/CA Cert. You may also Import the CA Cert and save it to the 'Accepted Certs' directory so the "Verify All Certs" automatic checking will find it. Note that if a Server is using a CA signed certificate instead of its own Self-Signed one, then the default "Verify All Certs/Fetch Cert" saving mechanism will NOT succeed. You must obtain the CA certificate and explicitly set it as the ServerCert or Import it to Accepted Certs. SSL/TLS Variants; VeNCrypt and ANONTLS: SSVNC can also connect to VNC SSL/TLS variants; namely the VeNCrypt and "TLS" VNC Security types. Vino uses the latter (we call it "ANONTLS"); and a growing number use VeNCrypt (QEMU, ggi, virt-manager, VeNCrypt, Xen.) Via the VeNCrypt bridge that SSVNC provides, the VeNCrypt/ANONTLS support ALSO works with ANY 3rd party VNC Viewers you specify via 'Change VNC Viewer' (e.g. RealVNC, TightVNC, UltraVNC, etc.) that do not directly support VeNCrypt or ANONTLS. This works on all platforms: Unix, MacOSX, and Windows. Notes on VeNCrypt/ANONTLS Auto-detection: IMPORTANT: VeNCrypt Server Auto-detection *ONLY* occurs in SSL mode and when an initial fetch-cert action takes place. While the initial certificate fetch is taking place SSVNC applies heuristics to try to automatically detect the VeNCrypt or ANONTLS protocol use by the VNC server. This way it learns that the server is using it and then knows to switch to VeNCrypt encrypted SSL/TLS at the right point. Then SSVNC makes a second (the real) connection to VNC server and connects the VNC viewer to it. In the default "Verify All Certs" mode, a fetch cert action always takes place, and so VeNCrypt/ANONTLS will be autodected. However, if you have specified an explicit ServerCert or disabled "Verify All Certs" then even though the initial fetch cert action is no longer needed, it is performed anyway because it allows VeNCrypt/ANONTLS auto-detection. To disabled this initial fetch (e.g. you know the VNC server is normal SSL and not VeNCrypt/ANONTLS and want to connect more quickly) then select "Do not Probe for VeNCrypt" in the Advanced Options menu. On the other hand, if you know the VNC server ONLY supports VeNCrypt or ANONTLS, to improve the accuracy and speed with which the connection takes place, you can specify the one or both of the 'Server uses VeNCrypt SSL encryption' and 'Server uses Anonymous Diffie-Hellman' in the 'Advanced' options panel. That way guessing via an initial probe is not needed or performed. See each options's Advanced Options Help for more info. Note that if you are using VeNCrypt or ANONTLS for REVERSE connections (Listen) then you *MUST* set the 'Server uses VeNCrypt SSL encryption' (and the ANON-DH if it applies) option in Advanced. Note also that REVERSE VeNCrypt and ANONTLS connections currently do not work on Windows. Also, if you are using the "Use SSH+SSL" double tunnel, you MUST set 'Server uses VeNCrypt SSL encryption' (and the ANON-DH if it applies) because the initial fetch cert is disabled in SSH+SSL mode. Deciphering SSL Negotiation Success or Failure: Since SSVNC is a "glue program", in this case gluing VNCViewer and stunnel together (with possibly a proxy helper) reporting is clumsy at best. (In SSH encryption mode, it glues to ssh instead of stunnel.) In most cases the programs being "glued" are run in a terminal window where you can see the program's output. On Windows you will need to double click on the stunnel tray icon to view its log. Although the output is quite cryptic, you are encouraged to learn to recognize some of the errors reported in it. Here is stunnel output for a case of successfully verifying the VNC Server's Certificate: 2008.11.20 08:09:39 LOG5[1472]: VERIFY OK: depth=0, /C=AU/L=... 2008.11.20 08:09:39 LOG6[1472]: SSL connected: new session negotiated 2008.11.20 08:09:39 LOG6[1472]: Negotiated ciphers: AES256-SHA SSLv3 ... Here is a case where the Server's Cert did not match the ServerCert we set: 2008.11.20 08:12:31 LOG4[1662]: VERIFY ERROR: depth=0, error=self ... 2008.11.20 08:12:31 LOG3[1662]: SSL_connect: 14090086: error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed Here is a case where the Server's Cert has expired: 2009.12.27 12:20:25 LOG4[25500]: VERIFY ERROR: depth=0, error=certificate has expired: /C=AU/L=... 2009.12.27 12:20:25 LOG3[25500]: SSL_connect: 14090086: error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed If you disable "Verify All Certs" and do not supply a ServerCert, then there will be no 'VERIFY ...' in the output because the SSVNC stunnel accepts the server's cert without question (this is insecure.) Also in the output will be messages about whether the SSL VNC server rejected your connection because it requires you to authenticate yourself with a certificate (MyCert). Here is the case when you supplied no MyCert: 2008.11.20 08:16:29 LOG3[1746]: SSL_connect: 14094410: error:14094410: SSL routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:sslv3 alert handshake failure or you used a certificate the server did not recognize: 2008.11.20 08:18:46 LOG3[1782]: SSL_connect: 14094412: error:14094412: SSL routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:sslv3 alert bad certificate or your certificate has been revoked: 2008.11.20 08:20:08 LOG3[1913]: SSL_connect: 14094414: error:14094414: SSL routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:sslv3 alert certificate revoked SSH: Click on "Use SSH" if you want to use an *SSH* tunnel instead of SSL (then the VNC Server does not need to speak SSL or use STUNNEL or socat). You will need to be able to login to your account on the remote host via SSH (e.g. via password, ssh keys, or ssh-agent). Specify the SSH hostname and VNC display in the VNC Host:Display entry. Use something like: username@far-away.east:0 if your remote username is different from the one on the local viewer machine. On Windows you *MUST* supply the "username@" part because Putty/Plink needs it to work correctly. "SSH + SSL" is similar but its use is more rare because it requires 2 encrypted tunnels to reach the VNC server. See the Help under Options for more info. To connect to a non-standard SSH port, see SSH Proxies/Gateways section. See Tip 8) for how to make this application be SSH-only with the -ssh command line option or "sshvnc". If you find yourself in the unfortunate circumstance that your ssh username has a space in it, use %SPACE (or %TAB) like this: fred%SPACEflintstone@xyzzy.net:0 Remote SSH Command: In SSH or SSH + SSL mode you can also specify a remote command to run on the remote ssh host in the "Remote SSH Command" entry. The default is just to sleep a bit (e.g. sleep 15) to make sure the tunnel ports are established. Alternatively you could have the remote command start the VNC server, e.g. x11vnc -display :0 -rfbport 5900 -localhost -nopw When starting the VNC server this way, note that sometimes you will need to correlate the VNC Display number with the "-rfbport" (or similar) option of the server. E.g. for VNC display :2 VNC Host:Display username@somehost.com:2 Remote SSH Command: x11vnc -find -rfbport 5902 -nopw See the Tip 18) for using x11vnc PORT=NNNN feature (or vncserver(1) output) to not need to specify the VNC display number or the x11vnc -rfbport option. Windows SSH SERVER: if you are ssh'ing INTO Windows (e.g. CYGWIN SSHD server) there may be no "sleep" command so put in something like "ping localhost" or "ping -n 10 -w 1000 localhost" to set a short delay to let the tunnel ports get established. SSL Certificates: If you want to use a SSL Certificate (PEM) file to authenticate YOURSELF to the VNC server ("MyCert") and/or to verify the identity of the VNC Server ("ServerCert" or "CertsDir") select the certificate file by clicking the "Certs ..." button before connecting. Certificate verification is needed to prevent Man-In-The-Middle attacks; if it is not done then only passive network sniffing attacks are prevented. There are hacker tools like dsniff/webmitm and cain that implement SSL Man-In-The-Middle attacks. They rely on the client user not bothering to check the cert. See the x11vnc documentation: http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/ssl.html for how to create and use PEM SSL certificate files. An easy way is: x11vnc -ssl SAVE ... where it will print out its automatically generated certificate to the screen and that can be copied safely to the viewer side. You can also use the "Create Certificate" feature of this program under "Certs ...". Just click on it and follow the instructions in the dialog. Then copy the cert file to the VNC Server and specify the other one in the "Certs ..." dialog. Alternatively you can use the "Import Certificate" action to paste in a certificate or read one in from a file. Or you can use the "Fetch Cert" button on the main panel. If "Verify All Certs" is checked, you will be forced to check Certs of any new servers the first time you connect. Note that "Verify All Certs" is on by default so that users who do not understand the SSL Man-In-The-Middle problem will not be left completely vulnerable to it (everyone still must make the effort to verify new certificates by an external method to be completely safe). To have "Verify All Certs" toggled off at startup, use "ssvnc -nv" or set SSVNC_NO_VERIFY_ALL=1 before starting. If you do not even want to see the button, use "ssvnc -nvb" or SSVNC_NO_VERIFY_ALL_BUTTON=1. Use the "-mycert file" option (same as "-cert file") to set a default MyCert. This is the same as "mycert=file" (also "cert=file") in the ~/.ssvncrc file. See Certs -> Help for more info. Use the "-cacert file" option (same as "-ca file") to set a default ServerCert (or CA). This is the same as "cacert=file" (also "ca=file") in the ~/.ssvncrc file. See Certs -> Help for more info. Use the "-crl file" option to set a default CRL File. This is the same as "crl=file" in the ~/.ssvncrc file. See Certs -> Help for more info. Prefix any of these files with "FORCE:" to make them immutable. More Options: To set other Options, e.g. for View-Only usage or to limit the number of colors used, click on the "Options ..." button and read the Help there. More Info: Press the 'Proxies', 'Misc', and 'Tips' buttons below. See also these links for more information: http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/faq.html#faq-ssl-tunnel-ext http://stunnel.mirt.net http://www.tightvnc.com } set help_misc { Windows STUNNEL problems: Note that on Windows when the Viewer connection is finished by default SSVNC will try to kill the STUNNEL process for you. If Options -> Kill Stunnel Automatically is not set you will be prompted if you want SSVNC to try to kill the STUNNEL process for you. Usually you will say Yes, however if there are problems connecting you may want to look at the STUNNEL Log first. Before it is killed, double clicking the STUNNEL tray icon (dark green) will show you its Log file (useful for debugging connection problems). Even though SSVNC will kill the STUNNEL process for you, you will still need to move the mouse over the icon to make the little picture go away!!! This is unfortunate but there does not seem to be a way to avoid it. In some cases you may need to terminate STUNNEL manually from the System Tray (right click on dark green icon) and selecting "Exit". Use -nokillstunnel or killstunnel=0 in ~/.ssvncrc to have SSVNC start up with stunnel killing disabled. Untrusted Local Users: *IMPORTANT WARNING*: If you run SSVNC on a workstation or computer that other users can log into and you DO NOT TRUST these users (it is a shame but sometimes one has to work in an environment like this), then please note the following warning. By 'do not trust' we mean they might try to gain access to remote machines you connect to via SSVNC. Note that an untrusted local user can often obtain root access in a short amount of time; if a user has achieved that, then all bets are off for ANYTHING that you do on the workstation. It is best to get rid of Untrusted Local Users as soon as possible. Both the SSL and SSH tunnels set up by SSVNC listen on certain ports on the 'localhost' address and redirect TCP connections to the remote machine; usually the VNC server running there (but it could also be another service, e.g. CUPS printing). These are the stunnel(8) SSL redirection and the ssh(1) '-L' port redirection. Because 'localhost' is used only users or programs on the same workstation that is running SSVNC can connect to these ports, however this includes any local users (not just the user running SSVNC.) If the untrusted local user tries to connect to these ports, he may succeed by varying degrees to gain access to the remote machine. We now list some safeguards one can put in place to try to make this more difficult to achieve. It probably pays to have the VNC server require a password, even though there has already been SSL or SSH authentication (via certificates or passwords). In general if the VNC Server requires SSL authentication of the viewer that helps, unless the untrusted local user has gained access to your SSVNC certificate keys. If the VNC server is configured to only allow one viewer connection at a time, then the window of opportunity that the untrusted local user can use is greatly reduced: he might only have a second or two between the tunnel being set up and the SSVNC vncviewer connecting to it (i.e. if the VNC server only allows a single connection, the untrusted local user cannot connect once your session is established). Similarly, when you disconnect the tunnel is torn down quickly and there is little or no window of opportunity to connect (e.g. x11vnc in its default mode exits after the first client disconnects). Also for SSL tunnelling with stunnel(8) on Unix using one of the SSVNC prebuilt 'bundles', a patched stunnel is provided that denies all connections after the first one, and exits when the first one closes. This is not true if the system installed stunnel(8) is used and is not true when using SSVNC on Windows. The following are experimental features that are added to SSVNC to improve the situation for the SSL/stunnel and SSH cases. Set them via Options -> Advanced -> "STUNNEL Local Port Protections" or "SSH Local Port Protections". STUNNEL: 1) For SSL tunnelling with stunnel(8) on Unix there is a setting 'Use stunnel EXEC mode' that will try to exec(2) stunnel instead of using a listening socket. This will require using the specially modified vncviewer unix viewer provided by SSVNC. The mode works well and is currently set as the default. Disable it if it causes problems or conflicts. 2) For SSL tunnelling with stunnel(8) on Unix there is a setting 'Use stunnel IDENT check' (experimental) to limit socket connections to be from you (this assumes the untrusted local user has not become root on your workstation and has modified your local IDENT check service; if he has you have much bigger problems to worry about...) Neither of the above methods are available on Windows. SSH: 1) There is also a simple LD_PRELOAD trick for SSH to limit the number of accepted port redirection connections. This makes the window of time the untrusted local user can connect to the tunnel much smaller. Enable it via Options -> Advanced -> "SSH Local Port Protections". You will need to have the lim_accept.so file in your SSVNC package. The mode works well and is currently set as the default. Disable it if it causes problems or conflicts. The above method is not available on Windows. The main message is to 'Watch your Back' when you connect via the SSVNC tunnels and there are users you don't trust on your workstation. The same applies to ANY use of SSH '-L' port redirections or outgoing stunnel SSL redirection services. } set help_prox { Here are a number of long sections on all sorts of proxies, Web, SOCKS, SSH tunnels/gateways, UltraVNC, Single Click, etc., etc. Proxies/Gateways: If an intermediate proxy is needed to make the SSL connection (e.g. a web gateway out of a firewall) enter it in the "Proxy/Gateway" entry box: VNC Host-Display: host:number Proxy/Gateway: proxy-host:port e.g.: VNC Host-Display: far-away.east:0 Proxy/Gateway: myproxy.west:8080 If the "double proxy" case is required (e.g. coming out of a web proxied firewall environment and then INTO a 2nd proxy to ultimately reach the VNC server), separate them via a comma, e.g.: VNC Host-Display: far-away:0 Proxy/Gateway: myproxy.west:8080,myhome.net:443 So it goes: viewer -> myproxy.west -> myhome.net -> far-away (VNC) The proxies are assumed to be Web proxies. To use SOCKS proxies: VNC Host-Display: far-away.east:0 Proxy/Gateway: socks://mysocks.west:1080 Use socks5:// to force the SOCKS5 proxy protocol (e.g. for ssh -D). You can prefix web proxies with http:// in SSL mode but it doesn't matter since that is the default for a proxy. (NOTE that in SSH or SSH+SSL mode you MUST supply the http:// prefix for web proxies because in those modes an SSH tunnel is the default proxy type: see the next section.) Note that Web proxies are often configured to ONLY allow outgoing connections to ports 443 (HTTPS) and 563 (SNEWS), so you might have run the VNC server (or router port redirector) on those ports. SOCKS proxies usually have no restrictions on port number. You can chain up to 3 proxies (any combination of web (http://) and socks://) by separating them with commas (i.e. first,second,third). Proxies also work for un-encrypted connections ("None" or vnc://, Tip 5) See the ss_vncviewer description and x11vnc FAQ for info on proxies: http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/faq.html#ss_vncviewer http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/faq.html#faq-ssl-java-viewer-proxy SSH Proxies/Gateways: Proxy/Gateway also applies to SSH mode, it is a usually a gateway SSH machine to log into via ssh that is not the workstation running the VNC server. However, Web and SOCKS proxies can also be used (see below). For example if a company had a central login server: "ssh.company.com" (accessible from the internet) and the internal workstation with VNC was named "joes-pc", then to create an SSH tunnel one could put this in: VNC Host:Display: joes-pc:0 Proxy/Gateway: ssh.company.com It is OK if the hostname "joes-pc" only resolves inside the firewall. The 2nd leg, from ssh.company.com -> joes-pc is done by a ssh -L redir and is not encrypted (but the viewer -> ssh.company.com 1st leg is an encrypted tunnel). To SSH encrypt BOTH legs, try the "double SSH gateway" method using the "comma" notation: VNC Host:Display: localhost:0 Proxy/Gateway: ssh.company.com,joes-pc this requires an SSH server also running on joes-pc. So an initial SSH login is done to ssh.company.com, then a 2nd SSH is performed (through port a redirection of the first) to login straight to joes-pc where the VNC server is running. Use username@host (e.g. joe@joes-pc jsmith@ssh.company.com) if the user names differ between the various machines. NOTE: On Windows you MUST always supply the username@ because putty's plink requires it. NON-STANDARD SSH PORT: To use a non-standard ssh port (i.e. a port other than 22) you need to use the Proxy/Gateways as well. E.g. something like this for port 2222: VNC Host:Display: localhost:0 Proxy/Gateway: joe@far-away.east:2222 On Unix/MacOSX the username@ is not needed if it is the same as on the client. This will also work going to a different internal machine, e.g. "joes-pc:0" instead of "localhost:0", as in the first example. A Web or SOCKS proxy can also be used with SSH. Use this if you are inside a firewall that prohibits direct connections to remote SSH servers. VNC Host:Display: joe@far-away.east:0 Proxy/Gateway: http://myproxy.west:8080 or for SOCKS: VNC Host:Display: joe@far-away.east:0 Proxy/Gateway: socks://mysocks.west:1080 Use socks5://... to force the SOCKS5 version. Note that the http:// prefix is REQUIRED for web proxies in SSH or SSH+SSL modes (but it is the default proxy type in SSL mode.) You can chain up to 3 proxies (any combination of http://, socks:// and ssh) by separating them with commas (i.e. first,second,third). Note: the Web and/or SOCKS proxies must come before any SSH gateways. For a non-standard SSH port and a Web or SOCKS proxy try: VNC Host:Display: localhost:0 Proxy/Gateway: http://myproxy.west:8080,joe@far-away.east:2222 Even the "double SSH gateway" method (2 SSH encrypted legs) described above works with an initial Web or SOCKS proxy, e.g.: VNC Host:Display: localhost:0 Proxy/Gateway: socks://mysocks.west:1080,ssh.company.com,joes-pc Some Notes on SSH localhost tunnelling with SSH options NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost=yes and UserKnownHostsFile=file: Warning: Note that for proxy use with ssh(1), tunnels going through 'localhost' are used. This means ssh(1) thinks the remote hostname is 'localhost', which may cause collisions and confusion when storing and checking SSH keys. By default on Unix when a 'localhost' ssh host is involved the ssh option -o NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost=yes is applied (see ssh_config(1) for details.) This avoids the warnings and ssh refusing to connect, but it reduces security. A man in the middle attack may be possible. SSVNC prints out a warning in the terminal every time the NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost option is used. On Unix to disable the use of NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost set the env. variable SSVNC_SSH_LOCALHOST_AUTH=1. This may induce extra ssh(1) dialogs. On Unix a MUCH SAFER and more convenient way to proceed is to set the known hosts option in Options -> Advanced -> 'Private SSH KnownHosts file' Then, only for the host in the current profile, a private known_hosts file will be used and so there will be no 'localhost' collisions. This method is secure (assuming you verify the SSH key fingerprint) and avoids the man in the middle attack. On Windows, Putty/Plink is used and does not have the UserKnownHosts or NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost features. Keys are stored in the registry as localhost:port pairs and so it is possible to use the 'Port Slot' option to keep the keys separate to avoid the dialogs and also maintain good security. Note that for the "double SSH gateway" method the risk from using NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost is significantly less because the first ssh connection does not use the option (it connects directly to the remote host) and the second one is only exposed for the leg inside the first gateway (but is still vulnerable there when NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost is used.) As with a username that contains a space, use %SPACE (or %TAB) to indicate it in the SSH proxies, e.g. john%SPACEsmith@ssh.company.com UltraVNC Proxies/Gateways: UltraVNC has a "repeater" tool (http://www.uvnc.com/addons/repeater.html and http://koti.mbnet.fi/jtko/) that acts as a VNC proxy. SSVNC can work with both mode I and mode II schemes of this repeater. For Unix and MacOS X there is another re-implementation of the UltraVNC repeater: http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/ultravnc_repeater.pl So one does not need to run the repeater on a Windows machine. Note that even though the UltraVNC repeater tool is NOT SSL enabled, it can nevertheless act as a proxy for SSVNC SSL connections. This is because, just as with a Web proxy, the proxy negotiations occur before the SSL traffic starts. (There is a separate UltraVNC tool, repeater_SSL.exe, that is SSL enabled and is discussed below.) Note: it seems only SSL SSVNC connections make sense with the UltraVNC repeater. SSH connections (previous section) do not seem to and so are not enabled to (let us know if you find a way to use it.) Unencrypted (aka Direct) SSVNC VNC connections (Vnc:// prefix in 'VNC Host:Display'; see Tip 5) also work with the UltraVNC repeater. MODE I REPEATER: For the mode I UltraVNC repeater the Viewer initiates the connection and passes a string that is the VNC server's IP address (or hostname) and port or display to the repeater (the repeater then makes the connection to the server host and then exchanges data back and forth.) To do this in SSVNC: VNC Host:Display: :0 Proxy/Gateway: repeater://myuvncrep.west:5900+joes-pc:1 Where "myuvncrep.west" is running the UltraVNC repeater and "joes-pc:1" is the VNC server the repeater will connect us to. Note here that the VNC Host:Display can be anything because it is not used; we choose :0. You cannot leave VNC Host:Display empty. The Proxy/Gateway format is repeater://proxy:port+vncserver:display. The string after the "+" sign is passed to the repeater server for it to interpret (and so does not have to be the UltraVNC repeater; you could create your own if you wanted to.) For this example, instead of joes-pc:1 it could be joes-pc:5901 or,, etc. If you do not supply a proxy port, then the default 5900 is assumed, e.g. use repeater://myuvncrep.west+joes-pc:1 for port 5900 on myuvncrep.west then connecting to port 5901 on joes-pc. X11VNC: For mode I operation the VNC server x11vnc simply runs as a normal SSL/VNC server: x11vnc -ssl SAVE because the repeater will connect to it as a VNC client would. For mode II operation additional options are needed (see below.) MODE II REPEATER: For the mode II repeater both the VNC viewer and VNC server initiate TCP connections to the repeater proxy. In this case they pass a string that identifies their mutual connection via "ID:NNNN", for example: VNC Host:Display: :0 Proxy/Gateway: repeater://myuvncrep.west:5900+ID:2345 again, the default proxy port is 5900 if not supplied. And we need to supply a placeholder display ":0". The fact that BOTH the VNC viewer and VNC server initiate outgoing TCP connections to the repeater makes some things tricky, especially for the SSL aspect. In SSL one side takes the 'client' role and the other side must take the 'server' role. These roles must be coordinated correctly or otherwise the SSL handshake will fail. We now describe two scenarios: 1) SSVNC in Listening mode with STUNNEL in 'SSL server' role; and 2) SSVNC in Forward mode with STUNNEL in 'SSL client' role. For both cases we show how the corresponding VNC server x11vnc would be run. SSVNC Listening mode / STUNNEL 'SSL server' role: By default, when using SSL over a reverse connection the x11vnc VNC server will take the 'SSL client' role. This way it can connect to a standard STUNNEL (SSL server) redirecting connections to a VNC viewer in Listen mode. This is how SSVNC with SSL is normally intended to be used for reverse connections (i.e. without the UltraVNC Repeater.) To do it this way with the mode II UltraVNC Repeater; you set Options -> Reverse VNC Connection, i.e. a "Listening Connection". You should disable 'Verify All Certs' unless you have already saved the VNC Server's certificate to Accepted Certs. Or you can set ServerCert to the saved certificate. Then click 'Listen'. In this case an outgoing connection is made to the UltraVNC repeater, but everything else is as for a Reverse connection. Note that in Listening SSL mode you must supply a MyCert or use the "listen.pem" one you are prompted by SSVNC to create. X11VNC command: x11vnc -ssl -connect_or_exit repeater://myuvncrep.west+ID:2345 SSVNC Forward mode / STUNNEL 'SSL client' role: x11vnc 0.9.10 and later can act in the 'SSL server' role for Reverse connections (i.e. as it does for forward connections.) Set these x11vnc options: '-env X11VNC_DISABLE_SSL_CLIENT_MODE=1 -sslonly' The -sslonly option is to prevent x11vnc from thinking the delay in connection implies VeNCrypt instead of VNC over SSL. With x11vnc in X11VNC_DISABLE_SSL_CLIENT_MODE mode, you can then have SSVNC make a regular forward connection to the UltraVNC repeater. Note that SSVNC may attempt to do a 'Fetch Cert' action in forward connection mode to either retrieve the certificate or probe for VeNCrypt and/or ANONDH. After that 'Fetch Cert' is done the connection to the UltraVNC repeater will be dropped. This is a problem for the subsequent real VNC connection. You can disable 'Verify All Certs' AND also set 'Do not Probe for VeNCrypt' to avoid the 'Fetch Cert' action. Or, perhaps better, add to x11vnc command line '-connect_or_exit repeater://... -loop300,2' (in addition to the options in the previous paragraphs.) That way x11vnc will reconnect once to the Repeater after the 'Fetch Cert' action. Then things should act pretty much as a normal forward SSL connection. X11VNC 0.9.10 command (split into two lines): x11vnc -ssl -connect_or_exit repeater://myuvncrep.west+ID:2345 \ -env X11VNC_DISABLE_SSL_CLIENT_MODE=1 -loop300,2 -sslonly We recommend using "SSVNC Forward mode / STUNNEL 'SSL client' role" if you are connecting to x11vnc 0.9.10 or later. Since this does not use Listen mode it should be less error prone and less confusing and more compatible with other features. Be sure to use all of the x11vnc options in the above command line. To enable VeNCrypt, replace '-sslonly' with '-vencrypt force'. If you do not indicate them explicitly to SSVNC, SSVNC may have to probe multiple times for VeNCrypt and/or ANONDH. So you may need '-loop300,4' on the x11vnc cmdline so it will reconnect to the UltraVNC repeater 3 times. Note that for UNENCRYPTED (i.e. direct) SSVNC connections (see vnc:// in Tip 5) using the UltraVNC Repeater mode II there is no need to use a reverse "Listening connection" and so you might as well use a forward connection. For Listening connections, on Windows after the VNC connection you MUST manually terminate the listening VNC Viewer (and connect again if desired.) Do this by going to the System Tray and terminating the Listening VNC Viewer. Subsequent connection attempts using the repeater will fail unless you do this and restart the Listen. On Unix and MacOS X after the VNC connection the UltraVNC repeater proxy script will automatically restart and reconnect to the repeater for another connection. So you do not need to manually restart it. To stop the listening, kill the listening VNC Viewer with Ctrl-C. In the previous sections it was mentioned one can chain up to 3 proxies together by separating them with commas: proxy1,proxy2,proxy3. Except where explicitly noted below this should work for "repeater://..." as the final proxy. E.g. you could use a web proxy to get out of a firewall, and then connect to a remote repeater. The UltraVNC SSL enabled repeater_SSL.exe is discussed below. UltraVNC Single Click: UltraVNC has Single Click (SC) Windows VNC servers that allow naive users to get them running very easily (a EXE download and a few mouse clicks). See http://sc.uvnc.com/ for details on how to create these binaries. Also there is a how-to here: http://www.simply-postcode-lookup.com/SingleClickUltraVNC/SingleClickVNC.htm The SC EXE is a VNC *server* that starts up a Reverse VNC connection to a Listening Viewer (e.g. the viewer address/port/ID is hardwired into the SC EXE). So SC is not really a proxy, but it can be used with UltraVNC repeater proxies and so we describe it here. One important point for SC III binary creation: do NOT include "-id N" in the helpdesk.txt config file. This is because the with SSVNC the Ultra VNC repeater IS NOT USED (see below for how to use it). Use something like for helpdesk.txt: [TITLE] My UltraVNC SC III [HOST] Internet Support XYZ -sslproxy -connect xx.xx.xx.xx:5500 -noregistry (replace xx.xx.xx.xx with IP address or hostname of the SSVNC machine.) The Unix SSVNC vncviewer supports the both the unencrypted "SC I" mode and the SSL encrypted "SC III" mode. For both cases SSVNC must be run in Listening mode (Options -> Reverse VNC Connection) For SC I, enable Reverse VNC Connection and put Vnc://0 (see Tip 5 below) in the VNC Host:Display to disable encryption (use a different number if you are not using the default listening port 5500). Then click on the "Listen" button and finally have the user run your Single Click I EXE. BTW, we used this for a SC I helpdesk.txt: [TITLE] My UltraVNC SC I [HOST] Internet Support XYZ -connect xx.xx.xx.xx:5500 -noregistry For SC III (SSL), enable Reverse VNC Connection and then UNSET "Verify All Certs" (this is required). Let the VNC Host:Display be ":0" (use a different number if you are not using the default listening port 5500). Then click on the "Listen" button and finally have the user run your Single Click III EXE. Note that in Listening SSL mode you MUST supply a MyCert or use the "listen.pem" one you are prompted by SSVNC to create. UltraVNC repeater_SSL.exe proxy: For repeater_SSL.exe SSL usage, with Single Click III or otherwise (available at http://www.uvnc.com/pchelpware/SCIII/index.html) it helps to realize that the ENTIRE connection is SSL encrypted, even the proxy host:port/ID:NNNN negotiation, and so a different approach needs to be taken from that described above in 'UltraVNC Proxies/Gateways'. In this case do something like this: VNC Host:Display: :0 Proxy/Gateway: sslrepeater://myuvncrep.west:443+ID:2345 The sslrepeater:// part indicates the entire ID:XYZ negotiation must occur inside the SSL tunnel. Listening mode is not required in this case: a forward VNC connection works fine (and is recommended). As before, the ":0" is simply a placeholder and is not used. Note that the UltraVNC repeater_SSL.exe listens on port 443 (HTTPS), (it is not clear that it can be modified to use another port.) Non-ID connections sslrepeater://myuvncrep.west:443+host:disp also work, but the 2nd leg repeater <-> host:disp must be unencrypted. The first leg SSVNC <-> repeater is, however, SSL encrypted. sslrepeater:// only works on Unix or MacOSX using the provided SSVNC vncviewer. The modified viewer is needed; stock VNC viewers will not work. Also, proxy chaining (bouncing off of more than one proxy) currently does not work for repeater_SSL.exe. VeNCrypt is treated as a proxy: SSVNC supports the VeNCrypt VNC security type. You will find out more about this security type in the other parts of the Help documentation. In short, it does a bit of plain-text VNC protocol negotiation before switching to SSL/TLS encryption and authentication. SSVNC implements its VeNCrypt support as final proxy in a chain of proxies. You don't need to know this or specify anything, but it is good to know since it uses up one of the 3 proxies you are allowed to chain together. If you watch the command output you will see the vencrypt:// proxy item. You can specify that a VNC server uses VeNCrypt (Options -> Advanced) or you can let SSVNC try to autodetect VeNCrypt. IPv6 can be treated as a proxy for UN-ENCRYPTED connections: Read Tip 20 about SSVNC's IPv6 (128 bit IP addresses) support. In short, because stunnel and ssh support IPv6 hostnames and addresses, SSVNC does too without you needing to do anything. However, in some rare usage modes you will need to specify the IPv6 server destination in the Proxy/Gateway entry box. The only case this appears to be needed is when making an un-encrypted connection to an IPv6 VNC server. In this case neither stunnel nor ssh are used and you need to specify something like this: VNC Host:Display: localhost:0 Proxy/Gateway: ipv6://2001:4860:b009::68:5900 and then select 'None' as the encryption type. Note that the above 'localhost:0' setting can be anything; it is basically ignored. Note that on Unix, MacOSX, and Windows un-encrypted ipv6 connections are AUTODETECTED and so you likely NEVER need to supply ipv6:// Only try it if you encounter problems. Also note that the ipv6:// proxy type does not work on Windows, so only the autodetection is available there. Note that if there is some other proxy, e.g. SOCKS or HTTP and that proxy server is an IPv6 host (or will connect you to one) then any sort of connection through that proxy will work OK: un-encrypted as well as SSL or SSH connections, etc. Unencrypted connection is the only special case where you may need to specify an ipv6:// proxy. If you find another use let us know. See Tip 20 for more info. } set help_tips { Tips and Tricks: Table of Contents: 1) Connect to Non-Standard SSH port. 2) Reverse VNC connections (Listening) 3) Global options in ~/.ssvncrc 4) Fonts 5) vnc://host for un-encrypted connection 6) Home directory for memory stick usage, etc. 7) vncs:// vncssl:// vnc+ssl:// vnc+ssh:// URL-like prefixes 8) sshvnc / -ssh SSH only GUI 9) tsvnc / -ts Terminal services only GUI (SSH+x11vnc) 10) 2nd GUI window on Unix/MacOSX 11) Ctrl-L or Button3 to Load profile 12) SHELL command or Ctrl-S for SSH terminal w/o VNC 13) KNOCK command for port-knock sequence 14) Unix/MacOSX general SSL redirector (not just VNC) 15) Environment variables 16) Bigger "Open File" dialog window 17) Unix/MacOSX extra debugging output 18) Dynamic VNC Server Port determination with SSH 19) No -t ssh cmdline option for older sshd 20) IPv6 support. 1) To connect in SSH-Mode to a server running SSH on a non-standard port (22 is the standard port) you need to use the Proxy/Gateway setting. The following is from the Proxies Help panel: NON-STANDARD SSH PORT: To use a non-standard ssh port (i.e. a port other than 22) you need to use the Proxy/Gateways as well. E.g. something like this for port 2222: VNC Host:Display: localhost:0 Proxy/Gateway: joe@far-away.east:2222 The username@ is not needed if it is the same as on the client. This will also work going to a different internal machine, e.g. "joes-pc:0" instead of "localhost:0", as in the first example. 2) Reverse VNC connections (Listening) are possible as well. In this case the VNC Server initiates the connection to your waiting (i.e. listening) SSVNC viewer. Go to Options and select "Reverse VNC connection". In the 'VNC Host:Display' entry box put in the number (e.g. "0" or ":0", or ":1", etc) that corresponds to the Listening display (0 -> port 5500, 1 -> port 5501, etc.) you want to use. Then clicking on 'Listen' puts your SSVNC viewer in a "listening" state on that port number, waiting for a connection from the VNC Server. On Windows or using a 3rd party VNC Viewer multiple, simultaneous reverse connections are always enabled. On Unix/MacOSX with the provided ssvncviewer they are disabled by default. To enable them: Options -> Advanced -> Unix ssvncviewer -> Multiple LISTEN Connections Specify a specific interface, e.g. to have stunnel only listen on that interface. IPv6 works too, e.g. :::0 or ::1:0 This also works for UN-encrypted reverse connections as well ('None'). See the Options Help for more info. 3) You can put global options in your ~/.ssvncrc file (ssvnc_rc on Windows). Currently they are: Put "mode=tsvnc" or "mode=sshvnc" in the ~/.ssvncrc file to have the application start up in the given mode. desktop_type=wmaker (e.g.) to switch the default Desktop Type. desktop_size=1280x1024 (e.g.) to switch the default Desktop Size. desktop_depth=24 (e.g.) to switch the default Desktop Color Depth xserver_type=Xdummy (e.g.) to switch the default X Server Type. (The above 4 settings apply only to the Terminal Services Mode.) noenc=1 (same as the -noenc option for a 'No Encryption' option) noenc=0 (do not show the 'No Encryption' option) killstunnel=1 (same as -killstunnel), on Windows automatically kills the STUNNEL process when the viewer exits. Disable via killstunnel=0 and -nokillstunnel. ipv6=0 act as though IPv6 was not detected. ipv6=1 act as though IPv6 was detected. cotvnc=1 have the default vncviewer on Mac OS X be the Chicken of the VNC. By default the included ssvnc X11 vncviewer is used (requires Mac OS X X11 server to be running.) mycert=file (same as -mycert file option). Set your default MyCert to "file". If file does not exist ~/.vnc/certs/file is used. cacert=file (same as -cacert file option). Set your default ServerCert to "file". If file does not exist ~/.vnc/certs/file is used. If file is "CA" then ~/.vnc/certs/CA/cacert.pem is used. crl=file (same as -crl file option). Set your default CRL File to "file". If file does not exist ~/.vnc/certs/file is used. Prefix any of these cert/key files with "FORCE:" to make them immutable, e.g. "cacert=FORCE:CA". You can set any environment variable in ~/.ssvncrc by using a line like env=VAR=value, for example: env=SSVNC_FINISH_SLEEP=2 To change the fonts (see Tip 4 below for examples): font_default=tk-font-name (sets the font for menus and buttons) font_fixed=tk-font-name (sets the font for help text) 4) Fonts: To change the tk fonts, set these environment variables before starting up ssvnc: SSVNC_FONT_DEFAULT and SSVNC_FONT_FIXED. For example: % env SSVNC_FONT_DEFAULT='helvetica -20 bold' ssvnc % env SSVNC_FONT_FIXED='courier -14' ssvnc or set both of them at once. You can also set 'font_default' and 'font_fixed' in your ~/.ssvncrc. E.g.: font_default=helvetica -16 bold font_fixed=courier -12 5) If you want to make a Direct VNC connection, WITH *NO* SSL OR SSH ENCRYPTION or authentication, use the "vnc://" prefix in the VNC Host:Display entry box, e.g. "vnc://far-away.east:0" This also works for reverse connections, e.g. vnc://0 Use Vnc:// (i.e. capital 'V') to avoid being prompted if you are sure you want no encryption. For example, "Vnc://far-away.east:0" Shift+Ctrl-E in the entry box is a short-cut to add or remove the prefix "Vnc://" from the host:disp string. You can also run ssvnc with the '-noenc' cmdline option (now the default) to have a check option 'None' that lets you turn off Encryption (and profiles will store this setting). Pressing Ctrl-E on the main panel is a short-cut to toggle between the -noenc 'No Encryption' mode and normal mode. The option "Show 'No Encryption' Option" under Options also toggles it. The '-enc' option disables the button (and so makes it less obvious to naive users how to disable encryption.) Note as of SSVNC 1.0.25 the '-noenc' mode is now the default. I.e. the 'No Encryption' option ('None') is shown by default. When you select 'None' you do not need to supply the "vnc://" prefix. To disable the button supply the '-enc' cmdline option. Setting SSVNC_DISABLE_ENCRYPTION_BUTTON=1 in your environment is the same as -noenc. You can also put noenc=1 in your ~/.ssvncrc file. Setting SSVNC_DISABLE_ENCRYPTION_BUTTON=0 in your environment is the same as -enc. You can also put noenc=0 in your ~/.ssvncrc file. Please be cautious/thoughtful when you make a VNC connection with encryption disabled. You may send sensitive information (e.g. a password) over the network that can be sniffed. It is also possible (although difficult) for someone to hijack an existing unencrypted VNC session. Often SSVNC is used to connect to x11vnc where the Unix username and password is sent over the channel. It would be a very bad idea to let that data be sent over an unencrypted connection! In general, it is not wise to have a plaintext VNC connection. Note that even the VNC Password challenge-response method (the password is not sent in plaintext) leaves your VNC password susceptible to a dictionary attack unless encryption is used to hide it. So (well, before we made the button visible by default!) we forced you to learn about and supply the "vnc://" or "Vnc://" prefix to the host:port or use -noenc or the "Show 'No Encryption' Option" to disable encryption. This is a small hurdle, but maybe someone will think twice. It is a shame that VNC has been around for over 10 years and still does not have built-in strong encryption. Note the Vnc:// or vnc:// prefix will be stored in any profile that you save so you do not have to enter it every time. Set the env var SSVNC_NO_ENC_WARN=1 to skip the warning prompts the same as the capitalized Vnc:// does. 6) Mobile USB memory stick / flash drive usage: You can unpack ssvnc to a flash drive for impromptu usage (e.g. from a friends computer). If you create a directory "Home" in the toplevel ssvnc directory, then that will be the default location for your VNC profiles and certs. So they follow the drive this way. If you run like this: "ssvnc ." or "ssvnc.exe ." the "Home" directory will be created for you. WARNING: if you use ssvnc from an "Internet Cafe", i.e. an untrusted computer, an unscrupulous person may be capturing keystrokes, etc.! You can also set the SSVNC_HOME env. var. to point to any directory you want. It can be set after starting ssvnc by putting HOME=/path/to/dir in the Host:Display box and clicking "Connect". For a Windows BAT file to get the "Home" directory correct something like this might be needed: cd \ssvnc\Windows start \ssvnc\Windows\ssvnc.exe 7) In the VNC Host:Display entry you can also use these "URL-like" prefixes: vncs://host:0, vncssl://host:0, vnc+ssl://host:0 for SSL and vncssh://host:0, vnc+ssh://host:0 for SSH There is no need to toggle the SSL/SSH setting. These also work from the command line, e.g.: ssvnc vnc+ssh://mymachine:10 8) If you want this application to be SSH only, then supply the command line option "-ssh" or set the env. var SSVNC_SSH_ONLY=1. Then no GUI elements specific to SSL will appear (the documentation wills still refer to the SSL mode, however). To convert a running app to ssh-only select "Mode: SSH-Only" in Options. The wrapper scripts "sshvnc" and "sshvnc.bat" will start it up automatically this way. Or in your ~/.ssvncrc (or ~/ssvnc_rc on Windows) put "mode=sshvnc" to have the tool always start up in that mode. 9) For an even simpler "Terminal Services" mode use "tsvnc" or "tsvnc.bat" (or "-ts" option). This mode automatically launches x11vnc on the remote side to find or create your Desktop session (usually the Xvfb X server). So x11vnc must be available on the remote server machines under "Terminal Services" mode. From a full ssvnc you can press Ctrl-h to go into ssh-only mode and Ctrl-t to toggle between "tsvnc" and "ssvnc" modes. The Options Mode menu also let you switch. Or in your ~/.ssvncrc (or ~/ssvnc_rc on Windows) put "mode=tsvnc" to have the tool always start up in that mode. 10) On Unix to get a 2nd GUI (e.g. for a 2nd connection) press Ctrl-N on the GUI. If only the xterm window is visible you can press Ctrl-N or try Ctrl-LeftButton -> New SSVNC_GUI. On Windows you will have to manually Start a new one: Start -> Run ..., etc. 11) Pressing the "Load" button or pressing Ctrl-L or Clicking the Right mouse button on the main GUI will invoke the Load dialog. Pressing Ctrl-O on the main GUI will bring up the Options Panel. Pressing Ctrl-A on the main GUI will bring up the Advanced Options. 12) If you use "SHELL" for the "Remote SSH Command" (or in the display line: "user@hostname cmd=SHELL") then you get an SSH shell only: no VNC viewer will be launched. On Windows "PUTTY" will try to use putty.exe (better terminal emulation than plink.exe). A ShortCut for this is Ctrl-S with user@hostname in the entry box. 13) If you use "KNOCK" for the "Remote SSH Command" (or in the display line "user@hostname cmd=KNOCK") then only the port-knocking is done. A ShortCut for this is Ctrl-P with hostname the entry box. If it is KNOCKF, i.e. an extra "F", then the port-knocking "FINISH" sequence is sent, if any. A ShortCut for this Shift-Ctrl-P as long as hostname is present. 14) On Unix to have SSVNC act as a general STUNNEL redirector (i.e. no VNC), put the desired host:port in VNC Host:Display (use a negative port value if it is to be less than 200), then go to Options -> Advanced -> Change VNC Viewer. Change the "viewer" command to be "xmessage OK" or "xmessage <port>" (or sleep) where port is the desired local listening port. Then click Connect. If you didn't set the local port look for it in the terminal output. On Windows set 'viewer' to "NOTEPAD" or similar; you can't control the port though. It is usually 5930, 5931, ... Watch the messages or look at the stunnel log. 15) Tricks with environment variables: You can change the X DISPLAY variable by typing DISPLAY=... into VNC Host:Display and hitting Return or clicking Connect. Same for HOME=. On Mac, you can set DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=... too. It should propagate down the viewer. Setting SLEEP=n increases the amount of time waited before starting the viewer. The env. var. SSVNC_EXTRA_SLEEP also does this (and also Sleep: Option setting) Setting FINISH=n sets the amount of time slept before the Terminal window exits on Unix and MacOS X. (same as SSVNC_FINISH_SLEEP env. var.) Full list of parameters HOME/SSVNC_HOME, DISPLAY/SSVNC_DISPLAY DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH/SSVNC_DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH, SLEEP/SSVNC_EXTRA_SLEEP FINISH/SSVNC_FINISH_SLEEP, DEBUG_NETSTAT, REPEATER_FORCE, SSH_ONLY, TS_ONLY, NO_DELETE, BAT_SLEEP, IPV6/SSVNC_IPV6=0 or 1. See below for more info. (the ones joined by "/" are equivalent names, and the latter can be set as an env. var. as well.) After you set the parameter, clear out the 'VNC Host:Display' entry and replace it with the actual host and display number. To replace the xterm terminal where most of the external commands are run set SSVNC_XTERM_REPLACEMENT to a command that will run a command in a terminal. I.e.: "$SSVNC_XTERM_REPLACEMENT cmd" will run cmd. If present, %GEOMETRY is expanded to a desired +X+Y geometry. If present, %TITLE is expanded to a desired title. Examples: SSVNC_XTERM_REPLACEMENT='gnome-terminal -e' SSVNC_XTERM_REPLACEMENT='gnome-terminal -t "%TITLE" -e' SSVNC_XTERM_REPLACEMENT='konsole -e' More info: EXTRA_SLEEP: seconds of extra sleep in scripts; FINISH_SLEEP: final extra sleep at end; DEBUG_NETSTAT put up a window showing what netstat reports; NO_DELETE: do not delete tmp bat files on Windows (for debugging); BAT_SLEEP: sleep this many seconds at the end of each Windows bat file (for debugging.) You can also set any environment variable by entering in something like ENV=VAR=VAL e.g. ENV=SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/tmp/ssh-BF2297/agent.2297 Use an empty VAL to unset the variable. There are also a HUGE number of env. vars. that apply to the Unix and MacOS X wrapper script 'ss_vncviewer' and/or the ssvncviewer binary. See Options -> Advanced -> Unix ssvncviewer -> Help for all of them. 16) On Unix you can make the "Open File" and "Save File" dialogs bigger by setting the env. var. SSVNC_BIGGER_DIALOG=1 or supplying the -bigger option. If you set it to a Width x Height, e.g. SSVNC_BIGGER_DIALOG=500x200, that size will be used. 17) On Unix / MacOSX to enable debug output you can set these env. vars to 1: SSVNC_STUNNEL_DEBUG, SSVNC_VENCRYPT_DEBUG, and SS_DEBUG (very verbose) 18) Dynamic VNC Server Port determination and redirection: If you are running SSVNC on Unix and are using SSH to start the remote VNC server and the VNC server prints out the line "PORT=NNNN" to indicate which dynamic port it is using (x11vnc does this), then if you prefix the SSH command with "PORT=" SSVNC will watch for the PORT=NNNN line and uses ssh's built in SOCKS proxy (ssh -D ...) to connect to the dynamic VNC server port through the SSH tunnel. For example: VNC Host:Display user@somehost.com Remote SSH Command: PORT= x11vnc -find -nopw or "PORT= x11vnc -display :0 -localhost", etc. Or use "P= ..." There is also code to detect the display of the regular Unix vncserver(1). It extracts the display (and hence port) from the lines "New 'X' desktop is hostname:4" and also "VNC server is already running as :4". So you can use something like: PORT= vncserver; sleep 15 or: PORT= vncserver :4; sleep 15 the latter is preferred because when you reconnect with it will find the already running one. The former one will keep creating new X sessions if called repeatedly. On Windows if PORT= is supplied SOCKS proxying is not used, but rather a high, random value of the VNC port is chosen (e.g. 8453) and assumed to be free, and is passed to x11vnc's -rfbport option. This only works with x11vnc (not vncserver). 19) On Unix if you are going to an older SSH server (e.g. Solaris 10), you will probably need to set the env. var. SS_VNCVIEWER_NO_T=1 to disable the ssh "-t" option being used (that can prevent the command from being run). 20) SSVNC is basically a wrapper for the stunnel and ssh programs, and because those two programs have good IPv6 support SSVNC will for most usage modes support it as well. IPv6 is 128 bit internet addresses (as opposed to IPv4 with its 32 bit xxx.yyy.zzz.nnn IPs. So for basic SSL and SSH connections if you type in an IPv6 IP address, e.g. '2001:4860:b009::68', or a hostname with only an IPv6 lookup, e.g. ipv6.l.google.com, the connection will work because stunnel and ssh handle these properly. Note that you often need to supply a display number or port after the address so put it, e.g. ':0' at the end: 2001:4860:b009::68:0 You can also use the standard notation [2001:4860:b009::68]:0 that is more clear. You MUST specify the display if you use the IPv6 address notation (but :0 is still the default for a non-numeric hostname string.) IPv4 addresses encoded in IPv6 notation also work, e.g. ::ffff: should work for the most part. SSVNC on Unix and MacOSX also has its own Proxy helper tool (pproxy) This script has been modified to handle IPv6 hostnames and addresses as long as the IO::Socket::INET6 Perl module is available. On Windows the relay6.exe tool is used. So for the most part IPv6 should work without you having to do anything special. However, for rare usage, the proxy helper tool can also treat and IPv6 address as a special sort of 'proxy'. So in the entry Proxy/Gateway you can include ipv6://host:port and the IPv6 host will simply be connected to and the data transferred. In this usage mode, set the VNC Host:Display to anything, e.g. 'localhost:0'; it is ignored if the ipv6:// endpoint is specified as a proxy. Need for ipv6:// usage proxy should be rare. Note that for link local (not global) IPv6 addresses you may need to include the network interface at the end of the address, e.g. fe80::a00:20ff:fefd:53d4%eth0 Note that one can use a 3rd party VNC Viewer with SSVNC (see Options -> Advanced -> Change VNC Viewer.) IPv6 will work for them as well even if they do not support IPv6. IPv6 support on Unix, MacOSX, and Windows is essentially complete for all types of connections (including proxied, unencrypted and reverse connections.) Let us know if you find a scenario that does not work (see the known exception for putty/plink below.) You can set ipv6=0 in your ssvncrc, then no special relaying for IPv6 will be done (do this if there are problems or slowness in trying to relay ipv6 and you know you will not connect to any such hosts.) Set ipv6=1 to force the special processing even if IPv6 was not autodetected. To change this dynamically, you also enter IPV6=... in the VNC Host:Display entry box and press Enter. Also on Unix or MacOSX you can set the env. var. SSVNC_IPV6=0 to disable the wrapper script from checking if hosts have ipv6 addresses (this is the same as setting ipv6=0 in ssvncrc or by the setting ipv6 in the Entry box.) On Windows plink.exe (SSH client) currently doesn't work for IPv6 address strings (e.g. 2001:4860:b009::68) but it does work for hostname strings that resolve to IPv6 addresses. Note that one can make a home-brew SOCKS5 ipv4-to-ipv6 gateway proxy using ssh like this: ssh -D '*:1080' localhost "printf 'Press Enter to Exit: '; read x" then specify a proxy like socks5://hostname:1080 where hostname is the machine running the above ssh command. Add '-v' to the ssh cmdline for verbose output. See also the x11vnc inet6to4 tool (a direct ipv4/6 relay, not socks.) } global version set help_main " SSVNC version: $version\n$help_main" set help_misc " SSVNC version: $version\n$help_misc" set help_prox " SSVNC version: $version\n$help_prox" set help_tips " SSVNC version: $version\n$help_tips" frame .h.w button .h.w.b1 -text "Main" -command {help_text main} button .h.w.b2 -text "Proxies" -command {help_text prox} button .h.w.b3 -text "Misc" -command {help_text misc} button .h.w.b4 -text "Tips" -command {help_text tips} pack .h.w.b1 .h.w.b2 .h.w.b3 .h.w.b4 -side left -fill x -expand 1 pack .h.w -side bottom -after .h.d -fill x .h.f.t insert end $help_main jiggle_text .h.f.t } proc help_text {which} { global help_main help_misc help_prox help_tips set txt "" if {$which == "main"} { set txt $help_main } if {$which == "misc"} { set txt $help_misc } if {$which == "prox"} { set txt $help_prox } if {$which == "tips"} { set txt $help_tips } catch {.h.f.t delete 0.0 end; .h.f.t insert end $txt; jiggle_text .h.f.t} } proc ssvnc_escape_help {} { toplev .ekh scroll_text_dismiss .ekh.f center_win .ekh wm title .ekh "SSVNC Escape Keys Help" set msg { SSVNC Escape Keys: The Unix SSVNC VNC Viewer, ssvncviewer(1), has an 'Escape Keys' mechanism that enables using keystrokes that are bound as 'Hot Keys' to specific actions. So, when you have all of the modifier keys ('escape keys') pressed down, then subsequent keystrokes are interpreted as local special actions instead of being sent to the remote VNC server. This enables quick parameter changing and also panning of the viewport. E.g. the keystroke 'r' is mapped to refresh the screen. Enter 'default' in the entry box to enable this feature and to use the default modifier list (Alt_L,Super_L on unix and Control_L,Meta_L on macosx) or set it to a list of modifier keys, e.g. Alt_L,Control_L. Note that _L means left side of keyboard and _R means right side. Alt_L is the 'Alt' key on the left side of the keyboard, and Super_L is usually the 'WindowsFlaggie(TM)' on the left side of the keyboard, so when both of those are pressed, the escape keys mapping take effect. Here is info from the ssvncviewer(1) manual page: -escape str This sets the 'Escape Keys' modifier sequence and enables escape keys mode. When the modifier keys escape sequence is held down, the next keystroke is interpreted locally to perform a special action instead of being sent to the remote VNC server. Use '-escape default' for the default modifier sequence. (Unix: Alt_L,Super_L and MacOSX: Control_L,Meta_L) Here are the 'Escape Keys: Help+Set' instructions from the Popup Menu: Escape Keys: Enter a comma separated list of modifier keys to be the 'escape sequence'. When these keys are held down, the next keystroke is interpreted locally to invoke a special action instead of being sent to the remote VNC server. In other words, a set of 'Hot Keys'. To enable or disable this, click on 'Escape Keys: Toggle' in the Popup. Here is the list of hot-key mappings to special actions: r: refresh desktop b: toggle bell c: toggle full-color f: file transfer x: x11cursor z: toggle Tight/ZRLE l: full screen g: graball e: escape keys dialog s: scale dialog +: scale up (=) -: scale down (_) t: text chat a: alphablend cursor V: toggle viewonly Q: quit viewer 1 2 3 4 5 6: UltraVNC scale 1/n Arrow keys: pan the viewport about 10% for each keypress. PageUp / PageDown: pan the viewport by a screenful vertically. Home / End: pan the viewport by a screenful horizontally. KeyPad Arrow keys: pan the viewport by 1 pixel for each keypress. Dragging the Mouse with Button1 pressed also pans the viewport. Clicking Mouse Button3 brings up the Popup Menu. The above mappings are *always* active in ViewOnly mode, unless you set the Escape Keys value to 'never'. If the Escape Keys value below is set to 'default' then a default list of of modifier keys is used. For Unix it is: Alt_L,Super_L and for MacOSX it is Control_L,Meta_L. Note: the Super_L key usually has a Windows(TM) Flag on it. Also note the _L and _R mean the key is on the LEFT or RIGHT side of the keyboard. On Unix the default is Alt and Windows keys on Left side of keyboard. On MacOSX the default is Control and Command keys on Left side of keyboard. Example: Press and hold the Alt and Windows keys on the LEFT side of the keyboard and then press 'c' to toggle the full-color state. Or press 't' to toggle the ultravnc Text Chat window, etc. To use something besides the default, supply a comma separated list (or a single one) from: Shift_L Shift_R Control_L Control_R Alt_L Alt_R Meta_L Meta_R Super_L Super_R Hyper_L Hyper_R or Mode_switch. } .ekh.f.t insert end $msg jiggle_text .ekh.f.t } # Or Alternatively one can supply both hosts separated by # spaces (with the proxy second) in the VNC Host:Display box: # # VNC Host-Display: far-away.east:0 theproxy.net:8080 # # This looks a little strange, but it actually how SSVNC stores the # host info internally. # You can also specify the remote SSH command by putting a string like # # cmd=x11vnc -nopw -display :0 -rfbport 5900 -localhost # # (use any command you wish to run) at the END of the VNC Host:Display # entry. In general, you can cram it all in the VNC Host:Display if # you like: host:disp proxy:port cmd=... (this is the way it is # stored internally). proc help_certs {} { toplev .ch set h 33 if [small_height] { set h 28 } scroll_text_dismiss .ch.f 87 $h center_win .ch wm resizable .ch 1 0 wm title .ch "SSL Certificates Help" set msg { Description: *** IMPORTANT ***: Only with SSL Certificate verification (either manually or via a Certificate Authority certificate) can Man-In-The-Middle attacks be prevented. Otherwise, only passive network sniffing attacks are prevented. There are hacker tools like dsniff/webmitm and cain that implement SSL Man-In-The-Middle attacks. They rely on the client user not bothering to check the cert. Some people may be confused by the above because they are familiar with their Web Browser using SSL (i.e. https://... websites) and those sites are authenticated securely without the user's need to verify anything manually. The reason why this happens automatically is because 1) their web browser comes with a bundle of Certificate Authority certificates and 2) the https sites have paid money to the Certificate Authorities to have their website certificate signed by them. When using SSL in VNC we normally do not do something this sophisticated, and so we have to verify the certificates manually. However, it is possible to use Certificate Authorities with SSVNC; that method is described below. The SSL Certificate files described below may have been created externally (e.g. by x11vnc or openssl): you can import them via "Import Certificate". OR you can click on "Create Certificate ..." to use THIS program to generate a Certificate + Private Key pair for you (in this case you will need to distribute one of the generated files to the VNC Server). Then you associate the Saved cert with the VNC server, see the panel entry box description below. Then click Connect. You will usually want to Save this association in a VNC Server profile for the next time you connect. Expiration: SSL Certificates will Expire after a certain period (usually 1-2 years; if you create a cert with this tool you can set it to any length you want). So if for a particular Cert you find you can no longer connect, check the STUNNEL log output to see if the cert has expired. Then create and distribute a new one. Fetch Cert: You can also retrieve and view the VNC Server's Cert via the "Fetch Cert" button on the main panel. After you check that it is the correct Cert (e.g. by comparing MD5 hash or other info), you can save it. The file it was saved as will be set as the "ServerCert" to verify against for the next connection. To make this verification check permanent, you will need to save the profile via 'Save'. NOTE: See the CA section below for how "Fetch Cert/Verify All Certs" WILL NOT WORK when a Certificate Authority (CA) is used (i.e. you need to save the CA's cert instead.) It will work if the certificate is Self-Signed. Verify All Certs: If "Verify All Certs" is checked on the main panel, you are always forced to check unrecognized server certs, and so the first time you connect to a new server you may need to follow a few dialogs to inspect and save the server certificate. Under "Verify All Certs", new certificates are saved in the 'Accepted Certs' directory. When the checkbox is set all host profiles with "CertsDir" set to "ACCEPTED_CERTS" (and an empty "ServerCert" setting) will be checked against the pool of accepted certificates in the 'Accepted Certs' directory. Note that we have "Verify All Certs" on by default so that users who do not understand the SSL Man-In-The-Middle problem will not be left completely vulnerable to it. Everyone still must make the effort to verify new certificates by an external method to be completely safe. To have "Verify All Certs" toggled off at startup, use "ssvnc -nv" or set SSVNC_NO_VERIFY_ALL=1 before starting. If you do not even want to see the button, use "ssvnc -nvb" or SSVNC_NO_VERIFY_ALL_BUTTON=1. Note: "Fetch Cert" and "Verify All Certs" are currently not implemented in "SSH + SSL" mode. In this case to have server authentication "ServerCert" must be set explicitly to a file (or "CertsDir" to a directory). Also note that "Fetch Cert" only works in a limited fashion in "Listen" mode (it is the VNC Server that initiates the connection), and so you may need to be set via "ServerCert" as well. NOTE: See the CA section below for how "Fetch Cert/Verify All Certs" WILL NOT WORK when a Certificate Authority (CA) is used (i.e. you need to save the CA's cert instead.) The "Fetch Cert" saving method will work if the certificate is Self-Signed. CA: One can make SSL VNC server authentication more "automatic" as it is in Web Browsers going to HTTPS sites, by using a Certificate Authority (CA) cert (e.g. a professional one like Verisign or Thawte, or one your company or organization creates) for the "ServerCert". This is described in detail here: http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/ssl.html CA's are not often used, but if the number of VNC Servers scales up it can be very convenient because the viewers (i.e. SSVNC) only need the CA cert, not all of the Server certs. IMPORTANT NOTE: if a VNC Server is using a CA signed certificate instead of its own Self-Signed one, then "Fetch Cert", etc. saving mechanism WILL NOT WORK. You must obtain the CA certificate and explicitly set it as the ServerCert or import it to 'Accepted Certs'. Now what goes into the panel's entry boxes is described. Your Certificate + Key (MyCert): You can specify YOUR own SSL certificate (PEM) file in "MyCert" in which case it is used to authenticate YOU (the viewer) to the remote VNC Server. If this fails the remote VNC Server will drop the connection. So the Server could use this method to authenticate Viewers instead of the more common practice of using a VNC password or x11vnc's -unixpw mode. Server Certificates (ServerCert/CertsDir): Server certs can be specified in one of two ways: - A single certificate (PEM) file for a single server or a single Certificate Authority (CA) - A directory of certificate (PEM) files stored in the special OpenSSL hash fashion. The former is set via "ServerCert" in this gui. The latter is set via "CertsDir" in this gui. The former corresponds to the "CAfile" STUNNEL parameter. The latter corresponds to the "CApath" STUNNEL parameter. See stunnel(8) or stunnel.mirt.net for more information. If the remote VNC Server fails to authenticate itself with respect to the specified certificate(s), then the VNC Viewer (your side) will drop the connection. Select which file or directory by clicking on the appropriate "Browse..." button. Once selected, if you click Info or the Right Mouse button on "Browse..." then information about the certificate will be displayed. If, as is the default, "CertsDir" is set to the token "ACCEPTED_CERTS" (and "ServerCert" is unset) then the certificates accumulated in the special 'Accepted Certs' directory will be used. "ACCEPTED_CERTS" is the default for every server ("Verify All Certs"). Note that if you ever need to clean this directory, each cert is saved in two files, for example: hostname-0=bf-d0-d6-9c-68-5a-fe-24-c6-60-ba-b4-14-e6-66-14.crt and 9eb7c8be.0 This is because of the way OpenSSL must use hash-based filenames in Cert dirs. The file will have a "full filename:" line indicating the fingerprint and hostname associated with it. Be sure to remove both files. The Delete Certs dialog should automatically find the matching one for you and prompt you to remove it as well. Certificate Revocation List (CRL File): For large scale deployments, usually involving a CA Cert, it is worthwhile to be able to revoke individual certs (so that a new CA cert does not need to be created and new keys distributed). Set CRL File to the path to the file containing the revoked certificates (or a directory containing OpenSSL style hash-based filenames.) See the x11vnc -sslCRL documentation for how to create CRL's. In short, the commands 'openssl ca -revoke ...' and 'openssl ca -gencrl ...' are the ones to look for; See the ca(1) manpage. Create Certificate: A simple dialog to create a Self-Signed Certificate. See the x11vnc -sslGenCA, -sslGenCert options for creating a CA Cert and signing with it. Import Certificate: You can paste in a Certificate or read one in from a file to add to your list of Server Certificates. If (also) saved in the 'Accepted Certs' directory, it will be automatically used to verify any Server when in 'Verify All Certs' Mode. Deleting Certificates: To delete a Certificate+private_key pair click on "Delete Certificate" and select one in the menu. You will be prompted to remove it, and also any corresponding .pem or .crt file. For "ACCEPTED_CERTS" it will find the matching "HASH" file and prompt you to remove that too. Default Certs and Keys: Use the "-mycert file" option (same as "-cert file") to set a default MyCert. The user will then have to manually clear the field to not use a certificate. This is the same as "mycert=file" (also "cert=file") in the ~/.ssvncrc file. If "file" does not exist, then ~/.vnc/certs is prepended to it. Use the "-cacert file" option (same as "-ca file") to set a default ServerCert. The user will then have to manually clear the field to not set a server cert. This is the same as "cacert=file" (also "ca=file") in the ~/.ssvncrc file. If "file" does not exist, then ~/.vnc/certs is prepended to it. Use "-cacert CA" to set it to ~/.vnc/certs/CA/cacert.pem Use the "-crl file" option to set a default CRL File. The user will then have to manually clear the field to not use a CRL. This is the same as "crl=file" in the ~/.ssvncrc file. If "file" does not exist, then ~/.vnc/certs is prepended to it. A sys-admin might set up an SSVNC deployment for user's workstations or laptops using one or more of -cacert (authenticate VNC server to the user) or -mycert (authenticate user to VNC server) or -crl (supply a list of revoked certificates). Prefix either one with "FORCE:" to make the setting unchangable. Notes: If "Use SSH" has been selected then SSL certs are disabled. See the x11vnc and STUNNEL documentation for how to create and use PEM certificate files: http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/faq.html#faq-ssl-tunnel-ext http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/ssl.html http://stunnel.mirt.net A common way to create and use a VNC Server certificate is: x11vnc -ssl SAVE ... and then copy the Server certificate to the local (viewer-side) machine. x11vnc prints out to the screen the Server certificate it generates (stored in ~/.vnc/certs/server.crt). You can set "ServerCert" to it directly or use the "Import Certificate" action to save it to a file. Or use the "Fetch Cert" method to retrieve it (be sure to verify the MD5 fingerprint, etc). x11vnc also has command line utilities to create server, client, and CA (Certificate Authority) certificates and sign with it. See the above URLs. } .ch.f.t insert end $msg jiggle_text .ch.f.t } proc help_ts_opts {} { toplev .oh scroll_text_dismiss .oh.f center_win .oh wm title .oh "Terminal Services VNC Options Help" set msg { Options: Click on a checkbox to enable a feature and bring up its Dialog. Deselecting a checkbox will disable the feature (but settings from the Dialog are remembered). Click on it again to re-enable. Desktop Type: The default type of remote Desktop type is the "kde" (The K Desktop Environment) You can choose a different type: gnome, failsafe, twm, etc. This setting will ONLY be used if the desktop needs to be created. If an existing session of yours is found it will be used instead (log out of that session if you want to create a new Desktop type or see the Multiple Sessions option under Advanced). Desktop Size: The default size of remote Desktop type is the "1280x1024" with a Color depth of 16 bits per pixel (BPP). Choose one of the standard WxH values or enter a custom one (TBD). This setting will ONLY be used if the desktop needs to be created. If an existing session of yours is found it will be used instead (log out of that session if you want to create a new Desktop size or see the Multiple Sessions option under Advanced). Some X servers, Xdummy or a real X server, will allow dynamic screen size changing after the session has started via a GUI configuration tool (or xrandr(1) from the command line). X Server Type: The default type of remote X session is the "Xvfb" (X virtual frame buffer) X server. It is available on most systems. To choose a different type, select "Xdummy", "Xvnc", "Xvnc.redirect". Xdummy is part of the x11vnc project and is a virtual X server with some nice features, but it Linux only and requires root permission to run. One user put 'ALL ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/local/bin/Xdummy*' in his sudo(1) configuration (via visudo). For Xvnc that server is started up, and x11vnc polls it in its normal way. Use Xvnc.redirect if you want x11vnc to find and/or create the Xvnc session, but after that merely transfer packets back and forth between VNC viewer and Xvnc (I.e. x11vnc does no polling or VNC protocol). Enable Printing: This sets up a SSH port redirection for you from your remote session to your local print server. The CUPS mechanism is used. The local print server can also be SMB/Windows. Enable Sound: Not completely implemented yet. A partially working ESD method is provided. It may change over to http://nas.sourceforge.net in the future. As with printing, it uses a SSH port redirection to a server running locally. File Transfer: x11vnc supports both the UltraVNC and TightVNC file transfer extensions. On Windows both viewers support their file transfer protocol. On Unix only the SSVNC VNC Viewer has filexfer support; it supports the UltraVNC flavor via a Java helper program. Choose the one you want based on VNC viewer you will use. The defaults for the SSVNC viewer package are TightVNC on Windows and UltraVNC on Unix. View Only: Start the VNC Viewer in View-Only mode (it may be switched to full access later in the session). Change VNC Viewer: If you do not like the VNC Viewer bundled in the package, you can indicate another one here. X11 viewer MacOSX: On MacOSX try to use the bundled X11 vncviewer instead of the Chicken of the VNC viewer; the Xquartz X server must be installed (it is by default on 10.5.x) and the DISPLAY variable must be set (see Tip 15 of SSVNC Help to do this manually.) Advanced Options: VNC Shared: Normal use of this program, 'tsvnc', *ALREADY* allows simultaneous shared access of the remote desktop: You simply log in as many times from as many different locations with 'tsvnc' as you like. Select this option for the traditional VNC server shared mode of operation using a single x11vnc server. SSH access is still required. Multiple Sessions: To enable one user to have more than one Terminal Services Desktop X session on a single machine, this option lets you create Tags for multiple ones (e.g. KDE_BIG, TWM_800x600) X Login Greeter: If you have root (sudo(1)) permission on the remote machine, you can have x11vnc try to connect to X displays that have nobody logged in yet. This is most likely the login greeter running on the Physical console. sudo(1) is used to run x11vnc with FD_XDM=1. An initial ssh running 'sudo id' is performed to try to 'prime' sudo so the 2nd one that starts x11vnc does not need a password. Note that if someone is already logged into the console of the XDM display you will see their X session. Other VNC Server: The x11vnc program running on the remote machine can be instructed to immediately redirect to some other (3rd party, e.g. Xvnc or vnc.so) VNC server. Use unixpw: This enables the x11vnc unixpw mode. A Login: and Password: dialog will be presented in the VNC Viewer for the user to provide any Unix username and password whose session he wants to connect to. This mode is useful if a shared terminal services user (e.g. 'tsuser') is used for the SSH login part (say via the SSH authorized_keys mechanism and all users share the same private SSH key for 'tsuser'). In normal usage the per-user SSH login should be the simplest and sufficient, in which case the unixpw option should NOT be selected. Client 8bit Color: Have the VNC Viewer request low color mode (8 bits per pixel) for slow links. This may be disabled or further tuned (e.g. 64 color mode) in the viewer during the session. Client-Side Caching: x11vnc has an experiment Client-Side caching scheme "-ncache n" that can give nice speedups. But there are some drawbacks because the cache-region is visible and uses much RAM. http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/faq.html#faq-client-caching X11VNC Options: If you are familiar with x11vnc, you can specify any of its features that you would like enabled. SSVNC Mode: Clicking on this button will return you to the full SSVNC Mode. Unix ssvncviewer: Clicking on this button will popup a menu for setting options of the Unix (and Mac OS X) provided SSVNC vncviewer. ~/.ssvncrc file: You can put global options in your ~/.ssvncrc file (ssvnc_rc on Windows). Currently they are: Put "mode=tsvnc" or "mode=sshvnc" in the ~/.ssvncrc file to have the application start up in the given mode. desktop_type=wmaker (e.g.) to switch the default Desktop Type. desktop_size=1280x1024 (e.g.) to switch the default Desktop Size. desktop_depth=24 (e.g.) to switch the default Desktop Color Depth. xserver_type=Xdummy (e.g.) to switch the default X Server Type. (The above 4 settings apply only to the Terminal Services Mode.) noenc=1 (same as the -noenc option for a 'No Encryption' option) noenc=0 (do not show the 'No Encryption' option) font_default=tk-font-name (sets the font for menus and buttons) font_fixed=tk-font-name (sets the font for help text) } .oh.f.t insert end $msg jiggle_text .oh.f.t } proc help_opts {} { toplev .oh scroll_text_dismiss .oh.f center_win .oh wm title .oh "SSL/SSH Viewer Options Help" set msg { Use SSL: The default, use SSL via STUNNEL (this requires SSL aware VNC server, e.g. x11vnc -ssl SAVE ...) See the description in the main Help panel. Use SSH: Instead of using STUNNEL SSL, use ssh(1) for the encrypted tunnel. You must be able to log in via ssh to the remote host. On Unix the cmdline ssh(1) program (it must already be installed) will be run in an xterm for passphrase authentication, prompts about RSA keys, etc. On Windows the cmdline plink.exe program will be launched in a Windows Console window. (Apologies for the klunkiness..) You can set the "VNC Host:Display" to "user@host:disp" to indicate ssh should log in as "user" on "host". NOTE: On Windows you *MUST* always supply the "user@" part (due to a plink deficiency). E.g.: VNC Host:Display: fred@far-away.east:0 Gateway: If an intermediate gateway machine must be used (e.g. to enter a firewall; the VNC Server is not running on it), put it in the Proxy/Gateway entry, e.g.: VNC Host:Display: workstation:0 Proxy/Gateway: user@gateway-host:port ssh is used to login to user@gateway-host and then a -L port redirection is set up to go to workstation:0 from gateway-host. ":port" is optional, use it if the gateway-host SSH port is not the default value 22. Chaining 2 ssh's: One can also do a "double ssh", i.e. a first SSH to the gateway login machine then a 2nd ssh to the destination machine (presumably it is running the vnc server). Unlike the above example, the "last leg" (gateway-host -> workstation) is also encrypted by SSH this way. Do this by splitting the gateway in two with a comma, the part before it is the first SSH: VNC Host:Display: localhost:0 Proxy/Gateway: user@gateway-host:port,user@workstation:port Web and SOCKS proxies can also be used with SSH: VNC Host:Display: user@workstation:0 Proxy/Gateway: socks://socks.server:1080 See the "SSH Proxies/Gateways" in the Main Help document for full details. Remote Command: In the "Remote SSH Command" entry you can to indicate that a remote command to be run. The default is "sleep 15" to make sure port redirections get established. But you can run anything else, for example, to run x11vnc on your X :0 workstation display: x11vnc -display :0 -nopw Windows SSH SERVER: if you are ssh'ing INTO Windows (e.g. CYGWIN SSHD server) there may be no "sleep" command so put in something like "ping localhost" or "ping -n 10 -w 1000 localhost" to set a short delay to let the port redir get established. Trick: If you use "SHELL" asl the "Remote SSH Command" then you get an SSH shell only: no VNC viewer will be launched. On Windows "PUTTY" will try to use putty.exe (better terminal emulation than plink.exe) A shortcut for this is Ctrl-S as long as user@hostname is present in the "VNC Host:Display" box. Use SSH + SSL: Tunnel the SSL connection through a SSH tunnel. Use this if you want end-to-end SSL and must use a SSH gateway (e.g. to enter a firewall) or if additional SSH port redirs are required (CUPS, Sound, SMB tunnelling: See Advanced Options). This is a RARELY used mode, but included in case the need arises. No Encryption: In '-noenc' mode, which is now the default, (Ctrl-E also toggles this mode), use this to make a Direct connection to the VNC Server with no encryption whatsoever. (Be careful about passwords, etc.) The -noenc mode is now the default since SSVNC 1.0.25, use the '-enc' cmdline option to disable the button. Automatically Find X Session: When using SSH mode to connect, you can select this option. It simply sets the Remote SSH Command to: PORT= x11vnc -find -localhost This requires that x11vnc is installed on the remote computer and is available in $PATH for the ssh login. The command "x11vnc -find -localhost" command is run on the remote machine. The -find option causes x11vnc to try to find an existing X session owned by the user (i.e. who you ssh in as). If it does it attaches to it; otherwise the x11vnc VNC server exits immediately followed by your VNC Viewer. The PORT= option just means to let x11vnc pick its own VNC port and then connect to whatever it picked. Use P= for more debugging output. The idea for this mode is you simply type 'username@workstation' in the VNC Host:Display box, Select 'Options -> Automatically Find X Session', and then click Connect. The tsvnc mode is similar (it runs x11vnc on the remote side with the intent of automatically finding, or creating, your desktop). Unix Username & Password: This is only available on Unix and MacOSX and when using the SSVNC enhanced TightVNC viewer (it has been modified to do Unix logins). It supports a login dialog with servers doing something like x11vnc's "-unixpw" mode. After any regular VNC authentication takes place (VNC Password), then it sends the Unix Username, a Return, the Unix Password and a final Return. This saves you from typing them into the "login:" and "Password:" prompts in the viewer window. Note that the x11vnc -unixpw login mode is external to the VNC protocol, so you need to be sure the VNC server is in this mode and will be waiting for the dialog. Otherwise the username and password will be typed directly into the desktop application that happens to have the focus! When you select this option "Unix Username:" and "Unix Password:" entry boxes appear on the main panel where you can type them in. x11vnc has settings that can be specified after a ":" in the Unix username; they may be used here as well. (For example: username:3/4,nc for a smaller screen and -nocache) If the Unix Username is not set when you click Connect, then any SSH username@host is used. Otherwise the environment variable $USER or $LOGNAME and finally whoami(1) is used. Also Note that the Unix Password is never saved in a VNC profile (so you have to type it each time). Also, the remote x11vnc server is instructed to not echo the Username string by sending an initial Escape. Set the SSVNC_UNIXPW_NOESC=1 environment variable to override this. Reverse VNC Connection: Reverse (listening) VNC connections are possible as well. Enable with this button "Reverse VNC Connection (-LISTEN)" In this case the VNC Server initiates the connection to your waiting (i.e. listening) SSVNC viewer. For SSL connections in the 'VNC Host:Display' entry box put in the number (e.g. "0" or ":0" or ":1", etc.) that corresponds to the Listening display (0 -> port 5500, 1 -> port 5501, etc.) you want to use. For example x11vnc can then be used via: "x11vnc ... -ssl SAVE -connect hostname:port" using the "port" with the one you chose. Clicking on the 'Listen' button puts your SSVNC viewer in a "listening" state on that port number, waiting for a connection from the VNC Server. Then a VNC server should establish a reverse connection to that port on this machine (e.g. -connect this-machine:5500 or -connect this-machine:5503, etc.) Server SSL certificates will be verified, however you WILL NOT be prompted about unrecognized ones; rather, you MUST set up the correct Server certificate (e.g. by importing). prior to any connections. If the connection is failing in Reverse VNC (listening) mode, check the STUNNEL log output to see if STUNNEL is unable to authenticate the VNC Server. If you want to allow in a reverse connection with NO Server authentication, unset the 'Verify All Certs' option. When listening in SSL, you will ALSO need to specify YOUR OWN SSL cert, "MyCert", or otherwise let the GUI prompt you to create a "listen.pem" and use that. The "listen.pem" will be reused in later SSL Listening connections unless you specify a different one with MyCert. On Windows or using a 3rd party VNC Viewer multiple, simultaneous reverse connections are always enabled. On Unix/MacOSX with the provided ssvncviewer they are disabled by default. To enable them: Options -> Advanced -> Unix ssvncviewer -> Multiple LISTEN Conns. For reverse connections in SSH or SSH + SSL modes it is a little trickier. The SSH tunnel (with -R tunnel) must be established and remain up waiting for reverse connections. The default time is "sleep 1800", i.e. 30 mins. You can put a longer or shorter sleep in "Remote SSH Command" (perhaps after your command runs: cmd; sleep 3600). For SSH reverse connections put "hostname:n" in 'VNC Host:Display' or "user@hostname:n". The "n" will be the listening display on the *REMOTE* side. So to have the remote x11vnc connect use: "x11vnc ... -connect localhost:n" or "x11vnc -R connect:localhost:n" (-ssl will be needed for SSH+SSL mode). If the -R port cannot be opened because it is in use by another program you will have to kill everything and start over using a different port. In reverse connections mode be careful to protect the listening VNC Viewer from direct connections (neither SSL nor SSH) connecting directly to its listening port thereby bypassing the tunnel. This can be done by a host-level firewall that only lets in, say, port 5500 (the default one ":0" for stunnel to listen on). Or for SSH reverse connections allow NO 5500+n ports in. For reverse connections, the Unix enhanced tightvnc viewers supplied in the SSVNC package will only listen on localhost so these precautions are not needed. Specify a specific interface, e.g. to have stunnel only listen on that interface. IPv6 works too, e.g. :::0 or ::1:0 Also works for UN-encrypted reverse connections as well ('None'). Note that for SSL connections use of "Proxy/Gateway" does not make sense: the remote side cannot initiate its reverse connection via the Proxy. Note that for SSH or SSH+SSL connections use of "Proxy/Gateway" does not make sense (the ssh cannot do a -R on a remote host:port), unless it is a double proxy where the 2nd host is the machine with the VNC server. View Only: Have VNC Viewer ignore mouse and keyboard input. Fullscreen: Start the VNC Viewer in fullscreen mode. Raise On Beep: Deiconify viewer when bell rings. Use 8bit color: Request a very low-color pixel format. Do not use JPEG: Do not use the jpeg aspect of the tight encoding. Use X11 vncviewer on MacOSX: On MacOSX try to use the bundled X11 vncviewer instead of the Chicken of the VNC viewer; The Xquartz X server must be installed (it is by default on 10.5.x) and the DISPLAY variable must be set (see Tip 15 of Help to do this manually.) Put cotvnc=1 in ~/.ssvncrc to switch the default. Kill Stunnel Automatically: On Windows, automatically try to kill the STUNNEL process when the VNC Viewer exits. This is a global setting (not per-profile); it can be also set via either the -killstunnel cmdline option, or killstunnel=1 in ssvnc_rc. To disable it supply -nokillstunnel or put killstunnel=0 in ssvnc_rc. As of 1/2009 this option is on by default. The main drawback to having STUNNEL automatically killed is that you will not be able to view its logfile. If you are having trouble connecting via SSL, disable this option and double click on the dark green STUNNEL icon in the tray to view the log. Compress Level/Quality: Set TightVNC encoding parameters. Putty PW: On Windows only: use the supplied password for plink SSH logins. Unlike the other options the value is not saved when 'Save' is performed. This feature is useful when options under "Advanced" are set that require TWO SSH's: you just have to type the password once in this entry box. The bundled pageant.exe and puttygen.exe programs can also be used to avoid repeatedly entering passwords (note this requires setting up and distributing SSH keys). Start up pageant.exe or puttygen.exe and read the instructions there. Note, that there is a small exposure to someone seeing the putty password on the plink command line. Note that the Putty PW is not cleared if you load in a new VNC profile. Port Slot: On Windows ports cannot be selected or checked as easily as on Unix. So listening ports for ssh redirs, proxy tunnelling, and etc. things are picked via finding a free "slot". The slots run from 30 to 99 and are locked based on the existence of a file with the slot number in it. When the connection is about to be made, a free slot is found and used to work out some ports (e.g. 5930 for the local VNC port, etc.) This way simultaneous SSVNC connections can take place. One drawback of this is that Putty/Plink stores SSH keys based on hostname:port, and with a proxy tunnel the hostname is "localhost". So the Putty key store may have key collisions for the localhost tunnels, and plink will prompt you to resolve the conflict WRT a different SSH key being discovered. To work around this to some degree you can select a unique Port Slot (in the range 50-99) for a specific host. Then the ssh redir port to this host will never change and so the Putty localhost:fixed-port key should remain valid. Mode: To change the GUI Mode, select between the full SSVNC (i.e. SSL and SSH), SSHVNC (i.e. SSH-Only), and Terminal Services mode (TSVNC; uses x11vnc) Note: You can put "mode=tsvnc" or "mode=sshvnc" in your ~/.ssvncrc file (ssvnc_rc on Windows) to have the application start up in the given mode. Show 'No Encryption' Option: Note: since SSVNC 1.0.25 the 'No Encryption' Option is enabled by default. Select this to display a button that disables both SSL and SSH encryption. This is the same as Ctrl+E. This puts a check item "None" on the main panel and also a "No Encryption" check item in the "Options" panel. If you select this item, there will be NO encryption for the VNC connection (use cautiously) See Tip 5) under Help for more information about disabling encryption. Buttons: Use Defaults: Set all options to their defaults (i.e. unset). Delete Profile: Delete a saved profile. Advanced: Bring up the Advanced Options dialog. Save and Load: You can Save the current settings by clicking on Save (.vnc file) and you can also read in a saved one with Load Profile. Use the Browse... button to select the filename via the GUI. Pressing Ctrl-L or Clicking the Right mouse button on the main GUI will invoke the Load dialog. Note: On Windows since the TightVNC Viewer will save its own settings in the Registry, some unexpected behavior is possible because the viewer is nearly always directed to the VNC host "localhost:30". E.g. if you specify "View Only" in this gui once but not next time the Windows VNC Viewer may remember the setting. Unfortunately there is not a /noreg option for the Viewer. } .oh.f.t insert end $msg jiggle_text .oh.f.t } proc help_fetch_cert {{selfsigned 1}} { toplev .fh set h 35 if [small_height] { set h 28 } scroll_text_dismiss .fh.f 85 $h center_win .fh wm resizable .fh 1 0 wm title .fh "Fetch Certificates Help" set msg { The displayed SSL Certificate has been retrieved from the VNC Server via the "Fetch Cert" action. It has merely been downloaded via the SSL Protocol: *** IT HAS NOT BEEN VERIFIED OR AUTHENTICATED IN ANY WAY *** So, in principle, it could be a fake certificate being inserted by a bad person attempting to perform a Man-In-The-Middle attack on your SSL connection. If, however, by some external means you can verify the authenticity of this SSL Certificate you can use it for your VNC SSL connection to the VNC server you wish to connect to. It will provide an authenticated and encrypted connection. You can verify the SSL Certificate by comparing the MD5 or SHA1 hash value via a method/channel you know is safe (i.e. not also under control of a Man-In-The-Middle attacker). You could also check the text between the -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- and -----END CERTIFICATE----- tags, etc. Once you are sure it is correct, you can press the Save button to save the certificate to a file on the local machine for use when you connect via VNC tunneled through SSL. If you save it, then that file will be set as the Certificate to verify the VNC server against. You can see this in the dialog started via the "Certs..." button on the main panel. NOTE: If you want to make Permanent the association of the saved SSL certificate file with the VNC server host, you MUST save the setting as a profile for loading later. To Save a Profile, click on Options -> Save Profile ..., and choose a name for the profile and then click on Save. If "Verify All Certs" is checked, then you are forced to check all new certs. In this case the certs are saved in the 'Accepted Certs' directory against which all servers will be checked unless "ServerCert" or "CertsDir" has been set to something else. To reload the profile at a later time, click on the "Load" button on the main panel and then select the name and click "Open". If you want to be sure the certificate is still associated with the loaded in host, click on "Certs..." button and make sure the "ServerCert" points to the desired SSL filename. See the Certs... Help for more information. A sophisticated method can be set up using a Certificate Authority key to verify never before seen certificates (i.e. like your web browser does). } set msg2 { -------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: The certificate that was just downloaded IS NOT a Self-Signed certificate. It was signed by a Certificate Authority (CA) instead. So saving it does not make sense because it cannot be used to authenticate anything. You need to Obtain and Save the CA's certificate instead. The remainder of this Help description applies ONLY to Self-Signed certificates (i.e. NOT the most recently downloaded one.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- } if {!$selfsigned} { regsub { If, however,} $msg "$msg2 If, however," msg } .fh.f.t insert end $msg jiggle_text .fh.f.t } proc win_nokill_msg {} { global help_font is_windows system_button_face toplev .w eval text .w.t -width 60 -height 11 $help_font button .w.d -text "Dismiss" -command {destroy .w} pack .w.t .w.d -side top -fill x apply_bg .w.t center_win .w wm resizable .w 1 0 wm title .w "SSL/SSH Viewer: Warning" set msg { The VNC Viewer has exited. You will need to terminate STUNNEL manually. To do this go to the System Tray and right-click on the STUNNEL icon (dark green). Then click "Exit". You can also double click on the STUNNEL icon to view the log for error messages and other information. } .w.t insert end $msg } proc win_kill_msg {pids} { global terminate_pids global help_font toplev .w eval text .w.t -width 72 -height 21 $help_font button .w.d -text "Dismiss" -command {destroy .w; set terminate_pids no} button .w.k -text "Terminate STUNNEL" -command {destroy .w; set terminate_pids yes} pack .w.t .w.k .w.d -side top -fill x apply_bg .w.t center_win .w wm resizable .w 1 0 wm title .w "SSL/SSH Viewer: Warning" set msg { The VNC Viewer has exited. We can terminate the following still running STUNNEL process(es): } append msg " $pids\n" append msg { Click on the "Terminate STUNNEL" button below to do so. Before terminating STUNNEL you can double click on the STUNNEL Tray icon to view its log for error messages and other information. Note: You may STILL need to terminate STUNNEL manually if we are unable to kill it. To do this go to the System Tray and right-click on the STUNNEL icon (dark green). Then click "Exit". You will probably also need to hover the mouse over the STUNNEL Tray Icon to make the Tray notice STUNNEL is gone... To have STUNNEL automatically killed when the Viewer exits use the -killstunnel cmdline option, or set it under Options or in ssvnc_rc. } .w.t insert end $msg } proc win9x_plink_msg {file} { global help_font win9x_plink_msg_done toplev .pl eval text .pl.t -width 90 -height 26 $help_font button .pl.d -text "OK" -command {destroy .pl; set win9x_plink_msg_done 1} wm protocol .pl WM_DELETE_WINDOW {catch {destroy .pl}; set win9x_plink_msg_done 1} pack .pl.t .pl.d -side top -fill x apply_bg .pl.t center_win .pl wm resizable .pl 1 0 wm title .pl "SSL/SSH Viewer: Win9x Warning" set msg { Due to limitations on Window 9x you will have to manually start up a COMMAND.COM terminal and paste in the following command: } set pwd [pwd] regsub -all {/} $pwd "\\" pwd append msg " $pwd\\$file\n" append msg { The reason for this is a poor Console application implementation that affects many text based applications. To start up a COMMAND.COM terminal, click on the Start -> Run, and then type COMMAND in the entry box and hit Return or click OK. To select the above command, highlight it with the mouse and then press Ctrl-C. Then go over to the COMMAND.COM window and click on the Clipboard paste button. Once pasted in, press Return to run the script. This will start up a PLINK.EXE ssh login to the remote computer, and after you log in successfully and indicate (QUICKLY!!) that the connection is OK by clicking OK in this dialog. If the SSH connection cannot be autodetected you will ALSO need to click "Success" in the "plink ssh status?" dialog, the VNC Viewer will be started going through the SSH tunnel. } .pl.t insert end $msg wm deiconify .pl } proc mesg {str} { set maxx 60 if [regexp {^INFO: without Certificate} $str] { set maxx 72 } if {[string length $str] > $maxx} { set lend [expr $maxx - 1] set str [string range $str 0 $lend] append str " ..." } .l configure -text $str update global env if [info exists env(SSVNC_MESG_DELAY)] { after $env(SSVNC_MESG_DELAY) } } proc get_ssh_hp {str} { regsub {cmd=.*$} $str "" str set str [string trim $str] regsub {[ ].*$} $str "" str return $str } proc get_ssh_cmd {str} { set str [string trim $str] global ts_only if {$ts_only} { return [ts_x11vnc_cmd] } if [regexp {cmd=(.*$)} $str m cmd] { set cmd [string trim $cmd] regsub -nocase {^%x11vncr$} $cmd "x11vnc -nopw -display none -rawfb rand" cmd regsub -nocase {^%x11vnc$} $cmd "x11vnc -nopw -display none -rawfb null" cmd return $cmd } else { return "" } } proc get_ssh_proxy {str} { set str [string trim $str] regsub {cmd=.*$} $str "" str set str [string trim $str] if { ![regexp {[ ]} $str]} { return "" } regsub {^.*[ ][ ]*} $str "" str return $str } proc ts_x11vnc_cmd {} { global is_windows global ts_xserver_type choose_xserver ts_desktop_type choose_desktop ts_unixpw ts_vncshared global ts_desktop_size ts_desktop_depth choose_desktop_geom global choose_filexfer ts_filexfer global ts_x11vnc_opts ts_x11vnc_path ts_x11vnc_autoport choose_x11vnc_opts global ts_othervnc choose_othervnc ts_xlogin global choose_sleep extra_sleep set cmd "" if {$choose_x11vnc_opts && $ts_x11vnc_path != ""} { set cmd $ts_x11vnc_path } else { set cmd "x11vnc" } if {! $is_windows} { set cmd "PORT= $cmd" } else { set cmd "PORT= $cmd" } set type $ts_xserver_type; if {! $choose_xserver} { set type "" } if {$choose_othervnc && $ts_othervnc == "find"} { set type "Xvnc.redirect" } if [info exists choose_sleep] { if {! $choose_sleep} { set extra_sleep "" } } if {$choose_othervnc && $ts_othervnc != "find"} { set cmd "$cmd -redirect $ts_othervnc" } elseif {$type == ""} { global ts_xserver_type_def if {$ts_xserver_type_def != ""} { set cmd "$cmd -display WAIT:cmd=FINDCREATEDISPLAY-$ts_xserver_type_def"; } else { set cmd "$cmd -display WAIT:cmd=FINDCREATEDISPLAY-Xvfb"; } } elseif {$type == "Xvfb"} { set cmd "$cmd -display WAIT:cmd=FINDCREATEDISPLAY-Xvfb"; } elseif {$type == "Xdummy"} { set cmd "$cmd -display WAIT:cmd=FINDCREATEDISPLAY-Xdummy"; } elseif {$type == "Xvnc"} { set cmd "$cmd -display WAIT:cmd=FINDCREATEDISPLAY-Xvnc"; } elseif {$type == "Xvnc.redirect"} { set cmd "$cmd -display WAIT:cmd=FINDCREATEDISPLAY-Xvnc.redirect"; } # TBD: Cups + sound set cmd "$cmd -localhost"; set cmd "$cmd -nopw"; global ts_ncache choose_ncache if {$choose_ncache && [regexp {^[0-9][0-9]*$} $ts_ncache]} { set cmd "$cmd -ncache $ts_ncache"; } else { #set cmd "$cmd -nonc"; } set cmd "$cmd -timeout 120"; global ts_multisession choose_multisession regsub -all {[^A-z0-9_-]} $ts_multisession "" ts_multisession if {$choose_multisession && $ts_multisession != ""} { set cmd "$cmd -env FD_TAG='$ts_multisession'"; } if {$choose_filexfer && $ts_filexfer != ""} { if {$ts_filexfer == "tight"} { set cmd "$cmd -tightfilexfer"; } else { set cmd "$cmd -ultrafilexfer"; } } if {$ts_unixpw} { set cmd "$cmd -unixpw"; } if {$ts_vncshared} { set cmd "$cmd -shared"; } set u "unknown" global env if {[info exists env(USER)]} { regsub -all {[^A-z]} $env(USER) "_" u } set cmd "$cmd -o \$HOME/.tsvnc.log.$u"; # XXX perms set sess "kde" global ts_desktop_type_def if {$ts_desktop_type_def != ""} { set sess $ts_desktop_type_def } if {$choose_desktop && $ts_desktop_type != ""} { set sess $ts_desktop_type } set cmd "$cmd -env FD_SESS=$sess"; if {$choose_desktop_geom} { set geom "1280x1024" set dep 16 global ts_desktop_size_def ts_desktop_depth_def if {$ts_desktop_size_def != ""} { set geom $ts_desktop_size_def } if {$ts_desktop_depth_def != ""} { set dep $ts_desktop_depth_def } if {$ts_desktop_size != ""} { if [regexp {^[0-9][0-9]*x[0-9][0-9]*$} $ts_desktop_size] { set geom $ts_desktop_size } if {$ts_desktop_depth != ""} { set geom "${geom}x$ts_desktop_depth" } else { set geom "${geom}x$dep" } } else { set geom "${geom}x$dep" } set cmd "$cmd -env FD_GEOM=$geom"; } if {$is_windows} { ; } elseif {$choose_x11vnc_opts && $ts_x11vnc_autoport != "" && [regexp {^[0-9][0-9]*$} $ts_x11vnc_autoport]} { set cmd "$cmd -autoport $ts_x11vnc_autoport"; } else { set cmd "$cmd -env AUTO_PORT=5950"; } if {$choose_x11vnc_opts && $ts_x11vnc_opts != ""} { set cmd "$cmd $ts_x11vnc_opts"; } if {$ts_xlogin} { regsub {PORT= } $cmd "PORT= sudo " cmd regsub {P= } $cmd "P= sudo " cmd regsub { -o [^ ][^ ]*} $cmd "" cmd set cmd "$cmd -env FD_XDM=1"; } return $cmd } proc set_defaults {} { global defs env global mycert svcert crtdir crlfil global use_alpha use_turbovnc disable_pipeline use_grab use_ssl use_ssh use_sshssl use_viewonly use_fullscreen use_bgr233 global use_send_clipboard use_send_always global disable_all_encryption global use_nojpeg use_raise_on_beep use_compresslevel use_quality use_x11_macosx global compresslevel_text quality_text global use_cups use_sound use_smbmnt global cups_local_server cups_remote_port cups_manage_rcfile ts_cups_manage_rcfile cups_x11vnc global cups_local_smb_server cups_remote_smb_port global change_vncviewer change_vncviewer_path vncviewer_realvnc4 global choose_xserver ts_xserver_type choose_desktop ts_desktop_type ts_unixpw ts_vncshared global choose_filexfer ts_filexfer global ts_x11vnc_opts choose_x11vnc_opts ts_x11vnc_path ts_x11vnc_autoport ts_xlogin global ts_othervnc choose_othervnc choose_sleep global choose_ncache ts_ncache choose_multisession ts_multisession global ts_mode ts_desktop_size ts_desktop_depth choose_desktop_geom global additional_port_redirs additional_port_redirs_list global stunnel_local_protection stunnel_local_protection_type ssh_local_protection multiple_listen listen_once listen_accept_popup listen_accept_popup_sc global ssh_known_hosts ssh_known_hosts_filename global ultra_dsm ultra_dsm_type ultra_dsm_file ultra_dsm_noultra ultra_dsm_salt global sound_daemon_remote_cmd sound_daemon_remote_port sound_daemon_kill sound_daemon_restart global sound_daemon_local_cmd sound_daemon_local_port sound_daemon_local_kill sound_daemon_x11vnc sound_daemon_local_start global smb_su_mode smb_mount_list global use_port_knocking port_knocking_list port_slot putty_args global ycrop_string ssvnc_scale ssvnc_escape sbwid_string rfbversion ssvnc_encodings ssvnc_extra_opts use_x11cursor use_nobell use_rawlocal use_notty use_popupfix extra_sleep use_listen use_unixpw use_x11vnc_find unixpw_username global disable_ssl_workarounds disable_ssl_workarounds_type global no_probe_vencrypt server_vencrypt server_anondh global include_list global svcert_default mycert_default crlfil_default set defs(use_viewonly) 0 set defs(use_listen) 0 set defs(disable_ssl_workarounds) 0 set defs(disable_ssl_workarounds_type) "none" set defs(use_unixpw) 0 set defs(unixpw_username) "" set defs(use_x11vnc_find) 0 set defs(use_fullscreen) 0 set defs(use_raise_on_beep) 0 set defs(use_bgr233) 0 set defs(use_alpha) 0 set defs(use_send_clipboard) 0 set defs(use_send_always) 0 set defs(use_turbovnc) 0 set defs(disable_pipeline) 0 set defs(no_probe_vencrypt) 0 set defs(server_vencrypt) 0 set defs(server_anondh) 0 set defs(use_grab) 0 set defs(use_nojpeg) 0 set defs(use_x11_macosx) 1 if [info exists env(SSVNC_COTVNC)] { if {$env(SSVNC_COTVNC) != 0} { set defs(use_x11_macosx) 0 } } elseif {![info exists env(DISPLAY)]} { set defs(use_x11_macosx) 0 } set defs(use_compresslevel) "default" set defs(use_quality) "default" set defs(compresslevel_text) "Compress Level: default" set defs(quality_text) "Quality: default" set defs(mycert) $mycert_default set defs(svcert) $svcert_default set defs(crtdir) "ACCEPTED_CERTS" set defs(crlfil) $crlfil_default set defs(use_cups) 0 set defs(use_sound) 0 set defs(use_smbmnt) 0 set defs(choose_xserver) 0 set defs(ts_xserver_type) "" set defs(choose_desktop) 0 set defs(ts_desktop_type) "" set defs(ts_desktop_size) "" set defs(ts_desktop_depth) "" set defs(choose_desktop_geom) 0 set defs(ts_unixpw) 0 set defs(ts_vncshared) 0 set defs(ts_ncache) 8 set defs(choose_ncache) 0 set defs(ts_multisession) "" set defs(choose_multisession) 0 set defs(ts_filexfer) "" set defs(choose_filexfer) 0 set defs(choose_x11vnc_opts) 0 set defs(ts_x11vnc_opts) "" set defs(ts_x11vnc_path) "" set defs(ts_x11vnc_autoport) "" set defs(ts_othervnc) "" set defs(choose_othervnc) 0 set defs(ts_xlogin) 0 set defs(ts_mode) 0 set defs(change_vncviewer) 0 set defs(change_vncviewer_path) "" set defs(cups_manage_rcfile) 1 set defs(ts_cups_manage_rcfile) 0 set defs(cups_x11vnc) 0 set defs(vncviewer_realvnc4) 0 set defs(additional_port_redirs) 0 set defs(additional_port_redirs_list) "" set defs(stunnel_local_protection) 1 set defs(stunnel_local_protection_type) "exec" set defs(ssh_local_protection) 1 set defs(ssh_known_hosts) 0 set defs(ssh_known_hosts_filename) "" set defs(multiple_listen) 0 set defs(listen_once) 0 set defs(listen_accept_popup) 0 set defs(listen_accept_popup_sc) 0 set defs(ultra_dsm) 0 set defs(ultra_dsm_file) "" set defs(ultra_dsm_type) "guess" set defs(ultra_dsm_noultra) 0 set defs(ultra_dsm_salt) "" set defs(port_slot) "" set defs(putty_args) "" set defs(cups_local_server) "" set defs(cups_remote_port) "" set defs(cups_local_smb_server) "" set defs(cups_remote_smb_port) "" set defs(smb_su_mode) "sudo" set defs(smb_mount_list) "" set defs(sound_daemon_remote_cmd) "" set defs(sound_daemon_remote_port) "" set defs(sound_daemon_kill) 0 set defs(sound_daemon_restart) 0 set defs(sound_daemon_local_cmd) "" set defs(sound_daemon_local_port) "" set defs(sound_daemon_local_start) 0 set defs(sound_daemon_local_kill) 0 set defs(sound_daemon_x11vnc) 0 set defs(ycrop_string) "" set defs(ssvnc_scale) "" set defs(ssvnc_escape) "" set defs(sbwid_string) "" set defs(rfbversion) "" set defs(ssvnc_encodings) "" set defs(ssvnc_extra_opts) "" set defs(use_x11cursor) 0 set defs(use_nobell) 0 set defs(use_rawlocal) 0 set defs(use_notty) 0 set defs(use_popupfix) 0 set defs(extra_sleep) "" set defs(use_port_knocking) 0 set defs(port_knocking_list) "" set defs(include_list) "" set dir [get_profiles_dir] set deffile "" if [file exists "$dir/defaults"] { set deffile "$dir/defaults" } elseif [file exists "$dir/defaults.vnc"] { set deffile "$dir/defaults.vnc" } if {$deffile != ""} { set fh "" catch {set fh [open $deffile "r"]} if {$fh != ""} { while {[gets $fh line] > -1} { set line [string trim $line] if [regexp {^#} $line] { continue } if [regexp {^([^=]*)=(.*)$} $line m var val] { if {$var == "disp"} { continue } if [info exists defs($var)] { set pct 0 if {$var == "smb_mount_list"} { set pct 1 } if {$var == "port_knocking_list"} { set pct 1 } if {$pct} { regsub -all {%%%} $val "\n" val } set defs($var) $val } } } close $fh } } global ssh_only ts_only if {$ssh_only || $ts_only} { set defs(use_ssl) 0 set defs(use_ssh) 1 set defs(use_sshssl) 0 } else { set defs(use_ssl) 1 set defs(use_ssh) 0 set defs(use_sshssl) 0 } set defs(disable_all_encryption) 0 foreach var [array names defs] { set $var $defs($var) } global vncauth_passwd unixpw_passwd set vncauth_passwd "" set unixpw_passwd "" if {$ssh_only || $ts_only} { ssl_ssh_adjust ssh } else { ssl_ssh_adjust ssl } listen_adjust unixpw_adjust global last_load set last_load "" } proc windows_listening_message {n} { global did_listening_message global extra_cmd set extra_cmd "" set cmd [get_cmd $n] if {$did_listening_message < 2} { incr did_listening_message global listening_name set ln $listening_name if {$ln == ""} { set ln "this-computer:$n" } set msg " About to start the Listening VNC Viewer (Reverse Connection). The VNC Viewer command to be run is: $cmd After the Viewer starts listening, the VNC server should then Reverse connect to: $ln When the VNC Connection has ended **YOU MUST MANUALLY STOP** the Listening VNC Viewer. To stop the Listening Viewer: right click on the VNC Icon in the tray and select 'Close listening daemon' (or similar). ONLY AFTER THAT will you return to the SSVNC GUI. Click OK now to start the Listening VNC Viewer.$extra_cmd " global use_ssh use_sshssl if {$use_ssh || $use_sshssl} { set msg "${msg} NOTE: You will probably also need to kill the SSH in the\n terminal via Ctrl-C" } global help_font is_windows system_button_face toplev .wll global wll_done set wll_done 0 eval text .wll.t -width 64 -height 22 $help_font button .wll.d -text "OK" -command {destroy .wll; set wll_done 1} pack .wll.t .wll.d -side top -fill x apply_bg .wll.t center_win .wll wm resizable .wll 1 0 wm title .wll "SSL/SSH Viewer: Listening VNC Info" .wll.t insert end $msg vwait wll_done } } proc get_cmd {n} { global use_alpha use_grab use_x11cursor use_nobell use_ssh global use_sshssl use_viewonly use_fullscreen use_bgr233 global use_nojpeg use_raise_on_beep use_compresslevel use_quality global use_send_clipboard use_send_always change_vncviewer global change_vncviewer_path vncviewer_realvnc4 use_listen global disable_ssl_workarounds disable_ssl_workarounds_type env set cmd "vncviewer" if {$change_vncviewer && $change_vncviewer_path != ""} { set cmd [string trim $change_vncviewer_path] regsub -all {\\} $cmd {/} cmd if {[regexp {[ \t]} $cmd]} { if {[regexp -nocase {\.exe$} $cmd]} { if {! [regexp {["']} $cmd]} { #" # hmmm, not following instructions, are they? set cmd "\"$cmd\"" } } } } if {$use_viewonly} { if {$vncviewer_realvnc4} { append cmd " viewonly=1" } else { append cmd " /viewonly" } } if {$use_fullscreen} { if {$vncviewer_realvnc4} { append cmd " fullscreen=1" } else { append cmd " /fullscreen" } } if {$use_bgr233} { if {$vncviewer_realvnc4} { append cmd " lowcolourlevel=1" } else { append cmd " /8bit" } } if {$use_nojpeg} { if {! $vncviewer_realvnc4} { append cmd " /nojpeg" } } if {$use_raise_on_beep} { if {! $vncviewer_realvnc4} { append cmd " /belldeiconify" } } if {$use_compresslevel != "" && $use_compresslevel != "default"} { if {$vncviewer_realvnc4} { append cmd " zliblevel=$use_compresslevel" } else { append cmd " /compresslevel $use_compresslevel" } } if {$use_quality != "" && $use_quality != "default"} { if {! $vncviewer_realvnc4} { append cmd " /quality $use_quality" } } global extra_cmd set extra_cmd "" if {$use_listen} { if {$vncviewer_realvnc4} { append cmd " listen=1" } else { append cmd " /listen" } set nn $n if {$nn < 100} { set nn [expr "$nn + 5500"] } global direct_connect_reverse_host_orig is_win9x if {![info exists direct_connect_reverse_host_orig]} { set direct_connect_reverse_host_orig "" } if {$direct_connect_reverse_host_orig != "" && !$is_win9x} { set nn2 [expr $nn + 15] set h0 $direct_connect_reverse_host_orig global win_localhost set extra_cmd "\n\nrelay6.exe $nn $win_localhost $nn2 /b:$h0" set nn $nn2 } append cmd " $nn" } else { if [regexp {^[0-9][0-9]*$} $n] { global win_localhost append cmd " $win_localhost:$n" } else { append cmd " $n" } } return $cmd } proc do_viewer_windows {n} { global use_listen env set cmd [get_cmd $n] set ipv6_pid2 "" if {$use_listen} { set nn $n if {$nn < 100} { set nn [expr "$nn + 5500"] } global direct_connect_reverse_host_orig is_win9x if {![info exists direct_connect_reverse_host_orig]} { set direct_connect_reverse_host_orig "" } if {$direct_connect_reverse_host_orig != "" && !$is_win9x} { set nn2 [expr $nn + 15] set h0 $direct_connect_reverse_host_orig global win_localhost set ipv6_pid2 [exec relay6.exe $nn $win_localhost $nn2 /b:$h0 &] set nn $nn2 } } if [info exists env(SSVNC_EXTRA_SLEEP)] { set t $env(SSVNC_EXTRA_SLEEP) mesg "sleeping an extra $t seconds..." set t [expr "$t * 1000"] after $t } global extra_sleep if {$extra_sleep != ""} { set t $extra_sleep mesg "sleeping an extra $t seconds..." set t [expr "$t * 1000"] after $t } mesg $cmd set emess "" set rc [catch {eval exec $cmd} emess] if {$ipv6_pid2 != ""} { winkill $ipv6_pid2 } if {$rc != 0} { raise . tk_messageBox -type ok -icon error -message $emess -title "Error: $cmd" } } proc get_netstat {} { set ns "" catch {set ns [exec netstat -an]} return $ns } proc get_ipconfig {} { global is_win9x set ip "" if {! $is_win9x} { catch {set ip [exec ipconfig]} return $ip } set file "ip" append file [pid] append file ".txt" # VF catch {[exec winipcfg /Batch $file]} if [file exists $file] { set fh [open $file "r"] while {[gets $fh line] > -1} { append ip "$line\n" } close $fh catch {file delete $file} } return $ip } proc read_file {file} { set str "" if [file exists $file] { set fh "" catch {set fh [open $file "r"]} if {$fh != ""} { while {[gets $fh line] > -1} { append str "$line\n" } close $fh } } return $str } proc guess_nat_ip {} { global save_nat last_save_nat set s "" if {! [info exists save_nat]} { set save_nat "" set last_save_nat 0 } if {$save_nat != ""} { set now [clock seconds] if {$now < $last_save_nat + 45} { return $save_nat } } set s "" catch {set s [socket "www.whatismyip.com" 80]} set ip "unknown" if {$s != ""} { fconfigure $s -buffering none #puts $s "GET / HTTP/1.1" puts $s "GET /automation/n09230945.asp HTTP/1.1" puts $s "Host: www.whatismyip.com" puts $s "Connection: close" puts $s "" flush $s set on 0 while { [gets $s line] > -1 } { if {! $on && [regexp {<HEAD>} $line]} {set on 1} if {! $on && [regexp {<HTML>} $line]} {set on 1} if {! $on && [regexp {<TITLE>} $line]} {set on 1} if {! $on && [regexp {^[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9]} $line]} {set on 1} if {! $on} { continue; } if [regexp {([0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*)} $line ip] { break } } close $s } if {$ip != "unknown"} { set save_nat $ip set last_save_nat [clock seconds] } return $ip } proc check_for_ipv6 {} { global is_windows have_ipv6 if {$have_ipv6 != ""} { return } if {! $is_windows} { set out "" catch {set out [exec netstat -an]} if [regexp {tcp6} $out] { set have_ipv6 1 } elseif [regexp {udp6} $out] { set have_ipv6 1 } elseif [regexp {:::} $out] { set have_ipv6 1 } elseif [regexp {::1} $out] { set have_ipv6 1 } elseif [regexp {TCP: IPv6.*LISTEN} $out] { set have_ipv6 1 } else { set have_ipv6 0 } } else { set out [get_ipconfig] set out [string trim $out] if {$out == ""} { catch {set out [exec ping6 -n 1 -w 2000 ::1]} if [regexp {Reply from.*bytes} $out] { if [regexp {Received = 1} $out] { set have_ipv6 1 return } } set have_ipv6 0 return } foreach line [split $out "\n\r"] { if {[regexp -nocase {IP Address.*:[ \t]*[a-f0-9]*:[a-f0-9]*:} $line]} { set have_ipv6 1 return } } set have_ipv6 0 } } proc guess_ip {} { global is_windows if {! $is_windows} { set out "" set out [get_hostname] if {$out != ""} { set hout "" catch {set hout [exec host $out]} if {$hout != ""} { if [regexp {has address ([.0-9][.0-9]*)} $hout mvar ip] { set ip [string trim $ip] return $ip } } } return "" } else { set out [get_ipconfig] set out [string trim $out] if {$out == ""} { return "" } foreach line [split $out "\n\r"] { if {[regexp -nocase {IP Address.*:[ \t]*([.0-9][.0-9]*)} $line mvar ip]} { set ip [string trim $ip] if [regexp {^[.0]*$} $ip] { continue } if [regexp {127\.0\.0\.1} $ip] { continue } if {$ip != ""} { return $ip } } } foreach line [split $out "\n\r"] { if {[regexp -nocase {IP Address.*:[ \t]*([:a-f0-9][%:a-f0-9]*)} $line mvar ip]} { set ip [string trim $ip] if [regexp {^[.0]*$} $ip] { continue } if [regexp {127\.0\.0\.1} $ip] { continue } if {$ip != ""} { return $ip } } } } } proc bat_sleep {fh} { global env if [info exists env(SSVNC_BAT_SLEEP)] { puts $fh "@echo ." puts $fh "@echo -----" puts $fh "@echo Debug: BAT SLEEP for $env(SSVNC_BAT_SLEEP) seconds ..." puts $fh "@ping -n $env(SSVNC_BAT_SLEEP) -w 1000 > NUL" puts $fh "@echo BAT SLEEP done." } } proc windows_start_sound_daemon {file} { global env global use_sound sound_daemon_local_cmd sound_daemon_local_start # VF regsub {\.bat} $file "snd.bat" file2 set fh2 [open $file2 "w"] puts $fh2 $sound_daemon_local_cmd bat_sleep $fh2 puts $fh2 "del $file2" close $fh2 mesg "Starting SOUND daemon..." if [info exists env(COMSPEC)] { if [info exists env(SSVNC_BAT_SLEEP)] { exec $env(COMSPEC) /c start $env(COMSPEC) /c $file2 & } else { exec $env(COMSPEC) /c $file2 & } } else { if [info exists env(SSVNC_BAT_SLEEP)] { exec cmd.exe /c start cmd.exe /c $file2 & } else { exec cmd.exe /c $file2 & } } after 1500 } proc winkill {pid} { global is_win9x if {$pid == ""} { return } if {! $is_win9x} { catch {exec tskill.exe $pid} after 100 catch {exec taskkill.exe /PID $pid} after 100 } catch {exec w98/kill.exe /f $pid} } proc windows_stop_sound_daemon {} { global use_sound sound_daemon_local_cmd sound_daemon_local_start set cmd [string trim $sound_daemon_local_cmd] regsub {[ \t].*$} $cmd "" cmd regsub {^.*\\} $cmd "" cmd regsub {^.*/} $cmd "" cmd if {$cmd == ""} { return } set output [get_task_list] foreach line [split $output "\n\r"] { if [regexp "$cmd" $line] { if [regexp {(-?[0-9][0-9]*)} $line m p] { set pids($p) $line } } } set count 0 foreach pid [array names pids] { mesg "Stopping SOUND pid: $pid" winkill $pid if {$count == 0} { after 1200 } else { after 500 } incr count } } proc contag {} { global concount if {! [info exists concount]} { set concount 0 } incr concount set str [pid] set str "-$str-$concount" } proc make_plink {} { toplev .plink #wm geometry .plink +700+500 wm geometry .plink -40-40 wm title .plink "plink SSH status?" set wd 37 label .plink.l1 -anchor w -text "Login via plink/ssh to the remote server" -width $wd label .plink.l2 -anchor w -text "(supply username and password as needed)." -width $wd label .plink.l3 -anchor w -text "" -width $wd label .plink.l4 -anchor w -text "After ssh is set up, AND if the connection" -width $wd label .plink.l5 -anchor w -text "success is not autodetected, please click" -width $wd label .plink.l6 -anchor w -text "one of these buttons:" -width $wd global plink_status button .plink.fail -text "Failed" -command {destroy .plink; set plink_status no} button .plink.ok -text "Success" -command {destroy .plink; set plink_status yes} pack .plink.l1 .plink.l2 .plink.l3 .plink.l4 .plink.l5 .plink.l6 .plink.fail .plink.ok -side top -fill x update } proc ssh_split {str} { regsub { .*$} $str "" str if {! [regexp {:[0-9][0-9]*$} $str]} { append str ":22" } regsub {:[0-9][0-9]*$} $str "" ssh_host regsub {^.*:} $str "" ssh_port if {$ssh_port == ""} { set ssh_port 22 } if [regexp {@} $ssh_host] { regsub {@.*$} $ssh_host "" ssh_user regsub {^.*@} $ssh_host "" ssh_host } else { set ssh_user "" } return [list $ssh_user $ssh_host $ssh_port] } proc check_debug_netstat {port str wn} { global debug_netstat if {! [info exists debug_netstat]} { return } if {$debug_netstat == "0" || $debug_netstat == ""} { return } mesg "DBG: $wn" toplev .dbns set h 35 if [small_height] { set h 28 } scroll_text_dismiss .dbns.f 82 $h center_win .dbns .dbns.f.t insert end "LOOKING FOR PORT: $port\n\n$str" jiggle_text .dbns.f.t update after 1000 } proc launch_windows_ssh {hp file n} { global is_win9x env global use_sshssl use_ssh putty_pw putty_args global port_knocking_list global use_listen listening_name global disable_ssl_workarounds disable_ssl_workarounds_type global ts_only global debug_netstat set hpnew [get_ssh_hp $hp] set proxy [get_ssh_proxy $hp] set sshcmd [get_ssh_cmd $hp] global win_localhost set vnc_host $win_localhost set vnc_disp $hpnew regsub {^.*:} $vnc_disp "" vnc_disp regsub {\.bat} $file ".flg" flag if {$ts_only} { regsub {:0$} $hpnew "" hpnew if {$proxy == ""} { if {[regexp {^(.*):([0-9][0-9]*)$} $hpnew mv sshhst sshpt]} { set proxy "$sshhst:$sshpt" set hpnew $win_localhost } } else { if {![regexp {,} $proxy]} { if {$hpnew != $win_localhost} { set proxy "$proxy,$hpnew" set hpnew $win_localhost } } } } elseif {![regexp {^-?[0-9][0-9]*$} $vnc_disp]} { if {[regexp {cmd=SHELL} $hp]} { ; } elseif {[regexp {cmd=PUTTY} $hp]} { ; } else { # XXX add :0 instead? if {1} { set vnc_disp "vnc_disp:0" mesg "Added :0 to $vnc_disp" } else { mesg "Bad vncdisp, missing :0 ?, $vnc_disp" bell return 0 } } } if {$use_listen} { set vnc_port 5500 } else { set vnc_port 5900 } if {$ts_only || [regexp {PORT= .*x11vnc} $sshcmd] || [regexp {P= .*x11vnc} $sshcmd]} { regsub {PORT= [ ]*} $sshcmd "" sshcmd regsub {P= [ ]*} $sshcmd "" sshcmd set vnc_port [expr "8100 + int(4000 * rand())"] set sshcmd "$sshcmd -rfbport $vnc_port" } elseif {[regexp {^-[0-9][0-9]*$} $vnc_disp]} { set vnc_port [expr "- $vnc_disp"] } elseif {![regexp {^[0-9][0-9]*$} $vnc_disp]} { ; } elseif {$vnc_disp < 200} { if {$use_listen} { set vnc_port [expr $vnc_disp + 5500] } else { set vnc_port [expr $vnc_disp + 5900] } } else { set vnc_port $vnc_disp } global ssh_ipv6_pid set ssh_ipv6_pid "" set ssh_port 22 set ssh_host [host_part $hpnew] set double_ssh "" set p_port "" if {$proxy != ""} { if [regexp -nocase {(http|https|socks|socks4|socks5|repeater)://} $proxy] { set pproxy "" set sproxy1 "" set sproxy_rest "" set sproxy1_host "" set sproxy1_user "" set sproxy1_port "" foreach part [split $proxy ","] { if {[regexp {^[ ]*$} $part]} { continue } if [regexp -nocase {^(http|https|socks|socks4|socks5|repeater)://} $part] { if {$pproxy == ""} { set pproxy $part } else { set pproxy "$pproxy,$part" } } else { if {$sproxy1 == ""} { set sproxy1 $part } else { if {$sproxy_rest == ""} { set sproxy_rest $part } else { set sproxy_rest "$sproxy_rest,$part" } } } } #mesg "pproxy: $pproxy"; after 2000 #mesg "sproxy1: $sproxy1"; after 2000 #mesg "sproxy_rest: $sproxy_rest"; after 2000 #mesg "ssh_host: $ssh_host"; after 2000 #mesg "ssh_port: $ssh_port"; after 2000 if {$sproxy1 != ""} { regsub {:[0-9][0-9]*$} $sproxy1 "" sproxy1_host regsub {^.*@} $sproxy1_host "" sproxy1_host regsub {@.*$} $sproxy1 "" sproxy1_user regsub {^.*:} $sproxy1 "" sproxy1_port } else { regsub {:[0-9][0-9]*$} $ssh_host "" sproxy1_host regsub {^.*@} $sproxy1_host "" sproxy1_host regsub {@.*$} $ssh_host "" sproxy1_user regsub {^.*:} $ssh_host "" sproxy1_port } if {![regexp {^[0-9][0-9]*$} $sproxy1_port]} { set sproxy1_port 22 } if {$sproxy1_user != ""} { set sproxy1_user "$sproxy1_user@" } #mesg "sproxy1_host: $sproxy1_host"; after 2000 #mesg "sproxy1_user: $sproxy1_user"; after 2000 #mesg "sproxy1_port: $sproxy1_port"; after 2000 set port2 "" if [regexp -- {-([0-9][0-9]*)} [file tail $file] mv dport] { set port2 [expr 21000 + $dport] } else { set port2 [rand_port] } global have_ipv6 if {$have_ipv6} { set res [ipv6_proxy $pproxy "" ""] set pproxy [lindex $res 0] set ssh_ipv6_pid [lindex $res 3] } set env(SSVNC_PROXY) $pproxy set env(SSVNC_LISTEN) $port2 set env(SSVNC_DEST) "$sproxy1_host:$sproxy1_port" mesg "Starting Proxy TCP helper on port $port2 ..." after 300 # ssh br case: set proxy_pid [exec "connect_br.exe" &] catch { unset env(SSVNC_PROXY) } catch { unset env(SSVNC_LISTEN) } catch { unset env(SSVNC_DEST) } if {$sproxy1 == ""} { set proxy "$win_localhost:$port2" if [regexp {^(.*)@} $ssh_host mv u] { set proxy "$u@$proxy" } } else { set proxy "${sproxy1_user}$win_localhost:$port2" } if {$sproxy_rest != ""} { set proxy "$proxy,$sproxy_rest" } mesg "Set proxy to: $proxy" after 300 } if [regexp {,} $proxy] { if {$is_win9x} { mesg "Double proxy does not work on Win9x" bell winkill $ssh_ipv6_pid set ssh_ipv6_pid "" return 0 } # user1@gateway:port1,user2@workstation:port2 set proxy1 "" set proxy2 "" set s [split $proxy ","] set proxy1 [lindex $s 0] set proxy2 [lindex $s 1] set p_port "" if [regexp -- {-([0-9][0-9]*)} [file tail $file] mv dport] { set p_port [expr 4000 + $dport] } else { set p_port [expr 3000 + 1000 * rand()] set p_port [expr round($p_port)] } set s [ssh_split $proxy1] set ssh_user1 [lindex $s 0] set ssh_host1 [lindex $s 1] set ssh_port1 [lindex $s 2] set s [ssh_split $proxy2] set ssh_user2 [lindex $s 0] set ssh_host2 [lindex $s 1] set ssh_port2 [lindex $s 2] if {! [regexp {^[0-9][0-9]*$} $ssh_port1]} { set ssh_port1 22 } if {! [regexp {^[0-9][0-9]*$} $ssh_port2]} { set ssh_port2 22 } set u1 "" if {$ssh_user1 != ""} { set u1 "${ssh_user1}@" } set u2 "" if {$ssh_user2 != ""} { set u2 "${ssh_user2}@" } set double_ssh "-L $p_port:$ssh_host2:$ssh_port2 -P $ssh_port1 $u1$ssh_host1" set proxy_use "${u2}$win_localhost:$p_port" } else { # user1@gateway:port1 set proxy_use $proxy } set ssh_host [host_part $proxy_use] set ssh_port [port_part $proxy_use] if {! [regexp {^[0-9][0-9]*$} $ssh_port]} { set ssh_port 22 } set vnc_host [host_part $hpnew] if {$vnc_host == ""} { set vnc_host $win_localhost } } if {![regexp {^[^ ][^ ]*@} $ssh_host]} { mesg "You must supply a username: user@host..." bell winkill $ssh_ipv6_pid set ssh_ipv6_pid "" return 0 } set verb "-v" set pwd "" if {$is_win9x} { set pwd [pwd] regsub -all {/} $pwd "\\" pwd } if {! [regexp {^[0-9][0-9]*$} $n]} { set n 0 } if {$use_listen} { set use [expr $n + 5500] } else { set use [expr $n + 5900] } set_smb_mounts global use_smbmnt use_sound sound_daemon_kill set do_pre 0 if {$use_smbmnt} { set do_pre 1 } elseif {$use_sound && $sound_daemon_kill} { set do_pre 1 } global skip_pre if {$skip_pre} { set do_pre 0 set skip_pre 0 } set pw "" if {$putty_pw != ""} { if {! [regexp {"} $putty_pw]} { #" set pw " -pw \"$putty_pw\"" } } set tag [contag] set file_double "" set file_pre "" set file_pre_cmd "" if {$do_pre} { set setup_cmds [ugly_setup_scripts pre $tag] if {$setup_cmds != ""} { # VF regsub {\.bat} $file "pre.cmd" file_pre_cmd set fh [open $file_pre_cmd "w"] puts $fh "$setup_cmds sleep 10; " bat_sleep $fh close $fh # VF regsub {\.bat} $file "pre.bat" file_pre set fh [open $file_pre "w"] set plink_str "plink.exe -ssh -C -P $ssh_port -m $file_pre_cmd $verb -t" if {$putty_args != ""} { append plink_str " $putty_args" } global smb_redir_0 if {$smb_redir_0 != ""} { append plink_str " $smb_redir_0" } if [regexp {%} $ssh_host] { set uath "" regsub -all {%SPACE} $ssh_host " " uath regsub -all {%TAB} $uath " " uath append plink_str "$pw \"$uath\"" } else { append plink_str "$pw $ssh_host" } if {$pw != ""} { puts $fh "echo off" } puts $fh $plink_str bat_sleep $fh if {![info exists env(SSVNC_NO_DELETE)]} { if {$file_pre_cmd != ""} { puts $fh "del $file_pre_cmd" } puts $fh "del $file_pre" } close $fh } } if {$is_win9x} { set sleep 35 } else { set sleep 20 } if {$use_listen} { set sleep 1800 } set setup_cmds [ugly_setup_scripts post $tag] set do_shell 0 if {$sshcmd == "SHELL"} { set setup_cmds "" set sshcmd {$SHELL} set do_shell 1 } elseif {$sshcmd == "PUTTY"} { set setup_cmds "" set do_shell 1 } if {$sshcmd != "SHELL" && [regexp -nocase {x11vnc} $sshcmd]} { global use_cups cups_x11vnc cups_remote_port global cups_remote_smb_port global use_sound sound_daemon_x11vnc sound_daemon_remote_port global ts_only if {$ts_only} { set cups_x11vnc 1 set sound_daemon_x11vnc 1 } if {$use_cups && $cups_x11vnc && $cups_remote_port != ""} { set crp $cups_remote_port if {$ts_only} { set cups_remote_port [rand_port] set crp "DAEMON-$cups_remote_port" } set sshcmd "$sshcmd -env FD_CUPS=$crp" } if {$use_cups && $cups_x11vnc && $cups_remote_smb_port != ""} { set csp $cups_remote_smb_port if {$ts_only} { set cups_remote_smb_port [rand_port] set csp "DAEMON-$cups_remote_smb_port" } set sshcmd "$sshcmd -env FD_SMB=$csp" } if {$use_sound && $sound_daemon_x11vnc && $sound_daemon_remote_port != ""} { set srp $sound_daemon_remote_port if {$ts_only} { set sound_daemon_remote_port [rand_port] set srp "DAEMON-$sound_daemon_remote_port" } set sshcmd "$sshcmd -env FD_ESD=$srp" } } set file_cmd "" if {$setup_cmds != ""} { # VF regsub {\.bat} $file ".cmd" file_cmd set fh_cmd [open $file_cmd "w"] set str $setup_cmds if {$sshcmd != ""} { append str " $sshcmd; " } else { append str " sleep $sleep; " } puts $fh_cmd $str bat_sleep $fh_cmd close $fh_cmd set sshcmd $setup_cmds } if {$sshcmd == ""} { set pcmd "echo; echo SSH connected OK.; echo If this state is not autodetected,; echo Go Click the Success button." set sshcmd "$pcmd; sleep $sleep" } global use_sound sound_daemon_local_cmd sound_daemon_local_start if {! $do_shell && ! $is_win9x && $use_sound && $sound_daemon_local_start && $sound_daemon_local_cmd != ""} { windows_start_sound_daemon $file } # VF set fh [open $file "w"] if {$is_win9x} { puts $fh "cd $pwd" if {$file_pre != ""} { puts $fh "echo Press Ctrl-C --HERE-- when done with the Pre-Command shell work." puts $fh "start /w command.com /c $file_pre" } } global use_cups use_smbmnt set extra_redirs "" if {$use_cups} { append extra_redirs [get_cups_redir] } if {$use_sound} { append extra_redirs [get_sound_redir] } global additional_port_redirs if {$additional_port_redirs} { append extra_redirs [get_additional_redir] } if {$vnc_host == ""} { set vnc_host $win_localhost } regsub {^.*@} $vnc_host "" vnc_host set redir "-L $use:$vnc_host:$vnc_port" if {$use_listen} { set redir "-R $vnc_port:$vnc_host:$use" set listening_name "localhost:$vnc_port (on remote SSH side)" } set plink_str "plink.exe -ssh -P $ssh_port $verb $redir $extra_redirs -t" if {$putty_args != ""} { append plink_str " $putty_args" } if {$extra_redirs != ""} { regsub {exe} $plink_str "exe -C" plink_str } else { # hmm we used to have it off... why? # ssh typing response? regsub {exe} $plink_str "exe -C" plink_str } set uath $ssh_host if [regexp {%} $uath] { regsub -all {%SPACE} $uath " " uath regsub -all {%TAB} $uath " " uath set uath "\"$uath\"" } if {$do_shell} { if {$sshcmd == "PUTTY"} { if [regexp {^".*@} $uath] { #" regsub {@} $uath {" "} uath set uath "-l $uath" } if {$is_win9x} { set plink_str "putty.exe -ssh -C -P $ssh_port $extra_redirs $putty_args -t $pw $uath" } else { set plink_str "start \"putty $ssh_host\" putty.exe -ssh -C -P $ssh_port $extra_redirs $putty_args -t $pw $uath" if [regexp {FINISH} $port_knocking_list] { regsub {start} $plink_str "start /wait" plink_str } } } else { set plink_str "plink.exe -ssh -C -P $ssh_port $extra_redirs $putty_args -t $pw $uath" append plink_str { "$SHELL"} } } elseif {$file_cmd != ""} { append plink_str " -m $file_cmd$pw $uath" } else { append plink_str "$pw $uath \"$sshcmd\"" } if {$pw != ""} { puts $fh "echo off" } if {$ts_only && [regexp {sudo } $sshcmd]} { puts $fh "echo \" \"" puts $fh "echo \"Doing Initial SSH with sudo id to prime sudo...\"" puts $fh "echo \" \"" puts $fh "plink.exe -ssh $putty_args -t $uath \"sudo id; tty\"" puts $fh "echo \" \"" } puts $fh $plink_str bat_sleep $fh puts $fh "del $flag" if {![info exists env(SSVNC_NO_DELETE)]} { if {$file_cmd != ""} { puts $fh "del $file_cmd" } puts $fh "del $file" } close $fh catch {destroy .o} catch {destroy .oa} catch {destroy .os} if { ![do_port_knock $ssh_host start]} { if {![info exists env(SSVNC_NO_DELETE)]} { catch {file delete $file} if {$file_cmd != ""} { catch {file delete $file_cmd} } if {$file_pre != ""} { catch {file delete $file_pre} } } winkill $ssh_ipv6_pid set ssh_ipv6_pid "" return 0 } if {$double_ssh != ""} { set plink_str_double_ssh "plink.exe -ssh $putty_args -t $pw $double_ssh \"echo sleep 60 ...; sleep 60; echo done.\"" # VF regsub {\.bat} $file "dob.bat" file_double set fhdouble [open $file_double "w"] puts $fhdouble $plink_str_double_ssh bat_sleep $fhdouble puts $fhdouble "del $flag" if {![info exists env(SSVNC_NO_DELETE)]} { puts $fhdouble "del $file_double" } close $fhdouble set com "cmd.exe" if [info exists env(COMSPEC)] { set com $env(COMSPEC) } set ff [open $flag "w"] puts $ff "flag" close $ff global env if [info exists env(SSVNC_BAT_SLEEP)] { exec $com /c start $com /c $file_double & } else { exec $com /c $file_double & } set waited 0 set gotit 0 while {$waited < 30000} { after 500 update if {$use_listen} { set gotit 1 break; } set ns [get_netstat] set re ":$p_port" check_debug_netstat $p_port $ns $waited append re {[ ][ ]*[0:.][0:.]*[ ][ ]*LISTEN} if [regexp $re $ns] { set gotit 1 break } set waited [expr "$waited + 500"] if {![file exists $flag]} { break } } catch {file delete $flag} if {! $gotit} { after 5000 } } vencrypt_tutorial_mesg set wdraw 1 #set wdraw 0 if [info exists debug_netstat] { if {$debug_netstat != "" && $debug_netstat != "0"} { set wdraw 0 } } set ff [open $flag "w"] puts $ff "flag" close $ff if {$is_win9x} { if {$wdraw} { wm withdraw . } update win9x_plink_msg $file global win9x_plink_msg_done set win9x_plink_msg_done 0 vwait win9x_plink_msg_done } else { set com "cmd.exe" if [info exists env(COMSPEC)] { set com $env(COMSPEC) } if {$file_pre != ""} { set sl 0 if {$use_smbmnt} { global smb_su_mode if {$smb_su_mode == "su"} { set sl [expr $sl + 15] } elseif {$smb_su_mode == "sudo"} { set sl [expr $sl + 15] } else { set sl [expr $sl + 3] } } if {$pw == ""} { set sl [expr $sl + 5] } set sl [expr $sl + 5] set st [clock seconds] set dt 0 global entered_gui_top button_gui_top set entered_gui_top 0 set button_gui_top 0 catch {wm geometry . "-40-40"} catch {wm withdraw .; update; wm deiconify .; raise .; update} mesg "Click on *This* Label when done with 1st SSH 0/$sl" after 600 global env if [info exists env(SSVNC_BAT_SLEEP)] { exec $com /c start $com /c $file_pre & } else { exec $com /c $file_pre & } catch {lower .; update; raise .; update} while {$dt < $sl} { after 100 set dt [clock seconds] set dt [expr $dt - $st] mesg "Click on *This* Label when done with 1st SSH $dt/$sl" update update idletasks if {$dt <= 1} { set button_gui_top 0 } if {$button_gui_top != 0 && $dt >= 3} { mesg "Running 2nd SSH now ..." after 1000 break } } mesg "Running 2nd SSH ..." } if {! $do_shell} { make_plink } if {$wdraw} { wm withdraw . } update if {$do_shell && [regexp {FINISH} $port_knocking_list]} { catch {exec $com /c $file} } else { global env if [info exists env(SSVNC_BAT_SLEEP)] { exec $com /c start $com /c $file & } else { exec $com /c $file & } } after 1000 } if {$do_shell} { wm deiconify . update if {[regexp {FINISH} $port_knocking_list]} { do_port_knock $ssh_host finish } return 1 } set made_plink 0 if {$is_win9x} { make_plink set made_plink 1 } global plink_status set plink_status "" set waited 0 set cnt 0 while {$waited < 30000} { after 500 update if {$use_listen} { set plink_status yes break; } set ns [get_netstat] set re ":$use" check_debug_netstat $use $ns $waited append re {[ ][ ]*[0:.][0:.]*[ ][ ]*LISTEN} if [regexp $re $ns] { set plink_status yes } if {$plink_status != ""} { catch {destroy .plink} break } if {$waited == 0} { #wm deiconify .plink } set waited [expr "$waited + 500"] incr cnt if {$cnt >= 12} { set cnt 0 } if {![file exists $flag]} { set plink_status flag_gone break } } catch {file delete $flag} if {$plink_status == ""} { if {! $made_plink} { make_plink set made_plink 1 } vwait plink_status } if {$use_sshssl} { global launch_windows_ssh_files if {$file != ""} { append launch_windows_ssh_files "$file " } if {$file_pre != ""} { append launch_windows_ssh_files "$file_pre " } if {$file_pre_cmd != ""} { append launch_windows_ssh_files "$file_pre_cmd " } regsub { *$} $launch_windows_ssh_files "" launch_windows_ssh_files return 1 } if {$plink_status != "yes"} { set m "unknown" if {$plink_status == "flag_gone"} { set m "plink script failed" } elseif {$plink_status == ""} { set m "timeout" } mesg "Error ($m) to $hp" wm deiconify . } else { after 1000 do_viewer_windows $n wm deiconify . mesg "Disconnected from $hp" } update if [regexp {FINISH} $port_knocking_list] { do_port_knock $ssh_host finish } if {![info exists env(SSVNC_NO_DELETE)]} { if {$file != ""} { catch {file delete $file} } if {$file_pre != ""} { catch {file delete $file_pre} } if {$file_pre_cmd != ""} { catch {file delete $file_pre_cmd} } if {$file_double != ""} { catch {file delete $file_double} } } winkill $ssh_ipv6_pid set ssh_ipv6_pid "" global sound_daemon_local_kill if {! $is_win9x && $use_sound && $sound_daemon_local_kill && $sound_daemon_local_cmd != ""} { windows_stop_sound_daemon } return 1 } proc check_ssh_needed {} { globalize if {$use_ssh || $use_sshssl} { return } set must_cups 0 set must_snd 0 set must_smb 0 set must_addl 0 if {$use_cups} { if {$cups_local_server != ""} {set must_cups 1} if {$cups_remote_port != ""} {set must_cups 1} if {$cups_local_smb_server != ""} {set must_cups 1} if {$cups_remote_smb_port != ""} {set must_cups 1} if {$cups_manage_rcfile != ""} {set must_cups 1} } if {$use_sound} { if {$sound_daemon_remote_cmd != ""} {set must_snd 1} if {$sound_daemon_remote_port != ""} {set must_snd 1} if {$sound_daemon_kill} {set must_snd 1} if {$sound_daemon_restart} {set must_snd 1} if {$sound_daemon_local_cmd != ""} {set must_snd 1} if {$sound_daemon_local_port != ""} {set must_snd 1} if {$sound_daemon_local_kill} {set must_snd 1} if {$sound_daemon_local_start} {set must_snd 1} } if {$use_smbmnt} { if {[regexp {//} $smb_mount_list]} {set must_smb 1} } if {$additional_port_redirs} { set must_addl 1 } if {$must_cups || $must_snd || $must_smb || $must_addl} { mesg "Cannot do Port redirs in non-SSH mode (SSL)" set msg "" if {$must_smb} { append msg " - SMB Mount Port Redirection\n" } if {$must_snd} { append msg " - ESD Sound Port Redirection\n" } if {$must_cups} { append msg " - CUPS Port Redirection\n" } if {$must_addl} { append msg " - Additional Port Redirections\n" } set msg "\"Use SSL\" mode selected (no SSH)\nThe following options will be disabled:\n\n$msg" bell update raise . tk_messageBox -type ok -icon info -message $msg } } proc set_smb_mounts {} { global smb_redir_0 smb_mounts use_smbmnt set smb_redir_0 "" set smb_mounts "" if {$use_smbmnt} { set l2 [get_smb_redir] set smb_redir_0 [lindex $l2 0] set smb_redir_0 [string trim $smb_redir_0] set smb_mounts [lindex $l2 1] } } proc mytmp {tmp} { global is_windows mktemp env if {$is_windows} { return $tmp } if {! [info exists mktemp]} { set mktemp "" foreach dir {/bin /usr/bin /usr/local/bin} { if [file exists "$dir/mktemp"] { set mktemp "$dir/mktemp" break } } } if {$mktemp != ""} { set tmp2 "" catch {set tmp2 [exec $mktemp "$tmp.XXXXXX"]} if [file exists $tmp2] { if [info exists env(DEBUG_MKTEMP)] { puts stderr "mytmp: $tmp2" } return $tmp2 } } catch {exec rm -f $tmp} catch {file delete $tmp} if [file exists $tmp] { puts stderr "tmp file still exists: $tmp" exit 1 } catch {exec touch $tmp} catch {exec chmod 600 $tmp} if [info exists env(DEBUG_MKTEMP)] { puts stderr "mytmp: $tmp" } return $tmp } proc darwin_terminal_cmd {{title ""} {cmd ""} {bg 0}} { global darwin_terminal set tries "" lappend tries "/Applications/Utilities/Terminal.app/Contents/MacOS/Terminal" if {! [info exists darwin_terminal]} { foreach try $tries { if [file exists $try] { if [file executable $try] { set darwin_terminal $try break } } } if {! [info exists darwin_terminal]} { set fh "" catch {set fh [open "| find /Applications -type f -name Terminal" "r"]} if {$fh != ""} { while {[gets $fh line] > -1} { if {! [file exists $line]} { continue } if {[file isdirectory $line]} { continue } if {! [regexp {/Terminal$} $line]} { continue } if {! [file executable $line]} { continue } set darwin_terminal $line break } close $fh } } } if {! [info exists darwin_terminal]} { raise . tk_messageBox -type ok -icon error -message "Cannot find Darwin Terminal program." -title "Cannot find Terminal program" mac_raise return } global darwin_terminal_cnt set tmp /tmp/darwin_terminal_cmd.[tpid] if {! [info exists darwin_terminal_cnt]} { set darwin_terminal_cnt 0 } incr darwin_terminal_cnt append tmp ".$darwin_terminal_cnt" set tmp [mytmp $tmp] set fh "" catch {set fh [open $tmp w 0755]} catch {[exec chmod 755 $tmp]} if {$fh == ""} { raise . tk_messageBox -type ok -icon error -message "Cannot open temporary file: $tmp" -title "Cannot open file" mac_raise return } global env puts $fh "#!/bin/sh" puts $fh "PATH=$env(PATH)" puts $fh "export PATH" puts $fh "tmp=$tmp" puts $fh "sleep 1" puts $fh {if [ "X$DDDBG" != "X" ]; then ps www; fi} puts $fh {termpid=`ps www | grep -w Terminal | grep $tmp | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1}' | sort -n | tail -1`} puts $fh {echo try-1: termpid=$termpid mypid=$$} puts $fh {if [ "X$termpid" = "X" ]; then} puts $fh { termpid=`ps www | grep -w Terminal | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1}' | sort -n | tail -1`} puts $fh { echo try-2: termpid=$termpid mypid=$$} puts $fh {fi} puts $fh {if [ "X$termpid" = "X" ]; then} puts $fh { termpid=`ps wwwwaux | grep -w Terminal | grep $tmp | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | sort -n | tail -1`} puts $fh { echo try-3: termpid=$termpid mypid=$$} puts $fh {fi} puts $fh {if [ "X$termpid" = "X" ]; then} puts $fh { termpid=$$} puts $fh { echo termpid-find-fail: termpid=$termpid mypid=$$} puts $fh {fi} puts $fh {trap "rm -f $tmp; kill -TERM $termpid; kill -TERM $mypid; kill -KILL $mypid; exit 0" 0 2 15} puts $fh {osascript -e 'tell application "Terminal" to activate' >/dev/null 2>&1 &} puts $fh "$cmd" puts $fh "sleep 1" puts $fh {rm -f $tmp} puts $fh {kill -TERM $termpid} puts $fh {kill -TERM $mypid} puts $fh {kill -KILL $mypid} puts $fh "exit 0" close $fh if {$bg} { catch {exec $darwin_terminal $tmp &} } else { catch {exec $darwin_terminal $tmp} } } proc unix_terminal_cmd {{geometry "+100+100"} {title "xterm-command"} {cmd "echo test"} {bg 0} {xrm1 ""} {xrm2 ""} {xrm3 ""}} { global uname env if {$uname == "Darwin"} { global env set doX 0; if {! $doX} { darwin_terminal_cmd $title $cmd $bg return } } global checked_for_xterm if {![info exists checked_for_xterm]} { set p "" set r [catch {set p [exec /bin/sh -c {type xterm}]}] set checked_for_xterm 1 if {$r != 0} { set p [exec /bin/sh -c {type xterm 2>&1; exit 0}] set txt "Problem finding the 'xterm' command:\n\n$p\n\n" append txt "Perhaps you need to install a package containing 'xterm' (Sigh...)\n\n" fetch_dialog $txt "xterm" "xterm" 0 [line_count $txt] update after 1000 catch {tkwait window .fetch} update } } if [info exists env(SSVNC_XTERM_REPLACEMENT)] { set tcmd $env(SSVNC_XTERM_REPLACEMENT) if {$tcmd != ""} { regsub -all {%GEOMETRY} $tcmd $geometry tcmd regsub -all {%TITLE} $tcmd $title tcmd set tmp1 /tmp/xterm_replacement1.[tpid] set tmp1 [mytmp $tmp1] set fh1 "" catch {set fh1 [open $tmp1 "w"]} set tmp2 /tmp/xterm_replacement2.[tpid] set tmp2 [mytmp $tmp2] set fh2 "" catch {set fh2 [open $tmp2 "w"]} if {$fh1 != "" && $fh2 != ""} { puts $fh1 "#!/bin/sh"; puts $fh1 "$cmd" puts $fh1 "rm -f $tmp1" close $fh1 catch {exec chmod 755 $tmp1} puts $fh2 "#!/bin/sh" puts $fh2 "$tcmd $tmp1" puts $fh2 "rm -f $tmp2" close $fh2 catch {exec chmod 755 $tmp2} if {$bg} { exec $tmp2 2>@stdout & } else { exec $tmp2 2>@stdout } return } catch {close $fh1} catch {close $fh2} } } if {$bg} { if {$xrm1 == ""} { exec xterm -sb -sl 2000 -geometry "$geometry" -title "$title" -e sh -c "$cmd" 2>@stdout & } else { exec xterm -sb -sl 2000 -geometry "$geometry" -title "$title" -xrm "$xrm1" -xrm "$xrm2" -xrm "$xrm3" -e sh -c "$cmd" 2>@stdout & } } else { if {$xrm1 == ""} { exec xterm -sb -sl 2000 -geometry "$geometry" -title "$title" -e sh -c "$cmd" 2>@stdout } else { exec xterm -sb -sl 2000 -geometry "$geometry" -title "$title" -xrm "$xrm1" -xrm "$xrm2" -xrm "$xrm3" -e sh -c "$cmd" 2>@stdout } } } proc xterm_center_geometry {} { set sh [winfo screenheight .] set sw [winfo screenwidth .] set gw 500 set gh 300 set x [expr $sw/2 - $gw/2] set y [expr $sh/2 - $gh/2] if {$x < 0} { set x 10 } if {$y < 0} { set y 10 } return "+$x+$y" } proc smbmnt_wait {tee} { if {$tee != ""} { set start [clock seconds] set cut 30 while {1} { set now [clock seconds] if {$now > $start + $cut} { break; } if [file exists $tee] { set sz 0 catch {set sz [file size $tee]} if {$sz > 50} { set cut 50 } } set g "" catch {set g [exec grep main-vnc-helper-finished $tee]} if [regexp {main-vnc-helper-finished} $g] { break } after 1000 } catch {file delete $tee} } else { global smb_su_mode if {$smb_su_mode == "su"} { after 15000 } elseif {$smb_su_mode == "sudo"} { after 10000 } } } proc do_unix_pre {tag proxy hp pk_hp} { global env smb_redir_0 use_smbmnt global did_port_knock set setup_cmds [ugly_setup_scripts pre $tag] set c "ss_vncviewer -ssh" if {$proxy == ""} { set pxy $hp regsub {:[0-9][0-9]*$} $pxy "" pxy set c "$c -proxy '$pxy'" } else { set c "$c -proxy '$proxy'" } if {$setup_cmds != ""} { set env(SS_VNCVIEWER_SSH_CMD) "$setup_cmds sleep 10" set env(SS_VNCVIEWER_SSH_ONLY) 1 if {$smb_redir_0 != ""} { set c "$c -sshargs '$smb_redir_0'" } if {! [do_port_knock $pk_hp start]} { return } set did_port_knock 1 if {$use_smbmnt} { set title "SSL/SSH VNC Viewer $hp -- SMB MOUNTS" } else { set title "SSL/SSH VNC Viewer $hp -- Pre Commands" } set tee "" if {$use_smbmnt} { set tee $env(SSVNC_HOME) append tee "/.tee-etv$tag" set fh "" catch {set fh [open $tee "w"]} if {$fh == ""} { set tee "" } else { close $fh set c "$c | tee $tee" } } unix_terminal_cmd "80x25+100+100" "$title" "set -xv; $c" 1 set env(SS_VNCVIEWER_SSH_CMD) "" set env(SS_VNCVIEWER_SSH_ONLY) "" if {$use_smbmnt} { smbmnt_wait $tee } else { after 2000 } } } proc init_vncdisplay {} { global vncdisplay vncproxy remote_ssh_cmd set vncdisplay [string trim $vncdisplay] if {$vncdisplay == ""} { set vncproxy "" set remote_ssh_cmd "" return } set hpnew [get_ssh_hp $vncdisplay] set proxy [get_ssh_proxy $vncdisplay] set sshcmd [get_ssh_cmd $vncdisplay] set vncdisplay $hpnew set vncproxy $proxy set remote_ssh_cmd $sshcmd global ssh_only ts_only if {$sshcmd != "" || $ssh_only || $ts_only} { global use_ssl use_ssh use_sshssl set use_ssl 0 if {! $use_ssh && ! $use_sshssl} { set use_ssh 1 } } # ssl_ssh_adjust will be called. } proc get_vncdisplay {} { global vncdisplay vncproxy remote_ssh_cmd set vncdisplay [string trim $vncdisplay] set t $vncdisplay regsub {[ \t]*cmd=.*$} $t "" t set t [string trim $t] set str "" if [regexp {[ \t]} $t] { set str $t } else { if {$vncproxy != "" && $t == ""} { set str "--nohost-- $vncproxy" } else { set str "$t $vncproxy" } } if [regexp {cmd=.*$} $vncdisplay match] { if {$str == ""} { set str "--nohost--" } set str "$str $match" } else { if {$remote_ssh_cmd != ""} { if {$str == ""} { set str "--nohost--" } set str "$str cmd=$remote_ssh_cmd" } } set str [string trim $str] return $str } proc port_knock_only {hp {mode KNOCK}} { if {$hp == ""} { set hp [get_vncdisplay] if {$hp == ""} { mesg "No host port found" bell return } } set hpnew [get_ssh_hp $hp] set proxy [get_ssh_proxy $hp] set sshcmd [get_ssh_cmd $hp] set hp $hpnew set pk_hp "" if {$proxy != ""} { set pk_hp $proxy } if {$pk_hp == ""} { set pk_hp $hp } if {$mode == "KNOCK"} { do_port_knock $pk_hp start } elseif {$mode == "FINISH"} { do_port_knock $pk_hp finish } } proc direct_connect_msg {} { set msg "" global env globalize if {$use_sshssl} { append msg " - SSH + SSL tunnelling\n" } elseif {$use_ssh} { append msg " - SSH tunnelling\n" } else { append msg " - SSL tunnelling\n" } if [info exists env(SSVNC_NO_ENC_WARN)] { set msg "" } if {$use_smbmnt} { append msg " - SMB Mount Port Redirection\n" } if {$use_sound} { append msg " - ESD Sound Port Redirection\n" } if {$use_cups} { append msg " - CUPS Port Redirection\n" } if {$additional_port_redirs} { append msg " - Additional Port Redirections\n" } if {$mycert != "" || $svcert != "" || $crtdir != ""} { append msg " - SSL certificate authentication\n" } if {$msg != ""} { set msg "Direct connect via vnc://hostname\nThe following options will be disabled:\n\n$msg" raise . tk_messageBox -type ok -icon info -message $msg } } proc fetch_cert {save} { global env vncdisplay is_windows set hp [get_vncdisplay] global vencrypt_detected set vencrypt_detected "" global use_listen if {$use_listen} { if {$is_windows} { mesg "Fetch Cert not enabled for Reverse Connections" bell catch {raise .} mac_raise return } toplev .fcr global help_font wm title .fcr "Fetch Cert for Reverse Connections" global fcr_result set fcr_result 0 eval text .fcr.t -width 55 -height 17 $help_font .fcr.t insert end { In Reverse VNC Connections (-LISTEN) mode, the Fetch Cert operation requires that the Remote VNC Server makes an initial connection NOW so we can collect its SSL Certificate. Note that this method does not work for VeNCrypt servers. (If there are problems Fetching, one can always copy and import the Cert file manually.) Do you want to Continue with this operation? If so, press "Continue" and Then instruct the remote VNC Server to make a Reverse Connection to us. Otherwise, press "Cancel" to cancel the Fetch Cert operation. } button .fcr.cancel -text Cancel -command {set fcr_result 0; destroy .fcr} button .fcr.continue -text Continue -command {set fcr_result 1; destroy .fcr} button .fcr.continu2 -text Continue -command {set fcr_result 1; destroy .fcr} global uname if {$uname == "Darwin"} { pack .fcr.t .fcr.continu2 .fcr.continue .fcr.cancel -side top -fill x } else { pack .fcr.t .fcr.continue .fcr.cancel -side top -fill x } center_win .fcr tkwait window .fcr update after 50 if {$fcr_result != 1} { return } update idletasks after 50 } regsub {[ ]*cmd=.*$} $hp "" tt if {[regexp {^[ ]*$} $tt]} { mesg "No host:disp supplied." bell catch {raise .} mac_raise return } if {[regexp -- {--nohost--} $tt]} { mesg "No host:disp supplied." bell catch {raise .} mac_raise return } if {! [regexp ":" $hp]} { if {! [regexp {cmd=} $hp]} { append hp ":0" } } set hpnew [get_ssh_hp $hp] set proxy [get_ssh_proxy $hp] set pstr 1 mesg "Fetching $hpnew Cert..." global cert_text set cert_text "" .f4.getcert configure -state disabled update if {! $is_windows} { catch {set cert_text [fetch_cert_unix $hp]} } else { set cert_text [fetch_cert_windows $hp] } if [info exists env(CERTDBG)] {puts "\nFetch-0-\n$cert_text"} set vencrypt 0 set anondh 0 if {![regexp {BEGIN CERTIFICATE} $cert_text]} { if [regexp {CONNECTED} $cert_text] { set m 0 if {![regexp -nocase {GET_SERVER_HELLO} $cert_text]} { set m 1 } if [regexp -nocase -line {GET_SERVER_HELLO.*unknown protocol} $cert_text] { set m 1 } if {![regexp -nocase {show_cert: SSL_connect failed} $cert_text]} { set m 1 } if {!$m && $is_windows} { if [regexp -nocase {write:errno} $cert_text] { if [regexp -nocase {no peer certificate} $cert_text] { set m 1 } } } if {$m} { # suspect VeNCrypt or ANONTLS plaintext RFB set cert_text "" set vencrypt 1 incr pstr mesg "#${pstr} Fetching $hpnew Cert... $vencrypt/$anondh" if {! $is_windows} { catch {set cert_text [fetch_cert_unix $hp $vencrypt $anondh]} } else { after 600 catch {set cert_text [fetch_cert_windows $hp $vencrypt $anondh]} } if [info exists env(CERTDBG)] {puts "\nFetch-1-\n$cert_text"} } } } if {![regexp {BEGIN CERTIFICATE} $cert_text]} { if [regexp {CONNECTED} $cert_text] { set m 0 if [regexp -nocase -line {error.*handshake failure} $cert_text] { set m 1 } if [regexp -nocase -line {error.*unknown protocol} $cert_text] { set m 1 } if {![regexp -nocase {show_cert: SSL_connect failed} $cert_text]} { set m 1 } if {!$m && $is_windows} { if [regexp -nocase {no peer certificate} $cert_text] { set m 1 } } if {$m} { # suspect Anonymous Diffie Hellman set cert_text "" set anondh 1 incr pstr mesg "#${pstr} Fetching $hpnew Cert... $vencrypt/$anondh" if {! $is_windows} { catch {set cert_text [fetch_cert_unix $hp $vencrypt $anondh]} } else { after 600 catch {set cert_text [fetch_cert_windows $hp $vencrypt $anondh]} } if [info exists env(CERTDBG)] {puts "\nFetch-2-\n$cert_text"} } } } if {![regexp {BEGIN CERTIFICATE} $cert_text]} { if [regexp {CONNECTED} $cert_text] { if {[regexp -nocase -line {cipher.*ADH} $cert_text]} { # it is Anonymous Diffie Hellman mesg "WARNING: Anonymous Diffie Hellman Server detected (NO CERT)" after 300 .f4.getcert configure -state normal return $cert_text } else { global vencrypt_detected set vencrypt_detected "" } } } global vencrypt_detected server_vencrypt if {$vencrypt_detected != "" && !$server_vencrypt} { mesg "VeNCrypt or ANONTLS server detected." after 600 } .f4.getcert configure -state normal mesg "Fetched $hpnew Cert" set n 47 set ok 1 if {$cert_text == ""} { set cert_text "An Error occurred in fetching SSL Certificate from $hp" set ok 0 set n 4 } elseif {! [regexp {BEGIN CERTIFICATE} $cert_text]} { set cert_text "An Error occurred in fetching $hp\n\n$cert_text" set n [line_count $cert_text 1] set ok 0 } else { if [regexp -- {-----BEGIN SSL SESSION PARAMETERS-----} $cert_text] { set new "" set off 0 foreach line [split $cert_text "\n"] { if [regexp -- {RFB 00} $line] { continue } if [regexp -- {Using default temp} $line] { continue } if [regexp -- {-----BEGIN SSL SESSION PARAMETERS-----} $line] { set off 1 } if [regexp -- {-----END SSL SESSION PARAMETERS-----} $line] { set off 0 continue } if {$off} { continue; } append new "$line\n" } if [regexp -- {-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----} $new] { set cert_text $new } } set text "" set on 0 set subject "" set curr_subject "" set chain_n -1 set chain(__empty__) "" foreach line [split $cert_text "\n"] { if [regexp -- {-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----} $line] { incr on } if {$chain_n < -1} { ; } elseif [regexp {^ *([0-9]) *s:(.*/[A-Z][A-Z]*=.*$)} $line m cn sb] { set cn [string trim $cn] set sb [string trim $sb] #puts cn=$cn #puts sb=$sb if {$subject == ""} { set subject $sb } if {$cn > $chain_n} { set chain_n $cn set curr_subject $sb } else { set chain_n -2 } } elseif [regexp {^ *i:(.*/[A-Z][A-Z]*=.*$)} $line m is] { set is [string trim $is] #puts is=$is if {$curr_subject != ""} { set chain($curr_subject) $is } } if {$on != 1} { continue; } append text "$line\n" if [regexp -- {-----END CERTIFICATE-----} $line] { set on 2 } } set chain_str "subject: not-known\n" set curr_subject $subject set self_signed 0 set top_issuer "" for {set i 0} {$i < 10} {incr i} { if {$curr_subject != ""} { if {$i == 0} { set chain_str "- subject: $curr_subject\n\n" } else { set chain_str "${chain_str}- issuer$i: $curr_subject\n\n" set top_issuer $curr_subject; } if {![info exists chain($curr_subject)]} { break } elseif {$chain($curr_subject) == ""} { break } elseif {$curr_subject == $chain($curr_subject)} { set j [expr $i + 1] set chain_str "${chain_str}- issuer$j: $curr_subject\n\n" set top_issuer $curr_subject; if {$i == 0} { set self_signed 1 } break; } set curr_subject $chain($curr_subject) } } set chain_str "${chain_str}INFO: SELF_SIGNED=$self_signed\n\n" if {$self_signed} { set chain_str "${chain_str}INFO: Certificate is Self-Signed.\n" set chain_str "${chain_str}INFO: It will successfully authenticate when used as a ServerCert or Accepted-Cert.\n" set chain_str "${chain_str}INFO: Be sure to check carefully that you trust this certificate before saving it.\n" } else { set chain_str "${chain_str}INFO: Certificate is signed by a Certificate Authority (CA).\n" set chain_str "${chain_str}INFO: It *WILL NOT* successfully authenticate when used as a ServerCert or Accepted-Cert.\n" set chain_str "${chain_str}INFO: You need to Obtain and Save the CA's Certificate (issuer) instead" if {$top_issuer != ""} { set chain_str "${chain_str}:\nINFO: CA: $top_issuer\n" } else { set chain_str "${chain_str}.\n" } } #puts "\n$chain_str\n" global is_windows set tmp "/tmp/cert.hsh.[tpid]" set tmp [mytmp $tmp] if {$is_windows} { # VF set tmp cert.hsh } set fh "" catch {set fh [open $tmp "w"]} if {$fh != ""} { puts $fh $text close $fh set info "" catch {set info [get_x509_info $tmp]} catch {file delete $tmp} if [regexp -nocase {MD5 Finger[^\n]*} $info mvar] { set cert_text "$mvar\n\n$cert_text" } if [regexp -nocase {SHA. Finger[^\n]*} $info mvar] { set cert_text "$mvar\n\n$cert_text" } set cert_text "$cert_text\n\n----------------------------------\nOutput of openssl x509 -text -fingerprint:\n\n$info" } set cert_text "==== SSL Certificate from $hp ====\n\n$chain_str\n$cert_text" } if {! $save} { return $cert_text } fetch_dialog $cert_text $hp $hpnew $ok $n } proc skip_non_self_signed {w hp} { set msg "Certificate from $hp is not Self-Signed, it was signed by a Certificate Authority (CA). Saving it does not make sense because it cannot be used to authenticate anything. You need to Obtain and Save the CA Certificate instead. Save it anyway?" set reply [tk_messageBox -type okcancel -default cancel -parent $w -icon warning -message $msg -title "CA Signed Certificate"] if {$reply == "cancel"} { return 1 } else { return 0 } } proc fetch_dialog {cert_text hp hpnew ok n} { toplev .fetch if [small_height] { set n 28 } scroll_text_dismiss .fetch.f 90 $n if {$ok} { set ss 0 if [regexp {INFO: SELF_SIGNED=1} $cert_text] { button .fetch.save -text Save -command "destroy .fetch; save_cert {$hpnew}" set ss 1 } else { button .fetch.save -text Save -command "if \[skip_non_self_signed .fetch {$hpnew}\] {return} else {destroy .fetch; save_cert {$hpnew}}" set ss 0 } button .fetch.help -text Help -command "help_fetch_cert $ss" pack .fetch.help .fetch.save -side bottom -fill x .fetch.d configure -text "Cancel" } center_win .fetch wm title .fetch "$hp Certificate" .fetch.f.t insert end $cert_text jiggle_text .fetch.f.t } proc host_part {hp} { regsub {^ *} $hp "" hp regsub { .*$} $hp "" hp if [regexp {^[0-9][0-9]*$} $hp] { return "" } set h $hp regsub {:[0-9][0-9]*$} $hp "" h return $h } proc port_part {hp} { regsub { .*$} $hp "" hp set p "" if [regexp {:([0-9][0-9]*)$} $hp m val] { set p $val } return $p } proc get_vencrypt_proxy {hpnew} { if [regexp -nocase {^vnc://} $hpnew] { return "" } set hpnew [get_ssh_hp $hpnew] regsub -nocase {^[a-z0-9+]*://} $hpnew "" hpnew set h [host_part $hpnew] set p [port_part $hpnew] if {$p == ""} { # might not matter, i.e. SSH+SSL only... set p 5900 } set hp2 $h if {$p < 0} { set hp2 "$hp2:[expr - $p]" } elseif {$p < 200} { set hp2 "$hp2:[expr $p + 5900]" } else { set hp2 "$hp2:$p" } return "vencrypt://$hp2" } proc fetch_cert_unix {hp {vencrypt 0} {anondh 0}} { global use_listen set hpnew [get_ssh_hp $hp] set proxy [get_ssh_proxy $hp] if {$vencrypt} { global vencrypt_detected set vencrypt_detected [get_vencrypt_proxy $hpnew] if {$proxy != ""} { set proxy "$proxy,$vencrypt_detected" } else { set proxy $vencrypt_detected } } set cmd [list ss_vncviewer] if {$anondh} { lappend cmd "-anondh" } if {$proxy != ""} { lappend cmd "-proxy" lappend cmd $proxy } if {$use_listen} { lappend cmd "-listen" } lappend cmd "-showcert" lappend cmd $hpnew if {$proxy != ""} { lappend cmd "2>/dev/null" } global env if [info exists env(CERTDBG)] {puts "\nFetch-cmd: $cmd"} set env(SSVNC_SHOWCERT_EXIT_0) 1 return [eval exec $cmd] } proc win_nslookup {host} { global win_nslookup_cache if [info exists win_nslookup_cache($host)] { return $win_nslookup_cache($host) } if [regexp -nocase {[^a-z0-9:._-]} $host] { set win_nslookup_cache($host) "invalid" return $win_nslookup_cache($host) } if [regexp {^[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*$} $host] { set win_nslookup_cache($host) $host return $win_nslookup_cache($host) } if [regexp -nocase {^[a-f0-9]*:[a-f0-9:]*:[a-f0-9:]*$} $host] { set win_nslookup_cache($host) $host return $win_nslookup_cache($host) } set nsout "" catch {set nsout [exec nslookup $host]} if {$nsout == "" || [regexp -nocase {server failed} $nsout]} { after 250 set nsout "" catch {set nsout [exec nslookup $host]} } if {$nsout == "" || [regexp -nocase {server failed} $nsout]} { set win_nslookup_cache($host) "unknown" return $win_nslookup_cache($host) } regsub -all {Server:[^\n]*\nAddress:[^\n]*} $nsout "" nsout regsub {^.*Name:} $nsout "" nsout if [regexp {Address:[ \t]*([^\n]+)} $nsout mv addr] { set addr [string trim $addr] if {$addr != ""} { set win_nslookup_cache($host) $addr return $win_nslookup_cache($host) } } set win_nslookup_cache($host) "unknown" return $win_nslookup_cache($host) } proc win_ipv4 {host} { global win_localhost set ip [win_nslookup $host]; if [regexp {^[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*$} $ip] { return 1 } return 0 } proc ipv6_proxy {proxy host port} { global is_windows win_localhost have_ipv6 if {!$have_ipv6} { return [list $proxy $host $port ""] } elseif {!$is_windows} { return [list $proxy $host $port ""] } else { set h0 "" set p0 "" set port3 "" set ipv6_pid "" set proxy0 $proxy if {$proxy == ""} { if [win_ipv4 $host] { return [list $proxy $host $port ""] } set port3 [rand_port] set h0 $host set p0 $port set host $win_localhost set port $port3 } else { set parts [split $proxy ","] set n [llength $parts] for {set i 0} {$i < $n} {incr i} { set part [lindex $parts $i] set prefix "" set repeater 0 regexp -nocase {^[a-z0-9+]*://} $part prefix regsub -nocase {^[a-z0-9+]*://} $part "" part if [regexp {^repeater://} $prefix] { regsub {\+.*$} $part "" part if {![regexp {:([0-9][0-9]*)$} $part]} { set part "$part:5900" } } set modit 0 set h1 "" set p1 "" if [regexp {^(.*):([0-9][0-9]*)$} $part mvar h1 p1] { if {$h1 == "localhost" || $h1 == $win_localhost} { continue } elseif [win_ipv4 $h1] { break } set modit 1 } else { break } if {$modit} { set port3 [rand_port] set h0 $h1 set p0 $p1 lset parts $i "$prefix$win_localhost:$port3" break } } if {$h0 != "" && $p0 != "" && $port3 != ""} { set proxy [join $parts ","] #mesg "Reset proxy: $proxy"; after 3000 } } if {$h0 != "" && $p0 != "" && $port3 != ""} { mesg "Starting IPV6 helper on port $port3 ..." set ipv6_pid [exec relay6.exe $port3 "$h0" "$p0" /b:$win_localhost &] after 400 #mesg "r6 $port3 $h0 $p0"; after 3000 } return [list $proxy $host $port $ipv6_pid] } } proc fetch_cert_windows {hp {vencrypt 0} {anondh 0}} { global have_ipv6 regsub {^vnc.*://} $hp "" hp set hpnew [get_ssh_hp $hp] set proxy [get_ssh_proxy $hp] if {$vencrypt} { global vencrypt_detected set vencrypt_detected [get_vencrypt_proxy $hpnew] if {$proxy != ""} { set proxy "$proxy,$vencrypt_detected" } else { set proxy $vencrypt_detected } } set host [host_part $hpnew] global win_localhost if {$host == ""} { set host $win_localhost } if [regexp {^.*@} $host match] { mesg "Trimming \"$match\" from hostname" regsub {^.*@} $host "" host } set disp [port_part $hpnew] if {[regexp {^-[0-9][0-9]*$} $disp]} { ; } elseif {$disp == "" || ! [regexp {^[0-9][0-9]*$} $disp]} { set disp 0 } if {$disp < 0} { set port [expr "- $disp"] } elseif {$disp < 200} { set port [expr "$disp + 5900"] } else { set port $disp } set ipv6_pid "" if {$have_ipv6} { set res [ipv6_proxy $proxy $host $port] set proxy [lindex $res 0] set host [lindex $res 1] set port [lindex $res 2] set ipv6_pid [lindex $res 3] } if {$proxy != ""} { global env set port2 [rand_port] set sp "" if [info exists env(SSVNC_PROXY)] { set sp $env(SSVNC_PROXY) } set sl "" if [info exists env(SSVNC_LISTEN)] { set sl $env(SSVNC_LISTEN) } set sd "" if [info exists env(SSVNC_DEST)] { set sd $env(SSVNC_DEST) } set env(SSVNC_PROXY) $proxy set env(SSVNC_LISTEN) $port2 set env(SSVNC_DEST) "$host:$port" set host $win_localhost set port $port2 mesg "Starting Proxy TCP helper on port $port2 ..." after 300 # fetch cert br case: set proxy_pid [exec "connect_br.exe" &] if {$sp == ""} { catch { unset env(SSVNC_PROXY) } } else { set env(SSVNC_PROXY) $sp } if {$sl == ""} { catch { unset env(SSVNC_LISTEN) } } else { set env(SSVNC_LISTEN) $sl } if {$sd == ""} { catch { unset env(SSVNC_DEST) } } else { set env(SSVNC_DEST) $sd } } set ossl [get_openssl] update # VF set tin tmpin.txt set tou tmpout.txt set fh "" catch {set fh [open $tin "w"]} if {$fh != ""} { puts $fh "Q" puts $fh "GET /WOMBAT HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: wombat.com\r\n\r\n\r\n" close $fh } if {1} { set ph "" if {$anondh} { set ph [open "| $ossl s_client -prexit -connect $host:$port -cipher ALL:RC4+RSA:+SSLv2:@STRENGTH < $tin 2>NUL" "r"] } else { set ph [open "| $ossl s_client -prexit -connect $host:$port < $tin 2>NUL" "r"] } set text "" if {$ph != ""} { set pids [pid $ph] set got 0 while {[gets $ph line] > -1} { append text "$line\n" if [regexp {END CERT} $line] { set got 1 } if {$anondh && [regexp -nocase {cipher.*ADH} $line]} { set got 1 } if {$got && [regexp {^ *Verify return code} $line]} { break } if [regexp {^RFB } $line] { break } if [regexp {^DONE} $line] { break } } foreach pid $pids { winkill $pid } if {$ipv6_pid != ""} { winkill $ipv6_pid } catch {close $ph} catch {file delete $tin $tou} return $text } } else { set pids "" if {1} { if {$anondh} { set ph2 [open "| $ossl s_client -prexit -connect $host:$port -cipher ALL:RC4+RSA:+SSLv2:@STRENGTH > $tou 2>NUL" "w"] } else { set ph2 [open "| $ossl s_client -prexit -connect $host:$port > $tou 2>NUL" "w"] } set pids [pid $ph2] after 500 for {set i 0} {$i < 128} {incr i} { puts $ph2 "Q" } catch {close $ph2} } else { if {$anondh} { set pids [exec $ossl s_client -prexit -connect $host:$port -cipher ALL:RC4+RSA:+SSLv2:@STRENGTH < $tin >& $tou &] } else { set pids [exec $ossl s_client -prexit -connect $host:$port < $tin >& $tou &] } } for {set i 0} {$i < 10} {incr i} { after 500 set got 0 set ph "" catch {set ph [open $tou "r"]} if {$ph != ""} { while {[gets $ph line] > -1} { if [regexp {END CERT} $line] { set got 1 break } } close $ph } if {$got} { break } } foreach pid $pids { winkill $pid } after 500 set ph "" catch {set ph [open $tou "r"]} } set text "" if {$ph != ""} { while {[gets $ph line] > -1} { append text "$line\n" } close $ph } catch {file delete $tin $tou} if {$ipv6_pid != ""} { winkill $ipv6_pid } return $text } proc check_accepted_certs {{probe_only 0}} { global cert_text always_verify_ssl global skip_verify_accepted_certs use_listen global ultra_dsm env global server_vencrypt server_anondh no_probe_vencrypt if {! $always_verify_ssl} { set skip_verify_accepted_certs 1 if {$server_vencrypt} { return 1 } if {$no_probe_vencrypt} { return 1 } } if {$server_anondh} { mesg "WARNING: Anonymous Diffie Hellman (SKIPPING CERT CHECK)" after 1000 set skip_verify_accepted_certs 1 return 1 } if {$ultra_dsm} { return 1; } if {$use_listen} { return 1; } global anon_dh_detected set anon_dh_detected 0 set cert_text [fetch_cert 0] set mvar "" if {[regexp -nocase -line {cipher.*ADH} $cert_text mvar]} { if [info exists env(CERTDBG)] {puts "\nFetch-MSG-\n$cert_text"} if [info exists env(CERTDBG)] {puts "\nBEGIN_MVAR: $mvar\nEND_MVAR\n"} set msg "Anonymous Diffie-Hellman server detected. There will be encryption, but no SSL/TLS authentication. Continue?" set reply [tk_messageBox -type okcancel -default ok -icon warning -message $msg -title "Anonymous Diffie-Hellman Detected"] set anon_dh_detected 1 if {$reply == "cancel"} { return 0 } else { global skip_verify_accepted_certs set skip_verify_accepted_certs 1 return 1 } } if {$probe_only} { return 1 } if {! $always_verify_ssl} { return 1 } set from "" set fingerprint "" set fingerline "" set self_signed 1 set subject_issuer "" set subject "" set issuer "" set i 0 foreach line [split $cert_text "\n"] { incr i if {$i > 50} { break } if [regexp {^- subject: *(.*)$} $line m val] { set val [string trim $val] set subject_issuer "${subject_issuer}subject:$val\n" set subject $val } if [regexp {^- (issuer[0-9][0-9]*): *(.*)$} $line m is val] { set val [string trim $val] set subject_issuer "${subject_issuer}$is:$val\n" set issuer $val } if [regexp {^INFO: SELF_SIGNED=(.*)$} $line m val] { set subject_issuer "${subject_issuer}SELF_SIGNED:$val\n" } if [regexp {^depth=} $line] { break } if [regexp {^verify } $line] { break } if [regexp {^CONNECTED} $line] { break } if [regexp {^Certificate chain} $line] { break } if [regexp {^==== SSL Certificate from (.*) ====} $line mv str] { set from [string trim $str] } if [regexp -nocase {Fingerprint=(.*)} $line mv str] { set fingerline $line set fingerprint [string trim $str] } if [regexp -nocase {^INFO: SELF_SIGNED=([01])} $line mv str] { set self_signed $str } } set fingerprint [string tolower $fingerprint] regsub -all {:} $fingerprint "-" fingerprint regsub -all {[\\/=]} $fingerprint "_" fingerprint set from [string tolower $from] regsub -all {[\[\]]} $from "" from regsub -all {^[+a-z]*://} $from "" from regsub -all {:} $from "-" from regsub -all {[\\/=]} $from "_" from regsub -all {[ ]} $from "_" from if {$from == "" || $fingerprint == ""} { bell catch {raise .; update} mesg "WARNING: Error fetching Server Cert" after 500 set hp [get_vncdisplay] set n [line_count $cert_text 1] fetch_dialog $cert_text $hp $hp 0 $n update after 2000 return 0 } set hp [get_vncdisplay] set adir [get_idir_certs ""] catch {file mkdir $adir} set adir "$adir/accepted" catch {file mkdir $adir} set crt "$adir/$from=$fingerprint.crt" if [file exists $crt] { if {$self_signed} { mesg "OK: Certificate found in ACCEPTED_CERTS" after 750 return 1 } } set cnt 0 foreach f [glob -nocomplain -directory $adir "*$fingerprint*.crt"] { mesg "CERT: $f" after 150 if {$self_signed} { incr cnt } } set oth 0 set others [list] foreach f [glob -nocomplain -directory $adir "*$from*.crt"] { if {$f == $crt} { continue } set fb [file tail $f] mesg "OTHER CERT: $fb" if {$cnt > 0} { after 400 } else { bell after 800 } lappend others $f incr oth } foreach f [glob -nocomplain -directory $adir "*.crt"] { if {$f == $crt} { continue } set saw 0 foreach o $others { if {$f == $o} { set saw 1 break } } if {$saw} { continue } set fh [open $f "r"] if {$fh == ""} { continue } set same 0 set sub "" set iss "" set isn -1; while {[gets $fh line] > -1} { if [regexp {^Host-Display: (.*)$} $line mv hd] { if {$hd == $hp || $hd == $from} { set same 1 } } if [regexp {^subject:(.*)$} $line mv val] { set sub $val } if [regexp {^issue([0-9][0-9]*):(.*)$} $line mv in val] { if {$in > $isn} { set isn $in set iss $val } } } close $fh; if {!$self_signed} { if {$sub == ""} { set ossl [get_openssl] set si_txt [exec $ossl x509 -subject -issuer -noout -in $f] foreach line [split $si_txt "\n"] { if [regexp -nocase {^subject= *(.*)$} $line mv str] { set str [string trim $str] if {$str != ""} { set sub $str } } elseif [regexp -nocase {^issuer= *(.*)$} $line mv str] { set str [string trim $str] if {$iss != ""} { set iss $str } } } } if {$issuer != "" && $sub != ""} { global env if [info exists env(CERTDBG)] { puts "f: $f" puts "s: $sub" puts "i: $issuer" puts "===================" } if {$issuer == $sub} { set fb [file tail $f] mesg "Certificate Authority (CA) CERT: $fb" incr cnt after 500 } } continue } if {! $same} { continue } set fb [file tail $f] mesg "OTHER CERT: $fb" if {$cnt > 0} { after 400 } else { bell after 800 } lappend others $f incr oth } if {$cnt > 0} { if {$self_signed} { mesg "OK: Server Certificate found in ACCEPTED_CERTS" after 400 } else { mesg "OK: CA Certificate found in ACCEPTED_CERTS" after 800 } return 1 } set hp2 [get_vncdisplay] set msg " The Self-Signed SSL Certificate from host: $hp2 Fingerprint: $fingerprint Subject: $subject is not present in the 'Accepted Certs' directory: $adir %WARN You will need to verify on your own that this is a certificate from a VNC server that you trust (e.g. by checking the fingerprint with that sent to you by the server administrator). THE QUESTION: Do you want this certificate to be saved in the Accepted Certs directory and then used to SSL authenticate VNC servers? By clicking 'Inspect and maybe Save Cert' you will be given the opportunity to inspect the certificate before deciding to save it or not. " set msg_bottom " Choose 'Ignore Cert for One Connection' to connect a single time to the server with *NO* certificate authentication. You will see this dialog again the next time you connect to the same server. Choose 'Continue as though I saved it' to launch stunnel and the VNC viewer. Do this if you know the correct Certificate is in the 'Accepted Certs' directory. If it is not, stunnel will fail and report 'VERIFY ERROR:...' Choose 'Cancel' to not connect to the VNC Server at all. " set msg_ca " The CA-signed SSL Certificate from host: $hp2 Fingerprint: $fingerprint Subject: $subject Issuer: $issuer is signed by a Certificate Authority (CA) (the 'Issuer' above.) However, the certificate of the CA 'Issuer' is not present in the 'Accepted Certs' directory: $adir You will need to obtain the certificate of the CA 'Issuer' via some means (perhaps ask the VNC server administrator for it.) Then, after you have verified that the CA certificate is one that you trust, import the certificate via Certs -> Import Certificate. Be sure to select to also save it to the Accepted Certs directory so it will automatically be used. " set msg "$msg$msg_bottom" set msg_ca "$msg_ca$msg_bottom" if {!$self_signed} { set msg $msg_ca } if {$oth == 0} { regsub {%WARN} $msg "" msg } else { set warn "" set wfp "" if {$oth == 1} { set warn " **WARNING** The Following Cert was previously saved FOR THE SAME HOST-DISPLAY: " set wfp "BUT WITH A DIFFERENT FINGERPRINT." } else { set warn " **WARNING** The Following Certs were previously saved FOR THE SAME HOST-DISPLAY: " set wfp "BUT WITH DIFFERENT FINGERPRINTS." } foreach o $others { set fb [file tail $o] set warn "$warn $fb\n" } set warn "$warn\n $wfp\n" set warn "$warn\n This could be a Man-In-The-Middle attack, or simply that the Server changed" set warn "$warn\n its Certificate. *PLEASE CHECK* before proceeding!\n" regsub {%WARN} $msg $warn msg bell } set n 0 foreach l [split $msg "\n"] { incr n } if {!$self_signed} { set n [expr $n + 2] } else { set n [expr $n + 1] } if [small_height] { if {$n > 26} { set n 26 } } toplev .acert scroll_text .acert.f 83 $n button .acert.inspect -text "Inspect and maybe Save Cert ..." -command "destroy .acert; set accept_cert_dialog 1" button .acert.accept -text "Ignore Cert for One Connection " -command "destroy .acert; set accept_cert_dialog 2" button .acert.continue -text "Continue as though I saved it " -command "destroy .acert; set accept_cert_dialog 3" button .acert.cancel -text "Cancel" -command "destroy .acert; set accept_cert_dialog 0" wm title .acert "Unrecognized SSL Cert!" .acert.f.t insert end $msg pack .acert.cancel .acert.continue .acert.accept .acert.inspect -side bottom -fill x pack .acert.f -side top -fill both -expand 1 if {! $self_signed} { catch {.acert.inspect configure -state disabled} } center_win .acert global accept_cert_dialog set accept_cert_dialog "" jiggle_text .acert.f.t tkwait window .acert if {$accept_cert_dialog == 2} { set skip_verify_accepted_certs 1 return 1 } if {$accept_cert_dialog == 3} { return 1 } if {$accept_cert_dialog != 1} { return 0 } global accepted_cert_dialog_in_progress set accepted_cert_dialog_in_progress 1 global fetch_cert_filename set fetch_cert_filename $crt global do_save_saved_it set do_save_saved_it 0 global do_save_saved_hash_it set do_save_saved_hash_it 0 fetch_dialog $cert_text $hp $hp 1 47 update; after 150 catch {tkwait window .fetch} update; after 250 catch {tkwait window .scrt} update; after 250 if [winfo exists .scrt] { catch {tkwait window .scrt} } set fetch_cert_filename "" set accepted_cert_dialog_in_progress 0 if {!$do_save_saved_hash_it} { save_hash $crt $adir $hp $fingerline $from $fingerprint $subject_issuer } if {$do_save_saved_it} { return 1 } else { return 0 } } proc save_hash {crt adir hp fingerline from fingerprint {subject_issuer ""}} { if ![file exists $crt] { return } set ossl [get_openssl] set hash [exec $ossl x509 -hash -noout -in $crt] set hash [string trim $hash] if [regexp {^([0-9a-f][0-9a-f]*)} $hash mv h] { set hashfile "$adir/$h.0" set hn "$h.0" if [file exists $hashfile] { set hashfile "$adir/$h.1" set hn "$h.1" if [file exists $hashfile] { set hashfile "$adir/$h.2" set hn "$h.2" } } set fh [open $crt "a"] if {$fh != ""} { puts $fh "" puts $fh "SSVNC-info:" puts $fh "Host-Display: $hp" puts $fh "$fingerline" puts $fh "hash-filename: $hn" puts $fh "full-filename: $from=$fingerprint.crt" puts -nonewline $fh $subject_issuer close $fh } catch {file copy -force $crt $hashfile} if [file exists $hashfile] { return 1 } } } proc tpid {} { global is_windows set p "" if {!$is_windows} { catch {set p [exec sh -c {echo $$}]} } if {$p == ""} { set p [pid]; } append p [clock clicks] return $p } proc repeater_proxy_check {proxy} { if [regexp {^repeater://.*\+ID:[0-9]} $proxy] { global env rpc_m1 rpc_m2 if {![info exists rpc_m1]} { set rpc_m1 0 set rpc_m2 0 } set force 0 if [info exists env(REPEATER_FORCE)] { if {$env(REPEATER_FORCE) != "" && $env(REPEATER_FORCE) != "0"} { # no longer makes a difference. set force 1 } } global use_listen ultra_dsm if {! $use_listen} { if {$ultra_dsm} { return 1; } else { if {0} { mesg "WARNING: repeater:// ID:nnn proxy might need Listen Mode" incr rpc_m1 if {$rpc_m1 <= 2} { after 1000 } else { after 200 } } if {0} { # no longer required by x11vnc (X11VNC_DISABLE_SSL_CLIENT_MODE) bell mesg "ERROR: repeater:// ID:nnn proxy must use Listen Mode" after 1000 return 0 } } } global always_verify_ssl if [info exists always_verify_ssl] { if {$always_verify_ssl} { mesg "WARNING: repeater:// ID:nnn Verify All Certs may fail" incr rpc_m2 if {$rpc_m2 == 1} { after 1500 } elseif {$rpc_m2 == 2} { after 500 } else { after 200 } } } } return 1 } proc fini_unixpw {} { global named_pipe_fh unixpw_tmp if {$named_pipe_fh != ""} { catch {close $named_pipe_fh} } if {$unixpw_tmp != ""} { catch {file delete $unixpw_tmp} } } proc init_unixpw {hp} { global use_unixpw unixpw_username unixpw_passwd global named_pipe_fh unixpw_tmp env set named_pipe_fh "" set unixpw_tmp "" if {$use_unixpw} { set name $unixpw_username set env(SSVNC_UNIXPW) "" if {$name == ""} { regsub {^.*://} $hp "" hp set hptmp [get_ssh_hp $hp] if [regexp {^(.*)@} $hptmp mv m1] { set name $m1 } } if {$name == ""} { if [info exists env(USER)] { set name $env(USER) } } if {$name == ""} { if [info exists env(LOGNAME)] { set name $env(LOGNAME) } } if {$name == ""} { set name [exec whoami] } if {$name == ""} { set name "unknown" } set tmp "/tmp/unixpipe.[tpid]" set tmp [mytmp $tmp] # need to make it a pipe catch {file delete $tmp} if {[file exists $tmp]} { mesg "file still exists: $tmp" bell return } catch {exec mknod $tmp p} set fh "" if {! [file exists $tmp]} { catch {set fh [open $tmp "w"]} } else { catch {set fh [open $tmp "r+"]} set named_pipe_fh $fh } catch {exec chmod 600 $tmp} if {! [file exists $tmp]} { mesg "cannot create: $tmp" if {$named_pipe_fh != ""} {catch close $named_pipe_fh} bell return } #puts [exec ls -l $tmp] set unixpw_tmp $tmp puts $fh $name puts $fh $unixpw_passwd if {$named_pipe_fh != ""} { flush $fh } else { close $fh } exec sh -c "sleep 60; /bin/rm -f $tmp" & if {$unixpw_passwd == ""} { set env(SSVNC_UNIXPW) "." } else { set env(SSVNC_UNIXPW) "rm:$tmp" } } else { if [info exists env(SSVNC_UNIXPW)] { set env(SSVNC_UNIXPW) "" } } } proc check_for_listen_ssl_cert {} { global mycert use_listen use_ssh ultra_dsm if {! $use_listen} { return 1 } if {$use_ssh} { return 1 } if {$ultra_dsm} { return 1 } if {$mycert != ""} { return 1 } set name [get_idir_certs ""] set name "$name/listen.pem" if {[file exists $name]} { set mycert $name mesg "Using Listen Cert: $name" after 700 return 1 } set title "SSL Listen requires MyCert"; set msg "In SSL Listen mode a cert+key is required, but you have not specified 'MyCert'.\n\nCreate a cert+key 'listen' now?" set reply [tk_messageBox -type okcancel -default ok -icon warning -message $msg -title $msg] if {$reply == "cancel"} { return 0 } create_cert $name tkwait window .ccrt if {[file exists $name]} { set mycert $name mesg "Using Listen Cert: $name" after 700 return 1 } return 0 } proc listen_verify_all_dialog {hp} { global use_listen always_verify_ssl global did_listen_verify_all_dialog global svcert global sshssl_sw ultra_dsm if {!$use_listen} { return 1 } if {!$always_verify_ssl} { return 1 } if {$svcert != ""} { return 1 } if {$ultra_dsm} { return 1 } if [regexp -nocase {^vnc://} $hp] { return 1 } if [info exists sshssl_sw] { if {$sshssl_sw == "none"} { return 1 } if {$sshssl_sw == "ssh"} { return 1 } } if [info exists did_listen_verify_all_dialog] { return 1 } toplev .lvd global help_font wm title .lvd "Verify All Certs for Reverse Connections" eval text .lvd.t -width 55 -height 22 $help_font .lvd.t insert end { Information: You have the 'Verify All Certs' option enabled in Reverse VNC Connections (-LISTEN) mode. For this to work, you must have ALREADY saved the remote VNC Server's Certificate to the 'Accepted Certs' directory. Otherwise the incoming Reverse connection will be rejected. You can save the Server's Certificate by using the 'Import Certificate' dialog or on Unix and MacOSX by pressing 'Fetch Cert' and then have the Server make an initial connection. If you do not want to save the certificate of the VNC Server making the Reverse connection, you must disable 'Verify All Certs' (note that this means the server authenticity will not be checked.) } button .lvd.ok -text OK -command {destroy .lvd} button .lvd.ok2 -text OK -command {destroy .lvd} button .lvd.disable -text "Disable 'Verify All Certs'" -command {set always_verify_ssl 0; destroy .lvd} global uname if {$uname == "Darwin"} { pack .lvd.t .lvd.ok2 .lvd.disable .lvd.ok -side top -fill x } else { pack .lvd.t .lvd.disable .lvd.ok -side top -fill x } center_win .lvd update tkwait window .lvd update after 50 update set did_listen_verify_all_dialog 1 return 1 } proc reset_stunnel_extra_opts {} { global stunnel_extra_opts0 stunnel_extra_svc_opts0 env global ssvnc_multiple_listen0 if {$stunnel_extra_opts0 != "none"} { set env(STUNNEL_EXTRA_OPTS) $stunnel_extra_opts0 } if {$stunnel_extra_svc_opts0 != "none"} { set env(STUNNEL_EXTRA_SVC_OPTS) $stunnel_extra_svc_opts0 } set env(SSVNC_LIM_ACCEPT_PRELOAD) "" if {$ssvnc_multiple_listen0 != "none"} { set env(SSVNC_MULTIPLE_LISTEN) $ssvnc_multiple_listen0 } set env(SSVNC_ULTRA_DSM) "" set env(SSVNC_TURBOVNC) "" catch { unset env(VNCVIEWER_NO_PIPELINE_UPDATES) } catch { unset env(VNCVIEWER_NOTTY) } catch { unset env(SSVNC_ACCEPT_POPUP) } catch { unset env(SSVNC_ACCEPT_POPUP_SC) } catch { unset env(SSVNC_KNOWN_HOSTS_FILE) } } proc maybe_add_vencrypt {proxy hp} { global vencrypt_detected server_vencrypt set vpd "" if {$vencrypt_detected != ""} { set vpd $vencrypt_detected set vencrypt_detected "" } elseif {$server_vencrypt} { set vpd [get_vencrypt_proxy $hp] } if {$vpd != ""} { mesg "vencrypt proxy: $vpd" if {$proxy != ""} { set proxy "$proxy,$vpd" } else { set proxy "$vpd" } } return $proxy } proc no_certs_tutorial_mesg {} { global svcert crtdir global server_anondh global always_verify_ssl set doit 0 if {!$always_verify_ssl} { if {$svcert == ""} { if {$crtdir == "" || $crtdir == "ACCEPTED_CERTS"} { set doit 1 } } } elseif {$server_anondh} { set doit 1 } if {$doit} { mesg "INFO: without Certificate checking man-in-the-middle attack is possible." } else { set str "" catch {set str [.l cget -text]} if {$str != "" && [regexp {^INFO: without Certificate} $str]} { mesg "" } } } proc vencrypt_tutorial_mesg {} { global use_ssh use_sshssl use_listen global server_vencrypt no_probe_vencrypt global ultra_dsm set m "" if {$use_ssh} { ; } elseif {$server_vencrypt} { ; } elseif {$ultra_dsm} { ; } elseif {$use_listen} { set m "No VeNCrypt Auto-Detection: Listen mode." } elseif {$use_sshssl} { set m "No VeNCrypt Auto-Detection: SSH+SSL mode." } elseif {$no_probe_vencrypt} { set m "No VeNCrypt Auto-Detection: Disabled." } if {$m != ""} { mesg $m after 1000 } return $m #global svcert always_verify_ssl #$svcert != "" || !$always_verify_ssl # set m "No VeNCrypt Auto-Detection: 'Verify All Certs' disabled" } proc launch_unix {hp} { global smb_redir_0 smb_mounts env global vncauth_passwd use_unixpw unixpw_username unixpw_passwd global ssh_only ts_only use_x11cursor use_nobell use_rawlocal use_notty use_popupfix ssvnc_scale ssvnc_escape global ssvnc_encodings ssvnc_extra_opts globalize set cmd "" if {[regexp {^vncssh://} $hp] || [regexp {^vnc\+ssh://} $hp]} { set use_ssl 0 set use_ssh 1 sync_use_ssl_ssh } elseif {[regexp {^vncs://} $hp] || [regexp {^vncssl://} $hp] || [regexp {^vnc\+ssl://} $hp]} { set use_ssl 1 set use_ssh 0 sync_use_ssl_ssh } if {[regexp {^rsh:/?/?} $hp]} { set use_ssl 0 set use_ssh 1 sync_use_ssl_ssh } check_ssh_needed set_smb_mounts global did_port_knock set did_port_knock 0 set pk_hp "" set skip_ssh 0 set do_direct 0 if [regexp {vnc://} $hp] { set skip_ssh 1 set do_direct 1 if {! [info exists env(SSVNC_NO_ENC_WARN)]} { direct_connect_msg } } listen_verify_all_dialog $hp if {! $do_direct} { if {! [check_for_listen_ssl_cert]} { return } } global stunnel_extra_opts0 stunnel_extra_svc_opts0 set stunnel_extra_opts0 "" set stunnel_extra_svc_opts0 "" global ssvnc_multiple_listen0 set ssvnc_multiple_listen0 "" if {[regexp -nocase {sslrepeater://} $hp]} { if {$disable_ssl_workarounds} { set disable_ssl_workarounds 0 mesg "Disabling SSL workarounds for 'UVNC Single Click III Bug'" after 400 } } if [info exists env(STUNNEL_EXTRA_OPTS)] { set stunnel_extra_opts0 $env(STUNNEL_EXTRA_OPTS) if {$disable_ssl_workarounds} { if {$disable_ssl_workarounds_type == "none"} { ; } elseif {$disable_ssl_workarounds_type == "noempty"} { set env(STUNNEL_EXTRA_OPTS) "$env(STUNNEL_EXTRA_OPTS)\noptions = DONT_INSERT_EMPTY_FRAGMENTS" } } else { set env(STUNNEL_EXTRA_OPTS) "$env(STUNNEL_EXTRA_OPTS)\noptions = ALL" } } else { if {$disable_ssl_workarounds} { if {$disable_ssl_workarounds_type == "none"} { ; } elseif {$disable_ssl_workarounds_type == "noempty"} { set env(STUNNEL_EXTRA_OPTS) "options = DONT_INSERT_EMPTY_FRAGMENTS" } } else { set env(STUNNEL_EXTRA_OPTS) "options = ALL" } } if {$stunnel_local_protection && ! $use_listen} { if {$stunnel_local_protection_type == "ident"} { set user "" if {[info exists env(USER)]} { set user $env(USER) } elseif {[info exists env(LOGNAME)]} { set user $env(USER) } if {$user != ""} { if [info exists env(STUNNEL_EXTRA_SVC_OPTS)] { set stunnel_extra_svc_opts0 $env(STUNNEL_EXTRA_SVC_OPTS) set env(STUNNEL_EXTRA_SVC_OPTS) "$env(STUNNEL_EXTRA_SVC_OPTS)\nident = $user" } else { set env(STUNNEL_EXTRA_SVC_OPTS) "ident = $user" } } } elseif {$stunnel_local_protection_type == "exec"} { if [info exists env(STUNNEL_EXTRA_SVC_OPTS)] { set stunnel_extra_svc_opts0 $env(STUNNEL_EXTRA_SVC_OPTS) set env(STUNNEL_EXTRA_SVC_OPTS) "$env(STUNNEL_EXTRA_SVC_OPTS)\n#stunnel-exec" } else { set env(STUNNEL_EXTRA_SVC_OPTS) "#stunnel-exec" } } } if {$ultra_dsm} { if {$ultra_dsm_type == "securevnc"} { ; } elseif {![file exists $ultra_dsm_file] && ![regexp {pw=} $ultra_dsm_file]} { mesg "DSM key file does exist: $ultra_dsm_file" bell after 1000 return } global vncauth_passwd if {$ultra_dsm_file == "pw=VNCPASSWORD" || $ultra_dsm_file == "pw=VNCPASSWD"} { if {![info exists vncauth_passwd] || $vncauth_passwd == ""} { mesg "For DSM pw=VNCPASSWD you must supply the VNC Password" bell after 1000 return } if [regexp {'} $vncauth_passwd] { mesg "For DSM pw=VNCPASSWD password must not contain single quotes." bell after 1000 return } } set dsm "ultravnc_dsm_helper " if {$ultra_dsm_noultra} { append dsm "noultra:" } if {$use_listen} { append dsm "rev:" } if {$ultra_dsm_type == "guess"} { append dsm "." } else { append dsm $ultra_dsm_type } if {$ultra_dsm_noultra} { if {$ultra_dsm_salt != ""} { append dsm "@$ultra_dsm_salt" } } if {$ultra_dsm_file == "pw=VNCPASSWORD" || $ultra_dsm_file == "pw=VNCPASSWD"} { append dsm " pw='$vncauth_passwd'" } else { if {$ultra_dsm_file == "" && $ultra_dsm_type == "securevnc"} { append dsm " none" } else { append dsm " $ultra_dsm_file" } } set env(SSVNC_ULTRA_DSM) $dsm } if {$multiple_listen && $use_listen} { if [info exists env(SSVNC_MULTIPLE_LISTEN)] { set ssvnc_multiple_listen0 $env(SSVNC_MULTIPLE_LISTEN) } set env(SSVNC_MULTIPLE_LISTEN) "1" } if {$use_ssh} { ; } elseif {$use_sshssl} { ; } elseif {$use_ssl} { set prox [get_ssh_proxy $hp] if {$prox != "" && [regexp {@} $prox]} { mesg "Error: proxy contains '@' Did you mean to use SSH mode?" bell return } if [regexp {@} $hp] { mesg "Error: host contains '@' Did you mean to use SSH mode?" bell return } } if {$use_ssh || $use_sshssl} { if {$ssh_local_protection} { if {![info exists env(LIM_ACCEPT)]} { set env(LIM_ACCEPT) 1 } if {![info exists env(LIM_ACCEPT_TIME)]} { set env(LIM_ACCEPT_TIME) 35 } set env(SSVNC_LIM_ACCEPT_PRELOAD) "lim_accept.so" mesg "SSH LIM_ACCEPT($env(LIM_ACCEPT),$env(LIM_ACCEPT_TIME)): lim_accept.so" after 700 } if {$skip_ssh || $ultra_dsm} { set cmd "ss_vncviewer" } elseif {$use_ssh} { set cmd "ss_vncviewer -ssh" } else { set cmd "ss_vncviewer -sshssl" if {$mycert != ""} { set cmd "$cmd -mycert '$mycert'" } if {$crlfil != ""} { set cmd "$cmd -crl '$crlfil'" } if {$svcert != ""} { set cmd "$cmd -verify '$svcert'" } elseif {$crtdir != "" && $crtdir != "ACCEPTED_CERTS"} { set cmd "$cmd -verify '$crtdir'" } } if {$use_listen} { set cmd "$cmd -listen" } if {$ssh_local_protection} { regsub {ss_vncviewer} $cmd "ssvnc_cmd" cmd } set hpnew [get_ssh_hp $hp] set proxy [get_ssh_proxy $hp] set sshcmd [get_ssh_cmd $hp] if {$use_sshssl} { if {!$do_direct} { set proxy [maybe_add_vencrypt $proxy $hp] } } if {$ts_only} { regsub {:0$} $hpnew "" hpnew if {$proxy == ""} { # XXX host_part if {[regexp {^([^:]*):([0-9][0-9]*)$} $hpnew mv sshhst sshpt]} { set proxy "$sshhst:$sshpt" set hpnew "localhost" } } else { if {![regexp {,} $proxy]} { if {$hpnew != "localhost"} { set proxy "$proxy,$hpnew" set hpnew "localhost" } } } } #puts hp=$hp #puts hpn=$hpnew #puts pxy=$proxy #puts cmd=$sshcmd set hp $hpnew if {$proxy != ""} { set cmd "$cmd -proxy '$proxy'" set pk_hp $proxy } if {$pk_hp == ""} { set pk_hp $hp } set do_pre 0 if {$use_smbmnt} { set do_pre 1 } elseif {$use_sound && $sound_daemon_kill} { set do_pre 1 } global skip_pre if {$skip_pre || $skip_ssh} { set do_pre 0 set skip_pre 0 } set tag [contag] if {$do_pre} { do_unix_pre $tag $proxy $hp $pk_hp } set setup_cmds [ugly_setup_scripts post $tag] if {$skip_ssh} { set setup_cmds "" } if {$sshcmd != "SHELL" && [regexp -nocase {x11vnc} $sshcmd]} { global use_cups cups_x11vnc cups_remote_port global cups_remote_smb_port global use_sound sound_daemon_x11vnc sound_daemon_remote_port global ts_only if {$ts_only} { set cups_x11vnc 1 set sound_daemon_x11vnc 1 } if {$use_cups && $cups_x11vnc && $cups_remote_port != ""} { set crp $cups_remote_port if {$ts_only} { set cups_remote_port [rand_port] set crp "DAEMON-$cups_remote_port" } set sshcmd "$sshcmd -env FD_CUPS=$crp" } if {$use_cups && $cups_x11vnc && $cups_remote_smb_port != ""} { set csp $cups_remote_smb_port if {$ts_only} { set cups_remote_smb_port [rand_port] set csp "DAEMON-$cups_remote_smb_port" } set sshcmd "$sshcmd -env FD_SMB=$csp" } if {$use_sound && $sound_daemon_x11vnc && $sound_daemon_remote_port != ""} { set srp $sound_daemon_remote_port if {$ts_only} { set sound_daemon_remote_port [rand_port] set srp "DAEMON-$sound_daemon_remote_port" } set sshcmd "$sshcmd -env FD_ESD=$srp" } } if {$sshcmd == "SHELL"} { set env(SS_VNCVIEWER_SSH_CMD) {$SHELL} set env(SS_VNCVIEWER_SSH_ONLY) 1 } elseif {$setup_cmds != ""} { if {$sshcmd == ""} { set sshcmd "sleep 15" } set env(SS_VNCVIEWER_SSH_CMD) "$setup_cmds$sshcmd" } else { if {$sshcmd != ""} { set cmd "$cmd -sshcmd '$sshcmd'" } } set sshargs "" if {$use_cups} { append sshargs [get_cups_redir] } if {$use_sound} { append sshargs [get_sound_redir] } if {$additional_port_redirs} { append sshargs [get_additional_redir] } set sshargs [string trim $sshargs] if {$skip_ssh} { set sshargs "" } if {$sshargs != ""} { set cmd "$cmd -sshargs '$sshargs'" set env(SS_VNCVIEWER_USE_C) 1 } else { # hmm we used to have it off... why? # ssh typing response? set env(SS_VNCVIEWER_USE_C) 1 } if {$sshcmd == "SHELL"} { set env(SS_VNCVIEWER_SSH_ONLY) 1 if {$proxy == ""} { set hpt $hpnew # XXX host_part regsub {:[0-9][0-9]*$} $hpt "" hpt set cmd "$cmd -proxy '$hpt'" } set geometry [xterm_center_geometry] if {$pk_hp == ""} { set pk_hp $hp } if {! $did_port_knock} { if {! [do_port_knock $pk_hp start]} { reset_stunnel_extra_opts return } set did_port_knock 1 } if {[regexp {FINISH} $port_knocking_list]} { wm withdraw . update unix_terminal_cmd $geometry "SHELL to $hp" "$cmd" wm deiconify . update do_port_knock $pk_hp finish } else { unix_terminal_cmd $geometry "SHELL to $hp" "$cmd" 1 } set env(SS_VNCVIEWER_SSH_CMD) "" set env(SS_VNCVIEWER_SSH_ONLY) "" set env(SS_VNCVIEWER_USE_C) "" reset_stunnel_extra_opts return } } else { set cmd "ssvnc_cmd" set hpnew [get_ssh_hp $hp] set proxy [get_ssh_proxy $hp] if {!$do_direct && ![repeater_proxy_check $proxy]} { reset_stunnel_extra_opts return } if {! $do_direct && ! $ultra_dsm && ![regexp -nocase {ssh://} $hpnew]} { set did_check 0 if {$mycert != ""} { set cmd "$cmd -mycert '$mycert'" } if {$crlfil != ""} { set cmd "$cmd -crl '$crlfil'" } if {$svcert != ""} { set cmd "$cmd -verify '$svcert'" } elseif {$crtdir != ""} { if {$crtdir == "ACCEPTED_CERTS"} { global skip_verify_accepted_certs set skip_verify_accepted_certs 0 set did_check 1 if {! [check_accepted_certs 0]} { reset_stunnel_extra_opts return } if {! $skip_verify_accepted_certs} { set adir [get_idir_certs ""] set adir "$adir/accepted" catch {file mkdir $adir} set cmd "$cmd -verify '$adir'" } } else { set cmd "$cmd -verify '$crtdir'" } } if {! $did_check} { check_accepted_certs 1 } } if {!$do_direct} { set proxy [maybe_add_vencrypt $proxy $hp] } if {$proxy != ""} { set cmd "$cmd -proxy '$proxy'" } set hp $hpnew if [regexp {^.*@} $hp match] { catch {raise .; update} mesg "Trimming \"$match\" from hostname" after 700 regsub {^.*@} $hp "" hp } if [regexp {@} $proxy] { bell catch {raise .; update} mesg "WARNING: SSL proxy contains \"@\" sign" after 1500 } } global anon_dh_detected if {$anon_dh_detected || $server_anondh} { if {!$do_direct} { set cmd "$cmd -anondh" } set anon_dh_detected 0 } if {$use_alpha} { set cmd "$cmd -alpha" } if {$use_send_clipboard} { set cmd "$cmd -sendclipboard" } if {$use_send_always} { set cmd "$cmd -sendalways" } if {$use_turbovnc} { set env(SSVNC_TURBOVNC) 1 } if {$disable_pipeline} { set env(VNCVIEWER_NO_PIPELINE_UPDATES) 1 } if {$ssh_known_hosts_filename != ""} { set env(SSVNC_KNOWN_HOSTS_FILE) $ssh_known_hosts_filename } if {$use_grab} { set cmd "$cmd -grab" } if {$use_x11cursor} { set cmd "$cmd -x11cursor" } if {$use_nobell} { set cmd "$cmd -nobell" } if {$use_rawlocal} { set cmd "$cmd -rawlocal" } if {$use_notty} { set env(VNCVIEWER_NOTTY) 1 } if {$use_popupfix} { set cmd "$cmd -popupfix" } if {$ssvnc_scale != ""} { set cmd "$cmd -scale '$ssvnc_scale'" } if {$ssvnc_escape != ""} { set cmd "$cmd -escape '$ssvnc_escape'" } if {$ssvnc_encodings != ""} { set cmd "$cmd -ssvnc_encodings '$ssvnc_encodings'" } if {$ssvnc_extra_opts != ""} { set cmd "$cmd -ssvnc_extra_opts '$ssvnc_extra_opts'" } if {$rfbversion != ""} { set cmd "$cmd -rfbversion '$rfbversion'" } if {$vncviewer_realvnc4} { set cmd "$cmd -realvnc4" } if {$use_listen} { set cmd "$cmd -listen" if {$listen_once} { set cmd "$cmd -onelisten" } if {$listen_accept_popup} { if {$listen_accept_popup_sc} { set env(SSVNC_ACCEPT_POPUP_SC) 1 } else { set env(SSVNC_ACCEPT_POPUP) 1 } } } global darwin_cotvnc if {$darwin_cotvnc} { set env(DARWIN_COTVNC) 1 } else { if [info exists env(DISPLAY)] { if {$env(DISPLAY) != ""} { set env(DARWIN_COTVNC) 0 } else { set env(DARWIN_COTVNC) 1 } } else { set env(DARWIN_COTVNC) 1 } } set do_vncspacewrapper 0 if {$change_vncviewer && $change_vncviewer_path != ""} { set path [string trim $change_vncviewer_path] if [regexp {^["'].} $path] { # " set tmp "/tmp/vncspacewrapper.[tpid]" set tmp [mytmp $tmp] set do_vncspacewrapper 1 if {0} { catch {file delete $tmp} if {[file exists $tmp]} { catch {destroy .c} mesg "file still exists: $tmp" bell reset_stunnel_extra_opts return } } catch {set fh [open $tmp "w"]} catch {exec chmod 700 $tmp} if {! [file exists $tmp]} { catch {destroy .c} mesg "cannot create: $tmp" bell reset_stunnel_extra_opts return } puts $fh "#!/bin/sh" puts $fh "echo $tmp; set -xv" puts $fh "$path \"\$@\"" puts $fh "sleep 1; rm -f $tmp" close $fh set path $tmp } set env(VNCVIEWERCMD) $path } else { if [info exists env(VNCVIEWERCMD_OVERRIDE)] { set env(VNCVIEWERCMD) $env(VNCVIEWERCMD_OVERRIDE) } else { set env(VNCVIEWERCMD) "" } } set realvnc4 $vncviewer_realvnc4 set realvnc3 0 set flavor "" if {! $darwin_cotvnc} { set done 0 if {$do_vncspacewrapper} { if [regexp -nocase {ultra} $change_vncviewer_path] { set done 1 set flavor "ultravnc" } elseif [regexp -nocase {chicken.of} $change_vncviewer_path] { set done 1 set flavor "cotvnc" } } if {! $done} { catch {set flavor [exec ss_vncviewer -viewerflavor 2>/dev/null]} } } if [regexp {realvnc4} $flavor] { set realvnc4 1 } if [regexp {tightvnc} $flavor] { set realvnc4 0 } if [regexp {realvnc3} $flavor] { set realvnc4 0 set realvnc3 1 } if {$realvnc4} { set cmd "$cmd -realvnc4" } set cmd "$cmd $hp" set passwdfile "" if {$vncauth_passwd != ""} { global use_listen set footest [mytmp /tmp/.check.[tpid]] catch {file delete $footest} global mktemp set passwdfile "/tmp/.vncauth_tmp.[tpid]" if {$mktemp == ""} { set passwdfile "$env(SSVNC_HOME)/.vncauth_tmp.[tpid]" } set passwdfile [mytmp $passwdfile] catch {exec vncstorepw $vncauth_passwd $passwdfile} catch {exec chmod 600 $passwdfile} if {$use_listen} { global env set env(SS_VNCVIEWER_RM) $passwdfile } else { if {$darwin_cotvnc} { catch {exec sh -c "sleep 60; rm $passwdfile 2>/dev/null" &} } else { catch {exec sh -c "sleep 20; rm $passwdfile 2>/dev/null" &} } } if {$darwin_cotvnc} { set cmd "$cmd --PasswordFile $passwdfile" } elseif {$flavor == "unknown"} { ; } else { set cmd "$cmd -passwd $passwdfile" } } if {$use_viewonly} { if {$darwin_cotvnc} { set cmd "$cmd --ViewOnly" } elseif {$flavor == "unknown"} { ; } elseif {$flavor == "ultravnc"} { set cmd "$cmd /viewonly" } else { set cmd "$cmd -viewonly" } } if {$use_fullscreen} { if {$darwin_cotvnc} { set cmd "$cmd --FullScreen" } elseif {$flavor == "ultravnc"} { set cmd "$cmd /fullscreen" } elseif {$flavor == "unknown"} { if [regexp {vinagre} $change_vncviewer_path] { set cmd "$cmd -f" } } else { set cmd "$cmd -fullscreen" } } if {$use_bgr233} { if {$realvnc4} { set cmd "$cmd -lowcolourlevel 1" } elseif {$flavor == "ultravnc"} { set cmd "$cmd /8bit" } elseif {$flavor == "ultravnc"} { ; } elseif {$flavor == "unknown"} { ; } else { set cmd "$cmd -bgr233" } } if {$use_nojpeg} { if {$darwin_cotvnc} { ; } elseif {$flavor == "ultravnc"} { ; } elseif {$flavor == "unknown"} { ; } elseif {! $realvnc4 && ! $realvnc3} { set cmd "$cmd -nojpeg" } } if {! $use_raise_on_beep} { if {$darwin_cotvnc} { ; } elseif {$flavor == "ultravnc"} { ; } elseif {$flavor == "unknown"} { ; } elseif {! $realvnc4 && ! $realvnc3} { set cmd "$cmd -noraiseonbeep" } } if {$use_compresslevel != "" && $use_compresslevel != "default"} { if {$realvnc3} { ; } elseif {$flavor == "ultravnc"} { ; } elseif {$flavor == "unknown"} { ; } elseif {$realvnc4} { set cmd "$cmd -zliblevel '$use_compresslevel'" } else { set cmd "$cmd -compresslevel '$use_compresslevel'" } } if {$use_quality != "" && $use_quality != "default"} { if {$darwin_cotvnc} { ; } elseif {$flavor == "ultravnc"} { ; } elseif {$flavor == "unknown"} { ; } elseif {! $realvnc4 && ! $realvnc3} { set cmd "$cmd -quality '$use_quality'" } } if {$use_ssh || $use_sshssl} { # realvnc4 -preferredencoding zrle if {$darwin_cotvnc} { ; } elseif {$flavor == "ultravnc"} { ; } elseif {$flavor == "unknown"} { ; } elseif {$realvnc4} { set cmd "$cmd -preferredencoding zrle" } else { set cmd "$cmd -encodings 'copyrect tight zrle zlib hextile'" } } global ycrop_string global sbwid_string catch {unset env(VNCVIEWER_SBWIDTH)} catch {unset env(VNCVIEWER_YCROP)} if {[info exists ycrop_string] && $ycrop_string != ""} { set t $ycrop_string if [regexp {,sb=([0-9][0-9]*)} $t m mv1] { set env(VNCVIEWER_SBWIDTH) $mv1 } regsub {,sb=([0-9][0-9]*)} $t "" t if {$t != ""} { set env(VNCVIEWER_YCROP) $t } } if {[info exists sbwid_string] && $sbwid_string != ""} { set t $sbwid_string set env(VNCVIEWER_SBWIDTH) $sbwid_string if {$t != ""} { set env(VNCVIEWER_SBWIDTH) $t } } catch {destroy .o} catch {destroy .oa} catch {destroy .os} update if {$use_sound && $sound_daemon_local_start && $sound_daemon_local_cmd != ""} { mesg "running: $sound_daemon_local_cmd" global sound_daemon_local_pid set sound_daemon_local_pid "" #exec sh -c "$sound_daemon_local_cmd " >& /dev/null </dev/null & set sound_daemon_local_pid [exec sh -c "echo \$\$; exec $sound_daemon_local_cmd </dev/null 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null &"] update after 500 } if {$pk_hp == ""} { set pk_hp $hp } if {! $did_port_knock} { if {! [do_port_knock $pk_hp start]} { wm deiconify . update reset_stunnel_extra_opts return } set did_port_knock 1 } init_unixpw $hp if {! $do_direct} { vencrypt_tutorial_mesg } wm withdraw . update set geometry [xterm_center_geometry] set xrm1 "*.srinterCommand:true" set xrm2 $xrm1 set xrm3 $xrm1 if {[info exists env(SSVNC_GUI_CMD)]} { set xrm1 "*.printerCommand:env XTERM_PRINT=1 $env(SSVNC_GUI_CMD)" set xrm2 "XTerm*VT100*translations:#override Shift<Btn3Down>:print()\\nCtrl<Key>N:print()" set xrm3 "*mainMenu*print*Label: New SSVNC_GUI" } set m "Done. You Can X-out or Ctrl-C this Terminal if you like. Use Ctrl-\\\\ to pause." global uname if {$uname == "Darwin"} { regsub {X-out or } $m "" m } set te "set -xv; " if {$ts_only} { set te "" } global extra_sleep set ssvnc_extra_sleep_save "" if {$extra_sleep != ""} { if [info exists env(SSVNC_EXTRA_SLEEP)] { set ssvnc_extra_sleep_save $env(SSVNC_EXTRA_SLEEP) } set env(SSVNC_EXTRA_SLEEP) $extra_sleep } set sstx "SSL/SSH VNC Viewer" set hptx $hp global use_listen if {$use_listen} { set sstx "SSVNC" set hptx "$hp (Press Ctrl-C to Stop Listening)" } set s1 5 set s2 4 if [info exists env(SSVNC_FINISH_SLEEP)] { set s1 $env(SSVNC_FINISH_SLEEP); set s2 $s1 } unix_terminal_cmd $geometry "$sstx $hptx" \ "$te$cmd; set +xv; ulimit -c 0; trap 'printf \"Paused. Press Enter to exit:\"; read x' QUIT; echo; echo $m; echo; echo sleep $s1; echo; sleep $s2" 0 $xrm1 $xrm2 $xrm3 set env(SS_VNCVIEWER_SSH_CMD) "" set env(SS_VNCVIEWER_USE_C) "" if {$extra_sleep != ""} { if {$ssvnc_extra_sleep_save != ""} { set env(SSVNC_EXTRA_SLEEP) $ssvnc_extra_sleep_save } else { catch {unset env(SSVNC_EXTRA_SLEEP)} } } if {$use_sound && $sound_daemon_local_kill && $sound_daemon_local_cmd != ""} { # XXX need to kill just one... set daemon [string trim $sound_daemon_local_cmd] regsub {^gw[ \t]*} $daemon "" daemon regsub {[ \t].*$} $daemon "" daemon regsub {^.*/} $daemon "" daemon mesg "killing sound daemon: $daemon" global sound_daemon_local_pid if {$sound_daemon_local_pid != ""} { #puts pid=$sound_daemon_local_pid catch {exec sh -c "kill $sound_daemon_local_pid" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null </dev/null &} incr sound_daemon_local_pid catch {exec sh -c "kill $sound_daemon_local_pid" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null </dev/null &} set sound_daemon_local_pid "" } elseif {$daemon != ""} { catch {exec sh -c "killall $daemon" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null </dev/null &} catch {exec sh -c "pkill -x $daemon" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null </dev/null &} } } if {$passwdfile != ""} { catch {file delete $passwdfile} } wm deiconify . mac_raise mesg "Disconnected from $hp" if {[regexp {FINISH} $port_knocking_list]} { do_port_knock $pk_hp finish } reset_stunnel_extra_opts fini_unixpw } proc kill_stunnel {pids} { set count 0 foreach pid $pids { mesg "killing STUNNEL pid: $pid" winkill $pid if {$count == 0} { after 600 } else { after 300 } incr count } } proc get_task_list {} { global is_win9x set output1 "" set output2 "" if {! $is_win9x} { # try for tasklist on XP pro catch {set output1 [exec tasklist.exe]} } catch {set output2 [exec w98/tlist.exe]} set output $output1 append output "\n" append output $output2 return $output } proc note_stunnel_pids {when} { global is_win9x pids_before pids_after pids_new if {$when == "before"} { array unset pids_before array unset pids_after set pids_new {} set pids_before(none) "none" set pids_after(none) "none" } set output [get_task_list] foreach line [split $output "\n\r"] { set m 0 if [regexp -nocase {stunnel} $line] { set m 1 } elseif [regexp -nocase {connect_br} $line] { set m 1 } if {$m} { if [regexp {(-?[0-9][0-9]*)} $line m p] { if {$when == "before"} { set pids_before($p) $line } else { set pids_after($p) $line } } } } if {$when == "after"} { foreach new [array names pids_after] { if {! [info exists pids_before($new)]} { lappend pids_new $new } } } } proc del_launch_windows_ssh_files {} { global launch_windows_ssh_files global env if {[info exists env(SSVNC_NO_DELETE)]} { return } if {$launch_windows_ssh_files != ""} { foreach tf [split $launch_windows_ssh_files] { if {$tf == ""} { continue } catch {file delete $tf} } } } proc launch_shell_only {} { global is_windows global skip_pre global use_ssl use_ssh use_sshssl set hp [get_vncdisplay] regsub {cmd=.*$} $hp "" hp set hp [string trim $hp] if {$is_windows} { append hp " cmd=PUTTY" } else { append hp " cmd=SHELL" } set use_ssl_save $use_ssl set use_ssh_save $use_ssh set use_sshssl_save $use_sshssl set skip_pre 1 if {! $use_ssh && ! $use_sshssl} { set use_ssh 1 set use_ssl 1 } launch $hp set use_ssl $use_ssl_save set use_ssh $use_ssh_save set use_sshssl $use_sshssl_save } proc to_sshonly {} { global ssh_only ts_only env global showing_no_encryption #if {$showing_no_encryption} { # toggle_no_encryption #} if {$ssh_only && !$ts_only} { return } if {[info exists env(SSVNC_TS_ALWAYS)]} { return } set ssh_only 1 set ts_only 0 set t "SSH VNC Viewer" wm title . $t catch {pack forget .f4} catch {pack forget .b.certs} catch {.l configure -text $t} global vncdisplay vncauth_passwd unixpw_username vncproxy remote_ssh_cmd set vncdisplay "" set vncauth_passwd "" set unixpw_username "" set vncproxy "" set remote_ssh_cmd "" set_defaults } proc toggle_tsonly {} { global ts_only env if {$ts_only} { if {![info exists env(SSVNC_TS_ALWAYS)]} { to_ssvnc } } else { to_tsonly } } proc toggle_sshonly {} { global ssh_only env if {$ssh_only} { to_ssvnc } else { to_sshonly } } proc to_tsonly {} { global ts_only global showing_no_encryption #if {$showing_no_encryption} { # toggle_no_encryption #} if {$ts_only} { return } set ts_only 1 set ssh_only 1 set t "Terminal Services VNC Viewer" wm title . $t catch {pack forget .f4} catch {pack forget .f3} catch {pack forget .f1} catch {pack forget .b.certs} catch {.l configure -text $t} catch {.f0.l configure -text "VNC Terminal Server:"} global vncdisplay vncauth_passwd unixpw_username vncproxy remote_ssh_cmd set vncdisplay "" set vncauth_passwd "" set unixpw_username "" set vncproxy "" set remote_ssh_cmd "" set_defaults } proc to_ssvnc {} { global ts_only ssh_only env if {!$ts_only && !$ssh_only} { return; } if {[info exists env(SSVNC_TS_ALWAYS)]} { return } set ts_only 0 set ssh_only 0 set t "SSL/SSH VNC Viewer" wm title . $t catch {pack configure .f1 -after .f0 -side top -fill x} catch {pack configure .f3 -after .f2 -side top -fill x} catch {pack configure .f4 -after .f3 -side top -fill x} catch {pack configure .b.certs -before .b.opts -side left -expand 1 -fill x} catch {.l configure -text $t} catch {.f0.l configure -text "VNC Host:Display"} #global started_with_noenc #if {$started_with_noenc} { # toggle_no_encryption #} global vncdisplay vncauth_passwd unixpw_username vncproxy remote_ssh_cmd set vncdisplay "" set vncauth_passwd "" set unixpw_username "" set vncproxy "" set remote_ssh_cmd "" set_defaults } proc launch {{hp ""}} { global tcl_platform is_windows global mycert svcert crtdir crlfil global pids_before pids_after pids_new global env global use_ssl use_ssh use_sshssl sshssl_sw use_listen disable_ssl_workarounds global vncdisplay set debug 0 if {$hp == ""} { set hp [get_vncdisplay] } set hpt [string trim $hp] regsub {[ ].*$} $hpt "" hpt if {[regexp {^HOME=} $hpt] || [regexp {^SSVNC_HOME=} $hpt]} { set t $hpt regsub {^.*HOME=} $t "" t set t [string trim $t] set env(SSVNC_HOME) $t mesg "Set SSVNC_HOME to $t" set vncdisplay "" return 0 } if {[regexp {^DISPLAY=} $hpt] || [regexp {^SSVNC_DISPLAY=} $hpt]} { set t $hpt regsub {^.*DISPLAY=} $t "" t set t [string trim $t] set env(DISPLAY) $t mesg "Set DISPLAY to $t" set vncdisplay "" global uname darwin_cotvnc if {$uname == "Darwin"} { if {$t != ""} { set darwin_cotvnc 0 } else { set darwin_cotvnc 1 } } return 0 } if {[regexp {^DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=} $hpt] || [regexp {^SSVNC_DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=} $hpt]} { set t $hpt regsub {^.*DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=} $t "" t set t [string trim $t] set env(DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH) $t set env(SSVNC_DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH) $t mesg "Set DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH to $t" set vncdisplay "" return 0 } if {[regexp {^SLEEP=} $hpt] || [regexp {^SSVNC_EXTRA_SLEEP=} $hpt]} { set t $hpt regsub {^.*SLEEP=} $t "" t set t [string trim $t] set env(SSVNC_EXTRA_SLEEP) $t mesg "Set SSVNC_EXTRA_SLEEP to $t" set vncdisplay "" return 0 } if {[regexp {^SSH=} $hpt]} { set t $hpt regsub {^.*SSH=} $t "" t set t [string trim $t] set env(SSH) $t mesg "Set SSH to $t" set vncdisplay "" return 0 } if {[regexp {^FINISH=} $hpt] || [regexp {^SSVNC_FINISH_SLEEP=} $hpt]} { set t $hpt regsub {^.*=} $t "" t set t [string trim $t] set env(SSVNC_FINISH_SLEEP) $t mesg "Set SSVNC_FINISH_SLEEP to $t" set vncdisplay "" return 0 } if {[regexp {^NO_DELETE=} $hpt] || [regexp {^SSVNC_NO_DELETE=} $hpt]} { set t $hpt regsub {^.*=} $t "" t set t [string trim $t] set env(SSVNC_NO_DELETE) $t mesg "Set SSVNC_NO_DELETE to $t" set vncdisplay "" return 0 } if {[regexp {^BAT_SLEEP=} $hpt] || [regexp {^SSVNC_BAT_SLEEP=} $hpt]} { set t $hpt regsub {^.*=} $t "" t set t [string trim $t] set env(SSVNC_BAT_SLEEP) $t mesg "Set SSVNC_BAT_SLEEP to $t" set vncdisplay "" return 0 } if {[regexp {^DEBUG_NETSTAT=} $hpt]} { set t $hpt regsub {^.*DEBUG_NETSTAT=} $t "" t global debug_netstat set debug_netstat $t mesg "Set DEBUG_NETSTAT to $t" set vncdisplay "" return 0 } if {[regexp {^REPEATER_FORCE=} $hpt]} { set t $hpt regsub {^.*REPEATER_FORCE=} $t "" t set env(REPEATER_FORCE) $t mesg "Set REPEATER_FORCE to $t" set vncdisplay "" return 0 } if {[regexp -nocase {^SSH.?ONLY} $hpt]} { global ssh_only if {$ssh_only} { return 0; } to_sshonly return 0 } if {[regexp -nocase {^TS.?ONLY} $hpt]} { global ts_only if {$ts_only} { return 0; } to_tsonly return 0 } if {[regexp -nocase {^IPV6=([01])} $hpt mv val]} { global env have_ipv6 set have_ipv6 $val set env(SSVNC_IPV6) $val mesg "Set have_ipv6 to $val" set vncdisplay "" return 0 } if {[regexp {^ENV=([A-z0-9][A-z0-9]*)=(.*)$} $hpt mv var val]} { global env if {$val == ""} { catch {unset env($var)} mesg "Unset $var" } else { set env($var) "$val" mesg "Set $var to $val" } set vncdisplay "" return 0 } regsub {[ ]*cmd=.*$} $hp "" tt if {[regexp {^[ ]*$} $tt]} { mesg "No host:disp supplied." bell catch {raise .} mac_raise return } if {[regexp -- {--nohost--} $tt]} { mesg "No host:disp supplied." bell catch {raise .} mac_raise return } # XXX host_part if {! [regexp ":" $hp]} { if {! [regexp {cmd=} $hp]} { set s [string trim $hp] if {! [regexp { } $s]} { append hp ":0" } else { regsub { } $hp ":0 " hp } } } if {!$use_ssl && !$use_ssh && !$use_sshssl && $sshssl_sw == "none"} { regsub -nocase {^[a-z0-9+]*://} $hp "" hp set hp "Vnc://$hp" } mesg "Using: $hp" after 600 set sc [get_ssh_cmd $hp] if {[regexp {^KNOCK} $sc]} { if [regexp {^KNOCKF} $sc] { port_knock_only $hp "FINISH" } else { port_knock_only $hp "KNOCK" } return } if {$debug} { mesg "\"$tcl_platform(os)\" | \"$tcl_platform(osVersion)\"" after 1000 } if [regexp {V[Nn][Cc]://} $hp] { set env(SSVNC_NO_ENC_WARN) 1 regsub {V[Nn][Cc]://} $hp "vnc://" hp } regsub -nocase {^vnc://} $hp "vnc://" hp regsub -nocase {^vncs://} $hp "vncs://" hp regsub -nocase {^vncssl://} $hp "vncssl://" hp regsub -nocase {^vnc\+ssl://} $hp "vnc+ssl://" hp regsub -nocase {^vncssh://} $hp "vncssh://" hp regsub -nocase {^vnc\+ssh://} $hp "vnc+ssh://" hp if {! $is_windows} { launch_unix $hp return } ############################################################## # WINDOWS BELOW: if [regexp {^vnc://} $hp] { if {! [info exists env(SSVNC_NO_ENC_WARN)]} { direct_connect_msg } regsub {^vnc://} $hp "" hp direct_connect_windows $hp return } elseif [regexp {^vncs://} $hp] { set use_ssl 1 set use_ssh 0 regsub {^vncs://} $hp "" hp sync_use_ssl_ssh } elseif [regexp {^vncssl://} $hp] { set use_ssl 1 set use_ssh 0 regsub {^vncssl://} $hp "" hp sync_use_ssl_ssh } elseif [regexp {^vnc\+ssl://} $hp] { set use_ssl 1 set use_ssh 0 regsub {^vnc\+ssl://} $hp "" hp sync_use_ssl_ssh } elseif [regexp {^vncssh://} $hp] { set use_ssh 1 set use_ssl 0 regsub {vncssh://} $hp "" hp sync_use_ssl_ssh } elseif [regexp {^vnc\+ssh://} $hp] { set use_ssh 1 set use_ssl 0 regsub {^vnc\+ssh://} $hp "" hp sync_use_ssl_ssh } check_ssh_needed if {! $use_ssh} { if {$mycert != ""} { if {! [file exists $mycert]} { mesg "MyCert does not exist: $mycert" bell return } } if {$svcert != ""} { if {! [file exists $svcert]} { mesg "ServerCert does not exist: $svcert" bell return } } elseif {$crtdir != ""} { if {! [file exists $crtdir] && $crtdir != "ACCEPTED_CERTS"} { mesg "CertsDir does not exist: $crtdir" bell return } } if {$crlfil != ""} { if {! [file exists $crlfil]} { mesg "CRL File does not exist: $crlfil" bell return } } } # VF set prefix "stunnel-vnc" set suffix "conf" if {$use_ssh || $use_sshssl} { set prefix "plink_vnc" set suffix "bat" } set file1 "" set n1 "" set file2 "" set n2 "" set n3 "" set n4 "" set now [clock seconds] set proxy [get_ssh_proxy $hp] if {$use_sshssl} { set proxy "" } if {! [repeater_proxy_check $proxy]} { return } global port_slot if {$port_slot != ""} { set file1 "$prefix-$port_slot.$suffix" set n1 $port_slot set ps [expr $port_slot + 200] set file2 "$prefix-$ps.$suffix" set n2 $ps mesg "Using Port Slot: $port_slot" after 700 } for {set i 30} {$i <= 99} {incr i} { set try "$prefix-$i.$suffix" if {$i == $port_slot} { continue } if {[file exists $try]} { set mt [file mtime $try] set age [expr "$now - $mt"] set week [expr "7 * 3600 * 24"] if {$age > $week} { catch {file delete $try} } } if {! [file exists $try]} { if {$file1 == ""} { set file1 $try set n1 $i } elseif {$file2 == ""} { set file2 $try set n2 $i } else { break } } } if {$file1 == ""} { mesg "could not find free stunnel file" bell return } if {$n1 == ""} { set n1 10 } if {$n2 == ""} { set n2 11 } set n3 [expr $n1 + 100] set n4 [expr $n2 + 100] global launch_windows_ssh_files set launch_windows_ssh_files "" set did_port_knock 0 global listening_name set listening_name "" if {$use_ssh} { ; } elseif {$use_sshssl} { ; } elseif {$use_ssl} { if {$proxy != "" && [regexp {@} $proxy]} { mesg "Error: proxy contains '@' Did you mean to use SSH mode?" bell return } if [regexp {@} $hp] { mesg "Error: host contains '@' Did you mean to use SSH mode?" bell return } } global ssh_ipv6_pid set ssh_ipv6_pid "" if {$use_sshssl} { set rc [launch_windows_ssh $hp $file2 $n2] if {$rc == 0} { if {![info exists env(SSVNC_NO_DELETE)]} { catch {file delete $file1} catch {file delete $file2} } del_launch_windows_ssh_files return } set did_port_knock 1 } elseif {$use_ssh} { launch_windows_ssh $hp $file1 $n1 # WE ARE DONE. return } set host [host_part $hp]; set host_orig $host global win_localhost if {$host == ""} { set host $win_localhost } if [regexp {^.*@} $host match] { catch {raise .; update} mesg "Trimming \"$match\" from hostname" after 700 regsub {^.*@} $host "" host } set disp [port_part $hp] if {[regexp {^-[0-9][0-9]*$} $disp]} { ; } elseif {$disp == "" || ! [regexp {^[0-9][0-9]*$} $disp]} { set disp 0 } if {$disp < 0} { set port [expr "- $disp"] } elseif {$disp < 200} { if {$use_listen} { set port [expr "$disp + 5500"] } else { set port [expr "$disp + 5900"] } } else { set port $disp } if {$debug} { mesg "file: $file1" after 1000 } listen_verify_all_dialog $hp if {$use_listen && $mycert == ""} { if {! [check_for_listen_ssl_cert]} { return; } } set fail 0 set fh [open $file1 "w"] if {$use_listen} { puts $fh "client = no" } else { puts $fh "client = yes" } global disable_ssl_workarounds disable_ssl_workarounds_type if {$disable_ssl_workarounds} { if {$disable_ssl_workarounds_type == "noempty"} { puts $fh "options = DONT_INSERT_EMPTY_FRAGMENTS" } } else { puts $fh "options = ALL" } puts $fh "taskbar = yes" puts $fh "RNDbytes = 2048" puts $fh "RNDfile = bananarand.bin" puts $fh "RNDoverwrite = yes" puts $fh "debug = 6" if {$mycert != ""} { if {! [file exists $mycert]} { mesg "MyCert does not exist: $mycert" bell set fail 1 } puts $fh "cert = $mycert" } elseif {$use_listen} { # see above, this should not happen. puts $fh "cert = _nocert_" } if {$crlfil != ""} { if [file isdirectory $crlfil] { puts $fh "CRLpath = $crlfil" } else { puts $fh "CRLfile = $crlfil" } } set did_check 0 if {$svcert != ""} { if {! [file exists $svcert]} { mesg "ServerCert does not exist: $svcert" bell set fail 1 } puts $fh "CAfile = $svcert" puts $fh "verify = 2" } elseif {$crtdir != ""} { if {$crtdir == "ACCEPTED_CERTS"} { global skip_verify_accepted_certs set skip_verify_accepted_certs 0 set did_check 1 if {$use_sshssl} { set skip_verify_accepted_certs 1 set did_check 0 } elseif {! [check_accepted_certs 0]} { set fail 1 } if {! $skip_verify_accepted_certs} { set adir [get_idir_certs ""] set adir "$adir/accepted" catch {file mkdir $adir} puts $fh "CApath = $adir" puts $fh "verify = 2" } } else { if {! [file exists $crtdir]} { mesg "CertsDir does not exist: $crtdir" bell set fail 1 } puts $fh "CApath = $crtdir" puts $fh "verify = 2" } } if {!$did_check} { check_accepted_certs 1 } if {$use_sshssl} { set p [expr "$n2 + 5900"] set proxy [maybe_add_vencrypt $proxy "$win_localhost:$p"] } else { set proxy [maybe_add_vencrypt $proxy $hp] } set ipv6_pid "" global have_ipv6 if {$have_ipv6} { if {$proxy == "" && $use_ssl} { # stunnel can handle ipv6 } else { set res [ipv6_proxy $proxy $host $port] set proxy [lindex $res 0] set host [lindex $res 1] set port [lindex $res 2] set ipv6_pid [lindex $res 3] } } set p_reverse 0 if {$proxy != ""} { if {$use_sshssl} { ; } elseif [regexp {@} $proxy] { bell catch {raise .; update} mesg "WARNING: SSL proxy contains \"@\" sign" after 1500 } set env(SSVNC_PROXY) $proxy set env(SSVNC_DEST) "$host:$port" if {$use_listen} { set env(SSVNC_REVERSE) "$win_localhost:$port" set env(CONNECT_BR_SLEEP) 3 set p_reverse 1 } else { if {$use_sshssl && [regexp {vencrypt:} $proxy]} { set env(SSVNC_LISTEN) [expr "$n4 + 5900"] } else { set env(SSVNC_LISTEN) [expr "$n2 + 5900"] } } if {[info exists env(PROXY_DEBUG)]} { foreach var [list SSVNC_PROXY SSVNC_DEST SSVNC_REVERSE CONNECT_BR_SLEEP SSVNC_LISTEN] { if [info exists env($var)] { mesg "$var $env($var)"; after 2500; } } } } global anon_dh_detected server_anondh if {$anon_dh_detected || $server_anondh} { puts $fh "ciphers = ALL:RC4+RSA:+SSLv2:@STRENGTH" set anon_dh_detected 0 } puts $fh "\[vnc$n1\]" set port2 "" set port3 "" if {! $use_listen} { set port2 [expr "$n1 + 5900"] if [regexp {vencrypt:} $proxy] { set port3 [expr "$n3 + 5900"] set port2 $port3 puts $fh "accept = $win_localhost:$port3" } else { puts $fh "accept = $win_localhost:$port2" } if {$use_sshssl && [regexp {vencrypt:} $proxy]} { set port [expr "$n4 + 5900"] puts $fh "connect = $win_localhost:$port" } elseif {$use_sshssl || $proxy != ""} { set port [expr "$n2 + 5900"] puts $fh "connect = $win_localhost:$port" } else { puts $fh "connect = $host:$port" } } else { set port2 [expr "$n1 + 5500"] set hloc "" if {$use_ssh} { # not reached? set hloc "$win_localhost:" set listening_name "$win_localhost:$port (on remote SSH side)" } else { set hn [get_hostname] if {$hn == ""} { set hn "this-computer" } set listening_name "$hn:$port (or nn.nn.nn.nn:$port, etc.)" } if {$host_orig != "" && $hloc == ""} { set hloc "$host_orig:" } puts $fh "accept = $hloc$port" puts $fh "connect = $win_localhost:$port2" } puts $fh "delay = no" puts $fh "" close $fh if {! $did_port_knock} { if {! [do_port_knock $host start]} { set fail 1 } set did_port_knock 1 } if {$fail} { if {![info exists env(SSVNC_NO_DELETE)]} { catch {file delete $file1} } catch { unset env(SSVNC_PROXY) } catch { unset env(SSVNC_LISTEN) } catch { unset env(SSVNC_REVERSE) } catch { unset env(SSVNC_DEST) } catch { unset env(SSVNC_PREDIGESTED_HANDSHAKE) } catch { unset env(CONNECT_BR_SLEEP) } winkill $ipv6_pid winkill $ssh_ipv6_pid set ssh_ipv6_pid "" return } note_stunnel_pids "before" set proxy_pid "" set proxy_pid2 "" if {$use_listen} { windows_listening_message $n1 } if {$proxy != ""} { if [regexp {vencrypt:} $proxy] { set vport [expr "$n1 + 5900"] mesg "Starting VeNCrypt helper on port $vport,$port3 ..." after 500 if {![info exists env(SSVNC_NO_DELETE)]} { catch {file delete "$file1.pre"} } set env(SSVNC_PREDIGESTED_HANDSHAKE) "$file1.pre" set env(SSVNC_VENCRYPT_VIEWER_BRIDGE) "$vport,$port3" set proxy_pid2 [exec "connect_br.exe" &] catch { unset env(SSVNC_VENCRYPT_VIEWER_BRIDGE) } } mesg "Starting TCP helper on port $port ..." after 400 # ssl br case: set proxy_pid [exec "connect_br.exe" &] catch { unset env(SSVNC_PROXY) } catch { unset env(SSVNC_LISTEN) } catch { unset env(SSVNC_REVERSE) } catch { unset env(SSVNC_DEST) } catch { unset env(SSVNC_PREDIGESTED_HANDSHAKE) } catch { unset env(CONNECT_BR_SLEEP) } } mesg "Starting STUNNEL on port $port2 ..." after 500 set pids [exec stunnel $file1 &] if {! $p_reverse} { after 300 set vtm [vencrypt_tutorial_mesg] if {$vtm == ""} { after 300 } } note_stunnel_pids "after" if {$debug} { after 1000 mesg "pids $pids" after 1000 } else { catch {destroy .o} catch {destroy .oa} catch {destroy .os} wm withdraw . } do_viewer_windows $n1 del_launch_windows_ssh_files if {![info exists env(SSVNC_NO_DELETE)]} { catch {file delete $file1} } if {$debug} { ; } else { wm deiconify . } mesg "Disconnected from $hp." global port_knocking_list if [regexp {FINISH} $port_knocking_list] { do_port_knock $host finish } if {[llength $pids_new] > 0} { set plist [join $pids_new ", "] global terminate_pids set terminate_pids "" global kill_stunnel if {$kill_stunnel} { set terminate_pids yes } else { win_kill_msg $plist update vwait terminate_pids } if {$terminate_pids == "yes"} { kill_stunnel $pids_new } } else { win_nokill_msg } mesg "Disconnected from $hp." winkill $ipv6_pid winkill $ssh_ipv6_pid set ssh_ipv6_pid "" global is_win9x use_sound sound_daemon_local_kill sound_daemon_local_cmd if {! $is_win9x && $use_sound && $sound_daemon_local_kill && $sound_daemon_local_cmd != ""} { windows_stop_sound_daemon } } proc direct_connect_windows {{hp ""}} { global tcl_platform is_windows global env use_listen set proxy [get_ssh_proxy $hp] set did_port_knock 0 global listening_name set listening_name "" set host [host_part $hp] set host_orig $host global win_localhost if {$host == ""} { set host $win_localhost } if [regexp {^.*@} $host match] { catch {raise .; update} mesg "Trimming \"$match\" from hostname" after 700 regsub {^.*@} $host "" host } set disp [port_part $hp] if {[regexp {^-[0-9][0-9]*$} $disp]} { ; } elseif {$disp == "" || ! [regexp {^[0-9][0-9]*$} $disp]} { set disp 0 } if {$disp < 0} { set port [expr "- $disp"] } elseif {$disp < 200} { if {$use_listen} { set port [expr "$disp + 5500"] } else { set port [expr "$disp + 5900"] } } else { set port $disp } global have_ipv6 set ipv6_pid "" if {$have_ipv6 && !$use_listen} { set res [ipv6_proxy $proxy $host $port] set proxy [lindex $res 0] set host [lindex $res 1] set port [lindex $res 2] set ipv6_pid [lindex $res 3] } if {$proxy != ""} { if [regexp {@} $proxy] { bell catch {raise .; update} mesg "WARNING: SSL proxy contains \"@\" sign" after 1500 } set n2 45 set env(SSVNC_PROXY) $proxy set env(SSVNC_LISTEN) [expr "$n2 + 5900"] set env(SSVNC_DEST) "$host:$port" set port [expr $n2 + 5900] set host $win_localhost } set fail 0 if {! $did_port_knock} { if {! [do_port_knock $host start]} { set fail 1 } set did_port_knock 1 } if {$fail} { catch { unset env(SSVNC_PROXY) } catch { unset env(SSVNC_LISTEN) } catch { unset env(SSVNC_DEST) } winkill $ipv6_pid return } set proxy_pid "" if {$proxy != ""} { mesg "Starting Proxy TCP helper on port $port ..." after 400 # unencrypted br case: set proxy_pid [exec "connect_br.exe" &] catch { unset env(SSVNC_PROXY) } catch { unset env(SSVNC_LISTEN) } catch { unset env(SSVNC_DEST) } } vencrypt_tutorial_mesg catch {destroy .o} catch {destroy .oa} catch {destroy .os} wm withdraw . if {$use_listen} { set n $port if {$n >= 5500} { set n [expr $n - 5500] } global direct_connect_reverse_host_orig set direct_connect_reverse_host_orig $host_orig do_viewer_windows "$n" set direct_connect_reverse_host_orig "" } else { if {$port >= 5900 && $port < 6100} { set port [expr $port - 5900] } do_viewer_windows "$host:$port" } wm deiconify . mesg "Disconnected from $hp." winkill $ipv6_pid global port_knocking_list if [regexp {FINISH} $port_knocking_list] { do_port_knock $host finish } mesg "Disconnected from $hp." } proc get_idir_certs {str} { global is_windows env set idir "" if {$str != ""} { if [file isdirectory $str] { set idir $str } else { set idir [file dirname $str] } if {$is_windows} { regsub -all {\\} $idir "/" idir regsub -all {//*} $idir "/" idir } } if {$idir == ""} { if {$is_windows} { if [info exists env(SSVNC_HOME)] { set t "$env(SSVNC_HOME)/ss_vnc" regsub -all {\\} $t "/" t regsub -all {//*} $t "/" t if {! [file isdirectory $t]} { catch {file mkdir $t} } set t "$env(SSVNC_HOME)/ss_vnc/certs" regsub -all {\\} $t "/" t regsub -all {//*} $t "/" t if {! [file isdirectory $t]} { catch {file mkdir $t} } if [file isdirectory $t] { set idir $t } } if {$idir == ""} { set t [file dirname [pwd]] set t "$t/certs" if [file isdirectory $t] { set idir $t } } } if {$idir == ""} { if [info exists env(SSVNC_HOME)] { set t "$env(SSVNC_HOME)/.vnc" if {! [file isdirectory $t]} { catch {file mkdir $t} } set t "$env(SSVNC_HOME)/.vnc/certs" if {! [file isdirectory $t]} { catch {file mkdir $t} } if [file isdirectory $t] { set idir $t } } } } if {$idir == ""} { if {$is_windows} { set idir [get_profiles_dir] } if {$idir == ""} { set idir [pwd] } } return $idir } proc delete_cert {{parent "."}} { set idir [get_idir_certs ""] set f "" unix_dialog_resize $parent if {$idir != ""} { set f [tk_getOpenFile -parent $parent -initialdir $idir] } else { set f [tk_getOpenFile -parent $parent] } if {$f != "" && [file exists $f]} { set reply [tk_messageBox -parent $parent -type yesno -icon question -title "Delete Cert" -message "Delete $f"] if {$reply == "yes"} { global mycert svcert crlfil set f_text [read_file $f] set f2 "" catch {file delete $f} if {$f == $mycert} { set mycert "" } if {$f == $svcert} { set svcert "" } if {$f == $crlfil} { set crlfil "" } if [regexp {\.crt$} $f] { regsub {\.crt$} $f ".pem" f2 } elseif [regexp {\.pem$} $f] { regsub {\.pem$} $f ".crt" f2 } if {$f2 != "" && [file exists $f2]} { set reply [tk_messageBox -parent $parent -type yesno -icon question -title "Delete Cert" -message "Delete $f2"] if {$reply == "yes"} { catch {file delete $f2} if {$f2 == $mycert} { set mycert "" } if {$f2 == $svcert} { set svcert "" } if {$f2 == $crlfil} { set crlfil "" } } } set dir [file dirname $f] if {$f_text != "" && [regexp {accepted$} $dir]} { foreach crt [glob -nocomplain -directory $dir {*.crt} {*.pem} {*.[0-9]}] { #puts "try $crt" set c_text [read_file $crt] if {$c_text == ""} { continue } if {$c_text != $f_text} { continue } set reply [tk_messageBox -parent $parent -type yesno -icon question -title "Delete Identical Cert" -message "Delete Identical $crt"] if {$reply == "yes"} { catch {file delete $crt} } } } } } catch {wm deiconify .c} update } proc set_mycert {{parent "."}} { global mycert set idir [get_idir_certs $mycert] set t "" unix_dialog_resize $parent if {$idir != ""} { set t [tk_getOpenFile -parent $parent -initialdir $idir] } else { set t [tk_getOpenFile -parent $parent] } if {$t != ""} { set mycert $t } catch {wm deiconify .c} v_mycert update } proc set_crlfil {{parent "."}} { global crlfil set idir [get_idir_certs $crlfil] set t "" unix_dialog_resize $parent if {$idir != ""} { set t [tk_getOpenFile -parent $parent -initialdir $idir] } else { set t [tk_getOpenFile -parent $parent] } if {$t != ""} { set crlfil $t } catch {wm deiconify .c} v_crlfil update } proc set_ultra_dsm_file {{parent "."}} { global ultra_dsm_file set idir [get_idir_certs $ultra_dsm_file] set t "" unix_dialog_resize $parent if {$idir != ""} { set t [tk_getOpenFile -parent $parent -initialdir $idir] } else { set t [tk_getOpenFile -parent $parent] } if {$t != ""} { set ultra_dsm_file $t } update } proc set_ssh_known_hosts_file {{parent "."}} { global ssh_known_hosts_filename is_windows uname if {$ssh_known_hosts_filename == ""} { set pdir [get_profiles_dir] set pdir "$pdir/ssh_known_hosts" catch {file mkdir $pdir} global last_load if {![info exists last_load]} { set last_load "" } if {$last_load != ""} { set dispf [string trim $last_load] set dispf [file tail $dispf] regsub {\.vnc$} $dispf "" dispf if {![regexp {\.known$} $dispf]} { set dispf "$dispf.known" } set guess $dispf } else { set vncdisp [get_vncdisplay] set dispf [string trim $vncdisp] if {$dispf != ""} { regsub {[ ].*$} $dispf "" dispf regsub -all {/} $dispf "" dispf } else { set dispf "unique-name-here" } if {$is_windows || $uname == "Darwin"} { regsub -all {:} $dispf "-" dispf } else { regsub -all {:} $dispf "-" dispf } if {![regexp {\.known$} $dispf]} { set dispf "$dispf.known" } set guess $dispf } } else { set pdir [file dirname $ssh_known_hosts_filename] set guess [file tail $ssh_known_hosts_filename] } set t "" unix_dialog_resize $parent if {$pdir != ""} { set t [tk_getSaveFile -parent $parent -initialdir $pdir -initialfile $guess] } else { set t [tk_getSaveFile -parent $parent -initialfile $guess] } if {$t != ""} { set ssh_known_hosts_filename $t } update } proc show_cert {crt} { if {$crt == ""} { bell return } if {! [file exists $crt]} { bell return } set info "" catch {set info [get_x509_info $crt]} if {$info == ""} { bell return } set w .show_certificate toplev $w scroll_text $w.f button $w.b -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w" bind $w <Escape> "destroy $w" $w.f.t insert end $info pack $w.b -side bottom -fill x pack $w.f -side top -fill both -expand 1 center_win $w catch {raise $w} } proc show_crl {crl} { if {$crl == ""} { bell return } if {! [file exists $crl]} { bell return } set flist [list] if [file isdirectory $crl] { foreach cfile [glob -nocomplain -directory $crl "*"] { if [file isfile $cfile] { lappend flist $cfile } } } else { lappend flist $crl } set ossl [get_openssl] set info "" foreach cfile $flist { catch { set ph [open "| $ossl crl -fingerprint -text -noout -in \"$cfile\"" "r"] while {[gets $ph line] > -1} { append info "$line\n" } close $ph append info "\n" } } set w .show_crl toplev $w scroll_text $w.f button $w.b -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w" bind $w <Escape> "destroy $w" $w.f.t insert end $info pack $w.b -side bottom -fill x pack $w.f -side top -fill both -expand 1 center_win $w catch {raise $w} } proc v_svcert {} { global svcert if {$svcert == "" || ! [file exists $svcert]} { catch {.c.svcert.i configure -state disabled} } else { catch {.c.svcert.i configure -state normal} } no_certs_tutorial_mesg return 1 } proc v_mycert {} { global mycert if {$mycert == "" || ! [file exists $mycert]} { catch {.c.mycert.i configure -state disabled} } else { catch {.c.mycert.i configure -state normal} } return 1 } proc v_crlfil {} { global crlfil if {$crlfil == "" || ! [file exists $crlfil]} { catch {.c.crlfil.i configure -state disabled} } else { catch {.c.crlfil.i configure -state normal} } return 1 } proc show_mycert {} { global mycert show_cert $mycert } proc show_svcert {} { global svcert show_cert $svcert } proc show_crlfil {} { global crlfil show_crl $crlfil } proc set_svcert {{parent "."}} { global svcert crtdir set idir [get_idir_certs $svcert] set t "" unix_dialog_resize $parent if {$idir != ""} { set t [tk_getOpenFile -parent $parent -initialdir $idir] } else { set t [tk_getOpenFile -parent $parent] } if {$t != ""} { set crtdir "" set svcert $t } catch {wm deiconify .c} v_svcert update } proc set_crtdir {{parent "."}} { global svcert crtdir set idir "" if {$crtdir == "ACCEPTED_CERTS"} { set idir [get_idir_certs ""] } else { set idir [get_idir_certs $crtdir] } set t "" unix_dialog_resize $parent if {$idir != ""} { set t [tk_chooseDirectory -parent $parent -initialdir $idir] } else { set t [tk_chooseDirectory -parent $parent] } if {$t != ""} { set svcert "" set crtdir $t } catch {wm deiconify .c} update } proc set_createcert_file {} { global ccert if {[info exists ccert(FILE)]} { set idir [get_idir_certs $ccert(FILE)] } unix_dialog_resize .ccrt if {$idir != ""} { set t [tk_getSaveFile -parent .ccrt -defaultextension ".pem" -initialdir $idir] } else { set t [tk_getSaveFile -parent .ccrt -defaultextension ".pem"] } if {$t != ""} { set ccert(FILE) $t } catch {raise .ccrt} update } proc check_pp {} { global ccert if {$ccert(ENC)} { catch {.ccrt.pf.e configure -state normal} catch {focus .ccrt.pf.e} catch {.ccrt.pf.e icursor end} } else { catch {.ccrt.pf.e configure -state disabled} } } proc get_openssl {} { global is_windows if {$is_windows} { set ossl "openssl.exe" } else { set ossl "openssl" } } proc get_x509_info {crt} { set ossl [get_openssl] set info "" update set ph [open "| $ossl x509 -text -fingerprint -in \"$crt\"" "r"] while {[gets $ph line] > -1} { append info "$line\n" } close $ph return $info } proc do_oss_create {} { global is_windows is_win9x set cfg { [ req ] default_bits = 2048 encrypt_key = yes distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name [ req_distinguished_name ] countryName = Country Name (2 letter code) countryName_default = %CO countryName_min = 2 countryName_max = 2 stateOrProvinceName = State or Province Name (full name) stateOrProvinceName_default = %ST localityName = Locality Name (eg, city) localityName_default = %LOC 0.organizationName = Organization Name (eg, company) 0.organizationName_default = %ON organizationalUnitName = Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) organizationalUnitName_default = %OUN commonName = Common Name (eg, YOUR name) commonName_default = %CN commonName_max = 64 emailAddress = Email Address emailAddress_default = %EM emailAddress_max = 64 } global ccert if {$ccert(FILE) == ""} { catch {destroy .c} mesg "No output cert file supplied" bell return } if {! [regexp {\.pem$} $ccert(FILE)]} { append ccert(FILE) ".pem" } set pem $ccert(FILE) regsub {\.pem$} $ccert(FILE) ".crt" crt if {$ccert(ENC)} { if {[string length $ccert(PASS)] < 4} { catch {destroy .c} mesg "Passphrase must be at least 4 characters long." bell return } } if {[string length $ccert(CO)] != 2} { catch {destroy .c} mesg "Country Name must be at exactly 2 characters long." bell return } if {[string length $ccert(CN)] > 64} { catch {destroy .c} mesg "Common Name must be less than 65 characters long." bell return } if {[string length $ccert(EM)] > 64} { catch {destroy .c} mesg "Email Address must be less than 65 characters long." bell return } foreach t {EM CN OUN ON LOC ST CO} { set val $ccert($t) if {$val == ""} { set val "none" } regsub "%$t" $cfg "$val" cfg } global is_windows if {$is_windows} { # VF set tmp "cert.cfg" } else { set tmp "/tmp/cert.cfg.[tpid]" set tmp [mytmp $tmp] catch {set fh [open $tmp "w"]} catch {exec chmod 600 $tmp} if {! [file exists $tmp]} { catch {destroy .c} mesg "cannot create: $tmp" bell return } } set fh "" catch {set fh [open $tmp "w"]} if {$fh == ""} { catch {destroy .c} mesg "cannot create: $tmp" bell catch {file delete $tmp} return } puts $fh $cfg close $fh set ossl [get_openssl] set cmd "$ossl req -config $tmp -nodes -new -newkey rsa:2048 -x509 -batch" if {$ccert(DAYS) != ""} { set cmd "$cmd -days $ccert(DAYS)" } if {$is_windows} { set cmd "$cmd -keyout {$pem} -out {$crt}" } else { set cmd "$cmd -keyout \"$pem\" -out \"$crt\"" } if {$is_windows} { set emess "" if {$is_win9x} { catch {file delete $pem} catch {file delete $crt} update eval exec $cmd & catch {raise .} set sl 0 set max 100 #if {$ccert(ENC)} { # set max 100 #} set maxms [expr $max * 1000] while {$sl < $maxms} { set s2 [expr $sl / 1000] mesg "running openssl ... $s2/$max" if {[file exists $pem] && [file exists $crt]} { after 2000 break } after 500 set sl [expr $sl + 500] } mesg "" } else { update set rc [catch {eval exec $cmd} emess] if {$rc != 0 && [regexp -nocase {error:} $emess]} { raise . tk_messageBox -type ok -icon error -message $emess -title "OpenSSL req command failed" return } } } else { set geometry [xterm_center_geometry] update unix_terminal_cmd $geometry "Running OpenSSL" "$cmd" catch {file attributes $pem -permissions go-rw} catch {file attributes $crt -permissions go-w} } catch {file delete $tmp} set bad "" if {! [file exists $pem]} { set bad "$pem " } if {! [file exists $crt]} { set bad "$crt" } if {$bad != ""} { raise . tk_messageBox -type ok -icon error -message "Not created: $bad" -title "OpenSSL could not create cert" catch {raise .c} return } if {$ccert(ENC) && $ccert(PASS) != ""} { set cmd "$ossl rsa -in \"$pem\" -des3 -out \"$pem\" -passout stdin" set ph "" set emess "" update set rc [catch {set ph [open "| $cmd" "w"]} emess] if {$rc != 0 || $ph == ""} { raise . tk_messageBox -type ok -icon error -message $emess -title "Could not encrypt private key" catch {file delete $pem} catch {file delete $crt} return } puts $ph $ccert(PASS) set emess "" set rc [catch {close $ph} emess] #puts $emess #puts $rc } set in [open $crt "r"] set out [open $pem "a"] while {[gets $in line] > -1} { puts $out $line } close $in close $out catch {raise .c} set p . if [winfo exists .c] { set p .c } set reply [tk_messageBox -parent $p -type yesno -title "View Cert" -message "View Certificate and Info?"] catch {raise .c} if {$reply == "yes"} { set w .view_cert toplev $w scroll_text $w.f set cert "" set fh "" catch {set fh [open $crt "r"]} if {$fh != ""} { while {[gets $fh line] > -1} { append cert "$line\n" } catch {close $fh} } global yegg set yegg "" button $w.b -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w; set yegg 1" pack $w.b -side bottom -fill x bind $w <Escape> "destroy $w; set yegg 1" $w.f.t insert end "\n" $w.f.t insert end "$crt:\n" $w.f.t insert end "\n" $w.f.t insert end $cert $w.f.t insert end "\n" set info [get_x509_info $crt] $w.f.t insert end $info pack $w.f -side top -fill both -expand 1 center_win $w catch {raise $w} vwait yegg catch {raise .c} } set p . if [winfo exists .c] { set p .c } set reply [tk_messageBox -parent $p -type yesno -title "View Private Key" -message "View Private Key?"] catch {raise .c} if {$reply == "yes"} { set w .view_key toplev $w scroll_text $w.f set key "" set fh [open $pem "r"] while {[gets $fh line] > -1} { append key "$line\n" } close $fh global yegg set yegg "" button $w.b -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w; set yegg 1" pack $w.b -side bottom -fill x bind $w <Escape> "destroy $w; set yegg 1" $w.f.t insert end "\n" $w.f.t insert end "$pem:\n" $w.f.t insert end "\n" $w.f.t insert end $key $w.f.t insert end "\n" pack $w.f -side top -fill both -expand 1 center_win $w catch {raise $w} vwait yegg catch {raise .c} } } proc create_cert {{name ""}} { toplev .ccrt wm title .ccrt "Create SSL Certificate" global uname set h 27 if [small_height] { set h 14 } elseif {$uname == "Darwin"} { set h 20 } scroll_text .ccrt.f 80 $h set msg { This dialog helps you to create a simple Self-Signed SSL certificate. On Unix the openssl(1) program must be installed and in $PATH. On Windows, a copy of the openssl program is provided for convenience. The resulting certificate files can be used for either: 1) authenticating yourself (VNC Viewer) to a VNC Server or 2) your verifying the identity of a remote VNC Server. In either case you will need to safely copy one of the generated key or certificate files to the remote VNC Server and have the VNC Server use it. Or you could send it to the system administrator of the VNC Server. For the purpose of description, assume that the filename selected in the "Save to file" entry is "vnccert.pem". That file will be generated by this process and so will the "vnccert.crt" file. "vnccert.pem" contains both the Private Key and the Public Certificate. "vnccert.crt" only contains the Public Certificate. For case 1) you would copy "vnccert.crt" to the VNC Server side and instruct the server to use it. For x11vnc it would be for example: x11vnc -sslverify /path/to/vnccert.crt -ssl SAVE ... (it is also possible to handle many client certs at once in a directory, see the -sslverify documentation). Then you would use "vnccert.pem" as the MyCert entry in the SSL Certificates dialog. For case 2) you would copy "vnccert.pem" to the VNC Server side and instruct the server to use it. For x11vnc it would be for example: x11vnc -ssl /path/to/vnccert.pem Then you would use "vnccert.crt" as the as the ServerCert entry in the "SSL Certificates" dialog. Creating the Certificate: Choose a output filename (ending in .pem) in the "Save to file" entry. Then fill in the identification information (Country, State or Province, etc). The click on "Create" to generate the certificate files. Encrypting the Private Key: It is a very good idea to encrypt the Private Key that goes in the "vnccert.pem". The downside is that whenever that key is used (e.g. starting up x11vnc using it) then the passphrase will need to be created. If you do not encrypt it and somebody steals a copy of the "vnccert.pem" file then they can pretend to be you. After you have created the certificate files, you must copy and import either "vnccert.pem" or "vnccert.pem" to the remote VNC Server and also select the other file in the "SSL Certificates" dialog. See the description above. For more information see: http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/ssl.html http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/faq.html#faq-ssl-tunnel-int The first one describes how to use x11vnc to create Certificate Authority (CA) certificates in addition to Self-Signed ones. Tip: if you choose the "Common Name" to be the internet hostname (e.g. gateway.mydomain.com) that connections will be made to or from that will avoid many dialogs when connecting mentioning that the hostname does not match the Common Name. } .ccrt.f.t insert end $msg global ccert ccert_init tcert if {! [info exists ccert_init]} { set ccert_init 1 set ccert(CO) "US" set ccert(ST) "Massachusetts" set ccert(LOC) "Boston" set ccert(ON) "My Company" set ccert(OUN) "Product Development" set ccert(CN) "www.nowhere.none" set ccert(EM) "admin@nowhere.none" set ccert(DAYS) "730" set ccert(FILE) "" } set ccert(ENC) 0 set ccert(PASS) "" set tcert(CO) "Country Name (2 letter code):" set tcert(ST) "State or Province Name (full name):" set tcert(LOC) "Locality Name (eg, city):" set tcert(ON) "Organization Name (eg, company):" set tcert(OUN) "Organizational Unit Name (eg, section):" set tcert(CN) "Common Name (eg, YOUR name):" set tcert(EM) "Email Address:" set tcert(DAYS) "Days until expiration:" set idir [get_idir_certs ""] if {$name != ""} { if {[regexp {/} $name] || [regexp {\.pem$} $name] || [regexp {\.crt$} $name]} { set ccert(FILE) $name } else { set ccert(FILE) "$idir/$name.pem" } } elseif {$ccert(FILE) == ""} { set ccert(FILE) "$idir/vnccert.pem" } button .ccrt.cancel -text "Cancel" -command {destroy .ccrt; catch {raise .c}} bind .ccrt <Escape> {destroy .ccrt; catch {raise .c}} wm protocol .ccrt WM_DELETE_WINDOW {destroy .ccrt; catch {raise .c}} button .ccrt.create -text "Generate Cert" -command {destroy .ccrt; catch {raise .c}; do_oss_create} pack .ccrt.create .ccrt.cancel -side bottom -fill x set ew 40 set w .ccrt.pf frame $w checkbutton $w.check -anchor w -variable ccert(ENC) -text \ "Encrypt Key with Passphrase" -command {check_pp} entry $w.e -width $ew -textvariable ccert(PASS) -state disabled \ -show * pack $w.e -side right pack $w.check -side left -expand 1 -fill x pack $w -side bottom -fill x set w .ccrt.fl frame $w label $w.l -anchor w -text "Save to file:" entry $w.e -width $ew -textvariable ccert(FILE) button $w.b -text "Browse..." -command {set_createcert_file; catch {raise .ccrt}} if {$name != ""} { $w.b configure -state disabled } pack $w.e -side right pack $w.b -side right pack $w.l -side left -expand 1 -fill x pack $w -side bottom -fill x set i 0 foreach t {DAYS EM CN OUN ON LOC ST CO} { set w .ccrt.f$i frame $w label $w.l -anchor w -text "$tcert($t)" entry $w.e -width $ew -textvariable ccert($t) pack $w.e -side right pack $w.l -side left -expand 1 -fill x pack $w -side bottom -fill x incr i } pack .ccrt.f -side top -fill both -expand 1 center_win .ccrt } proc import_check_mode {w} { global import_mode if {$import_mode == "paste"} { $w.mf.b configure -state disabled $w.mf.e configure -state disabled $w.plab configure -state normal $w.paste.t configure -state normal } else { $w.mf.b configure -state normal $w.mf.e configure -state normal $w.plab configure -state disabled $w.paste.t configure -state disabled } } proc import_browse {par} { global import_file set idir "" if {$import_file != ""} { set idir [get_idir_certs $import_file] } unix_dialog_resize $par if {$idir != ""} { set t [tk_getOpenFile -parent $par -initialdir $idir] } else { set t [tk_getOpenFile -parent $par] } if {$t != ""} { set import_file $t } catch {raise $par} update } proc import_save_browse {{par ".icrt"}} { global import_save_file set idir "" if {$import_save_file != ""} { set idir [get_idir_certs $import_save_file] } if {$idir == ""} { set idir [get_idir_certs ""] } unix_dialog_resize $par if {$idir != ""} { set t [tk_getSaveFile -parent $par -defaultextension ".crt" -initialdir $idir] } else { set t [tk_getSaveFile -parent $par -defaultextension ".crt"] } if {$t != ""} { set import_save_file $t } catch {raise $par} update } proc do_save {par} { global import_mode import_file import_save_file global also_save_to_accepted_certs if {![info exists also_save_to_accepted_certs]} { set also_save_to_accepted_certs 0 } if {$import_save_file == "" && ! $also_save_to_accepted_certs} { tk_messageBox -parent $par -type ok -icon error \ -message "No Save File supplied" -title "Save File" return } set str "" set subject_issuer "" if {$import_mode == "save_cert_text"} { global save_cert_text set str $save_cert_text set i 0 foreach line [split $str "\n"] { incr i if {$i > 50} { break } if [regexp {^- subject: *(.*)$} $line m val] { set subject_issuer "${subject_issuer}subject:$val\n" } if [regexp {^- (issuer[0-9][0-9]*): *(.*)$} $line m is val] { set subject_issuer "${subject_issuer}$is:$val\n" } if [regexp {^INFO: SELF_SIGNED=(.*)$} $line m val] { set subject_issuer "${subject_issuer}SELF_SIGNED:$val\n" } } } elseif {$import_mode == "paste"} { set str [$par.paste.t get 1.0 end] } else { if {! [file exists $import_file]} { tk_messageBox -parent $par -type ok -icon error \ -message "Input file \"$import_file\" does not exist." -title "Import File" return } set fh "" set emess "" set rc [catch {set fh [open $import_file "r"]} emess] if {$rc != 0 || $fh == ""} { tk_messageBox -parent $par -type ok -icon error \ -message $emess -title "Import File: $import_file" return } while {[gets $fh line] > -1} { append str "$line\n" } close $fh } if {! [regexp {BEGIN CERTIFICATE} $str]} { tk_messageBox -parent $par -type ok -icon error \ -message "Import Text does not contain \"BEGIN CERTIFICATE\"" -title "Imported Text" return } if {! [regexp {END CERTIFICATE} $str]} { tk_messageBox -parent $par -type ok -icon error \ -message "Import Text does not contain \"END CERTIFICATE\"" -title "Imported Text" return } global is_windows set fh "" set emess "" set deltmp "" if {$import_save_file == ""} { if {! $is_windows} { set deltmp /tmp/import.[tpid] } else { set deltmp import.[tpid] } set deltmp [mytmp $deltmp] set import_save_file $deltmp } set rc [catch {set fh [open $import_save_file "w"]} emess] if {$rc != 0 || $fh == ""} { tk_messageBox -parent $par -type ok -icon error \ -message $emess -title "Save File: $import_save_file" return } if {! $is_windows} { catch {file attributes $import_save_file -permissions go-w} if {[regexp {PRIVATE} $str] || [regexp {\.pem$} $import_save_file]} { catch {file attributes $import_save_file -permissions go-rw} } } puts -nonewline $fh $str close $fh global do_save_saved_it set do_save_saved_it 1 if {$also_save_to_accepted_certs} { set ossl [get_openssl] set fp_txt "" set fp_txt [exec $ossl x509 -fingerprint -noout -in $import_save_file] set adir [get_idir_certs ""] set adir "$adir/accepted" catch {file mkdir $adir} set fingerprint "" set fingerline "" set i 0 foreach line [split $fp_txt "\n"] { incr i if {$i > 5} { break } if [regexp -nocase {Fingerprint=(.*)} $line mv str] { set fingerline $line set fingerprint [string trim $str] } } set fingerprint [string tolower $fingerprint] regsub -all {:} $fingerprint "-" fingerprint regsub -all {[\\/=]} $fingerprint "_" fingerprint if {$subject_issuer == ""} { set si_txt "" set si_txt [exec $ossl x509 -subject -issuer -noout -in $import_save_file] set sub "" set iss "" foreach line [split $si_txt "\n"] { if [regexp -nocase {^subject= *(.*)$} $line mv str] { set str [string trim $str] set sub $str } elseif [regexp -nocase {^issuer= *(.*)$} $line mv str] { set str [string trim $str] set iss $str } } if {$sub != "" && $iss != ""} { set subject_issuer "subject:$sub\nissuer1:$iss\n" if {$sub == $iss} { set subject_issuer "${subject_issuer}SELF_SIGNED:1\n" } else { set subject_issuer "${subject_issuer}SELF_SIGNED:0\n" } } } global vncdisplay set from [get_ssh_hp $vncdisplay] if {$from == ""} { set from [file tail $import_save_file] regsub {\..*$} $from "" from } if {$from == ""} { set from "import" } if [regexp -- {^:[0-9][0-9]*$} $from] { set from "listen$from" } set hp $from set from [string tolower $from] regsub -all {^[+a-z]*://} $from "" from regsub -all {:} $from "-" from regsub -all {[\\/=]} $from "_" from regsub -all {[ ]} $from "_" from set crt "$adir/$from=$fingerprint.crt" catch {file copy -force $import_save_file $crt} global do_save_saved_hash_it set do_save_saved_hash_it 1 save_hash $crt $adir $hp $fingerline $from $fingerprint $subject_issuer } catch {destroy $par} set p .c if {![winfo exists .c]} { global accepted_cert_dialog_in_progress if {! $accepted_cert_dialog_in_progress} { if {$deltmp == ""} { getcerts update } } } if {![winfo exists .c]} { set p . } catch {raise .c} catch {destroy .scrt} if {$deltmp != ""} { catch {file delete $deltmp} set import_save_file "" return; } tk_messageBox -parent $p -type ok -icon info \ -message "Saved to file: $import_save_file" -title "Save File: $import_save_file" } proc import_cert {} { toplev .icrt wm title .icrt "Import SSL Certificate" global scroll_text_focus set scroll_text_focus 0 global uname set h 19 if [small_height] { set h 12 } elseif {$uname == "Darwin"} { set h 16 } scroll_text .icrt.f 90 $h set scroll_text_focus 1 set msg { This dialog lets you import a SSL Certificate by either pasting one in or by loading from another file. Choose which input mode you want to use by the toggle "Paste / Read from File". There are two types of files we use 1) Certificate only, and 2) Private Key and Certificate. Type 1) would be used to verify the identity of a remote VNC Server, whereas type 2) would be used to authenticate ourselves to the remote VNC Server. A type 1) by convention ends with file suffix ".crt" and looks like: -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIID2jCCAsKgAwIBAgIJALKypfV8BItCMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBAUAMIGgMQswCQYD (more lines) ... TCQ+tbQ/DOiTXGKx1nlcKoPdkG+QVQVJthlQcpam -----END CERTIFICATE----- A type 2) by convention ends with file suffix ".pem" and looks like: -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIIEpAIBAAKCAQEA4sApd7WaPKQRWnFe9T04D4pglQB0Ti0/dCVHxg8WEVQ8OdcW (more lines) ... 9kBmNotUiTpvRM+e7E/zRemhvY9qraFooqMWzi9JrgYfeLfSvvFfGw== -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIID2jCCAsKgAwIBAgIJALKypfV8BItCMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBAUAMIGgMQswCQYD (more lines) ... TCQ+tbQ/DOiTXGKx1nlcKoPdkG+QVQVJthlQcpam -----END CERTIFICATE----- You do not need to use the ".crt" or ".pem" convention if you do not want to. First, either paste in the text or set the "Read from File" filename. Next, set the "Save to File" name to the file where the imported certificate will be saved. Then, click on "Save" to save the imported Certificate. After you have imported the Certificate (or Key + Certificate), select it to use for a connection via the "MyCert" or "ServerCert" dialog. } .icrt.f.t insert end $msg global icert import_mode set import_mode "paste" set w .icrt.mf frame $w radiobutton $w.p -pady 1 -anchor w -variable import_mode -value paste \ -text "Paste" -command "import_check_mode .icrt" radiobutton $w.f -pady 1 -anchor w -variable import_mode -value file \ -text "Read from File:" -command "import_check_mode .icrt" global import_file set import_file "" entry $w.e -width 40 -textvariable import_file button $w.b -pady 1 -anchor w -text "Browse..." -command {import_browse .icrt} pack $w.b -side right pack $w.p $w.f -side left pack $w.e -side left -expand 1 -fill x $w.b configure -state disabled $w.e configure -state disabled label .icrt.plab -anchor w -text "Paste Certificate here: (extra blank lines above or below are OK)" set h 22 if [small_height] { set h 11 } elseif {$uname == "Darwin"} { set h 11 } scroll_text .icrt.paste 90 $h button .icrt.cancel -text "Cancel" -command {destroy .icrt; catch {raise .c}} bind .icrt <Escape> {destroy .icrt; catch {raise .c}} wm protocol .icrt WM_DELETE_WINDOW {destroy .icrt; catch {raise .c}} button .icrt.save -text "Save" -command {do_save .icrt} set w .icrt.sf frame $w label $w.l -text "Save to File:" -anchor w global import_save_file set import_save_file "" entry $w.e -width 40 -textvariable import_save_file button $w.b -pady 1 -anchor w -text "Browse..." -command import_save_browse global also_save_to_accepted_certs set also_save_to_accepted_certs 0 checkbutton .icrt.ac -anchor w -variable also_save_to_accepted_certs -text \ "Also Save to the 'Accepted Certs' directory" -relief raised pack $w.b -side right pack $w.l -side left pack $w.e -side left -expand 1 -fill x pack .icrt.save .icrt.cancel .icrt.ac .icrt.sf .icrt.mf -side bottom -fill x pack .icrt.paste .icrt.plab -side bottom -fill x pack .icrt.f -side top -fill both -expand 1 .icrt.paste.t insert end "" focus .icrt.paste.t center_win .icrt } proc save_cert {hp} { global cert_text toplev .scrt wm title .scrt "Import/Save SSL Certificate" global scroll_text_focus set scroll_text_focus 0 global uname global accepted_cert_dialog_in_progress set h 20 if {$accepted_cert_dialog_in_progress} { set mode "accepted" set h 15 if [small_height] { set h 11 } } else { set mode "normal" set h 20 if [small_height] { set h 16 } } scroll_text .scrt.f 90 $h set scroll_text_focus 1 set msg1 { This dialog lets you import a SSL Certificate retrieved from a VNC server. Be sure to have verified its authenticity via an external means (checking the MD5 hash value sent to you by the administrator, etc) Set "Save to File" to the filename where the imported cert will be saved. If you also want the Certificate to be saved to the pool of certs in the 'Accepted Certs' directory, select the checkbox. By default all Servers are verified against the certificates in this pool. Then, click on "Save" to save the imported Certificate. After you have imported the Certificate it will be automatically selected as the "ServerCert" for the next connection to this host: %HOST To make the ServerCert setting to the imported cert file PERMANENT, select 'Save' to save it in the profile for this host. } set msg2 { This dialog lets you import a SSL Certificate retrieved from a VNC server. Be sure to have verified its authenticity via an external means (checking the MD5 hash value sent to you by the administrator, etc) It will be added to the 'Accepted Certs' directory. The "Save to File" below is already set to the correct directory and file name. Click on "Save" to add it to the Accepted Certs. It, and the other certs in that directory, will be used to authenticate any VNC Server that has "ACCEPTED_CERTS" as the "CertsDir" value in the "Certs..." dialog. This is the default checking policy. } set msg "" if {$mode == "normal"} { set msg $msg1 } else { set msg $msg2 } regsub {%HOST} $msg "$hp" msg .scrt.f.t insert end $msg set w .scrt.mf frame $w global import_file set import_file "" entry $w.e -width 40 -textvariable import_file set h 22 if [small_height] { set h 10 } scroll_text .scrt.paste 90 $h button .scrt.cancel -text "Cancel" -command {destroy .scrt; catch {raise .c}} bind .scrt <Escape> {destroy .scrt; catch {raise .c}} wm protocol .scrt WM_DELETE_WINDOW {destroy .scrt; catch {raise .c}} global import_save_file if {$mode == "normal"} { button .scrt.save -text "Save" -command {do_save .scrt; set svcert $import_save_file} } else { button .scrt.save -text "Save" -command {do_save .scrt} } if [regexp -nocase -- {ACCEPT} $cert_text] { if [regexp -nocase -- {Client certificate} $cert_text] { if [regexp -- {^:[0-9][0-9]*$} $hp] { if [regexp -nocase {subject=.*CN=([^/][^/]*)/} $cert_text mv0 mv1] { regsub -all {[ ]} $mv1 "" mv1 set hp "$mv1$hp" } else { set hp "listen$hp" } } } } set w .scrt.sf frame $w label $w.l -text "Save to File:" -anchor w set import_save_file "server:$hp.crt" global is_windows regsub -all {:} $import_save_file "-" import_save_file set import_save_file [get_idir_certs ""]/$import_save_file global fetch_cert_filename if {$fetch_cert_filename != ""} { set import_save_file $fetch_cert_filename } entry $w.e -width 40 -textvariable import_save_file button $w.b -pady 1 -anchor w -text "Browse..." -command {import_save_browse .scrt} pack $w.b -side right pack $w.l -side left pack $w.e -side left -expand 1 -fill x global also_save_to_accepted_certs set also_save_to_accepted_certs 0 if [regexp -nocase -- {ACCEPT} $cert_text] { if [regexp -nocase -- {Client certificate} $cert_text] { set also_save_to_accepted_certs 1 } } checkbutton .scrt.ac -anchor w -variable also_save_to_accepted_certs -text \ "Also Save to the 'Accepted Certs' directory" -relief raised if {$mode == "normal"} { pack .scrt.cancel .scrt.save .scrt.sf .scrt.ac .scrt.mf -side bottom -fill x } else { pack .scrt.cancel .scrt.save .scrt.sf .scrt.mf -side bottom -fill x } pack .scrt.paste -side bottom -fill x pack .scrt.f -side top -fill both -expand 1 set text "" set on 0 foreach line [split $cert_text "\n"] { if [regexp -- {-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----} $line] { incr on } if {$on != 1} { continue; } append text "$line\n" if [regexp -- {-----END CERTIFICATE-----} $line] { set on 2 } } global save_cert_text set save_cert_text $text .scrt.paste.t insert end "$text" global import_mode set import_mode "save_cert_text" focus .scrt.paste.t center_win .scrt } proc getcerts {} { global mycert svcert crtdir crlfil global use_ssh use_sshssl toplev .c wm title .c "SSL Certificates" frame .c.mycert frame .c.svcert frame .c.crtdir frame .c.crlfil label .c.mycert.l -anchor w -width 12 -text "MyCert:" label .c.svcert.l -anchor w -width 12 -text "ServerCert:" label .c.crtdir.l -anchor w -width 12 -text "CertsDir:" label .c.crlfil.l -anchor w -width 12 -text "CRL File:" entry .c.mycert.e -width 32 -textvariable mycert -vcmd v_mycert entry .c.svcert.e -width 32 -textvariable svcert -vcmd v_svcert entry .c.crtdir.e -width 32 -textvariable crtdir entry .c.crlfil.e -width 32 -textvariable crlfil -vcmd v_crlfil bind .c.mycert.e <Enter> {.c.mycert.e validate} bind .c.mycert.e <Leave> {.c.mycert.e validate} bind .c.svcert.e <Enter> {.c.svcert.e validate} bind .c.svcert.e <Leave> {.c.svcert.e validate} button .c.mycert.b -text "Browse..." -command {set_mycert .c; catch {raise .c}} button .c.svcert.b -text "Browse..." -command {set_svcert .c; catch {raise .c}} button .c.crtdir.b -text "Browse..." -command {set_crtdir .c; catch {raise .c}} button .c.crlfil.b -text "Browse..." -command {set_crlfil .c; catch {raise .c}} button .c.mycert.i -text "Info" -command {show_mycert} button .c.svcert.i -text "Info" -command {show_svcert} button .c.crtdir.i -text "Info" -command {} button .c.crlfil.i -text "Info" -command {show_crlfil} bind .c.mycert.b <Enter> "v_mycert" bind .c.svcert.b <Enter> "v_svcert" bind .c.crlfil.b <Enter> "v_crlfil" .c.mycert.i configure -state disabled .c.svcert.i configure -state disabled .c.crtdir.i configure -state disabled .c.crlfil.i configure -state disabled bind .c.mycert.b <B3-ButtonRelease> "show_mycert" bind .c.svcert.b <B3-ButtonRelease> "show_svcert" bind .c.crlfil.b <B3-ButtonRelease> "show_crlfil" set do_crl 1 set do_row 1 set c .c if {$do_row} { frame .c.b0 set c .c.b0 } button $c.create -text "Create Certificate ..." -command {create_cert} button $c.import -text "Import Certificate ..." -command {import_cert} button $c.delete -text "Delete Certificate ..." -command {delete_cert .c} if {$c != ".c"} { pack $c.create $c.import $c.delete -fill x -expand 1 -side left } frame .c.b button .c.b.done -text "Done" -command {catch {destroy .c}} bind .c <Escape> {destroy .c} button .c.b.help -text "Help" -command help_certs pack .c.b.help .c.b.done -fill x -expand 1 -side left set wlist [list mycert svcert crtdir] lappend wlist crlfil foreach w $wlist { pack .c.$w.l -side left pack .c.$w.e -side left -expand 1 -fill x pack .c.$w.b -side left pack .c.$w.i -side left bind .c.$w.e <Return> ".c.$w.b invoke" if {$use_ssh} { .c.$w.l configure -state disabled .c.$w.e configure -state disabled .c.$w.b configure -state disabled } } global svcert_default_force mycert_default_force crlfil_default_force if {$mycert_default_force} { .c.mycert.e configure -state readonly .c.mycert.b configure -state disabled } if {$svcert_default_force} { .c.svcert.e configure -state readonly .c.svcert.b configure -state disabled .c.crtdir.e configure -state readonly .c.crtdir.b configure -state disabled } if {$crlfil_default_force} { .c.crlfil.e configure -state readonly .c.crlfil.b configure -state disabled } if {$mycert != ""} { v_mycert } if {$svcert != ""} { v_svcert } if {$crlfil != ""} { v_crlfil } set wlist [list .c.mycert .c.svcert .c.crtdir] if {$do_crl} { lappend wlist .c.crlfil } if {$c != ".c"} { lappend wlist $c } else { lappend wlist .c.create .c.import .c.delete } lappend wlist .c.b eval pack $wlist -side top -fill x center_win .c wm resizable .c 1 0 focus .c } proc get_profiles_dir {} { global env is_windows set dir "" if {$is_windows} { if [info exists env(SSVNC_HOME)] { set t "$env(SSVNC_HOME)/ss_vnc" regsub -all {\\} $t "/" t regsub -all {//*} $t "/" t if {! [file isdirectory $t]} { catch {file mkdir $t} } if [file isdirectory $t] { set dir $t set s "$t/profiles" if {! [file exists $s]} { catch {file mkdir $s} } } } if {$dir == ""} { set t [file dirname [pwd]] set t "$t/profiles" if [file isdirectory $t] { set dir $t } } } elseif [info exists env(SSVNC_HOME)] { set t "$env(SSVNC_HOME)/.vnc" catch {file mkdir $t} if [file isdirectory $t] { set dir $t set s "$t/profiles" if {! [file exists $s]} { catch {file mkdir $s} } } } if {$dir != ""} { } elseif [info exists env(SSVNC_BASEDIR)] { set dir $env(SSVNC_BASEDIR) } else { set dir [pwd] } if [file isdirectory "$dir/profiles"] { set dir "$dir/profiles" } return $dir } proc globalize {} { global defs foreach var [array names defs] { uplevel global $var } } proc load_include {include dir} { global include_vars defs if [info exists include_vars] { unset include_vars } foreach inc [split $include ", "] { set f [string trim $inc] #puts "f=$f"; if {$f == ""} { continue } set try "" if {[regexp {/} $f] || [regexp {\\} $f]} { set try $f; } else { set try "$dir/$f" } if {! [file exists $try]} { set try "$dir/$f.vnc" } #puts "try: $try" if [file exists $try] { set fh "" catch {set fh [open $try "r"]} if {$fh == ""} { continue } mesg "Applying template: $inc" after 100 while {[gets $fh line] > -1} { append inc_str "$line\n" if [regexp {^([^=]*)=(.*)$} $line m var val] { if {! [info exists defs($var)]} { continue } if {$var == "include_list"} { continue } set pct 0 if {$var == "smb_mount_list"} { set pct 1 } if {$var == "port_knocking_list"} { set pct 1 } if {$pct} { regsub -all {%%%} $val "\n" val } if {$val != $defs($var)} { #puts "include_vars $var $val" set include_vars($var) $val } } } catch {close $fh} } } } proc unix_dialog_resize {{w .}} { global env is_windows uname unix_dialog_size set ok 0 set width 600 set height 300 if {[info exists env(SSVNC_BIGGER_DIALOG)]} { set ok 1 if {[regexp {([0-9][0-9]*)x([0-9][0-9]*)} $env(SSVNC_BIGGER_DIALOG) m wi he]} { set width $wi; set height $he; } } elseif {[info exists env(USER)] && $env(USER) == "runge"} { set ok 1 } if {$ok} { # this is a personal hack because tk_getOpenFile size is not configurable. if {!$is_windows && $uname != "Darwin"} { if {$w == "."} { set w2 .__tk_filedialog } else { set w2 $w.__tk_filedialog } set w3 $w2.icons.canvas global udr_w4 set udr_w4 $w2.f2.cancel if {! [info exists unix_dialog_size($w)]} { after 50 {global udr_w4; catch {$udr_w4 invoke}} tk_getOpenFile -parent $w -initialdir / set unix_dialog_size($w) 1 } if [winfo exists $w3] { catch {$w3 configure -width $width} catch {$w3 configure -height $height} } } } } proc delete_profile {{parent "."}} { globalize set dir [get_profiles_dir] unix_dialog_resize $parent set file [tk_getOpenFile -parent $parent -initialdir $dir -title "DELETE VNC Profile"] if {$file == ""} { return } set tail [file tail $file] set ans [tk_messageBox -type okcancel -title "Delete $tail" -message "Really Delete $file?" -icon warning] if {$ans == "ok"} { catch {file delete $file} mesg "Deleted $tail" } else { mesg "Delete Skipped." } } proc load_profile {{parent "."} {infile ""}} { global profdone global vncdisplay globalize set dir [get_profiles_dir] if {$infile != ""} { set file $infile } else { unix_dialog_resize set file [tk_getOpenFile -parent $parent -defaultextension \ ".vnc" -initialdir $dir -title "Load VNC Profile"] } if {$file == ""} { set profdone 1 return } set fh [open $file "r"] if {! [info exists fh]} { set profdone 1 return } set goto_mode ""; set str "" set include "" set sw 1 while {[gets $fh line] > -1} { append str "$line\n" if [regexp {^include_list=(.*)$} $line m val] { set include $val } global ssh_only ts_only if {$ssh_only || $ts_only} { if [regexp {use_ssh=0} $line] { if {$sw} { mesg "Switching to SSVNC mode." set goto_mode "ssvnc" update after 300 } else { bell mesg "Cannot Load an SSL profile in SSH-ONLY mode." set profdone 1 close $fh return } } } if {! $ts_only} { if [regexp {ts_mode=1} $line] { if {$sw} { mesg "Switching to Terminal Services mode." set goto_mode "tsonly" update after 300 } else { bell mesg "Cannot Load a Terminal Svcs profile SSVNC mode." set profdone 1 close $fh return } } } else { if [regexp {ts_mode=0} $line] { if {$sw} { mesg "Switching to SSVNC mode." set goto_mode "ssvnc" update after 300 } else { bell mesg "Cannot Load a Terminal Svcs profile SSVNC mode." set profdone 1 close $fh return } } } } close $fh if {$include != ""} { load_include $include $dir } if {$goto_mode == "tsonly"} { to_tsonly } elseif {$goto_mode == "ssvnc"} { to_ssvnc } elseif {$goto_mode == "sshvnc"} { to_sshvnc } set_defaults global include_vars if [info exists include_vars] { foreach var [array names include_vars] { set $var $include_vars($var) } } global use_ssl use_ssh use_sshssl set use_ssl 0 set use_ssh 0 set use_sshssl 0 global defs foreach line [split $str "\n"] { set line [string trim $line] if [regexp {^#} $line] { continue } if [regexp {^([^=]*)=(.*)$} $line m var val] { if {$var == "disp"} { set vncdisplay $val continue } if [info exists defs($var)] { set pct 0 if {$var == "smb_mount_list"} { set pct 1 } if {$var == "port_knocking_list"} { set pct 1 } if {$pct} { regsub -all {%%%} $val "\n" val } set $var $val } } } init_vncdisplay if {! $use_ssl && ! $use_ssh && ! $use_sshssl} { if {! $disable_all_encryption} { set use_ssl 1 } } if {$use_ssl} { set use_ssh 0 set use_sshssl 0 } elseif {$use_ssh && $use_sshssl} { set use_ssh 0 } sync_use_ssl_ssh set compresslevel_text "Compress Level: $use_compresslevel" set quality_text "Quality: $use_quality" set profdone 1 putty_pw_entry check listen_adjust unixpw_adjust global last_load set last_load [file tail $file] global uname darwin_cotvnc if {$uname == "Darwin"} { if {$use_x11_macosx} { set darwin_cotvnc 0; } else { set darwin_cotvnc 1; } } mesg "Loaded [file tail $file]" } proc sync_use_ssl_ssh {} { global use_ssl use_ssh use_sshssl global disable_all_encryption if {$use_ssl} { ssl_ssh_adjust ssl } elseif {$use_ssh} { ssl_ssh_adjust ssh } elseif {$use_sshssl} { ssl_ssh_adjust sshssl } elseif {$disable_all_encryption} { ssl_ssh_adjust none } else { ssl_ssh_adjust ssl } } proc save_profile {{parent "."}} { global is_windows uname global profdone global include_vars defs global ts_only global last_load globalize set dir [get_profiles_dir] set vncdisp [get_vncdisplay] set dispf [string trim $vncdisp] if {$dispf != ""} { regsub {[ ].*$} $dispf "" dispf regsub -all {/} $dispf "" dispf } else { global ts_only if {$ts_only} { mesg "No VNC Terminal Server supplied." } else { mesg "No VNC Host:Disp supplied." } bell return } if {$is_windows || $uname == "Darwin"} { regsub -all {:} $dispf "-" dispf } else { regsub -all {:} $dispf "-" dispf } regsub -all {[\[\]]} $dispf "" dispf if {$ts_only && ![regexp {^TS-} $dispf]} { set dispf "TS-$dispf" } if {![regexp {\.vnc$} $dispf]} { set dispf "$dispf.vnc" } set guess $dispf if {$last_load != ""} { set guess $last_load } unix_dialog_resize set file [tk_getSaveFile -parent $parent -defaultextension ".vnc" \ -initialdir $dir -initialfile "$guess" -title "Save VNC Profile"] if {$file == ""} { set profdone 1 return } set fh [open $file "w"] if {! [info exists fh]} { set profdone 1 return } set h [string trim $vncdisp] set p $h # XXX host_part regsub {:[0-9][0-9]*$} $h "" h set host $h regsub {[ ].*$} $p "" p regsub {^.*:} $p "" p regsub { .*$} $p "" p if {$p == ""} { set p 0 } elseif {![regexp {^[-0-9][0-9]*$} $p]} { set p 0 } if {$p < 0} { set port $p } elseif {$p < 200} { set port [expr $p + 5900] } else { set port $p } set h [string trim $vncdisp] regsub {cmd=.*$} $h "" h set h [string trim $h] if {! [regexp {[ ]} $h]} { set h "" } else { regsub {^.*[ ]} $h "" h } if {$h == ""} { set proxy "" set proxyport "" } else { set p $h regsub {:[0-9][0-9]*$} $h "" h set proxy $h regsub {[ ].*$} $p "" p regsub {^.*:} $p "" p if {$p == ""} { set proxyport 0 } else { set proxyport $p } } puts $fh "\[connection\]" puts $fh "host=$host" puts $fh "port=$port" puts $fh "proxyhost=$proxy" puts $fh "proxyport=$proxyport" puts $fh "disp=$vncdisp" puts $fh "\n\[options\]" puts $fh "# parameters commented out with '#' indicate the default setting." if {$include_list != ""} { load_include $include_list [get_profiles_dir] } global sshssl_sw if {! $use_ssl && ! $use_ssh && ! $use_sshssl} { if {$sshssl_sw == "none"} { set disable_all_encryption 1 } } global ts_only ssh_only if {$ts_only} { set ts_mode 1 } else { set ts_mode 0 } foreach var [lsort [array names defs]] { eval set val \$$var set pre "" if {$val == $defs($var)} { set pre "#" } if {$ssh_only && $var == "use_ssh"} { set pre "" } set pct 0 if {$var == "smb_mount_list"} { set pct 1 } if {$var == "port_knocking_list"} { set pct 1 } if {$include_list != "" && [info exists include_vars($var)]} { if {$val == $include_vars($var)} { if {$pct} { regsub -all "\n" $val "%%%" val } puts $fh "#from include: $var=$val" continue } } if {$pct} { regsub -all "\n" $val "%%%" val } puts $fh "$pre$var=$val" } close $fh mesg "Saved Profile: [file tail $file]" set last_load [file tail $file] set profdone 1 } proc set_ssh {} { global use_ssl if {$use_ssl} { ssl_ssh_adjust ssh } } proc expand_IP {redir} { if {! [regexp {:IP:} $redir]} { return $redir } if {! [regexp {(-R).*:IP:} $redir]} { return $redir } set ip [guess_ip] set ip [string trim $ip] if {$ip == ""} { return $redir } regsub -all {:IP:} $redir ":$ip:" redir return $redir } proc rand_port {} { global rand_port_list set p "" for {set i 0} {$i < 30} {incr i} { set p [expr 25000 + 35000 * rand()] set p [expr round($p)] if {![info exists rand_port_list($p)]} { break } } if {$p == ""} { unset rand_port_list set p [expr 25000 + 35000 * rand()] set p [expr round($p)] } set rand_port_list($p) 1 return $p } proc get_cups_redir {} { global cups_local_server cups_remote_port global cups_local_smb_server cups_remote_smb_port regsub -all {[ ]} $cups_local_server "" cups_local_server regsub -all {[ ]} $cups_remote_port "" cups_remote_port regsub -all {[ ]} $cups_local_smb_server "" cups_local_smb_server regsub -all {[ ]} $cups_remote_smb_port "" cups_remote_smb_port set redir "" if {$cups_local_server != "" && $cups_remote_port != ""} { set redir "$cups_remote_port:$cups_local_server" regsub -all {['" ]} $redir {} redir; #" set redir " -R $redir" } if {$cups_local_smb_server != "" && $cups_remote_smb_port != ""} { set redir2 "$cups_remote_smb_port:$cups_local_smb_server" regsub -all {['" ]} $redir2 {} redir2; #" set redir "$redir -R $redir2" } set redir [expand_IP $redir] return $redir } proc get_additional_redir {} { global additional_port_redirs additional_port_redirs_list global ts_only choose_x11vnc_opts if {! $additional_port_redirs || $additional_port_redirs_list == ""} { return "" } if {$ts_only && !$choose_x11vnc_opts} { return "" } set redir [string trim $additional_port_redirs_list] regsub -all {['"]} $redir {} redir; #" set redir " $redir" set redir [expand_IP $redir] return $redir } proc get_sound_redir {} { global sound_daemon_remote_port sound_daemon_local_port global sound_daemon_x11vnc regsub -all {[ ]} $sound_daemon_remote_port "" sound_daemon_remote_port regsub -all {[ ]} $sound_daemon_local_port "" sound_daemon_local_port set redir "" if {$sound_daemon_local_port == "" || $sound_daemon_remote_port == ""} { return $redir } set loc $sound_daemon_local_port if {! [regexp {:} $loc]} { global uname if {$uname == "Darwin"} { set loc "$loc" } else { global is_windows if {$is_windows} { global win_localhost set loc "$win_localhost:$loc" } else { set loc "localhost:$loc" } } } set redir "$sound_daemon_remote_port:$loc" regsub -all {['" ]} $redir {} redir; #" set redir " -R $redir" set redir [expand_IP $redir] return $redir } proc get_smb_redir {} { global smb_mount_list set s [string trim $smb_mount_list] if {$s == ""} { return "" } set did(0) 1 set redir "" set mntlist "" foreach line [split $s "\r\n"] { set str [string trim $line] if {$str == ""} { continue } if {[regexp {^#} $str]} { continue } set port "" if [regexp {^([0-9][0-9]*)[ \t][ \t]*(.*)} $str mvar port rest] { # leading port set str [string trim $rest] } # grab: //share /dest [host[:port]] set share "" set dest "" set hostport "" foreach item [split $str] { if {$item == ""} { continue } if {$share == ""} { set share [string trim $item] } elseif {$dest == ""} { set dest [string trim $item] } elseif {$hostport == ""} { set hostport [string trim $item] } } regsub {^~/} $dest {$HOME/} dest # work out the local host:port set lhost "" set lport "" if {$hostport != ""} { if [regexp {(.*):([0-9][0-9]*)} $hostport mvar lhost lport] { ; } else { set lhost $hostport set lport 139 } } else { if [regexp {//([^/][^/]*)/} $share mvar h] { if [regexp {(.*):([0-9][0-9]*)} $h mvar lhost lport] { ; } else { set lhost $h set lport 139 } } else { global is_windows win_localhost set lhost "localhost" if {$is_windows} { set lhost $win_localhost } set lport 139 } } if {$port == ""} { if [info exists did("$lhost:$lport")] { # reuse previous one: set port $did("$lhost:$lport") } else { # choose one at random: for {set i 0} {$i < 3} {incr i} { set port [expr 20100 + 9000 * rand()] set port [expr round($port)] if { ! [info exists did($port)] } { break } } } set did($port) 1 } if {$mntlist != ""} { append mntlist " " } append mntlist "$share,$dest,$port" if { ! [info exists did("$lhost:$lport")] } { append redir " -R $port:$lhost:$lport" set did("$lhost:$lport") $port } } regsub -all {['"]} $redir {} redir; #" set redir [expand_IP $redir] regsub -all {['"]} $mntlist {} mntlist; #" set l [list] lappend l $redir lappend l $mntlist return $l } proc ugly_setup_scripts {mode tag} { set cmd(1) { SSHD_PID="" FLAG=$HOME/.vnc-helper-flag__PID__ if [ "X$USER" = "X" ]; then USER=$LOGNAME fi DO_CUPS=0 cups_dir=$HOME/.cups cups_cfg=$cups_dir/client.conf cups_host=localhost cups_port=NNNN DO_SMB=0 DO_SMB_SU=0 DO_SMB_WAIT=0 smb_mounts= DONE_PORT_CHECK=NNNN smb_script=$HOME/.smb-mounts__PID__.sh DO_SOUND=0 DO_SOUND_KILL=0 DO_SOUND_RESTART=0 sound_daemon_remote_prog= sound_daemon_remote_args= findpid() { db=0 back=30 touch $FLAG tty=`tty | sed -e "s,/dev/,,"` if [ "X$TOPPID" = "X" ]; then TOPPID=$$ if [ $db = 1 ]; then echo "set TOPPID to $TOPPID"; fi back=70 fi #back=5 if [ $db = 1 ]; then echo "TOPPID=$TOPPID THISPID=$$ back=$back"; fi i=1 while [ $i -lt $back ] do try=`expr $TOPPID - $i` if [ $try -lt 1 ]; then try=`expr 32768 + $try` fi if [ $db = 1 ]; then echo try-1=$try; ps $try; fi if ps $try 2>/dev/null | grep "sshd.*$USER" | grep "$tty" >/dev/null; then if [ $db = 1 ]; then echo Found=$try; fi SSHD_PID="$try" echo ps $try echo break fi i=`expr $i + 1` done if [ "X$SSHD_PID" = "X" ]; then back=`expr $back + 20` #back=5 for fallback in 2 3 do i=1 while [ $i -lt $back ] do try=`expr $TOPPID - $i` if [ $try -lt 1 ]; then try=`expr 32768 + $try` fi match="sshd.*$USER" if [ $fallback = 3 ]; then match="sshd" fi if [ $db = 1 ]; then echo "try-$fallback=$try match=$match"; ps $try; fi if ps $try 2>/dev/null | grep "$match" >/dev/null; then if [ $db = 1 ]; then echo Found=$try; fi SSHD_PID="$try" echo ps $try echo break fi i=`expr $i + 1` done if [ "X$SSHD_PID" != "X" ]; then break fi done fi #curlie} }; set cmd(2) { #curlie{ if [ "X$SSHD_PID" = "X" ]; then if [ $db = 1 ]; then echo pstr=`ps -elf | grep "$USER" | grep "$tty" | grep -v grep | grep -v PID | grep -v "ps -elf"` echo "$pstr" fi plist=`ps -elf | grep "$USER" | grep "$tty" | grep -v grep | grep -v PID | grep -v "ps -elf" | awk "{print \\\$4}" | sort -n` if [ $db = 1 ]; then echo echo "$plist" fi for try in $plist do if [ $db = 1 ]; then echo try-final=$try; ps $try; fi if echo "$try" | grep "^[0-9][0-9]*\\\$" > /dev/null; then : else continue fi if ps $try | egrep vnc-helper > /dev/null; then : else if [ $db = 1 ]; then echo Found=$try; fi SSHD_PID=$try echo ps $try echo break fi done fi if [ "X$SSHD_PID" = "X" ]; then #ugh SSHD_PID=$$ fi echo "vnc-helper: [for cups/smb/esd] SSHD_PID=$SSHD_PID MY_PID=$$ TTY=$tty" echo "vnc-helper: To force me to finish: rm $FLAG" } wait_til_ssh_gone() { try_perl="" if type perl >/dev/null 2>&1; then if [ -d /proc -a -e /proc/$$ ]; then try_perl="1" fi fi if [ "X$try_perl" = "X1" ]; then # try to avoid wasting pids: perl -e "while (1) {if(-d \"/proc\" && ! -e \"/proc/$SSHD_PID\"){exit} if(! -f \"$FLAG\"){exit} sleep 1;}" else while [ 1 ] do ps $SSHD_PID > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? != 0 ]; then break fi if [ ! -f $FLAG ]; then break fi sleep 1 done fi rm -f $FLAG if [ "X$DO_SMB_WAIT" = "X1" ]; then rm -f $smb_script fi } }; set cmd(3) { update_client_conf() { mkdir -p $cups_dir if [ ! -f $cups_cfg.back ]; then touch $cups_cfg.back fi if [ ! -f $cups_cfg ]; then touch $cups_cfg fi if grep ssvnc-auto $cups_cfg > /dev/null; then : else cp -p $cups_cfg $cups_cfg.back fi echo "#-ssvnc-auto:" > $cups_cfg sed -e "s/^ServerName/#-ssvnc-auto-#ServerName/" $cups_cfg.back >> $cups_cfg echo "ServerName $cups_host:$cups_port" >> $cups_cfg echo echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------" echo "On `hostname`:" echo echo "The CUPS $cups_cfg config file has been set to:" echo cat $cups_cfg | grep -v "^#-ssvnc-auto:" | sed -e "s/^/ /" echo echo "If there are problems automatically restoring it, edit or remove" echo "the file to go back to the local CUPS settings." echo echo "A backup has been placed in: $cups_cfg.back" echo echo "See the SSVNC CUPS dialog for more details on printing." if type lpstat >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo echo "lpstat -a output:" echo (lpstat -a 2>&1 | sed -e "s/^/ /") & sleep 0.5 >/dev/null 2>&1 fi echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------" echo } reset_client_conf() { cp $cups_cfg $cups_cfg.tmp grep -v "^ServerName" $cups_cfg.tmp | grep -v "^#-ssvnc-auto:" | sed -e "s/^#-ssvnc-auto-#ServerName/ServerName/" > $cups_cfg rm -f $cups_cfg.tmp } cupswait() { trap "" INT QUIT HUP trap "reset_client_conf; rm -f $FLAG; exit" TERM wait_til_ssh_gone reset_client_conf } }; # if [ "X$DONE_PORT_CHECK" != "X" ]; then # if type perl >/dev/null 2>&1; then # perl -e "use IO::Socket::INET; \$SIG{INT} = \"IGNORE\"; \$SIG{QUIT} = \"IGNORE\"; \$SIG{HUP} = \"INGORE\"; my \$client = IO::Socket::INET->new(Listen => 5, LocalAddr => \"localhost\", LocalPort => $DONE_PORT_CHECK, Proto => \"tcp\")->accept(); \$line = <\$client>; close \$client; unlink \"$smb_script\";" </dev/null >/dev/null 2>/dev/null & # if [ $? = 0 ]; then # have_perl_done="1" # fi # fi # fi set cmd(4) { smbwait() { trap "" INT QUIT HUP wait_til_ssh_gone } do_smb_mounts() { if [ "X$smb_mounts" = "X" ]; then return fi echo > $smb_script have_perl_done="" echo "echo" >> $smb_script dests="" for mnt in $smb_mounts do smfs=`echo "$mnt" | awk -F, "{print \\\$1}"` dest=`echo "$mnt" | awk -F, "{print \\\$2}"` port=`echo "$mnt" | awk -F, "{print \\\$3}"` dest=`echo "$dest" | sed -e "s,__USER__,$USER,g" -e "s,__HOME__,$HOME,g"` if [ ! -d $dest ]; then mkdir -p $dest fi echo "echo SMBMOUNT:" >> $smb_script echo "echo smbmount $smfs $dest -o uid=$USER,ip=,port=$port" >> $smb_script echo "smbmount \"$smfs\" \"$dest\" -o uid=$USER,ip=,port=$port" >> $smb_script echo "echo; df \"$dest\"; echo" >> $smb_script dests="$dests $dest" done #curlie} }; set cmd(5) { echo "(" >> $smb_script echo "un_mnt() {" >> $smb_script for dest in $dests do echo " echo smbumount $dest" >> $smb_script echo " smbumount \"$dest\"" >> $smb_script done echo "}" >> $smb_script echo "trap \"\" INT QUIT HUP" >> $smb_script echo "trap \"un_mnt; exit\" TERM" >> $smb_script try_perl="" if type perl >/dev/null 2>&1; then try_perl=1 fi uname=`uname` if [ "X$uname" != "XLinux" -a "X$uname" != "XSunOS" -a "X$uname" != "XDarwin" ]; then try_perl="" fi if [ "X$try_perl" = "X" ]; then echo "while [ -f $smb_script ]" >> $smb_script echo "do" >> $smb_script echo " sleep 1" >> $smb_script echo "done" >> $smb_script else echo "perl -e \"while (-f \\\"$smb_script\\\") {sleep 1;} exit 0;\"" >> $smb_script fi echo "un_mnt" >> $smb_script echo ") &" >> $smb_script echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------" echo "On `hostname`:" echo if [ "$DO_SMB_SU" = "0" ]; then echo "We now run the smbmount script as user $USER" echo echo sh $smb_script sh $smb_script rc=0 elif [ "$DO_SMB_SU" = "1" ]; then echo "We now run the smbmount script via su(1)" echo echo "The first \"Password:\" will be for that of root to run the smbmount script." echo echo "Subsequent \"Password:\" will be for the SMB share(s) (hit Return if no passwd)" echo echo SU: echo "su root -c \"sh $smb_script\"" su root -c "sh $smb_script" rc=$? elif [ "$DO_SMB_SU" = "2" ]; then echo "We now run the smbmount script via sudo(8)" echo echo "The first \"Password:\" will be for that of the sudo(8) password." echo echo "Subsequent \"Password:\" will be for the SMB shares (hit enter if no passwd)" echo echo SUDO: sd="sudo" echo "$sd sh $smb_script" $sd sh $smb_script rc=$? fi }; set cmd(6) { #curlie{ echo if [ "$rc" = 0 ]; then if [ "X$have_perl_done" = "X1" -o 1 = 1 ] ; then echo echo "Your SMB shares will be unmounted when the VNC connection closes," echo "*AS LONG AS* No Applications have any of the share files opened or are" echo "cd-ed into any of the share directories." echo echo "Try to make sure nothing is accessing the SMB shares before disconnecting" echo "the VNC session. If you fail to do that follow these instructions:" fi echo echo "To unmount your SMB shares make sure no applications are still using any of" echo "the files and no shells are still cd-ed into the share area, then type:" echo echo " rm -f $smb_script" echo echo "In the worst case run: smbumount /path/to/mount/point for each mount as root" echo echo "Even with the remote redirection gone the kernel should umount after a timeout." else echo if [ "$DO_SMB_SU" = "1" ]; then echo "su(1) to run smbmount(8) failed." elif [ "$DO_SMB_SU" = "2" ]; then echo "sudo(8) to run smbmount(8) failed." fi rm -f $smb_script fi echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------" echo } }; set cmd(7) { setup_sound() { dpid="" d=$sound_daemon_remote_prog if type pgrep >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then dpid=`pgrep -U $USER -x $d | head -1` else dpid=`env PATH=/usr/ucb:$PATH ps wwwwaux | grep -w $USER | grep -w $d | grep -v grep | head -1` fi echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------" echo "On `hostname`:" echo echo "Setting up Sound: pid=$dpid" if [ "X$dpid" != "X" ]; then dcmd=`env PATH=/usr/ucb:$PATH ps wwwwaux | grep -w $USER | grep -w $d | grep -w $dpid | grep -v grep | head -1 | sed -e "s/^.*$d/$d/"` if [ "X$DO_SOUND_KILL" = "X1" ]; then echo "Stopping sound daemon: $sound_daemon_remote_prog $dpid" echo "sound cmd: $dcmd" kill -TERM $dpid fi fi echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------" echo } reset_sound() { if [ "X$DO_SOUND_RESTART" = "X1" ]; then d=$sound_daemon_remote_prog a=$sound_daemon_remote_args echo "Restaring sound daemon: $d $a" $d $a </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1 & fi } soundwait() { trap "" INT QUIT HUP trap "reset_sound; rm -f $FLAG; exit" TERM wait_til_ssh_gone reset_sound } findpid if [ $DO_SMB = 1 ]; then do_smb_mounts fi waiter=0 if [ $DO_CUPS = 1 ]; then update_client_conf cupswait </dev/null >/dev/null 2>/dev/null & waiter=1 fi if [ $DO_SOUND = 1 ]; then setup_sound soundwait </dev/null >/dev/null 2>/dev/null & waiter=1 fi if [ $DO_SMB_WAIT = 1 ]; then if [ $waiter != 1 ]; then smbwait </dev/null >/dev/null 2>/dev/null & waiter=1 fi fi #FINMSG echo "--main-vnc-helper-finished--" #cat $0 rm -f $0 exit 0 }; set cmdall "" for {set i 1} {$i <= 7} {incr i} { set v $cmd($i); regsub -all "\n" $v "%" v regsub -all {.curlie.} $v "" v set cmd($i) $v append cmdall "echo " if {$i == 1} { append cmdall {TOPPID=$$ %} } append cmdall {'} append cmdall $cmd($i) append cmdall {' | tr '%' '\n'} if {$i == 1} { append cmdall {>} } else { append cmdall {>>} } append cmdall {$HOME/.vnc-helper-cmd__PID__; } } append cmdall {sh $HOME/.vnc-helper-cmd__PID__; } regsub -all {vnc-helper-cmd} $cmdall "vnc-helper-cmd-$mode" cmdall if {$tag == ""} { set tag [pid] } regsub -all {__PID__} $cmdall "$tag" cmdall set orig $cmdall global use_cups cups_local_server cups_remote_port cups_manage_rcfile ts_only ts_cups_manage_rcfile cups_x11vnc regsub -all {[ ]} $cups_local_server "" cups_local_server regsub -all {[ ]} $cups_remote_port "" cups_remote_port if {$use_cups} { set dorc 0 if {$ts_only} { if {$ts_cups_manage_rcfile} { set dorc 1 } } else { if {$cups_manage_rcfile} { set dorc 1 } } if {$dorc && $mode == "post"} { if {$cups_local_server != "" && $cups_remote_port != ""} { regsub {DO_CUPS=0} $cmdall {DO_CUPS=1} cmdall regsub {cups_port=NNNN} $cmdall "cups_port=$cups_remote_port" cmdall } } } global use_smbmnt smb_su_mode smb_mounts if {$use_smbmnt} { if {$smb_mounts != ""} { set smbm $smb_mounts regsub -all {%USER} $smbm "__USER__" smbm regsub -all {%HOME} $smbm "__HOME__" smbm if {$mode == "pre"} { regsub {DO_SMB=0} $cmdall {DO_SMB=1} cmdall if {$smb_su_mode == "su"} { regsub {DO_SMB_SU=0} $cmdall {DO_SMB_SU=1} cmdall } elseif {$smb_su_mode == "sudo"} { regsub {DO_SMB_SU=0} $cmdall {DO_SMB_SU=2} cmdall } elseif {$smb_su_mode == "none"} { regsub {DO_SMB_SU=0} $cmdall {DO_SMB_SU=0} cmdall } else { regsub {DO_SMB_SU=0} $cmdall {DO_SMB_SU=1} cmdall } regsub {smb_mounts=} $cmdall "smb_mounts=\"$smbm\"" cmdall } elseif {$mode == "post"} { regsub {DO_SMB_WAIT=0} $cmdall {DO_SMB_WAIT=1} cmdall } } } global use_sound if {$use_sound} { if {$mode == "pre"} { global sound_daemon_remote_cmd sound_daemon_kill sound_daemon_restart if {$sound_daemon_kill} { regsub {DO_SOUND_KILL=0} $cmdall {DO_SOUND_KILL=1} cmdall regsub {DO_SOUND=0} $cmdall {DO_SOUND=1} cmdall } if {$sound_daemon_restart} { regsub {DO_SOUND_RESTART=0} $cmdall {DO_SOUND_RESTART=1} cmdall regsub {DO_SOUND=0} $cmdall {DO_SOUND=1} cmdall } set sp [string trim $sound_daemon_remote_cmd] regsub {[ \t].*$} $sp "" sp set sa [string trim $sound_daemon_remote_cmd] regsub {^[^ \t][^ \t]*[ \t][ \t]*} $sa "" sa regsub {sound_daemon_remote_prog=} $cmdall "sound_daemon_remote_prog=\"$sp\"" cmdall regsub {sound_daemon_remote_args=} $cmdall "sound_daemon_remote_args=\"$sa\"" cmdall } } if {$mode == "pre"} { set dopre 0 if {$use_smbmnt && $smb_mounts != ""} { set dopre 1 } if {$use_sound && $sound_daemon_kill} { set dopre 1 } if {$dopre} { global is_windows if {$is_windows} { regsub {#FINMSG} $cmdall {echo "Now Go Click on the Label to Start the 2nd SSH"} cmdall } else { regsub {#FINMSG} $cmdall {echo "Finished with the 1st SSH tasks, the 2nd SSH should start shortly..."} cmdall } } } set cmdstr $cmdall if {"$orig" == "$cmdall"} { set cmdstr "" } global env if [info exists env(SSVNC_DEBUG_CUPS)] { regsub -all {db=0} $cmdstr "db=1" cmdstr set pout "" regsub -all {%} $cmdstr "\n" pout puts stderr "\nSERVICE REDIR COMMAND:\n\n$pout\n" } return $cmdstr } proc ts_unixpw_dialog {} { toplev .uxpw wm title .uxpw "Use unixpw" scroll_text .uxpw.f 80 14 global ts_unixpw set msg { This enables the x11vnc unixpw mode. A Login: and Password: dialog will be presented in the VNC Viewer for the user to provide any Unix username and password whose session he wants to connect to. So this may require typing in the password a 2nd time after the one for SSH. This mode is useful if a shared terminal services user (e.g. 'tsuser') is used for the SSH login part (say via the SSH authorized_keys mechanism and all users share the same private SSH key for 'tsuser'). Note, However that the default usage of a per-user SSH login should be the simplest and also sufficient for most situations, in which case this "Use unixpw" option should NOT be selected. } .uxpw.f.t insert end $msg button .uxpw.cancel -text "Cancel" -command {destroy .uxpw; set ts_unixpw 0} bind .uxpw <Escape> {destroy .uxpw; set ts_unixpw 0} wm protocol .uxpw WM_DELETE_WINDOW {destroy .uxpw; set ts_unixpw 0} button .uxpw.done -text "Done" -command {destroy .uxpw; set ts_unixpw 1} pack .uxpw.done .uxpw.cancel -side bottom -fill x pack .uxpw.f -side top -fill both -expand 1 center_win .uxpw } proc ts_vncshared_dialog {} { toplev .vncs wm title .vncs "VNC Shared" scroll_text .vncs.f 80 23 global ts_vncshared set msg { Normal use of this program, 'tsvnc', *ALREADY* allows simultaneous shared access of the remote desktop: You simply log in as many times from as many different locations with 'tsvnc' as you like. However, doing it that way starts up a new x11vnc for each connection. In some circumstances you may want a single x11vnc running but allow multiple VNC viewers to access it simultaneously. This option (VNC Shared) enables that rarer usage case by passing '-shared' to the remote x11vnc command. With this option enabled, the new shared connections must still connect to the Terminal Server via SSH for encryption and authentication. They must also do the normal SSH port redirection to access the x11vnc port (usually 5900, but look for the PORT= output for the actual value). They could use SSVNC for that, or do it manually in terminal windows, more information: http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/#tunnelling } .vncs.f.t insert end $msg button .vncs.cancel -text "Cancel" -command {destroy .vncs; set ts_vncshared 0} bind .vncs <Escape> {destroy .vncs; set ts_vncshared 0} wm protocol .vncs WM_DELETE_WINDOW {destroy .vncs; set ts_vncshared 0} button .vncs.done -text "Done" -command {destroy .vncs; set ts_vncshared 1} pack .vncs.done .vncs.cancel -side bottom -fill x pack .vncs.f -side top -fill both -expand 1 center_win .vncs } proc ts_multi_dialog {} { toplev .mult wm title .mult "Multiple Sessions" scroll_text .mult.f 80 21 global ts_multisession choose_multisession set msg { Normally in Terminal Services mode (tsvnc) your user account (the one you SSH in as) can only have a single Terminal Services X session running at a time on one server machine. This is simply because x11vnc chooses the first Desktop (X session) of yours that it can find. It will never create a 2nd X session because it keeps finding the 1st one. To have Multiple Sessions for one username on a single machine, choose a unique Session "Tag", that will be associated with the X session and x11vnc will only choose the one that has this Tag. For this to work ALL of your sessions on the server machine must have a different tag (that is, if you have an existing session with no tag, x11vnc might find a tagged one first instead of it). The tag must be made of only letters, numbers, dash, or underscore. Examples: KDE_SMALL, gnome-2, test1 } .mult.f.t insert end $msg frame .mult.c label .mult.c.l -anchor w -text "Tag:" entry .mult.c.e -width 20 -textvariable ts_multisession pack .mult.c.l -side left pack .mult.c.e -side left -expand 1 -fill x button .mult.cancel -text "Cancel" -command {destroy .mult; set choose_multisession 0} bind .mult <Escape> {destroy .mult; set choose_multisession 0} wm protocol .mult WM_DELETE_WINDOW {destroy .mult; set choose_multisession 0} bind .mult.c.e <Return> {destroy .mult; set choose_multisession 1} button .mult.done -text "Done" -command {destroy .mult; set choose_multisession 1} pack .mult.done .mult.cancel .mult.c -side bottom -fill x pack .mult.f -side top -fill both -expand 1 center_win .mult focus .mult.c.e } proc ts_xlogin_dialog {} { toplev .xlog wm title .xlog "X Login Greeter" set h 33 if [small_height] { set h 28 } scroll_text .xlog.f 80 $h global ts_xlogin set msg { If you have root (sudo(1)) permission on the remote machine, you can have x11vnc try to connect to a X display(s) that has No One Logged In Yet. This is most likely the login greeter running on the Physical console. sudo(1) is used to run x11vnc with FD_XDM=1. This is different from tsvnc's regular Terminal Services mode where usually a virtual (RAM only, e.g. Xvfb) X server used. With this option it is the physical graphics hardware that will be connected to. Note that if your user is ALREADY logged into the physical display, you don't need to use this X Login option because x11vnc should find it in its normal find-display procedure and not need sudo(1). An initial ssh running 'sudo id' is performed to try to 'prime' sudo so the 2nd one that runs x11vnc does not need a password. This may not always succeed... Note that if someone is already logged into the display console via XDM (GDM, KDM etc.) you will see and control their X session. Otherwise, you will get the Greeter X login screen where you can log in via username and password. Your SSVNC 'Terminal Services' Desktop Type, Size, Printing etc. settings will be ignored in this case of course because XDM, GDM, or KDM is creating your X session, not x11vnc. Note that the GDM display manager has a setting KillInitClients in gdm.conf that will kill x11vnc right after you log in, and so you would have to repeat the whole process ('Connect' button) to attach to your session. See http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/faq.html#faq-display-manager for more info. } .xlog.f.t insert end $msg button .xlog.cancel -text "Cancel" -command {destroy .xlog; set ts_xlogin 0} bind .xlog <Escape> {destroy .xlog; set ts_xlogin 0} wm protocol .xlog WM_DELETE_WINDOW {destroy .xlog; set ts_xlogin 0} button .xlog.done -text "Done" -command {destroy .xlog; set ts_xlogin 1} pack .xlog.done .xlog.cancel -side bottom -fill x pack .xlog.f -side top -fill both -expand 1 center_win .xlog } proc ts_othervnc_dialog {} { toplev .ovnc wm title .ovnc "Other VNC Server" scroll_text .ovnc.f 80 21 global ts_othervnc choose_othervnc set msg { The x11vnc program running on the remote machine can be instructed to immediately redirect to some other (3rd party, e.g. Xvnc or vnc.so) VNC server. It should be a little faster to have x11vnc forward the VNC protocol rather than having it poll the corresponding X server for changes in the way it normally does and translate to VNC. This mode also enables a simple way to add SSL or find X display support to a 3rd party VNC Server lacking these features. In the entry box put the other vnc display, e.g. "localhost:0" or "somehost:5". The string "find" in the entry will have x11vnc try to find an X display in its normal way, and then redirect to the corresponding VNC server port. This assumes if the X display is, say, :2 (i.e. port 6002) then the VNC display is also :2 (i.e. port 5902). This mode is the same as an "X Server Type" of "Xvnc.redirect" (and overrides it). } .ovnc.f.t insert end $msg frame .ovnc.c label .ovnc.c.l -anchor w -text "Other VNC Server:" entry .ovnc.c.e -width 20 -textvariable ts_othervnc pack .ovnc.c.l -side left pack .ovnc.c.e -side left -expand 1 -fill x button .ovnc.cancel -text "Cancel" -command {destroy .ovnc; set choose_othervnc 0} bind .ovnc <Escape> {destroy .ovnc; set choose_othervnc 0} wm protocol .ovnc WM_DELETE_WINDOW {destroy .ovnc; set choose_othervnc 0} button .ovnc.done -text "Done" -command {destroy .ovnc; set choose_othervnc 1} bind .ovnc.c.e <Return> {destroy .ovnc; set choose_othervnc 1} if {$ts_othervnc == ""} { set ts_othervnc "find" } pack .ovnc.done .ovnc.cancel .ovnc.c -side bottom -fill x pack .ovnc.f -side top -fill both -expand 1 center_win .ovnc focus .ovnc.c.e } proc ts_sleep_dialog {} { toplev .eslp wm title .eslp "Extra Sleep" scroll_text .eslp.f 80 5 global extra_sleep set msg { Sleep: Enter a number to indicate how many extra seconds to sleep while waiting for the VNC viewer to start up. On Windows this can give extra time to enter the Putty/Plink password, etc. } .eslp.f.t insert end $msg frame .eslp.c label .eslp.c.l -anchor w -text "Extra Sleep:" entry .eslp.c.e -width 20 -textvariable extra_sleep pack .eslp.c.l -side left pack .eslp.c.e -side left -expand 1 -fill x button .eslp.cancel -text "Cancel" -command {destroy .eslp; set choose_sleep 0} bind .eslp <Escape> {destroy .eslp; set choose_sleep 0} wm protocol .eslp WM_DELETE_WINDOW {destroy .eslp; set choose_sleep 0} button .eslp.done -text "Done" -command {destroy .eslp; set choose_sleep 1} bind .eslp.c.e <Return> {destroy .eslp; set choose_sleep 1} global choose_sleep if {! $choose_sleep} { set extra_sleep "" } pack .eslp.done .eslp.cancel .eslp.c -side bottom -fill x pack .eslp.f -side top -fill both -expand 1 center_win .eslp focus .eslp.c.e } proc ts_putty_args_dialog {} { toplev .parg wm title .parg "Putty Args" scroll_text .parg.f 80 5 global putty_args set msg { Putty Args: Enter a string to be added to every plink.exe and putty.exe command line. For example: -i C:\mykey.ppk } .parg.f.t insert end $msg frame .parg.c label .parg.c.l -anchor w -text "Putty Args:" entry .parg.c.e -width 20 -textvariable putty_args pack .parg.c.l -side left pack .parg.c.e -side left -expand 1 -fill x button .parg.cancel -text "Cancel" -command {destroy .parg; set choose_parg 0} bind .parg <Escape> {destroy .parg; set choose_parg 0} wm protocol .parg WM_DELETE_WINDOW {destroy .parg; set choose_parg 0} button .parg.done -text "Done" -command {destroy .parg; set choose_parg 1} bind .parg.c.e <Return> {destroy .parg; set choose_parg 1} global choose_parg if {! $choose_parg} { set putty_args "" } pack .parg.done .parg.cancel .parg.c -side bottom -fill x pack .parg.f -side top -fill both -expand 1 center_win .parg focus .parg.c.e } proc ts_ncache_dialog {} { toplev .nche wm title .nche "Client-Side Caching" scroll_text .nche.f 80 22 global ts_ncache choose_ncache set msg { This enables the *experimental* x11vnc client-side caching mode. It often gives nice speedups, but can sometimes lead to painting errors or window "flashing". (you can repaint the screen by tapping the Left Alt key 3 times in a row) It is a very simple but hoggy method: uncompressed image pixmaps are stored in the viewer in a large (20-100MB) display region beneath the actual display screen. You may need also to adjust your VNC Viewer to not show this region (the SSVNC Unix viewer does it automatically). The scheme uses a lot of RAM, but at least it has the advantage that it works with every VNC Viewer. Otherwise the VNC protocol would need to be modified, changing both the server and the viewer. Set the x11vnc "-ncache" parameter to an even integer between 2 and 20. This is the increase in area factor over the normal screen for the caching region. So 10 means use 10 times the RAM to store pixmaps. The default is 8. More info: http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/faq.html#faq-client-caching } .nche.f.t insert end $msg frame .nche.c label .nche.c.l -anchor w -text "ncache:" radiobutton .nche.c.r2 -text "2" -variable ts_ncache -value "2" radiobutton .nche.c.r4 -text "4" -variable ts_ncache -value "4" radiobutton .nche.c.r6 -text "6" -variable ts_ncache -value "6" radiobutton .nche.c.r8 -text "8" -variable ts_ncache -value "8" radiobutton .nche.c.r10 -text "10" -variable ts_ncache -value "10" radiobutton .nche.c.r12 -text "12" -variable ts_ncache -value "12" radiobutton .nche.c.r14 -text "14" -variable ts_ncache -value "14" radiobutton .nche.c.r16 -text "16" -variable ts_ncache -value "16" radiobutton .nche.c.r18 -text "18" -variable ts_ncache -value "18" radiobutton .nche.c.r20 -text "20" -variable ts_ncache -value "20" pack .nche.c.l -side left pack .nche.c.r2 .nche.c.r4 .nche.c.r6 .nche.c.r8 .nche.c.r10 \ .nche.c.r12 .nche.c.r14 .nche.c.r16 .nche.c.r18 .nche.c.r20 -side left button .nche.cancel -text "Cancel" -command {destroy .nche; set choose_ncache 0} bind .nche <Escape> {destroy .nche; set choose_ncache 0} wm protocol .nche WM_DELETE_WINDOW {destroy .nche; set choose_ncache 0} button .nche.done -text "Done" -command {destroy .nche; set choose_ncache 1} pack .nche.done .nche.cancel .nche.c -side bottom -fill x pack .nche.f -side top -fill both -expand 1 center_win .nche } proc ts_x11vnc_opts_dialog {} { toplev .x11v wm title .x11v "x11vnc Options" set h 23 if [small_height] { set h 21 } scroll_text .x11v.f 80 $h global ts_x11vnc_opts ts_x11vnc_path ts_x11vnc_autoport choose_x11vnc_opts global additional_port_redirs_list set msg { If you are an expert with x11vnc's endless options and tweaking parameters feel free to specify any you want here in "Options". Also, if you need to specify the path to the x11vnc program on the remote side because it will not be in $PATH, put it in the "Full Path" entry. Port Redirs are additional SSH "-L port:host:port" or "-R port:host:port" (forward or reverse, resp.) port redirections you want. In SSVNC mode, see the detailed description under: Options -> Advanced -> Port Redirs. Some potentially useful options: -solid -scale -scale_cursor -passwd -rfbauth -http -xrandr -rotate -noxdamage -xkb -skip_lockkeys -nomodtweak -repeat -cursor -wmdt -nowireframe -ncache_cr -speeds More info: http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/faq.html#faq-cmdline-opts } # In Auto Port put a starting port for x11vnc to try autoprobing # instead of the default 5900. It starts at the value you supply and # works upward until a free one is found. (x11vnc 0.9.3 or later). .x11v.f.t insert end $msg frame .x11v.c label .x11v.c.l -width 10 -anchor w -text "Options:" entry .x11v.c.e -textvariable ts_x11vnc_opts pack .x11v.c.l -side left pack .x11v.c.e -side left -expand 1 -fill x frame .x11v.c2 label .x11v.c2.l -width 10 -anchor w -text "Full Path:" entry .x11v.c2.e -textvariable ts_x11vnc_path pack .x11v.c2.l -side left pack .x11v.c2.e -side left -expand 1 -fill x # frame .x11v.c3 # label .x11v.c3.l -width 10 -anchor w -text "Auto Port:" # entry .x11v.c3.e -textvariable ts_x11vnc_autoport # pack .x11v.c3.l -side left # pack .x11v.c3.e -side left -expand 1 -fill x frame .x11v.c4 label .x11v.c4.l -width 10 -anchor w -text "Port Redirs:" entry .x11v.c4.e -textvariable additional_port_redirs_list pack .x11v.c4.l -side left pack .x11v.c4.e -side left -expand 1 -fill x button .x11v.cancel -text "Cancel" -command {destroy .x11v; set choose_x11vnc_opts 0} bind .x11v <Escape> {destroy .x11v; set choose_x11vnc_opts 0} wm protocol .x11v WM_DELETE_WINDOW {destroy .x11v; set choose_x11vnc_opts 0} button .x11v.done -text "Done" -command {destroy .x11v; set choose_x11vnc_opts 1; if {$additional_port_redirs_list != ""} {set additional_port_redirs 1} else {set additional_port_redirs 0}} # pack .x11v.done .x11v.cancel .x11v.c4 .x11v.c3 .x11v.c2 .x11v.c -side bottom -fill x pack .x11v.done .x11v.cancel .x11v.c4 .x11v.c2 .x11v.c -side bottom -fill x pack .x11v.f -side top -fill both -expand 1 center_win .x11v focus .x11v.c.e } proc ts_filexfer_dialog {} { toplev .xfer wm title .xfer "File Transfer" global choose_filexfer ts_filexfer scroll_text .xfer.f 70 13 set msg { x11vnc supports both the UltraVNC and TightVNC file transfer extensions. On Windows both viewers support their file transfer protocol. On Unix only the SSVNC VNC Viewer can do filexfer; it supports the UltraVNC flavor via a Java helper program (and so java(1) is required on the viewer-side). Choose the one you want based on VNC viewer you will use. The defaults for the SSVNC viewer package are TightVNC on Windows and UltraVNC on Unix. For more info see: http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/faq.html#faq-filexfer } .xfer.f.t insert end $msg global is_windows if {$ts_filexfer == ""} { if {$is_windows} { set ts_filexfer "tight" } else { set ts_filexfer "ultra" } } frame .xfer.c radiobutton .xfer.c.tight -text "TightVNC" -variable ts_filexfer -value "tight" -relief ridge radiobutton .xfer.c.ultra -text "UltraVNC" -variable ts_filexfer -value "ultra" -relief ridge pack .xfer.c.ultra .xfer.c.tight -side left -fill x -expand 1 button .xfer.cancel -text "Cancel" -command {destroy .xfer; set choose_filexfer 0} bind .xfer <Escape> {destroy .xfer; set choose_filexfer 0} wm protocol .xfer WM_DELETE_WINDOW {destroy .xfer; set choose_filexfer 0} button .xfer.done -text "Done" -command {destroy .xfer; set choose_filexfer 1} pack .xfer.done .xfer.cancel -side bottom -fill x pack .xfer.c -side bottom -fill x -expand 1 pack .xfer.f -side top -fill both -expand 1 center_win .xfer } proc ts_cups_dialog {} { toplev .cups wm title .cups "CUPS and SMB Printing" global cups_local_server cups_remote_port cups_manage_rcfile ts_cups_manage_rcfile cups_x11vnc global cups_local_smb_server cups_remote_smb_port set h 30 if [small_height] { set h 24 } scroll_text .cups.f 80 $h set msg { This method requires a working CUPS Desktop setup on the remote side of the connection and working CUPS (or possibly Windows SMB or IPP) printing on the local viewer-side of the connection. For CUPS printing redirection to work properly, you MUST enable it for the connection that *creates* your terminal services X session (i.e. the first connection.) You cannot retroactively enable CUPS redirection on an already existing terminal services X session. (See CUPS printing for normal SSVNC mode for how you might do that.) Enter the VNC Viewer side (i.e. where you are sitting) CUPS server under "Local CUPS Server". Use "localhost:631" if there is one on your viewer machine (normally the case if you set up a printer on your unix or macosx system), or, e.g., "my-print-srv:631" for a nearby CUPS print server. Note that 631 is the default CUPS port. (On MacOSX it seems better to use "" instead of "localhost".) The SSVNC Terminal Services created remote Desktop session will have the variables CUPS_SERVER and IPP_PORT set so all printing applications will be redirected to your local CUPS server. So your locally available printers should appear in the remote print dialogs. Windows/SMB Printers: Under "Local SMB Print Server" you can set a port redirection for a Windows (non-CUPS) SMB printer. If localhost:139 does not work, try the literal string "IP:139", or use the known value of the IP address manually. 139 is the default SMB port; nowadays 445 might be a better possibility. For Windows/SMB Printers if there is no local CUPS print server, it is usually a very good idea to make the CUPS Server setting EMPTY (to avoid desktop apps trying incessantly to reach the nonexistent CUPS server.) On the remote side, in the Desktop session the variables $SMB_SERVER, $SMB_HOST, and $SMB_PORT will be set for you to use. Unfortunately, printing to Windows may only ve partially functional due to the general lack PostScript support on Windows. If you have print admin permission on the remote machine you can configure CUPS to know about your Windows printer via lpadmin(8) or a GUI tool. You give it the URI: smb://localhost:port/printername or possibly: smb://localhost:port/computer/printername "port" will be found in the $SMB_PORT. You also need to identify the printer type. NOTE: You will leave "Local CUPS Server" blank in this case. The smbspool(1) command should also work as well, at least for PostScript printers. A similar thing can be done with CUPS printers if you are having problems with the above default mechanism. Use http://localhost:port/printers/printername For more info see: http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/faq.html#faq-cups } # The "Manage 'ServerName' in .cups/client.conf for me" setting is usually # NOT needed unless you are using Terminal Services to connect to an # existing Session that did NOT have CUPS print redirection set at session # start time (i.e. IPP_PORT and CUPS_SERVER were not set up). In that # case, select this option as a workaround: NOTE that the client.conf # setting will REDIRECT ALL PRINTING for apps with the same $HOME/.cups # directory (which you probably do not want), however it will be reset # when the SSVNC viewer disconnects. .cups.f.t insert end $msg global uname if {$cups_local_server == ""} { if {$uname == "Darwin"} { set cups_local_server "" } else { set cups_local_server "localhost:631" } } if {$cups_remote_port == ""} { set cups_remote_port [expr "6731 + int(1000 * rand())"] } if {$cups_local_smb_server == ""} { global is_windows if {$is_windows} { set cups_local_smb_server "IP:139" } elseif {$uname == "Darwin"} { set cups_local_smb_server "" } else { set cups_local_smb_server "localhost:139" } } if {$cups_remote_smb_port == ""} { set cups_remote_smb_port [expr "7731 + int(1000 * rand())"] } frame .cups.serv label .cups.serv.l -anchor w -text "Local CUPS Server: " entry .cups.serv.e -width 40 -textvariable cups_local_server pack .cups.serv.e -side right pack .cups.serv.l -side left -expand 1 -fill x frame .cups.smbs label .cups.smbs.l -anchor w -text "Local SMB Print Server: " entry .cups.smbs.e -width 40 -textvariable cups_local_smb_server pack .cups.smbs.e -side right pack .cups.smbs.l -side left -expand 1 -fill x # not working with x11vnc: checkbutton .cups.cupsrc -anchor w -variable ts_cups_manage_rcfile -text \ "Manage 'ServerName' in the remote \$HOME/.cups/client.conf file for me" button .cups.cancel -text "Cancel" -command {destroy .cups; set use_cups 0} bind .cups <Escape> {destroy .cups; set use_cups 0} wm protocol .cups WM_DELETE_WINDOW {destroy .cups; set use_cups 0} button .cups.done -text "Done" -command {destroy .cups; if {$use_cups} {set_ssh}} pack .cups.done .cups.cancel .cups.smbs .cups.serv -side bottom -fill x pack .cups.f -side top -fill both -expand 1 center_win .cups focus .cups.serv.e } proc cups_dialog {} { toplev .cups wm title .cups "CUPS Tunnelling" global cups_local_server cups_remote_port cups_manage_rcfile cups_x11vnc global cups_local_smb_server cups_remote_smb_port global ts_only if {$ts_only} { ts_cups_dialog return } global uname set h 33 if [small_height] { set h 17 } elseif {$uname == "Darwin"} { set h 24 } scroll_text .cups.f 80 $h set msg { CUPS Printing requires SSH be used to set up the CUPS Print service TCP port redirection. This will be either of the "Use SSH" or "SSH+SSL" modes. NOTE: For pure SSL tunnelling it currently will not work. This method requires working CUPS software setups on BOTH the remote and local sides of the connection. If the remote VNC server is Windows you probably cannot SSH into it anyway... If you can, you will still need to set up a special printer TCP port redirection on your own. Perhaps adding and configuring a "Unix Printer" under Windows (like Method #2 below) will work. If the local machine (SSVNC side) is Windows, see the bottom of this help for redirecting to SMB printers. If the remote VNC server is Mac OS X this method may or may not work. Sometimes applications need to be restarted to get them to notice the new printers. Adding and configuring a special "Unix Printer", (Method #2) below, might yield more reliable results at the cost of additional setup and permissions. For Unix/Linux remote VNC servers, applications may also need to be restarted to notice the new printers. The only case known to work well is the one where the remote side has no CUPS printers configured. As mentioned above, see Method #2 for another method. ************************************************************************* *** Directions: You choose your own remote CUPS redir port below under "Use Remote CUPS Port". 6631 is our default and is used in the examples below. Use it or some random value greater than 1024. Note that the standard CUPS server port is 631. The port you choose must be unused on the VNC server machine (it is NOT checked for you). Print requests connecting to it are redirected to your local VNC viewer-side CUPS server through the SSH tunnel. (Note: root SSH login permission is needed for ports less than 1024, e.g. 631; this is not recommended, use something around 6631 instead). Then enter the VNC Viewer side (i.e. where you are sitting) CUPS server into "Local CUPS Server". A good choice is the default "localhost:631" if there is a cups server on your viewer machine (this is usually the case if you have set up a printer). Otherwise enter, e.g., "my-print-srv:631" for your nearby (viewer-side) CUPS print server. The "Manage 'ServerName' in the $HOME/.cups/client.conf file for me" setting below is enabled by default. It should handle most situations. What it does is modify the .cups/client.conf file on the VNC server-side to redirect the print requests while the SSVNC viewer is connected. When SSVNC disconnects .cups/client.conf is restored to its previous setting. If, for some reason, the SSVNC CUPS script fails to restore this file after SSVNC disconnects, run this command on the remote machine: cp $HOME/.cups/client.conf.back $HOME/.cups/client.conf to regain your initial printing configuration. You can also use CUPS on the VNC server-side to redirect to Windows (SMB) printers. See the additional info for Windows Printing at the bottom of this help. In case the default method (automatic .cups/client.conf modification) fails, we describe below all of the possible methods that can be tried. As noted above, you may need to restart applications for them to notice the new printers or for them to revert to the original printers. If this is not acceptable, consider Method #2 below if you have the permission and ability to alter the print queues for this. ************************************************************************* *** Method #1: Manually create or edit the file $HOME/.cups/client.conf on the VNC server side by putting in something like this in it: ServerName localhost:6631 based on the port you set in this dialog's entry box. After the remote VNC Connection is finished, to go back to the non-SSH tunnelled CUPS server and either remove the client.conf file or comment out the ServerName line. This restores the normal CUPS server for you on the remote VNC server machine. Select "Manage 'ServerName' in the $HOME/.cups/client.conf file for me" to do this editing of the VNC server-side CUPS config file for you automatically. NOTE: It is now on by default (deselect it if you want to manage the file manually; e.g. you print through the tunnel only very rarely, or often print locally when the tunnel is up, etc.) Select "Pass -env FD_CUPS=<Port> to x11vnc command line" if you are starting x11vnc as the Remote SSH Command, and x11vnc is running in -create mode (i.e. FINDCREATEDISPLAY). That way, when your X session is created IPP_PORT will be set correctly for the entire session. This is the mode used for 'Terminal Services' printing. NOTE: You probably would never select both of the above two options at the same time, since they conflict with each other to some degree. ************************************************************************* *** Method #2: If you have admin permission on the VNC Server machine you can likely "Add a Printer" via a GUI dialog, a Wizard, CUPS Web interface (i.e. http://localhost:631/), lpadmin(8), etc. You will need to tell the dialog that the network printer located is at, e.g., localhost:6631, and anything else needed to identify the printer (type, model, etc). NOTE: sometimes it is best to set the model/type as "Generic / Postscript Printer" to avoid problems with garbage being printed out. For the URI to use, we have successfully used ones like this with CUPS: http://localhost:6631/printers/Deskjet-3840 ipp://localhost:6631/printers/Deskjet-3840 for an HP Deskjet-3840 printer. See the CUPS documentation for more about the URI syntax and pathname. This mode makes the client.conf ServerName parameter unnecessary (BE SURE TO DISABLE the "Manage 'ServerName' ... for me" option.) ************************************************************************* *** Method #3: Restarting individual applications with the IPP_PORT set will enable redirected printing for them, e.g.: env IPP_PORT=6631 firefox If you can only get this method to work, an extreme application would be to run the whole desktop, e.g. "env IPP_PORT=6631 gnome-session", but then you would need some sort of TCP redirector (ssh -L comes to mind), to direct it to 631 when not connected remotely. ************************************************************************* *** Windows/SMB Printers: Under "Local SMB Print Server" you can set a port redirection for a Windows (non-CUPS) SMB printer. E.g. port 6632 -> localhost:139. If localhost:139 does not work, try the literal string "IP:139", or insert the actual IP address manually. NOTE: Nowadays on Windows port 445 might be a better choice. For Windows printers, if there is no local CUPS print server, set the 'Local CUPS Server' and 'Use Remote CUPS Port' to be EMPTY (to avoid desktop apps trying incessantly to reach the nonexistent CUPS server.) You must enable Sharing for your local Windows Printer. Use Windows Printer configuration dialogs to do this. Next, you need to have sudo or print admin permission so that you can configure the *remote* CUPS to know about this Windows printer via lpadmin(8) or GUI Printer Configuration dialog, etc (Method #2 above). You basically give it the URI: smb://localhost:6632/printername For example, we have had success with GNOME CUPS printing configuration using: smb://localhost:6632/HPOffice smb://localhost:6632/COMPUTERNAME/HPOffice where "HPOffice" was the name Windows shares the printer as. Also with this SMB port redir mode, as a last resort you can often print using the smbspool(8) program like this: smbspool smb://localhost:6632/printer job user title 1 "" myfile.ps You could put this in a script. For this URI, it appears only the number of copies ("1" above) and the file itself are important. If on the local (SSVNC viewer) side there is some nearby CUPS print server that knows about your Windows printer, you might have better luck with that instead of using SMB. Set 'Local CUPS Server' to it. For more info see: http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/faq.html#faq-cups } .cups.f.t insert end $msg global uname set something_set 0 if {$cups_local_server != ""} { set something_set 1 } if {$cups_local_smb_server != ""} { set something_set 1 } if {$cups_local_server == "" && ! $something_set} { if {$uname == "Darwin"} { set cups_local_server "" } else { set cups_local_server "localhost:631" } } if {$cups_remote_port == "" && ! $something_set} { set cups_remote_port "6631" } if {$cups_local_smb_server == "" && ! $something_set} { global is_windows if {$is_windows} { set cups_local_smb_server "IP:139" } elseif {$uname == "Darwin"} { set cups_local_smb_server "" } else { set cups_local_smb_server "localhost:139" } } if {$cups_remote_smb_port == "" && ! $something_set} { set cups_remote_smb_port "6632" } frame .cups.serv label .cups.serv.l -anchor w -text "Local CUPS Server: " entry .cups.serv.e -width 40 -textvariable cups_local_server pack .cups.serv.e -side right pack .cups.serv.l -side left -expand 1 -fill x frame .cups.port label .cups.port.l -anchor w -text "Use Remote CUPS Port:" entry .cups.port.e -width 40 -textvariable cups_remote_port pack .cups.port.e -side right pack .cups.port.l -side left -expand 1 -fill x frame .cups.smbs label .cups.smbs.l -anchor w -text "Local SMB Print Server: " entry .cups.smbs.e -width 40 -textvariable cups_local_smb_server pack .cups.smbs.e -side right pack .cups.smbs.l -side left -expand 1 -fill x frame .cups.smbp label .cups.smbp.l -anchor w -text "Use Remote SMB Print Port:" entry .cups.smbp.e -width 40 -textvariable cups_remote_smb_port pack .cups.smbp.e -side right pack .cups.smbp.l -side left -expand 1 -fill x checkbutton .cups.cupsrc -anchor w -variable cups_manage_rcfile -text \ "Manage 'ServerName' in the remote \$HOME/.cups/client.conf file for me" checkbutton .cups.x11vnc -anchor w -variable cups_x11vnc -text \ "Pass -env FD_CUPS=<Port> to x11vnc command line." button .cups.cancel -text "Cancel" -command {destroy .cups; set use_cups 0} bind .cups <Escape> {destroy .cups; set use_cups 0} wm protocol .cups WM_DELETE_WINDOW {destroy .cups; set use_cups 0} button .cups.done -text "Done" -command {destroy .cups; if {$use_cups} {set_ssh}} button .cups.guess -text "Help me decide ..." -command {} .cups.guess configure -state disabled pack .cups.done .cups.cancel .cups.guess .cups.x11vnc .cups.cupsrc .cups.smbp .cups.smbs .cups.port .cups.serv -side bottom -fill x pack .cups.f -side top -fill both -expand 1 center_win .cups focus .cups.serv.e } proc ts_sound_dialog {} { global is_windows global ts_only toplev .snd wm title .snd "Sound Tunnelling" scroll_text .snd.f 80 21 set msg { Your remote Desktop will be started in an Enlightenment Sound Daemon (ESD) environment (esddsp(1), which must be installed on the remote machine), and a local ESD sound daemon (esd(1)) will be started to play the sounds for you to hear. In the entry box below you can choose the port that the local esd will use to listen on. The default ESD port is 16001. You will need to choose different values if you will have more than one esd running locally. The command run (with port replaced by your choice) will be: %RCMD Note: Unfortunately not all applications work with ESD. And esd's LD_PRELOAD is broken on 64+32bit Linux (x86_64). And so this mode is not working well currently... For more info see: http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/faq.html#faq-sound } global sound_daemon_remote_port sound_daemon_local_port sound_daemon_local_cmd global sound_daemon_local_start sound_daemon_local_kill set sound_daemon_local_start 1 set sound_daemon_local_kill 1 if {$sound_daemon_remote_port == ""} { set sound_daemon_remote_port 16010 } if {$sound_daemon_local_port == ""} { set sound_daemon_local_port 16010 } if {$sound_daemon_local_cmd == ""} { global is_windows if {$is_windows} { set sound_daemon_local_cmd {esound\esd -promiscuous -as 5 -port %PORT -tcp -bind} } else { set sound_daemon_local_cmd {esd -promiscuous -as 5 -port %PORT -tcp -bind} } } regsub {%PORT} $sound_daemon_local_cmd $sound_daemon_local_port sound_daemon_local_cmd regsub {%RCMD} $msg $sound_daemon_local_cmd msg .snd.f.t insert end $msg frame .snd.lport label .snd.lport.l -anchor w -text "Local Sound Port: " entry .snd.lport.e -width 45 -textvariable sound_daemon_local_port pack .snd.lport.e -side right pack .snd.lport.l -side left -expand 1 -fill x button .snd.cancel -text "Cancel" -command {destroy .snd; set use_sound 0} bind .snd <Escape> {destroy .snd; set use_sound 0} wm protocol .snd WM_DELETE_WINDOW {destroy .snd; set use_sound 0} button .snd.done -text "Done" -command {destroy .snd; if {$use_sound} {set_ssh}} bind .snd.lport.e <Return> {destroy .snd; if {$use_sound} {set_ssh}} pack .snd.done .snd.cancel .snd.lport -side bottom -fill x pack .snd.f -side bottom -fill both -expand 1 center_win .snd focus .snd.lport.e } proc sound_dialog {} { global is_windows global ts_only if {$ts_only} { ts_sound_dialog; return } toplev .snd wm title .snd "ESD/ARTSD Sound Tunnelling" global uname set h 28 if [small_height] { set h 14 } elseif {$uname == "Darwin"} { set h 20 } scroll_text .snd.f 80 $h set msg { Sound tunnelling to a sound daemon requires SSH be used to set up the service port redirection. This will be either of the "Use SSH" or "SSH+SSL" modes. NOTE: For pure SSL tunnelling it currently will not work. This method requires working Sound daemon (e.g. ESD or ARTSD) software setups on BOTH the remote and local sides of the connection. Often this means you want to run your ENTIRE remote desktop with ALL applications instructed to use the sound daemon's network port. E.g. esddsp -s localhost:16001 startkde esddsp -s localhost:16001 gnome-session and similarly for artsdsp, etc. You put this in your ~/.xession, or other startup file. This is non standard. If you do not want to do this you still can direct *individual* sound applications through the tunnel, for example "esddsp -s localhost:16001 soundapp", where "soundapp" is some application that makes noise (say xmms or mpg123). Select "Pass -env FD_ESD=<Port> to x11vnc command line." if you are starting x11vnc as the Remote SSH Command, and x11vnc is running in -create mode (i.e. FINDCREATEDISPLAY). That way, your X session is started via "esddsp -s ... <session>" and the ESD variables will be set correctly for the entire session. (This mode make most sense for a virtual, e.g. Xvfb or Xdummy session, not one a physical display). Also, usually the remote Sound daemon must be killed BEFORE the SSH port redir is established (because it is listening on the port we want to use for the SSH redir), and, presumably, restarted when the VNC connection finished. One may also want to start and kill a local sound daemon that will play the sound received over the network on the local machine. You can indicate the remote and local Sound daemon commands below and how they should be killed and/or restart. Some examples: esd -promiscuous -as 5 -port 16001 -tcp -bind artsd -n -p 7265 -F 10 -S 4096 -n -s 5 -m artsmessage -l 3 -f or you can leave some or all blank and kill/start them manually. For convenience, a Windows port of ESD is provided in the util/esound directory, and so this might work for a Local command: esound\esd -promiscuous -as 5 -port 16001 -tcp -bind NOTE: If you indicate "Remote Sound daemon: Kill at start." below, then THERE WILL BE TWO SSH'S: THE FIRST ONE TO KILL THE DAEMON. So you may need to supply TWO SSH PASSWORDS, unless you are using something like ssh-agent(1), the Putty PW setting, etc. You will also need to supply the remote and local sound ports for the SSH redirs. For esd the default port is 16001, but you can choose another one if you prefer. For "Local Sound Port" you can also supply "host:port" instead of just a numerical port to specify non-localhost connections, e.g. to another nearby machine. For more info see: http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/faq.html#faq-sound } .snd.f.t insert end $msg global sound_daemon_remote_port sound_daemon_local_port sound_daemon_local_cmd if {$sound_daemon_remote_port == ""} { set sound_daemon_remote_port 16001 } if {$sound_daemon_local_port == ""} { set sound_daemon_local_port 16001 } if {$sound_daemon_local_cmd == ""} { global is_windows if {$is_windows} { set sound_daemon_local_cmd {esound\esd -promiscuous -as 5 -port %PORT -tcp -bind} } else { set sound_daemon_local_cmd {esd -promiscuous -as 5 -port %PORT -tcp -bind} } regsub {%PORT} $sound_daemon_local_cmd $sound_daemon_local_port sound_daemon_local_cmd } frame .snd.remote label .snd.remote.l -anchor w -text "Remote Sound daemon cmd: " entry .snd.remote.e -width 45 -textvariable sound_daemon_remote_cmd pack .snd.remote.e -side right pack .snd.remote.l -side left -expand 1 -fill x frame .snd.local label .snd.local.l -anchor w -text "Local Sound daemon cmd: " entry .snd.local.e -width 45 -textvariable sound_daemon_local_cmd pack .snd.local.e -side right pack .snd.local.l -side left -expand 1 -fill x frame .snd.rport label .snd.rport.l -anchor w -text "Remote Sound Port: " entry .snd.rport.e -width 45 -textvariable sound_daemon_remote_port pack .snd.rport.e -side right pack .snd.rport.l -side left -expand 1 -fill x frame .snd.lport label .snd.lport.l -anchor w -text "Local Sound Port: " entry .snd.lport.e -width 45 -textvariable sound_daemon_local_port pack .snd.lport.e -side right pack .snd.lport.l -side left -expand 1 -fill x checkbutton .snd.sdk -anchor w -variable sound_daemon_kill -text \ "Remote Sound daemon: Kill at start." checkbutton .snd.sdr -anchor w -variable sound_daemon_restart -text \ "Remote Sound daemon: Restart at end." checkbutton .snd.sdsl -anchor w -variable sound_daemon_local_start -text \ "Local Sound daemon: Run at start." checkbutton .snd.sdkl -anchor w -variable sound_daemon_local_kill -text \ "Local Sound daemon: Kill at end." checkbutton .snd.x11vnc -anchor w -variable sound_daemon_x11vnc -text \ "Pass -env FD_ESD=<Port> to x11vnc command line." button .snd.guess -text "Help me decide ..." -command {} .snd.guess configure -state disabled global is_win9x if {$is_win9x} { .snd.local.e configure -state disabled .snd.local.l configure -state disabled .snd.sdsl configure -state disabled .snd.sdkl configure -state disabled } button .snd.cancel -text "Cancel" -command {destroy .snd; set use_sound 0} bind .snd <Escape> {destroy .snd; set use_sound 0} wm protocol .snd WM_DELETE_WINDOW {destroy .snd; set use_sound 0} button .snd.done -text "Done" -command {destroy .snd; if {$use_sound} {set_ssh}} pack .snd.done .snd.cancel .snd.guess .snd.x11vnc .snd.sdkl .snd.sdsl .snd.sdr .snd.sdk .snd.lport .snd.rport \ .snd.local .snd.remote -side bottom -fill x pack .snd.f -side bottom -fill both -expand 1 center_win .snd focus .snd.remote.e } # Share ideas. # # Unix: # # if type smbclient # first parse smbclient -L localhost -N # and/or smbclient -L `hostname` -N # Get Sharenames and Servers and Domain. # # loop over servers, doing smbclient -L server -N # pile this into a huge list, sep by disk and printers. # # WinXP: # # parse "NET VIEW" output similarly. # # Have checkbox for each disk. Set default root to /var/tmp/${USER}-mnts # Let them change that at once and have it populate. # # use //hostname/share /var/tmp/runge-mnts/hostname/share # # # Printers, hmmm. Can't add to remote cups list... I guess have the list # ready for CUPS dialog to suggest which SMB servers they want to redirect # to... proc get_hostname {} { global is_windows is_win9x set str "" if {$is_windows} { if {1} { catch {set str [exec hostname]} regsub -all {[\r]} $str "" str } else { catch {set str [exec net config]} if [regexp -nocase {Computer name[ \t]+\\\\([^ \t]+)} $str mv str] { ; } else { set str "" } } } else { catch {set str [exec hostname]} } set str [string trim $str] return $str } proc smb_list_windows {smbhost} { global smb_local smb_local_hosts smb_this_host global is_win9x set dbg 0 set domain "" if {$is_win9x} { # exec net view ... doesn't work. set smb_this_host "unknown" return } set this_host [get_hostname] set This_host [string toupper $this_host] set smb_this_host $This_host if {$smbhost == $smb_this_host} { catch {set out0 [exec net view]} regsub -all {[\r]} $out0 "" out0 foreach line [split $out0 "\n"] { if [regexp -nocase {in workgroup ([^ \t]+)} $line mv wg] { regsub -all {[.]} $wg "" wg set domain $wg } elseif [regexp {^\\\\([^ \t]+)[ \t]*(.*)} $line mv host comment] { set smb_local($smbhost:server:$host) $comment } } } set out1 "" set h "\\\\$smbhost" catch {set out1 [exec net view $h]} regsub -all {[\r]} $out1 "" out1 if {$dbg} {puts "SMBHOST: $smbhost"} set mode "" foreach line [split $out1 "\n"] { if [regexp {^[ \t]*---} $line] { continue } if [regexp -nocase {The command} $line] { continue } if [regexp -nocase {Shared resources} $line] { continue } if [regexp -nocase {^[ \t]*Share[ \t]*name} $line] { set mode "shares" continue } set line [string trim $line] if {$line == ""} { continue } if {$mode == "shares"} { if [regexp {^([^ \t]+)[ \t]+([^ \t]+)[ \t]*(.*)$} $line mv name type comment] { if {$dbg} { puts "SHR: $name" puts "---: $type" puts "---: $comment" } if [regexp -nocase {^Disk$} $type] { set smb_local($smbhost:disk:$name) $comment } elseif [regexp -nocase {^Print} $type] { set smb_local($smbhost:printer:$name) $comment } } } } set smb_local($smbhost:domain) $domain } proc smb_list_unix {smbhost} { global smb_local smb_local_hosts smb_this_host set smbclient [in_path smbclient] if {[in_path smbclient] == ""} { return "" } set dbg 0 set this_host [get_hostname] set This_host [string toupper $this_host] set smb_this_host $This_host set out1 "" catch {set out1 [exec smbclient -N -L $smbhost 2>@ stdout]} if {$dbg} {puts "SMBHOST: $smbhost"} if {$smbhost == $this_host || $smbhost == $This_host} { if {$out1 == ""} { catch {set out1 [exec smbclient -N -L localhost 2>@ stdout]} } } set domain "" set mode "" foreach line [split $out1 "\n"] { if [regexp {^[ \t]*---} $line] { continue } if [regexp {Anonymous login} $line] { continue } if {$domain == "" && [regexp {Domain=\[([^\]]+)\]} $line mv domain]} { if {$dbg} {puts "DOM: $domain"} continue } if [regexp {^[ \t]*Sharename} $line] { set mode "shares" continue } if [regexp {^[ \t]*Server} $line] { set mode "server" continue } if [regexp {^[ \t]*Workgroup} $line] { set mode "workgroup" continue } set line [string trim $line] if {$mode == "shares"} { if [regexp {^([^ \t]+)[ \t]+([^ \t]+)[ \t]*(.*)$} $line mv name type comment] { if {$dbg} { puts "SHR: $name" puts "---: $type" puts "---: $comment" } if [regexp -nocase {^Disk$} $type] { set smb_local($smbhost:disk:$name) $comment } elseif [regexp -nocase {^Printer$} $type] { set smb_local($smbhost:printer:$name) $comment } } } elseif {$mode == "server"} { if [regexp {^([^ \t]+)[ \t]*(.*)$} $line mv host comment] { if {$dbg} { puts "SVR: $host" puts "---: $comment" } set smb_local($smbhost:server:$host) $comment } } elseif {$mode == "workgroup"} { if [regexp {^([^ \t]+)[ \t]+(.*)$} $line mv work host] { if {$dbg} { puts "WRK: $work" puts "---: $host" } if {$host != ""} { set smb_local($smbhost:master:$work) $host } } } } set smb_local($smbhost:domain) $domain } proc smb_list {} { global is_windows smb_local smb_local_hosts global smb_host_list set smb_local(null) "" if {! [info exists smb_host_list]} { set smb_host_list "" } if [info exists smb_local] { unset smb_local } if [info exists smb_local_hosts] { unset smb_local_hosts } set this_host [get_hostname] set this_host [string toupper $this_host] if {$is_windows} { smb_list_windows $this_host } else { smb_list_unix $this_host } set did($this_host) 1 set keys [array names smb_local] foreach item [split $smb_host_list] { if {$item != ""} { set item [string toupper $item] lappend keys "$this_host:server:$item" } } foreach key $keys { if [regexp "^$this_host:server:(.*)\$" $key mv host] { if {$host == ""} { continue } set smb_local_hosts($host) 1 if {! [info exists did($host)]} { if {$is_windows} { smb_list_windows $host } else { smb_list_unix $host } set did($host) 1 } } } } proc smb_check_selected {} { global smbmount_exists smbmount_sumode global smb_selected smb_selected_mnt smb_selected_cb smb_selected_en set ok 0 if {$smbmount_exists && $smbmount_sumode != "dontknow"} { set ok 1 } set state disabled if {$ok} { set state normal } foreach cb [array names smb_selected_cb] { catch {$cb configure -state $state} } foreach en [array names smb_selected_en] { catch {$en configure -state $state} } } proc make_share_widgets {w} { set share_label $w.f.hl catch {$share_label configure -text "Share Name: PROBING ..."} update smb_list set saw_f 0 foreach child [winfo children $w] { if {$child == "$w.f"} { set saw_f 1 continue } catch {destroy $child} } set w1 47 set w2 44 if {! $saw_f} { set wf $w.f frame $wf label $wf.hl -width $w1 -text "Share Name:" -anchor w label $wf.hr -width $w2 -text " Mount Point:" -anchor w pack $wf.hl $wf.hr -side left -expand 1 pack $wf -side top -fill x .smbwiz.f.t window create end -window $w } global smb_local smb_local_hosts smb_this_host smb_selected smb_selected_mnt global smb_selected_host smb_selected_name global smb_selected_cb smb_selected_en global smb_host_list if [info exists smb_selected] {array unset smb_selected } if [info exists smb_selected_mnt] {array unset smb_selected_mnt} if [info exists smb_selected_cb] {array unset smb_selected_cb} if [info exists smb_selected_en] {array unset smb_selected_en} if [info exists smb_selected_host] {array unset smb_selected_host} if [info exists smb_selected_name] {array unset smb_selected_name} set hosts [list $smb_this_host] lappend hosts [lsort [array names smb_local_hosts]] set smb_host_list "" set i 0 global smb_mount_prefix set smb_mount_prefix "/var/tmp/%USER-mnts" foreach host [lsort [array names smb_local_hosts]] { if [info exists did($host)] { continue } set did($host) 1 append smb_host_list "$host " foreach key [lsort [array names smb_local]] { if [regexp {^([^:]+):([^:]+):(.*)$} $key mv host2 type name] { if {$host2 != $host} { continue } if {$type != "disk"} { continue } set wf $w.f$i frame $wf checkbutton $wf.c -anchor w -width $w1 -variable smb_selected($i) \ -text "//$host/$name" -relief ridge if {! [info exists smb_selected($i)]} { set smb_selected($i) 0 } entry $wf.e -width $w2 -textvariable smb_selected_mnt($i) set smb_selected_mnt($i) "$smb_mount_prefix/$host/$name" set smb_selected_host($i) $host set smb_selected_name($i) $name set smb_selected_cb($wf.c) $i set smb_selected_en($wf.e) $i set comment $smb_local($key) bind $wf.c <Enter> "$share_label configure -text {Share Name: $comment}" bind $wf.c <Leave> "$share_label configure -text {Share Name:}" $wf.c configure -state disabled $wf.e configure -state disabled pack $wf.c $wf.e -side left -expand 1 pack $wf -side top -fill x incr i } } } if {$i == 0} { global is_win9x $share_label configure -text {Share Name: No SMB Share Hosts were found!} if {$is_win9x} { .smbwiz.f.t insert end "\n(this feature does not work on Win9x you have have to enter them manually: //HOST/share /var/tmp/mymnt)\n" } } else { $share_label configure -text "Share Name: Found $i SMB Shares" } smb_check_selected } proc smb_help_me_decide {} { global is_windows global smb_local smb_local_hosts smb_this_host smb_selected smb_selected_mnt global smb_selected_host smb_selected_name global smb_selected_cb smb_selected_en global smb_host_list toplev .smbwiz set title "SMB Filesystem Tunnelling -- Help Me Decide" wm title .smbwiz $title set id " " set h 40 if [small_height] { set h 30 } scroll_text .smbwiz.f 100 $h set msg { For now you will have to verify the following information manually. You can do this by either logging into the remote machine to find the info or asking the sysadmin for it. } if {! $is_windows} { .smbwiz.f.t configure -font {Helvetica -12 bold} } .smbwiz.f.t insert end $msg set w .smbwiz.f.t.f1 frame $w -bd 1 -relief ridge -cursor {top_left_arrow} .smbwiz.f.t insert end "\n" .smbwiz.f.t insert end "1) Indicate the existence of the 'smbmount' command on the remote system:\n" .smbwiz.f.t insert end "\n$id" global smbmount_exists set smbmount_exists 0 checkbutton $w.smbmount_exists -pady 1 -anchor w -variable smbmount_exists \ -text "Yes, the 'smbmount' command exists on the remote system." \ -command smb_check_selected pack $w.smbmount_exists .smbwiz.f.t window create end -window $w .smbwiz.f.t insert end "\n\n\n" set w .smbwiz.f.t.f2 frame $w -bd 1 -relief ridge -cursor {top_left_arrow} .smbwiz.f.t insert end "2) Indicate your authorization to run 'smbmount' on the remote system:\n" .smbwiz.f.t insert end "\n$id" global smbmount_sumode set smbmount_sumode "dontknow" radiobutton $w.dk -pady 1 -anchor w -variable smbmount_sumode -value dontknow \ -text "I do not know if I can mount SMB shares on the remote system via 'smbmount'" \ -command smb_check_selected pack $w.dk -side top -fill x radiobutton $w.su -pady 1 -anchor w -variable smbmount_sumode -value su \ -text "I know the Password to run commands as root on the remote system via 'su'" \ -command smb_check_selected pack $w.su -side top -fill x radiobutton $w.sudo -pady 1 -anchor w -variable smbmount_sumode -value sudo \ -text "I know the Password to run commands as root on the remote system via 'sudo'" \ -command smb_check_selected pack $w.sudo -side top -fill x radiobutton $w.ru -pady 1 -anchor w -variable smbmount_sumode -value none \ -text "I do not need to be root on the remote system to mount SMB shares via 'smbmount'" \ -command smb_check_selected pack $w.ru -side top -fill x .smbwiz.f.t window create end -window $w global smb_wiz_done set smb_wiz_done 0 button .smbwiz.cancel -text "Cancel" -command {set smb_wiz_done 1} button .smbwiz.done -text "Done" -command {set smb_wiz_done 1} pack .smbwiz.done -side bottom -fill x pack .smbwiz.f -side top -fill both -expand 1 wm protocol .smbwiz WM_DELETE_WINDOW {set smb_wiz_done 1} center_win .smbwiz wm title .smbwiz "Searching for Local SMB shares..." update wm title .smbwiz $title global smb_local smb_this_host .smbwiz.f.t insert end "\n\n\n" set w .smbwiz.f.t.f3 catch {destroy $w} frame $w -bd 1 -relief ridge -cursor {top_left_arrow} .smbwiz.f.t insert end "3) Select SMB shares to mount and their mount point on the remote system:\n" .smbwiz.f.t insert end "\n${id}" make_share_widgets $w .smbwiz.f.t insert end "\n(%USER will be expanded to the username on the remote system and %HOME the home directory)\n" .smbwiz.f.t insert end "\n\n\n" .smbwiz.f.t insert end "You can change the list of Local SMB hosts to probe and the mount point prefix here:\n" .smbwiz.f.t insert end "\n$id" set w .smbwiz.f.t.f4 frame $w -bd 1 -relief ridge -cursor {top_left_arrow} set wf .smbwiz.f.t.f4.f frame $wf label $wf.l -text "SMB Hosts: " -anchor w entry $wf.e -textvariable smb_host_list -width 60 button $wf.b -text "Apply" -command {make_share_widgets .smbwiz.f.t.f3} bind $wf.e <Return> "$wf.b invoke" pack $wf.l $wf.e $wf.b -side left pack $wf pack $w .smbwiz.f.t window create end -window $w .smbwiz.f.t insert end "\n$id" set w .smbwiz.f.t.f5 frame $w -bd 1 -relief ridge -cursor {top_left_arrow} set wf .smbwiz.f.t.f5.f frame $wf label $wf.l -text "Mount Prefix:" -anchor w entry $wf.e -textvariable smb_mount_prefix -width 60 button $wf.b -text "Apply" -command {apply_mount_point_prefix .smbwiz.f.t.f5.f.e} bind $wf.e <Return> "$wf.b invoke" pack $wf.l $wf.e $wf.b -side left pack $wf pack $w .smbwiz.f.t window create end -window $w .smbwiz.f.t insert end "\n\n\n" .smbwiz.f.t see 1.0 .smbwiz.f.t configure -state disabled update vwait smb_wiz_done catch {destroy .smbwiz} if {! $smbmount_exists || $smbmount_sumode == "dontknow"} { tk_messageBox -type ok -parent .oa -icon warning -message "Sorry we couldn't help out!\n'smbmount' info on the remote system is required for SMB mounting" -title "SMB mounting -- aborting" global use_smbmnt set use_smbmnt 0 catch {raise .oa} return } global smb_su_mode set smb_su_mode $smbmount_sumode set max 0 foreach en [array names smb_selected_en] { set i $smb_selected_en($en) set host $smb_selected_host($i) set name $smb_selected_name($i) set len [string length "//$host/$name"] if {$len > $max} { set max $len } } set max [expr $max + 8] set strs "" foreach en [array names smb_selected_en] { set i $smb_selected_en($en) if {! $smb_selected($i)} { continue } set host $smb_selected_host($i) set name $smb_selected_name($i) set mnt $smb_selected_mnt($i) set share "//$host/$name" set share [format "%-${max}s" $share] lappend strs "$share $mnt" } set text "" foreach str [lsort $strs] { append text "$str\n" } global smb_mount_list set smb_mount_list $text smb_dialog } proc apply_mount_point_prefix {w} { global smb_selected_host smb_selected_name global smb_selected_en smb_selected_mnt set prefix "" catch {set prefix [$w get]} if {$prefix == ""} { mesg "No mount prefix." bell return } foreach en [array names smb_selected_en] { set i $smb_selected_en($en) set host $smb_selected_host($i) set name $smb_selected_name($i) set smb_selected_mnt($i) "$prefix/$host/$name" } } proc smb_dialog {} { toplev .smb wm title .smb "SMB Filesystem Tunnelling" global smb_su_mode smb_mount_list global use_smbmnt global help_font global uname set h 33 if [small_height] { set h 17 } elseif {$uname == "Darwin"} { set h 24 } scroll_text .smb.f 80 $h set msg { Windows/Samba Filesystem mounting requires SSH be used to set up the SMB service port redirection. This will be either of the "Use SSH" or "SSH+SSL" modes. NOTE: For pure SSL tunnelling it currently will not work. This method requires a working Samba software setup on the remote side of the connection (VNC server) and existing Samba or Windows file server(s) on the local side (VNC viewer). The smbmount(8) program MUST be installed on the remote side. This evidently limits the mounting to Linux systems. Let us know of similar utilities on other Unixes. Mounting onto remote Windows machines is currently not supported (our SSH mode with services setup only works to Unix). On Debian and Ubuntu the smbmount program is currently in the package named 'smbfs'. Depending on how smbmount is configured you may be able to run it as a regular user, or it may require running under su(1) or sudo(8) (root password or user password required, respectively). You select which one you want via the checkbuttons below. In addition to a possible su(1) or sudo(8) password, you may ALSO need to supply passwords to mount each SMB share. This is an SMB passwd. If it has no password just hit enter after the "Password:" prompt. The passwords are supplied when the 1st SSH connection starts up; be prepared to respond to them. NOTE: USE OF SMB TUNNELLING MODE WILL REQUIRE TWO SSH'S, AND SO YOU MAY NEED TO SUPPLY TWO LOGIN PASSWORDS UNLESS YOU ARE USING SOMETHING LIKE ssh-agent(1) or the Putty PW setting. %WIN To indicate the Windows/Samba shares to mount enter them one per line in one of the forms: //machine1/share ~/Desktop/my-mount1 //machine2/fubar /var/tmp/my-foobar2 1139 //machine3/baz /var/tmp/baz [...] The first part is the standard SMB host and share name //hostname/dir (note this share is on the local viewer-side not on the remote end). A leading '#' will cause the entire line to be skipped. The second part, e.g. /var/tmp/my-foobar2, is the directory to mount the share on the remote (VNC Server) side. You must be able to write to this directory. It will be created if it does not exist. A leading character ~ will be expanded to $HOME. So will the string %HOME. The string %USER will get expanded to the remote username. An optional part like is used to specify the real hostname or IP address, and possible non-standard port, on the local side if for some reason the //hostname is not sufficient. An optional leading numerical value, 1139 in the above example, indicates which port to use on the Remote side to SSH redirect to the local side. Otherwise a random one is tried (a unique one is needed for each SMB server:port combination). A fixed one is preferred: choose a free remote port. The standard SMB service ports (local side) are 445 and 139. 139 is used by this application. Sometimes "localhost" will not work on Windows machines for a share hostname, and you will have to specify a different network interface (e.g. the machine's IP address). If you use the literal string "IP" it will be attempted to replace it with the numerical IP address, e.g.: //machine1/share ~/Desktop/my-mount1 IP VERY IMPORTANT: Before terminating the VNC Connection, make sure no applications are using any of the SMB shares (or shells are cd-ed into the share). This way the shares will be automatically unmounted. Otherwise you will need to log in again, stop processes from using the share, become root and umount the shares manually ("smbumount /path/to/share", etc.) For more info see: http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/faq.html#faq-smb-shares } set msg2 { To speed up moving to the next step, iconify the first SSH console when you are done entering passwords, etc. and then click on the main panel 'VNC Host:Display' label. } global is_windows if {! $is_windows} { regsub { *%WIN} $msg "" msg } else { set msg2 [string trim $msg2] regsub { *%WIN} $msg " $msg2" msg } .smb.f.t insert end $msg frame .smb.r label .smb.r.l -text "smbmount(8) auth mode:" -relief ridge radiobutton .smb.r.none -text "None" -variable smb_su_mode -value "none" radiobutton .smb.r.su -text "su(1)" -variable smb_su_mode -value "su" radiobutton .smb.r.sudo -text "sudo(8)" -variable smb_su_mode -value "sudo" pack .smb.r.l .smb.r.none .smb.r.sudo .smb.r.su -side left -fill x label .smb.info -text "Supply the mounts (one per line) below:" -anchor w -relief ridge eval text .smb.mnts -width 80 -height 5 $help_font .smb.mnts insert end $smb_mount_list button .smb.guess -text "Help me decide ..." -command {destroy .smb; smb_help_me_decide} button .smb.cancel -text "Cancel" -command {set use_smbmnt 0; destroy .smb} bind .smb <Escape> {set use_smbmnt 0; destroy .smb} wm protocol .smb WM_DELETE_WINDOW {set use_smbmnt 0; destroy .smb} button .smb.done -text "Done" -command {if {$use_smbmnt} {set_ssh; set smb_mount_list [.smb.mnts get 1.0 end]}; destroy .smb} pack .smb.done .smb.cancel .smb.guess .smb.mnts .smb.info .smb.r -side bottom -fill x pack .smb.f -side top -fill both -expand 1 center_win .smb } proc help_advanced_opts {} { toplev .ah scroll_text_dismiss .ah.f center_win .ah wm title .ah "Advanced Options Help" set msg { These Advanced Options that may require extra software installed on the VNC server-side (the remote server machine) and/or on the VNC client-side (where this gui is running). The Service redirection options, CUPS, ESD/ARTSD, and SMB will require that you use SSH for tunneling so that they can use the -R port redirection will be enabled for each service. I.e. "Use SSH" or "SSH + SSL" mode. These options may also require additional configuration to get them to work properly. Please submit bug reports if it appears it should be working for your setup but is not. Brief (and some not so brief) descriptions: CUPS Print tunnelling: Redirect localhost:6631 (say) on the VNC server to your local CUPS server. SSH mode is required. ESD/ARTSD Audio tunnelling: Redirect localhost:16001 (say) on the VNC server to your local ESD, etc. sound server. SSH mode is required. SMB mount tunnelling: Redirect localhost:1139 (say) on the VNC server and through that mount SMB file shares from your local server. The remote machine must be Linux with smbmount installed. SSH mode is required. Additional Port Redirs (via SSH): Specify additional -L port:host:port and -R port:host:port cmdline options for SSH to enable additional services. SSH mode is required. Automatically Find X Login/Greeter: This mode is similar to "Automatically Find X Session" except that it will attach to a X Login/Greeter screen that no one has logged into yet. It requires root privileges via sudo(1) on the remote machine. SSH mode is required. As with "Automatically Find X Session" it works only with SSH mode and requires x11vnc be installed on the remote computer. It simply sets the Remote SSH Command to: PORT= sudo x11vnc -find -localhost -env FD_XDM=1 An initial ssh running 'sudo id' is performed to try to 'prime' sudo so the 2nd one that runs x11vnc does not need a password. This may not always succeed... please mail us the details if it doesn't. See the 'X Login' description in 'Terminal Services' Mode Help for more info. Private SSH KnownHosts file: On Unix in SSH mode, let the user specify a non-default ssh known_hosts file to be used only by the current profile. This is the UserKnownHostsFile ssh option and is described in the ssh_config(1) man page. This is useful to avoid proxy 'localhost' SSH key collisions. Normally one should simply let ssh use its default file ~/.ssh/known_hosts for tracking SSH keys. The only problem that happens is when multiple SSVNC connections use localhost tunnel port redirections. These make ssh connect to 'localhost' on some port (where the proxy is listening.) Then the different keys from the multiple ssh servers collide when ssh saves them under 'localhost' in ~/.ssh/known_hosts. So if you are using a proxy with SSVNC or doing a "double SSH gateway" your ssh will connect to a proxy port on localhost, and you should set a private KnownHosts file for that connection profile. This is secure and avoids man-in-the-middle attack (as long as you actually verify the initial save of the SSH key!) The default file location will be: ~/.vnc/ssh_known_hosts/profile-name.known but you can choose any place you like. It must of course be unique and not shared with another ssh connection otherwise they both may complain about the key for 'localhost' changing, etc. SSH Local Port Protections: An LD_PRELOAD hack to limit the number of SSH port redirections to 1 and within the first 35 seconds. So there is a smaller window when the user can try to use your tunnel compared to the duration of your session. SSH mode is required. STUNNEL Local Port Protections: Try to prevent Untrusted Local Users (see the main Help panel) from using your STUNNEL tunnel to connect to the remote VNC Server. Change VNC Viewer: Specify a non-bundled VNC Viewer (e.g. UltraVNC or RealVNC) to run instead of the bundled TightVNC Viewer. Port Knocking: For "closed port" services, first "knock" on the firewall ports in a certain way to open the door for SSH or SSL. The port can also be closed when the encrypted VNC connection finishes. UltraVNC DSM Encryption Plugin: On Unix only, by using the supplied tool, ultravnc_dsm_helper, encrypted connections to UltraVNC servers using their plugins is enabled. Support for secret key encryption to Non-UltraVNC DSM servers is also supported, e.g. x11vnc -enc blowfish:my.key Do not Probe for VeNCrypt: Disable VeNCrypt auto-detection probe when not needed. By default in SSL mode an initial probe for the use of the VeNCrypt or ANONTLS protocol is performed. This is done during the initial fetch-cert action. Once auto-detected in the initial probe, the real connection to the VNC Server will use this information to switch to SSL/TLS at the right point in the VeNCrypt/ANONTLS handshake. In "Verify All Certs" mode initial the fetch-cert action is required so the automatic probing for VeNCrypt is always done. The fetch-cert is not needed if you specified a ServerCert or if you disabled "Verify All Certs". But by default the fetch-cert is done anyway to try to auto-detect VeNCrypt/ANONTLS. Set 'Do not Probe for VeNCrypt' to skip this unneeded fetch-cert action (and hence speed up connecting.) Use this if you know the VNC Server uses normal SSL and not VeNCrypt/ANONTLS. See also the next option, 'Server uses VeNCrypt SSL encryption' to if you know it uses VeNCrypt/ANONTLS (the probing will also be skipped if that option is set.) Server uses VeNCrypt SSL encryption: Indicate that the VNC server uses the VeNCrypt extension to VNC; it switches to an SSL/TLS tunnel at a certain point in the VNC Handshake. This is in constrast to the default ssvnc/x11vnc SSL tunnel behavior where the *entire* VNC traffic goes through SSL (i.e. it is vncs:// in the way https:// uses SSL) Enable this option if you know the server supports VeNCrypt. Also use this option for the older ANONTLS extension (vino). Doing so will give the quickest and most reliable connection to VeNCrypt/ANONTLS servers. If set, any probing to try to auto-detect VeNCrypt/ANONTLS will be skipped. Some VNC servers supporting VeNCrypt: VeNCrypt, QEMU, ggi, virt-manager, and Xen. Vino supports ANONTLS. The SSVNC VeNCrypt/ANONTLS support even works with 3rd party VNC Viewers you specify via 'Change VNC Viewer' (e.g. RealVNC, TightVNC, UltraVNC etc.) that do not directly support it. Note: many VeNCrypt servers only support Anonymous Diffie Hellman TLS which has NO built in authentication and you will also need to set the option described in the next section. If you are using VeNCrypt or ANONTLS for REVERSE connections (Listen) then you *MUST* set this 'Server uses VeNCrypt SSL encryption' option. Note also that REVERSE connections using VeNCrypt/ANONTLS currently do not work on Windows. Also, if you are using the "Use SSH+SSL" double tunnel to a VeNCrypt/ANONTLS server, you MUST set 'Server uses VeNCrypt SSL encryption' because "Verify All Certs" is disabled in SSH+SSL mode. Server uses Anonymous Diffie-Hellman Anonymous Diffie-Hellman can be used for SSL/TLS connections but there are no Certificates for authentication. Therefore only passive eavesdropping attacks are prevented, not Man-In-The-Middle attacks. Not recommended; try to use verified X509 certs instead. Enable this option if you know the server only supports Anon DH. When you do so, remember that ALL Certificate checking will be skipped (even if you have 'Verify All Certs' selected or set a ServerCert.) SSVNC may be able to autodetect Anon DH even if you haven't selected 'Server uses Anonymous Diffie-Hellman'. Once detected, it will prompt you whether it should continue. Set the 'Server uses Anonymous Diffie-Hellman' option to avoid trying autodetection (i.e. forcing the issue.) Note that most Anonymous Diffie-Hellman VNC Servers do so via the VeNCrypt or ANONTLS VNC extensions (see the previous section.) For these servers if you select 'Server uses Anonymous Diffie-Hellman' you *MUST* ALSO select 'Server uses VeNCrypt SSL encryption', otherwise SSVNC may have no chance to auto-detect the VeNCrypt/ANONTLS protocol. Also note, if you are using the "Use SSH+SSL" double tunnel to a VeNCrypt/ANONTLS server using Anon DH you MUST set 'Server uses Anonymous Diffie-Hellman' because "Verify All Certs" is disabled in SSH+SSL mode. Include: Default settings and Include Templates: Before explaining how Include works, first note that if you do not prefer some of SSVNC's default settings you can start up SSVNC and then change the settings for the options that you want to have a different default value. Then type "defaults" in VNC Host:Display entry box and press "Save" to save them in the "defaults.vnc" profile. After this, SSVNC will initialize all of the default values and then apply your override values in "defaults". For example, suppose you always want to use a different, 3rd party VNC Viewer. Set Options -> Advanced -> Change VNC Viewer to what you want, and then save it as the "defaults" profile. Now that default setting will apply to all profiles, and SSVNC in its startup state. To edit the defaults Load it, make changes, and then Save it. Delete the "defaults" profile to go back to no modifications. Note that defaults created and saved while defaults.vnc existed will NOT be automatically adjusted. Include Templates: Now suppose you have a certain class of settings that you do not want to always be applied, but you want them to apply to a group of profiles. For example, suppose you have some settings for very low bandwidth connections (e.g. low color modes and/or aggressive compression and quality settings.) Set these values in SSVNC and then in the VNC Host:Display entry box type in, say, "slowlink" and then press Save. This will save those settings in the template profile named "slowlink.vnc". Now to create a real profile that uses this template type the host:disp in "VNC Host:Display" and in Options -> Advanced -> Includes type in "slowlink". Then press Save to save the host profile. Then re-Load it. The "slowlink" settings will be applied after the defaults. Make any other changes to the setting for this profile and Save it again. Next time you load it in, the Include template settings will override the defaults and then the profile itself is read in. You may supply a comma or space separated list of templates to include. They are applied in the order listed. They can be full path names or basenames relative to the profiles directory. You do not need to supply the .vnc suffix. The non-default settings in them will be applied first, and then any values in the loaded Profile will override them. Sleep: Enter a number to indicate how many extra seconds to sleep while waiting for the VNC viewer to start up. On Windows this can give extra time to enter the Putty/Plink password, etc. Putty Args: Windows only, supply a string to be added to all plink.exe and putty.exe commands. Example: -i C:\mykey.ppk Launch Putty Pagent: Windows only, launch the Putty key agent tool (pageant) to hold your SSH private keys for automatic logging in by putty/plink. Launch Putty Key-Gen: Windows only, launch the Putty key generation tool (puttygen) to create new SSH private keys. Unix ssvncviewer: Display a popup menu with options that apply to the special Unix SSVNC VNC Viewer (perhaps called 'ssvncviewer') provided by this SSVNC package. This only applies to Unix or Mac OS X. Use ssh-agent: On Unix only: restart the GUI in the presence of ssh-agent(1) (e.g. in case you forgot to start your agent before starting this GUI). An xterm will be used to enter passphrases, etc. This can avoid repeatedly entering passphrases for the SSH logins (note this requires setting up and distributing SSH keys). About the CheckButtons: Ahem, Well...., yes quite a klunky UI: you have to toggle the CheckButton to pull up the Dialog box a 2nd, etc. time... don't worry your settings will still be there! } .ah.f.t insert end $msg jiggle_text .ah.f.t } proc help_ssvncviewer_opts {} { toplev .av scroll_text_dismiss .av.f center_win .av wm title .av "Unix SSVNC viewer Options Help" set msg { These Unix SSVNC VNC Viewer Options apply only on Unix or Mac OS X when using the viewer (ssvncviewer) supplied by this SSVNC package. Brief descriptions: Multiple LISTEN Connections: Allow multiple VNC servers to reverse connect at the same time and so display each of their desktops on your screen at the same time. Listen Once: Try to have the VNC Viewer exit after the first listening connection. (It may not always be detected; use Ctrl-C to exit) Listen Accept Popup Dialog: In -listen (reverse connection listening) mode when a reverse VNC connection comes in show a popup asking whether to Accept or Reject the connection. (-acceptpopup vncviewer option.) Accept Popup UltraVNC Single Click: As in 'Listen Accept Popup Dialog', except assume the remote VNC server is UltraVNC Single Click and force the execution of the protocol to retrieve the extra remote-side info (Windows User, ComputerName, etc) which is then also displayed in the Popup window. (-acceptpopupsc vncviewer option.) Use X11 Cursor: When drawing the mouse cursor shape locally, use an X11 cursor instead of drawing it directly into the framebuffer. This can sometimes give better response, and avoid problems under 'Scaling'. Disable Bell: Disable beeps coming from remote side. Use Raw Local: Use the VNC Raw encoding for 'localhost' connections (instead of assuming there is a local tunnel, SSL or SSH, going to the remote machine. Avoid Using Terminal: By default the Unix ssvncviewer will prompt for usernames, passwords, etc. in the terminal it is running inside of. Set this option to use windows for messages and prompting as much as possible. Messages will also go to the terminal, but all prompts will be done via popup window. Note that stunnel(1) may prompt for a passphrase to unlock a private SSL key. This is fairly rare because it is usually for Client-side SSL authentication. stunnel will prompt from the terminal; there seems to be no way around this. Also, note that ssh(1) may prompt for an ssh key passphrase or Unix password. This can be avoided in a number of ways, the simplest one is to use ssh-agent(1) and ssh-add(1). However ssh(1) may also prompt you to accept a new public key for a host or warn you if the key has changed, etc. Use Popup Fix: Enable a fix that warps the popup (F8) to the mouse pointer. Use XGrabServer (for fullscreen): On Unix only, use the XGrabServer workaround for older window managers. Sometimes also needed on recent (2008) GNOME. This workaround can make going into/out-of Fullscreen work better. Cursor Alphablending: Use the x11vnc alpha hack for translucent cursors (requires Unix, 32bpp and same endianness) TurboVNC: If available on your platform, use a ssvncviewer compiled with TurboVNC support. This is based on the VirtualGL project: http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/virtualgl You will need to install the VirtualGL's TurboJPEG library too. Currently (May/2009) only Linux.i686, Linux.x86_64, and Darwin.i386 have vncviewer.turbovnc binaries shipped in the ssvnc bundles. See the build instructions for how you might compile your own. Disable Pipelined Updates: Disable the TurboVNC-like pipelined updates mode. Pipelined updates is the default even when not TurboVNC enabled. They ask for the next screen update before the current one has finished downloading, and so this might reduce the slowdown due to high latency or low bandwidth by 2X or so. Disable them if they cause problems with the remote VNC Server or use too much bandwidth. Send CLIPBOARD not PRIMARY: When sending locally selected text to the VNC server side, send the CLIPBOARD selection instead of the PRIMARY selection. Send Selection Every time: Send selected text to the VNC server side every time the mouse focus enters the main VNC Viewer window instead only when it appears to have changed since the last send. Scaling: Use viewer-side (i.e. local) scaling of the VNC screen. Supply a fraction, e.g. 0.75 or 3/4, or a WxH geometry, e.g. 1280x1024, or the string 'fit' to fill the current screen. Use 'auto' to scale the desktop to match the viewer window size. If you observe mouse trail painting errors try using X11 Cursor. Note that since the local scaling is done in software it can be slow. Since ZRLE is better than Tight in this regard, when scaling is detected, the encoding will be switched to ZRLE. Use the Popup to go back to Tight if you want to, or set the env. var. SSVNC_PRESERVE_ENCODING=1 to disable the switch. For additional speedups under local scaling: try having a solid desktop background on the remote side (either manually or using 'x11vnc -solid ...'); and also consider using client side caching 'x11vnc -ncache 10 ...' if the remote server is x11vnc. Escape Keys: Enable 'Escape Keys', a set of modifier keys that, if all are pressed down, enable local Hot Key actions. Set to 'default' to use the default (Alt_L,Super_L on unix, Control_L,Meta_L on macosx) or set to a list of modifier keys. Y Crop: This is for x11vnc's -ncache client side caching scheme with our Unix TightVNC viewer. Sets the Y value to "crop" the viewer size at (below the cut is the pixel cache region you do not want to see). If the screen is tall (H > 2*W) ycropping will be autodetected, or you can set to -1 to force autodection. Otherwise, set it to the desired Y value. You can also set the scrollbar width (very thin by default) by appending ",sb=N" (or use ",sb=N" by itself to just set the scrollbar width). ScrollBar Width: This is for x11vnc's -ncache client side caching scheme with our Unix TightVNC viewer. For Y-Crop mode, set the size of the scrollbars (often one want it to be very narrow, e.g. 2 pixels to be less distracting. RFB Version: Set the numerical version of RFB (VNC) protocol to pretend to be, 3.x. Usually only needed with UltraVNC servers. Encodings: List encodings in preferred order, for example 'copyrect zrle tight' The list of encodings is: copyrect tight zrle zywrle hextile zlib corre rre raw Extra Options: String of extra Unix ssvncviewer command line options. I.e. for ones like -16bpp that cannot be set inside this SSVNC GUI. For a list click Help then 'SSVNC vncviewer -help Output'. These are environment variables one may set to affect the options of the SSVNC vncviewer and also the ss_vncviewer wrapper script (and hence may apply to 3rd party vncviewers too) VNCVIEWER_ALPHABLEND (-alpha, see Cursor Alphablending above) VNCVIEWER_POPUP_FIX (-popupfix, warp popup to mouse location) VNCVIEWER_GRAB_SERVER (-graball, see Use XGrabServer above) VNCVIEWER_YCROP (-ycrop, see Y Crop above) VNCVIEWER_SBWIDTH (-sbwidth, see ScrollBar Width above) VNCVIEWER_RFBVERSION (-rfbversion, e.g. 3.6) VNCVIEWER_ENCODINGS (-encodings, e.g. "copyrect zrle hextile") VNCVIEWER_NOBELL (-nobell) VNCVIEWER_X11CURSOR (-x11cursor, see Use X11 Cursor above) VNCVIEWER_RAWLOCAL (-rawlocal, see Use Raw Local above) VNCVIEWER_NOTTY (-notty, see Avoid Using Terminal above) VNCVIEWER_ESCAPE (-escape, see Escape Keys above) VNCVIEWER_ULTRADSM (-ultradsm) VNCVIEWER_PIPELINE_UPDATES (-pipeline, see above) VNCVIEWER_SEND_CLIPBOARD (-sendclipboard) VNCVIEWER_SEND_ALWAYS (-sendalways) VNCVIEWER_RECV_TEXT (-recvtext clipboard/primary/both) VNCVIEWER_NO_CUTBUFFER (do not send CUTBUFFER0 as fallback) VNCVIEWER_NO_PIPELINE_UPDATES (-nopipeline) VNCVIEWER_ALWAYS_RECENTER (set to avoid(?) recentering on resize) VNCVIEWER_IS_REALVNC4 (indicate vncviewer is realvnc4 flavor.) VNCVIEWER_NO_IPV4 (-noipv4) VNCVIEWER_NO_IPV6 (-noipv6) VNCVIEWER_FORCE_UP (force raise on fullscreen graball) VNCVIEWER_PASSWORD (danger: set vnc passwd via env. var.) VNCVIEWER_MIN_TITLE (minimum window title (appshare)) VNCVIEWERCMD (unix viewer command, default vncviewer) VNCVIEWERCMD_OVERRIDE (force override of VNCVIEWERCMD) VNCVIEWERCMD_EXTRA_OPTS (extra options to pass to VNCVIEWERCMD) VNCVIEWER_LISTEN_LOCALHOST (force ssvncviewer to -listen on localhost) VNCVIEWER_NO_SEC_TYPE_TIGHT(force ssvncviewer to skip rfbSecTypeTight) HEXTILE_YCROP_TOO (testing: nosync_ycrop for hextile updates.) SS_DEBUG (very verbose debug printout by script.) SS_VNCVIEWER_LISTEN_PORT (force listen port.) SS_VNCVIEWER_NO_F (no -f for SSH.) SS_VNCVIEWER_NO_T (no -t for SSH.) SS_VNCVIEWER_USE_C (force -C compression for SSH.) SS_VNCVIEWER_SSH_CMD (override SSH command to run.) SS_VNCVIEWER_NO_MAXCONN (no maxconn for stunnel (obsolete)) SS_VNCVIEWER_RM (file containing vnc passwd to remove.) SS_VNCVIEWER_SSH_ONLY (run the SSH command, then exit.) SSVNC_MULTIPLE_LISTEN (-multilisten, see Multiple LISTEN above) SSVNC_ACCEPT_POPUP (-acceptpopup, see Accept Popup Dialog) SSVNC_ACCEPT_POPUP_SC (-acceptpopupsc, see Accept Popup Dialog) SSVNC_TURBOVNC (see TurboVNC above) SSVNC_UNIXPW (-unixpw) SSVNC_UNIXPW_NOESC (do not send escape in -unixpw mode) SSVNC_SCALE (-scale, see Scaling above) SSVNC_NOSOLID (do not do solid region speedup in scaling mode.) SSVNC_PRESERVE_ENCODING (do not switch to ZRLE when scaling) SSVNC_FINISH_SLEEP (on unix/macosx sleep this many seconds before exiting the terminal, default 5) Misc (special usage or debugging or ss_vncviewer settings): SSVNC_MESG_DELAY (sleep this many millisec between messages) SSVNC_NO_ENC_WARN (do not print out a NO ENCRYPTION warning) SSVNC_EXTRA_SLEEP (same as Sleep: window) SSVNC_NO_ULTRA_DSM (disable ultravnc dsm encryption) SSVNC_ULTRA_DSM (the ultravnc_dsm_helper command) SSVNC_ULTRA_FTP_JAR (file location of ultraftp.jar jar file) SSVNC_KNOWN_HOSTS_FILE (file for per-connection ssh known hosts) SSVNC_SCALE_STATS (print scaling stats) SSVNC_NOSOLID (disable solid special case while scaling) SSVNC_DEBUG_RELEASE (debug printout for keyboard modifiers.) SSVNC_DEBUG_ESCAPE_KEYS (debug printout for escape keys) SSVNC_NO_MAYBE_SYNC (skip XSync() calls in certain painting) SSVNC_MAX_LISTEN (number of time to listen for reverse conn.) SSVNC_LISTEN_ONCE (listen for reverse conn. only once) STUNNEL_LISTEN (stunnel interface for reverse conn. SSVNC_NO_MESSAGE_POPUP (do not place info messages in popup.) SSVNC_SET_SECURITY_TYPE (force VeNCrypt security type) SSVNC_PREDIGESTED_HANDSHAKE (string used for VeNCrypt, etc. connect) SSVNC_SKIP_RFB_PROTOCOL_VERSION (force viewer to be RFB 3.8) SSVNC_DEBUG_SEC_TYPES (debug security types for VeNCrypt) SSVNC_DEBUG_MSLOGON (extra printout for ultravnc mslogon proto) SSVNC_DEBUG_RECTS (printout debug for RFB rectangles.) SSVNC_DEBUG_CHAT (printout debug info for chat mode.) SSVNC_DELAY_SYNC (faster local drawing delaying XSync) SSVNC_DEBUG_SELECTION (printout debug for selection/clipboard) SSVNC_REPEATER (URL-ish sslrepeater:// thing for UltraVNC) SSVNC_VENCRYPT_DEBUG (debug printout for VeNCrypt mode.) SSVNC_VENCRYPT_USERPASS (force VeNCrypt user:pass) SSVNC_STUNNEL_DEBUG (increase stunnel debugging printout) SSVNC_STUNNEL_VERIFY3 (increase stunnel verify from 2 to 3) SSVNC_LIM_ACCEPT_PRELOAD (preload library to limit accept(2)) SSVNC_SOCKS5 (socks5 for x11vnc PORT= mode, default) SSVNC_SOCKS4 (socks4 for x11vnc PORT= mode) SSVNC_NO_IPV6_PROXY (do not setup a ipv6:// proxy) SSVNC_NO_IPV6_PROXY_DIRECT (do not setup a ipv6:// proxy unencrypted) SSVNC_PORT_IPV6 (x11vnc PORT= mode is to ipv6-only) SSVNC_IPV6 (0 to disable ss_vncviewer ipv6 check) SSVNC_FETCH_TIMEOUT (ss_vncviewer cert fetch timeout) SSVNC_USE_S_CLIENT (force cert fetch to be 'openssl s_client') SSVNC_SHOWCERT_EXIT_0 (force showcert to exit with success) SSVNC_SSH_LOCALHOST_AUTH (force SSH localhost auth check.) SSVNC_TEST_SEC_TYPE (force PPROXY VeNCrypt type; testing) SSVNC_TEST_SEC_SUBTYPE (force PPROXY VeNCrypt subtype; testing) SSVNC_EXIT_DEBUG (testing: prompt to exit at end.) SSVNC_UP_DEBUG (gui user/passwd debug mode.) SSVNC_UP_FILE (gui user/passwd file.) STUNNEL_EXTRA_OPTS (extra options for stunnel.) X11VNC_APPSHARE_DEBUG (for debugging -appshare mode.) NO_X11VNC_APPSHARE (shift down for escape keys.) DEBUG_HandleFileXfer (ultravnc filexfer) DEBUG_RFB_SMSG (RFB server message debug.) } .av.f.t insert end $msg button .av.htext -text "SSVNC vncviewer -help Output" -command show_viewer_help pack .av.htext -side bottom -fill x jiggle_text .av.f.t } proc show_viewer_help {} { toplev .vhlp set h 35 if [small_height] { set h 30 } scroll_text_dismiss .vhlp.f 83 $h center_win .vhlp wm resizable .vhlp 1 0 wm title .vhlp "SSVNC vncviewer -help Output" set msg "-- No Help Output --" catch {set msg [exec ss_vncviewer -viewerhelp 2>/dev/null]} .vhlp.f.t insert end $msg jiggle_text .vhlp.f.t } proc set_viewer_path {} { global change_vncviewer_path unix_dialog_resize .chviewer set change_vncviewer_path [tk_getOpenFile -parent .chviewer] catch {raise .chviewer} update } proc change_vncviewer_dialog {} { global change_vncviewer change_vncviewer_path vncviewer_realvnc4 global ts_only toplev .chviewer wm title .chviewer "Change VNC Viewer" global help_font if {$ts_only} { eval text .chviewer.t -width 90 -height 16 $help_font } else { eval text .chviewer.t -width 90 -height 27 $help_font } apply_bg .chviewer.t set msg { To use your own VNC Viewer (i.e. one installed by you, not included in this package), e.g. UltraVNC or RealVNC, type in the program name, or browse for the full path to it. You can put command line arguments after the program. Note that due to incompatibilities with respect to command line options there may be issues, especially if many command line options are supplied. You can specify your own command line options below if you like (and try to avoid setting any others in this GUI under "Options"). If the path to the program name has spaces it in, surround it with double quotes: "C:\Program Files\My Vnc Viewer\VNCVIEWER.EXE" Make sure the very first character is a quote. You should quote the command even if it is only the command line arguments that need extra protection: "wine" -- "/home/fred/Program Flies/UltraVNC-1.0.2.exe" /64colors Since the command line options differ between them greatly, if you know it is of the RealVNC 4.x flavor, indicate on the check box. Otherwise we guess. To have SSVNC act as a general STUNNEL redirector (no VNC) set the viewer to be "xmessage OK" or "xmessage <port>" or "sleep n" or "sleep n <port>" (or "NOTEPAD" on Windows). The default listen port is 5930. The destination is set in "VNC Host:Display" (for a remote port less than 200 use the negative of the port value). } if {$ts_only} { regsub {Note that due(.|\n)*If the} $msg "If the" msg regsub {To have SSVNC act(.|\n)*} $msg "" msg } .chviewer.t insert end $msg frame .chviewer.path label .chviewer.path.l -text "VNC Viewer:" entry .chviewer.path.e -width 40 -textvariable change_vncviewer_path button .chviewer.path.b -text "Browse..." -command set_viewer_path checkbutton .chviewer.path.r -anchor w -variable vncviewer_realvnc4 -text \ "RealVNC 4.x" pack .chviewer.path.l -side left pack .chviewer.path.e -side left -expand 1 -fill x pack .chviewer.path.b -side left pack .chviewer.path.r -side left button .chviewer.cancel -text "Cancel" -command {destroy .chviewer; set change_vncviewer 0} bind .chviewer <Escape> {destroy .chviewer; set change_vncviewer 0} wm protocol .chviewer WM_DELETE_WINDOW {destroy .chviewer; set change_vncviewer 0} button .chviewer.done -text "Done" -command {destroy .chviewer; catch {raise .oa}} bind .chviewer.path.e <Return> {destroy .chviewer; catch {raise .oa}} pack .chviewer.t .chviewer.path .chviewer.cancel .chviewer.done -side top -fill x center_win .chviewer wm resizable .chviewer 1 0 focus .chviewer.path.e } proc port_redir_dialog {} { global additional_port_redirs additional_port_redirs_list toplev .redirs wm title .redirs "Additional Port Redirections (via SSH)" global help_font uname set h 35 if [small_height] { set h 27 } eval text .redirs.t -width 80 -height $h $help_font apply_bg .redirs.t set msg { Specify any additional SSH port redirections you desire for the connection. Put as many as you want separated by spaces. These only apply to SSH and SSH+SSL connections, they do not apply to Pure SSL connections. -L port1:host:port2 will listen on port1 on the local machine (where you are sitting) and redirect them to port2 on "host". "host" is relative to the remote side (VNC Server). Use "localhost" for the remote machine itself. -R port1:host:port2 will listen on port1 on the remote machine (where the VNC server is running) and redirect them to port2 on "host". "host" is relative to the local side (where you are sitting). Use "localhost" for this machine. Perhaps you want a redir to a web server inside an intranet: -L 8001:web-int:80 Or to redir a remote port to your local SSH daemon: -R 5022:localhost:22 etc. There are many interesting possibilities. Sometimes, especially for Windows Shares, you cannot do a -R redir to localhost, but need to supply the IP address of the network interface (e.g. by default the Shares do not listen on localhost:139). As a convenience you can do something like -R 1139:IP:139 (for any port numbers) and the IP will be attempted to be expanded. If this fails for some reason you will have to use the actual numerical IP address. } .redirs.t insert end $msg frame .redirs.path label .redirs.path.l -text "Port Redirs:" entry .redirs.path.e -width 40 -textvariable additional_port_redirs_list pack .redirs.path.l -side left pack .redirs.path.e -side left -expand 1 -fill x button .redirs.cancel -text "Cancel" -command {set additional_port_redirs 0; destroy .redirs} bind .redirs <Escape> {set additional_port_redirs 0; destroy .redirs} wm protocol .redirs WM_DELETE_WINDOW {set additional_port_redirs 0; destroy .redirs} button .redirs.done -text "Done" -command {destroy .redirs} pack .redirs.t .redirs.path .redirs.cancel .redirs.done -side top -fill x center_win .redirs wm resizable .redirs 1 0 focus .redirs.path.e } proc stunnel_sec_dialog {} { global stunnel_local_protection toplev .stlsec wm title .stlsec "STUNNEL Local Port Protections" global help_font uname set h 37 if [small_height] { set h 26 } scroll_text .stlsec.f 82 $h apply_bg .stlsec.f set msg { See the discussion of "Untrusted Local Users" in the main 'Help' panel for info about users who are able to log into the workstation you run SSVNC on and might try to use your encrypted tunnel to gain access to the remote VNC machine. On Unix, for STUNNEL SSL tunnels we provide two options as extra safeguards against untrusted local users. Both only apply to Unix/MacOSX. Note that Both options are *IGNORED* in reverse connection (Listen) mode. 1) The first one 'Use stunnel EXEC mode' (it is mutually exclusive with option 2). For this case the modified SSVNC Unix viewer must be used: it execs the stunnel program instead of connecting to it via TCP/IP. Thus there is no localhost listening port involved at all. This is the best solution for SSL stunnel tunnels, it works well and is currently enabled by default. Disable it if there are problems. 2) The second one 'Use stunnel IDENT check', uses the stunnel(8) 'ident = username' to use the local identd daemon (IDENT RFC 1413 http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1413.txt) to check that the locally connecting program (the SSVNC vncviewer) is being run by your userid. See the stunnel(8) man page for details. Normally the IDENT check service cannot be trusted much when used *remotely* (the remote host may be have installed a modified daemon). However when using the IDENT check service *locally* it should be reliable. If not, it means the local machine (where you run SSVNC) has already been root compromised and you have a serious problem. Enabling 'Use stunnel IDENT check' requires a working identd on the local machine. Often it is not installed or enabled (because it is not deemed to be useful, etc). identd is usually run out of the inetd(8) super-server. Even when installed and running it is often configured incorrectly. On a Debian/lenny system we actually found that the kernel module 'tcp_diag' needed to be loaded! ('modprobe tcp_diag') } .stlsec.f.t insert end $msg radiobutton .stlsec.ident -relief ridge -anchor w -variable stunnel_local_protection_type -value "ident" -text "Use stunnel IDENT check" radiobutton .stlsec.exec -relief ridge -anchor w -variable stunnel_local_protection_type -value "exec" -text "Use stunnel EXEC mode" button .stlsec.cancel -text "Cancel" -command {set stunnel_local_protection 0; destroy .stlsec} bind .stlsec <Escape> {set stunnel_local_protection 0; destroy .stlsec} wm protocol .stlsec WM_DELETE_WINDOW {set stunnel_local_protection 0; destroy .stlsec} button .stlsec.done -text "Done" -command {if {$stunnel_local_protection_type == "none"} {set stunnel_local_protection 0}; destroy .stlsec} pack .stlsec.f .stlsec.exec .stlsec.ident .stlsec.cancel .stlsec.done -side top -fill x center_win .stlsec wm resizable .stlsec 1 0 } proc disable_ssl_workarounds_dialog {} { global disable_ssl_workarounds disable_ssl_workarounds_type toplev .sslwrk wm title .sslwrk "Disable SSL Workarounds" global help_font uname set h 36 if [small_height] { set h 24 } scroll_text .sslwrk.f 86 $h apply_bg .sslwrk.f set msg { Some SSL implementations are incomplete or buggy or do not work properly with other implementations. SSVNC uses STUNNEL for its SSL encryption, and STUNNEL uses the OpenSSL SSL implementation. This causes some problems with non-OpenSSL implementations on the VNC server side. The most noticable one is the UltraVNC Single Click III (SSL) server: http://www.uvnc.com/pchelpware/SCIII/index.html It can make a reverse connection to SSVNC via an encrypted SSL tunnel. Unfortunately, in the default operation with STUNNEL the connection will be dropped after 2-15 minutes due to an unexpected packet. Because of this, by default SSVNC will enable some SSL workarounds to make connections like these work. This is the STUNNEL 'options = ALL' setting: it enables a basic set of SSL workarounds. You can read all about these workarounds in the stunnel(8) manpage and the OpenSSL SSL_CTX_set_options(3) manpage. Why are we mentioning this? STUNNELS's 'options = ALL' lowers the SSL security a little bit. If you know you do not have an incompatible SSL implementation on the server side (e.g. any one using OpenSSL is compatible, x11vnc in particular), then you can regain that little bit of security by selecting the "Disable SSL Workarounds" option. "Disable All SSL Workarounds" selected below will do that. On the other hand, choose "Keep the DONT_INSERT_EMPTY_FRAGMENTS Workaround" to retain that one, commonly needed workaround. BTW, you can set the environment variable STUNNEL_EXTRA_OPTS_USER to add any lines to the STUNNEL global config that you want to. See the stunnel(8) man page for more details. } .sslwrk.f.t insert end $msg radiobutton .sslwrk.none -relief ridge -anchor w -variable disable_ssl_workarounds_type -value "none" -text "Disable All Workarounds" radiobutton .sslwrk.noempty -relief ridge -anchor w -variable disable_ssl_workarounds_type -value "noempty" -text "Keep the DONT_INSERT_EMPTY_FRAGMENTS Workaround" button .sslwrk.cancel -text "Cancel" -command {set disable_ssl_workarounds 0; destroy .sslwrk} bind .sslwrk <Escape> {set disable_ssl_workarounds 0; destroy .sslwrk} wm protocol .sslwrk WM_DELETE_WINDOW {set disable_ssl_workarounds 0; destroy .sslwrk} button .sslwrk.done -text "Done" -command {destroy .sslwrk} pack .sslwrk.f .sslwrk.none .sslwrk.noempty .sslwrk.cancel .sslwrk.done -side top -fill x center_win .sslwrk wm resizable .sslwrk 1 0 } proc update_no_ultra_dsm {} { global ultra_dsm_noultra global ultra_dsm_type foreach b {bf des3 aes aes256 l e} { if {! $ultra_dsm_noultra} { .ultradsm.nou.$b configure -state disabled } else { .ultradsm.nou.$b configure -state normal } } if {! $ultra_dsm_noultra} { if {$ultra_dsm_type == "arc4"} { ; } elseif {$ultra_dsm_type == "aesv2"} { ; } elseif {$ultra_dsm_type == "msrc4"} { ; } elseif {$ultra_dsm_type == "msrc4_sc"} { ; } elseif {$ultra_dsm_type == "securevnc"} { ; } else { set ultra_dsm_type guess } catch {.ultradsm.key.securevnc configure -state normal} catch {.ultradsm.key.msrc4_sc configure -state normal} } else { catch {.ultradsm.key.securevnc configure -state disabled} catch {.ultradsm.key.msrc4_sc configure -state disabled} } } proc ultra_dsm_dialog {} { global ultra_dsm ultra_dsm_file ultra_dsm_type toplev .ultradsm wm title .ultradsm "UltraVNC DSM Encryption Plugin" global help_font set h 40 if [small_height] { set h 22 } scroll_text .ultradsm.f 85 $h set msg { On Unix and MacOSX with the provided SSVNC vncviewer, you can connect to an UltraVNC server that is using one of its DSM encryption plugins: MSRC4, ARC4, AESV2, and SecureVNC. More info at: http://www.uvnc.com/features/encryption.html IMPORTANT: The UltraVNC DSM MSRC4, ARC4, and AESV2 implementations contain unfixed errors that could allow an eavesdropper to recover the session key or traffic easily. They often do not provide strong encryption, but only provide basic obscurity instead. Do not use them with critical data. The newer SecureVNC Plugin does not suffer from these problems. See the bottom of this help text for how to use symmetric encryption with Non-UltraVNC servers (for example, x11vnc 0.9.5 or later). This mode does not suffer the shortcomings of the UltraVNC MSRC4, ARC4, and AESV2 implementations. You will need to specify the corresponding UltraVNC encryption key (created by you using an UltraVNC server or viewer). It is usually called 'rc4.key' (for MSRC4), 'arc4.key' (for ARC4), and 'aesv2.key' (for AESV2). Specify the path to it or Browse for it. Also, specify which type of plugin it is (or use 'guess' to have it guess via the before mentioned filenames). The choice "UVNC SC" enables a special workaround for use with UltraVNC Single Click and the MSRC4 plugin. It may not be needed on recent SC (e.g. from ~2009 and later; select "MSRC4" for these newer ones.) You can also specify pw=my-password instead of a keyfile. Use single quotes pw='....' if the password contains shell meta-characters `!$&*(){}[]|;<>? Use the literal string 'pw=VNCPASSWD' to have the VNC password that you entered into the 'VNC Password:' be used for the pw=... SSL and SSH tunnels do not apply in this mode (any settings are ignored.) Proxying works in this mode, as well as Reverse Connections (Listen) The choice "SecureVNC" refers to the SecureVNC Plugin using 128 bit AES or ARC4 with 2048 bit RSA key exchange described here: http://adamwalling.com/SecureVNC Note in its default mode SecureVNC is *Vulnerable* to Man-In-The-Middle attacks (encryption but no server authentication) so do not use it with critical data. In SecureVNC mode you do not need to supply a 'Ultra DSM Keyfile'. However, if you DO supply a keyfile filename (recommended) if that file does not exist you will be prompted if you want to save the UltraVNC server's RSA key in it. The key's MD5 checksum is displayed so that you can verify that the key is trusted. One way to print out the SecureVNC public key MD5 checksum is: openssl rsa -inform DER -outform DER -pubout -in ./Server_SecureVNC.pkey | dd bs=1 skip=24 | md5sum Then on subsequent connections, if you continue to specify this filename, the SecureVNCPlugin server's RSA key will be checked against the file's contents and if they differ the connection will be dropped. NOTE, However, if the SecureVNC keyfile ends in the string 'ClientAuth.pkey' then its contents are used for SecureVNC's normal Client Authentication dialog (you need to use Windows SecureVNCPlugin to generate this file on the server side, it is usually called "Viewer_ClientAuth.pkey", and then safely copy it to the viewer side.) If you want to do BOTH Client Auth and server RSA key storing (recommended), have the keyfile end in 'ClientAuth.pkey.rsa'; that way the file will be used for storing the server RSA key and then the '.rsa' is trimmed off and the remainder used for the SecureVNC Client Auth data filename. Note that despite its intentions, Client Authentication in the FIRST release of SecureVNC is still susceptible to Man-In-The-Middle attacks. Even when that is fixed, SecureVNC Client Authentication is still susceptible to "spoofing" attacks where the viewer user may be tricked into revealing his VNC or MS-Logon password if his connection is intercepted. It is recommended you verify and save the Server key (see above) in addition to using Client Authentication. UltraVNC DSM encryption modes are currently experimental because unfortunately the UltraVNC DSM plugin also modifies the RFB protocol(!), and so the SSVNC vncviewer had to be modified to support it. The tight, zlib, and some minor encodings currently do not work in this mode and are disabled. Note that this mode also requires the utility tool named 'ultravnc_dsm_helper' that should be included in your SSVNC kit. Select 'Non-Ultra DSM' to use symmetric encryption to a Non-UltraVNC server via a supported symmetric key cipher. x11vnc supports symmetric encryption via, e.g., "x11vnc -enc aesv2:./my.key". Extra ciphers are enabled for this mode (e.g. blowfish and 3des). 'UVNC SC' and SecureVNC do not apply in this mode. Note for the Non-Ultra DSM case it will also work with any VNC Viewer (i.e. selected by Options -> Advanced -> Change VNC Viewer) not only the supplied SSVNC vncviewer. For experts: You can also set the random salt size and initialization vector size in Salt,IV for example "8,16". See the x11vnc and 'ultravnc_dsm_helper -help' documentation for more info on this. } .ultradsm.f.t insert end $msg frame .ultradsm.path label .ultradsm.path.l -text "Ultra DSM Keyfile:" entry .ultradsm.path.e -width 40 -textvariable ultra_dsm_file button .ultradsm.path.b -text "Browse..." -command {set_ultra_dsm_file .ultradsm} pack .ultradsm.path.l -side left pack .ultradsm.path.e -side left -expand 1 -fill x pack .ultradsm.path.b -side left frame .ultradsm.key label .ultradsm.key.l -text "Type of Key: " radiobutton .ultradsm.key.guess -pady 1 -anchor w -variable ultra_dsm_type -value guess \ -text "Guess" radiobutton .ultradsm.key.arc4 -pady 1 -anchor w -variable ultra_dsm_type -value arc4 \ -text "ARC4" radiobutton .ultradsm.key.aesv2 -pady 1 -anchor w -variable ultra_dsm_type -value aesv2 \ -text "AESV2" radiobutton .ultradsm.key.msrc4 -pady 1 -anchor w -variable ultra_dsm_type -value msrc4 \ -text "MSRC4" radiobutton .ultradsm.key.msrc4_sc -pady 1 -anchor w -variable ultra_dsm_type -value msrc4_sc \ -text "UVNC SC" radiobutton .ultradsm.key.securevnc -pady 1 -anchor w -variable ultra_dsm_type -value securevnc \ -text "SecureVNC" pack .ultradsm.key.l -side left pack .ultradsm.key.guess -side left pack .ultradsm.key.arc4 -side left pack .ultradsm.key.aesv2 -side left pack .ultradsm.key.msrc4 -side left pack .ultradsm.key.msrc4_sc -side left pack .ultradsm.key.securevnc -side left frame .ultradsm.nou checkbutton .ultradsm.nou.cb -text "Non-Ultra DSM" -variable ultra_dsm_noultra -command update_no_ultra_dsm radiobutton .ultradsm.nou.bf -pady 1 -anchor w -variable ultra_dsm_type -value blowfish \ -text "Blowfish" radiobutton .ultradsm.nou.des3 -pady 1 -anchor w -variable ultra_dsm_type -value 3des \ -text "3DES" radiobutton .ultradsm.nou.aes -pady 1 -anchor w -variable ultra_dsm_type -value "aes-cfb" \ -text "AES-CFB" radiobutton .ultradsm.nou.aes256 -pady 1 -anchor w -variable ultra_dsm_type -value "aes256" \ -text "AES-256" label .ultradsm.nou.l -text " Salt,IV" entry .ultradsm.nou.e -width 6 -textvariable ultra_dsm_salt pack .ultradsm.nou.cb -side left pack .ultradsm.nou.bf -side left pack .ultradsm.nou.des3 -side left pack .ultradsm.nou.aes -side left pack .ultradsm.nou.aes256 -side left pack .ultradsm.nou.l -side left pack .ultradsm.nou.e -side left -expand 0 update_no_ultra_dsm button .ultradsm.cancel -text "Cancel" -command {destroy .ultradsm; set ultra_dsm 0} bind .ultradsm <Escape> {destroy .ultradsm; set ultra_dsm 0} wm protocol .ultradsm WM_DELETE_WINDOW {destroy .ultradsm; set ultra_dsm 0} button .ultradsm.done -text "Done" -command {destroy .ultradsm; catch {raise .oa}} bind .ultradsm.path.e <Return> {destroy .ultradsm; catch {raise .oa}} pack .ultradsm.f .ultradsm.path .ultradsm.key .ultradsm.nou .ultradsm.cancel .ultradsm.done -side top -fill x center_win .ultradsm wm resizable .ultradsm 1 0 focus .ultradsm.path.e } proc ssh_known_hosts_dialog {} { global ssh_known_hosts ssh_known_hosts_filename toplev .sshknownhosts wm title .sshknownhosts "Private SSH KnownHosts file" global help_font set h 31 if [small_height] { set h 23 } scroll_text .sshknownhosts.f 80 $h set msg { Private SSH KnownHosts file: On Unix in SSH mode, let the user specify a non-default ssh known_hosts file to be used only by the current profile. This is the UserKnownHostsFile ssh option and is described in the ssh_config(1) man page. This is useful to avoid proxy 'localhost' SSH key collisions. Normally one should simply let ssh use its default file ~/.ssh/known_hosts for tracking SSH keys. The only problem with that happens when multiple SSVNC connections use localhost tunnel port redirections. These make ssh connect to 'localhost' on some port (where the proxy is listening.) Then the different keys from the multiple ssh servers collide when ssh saves them under 'localhost' in ~/.ssh/known_hosts. So if you are using a proxy with SSVNC or doing a "double SSH gateway" your ssh will connect to a proxy port on localhost, and you should set a private KnownHosts file for that connection profile. This is secure and avoids man-in-the-middle attack (as long as you actually verify the initial save of the SSH key!) The default file location will be: ~/.vnc/ssh_known_hosts/profile-name.known but you can choose any place you like. It must of course be unique and not shared with another ssh connection otherwise they both may complain about the key for 'localhost' changing, etc. } .sshknownhosts.f.t insert end $msg frame .sshknownhosts.path label .sshknownhosts.path.l -text "SSH KnownHosts file:" entry .sshknownhosts.path.e -width 40 -textvariable ssh_known_hosts_filename button .sshknownhosts.path.b -text "Browse..." -command {set_ssh_known_hosts_file .sshknownhosts} pack .sshknownhosts.path.l -side left pack .sshknownhosts.path.e -side left -expand 1 -fill x pack .sshknownhosts.path.b -side left button .sshknownhosts.cancel -text "Cancel" -command {destroy .sshknownhosts; set ssh_known_hosts 0} bind .sshknownhosts <Escape> {destroy .sshknownhosts; set ssh_known_hosts 0} wm protocol .sshknownhosts WM_DELETE_WINDOW {destroy .sshknownhosts; set ssh_known_hosts 0} button .sshknownhosts.done -text "Done" -command {destroy .sshknownhosts; catch {raise .oa}} bind .sshknownhosts.path.e <Return> {destroy .sshknownhosts; catch {raise .oa}} pack .sshknownhosts.f .sshknownhosts.path .sshknownhosts.cancel .sshknownhosts.done -side top -fill x center_win .sshknownhosts wm resizable .sshknownhosts 1 0 focus .sshknownhosts.path.e } proc ssh_sec_dialog {} { global ssh_local_protection toplev .sshsec wm title .sshsec "SSH Local Port Protections" global help_font eval text .sshsec.t -width 80 -height 28 $help_font apply_bg .sshsec.t set msg { See the discussion of "Untrusted Local Users" in the main 'Help' panel for info about users who are able to log into the workstation you run SSVNC on and might try to use your encrypted tunnel to gain access to the remote VNC machine. On Unix, for SSH tunnels we have an LD_PRELOAD hack (lim_accept.so) that will limit ssh from accepting any local redirection connections after the first one or after 35 seconds, whichever comes first. The first SSH port redirection connection is intended to be the one that tunnels your VNC Viewer to reach the remote server. You can adjust these defaults LIM_ACCEPT=1 LIM_ACCEPT_TIME=35 by setting those env. vars. to different values. Note that there is still a window of a few seconds the Untrusted Local User can try to connect before your VNC Viewer does. So this method is far from perfect. But once your VNC session is established, he should be blocked out. Test to make sure blocking is taking place. Do not use this option if you are doing SSH Service redirections 'Additional Port Redirections (via SSH)' that redirect a local port to the remote server via ssh -L. Note that if the shared object "lim_accept.so" cannot be found, this option has no effect. Watch the output in the terminal for the "SSVNC_LIM_ACCEPT_PRELOAD" setting. } .sshsec.t insert end $msg button .sshsec.cancel -text "Cancel" -command {set ssh_local_protection 0; destroy .sshsec} bind .sshsec <Escape> {set ssh_local_protection 0; destroy .sshsec} wm protocol .sshsec WM_DELETE_WINDOW {set ssh_local_protection 0; destroy .sshsec} button .sshsec.done -text "Done" -command {destroy .sshsec} pack .sshsec.t .sshsec.cancel .sshsec.done -side top -fill x center_win .sshsec wm resizable .sshsec 1 0 } proc multilisten_dialog {} { global multiple_listen toplev .multil wm title .multil "Multiple LISTEN Connections" global help_font set h 36 if [small_height] { set h 30 } eval text .multil.t -width 84 -height $h $help_font apply_bg .multil.t set msg { Set this option to allow SSVNC (when in LISTEN / Reverse connections mode) to allow multiple VNC servers to connect at the same time and so display each of their desktops on your screen at the same time. This option only applies on Unix or MaOSX when using the supplied SSVNC vncviewer. If you specify your own VNC Viewer it has no effect. On Windows (only the stock TightVNC viewer is provided) it has no effect because the Windows SSVNC can ONLY do "Multiple LISTEN Connections". Similarly on MacOSX if the COTVNC viewer is used there is no effect. Rationale: To play it safe, the Unix vncviewer provided by SSVNC (ssvncviewer) only allows one LISTEN reverse connection at a time. This is to prohibit malicious people on the network from depositing as many desktops on your screen as he likes, even if you are already connected to VNC server you desire. For example, perhaps the malicious user could trick you into typing a password into the desktop he displays on your screen. This protection is not perfect, because the malicious user could try to reverse connect to you before the correct VNC server reverse connects to you. This is even more of a problem if you keep your SSVNC viewer in LISTEN mode but unconnected for long periods of time. Pay careful attention in this case if you are to supplying sensitive information to the remote desktop. Enable 'Multiple LISTEN Connections' if you want to disable the default protection in the Unix SSVNC vncviewer; i.e. allow multiple reverse connections simultaneously (all vnc viewers we know of do this by default) For more control, do not select 'Multiple LISTEN Connections', but rather set the env. var SSVNC_MULTIPLE_LISTEN=MAX:n to limit the number of simultaneous reverse connections to "n" } .multil.t insert end $msg button .multil.cancel -text "Cancel" -command {set multiple_listen 0; destroy .multil} bind .multil <Escape> {set multiple_listen 0; destroy .multil} wm protocol .multil WM_DELETE_WINDOW {set multiple_listen 0; destroy .multil} button .multil.done -text "Done" -command {destroy .multil} pack .multil.t .multil.cancel .multil.done -side top -fill x center_win .multil wm resizable .multil 1 0 } proc use_grab_dialog {} { global usg_grab toplev .usegrb wm title .usegrb "Use XGrabServer (for fullscreen)" global help_font eval text .usegrb.t -width 85 -height 29 $help_font apply_bg .usegrb.t set msg { On Unix, some Window managers and some Desktops make it difficult for the SSVNC Unix VNC viewer to go into full screen mode (F9) and/or return. Sometimes one can go into full screen mode, but then your keystrokes or Mouse actions do not get through. This can leave you trapped because you cannot inject input (F9 again) to get out of full screen mode. (Tip: press Ctrl-Alt-F2 for a console login shell; then kill your vncviewer process, e.g. pkill vncviewer; then Alt-F7 to get back to your desktop) We have seen this in some very old Window managers (e.g. fvwm2 circa 1998) and some very new Desktops (e.g. GNOME circa 2008). We try to work around the problem on recent desktops by using the NEW_WM interface, but if you use Fullscreen, you may need to use this option. The default for the SSVNC Unix VNC viewer is '-grabkbd' mode where it will try to exclusively grab the keyboard. This often works correctly. However if Fullscreen is not working properly, try setting this 'Use XGrabServer' option to enable '-graball' mode where it tries to grab the entire X server. This usually works, but can be a bit flakey. Sometimes toggling F9 a few times gets lets the vncviewer fill the whole screen. Sometimes tapping F9 very quickly gets it to snap in. If GNOME (or whatever desktop) is still showing its taskbars, it is recommended you toggle F9 until it isn't. Otherwise, it is not clear who gets the input. Best of luck. } .usegrb.t insert end $msg button .usegrb.cancel -text "Cancel" -command {set use_grab 0; destroy .usegrb} bind .usegrb <Escape> {set use_grab 0; destroy .usegrb} wm protocol .usegrb WM_DELETE_WINDOW {set use_grab 0; destroy .usegrb} button .usegrb.done -text "Done" -command {destroy .usegrb} pack .usegrb.t .usegrb.cancel .usegrb.done -side top -fill x center_win .usegrb wm resizable .usegrb 1 0 } proc find_netcat {} { global is_windows set nc "" if {! $is_windows} { set nc [in_path "netcat"] if {$nc == ""} { set nc [in_path "nc"] } } else { set try "netcat.exe" if [file exists $try] { set nc $try } } return $nc } proc pk_expand {cmd host} { global tcl_platform set secs [clock seconds] set msecs [clock clicks -milliseconds] set user $tcl_platform(user) if [regexp {%IP} $cmd] { set ip [guess_ip] if {$ip == ""} { set ip "unknown" } regsub -all {%IP} $cmd $ip cmd } if [regexp {%NAT} $cmd] { set ip [guess_nat_ip] regsub -all {%NAT} $cmd $ip cmd } regsub -all {%HOST} $cmd $host cmd regsub -all {%USER} $cmd $user cmd regsub -all {%SECS} $cmd $secs cmd regsub -all {%MSECS} $cmd $msecs cmd return $cmd } proc backtick_expand {str} { set str0 $str set collect "" set count 0 while {[regexp {^(.*)`([^`]+)`(.*)$} $str mv p1 cmd p2]} { set out [eval exec $cmd] set str "$p1$out$p2" incr count if {$count > 10} { break } } return $str } proc read_from_pad {file} { set fh "" if {[catch {set fh [open $file "r"]}] != 0} { return "FAIL" } set accum "" set match "" while {[gets $fh line] > -1} { if [regexp {^[ \t]*#} $line] { append accum "$line\n" } elseif [regexp {^[ \t]*$} $line] { append accum "$line\n" } elseif {$match == ""} { set match $line append accum "# $line\n" } else { append accum "$line\n" } } close $fh if {$match == ""} { return "FAIL" } if {[catch {set fh [open $file "w"]}] != 0} { return "FAIL" } puts -nonewline $fh $accum return $match } proc do_port_knock {hp mode} { global use_port_knocking port_knocking_list global is_windows if {! $use_port_knocking} { return 1 } if {$port_knocking_list == ""} { return 1 } set list $port_knocking_list if {$mode == "finish"} { if {! [regexp {FINISH} $list]} { mesg "PortKnock(finish): done" return 1 } else { regsub {^.*FINISH} $list "" list } } elseif {$mode == "start"} { if {[regexp {FINISH} $list]} { regsub {FINISH.*$} $list "" list } } set default_delay 150 set host [string trim $hp] # XXX host_part regsub {^vnc://} $host "" host regsub {^.*@} $host "" host regsub {:[0-9][0-9]*$} $host "" host set host0 [string trim $host] if {$host0 == ""} { bell mesg "PortKnock: No host: $hp" return 0 } set m "" if [regexp {PAD=([^\n]+)} $list mv padfile] { set tlist [read_from_pad $padfile] set tlist [string trim $tlist] if {$tlist == "" || $tlist == "FAIL"} { raise . tk_messageBox -type ok -icon error \ -message "Failed to read entry from $padfile" \ -title "Error: Padfile $padfile" return 0 } regsub -all {PAD=([^\n]+)} $list $tlist list } set spl ",\n\r" if [regexp {CMD=} $list] {set spl "\n\r"} if [regexp {CMDX=} $list] {set spl "\n\r"} if [regexp {SEND=} $list] {set spl "\n\r"} if [regexp {SENDX=} $list] {set spl "\n\r"} set i 0 set pi 0 foreach line [split $list $spl] { set line [string trim $line] set line0 $line if {$line == ""} { continue } if [regexp {^#} $line] { continue } if [regexp {^sleep[ \t][ \t]*([0-9][0-9]*)} $line mv sl] { set m "PortKnock: sleep $sl" mesg $m after $sl continue } if [regexp {^delay[ \t][ \t]*([0-9][0-9]*)} $line mv sl] { set m "PortKnock: delay=$sl" mesg $m set default_delay $sl continue } if [regexp {^CMD=(.*)} $line mv cmd] { set m "PortKnock: CMD: $cmd" mesg $m eval exec $cmd continue } if [regexp {^CMDX=(.*)} $line mv cmd] { set cmd [pk_expand $cmd $host0] set m "PortKnock: CMDX: $cmd" mesg $m eval exec $cmd continue } if [regexp {`} $line] { #set line [backtick_expand $line] } set snd "" if [regexp {^(.*)SEND=(.*)$} $line mv line snd] { set line [string trim $line] set snd [string trim $snd] regsub -all {%NEWLINE} $snd "\n" snd } elseif [regexp {^(.*)SENDX=(.*)$} $line mv line snd] { set line [string trim $line] set snd [string trim $snd] set snd [pk_expand $snd $host0] regsub -all {%NEWLINE} $snd "\n" snd } set udp 0 if [regexp -nocase {[/:]udp} $line] { set udp 1 regsub -all -nocase {[/:]udp} $line " " line set line [string trim $line] } regsub -all -nocase {[/:]tcp} $line " " line set line [string trim $line] set delay 0 if [regexp {^(.*)[ \t][ \t]*([0-9][0-9]*)$} $line mv first delay] { set line [string trim $first] } if {[regexp {^(.*):([0-9][0-9]*)$} $line mv host port]} { ; } else { set host $host0 set port $line } set host [string trim $host] set port [string trim $port] if {$host == ""} { set host $host0 } if {$port == ""} { bell set m "PortKnock: No port found: \"$line0\"" mesg $m return 0 } if {! [regexp {^[0-9][0-9]*$} $port]} { bell set m "PortKnock: Invalid port: \"$port\"" mesg $m return 0 } regsub {,.*$} $host "" host if {[regexp {[ \t]} $host]} { bell set m "PortKnock: Invalid host: \"$host\"" mesg $m return 0 } if {! [regexp {^[-A-z0-9_.][-A-z0-9_.]*$} $host]} { bell set m "PortKnock: Invalid host: \"$host\"" mesg $m return 0 } set nc "" if {$udp || $snd != ""} { set nc [find_netcat] if {$nc == ""} { bell set m "PortKnock: UDP: netcat(1) not found" mesg $m after 1000 continue } } if {$snd != ""} { global env set pfile "payload$pi.txt" if {! $is_windows} { set pfile "$env(SSVNC_HOME)/.$pfile" } set pfiles($pi) $pfile incr pi set fh [open $pfile "w"] puts -nonewline $fh "$snd" close $fh set m "PortKnock: SEND: $host $port" mesg $m if {$is_windows} { if {$udp} { catch {exec $nc -d -u -w 1 "$host" "$port" < $pfile &} } else { catch {exec $nc -d -w 1 "$host" "$port" < $pfile &} } } else { if {$udp} { catch {exec $nc -u -w 1 "$host" "$port" < $pfile &} } else { catch {exec $nc -w 1 "$host" "$port" < $pfile &} } } catch {after 50; file delete $pfile} } elseif {$udp} { set m "PortKnock: UDP: $host $port" mesg $m if {! $is_windows} { catch {exec echo a | $nc -u -w 1 "$host" "$port" &} } else { set fh [open "nc_in.txt" "w"] puts $fh "a" close $fh catch {exec $nc -d -u -w 1 "$host" "$port" < "nc_in.txt" &} } } else { set m "PortKnock: TCP: $host $port" mesg $m set s "" set emess "" set rc [catch {set s [socket -async $host $port]} emess] if {$rc != 0} { raise . tk_messageBox -type ok -icon error -message $emess -title "Error: socket -async $host $port" } set sockets($i) $s # seems we have to close it immediately to avoid multiple SYN's. # does not help on Win9x. catch {after 30; close $s}; incr i } if {$delay == 0} { if {$default_delay > 0} { after $default_delay } } elseif {$delay > 0} { after $delay } } if {0} { for {set j 0} {$j < $i} {incr j} { set $s $sockets($j) if {$s != ""} { catch {close $s} } } } for {set j 0} {$j < $pi} {incr j} { set f $pfiles($j) if {$f != ""} { if [file exists $f] { after 100 } catch {file delete $f} } } if {$is_windows} { catch {file delete "nc_in.txt"} } if {$m != ""} { set m "$m," } if {$mode == "finish"} { mesg "PortKnock(finish): done" } else { mesg "PortKnock: done" } return 1 } proc port_knocking_dialog {} { toplev .pk wm title .pk "Port Knocking" global use_port_knocking port_knocking_list global help_font global uname set h 35 if [small_height] { set h 22 } elseif {$uname == "Darwin"} { set h 25 } scroll_text .pk.f 85 $h set msg { Description: Port Knocking is where a network connection to a service is not provided to just any client, but rather only to those that immediately prior to connecting send a more or less secret pattern of connections to other ports on the firewall. Somewhat like "knocking" on the door with the correct sequence before it being opened (but not necessarily letting you in yet). It is also possible to have a single encrypted packet (e.g. UDP) payload communicate with the firewall instead of knocking on a sequence of ports. Only after the correct sequence of ports is observed by the firewall does it allow the IP address of the client to attempt to connect to the service. So, for example, instead of allowing any host on the internet to connect to your SSH service and then try to login with a username and password, the client first must "tickle" your firewall with the correct sequence of ports. Only then will it be allowed to connect to your SSH service at all. This does not replace the authentication and security of SSH, it merely puts another layer of protection around it. E.g., suppose an exploit for SSH was discovered, you would most likely have more time to fix/patch the problem than if any client could directly connect to your SSH server. For more information http://www.portknocking.org/ and http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/6811 Tip: If you just want to use the Port Knocking for an SSH shell and not for a VNC tunnel, then specify something like "user@hostname cmd=SHELL" (or "user@hostname cmd=PUTTY" on Windows) in the VNC Host:Display entry box on the main panel. This will do everything short of starting the viewer. A shortcut for this is Ctrl-S as long as user@hostname is present. Specifying the Knocks: In the text area below "Supply port knocking pattern" you put in the pattern of "knocks" needed for this connection. You can separate the knocks by commas or put them one per line. Each "knock" is of this form: [host:]port[/udp] [delay] In the simplest form just a numerical port, e.g. 5433, is supplied. Items inside [...] are optional and described below. The packet is sent to the same host that the VNC (or SSH) connection will be made to. If you want it to go to a different host or IP use the [host:] prefix. It can be either a hostname or numerical IP. A TCP packet is sent by default. If you need to send a UDP packet, the netcat (aka "nc") program must be installed on Unix (tcl/tk does not support udp connections). Indicate this with "/udp" following the port number (you can also use "/tcp", but since it is the default it is not necessary). (You can also use ":udp" to match the knockd syntax). See the example below. For convenience a Windows netcat binary is supplied. The last field, [delay], is an optional number of milliseconds to delay before continuing on to the next knock. Examples: 5433, 12321, 1661 fw.example.com:5433, 12321/udp 3000, 1661 2000 fw.example.com:5433 12321/udp 3000 1661 2000 Note how the first two examples separate their knocks via commas ",". The 3rd example is equivalent to the 2nd and splits them up by new lines. Note for each knock any second number (e.g. the "2000" in "1661 2000") is a DELAY in milliseconds, not a port number. If you had a comma separating them: "1661, 2000" that would mean two separate knocks: one to port 1661 followed by one to 2000 (with basically no delay between them). In examples 2 and 3, "fw.example.com" represents some machine other than the VNC/SSH host. By default, the VNC/SSH host is the one the packet is sent to. If one of the items is the string "FINISH", then the part before it is used prior to connecting and the part after is used once the connection is finished. This can be used, say, to close the firewall port. Example: 5433, 12321, FINISH, 7659, 2314 (or one can split them up via lines as above.) Advanced port knock actions: If the string in the text field contains anywhere the strings "CMD=", "CMDX=", or "SEND=", then splitting on commas is not done: it is only split on lines. Then, if a line begins CMD=... the string after the = is run as an external command. The command could be anything you want, e.g. it could be a port-knocking client that does the knocking, perhaps encrypting the "knocks" pattern somehow or using a Single Packet Authorization method such as http://www.cipherdyne.com/fwknop/ Extra quotes (sometimes "'foo bar'") may be needed to preserve spaces in command line arguments because the tcl/tk eval(n) command is used. You can also use {...} for quoting strings with spaces. If a line begins CMDX=... then before the command is run the following tokens are expanded to strings: %IP Current machine's IP address (NAT may make this not useful). %NAT Try to get effective IP by contacting http://www.whatismyip.com %HOST The remote host of the connection. %USER The current user. %SECS The current time in seconds (platform dependent). %MSECS Platform dependent time having at least millisecond granularity. Lines not matching CMD= or CMDX= are treated as normal port knocks but with one exception. If a line ends in SEND=... (i.e. after the [host:]port, etc., part) then the string after the = is sent as a payload for the tcp or udp connection to [host:]port. netcat is used for these SEND cases (and must be available on Unix). If newlines (\n) are needed in the SEND string, use %NEWLINE. Sending binary data is not yet supported; use CMD= with your own program. Advanced Examples: CMD=port_knock_client -password wombat33 CMDX=port_knock_client -password wombat33 -host %HOST -src %NAT fw.example.com:5433/udp SEND=ASDLFKSJDF More tricks: To temporarily "comment out" a knock, insert a leading "#" character. Use "sleep N" to insert a raw sleep for N milliseconds (e.g. between CMD=... items or at the very end of the knocks to wait). If a knock entry matches "delay N" the default delay is set to N milliseconds (it is 150 initially). One Time Pads: If the text contains a (presumably single) line of the form: PAD=/path/to/a/one/time/pad/file then that file is opened and the first non-blank line not beginning with "#" is used as the knock pattern. The pad file is rewritten with that line starting with a "#" (so it will be skipped next time). The PAD=... string is replaced with the read-in knock pattern line. So, if needed, one can preface the PAD=... with "delay N" to set the default delay, and one can also put a "sleep N" after the PAD=... line to indicate a final sleep. One can also surround the PAD= line with other knock and CMD= CMDX= lines, but that usage sounds a bit rare. Example: delay 1000 PAD=C:\My Pads\work-pad1.txt sleep 4000 Port knock only: If, in the 'VNC Host:Display' entry, you use "user@hostname cmd=KNOCK" then only the port-knocking is performed. A shortcut for this is Ctrl-P as long as hostname is present in the entry box. If it matches cmd=KNOCKF, i.e. an extra "F", then the port-knocking "FINISH" sequence is sent, if any. A shortcut for this Shift-Ctrl-P as long as hostname is present. } .pk.f.t insert end $msg label .pk.info -text "Supply port knocking pattern:" -anchor w -relief ridge eval text .pk.rule -width 80 -height 5 $help_font .pk.rule insert end $port_knocking_list button .pk.cancel -text "Cancel" -command {set use_port_knocking 0; destroy .pk} bind .pk <Escape> {set use_port_knocking 0; destroy .pk} wm protocol .pk WM_DELETE_WINDOW {set use_port_knocking 0; destroy .pk} button .pk.done -text "Done" -command {if {$use_port_knocking} {set port_knocking_list [.pk.rule get 1.0 end]}; destroy .pk} pack .pk.done .pk.cancel .pk.rule .pk.info -side bottom -fill x pack .pk.f -side top -fill both -expand 1 center_win .pk } proc choose_desktop_dialog {} { toplev .sd wm title .sd "Desktop Type" global ts_desktop_type choose_desktop global ts_desktop_type_def set def "kde" if {$ts_desktop_type_def != ""} { set def $ts_desktop_type_def } if {$ts_desktop_type == ""} { set ts_desktop_type $def } label .sd.l1 -anchor w -text "Select the type of remote Desktop" label .sd.l2 -anchor w -text "for your session (default: $def)" radiobutton .sd.b1 -anchor w -variable ts_desktop_type -value kde -text kde radiobutton .sd.b2 -anchor w -variable ts_desktop_type -value gnome -text gnome radiobutton .sd.b3 -anchor w -variable ts_desktop_type -value Xsession -text cde radiobutton .sd.b4 -anchor w -variable ts_desktop_type -value mwm -text mwm radiobutton .sd.b5 -anchor w -variable ts_desktop_type -value wmaker -text wmaker radiobutton .sd.b6 -anchor w -variable ts_desktop_type -value xfce -text xfce radiobutton .sd.b7 -anchor w -variable ts_desktop_type -value enlightenment -text enlightenment radiobutton .sd.b8 -anchor w -variable ts_desktop_type -value twm -text twm radiobutton .sd.b9 -anchor w -variable ts_desktop_type -value failsafe -text failsafe button .sd.cancel -text "Cancel" -command {destroy .sd; set choose_desktop 0; set ts_desktop_type ""} bind .sd <Escape> {destroy .sd; set choose_desktop 0; set ts_desktop_type ""} wm protocol .sd WM_DELETE_WINDOW {destroy .sd; set choose_desktop 0; set ts_desktop_type ""} button .sd.done -text "Done" -command {destroy .sd} pack .sd.l1 .sd.l2 .sd.b1 .sd.b2 .sd.b3 .sd.b4 .sd.b5 .sd.b6 .sd.b7 .sd.b8 .sd.b9 .sd.cancel .sd.done -side top -fill x center_win .sd } proc choose_size_dialog {} { toplev .sz wm title .sz "Desktop Size" global ts_desktop_size ts_desktop_depth choose_desktop_geom set def1 "1280x1024" set def2 "16" global ts_desktop_size_def ts_desktop_depth_def if {$ts_desktop_size_def != ""} { set def1 $ts_desktop_size_def } if {$ts_desktop_depth_def != ""} { set def2 $ts_desktop_depth_def } if {$ts_desktop_size == ""} { set ts_desktop_size $def1 } if {$ts_desktop_depth == ""} { set ts_desktop_depth $def2 } label .sz.l1 -anchor w -text "Select the Size and Color depth" label .sz.l2 -anchor w -text "for your Desktop session." label .sz.l3 -anchor w -text "Default: $def1 and $def2 bits/pixel." label .sz.g0 -anchor w -text "Width x Height:" -relief groove radiobutton .sz.g1 -anchor w -variable ts_desktop_size -value "640x480" -text " 640x480" radiobutton .sz.g2 -anchor w -variable ts_desktop_size -value "800x600" -text " 800x600" radiobutton .sz.g3 -anchor w -variable ts_desktop_size -value "1024x768" -text " 1024x768" radiobutton .sz.g4 -anchor w -variable ts_desktop_size -value "1280x1024" -text "1280x1024" radiobutton .sz.g5 -anchor w -variable ts_desktop_size -value "1400x1050" -text "1400x1050" radiobutton .sz.g6 -anchor w -variable ts_desktop_size -value "1600x1200" -text "1600x1200" radiobutton .sz.g7 -anchor w -variable ts_desktop_size -value "1920x1200" -text "1920x1200" frame .sz.c label .sz.c.l -anchor w -text "Custom:" entry .sz.c.e -width 10 -textvariable ts_desktop_size pack .sz.c.l -side left pack .sz.c.e -side left -expand 1 -fill x bind .sz.c.e <Return> {destroy .sz} label .sz.d0 -anchor w -text "Color Depth:" -relief groove radiobutton .sz.d1 -anchor w -variable ts_desktop_depth -value "8" -text " 8 bits/pixel" radiobutton .sz.d2 -anchor w -variable ts_desktop_depth -value "16" -text "16 bits/pixel" radiobutton .sz.d3 -anchor w -variable ts_desktop_depth -value "24" -text "24 bits/pixel" button .sz.cancel -text "Cancel" -command {destroy .sz; set choose_desktop_geom 0; set ts_desktop_size ""; set ts_desktop_depth ""} bind .sz <Escape> {destroy .sz; set choose_desktop_geom 0; set ts_desktop_size ""; set ts_desktop_depth ""} wm protocol .sz WM_DELETE_WINDOW {destroy .sz; set choose_desktop_geom 0; set ts_desktop_size ""; set ts_desktop_depth ""} button .sz.done -text "Done" -command {destroy .sz} pack .sz.l1 .sz.l2 .sz.l3 \ .sz.g0 .sz.g1 .sz.g2 .sz.g3 .sz.g4 .sz.g5 .sz.g6 .sz.g7 \ .sz.c \ .sz.d0 .sz.d1 .sz.d2 .sz.d3 \ .sz.cancel .sz.done -side top -fill x center_win .sz focus .sz.c.e } proc choose_xserver_dialog {} { toplev .st wm title .st "X Server Type" global ts_xserver_type choose_xserver set def "Xvfb" global ts_xserver_type_def if {$ts_xserver_type_def != ""} { set def $ts_xserver_type_def } if {$ts_xserver_type == ""} { set ts_xserver_type $def } label .st.l1 -anchor w -text "Select the type of remote X server" label .st.l2 -anchor w -text "for your session (default: $def)" radiobutton .st.b1 -anchor w -variable ts_xserver_type -value Xvfb -text "Xvfb" radiobutton .st.b2 -anchor w -variable ts_xserver_type -value Xdummy -text "Xdummy" radiobutton .st.b3 -anchor w -variable ts_xserver_type -value Xvnc -text "Xvnc" radiobutton .st.b4 -anchor w -variable ts_xserver_type -value Xvnc.redirect -text "Xvnc.redirect" button .st.cancel -text "Cancel" -command {destroy .st; set choose_xserver 0; set ts_xserver_type ""} bind .st <Escape> {destroy .st; set choose_xserver 0; set ts_xserver_type ""} wm protocol .st WM_DELETE_WINDOW {destroy .st; set choose_xserver 0; set ts_xserver_type ""} button .st.done -text "Done" -command {destroy .st} pack .st.l1 .st.l2 .st.b1 .st.b2 .st.b3 .st.b4 .st.cancel .st.done -side top -fill x center_win .st } proc set_ts_options {} { global use_cups use_sound use_smbmnt global change_vncviewer choose_xserver global ts_only is_windows global darwin_cotvnc use_x11_macosx uname if {! $ts_only} { return } catch {destroy .o} toplev .ot wm title .ot "Options" set i 1 checkbutton .ot.b$i -anchor w -variable choose_desktop -text \ "Desktop Type" \ -command {if {$choose_desktop} {choose_desktop_dialog}} incr i checkbutton .ot.b$i -anchor w -variable choose_desktop_geom -text \ "Desktop Size" \ -command {if {$choose_desktop_geom} {choose_size_dialog}} incr i checkbutton .ot.b$i -anchor w -variable choose_xserver -text \ "X Server Type" \ -command {if {$choose_xserver} {choose_xserver_dialog}} incr i checkbutton .ot.b$i -anchor w -variable use_cups -text \ "Enable Printing" \ -command {if {$use_cups} {cups_dialog}} incr i checkbutton .ot.b$i -anchor w -variable use_sound -text \ "Enable Sound" \ -command {if {$use_sound} {sound_dialog}} incr i # checkbutton .ot.b$i -anchor w -variable use_smbmnt -text \ # "Enable SMB mount tunnelling" \ # -command {if {$use_smbmnt} {smb_dialog}} # incr i checkbutton .ot.b$i -anchor w -variable choose_filexfer -text \ "File Transfer" \ -command {if {$choose_filexfer} {ts_filexfer_dialog}} incr i checkbutton .ot.b$i -anchor w -variable use_viewonly -text \ "View Only" incr i checkbutton .ot.b$i -anchor w -variable change_vncviewer -text \ "Change VNC Viewer" \ -command change_vncviewer_dialog_wrap incr i if {!$is_windows && $uname == "Darwin"} { checkbutton .ot.b$i -anchor w -variable use_x11_macosx -text \ "X11 viewer MacOSX" \ -command {if {$use_x11_macosx} {set darwin_cotvnc 0} else {set darwin_cotvnc 1}; set_darwin_cotvnc_buttons} incr i } button .ot.b$i -anchor w -text " Delete Profile..." \ -command {destroy .ot; delete_profile} incr i button .ot.b$i -anchor w -text " Advanced ..." -command {set_ts_adv_options} incr i for {set j 1} {$j < $i} {incr j} { pack .ot.b$j -side top -fill x } frame .ot.b button .ot.b.done -text "Done" -command {destroy .ot} button .ot.b.help -text "Help" -command help_ts_opts pack .ot.b.help .ot.b.done -fill x -expand 1 -side left bind .ot <Escape> {destroy .ot} wm protocol .ot WM_DELETE_WINDOW {destroy .ot} pack .ot.b -side top -fill x center_win .ot wm resizable .ot 1 0 focus .ot } proc set_ts_adv_options {} { global ts_only ts_unixpw ts_vncshared global ts_ncache ts_multisession global choose_othervnc darwin_cotvnc choose_sleep global is_windows if {! $ts_only} { return } catch {destroy .ot} toplev .ot2 wm title .ot2 "Advanced" set i 1 checkbutton .ot2.b$i -anchor w -variable ts_vncshared -text \ "VNC Shared" \ -command {if {$ts_vncshared} {ts_vncshared_dialog}} incr i checkbutton .ot2.b$i -anchor w -variable choose_multisession -text \ "Multiple Sessions" \ -command {if {$choose_multisession} {ts_multi_dialog}} incr i checkbutton .ot2.b$i -anchor w -variable ts_xlogin -text \ "X Login Greeter" \ -command {if {$ts_xlogin} {ts_xlogin_dialog}} incr i checkbutton .ot2.b$i -anchor w -variable choose_othervnc -text \ "Other VNC Server" \ -command {if {$choose_othervnc} {ts_othervnc_dialog}} incr i checkbutton .ot2.b$i -anchor w -variable ts_unixpw -text \ "Use unixpw" \ -command {if {$ts_unixpw} {ts_unixpw_dialog}} incr i checkbutton .ot2.b$i -anchor w -variable use_bgr233 -text \ "Client 8bit Color" if {$darwin_cotvnc} {.ot2.b$i configure -state disabled} global darwin_cotvnc_blist set darwin_cotvnc_blist(.ot2.b$i) 1 incr i checkbutton .ot2.b$i -anchor w -variable choose_ncache -text \ "Client-Side Caching" \ -command {if {$choose_ncache} {ts_ncache_dialog}} incr i checkbutton .ot2.b$i -anchor w -variable choose_x11vnc_opts -text \ "X11VNC Options" \ -command {if {$choose_x11vnc_opts} {ts_x11vnc_opts_dialog}} incr i checkbutton .ot2.b$i -anchor w -variable choose_sleep -text \ "Extra Sleep" \ -command {if {$choose_sleep} {ts_sleep_dialog}} incr i if {$is_windows} { checkbutton .ot2.b$i -anchor w -variable choose_parg -text \ "Putty Args" \ -command {if {$choose_parg} {ts_putty_args_dialog}} incr i } if {!$is_windows} { checkbutton .ot2.b$i -anchor w -variable ssh_local_protection -text \ "SSH Local Protections" \ -command {if {$ssh_local_protection} {ssh_sec_dialog}} if {$is_windows} {.ot2.b$i configure -state disabled} incr i checkbutton .ot2.b$i -anchor w -variable ssh_known_hosts -text \ "SSH KnownHosts file" \ -command {if {$ssh_known_hosts} {ssh_known_hosts_dialog}} if {$is_windows} {.ot2.b$i configure -state disabled} incr i } if {$is_windows} { button .ot2.b$i -anchor w -text " Putty Agent" \ -command {catch {exec pageant.exe &}} incr i button .ot2.b$i -anchor w -text " Putty Key-Gen" \ -command {catch {exec puttygen.exe &}} incr i } global env if {![info exists env(SSVNC_TS_ALWAYS)]} { button .ot2.b$i -anchor w -text " SSVNC Mode" \ -command {destroy .ot2; to_ssvnc} incr i } if {!$is_windows} { button .ot2.b$i -anchor w -text " Unix ssvncviewer ..." \ -command {set_ssvncviewer_options} if {$is_windows} { .ot2.b$i configure -state disabled } global change_vncviewer if {$change_vncviewer} { .ot2.b$i configure -state disabled } global ts_uss_button set ts_uss_button .ot2.b$i incr i } for {set j 1} {$j < $i} {incr j} { pack .ot2.b$j -side top -fill x } frame .ot2.b button .ot2.b.done -text "Done" -command {destroy .ot2} button .ot2.b.help -text "Help" -command help_ts_opts pack .ot2.b.help .ot2.b.done -fill x -expand 1 -side left bind .ot2 <Escape> {destroy .ot2} wm protocol .ot2 WM_DELETE_WINDOW {destroy .ot2} pack .ot2.b -side top -fill x center_win .ot2 wm resizable .ot2 1 0 focus .ot2 } proc change_vncviewer_dialog_wrap {} { global change_vncviewer ts_uss_button is_windows if {$change_vncviewer} { change_vncviewer_dialog catch {tkwait window .chviewer} } if {$change_vncviewer || $is_windows} { catch {.oa.ss configure -state disabled} } else { catch {.oa.ss configure -state normal} } if [info exists ts_uss_button] { if {$change_vncviewer || $is_windows} { catch {$ts_uss_button configure -state disabled} } else { catch {$ts_uss_button configure -state normal} } } } proc set_advanced_options {} { global use_cups use_sound use_smbmnt global change_vncviewer global use_port_knocking port_knocking_list global is_windows darwin_cotvnc global use_ssh use_sshssl global use_x11_macosx global adv_ssh global showing_no_encryption global x11vnc_xlogin_widget catch {destroy .o} toplev .oa wm title .oa "Advanced Options" set i 1 checkbutton .oa.b$i -anchor w -variable use_cups -text \ "Enable CUPS Print tunnelling" \ -command {if {$use_cups} {cups_dialog}} if {!$use_ssh && !$use_sshssl} {.oa.b$i configure -state disabled} set adv_ssh(cups) .oa.b$i incr i checkbutton .oa.b$i -anchor w -variable use_sound -text \ "Enable ESD/ARTSD Audio tunnelling" \ -command {if {$use_sound} {sound_dialog}} if {!$use_ssh && !$use_sshssl} {.oa.b$i configure -state disabled} set adv_ssh(snd) .oa.b$i incr i checkbutton .oa.b$i -anchor w -variable use_smbmnt -text \ "Enable SMB mount tunnelling" \ -command {if {$use_smbmnt} {smb_dialog}} if {!$use_ssh && !$use_sshssl} {.oa.b$i configure -state disabled} set adv_ssh(smb) .oa.b$i incr i checkbutton .oa.b$i -anchor w -variable use_x11vnc_xlogin -text \ "Automatically Find X Login/Greeter" -command {x11vnc_find_adjust "xlogin"} if {!$use_ssh && !$use_sshssl} {.oa.b$i configure -state disabled} set x11vnc_xlogin_widget ".oa.b$i" incr i checkbutton .oa.b$i -anchor w -variable additional_port_redirs -text \ "Additional Port Redirs (via SSH)" \ -command {if {$additional_port_redirs} {port_redir_dialog}} if {!$use_ssh && !$use_sshssl} {.oa.b$i configure -state disabled} set adv_ssh(redirs) .oa.b$i incr i global use_ssl use_ssh use_sshssl if {!$is_windows} { checkbutton .oa.b$i -anchor w -variable ssh_known_hosts -text \ "Private SSH KnownHosts file" \ -command {if {$ssh_known_hosts} {ssh_known_hosts_dialog}} set adv_ssh(knownhosts) .oa.b$i if {$use_ssl} {.oa.b$i configure -state disabled} if {$is_windows} {.oa.b$i configure -state disabled} incr i checkbutton .oa.b$i -anchor w -variable ssh_local_protection -text \ "SSH Local Port Protections" \ -command {if {$ssh_local_protection} {ssh_sec_dialog}} global ssh_local_protection_button set ssh_local_protection_button .oa.b$i if {$use_ssl} {.oa.b$i configure -state disabled} if {$is_windows} {.oa.b$i configure -state disabled} incr i } global ssh_only if {!$ssh_only} { if {!$is_windows} { checkbutton .oa.b$i -anchor w -variable stunnel_local_protection -text \ "STUNNEL Local Port Protections" \ -command {if {$stunnel_local_protection} {stunnel_sec_dialog}} global stunnel_local_protection_button set stunnel_local_protection_button .oa.b$i if {$use_ssh} {.oa.b$i configure -state disabled} if {$is_windows} {.oa.b$i configure -state disabled} incr i } checkbutton .oa.b$i -anchor w -variable disable_ssl_workarounds -text \ "Disable SSL Workarounds" \ -command {if {$disable_ssl_workarounds} {disable_ssl_workarounds_dialog}} global disable_ssl_workarounds_button set disable_ssl_workarounds_button .oa.b$i if {$use_ssh} {.oa.b$i configure -state disabled} incr i if {!$is_windows} { checkbutton .oa.b$i -anchor w -variable ultra_dsm -text \ "UltraVNC DSM Encryption Plugin" \ -command {if {$ultra_dsm} {ultra_dsm_dialog}} global ultra_dsm_button set ultra_dsm_button .oa.b$i if {$is_windows} {.oa.b$i configure -state disabled} if {$use_ssh} {.oa.b$i configure -state disabled} incr i } checkbutton .oa.b$i -anchor w -variable no_probe_vencrypt -text \ "Do not Probe for VeNCrypt" global no_probe_vencrypt_button set no_probe_vencrypt_button .oa.b$i if {$use_ssh} {.oa.b$i configure -state disabled} incr i checkbutton .oa.b$i -anchor w -variable server_vencrypt -text \ "Server uses VeNCrypt SSL encryption" global vencrypt_button set vencrypt_button .oa.b$i if {$use_ssh} {.oa.b$i configure -state disabled} incr i checkbutton .oa.b$i -anchor w -variable server_anondh -text \ "Server uses Anonymous Diffie-Hellman" -command no_certs_tutorial_mesg global anondh_button set anondh_button .oa.b$i if {$use_ssh} {.oa.b$i configure -state disabled} incr i } checkbutton .oa.b$i -anchor w -variable change_vncviewer -text \ "Change VNC Viewer" \ -command change_vncviewer_dialog_wrap incr i checkbutton .oa.b$i -anchor w -variable use_port_knocking -text \ "Port Knocking" \ -command {if {$use_port_knocking} {port_knocking_dialog}} incr i for {set j 1} {$j < $i} {incr j} { pack .oa.b$j -side top -fill x } global include_list extra_sleep frame .oa.fis frame .oa.fis.fL frame .oa.fis.fR label .oa.fis.fL.la -anchor w -text "Include:" label .oa.fis.fL.lb -anchor w -text "Sleep:" if {$is_windows} { label .oa.fis.fL.lc -anchor w -text "Putty Args:" pack .oa.fis.fL.la .oa.fis.fL.lb .oa.fis.fL.lc -side top -fill x } else { pack .oa.fis.fL.la .oa.fis.fL.lb -side top -fill x } entry .oa.fis.fR.ea -width 10 -textvariable include_list entry .oa.fis.fR.eb -width 10 -textvariable extra_sleep if {$is_windows} { entry .oa.fis.fR.ec -width 10 -textvariable putty_args pack .oa.fis.fR.ea .oa.fis.fR.eb .oa.fis.fR.ec -side top -fill x } else { pack .oa.fis.fR.ea .oa.fis.fR.eb -side top -fill x } pack .oa.fis.fL -side left pack .oa.fis.fR -side right -expand 1 -fill x pack .oa.fis -side top -fill x if {!$is_windows} { global uname set t1 " Unix ssvncviewer ..." if {$uname == "Darwin" } { regsub {^ *} $t1 "" t1 } button .oa.ss -anchor w -text $t1 -command set_ssvncviewer_options pack .oa.ss -side top -fill x if {$is_windows} { .oa.ss configure -state disabled } global change_vncviewer if {$change_vncviewer} { .oa.ss configure -state disabled } set t2 " Use ssh-agent" if {$uname == "Darwin" } { regsub {^ *} $t2 "" t2 } button .oa.sa -anchor w -text $t2 -command ssh_agent_restart pack .oa.sa -side top -fill x if {$is_windows} { .oa.sa configure -state disabled } } else { set t1 " Launch Putty Agent" button .oa.pa -anchor w -text $t1 -command {catch {exec pageant.exe &}} pack .oa.pa -side top -fill x set t2 " Launch Putty Key-Gen" button .oa.pg -anchor w -text $t2 -command {catch {exec puttygen.exe &}} pack .oa.pg -side top -fill x } frame .oa.b button .oa.b.done -text "Done" -command {destroy .oa} bind .oa <Escape> {destroy .oa} wm protocol .oa WM_DELETE_WINDOW {destroy .oa} button .oa.b.help -text "Help" -command help_advanced_opts global use_listen if {$use_listen} { button .oa.b.connect -text "Listen" -command launch } else { button .oa.b.connect -text "Connect" -command launch } pack .oa.b.help .oa.b.connect .oa.b.done -fill x -expand 1 -side left pack .oa.b -side top -fill x center_win .oa wm resizable .oa 1 0 focus .oa } proc set_ssvncviewer_options {} { global is_windows darwin_cotvnc global use_ssh use_sshssl use_x11cursor use_rawlocal use_notty use_popupfix use_alpha use_turbovnc disable_pipeline use_grab use_nobell global use_send_clipboard use_send_always global ssvnc_scale ssvnc_escape global server_vencrypt server_anondh if {$is_windows} { return } catch {destroy .oa} toplev .os wm title .os "Unix ssvncviewer Options" set darwinlist [list] set f0 .os.f frame $f0 set fl $f0.fl frame $fl set fr $f0.fr frame $fr set i 1 set j 1 checkbutton $fl.b$i -anchor w -variable multiple_listen -text \ "Multiple LISTEN Connections" \ -command {if {$multiple_listen} {multilisten_dialog}} global multiple_listen_button use_listen set multiple_listen_button $fl.b$i if {$is_windows} {$fl.b$i configure -state disabled} if {!$use_listen} {$fl.b$i configure -state disabled} lappend darwinlist $fl.b$i; if {$darwin_cotvnc} {$fl.b$i configure -state disabled} incr i checkbutton $fl.b$i -anchor w -variable listen_once -text \ "Listen Once" global listen_once_button set listen_once_button $fl.b$i if {!$use_listen} {$fl.b$i configure -state disabled} lappend darwinlist $fl.b$i; if {$darwin_cotvnc} {$fl.b$i configure -state disabled} incr i checkbutton $fl.b$i -anchor w -variable listen_accept_popup -text \ "Listen Accept Popup Dialog" \ -command { if {$listen_accept_popup} { catch {$listen_accept_popup_button_sc configure -state normal} } else { catch {$listen_accept_popup_button_sc configure -state disabled} } } global listen_accept_popup_button set listen_accept_popup_button $fl.b$i if {!$use_listen} {$fl.b$i configure -state disabled} lappend darwinlist $fl.b$i; if {$darwin_cotvnc} {$fl.b$i configure -state disabled} incr i global listen_accept_popup checkbutton $fl.b$i -anchor w -variable listen_accept_popup_sc -text \ " Accept Popup UltraVNC Single Click" global listen_accept_popup_button_sc set listen_accept_popup_button_sc $fl.b$i if {!$use_listen} {$fl.b$i configure -state disabled} if {!$listen_accept_popup} {$fl.b$i configure -state disabled} lappend darwinlist $fl.b$i; if {$darwin_cotvnc} {$fl.b$i configure -state disabled} incr i checkbutton $fl.b$i -anchor w -variable use_x11cursor -text \ "Use X11 Cursor" lappend darwinlist $fl.b$i; if {$darwin_cotvnc} {$fl.b$i configure -state disabled} incr i checkbutton $fl.b$i -anchor w -variable use_nobell -text \ "Disable Bell" lappend darwinlist $fl.b$i; if {$darwin_cotvnc} {$fl.b$i configure -state disabled} incr i checkbutton $fl.b$i -anchor w -variable use_rawlocal -text \ "Use Raw Local" lappend darwinlist $fl.b$i; if {$darwin_cotvnc} {$fl.b$i configure -state disabled} incr i checkbutton $fl.b$i -anchor w -variable use_notty -text \ "Avoid Using Terminal" lappend darwinlist $fl.b$i; if {$darwin_cotvnc} {$fl.b$i configure -state disabled} incr i checkbutton $fl.b$i -anchor w -variable use_popupfix -text \ "Use Popup Fix" lappend darwinlist $fl.b$i; if {$darwin_cotvnc} {$fl.b$i configure -state disabled} incr i checkbutton $fl.b$i -anchor w -variable use_grab -text \ "Use XGrabServer (for fullscreen)" \ -command {if {$use_grab} {use_grab_dialog}} lappend darwinlist $fl.b$i; if {$darwin_cotvnc} {$fl.b$i configure -state disabled} incr i checkbutton $fl.b$i -anchor w -variable use_alpha -text \ "Cursor Alphablending (32bpp required) " lappend darwinlist $fl.b$i; if {$darwin_cotvnc} {$fl.b$i configure -state disabled} incr i checkbutton $fl.b$i -anchor w -variable use_turbovnc -text \ "TurboVNC (if available on platform)" lappend darwinlist $fl.b$i; if {$darwin_cotvnc} {$fl.b$i configure -state disabled} incr i checkbutton $fl.b$i -anchor w -variable disable_pipeline -text \ "Disable Pipelined Updates" lappend darwinlist $fl.b$i; if {$darwin_cotvnc} {$fl.b$i configure -state disabled} incr i checkbutton $fl.b$i -anchor w -variable use_send_clipboard -text \ "Send CLIPBOARD not PRIMARY" lappend darwinlist $fl.b$i; if {$darwin_cotvnc} {$fl.b$i configure -state disabled} incr i checkbutton $fl.b$i -anchor w -variable use_send_always -text \ "Send Selection Every time" lappend darwinlist $fl.b$i; if {$darwin_cotvnc} {$fl.b$i configure -state disabled} incr i set relief ridge frame $fr.b$j -height 2; incr j frame $fr.b$j -relief $relief -borderwidth 2 global ffont label $fr.b$j.l -font $ffont -anchor w -text "Examples: '0.75', '1024x768', 'fit' (fill screen), or 'auto' "; global ssvnc_scale frame $fr.b$j.f label $fr.b$j.f.l -text "Scaling: " lappend darwinlist $fr.b$j.f.l; if {$darwin_cotvnc} {$fr.b$j.f.l configure -state disabled} entry $fr.b$j.f.e -width 10 -textvariable ssvnc_scale lappend darwinlist $fr.b$j.f.e; if {$darwin_cotvnc} {$fr.b$j.f.e configure -state disabled} pack $fr.b$j.f.l -side left pack $fr.b$j.f.e -side right -expand 1 -fill x pack $fr.b$j.f $fr.b$j.l -side top -fill x incr j frame $fr.b$j -height 2; incr j frame $fr.b$j -relief $relief -borderwidth 2 label $fr.b$j.l -font $ffont -anchor w -text "Examples: 'default', 'Control_L,Alt_L', 'never'"; global ssvnc_escape frame $fr.b$j.f label $fr.b$j.f.l -text "Escape Keys: " lappend darwinlist $fr.b$j.f.l; if {$darwin_cotvnc} {$fr.b$j.f.l configure -state disabled} entry $fr.b$j.f.e -width 10 -textvariable ssvnc_escape lappend darwinlist $fr.b$j.f.e; if {$darwin_cotvnc} {$fr.b$j.f.e configure -state disabled} button $fr.b$j.f.b -relief ridge -text Help -command ssvnc_escape_help lappend darwinlist $fr.b$j.f.b; if {$darwin_cotvnc} {$fr.b$j.f.b configure -state disabled} pack $fr.b$j.f.l -side left pack $fr.b$j.f.b -side right pack $fr.b$j.f.e -side right -expand 1 -fill x pack $fr.b$j.f $fr.b$j.l -side top -fill x incr j frame $fr.b$j -height 2; incr j frame $fr.b$j -relief $relief -borderwidth 2 label $fr.b$j.l -font $ffont -anchor w -text "Enter the max height in pixels, e.g. '900'"; global ycrop_string frame $fr.b$j.f label $fr.b$j.f.l -text "Y Crop: " lappend darwinlist $fr.b$j.f.l; if {$darwin_cotvnc} {$fr.b$j.f.l configure -state disabled} entry $fr.b$j.f.e -width 10 -textvariable ycrop_string lappend darwinlist $fr.b$j.f.e; if {$darwin_cotvnc} {$fr.b$j.f.e configure -state disabled} pack $fr.b$j.f.l -side left pack $fr.b$j.f.e -side right -expand 1 -fill x pack $fr.b$j.f $fr.b$j.l -side top -fill x incr j frame $fr.b$j -height 2; incr j frame $fr.b$j -relief $relief -borderwidth 2 label $fr.b$j.l -font $ffont -anchor w -text "Enter the scrollbar width in pixels, e.g. '4'"; global sbwid_string frame $fr.b$j.f label $fr.b$j.f.l -text "ScrollBar Width: " lappend darwinlist $fr.b$j.f.l; if {$darwin_cotvnc} {$fr.b$j.f.l configure -state disabled} entry $fr.b$j.f.e -width 10 -textvariable sbwid_string lappend darwinlist $fr.b$j.f.e; if {$darwin_cotvnc} {$fr.b$j.f.e configure -state disabled} pack $fr.b$j.f.l -side left pack $fr.b$j.f.e -side right -expand 1 -fill x pack $fr.b$j.f $fr.b$j.l -side top -fill x incr j frame $fr.b$j -height 2; incr j frame $fr.b$j -relief $relief -borderwidth 2 label $fr.b$j.l -font $ffont -anchor w -text "Enter the RFB version to pretend to be using, e.g. '3.4'"; label $fr.b$j.l2 -font $ffont -anchor w -text "Sometimes needed for UltraVNC: 3.4, 3.6, 3.14, 3.16"; global rfbversion frame $fr.b$j.f label $fr.b$j.f.l -text "RFB Version: " lappend darwinlist $fr.b$j.f.l; if {$darwin_cotvnc} {$fr.b$j.f.l configure -state disabled} entry $fr.b$j.f.e -width 10 -textvariable rfbversion lappend darwinlist $fr.b$j.f.e; if {$darwin_cotvnc} {$fr.b$j.f.e configure -state disabled} pack $fr.b$j.f.l -side left pack $fr.b$j.f.e -side right -expand 1 -fill x pack $fr.b$j.f $fr.b$j.l $fr.b$j.l2 -side top -fill x incr j frame $fr.b$j -height 2; incr j frame $fr.b$j -relief $relief -borderwidth 2 label $fr.b$j.l1 -font $ffont -anchor w -text "List encodings in preferred order, for example"; label $fr.b$j.l2 -font $ffont -anchor w -text "'copyrect zrle tight' The full list of encodings is:"; label $fr.b$j.l3 -font $ffont -anchor w -text "copyrect tight zrle zywrle hextile zlib corre rre raw"; global ssvnc_encodings frame $fr.b$j.f label $fr.b$j.f.l -text "Encodings: " lappend darwinlist $fr.b$j.f.l; if {$darwin_cotvnc} {$fr.b$j.f.l configure -state disabled} entry $fr.b$j.f.e -width 10 -textvariable ssvnc_encodings lappend darwinlist $fr.b$j.f.e; if {$darwin_cotvnc} {$fr.b$j.f.e configure -state disabled} pack $fr.b$j.f.l -side left pack $fr.b$j.f.e -side right -expand 1 -fill x pack $fr.b$j.f $fr.b$j.l1 $fr.b$j.l2 $fr.b$j.l3 -side top -fill x incr j frame $fr.b$j -height 2; incr j frame $fr.b$j -relief $relief -borderwidth 2 label $fr.b$j.l1 -font $ffont -anchor w -text "Add any extra options for ssvncviewer that you want."; label $fr.b$j.l2 -font $ffont -anchor w -text "For example: -16bpp -appshare -noshm etc. See Help for a list."; global ssvnc_extra_opts frame $fr.b$j.f label $fr.b$j.f.l -text "Extra Options: " lappend darwinlist $fr.b$j.f.l; if {$darwin_cotvnc} {$fr.b$j.f.l configure -state disabled} entry $fr.b$j.f.e -width 10 -textvariable ssvnc_extra_opts lappend darwinlist $fr.b$j.f.e; if {$darwin_cotvnc} {$fr.b$j.f.e configure -state disabled} pack $fr.b$j.f.l -side left pack $fr.b$j.f.e -side right -expand 1 -fill x pack $fr.b$j.f $fr.b$j.l1 $fr.b$j.l2 -side top -fill x incr j frame $fr.b$j -height 2; incr j for {set k 1} {$k < $i} {incr k} { pack $fl.b$k -side top -fill x } for {set k 1} {$k < $j} {incr k} { pack $fr.b$k -side top -fill x } pack $fl -side left -fill both pack $fr -side left -fill both -expand 1 pack $f0 -side top -fill both frame .os.b button .os.b.done -text "Done" -command {destroy .os} bind .os <Escape> {destroy .os} wm protocol .os WM_DELETE_WINDOW {destroy .os} button .os.b.help -text "Help" -command help_ssvncviewer_opts global use_listen if {$use_listen} { button .os.b.connect -text "Listen" -command launch } else { button .os.b.connect -text "Connect" -command launch } pack .os.b.help .os.b.connect .os.b.done -fill x -expand 1 -side left pack .os.b -side top -fill x global darwin_cotvnc_blist foreach b $darwinlist { set darwin_cotvnc_blist($b) 1 } center_win .os wm resizable .os 1 0 wm minsize .os [winfo reqwidth .os] [winfo reqheight .os] focus .os } proc in_path {cmd} { global env set p $env(PATH) foreach dir [split $p ":"] { set try "$dir/$cmd" if [file exists $try] { return "$try" } } return "" } proc ssh_agent_restart {} { global env set got_ssh_agent 0 set got_ssh_add 0 set got_ssh_agent2 0 set got_ssh_add2 0 if {[in_path "ssh-agent"] != ""} {set got_ssh_agent 1} if {[in_path "ssh-agent2"] != ""} {set got_ssh_agent2 1} if {[in_path "ssh-add"] != ""} {set got_ssh_add 1} if {[in_path "ssh-add2"] != ""} {set got_ssh_add2 1} set ssh_agent "" set ssh_add "" if {[info exists env(USER)] && $env(USER) == "runge"} { if {$got_ssh_agent2} { set ssh_agent "ssh-agent2" } if {$got_ssh_add2} { set ssh_add "ssh-add2" } } if {$ssh_agent == "" && $got_ssh_agent} { set ssh_agent "ssh-agent" } if {$ssh_add == "" && $got_ssh_add} { set ssh_add "ssh-add" } if {$ssh_agent == ""} { bell mesg "could not find ssh-agent in PATH" return } if {$ssh_add == ""} { bell mesg "could not find ssh-add in PATH" return } set tmp $env(SSVNC_HOME)/.vnc-sa[tpid] set tmp [mytmp $tmp] set fh "" catch {set fh [open $tmp "w"]} if {$fh == ""} { bell mesg "could not open tmp file $tmp" return } puts $fh "#!/bin/sh" puts $fh "eval `$ssh_agent -s`" puts $fh "$ssh_add" puts $fh "SSVNC_GUI_CHILD=\"\"" puts $fh "export SSVNC_GUI_CHILD" global buck_zero set cmd $buck_zero if [info exists env(SSVNC_GUI_CMD)] { set cmd $env(SSVNC_GUI_CMD) } #puts $fh "$cmd </dev/null 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null &" puts $fh "nohup $cmd &" puts $fh "sleep 1" puts $fh "rm -f $tmp" close $fh wm withdraw . catch {wm withdraw .o} catch {wm withdraw .oa} unix_terminal_cmd "+200+200" "Restarting with ssh-agent/ssh-add" "sh $tmp" 1 after 10000 destroy . exit } proc putty_pw_entry {mode} { if {$mode == "check"} { global use_sshssl use_ssh if {$use_sshssl || $use_ssh} { putty_pw_entry enable } else { putty_pw_entry disable } return } if {$mode == "disable"} { catch {.o.pw.l configure -state disabled} catch {.o.pw.e configure -state disabled} } else { catch {.o.pw.l configure -state normal} catch {.o.pw.e configure -state normal} } } proc adv_ssh_tog {on} { global adv_ssh foreach b {cups snd smb redirs knownhosts} { if [info exists adv_ssh($b)] { if {$on} { catch {$adv_ssh($b) configure -state normal} } else { catch {$adv_ssh($b) configure -state disabled} } } } } proc adv_listen_ssl_tog {on} { global stunnel_local_protection_button is_windows global disable_ssl_workarounds_button global vencrypt_button no_probe_vencrypt_button anondh_button ultra_dsm_button set blist [list] if [info exists stunnel_local_protection_button] { lappend blist $stunnel_local_protection_button } if [info exists disable_ssl_workarounds_button] { lappend blist $disable_ssl_workarounds_button } if [info exists ultra_dsm_button] { lappend blist $ultra_dsm_button } if [info exists no_probe_vencrypt_button] { lappend blist $no_probe_vencrypt_button } if [info exists vencrypt_button] { lappend blist $vencrypt_button } if [info exists anondh_button] { lappend blist $anondh_button } foreach b $blist { if {$on} { catch {$b configure -state normal} } else { catch {$b configure -state disabled} } } if {$is_windows} { catch {$stunnel_local_protection_button configure -state disabled} catch {$ultra_dsm_button configure -state disabled} } } proc adv_listen_ssh_tog {on} { global ssh_local_protection_button is_windows if [info exists ssh_local_protection_button] { if {$on} { catch {$ssh_local_protection_button configure -state normal} } else { catch {$ssh_local_protection_button configure -state disabled} } } if {$is_windows} { catch {$ssh_local_protection_button configure -state disabled} } } proc ssl_ssh_adjust {which} { global use_ssl use_ssh use_sshssl sshssl_sw global remote_ssh_cmd_list global x11vnc_find_widget x11vnc_xlogin_widget uvnc_bug_widget if {$which == "ssl"} { set use_ssl 1 set use_ssh 0 set use_sshssl 0 set sshssl_sw "ssl" catch {.f4.getcert configure -state normal} catch {.f4.always configure -state normal} if [info exists x11vnc_find_widget] { catch {$x11vnc_find_widget configure -state disabled} } if [info exists x11vnc_xlogin_widget] { catch {$x11vnc_xlogin_widget configure -state disabled} } if [info exists uvnc_bug_widget] { catch {$uvnc_bug_widget configure -state normal} } adv_ssh_tog 0 adv_listen_ssl_tog 1 adv_listen_ssh_tog 0 } elseif {$which == "none"} { set use_ssl 0 set use_ssh 0 set use_sshssl 0 set sshssl_sw "none" catch {.f4.getcert configure -state disabled} catch {.f4.always configure -state disabled} if [info exists x11vnc_find_widget] { catch {$x11vnc_find_widget configure -state disabled} } if [info exists x11vnc_xlogin_widget] { catch {$x11vnc_xlogin_widget configure -state disabled} } if [info exists uvnc_bug_widget] { catch {$uvnc_bug_widget configure -state normal} } adv_ssh_tog 0 adv_listen_ssl_tog 0 adv_listen_ssh_tog 0 } elseif {$which == "ssh"} { set use_ssl 0 set use_ssh 1 set use_sshssl 0 set sshssl_sw "ssh" catch {.f4.getcert configure -state disabled} catch {.f4.always configure -state disabled} if [info exists x11vnc_find_widget] { catch {$x11vnc_find_widget configure -state normal} } if [info exists x11vnc_xlogin_widget] { catch {$x11vnc_xlogin_widget configure -state normal} } if [info exists uvnc_bug_widget] { catch {$uvnc_bug_widget configure -state disabled} } adv_ssh_tog 1 adv_listen_ssl_tog 0 adv_listen_ssh_tog 1 } elseif {$which == "sshssl"} { set use_ssl 0 set use_ssh 0 set use_sshssl 1 set sshssl_sw "sshssl" catch {.f4.getcert configure -state disabled} catch {.f4.always configure -state disabled} if [info exists x11vnc_find_widget] { catch {$x11vnc_find_widget configure -state normal} } if [info exists x11vnc_xlogin_widget] { catch {$x11vnc_xlogin_widget configure -state normal} } if [info exists uvnc_bug_widget] { catch {$uvnc_bug_widget configure -state normal} } adv_ssh_tog 1 adv_listen_ssl_tog 1 adv_listen_ssh_tog 1 } if [info exists remote_ssh_cmd_list] { if {$use_ssh || $use_sshssl} { foreach w $remote_ssh_cmd_list { $w configure -state normal } } if {$use_ssl || $sshssl_sw == "none"} { foreach w $remote_ssh_cmd_list { $w configure -state disabled } } } if {! $use_ssl && ! $use_ssh && ! $use_sshssl} { if {$sshssl_sw != "none"} { set use_ssl 1 set sshssl_sw "ssl" } } global ssh_only ts_only if {$ssh_only || $ts_only} { set use_ssl 0 set use_sshssl 0 set use_ssh 1 set sshssl_sw "ssh" } putty_pw_entry check } proc listen_adjust {} { global use_listen revs_button multiple_listen_button is_windows global listen_once_button listen_accept_popup_button listen_accept_popup_button_sc if {![info exists multiple_listen_button]} { set multiple_listen_button "none" } if {$use_listen} { catch {.b.conn configure -text "Listen"} catch {.o.b.connect configure -text "Listen"} catch {$multiple_listen_button configure -state normal} catch {$listen_once_button configure -state normal} catch {$listen_accept_popup_button configure -state normal} catch {$listen_accept_popup_button_sc configure -state normal} catch {mesg "Listen :N -> Port 5500+N, i.e. :0 -> 5500, :1 -> 5501, :2 -> 5502 ..."} } else { catch {.b.conn configure -text "Connect"} catch {.o.b.connect configure -text "Connect"} catch {$multiple_listen_button configure -state disabled} catch {$listen_once_button configure -state disabled} catch {$listen_accept_popup_button configure -state disabled} catch {$listen_accept_popup_button_sc configure -state disabled} catch {mesg "Switched to Forward Connection mode."} } if {$is_windows} { catch {$multiple_listen_button configure -state disabled} catch {$listen_once_button configure -state disabled} catch {$listen_accept_popup_button configure -state disabled} catch {$listen_accept_popup_button_sc configure -state disabled} } } proc unixpw_adjust {} { global is_windows use_unixpw darwin_cotvnc if {$is_windows || $darwin_cotvnc} { return; } if {$use_unixpw} { pack configure .fu -after .f1 -fill x catch {focus .fu.e} } else { pack forget .fu } } proc x11vnc_find_adjust {which} { global remote_ssh_cmd global use_x11vnc_find x11vnc_find_widget global use_x11vnc_xlogin x11vnc_xlogin_widget if {$which == "find"} { if {$use_x11vnc_find} { set use_x11vnc_xlogin 0 } } elseif {$which == "xlogin"} { if {$use_x11vnc_xlogin} { set use_x11vnc_find 0 } } if {! $use_x11vnc_find && ! $use_x11vnc_xlogin} { set remote_ssh_cmd ""; return } if {![regexp {x11vnc} $remote_ssh_cmd]} { set remote_ssh_cmd ""; } regsub {^[ ]*PORT= [ ]*} $remote_ssh_cmd "" remote_ssh_cmd regsub {^[ ]*P= [ ]*} $remote_ssh_cmd "" remote_ssh_cmd regsub {^[ ]*sudo x11vnc[ ]*} $remote_ssh_cmd "" remote_ssh_cmd regsub {^[ ]*x11vnc[ ]*} $remote_ssh_cmd "" remote_ssh_cmd regsub -all {[ ]*-find[ ]*} $remote_ssh_cmd " " remote_ssh_cmd regsub -all {[ ]*-localhost[ ]*} $remote_ssh_cmd " " remote_ssh_cmd regsub -all {[ ]*-env FD_XDM=1[ ]*} $remote_ssh_cmd " " remote_ssh_cmd if {$use_x11vnc_find} { set remote_ssh_cmd "PORT= x11vnc -find -localhost -nopw $remote_ssh_cmd" } else { set remote_ssh_cmd "PORT= sudo x11vnc -find -localhost -env FD_XDM=1 -nopw $remote_ssh_cmd" } regsub {[ ]*$} $remote_ssh_cmd "" remote_ssh_cmd regsub {^[ ]*} $remote_ssh_cmd "" remote_ssh_cmd regsub -all {[ ][ ]*} $remote_ssh_cmd " " remote_ssh_cmd } proc set_darwin_cotvnc_buttons {} { global darwin_cotvnc uname darwin_cotvnc_blist if {$uname == "Darwin" && [info exists darwin_cotvnc_blist]} { foreach b [array names darwin_cotvnc_blist] { if {$darwin_cotvnc} { catch {$b configure -state disabled} } else { catch {$b configure -state normal} } } } } proc disable_encryption {} { global env if {[info exists env(SSVNC_DISABLE_ENCRYPTION_BUTTON)]} { set s $env(SSVNC_DISABLE_ENCRYPTION_BUTTON) if {$s != "" && $s != "0"} { return 1; } } return 0; } proc set_options {} { global use_alpha use_grab use_ssh use_sshssl use_viewonly use_fullscreen use_bgr233 global use_nojpeg use_raise_on_beep use_compresslevel use_quality use_x11_macosx global use_send_clipboard use_send_always global compresslevel_text quality_text global env is_windows darwin_cotvnc uname global use_listen global use_x11vnc_find x11vnc_find_widget global use_x11vnc_xlogin x11vnc_xlogin_widget uvnc_bug_widget global ts_only global darwin_cotvnc_blist global showing_no_encryption no_enc_button no_enc_prev if {$ts_only} { set_ts_options return } toplev .o wm title .o "SSL/SSH VNC Options" set i 1 radiobutton .o.b$i -anchor w -variable sshssl_sw -value ssl -text \ "Use SSL" -command {ssl_ssh_adjust ssl} incr i radiobutton .o.b$i -anchor w -variable sshssl_sw -value ssh -text \ "Use SSH" -command {ssl_ssh_adjust ssh} incr i radiobutton .o.b$i -anchor w -variable sshssl_sw -value sshssl -text \ "Use SSH+SSL" -command {ssl_ssh_adjust sshssl} set iss $i set no_enc_prev .o.b$i incr i radiobutton .o.b$i -anchor w -variable sshssl_sw -value none -text \ "No Encryption" -command {ssl_ssh_adjust none} set no_enc_button .o.b$i set ine $i incr i checkbutton .o.b$i -anchor w -variable use_x11vnc_find -text \ "Automatically Find X Session" -command {x11vnc_find_adjust "find"} if {!$use_ssh && !$use_sshssl} {.o.b$i configure -state disabled} set x11vnc_find_widget ".o.b$i" incr i if {! $is_windows} { checkbutton .o.b$i -anchor w -variable use_unixpw -text \ "Unix Username & Password" -command {unixpw_adjust} if {$darwin_cotvnc} {.o.b$i configure -state disabled} set darwin_cotvnc_blist(.o.b$i) 1 incr i } checkbutton .o.b$i -anchor w -variable use_listen -text \ "Reverse VNC Connection (-LISTEN)" -command {listen_adjust; if {$vncdisplay == ""} {set vncdisplay ":0"} else {set vncdisplay ""}; if {0 && $use_listen} {destroy .o}} #if {$is_windows} {.o.b$i configure -state disabled} #if {$darwin_cotvnc} {.o.b$i configure -state disabled} #set darwin_cotvnc_blist(.o.b$i) 1 incr i checkbutton .o.b$i -anchor w -variable use_viewonly -text \ "View Only" incr i checkbutton .o.b$i -anchor w -variable use_fullscreen -text \ "Fullscreen" incr i checkbutton .o.b$i -anchor w -variable use_raise_on_beep -text \ "Raise On Beep" if {$darwin_cotvnc} {.o.b$i configure -state disabled} set darwin_cotvnc_blist(.o.b$i) 1 incr i checkbutton .o.b$i -anchor w -variable use_bgr233 -text \ "Use 8bit color (-bgr233)" if {$darwin_cotvnc} {.o.b$i configure -state disabled} set darwin_cotvnc_blist(.o.b$i) 1 incr i checkbutton .o.b$i -anchor w -variable use_nojpeg -text \ "Do not use JPEG (-nojpeg)" if {$darwin_cotvnc} {.o.b$i configure -state disabled} set darwin_cotvnc_blist(.o.b$i) 1 incr i if {$uname == "Darwin"} { checkbutton .o.b$i -anchor w -variable use_x11_macosx -text \ "Use X11 vncviewer on MacOSX" \ -command {if {$use_x11_macosx} {set darwin_cotvnc 0} else {set darwin_cotvnc 1}; set_darwin_cotvnc_buttons} if {$uname != "Darwin"} {.o.b$i configure -state disabled} incr i } if {$is_windows} { global kill_stunnel checkbutton .o.b$i -anchor w -variable kill_stunnel -text \ "Kill Stunnel Automatically" incr i } menubutton .o.b$i -anchor w -menu .o.b$i.m -textvariable compresslevel_text -relief groove set compresslevel_text "Compress Level: $use_compresslevel" if {$darwin_cotvnc} {.o.b$i configure -state disabled} set darwin_cotvnc_blist(.o.b$i) 1 menu .o.b$i.m -tearoff 0 for {set j -1} {$j < 10} {incr j} { set v $j set l $j if {$j == -1} { set v "default" set l "default" } .o.b$i.m add radiobutton -variable use_compresslevel \ -value $v -label $l -command \ {set compresslevel_text "Compress Level: $use_compresslevel"} } incr i menubutton .o.b$i -anchor w -menu .o.b$i.m -textvariable quality_text -relief groove set quality_text "Quality: $use_quality" if {$darwin_cotvnc} {.o.b$i configure -state disabled} set darwin_cotvnc_blist(.o.b$i) 1 menu .o.b$i.m -tearoff 0 for {set j -1} {$j < 10} {incr j} { set v $j set l $j if {$j == -1} { set v "default" set l "default" } .o.b$i.m add radiobutton -variable use_quality \ -value $v -label $l -command \ {set quality_text "Quality: $use_quality"} } incr i global use_mode ts_only ssh_only if {$ts_only} { set use_mode "Terminal Services (tsvnc)" } elseif {$ssh_only} { set use_mode "SSH-Only (sshvnc)" } else { set use_mode "SSVNC" } global mode_text set mode_text "Mode: $use_mode" menubutton .o.b$i -anchor w -menu .o.b$i.m -textvariable mode_text -relief groove menu .o.b$i.m -tearoff 0 .o.b$i.m add radiobutton -variable use_mode -value "SSVNC" \ -label "SSVNC" -command { if {$ts_only || $ssh_only} {to_ssvnc; set mode_text "Mode: SSVNC"; destroy .o}} .o.b$i.m add radiobutton -variable use_mode -value "SSH-Only (sshvnc)" \ -label "SSH-Only (sshvnc)" -command { if {$ts_only || ! $ssh_only} {to_sshonly; set mode_text "Mode: SSH-Only (sshvnc)"; destroy .o}} .o.b$i.m add radiobutton -variable use_mode -value "Terminal Services (tsvnc)" \ -label "Terminal Services (tsvnc)" -command {to_tsonly; set mode_text "Mode: Terminal Services (tsvnc)"; destroy .o} incr i global started_with_noenc if {0 && $started_with_noenc && $showing_no_encryption} { ; } elseif {$ssh_only} { ; } else { checkbutton .o.b$i -anchor w -variable showing_no_encryption -text \ "Show 'No Encryption' Option" -pady 5 \ -command {toggle_no_encryption 1} # -relief raised incr i } for {set j 1} {$j < $i} {incr j} { global ssh_only ts_only if {$ssh_only && $j <= 3} { continue; } if {$ts_only && $j <= 3} { continue; } if {!$showing_no_encryption && $j == $ine} { continue; } pack .o.b$j -side top -fill x } if {$is_windows} { global port_slot putty_pw frame .o.pp frame .o.pp.fL frame .o.pp.fR label .o.pp.fL.la -anchor w -text "Putty PW:" label .o.pp.fL.lb -anchor w -text "Port Slot:" pack .o.pp.fL.la .o.pp.fL.lb -side top -fill x entry .o.pp.fR.ea -width 10 -show * -textvariable putty_pw entry .o.pp.fR.eb -width 10 -textvariable port_slot pack .o.pp.fR.ea .o.pp.fR.eb -side top -fill x pack .o.pp.fL -side left pack .o.pp.fR -side right -expand 1 -fill x pack .o.pp -side top -fill x putty_pw_entry check } global uname set t1 " Advanced ..." set t2 " Use Defaults" set t3 " Delete Profile ..." if {$uname == "Darwin"} { regsub {^ *} $t1 "" t1 regsub {^ *} $t2 "" t2 regsub {^ *} $t3 "" t3 } button .o.advanced -anchor w -text $t1 -command set_advanced_options button .o.clear -anchor w -text $t2 -command {set_defaults; init_vncdisplay} button .o.delete -anchor w -text $t3 -command {destroy .o; delete_profile} pack .o.clear -side top -fill x pack .o.delete -side top -fill x pack .o.advanced -side top -fill x # pack .o.s_prof -side top -fill x # pack .o.l_prof -side top -fill x frame .o.b button .o.b.done -text "Done" -command {destroy .o} bind .o <Escape> {destroy .o} wm protocol .o WM_DELETE_WINDOW {destroy .o} button .o.b.help -text "Help" -command help_opts global use_listen if {$use_listen} { button .o.b.connect -text "Listen" -command launch } else { button .o.b.connect -text "Connect" -command launch } pack .o.b.help .o.b.connect .o.b.done -fill x -expand 1 -side left pack .o.b -side top -fill x center_win .o wm resizable .o 1 0 focus .o } proc check_writable {} { set test test[pid].txt catch {set f [open $test "w"]; puts $f "test"; close $f} ###catch {file delete -force $test} # testing. if ![file exists $test] { global env if [info exists env(SSVNC_HOME)] { set dir "$env(SSVNC_HOME)/ss_vnc/cache" catch {file mkdir $dir} if ![file exists $dir] { return } foreach f [glob -type f * */* */*/*] { set dest "$dir/$f" set dirn [file dirname $dest] catch {file mkdir $dirn} catch {file copy -force -- $f $dest} } cd $dir ###catch {set f [open $test "w"]; puts $f "test"; close $f} } } else { catch {file delete -force $test} } } proc print_help {} { global help_main help_prox help_misc help_tips set b "\n============================================================================\n" help #set str [.h.f.t get 1.0 end] #puts "${b}Help:\n$str" puts "${b}Help Main:\n$help_main" puts "${b}Help Proxies:\n$help_prox" puts "${b}Help Misc:\n$help_misc" puts "${b}Help Tips:\n$help_tips" destroy .h help_opts set str [.oh.f.t get 1.0 end] puts "${b}SSL/SSH Viewer Options Help:\n$str" destroy .oh help_advanced_opts set str [.ah.f.t get 1.0 end] puts "${b}Advanced Options Help:\n$str" destroy .ah help_ssvncviewer_opts set str [.av.f.t get 1.0 end] puts "${b}ssvncviewer Options Help:\n$str" destroy .av help_certs set str [.ch.f.t get 1.0 end] puts "${b}SSL Certificates Help:\n$str" destroy .ch help_fetch_cert set str [.fh.f.t get 1.0 end] puts "${b}Fetch Certificates Help:\n$str" destroy .fh create_cert set str [.ccrt.f.t get 1.0 end] puts "${b}Create SSL Certificate Dialog:\n$str" destroy .ccrt import_cert set str [.icrt.f.t get 1.0 end] puts "${b}Import SSL Certificate Dialog:\n$str" destroy .icrt global cert_text set cert_text "empty" save_cert "help:0" set str [.scrt.f.t get 1.0 end] puts "${b}Save SSL Certificate Dialog:\n$str" destroy .scrt ts_help set str [.h.f.t get 1.0 end] puts "${b}Terminal Services Help:\n$str" destroy .h help_ts_opts set str [.oh.f.t get 1.0 end] puts "${b}Terminal Services VNC Options Help:\n$str" destroy .oh ts_unixpw_dialog set str [.uxpw.f.t get 1.0 end] puts "${b}Terminal Services Use unixpw Dialog:\n$str" destroy .uxpw ts_vncshared_dialog set str [.vncs.f.t get 1.0 end] puts "${b}Terminal Services VNC Shared Dialog:\n$str" destroy .vncs ts_multi_dialog set str [.mult.f.t get 1.0 end] puts "${b}Terminal Services Multiple Sessions Dialog:\n$str" destroy .mult ts_xlogin_dialog set str [.xlog.f.t get 1.0 end] puts "${b}Terminal Services X Login Dialog:\n$str" destroy .xlog ts_othervnc_dialog set str [.ovnc.f.t get 1.0 end] puts "${b}Terminal Services Other VNC Server Dialog:\n$str" destroy .ovnc ts_ncache_dialog set str [.nche.f.t get 1.0 end] puts "${b}Terminal Services Client-Side Caching Dialog:\n$str" destroy .nche ts_x11vnc_opts_dialog set str [.x11v.f.t get 1.0 end] puts "${b}Terminal Services x11vnc Options Dialog:\n$str" destroy .x11v ts_filexfer_dialog set str [.xfer.f.t get 1.0 end] puts "${b}Terminal Services File Transfer Dialog:\n$str" destroy .xfer ts_sound_dialog set str [.snd.f.t get 1.0 end] puts "${b}Terminal Services Sound Tunnelling Dialog:\n$str" destroy .snd ts_cups_dialog set str [.cups.f.t get 1.0 end] puts "${b}Terminal Services CUPS Dialog:\n$str" destroy .cups help_ssvncviewer_opts set str [.av.f.t get 1.0 end] puts "${b}Unix SSVNC viewer Options Help:\n$str" destroy .av change_vncviewer_dialog set str [.chviewer.t get 1.0 end] puts "${b}Unix Change VNC Viewer Dialog:\n$str" destroy .chviewer cups_dialog set str [.cups.f.t get 1.0 end] puts "${b}CUPS Dialog:\n$str" destroy .cups sound_dialog set str [.snd.f.t get 1.0 end] puts "${b}ESD Audio Tunnelling Dialog:\n$str" destroy .snd smb_dialog set str [.smb.f.t get 1.0 end] puts "${b}SMB Mounting Dialog:\n$str" destroy .smb port_redir_dialog set str [.redirs.t get 1.0 end] puts "${b}Additional Port Redirections Dialog:\n$str" destroy .redirs port_knocking_dialog set str [.pk.f.t get 1.0 end] puts "${b}Port Knocking Dialog:\n$str" destroy .pk ssvnc_escape_help set str [.ekh.f.t get 1.0 end] puts "${b}SSVNC Escape Keys Help:\n$str" destroy .ekh stunnel_sec_dialog set str [.stlsec.f.t get 1.0 end] puts "${b}STUNNEL Local Port Protections Dialog:\n$str" destroy .stlsec disable_ssl_workarounds_dialog set str [.sslwrk.f.t get 1.0 end] puts "${b}Disable SSL Workarounds Dialog:\n$str" destroy .sslwrk ultra_dsm_dialog set str [.ultradsm.f.t get 1.0 end] puts "${b}UltraVNC DSM Encryption Plugin Dialog:\n$str" destroy .ultradsm ssh_known_hosts_dialog set str [.sshknownhosts.f.t get 1.0 end] puts "${b}Private SSH KnownHosts file Dialog:\n$str" destroy .sshknownhosts ssh_sec_dialog set str [.sshsec.t get 1.0 end] puts "${b}SSH Local Port Protections Dialog:\n$str" destroy .sshsec multilisten_dialog set str [.multil.t get 1.0 end] puts "${b}Multiple LISTEN Connections Dialog:\n$str" destroy .multil use_grab_dialog set str [.usegrb.t get 1.0 end] puts "${b}Use XGrabServer (for fullscreen) Dialog:\n$str" destroy .usegrb } proc zeroconf_fill {b m} { global is_windows zeroconf_command last_post if {$is_windows} { return; } if {![info exists last_post]} { set last_post 0 } set now [clock seconds] if {$now < [expr $last_post + 10]} { # cache menu for 10 secs. return } . config -cursor {watch} $b config -cursor {watch} $b configure -state disabled $m delete 0 end update set emsg "" set output "" set none "No VNC servers detected" set rc 1 set rd 0 if {$zeroconf_command == "avahi-browse"} { set rc [catch {set output [exec avahi-browse -r -t -p -k _rfb._tcp 2>/dev/null]} emsg] } elseif {$zeroconf_command == "dns-sd"} { set rc [catch {set output [exec /bin/sh -c {pid=$$; export pid; (sleep 1; kill $pid) & exec dns-sd -B _rfb._tcp} 2>/dev/null]} emsg] set rd 1 } elseif {$zeroconf_command == "mDNS"} { set rc [catch {set output [exec /bin/sh -c {pid=$$; export pid; (sleep 1; kill $pid) & exec mDNS -B _rfb._tcp} 2>/dev/null]} emsg] set rd 1 } #puts "rc=$rc output=$output" if {$rd == 1 && $rc != 0} { if [regexp {_rfb} $emsg] { set rc 0 set output $emsg } } set count 0 if {$rc != 0} { $m add command -label $none incr count } elseif {$output == "" || [regexp {^[ \t\n]*$} $output]} { $m add command -label $none incr count } elseif {$zeroconf_command == "avahi-browse"} { set lines [split $output "\n"] set saw("__none__") 1 foreach line $lines { set items [split $line ";"] if {[llength $items] != 10} { continue } if {[lindex $items 0] != "="} { continue } # =;eth0;IPv4;tmp2\0582;_rfb._tcp;local;tmp2.local;;5902; set eth [lindex $items 1] set ipv [lindex $items 2] set name [lindex $items 3] set type [lindex $items 4] set loc [lindex $items 5] set host [lindex $items 6] set ip [lindex $items 7] set port [lindex $items 8] if {![regexp -nocase {ipv4} $ipv]} { continue } set name0 $name regsub -all {\\\\} $name "__bockslosh__" name regsub -all {\\\.} $name "." name set n 0 while {1} { incr n if {$n > 100} { break } if {[regexp {\\[0-9][0-9][0-9]} $name match]} { #puts "match1=$match" regsub {\\} $match "" match set d $match regsub {^0*} $d "" d set c [format "%c" $d] if {"$c" == "&"} { set c "\\$c" } regsub "\\\\$match" $name $c name #puts "match: $match c='$c'\nname=$name" } else { break } } regsub -all {__bockslosh__} $name "\\" name set hp $host if {$port >= 5900 && $port <= 6100} { set d [expr $port - 5900] set hp "$host:$d" } else { set hp "$host:$port" } if {![info exists saw($name)]} { regsub -all {[^[:alnum:],./:@%_=+-]} $hp "" hp $m add command -label "$name - $hp" -command "set vncdisplay \"$hp\"" incr count set p $port if {$p <= 200} { set p "-$port" } regsub -all {[^[:alnum:],./:@%_=+-]} "$ip:$p" "" ipp $m add command -label "$name - $ipp" -command "set vncdisplay \"$ipp\"" incr count set saw($name) 1 } } } else { set lines [split $output "\n"] set saw("__none__") 1 global dns_sd_cache last_dns_sd if {![info exists last_dns_sd]} { set last_dns_sd 0 } if {[clock seconds] > [expr $last_dns_sd + 1800]} { catch { unset dns_sd_cache } set last_dns_sd [clock seconds] } foreach line $lines { if [regexp -nocase {^Browsing} $line] { continue; } if [regexp -nocase {^Timestamp} $line] { continue; } if [regexp -nocase {killed:} $line] { continue; } if {![regexp {_rfb\._tcp} $line]} { continue; } regsub {[ \t\n]*$} $line "" line regsub {^.*_rfb\._tcp[^ ]* *} $line "" name if {[info exists saw($name)]} { continue } set saw($name) 1 set hp "$name" if {[info exists dns_sd_cache($name)]} { set hp $dns_sd_cache($name) } else { global env regsub -all {"} $name "" name2 set env(DNS_SD_LU) $name2 set emsg "" if {$zeroconf_command == "dns-sd"} { set rc [catch {set output [exec /bin/sh -c {pid=$$; export pid; (sleep 1; kill $pid) & exec dns-sd -L "$DNS_SD_LU" _rfb._tcp .} 2>/dev/null]} emsg] } elseif {$zeroconf_command == "mDNS"} { set rc [catch {set output [exec /bin/sh -c {pid=$$; export pid; (sleep 1; kill $pid) & exec mDNS -L "$DNS_SD_LU" _rfb._tcp .} 2>/dev/null]} emsg] regsub -all {[ \t][ \t]*:} $emsg ":" emsg } regsub -all { *} $emsg " " emsg if [regexp -nocase {be reached at *([^ \t\n][^ \t\n]*)} $emsg match hpm] { if [regexp {^(.*):([0-9][0-9]*)$} $hpm mv hm pm] { if {$pm >= 5900 && $pm <= 6100} { set pm [expr $pm - 5900] } set hp "$hm:$pm" } else { set hp $hpm } set dns_sd_cache($name) $hp } else { set hp "$name" if {![regexp {:[0-9][0-9]*$} $hp]} { set hp "$name:0" } } } regsub -all {[^[:alnum:],./:@%_=+-]} $hp "" hp $m add command -label "$name - $hp" -command "set vncdisplay \"$hp\"" incr count } } $b configure -state normal . config -cursor {} $b config -cursor {} if {$count == 0} { $m add command -label $none } set last_post [clock seconds] } proc check_zeroconf_browse {} { global is_windows zeroconf_command set zeroconf_command "" if {$is_windows} { return 0; } set p "" set r [catch {set p [exec /bin/sh -c {type avahi-browse}]}] if {$r == 0} { regsub {^.* is *} $p "" p regsub -all {[ \t\n\r]} $p "" p if [file exists $p] { set zeroconf_command "avahi-browse" return 1 } } set p "" set r [catch {set p [exec /bin/sh -c {type dns-sd}]}] if {$r == 0} { regsub {^.* is *} $p "" p regsub -all {[ \t\n\r]} $p "" p if [file exists $p] { set zeroconf_command "dns-sd" global env if [info exists env(USE_MDNS)] { # testing set zeroconf_command "mDNS" } return 1 } } set p "" set r [catch {set p [exec /bin/sh -c {type mDNS}]}] if {$r == 0} { regsub {^.* is *} $p "" p regsub -all {[ \t\n\r]} $p "" p if [file exists $p] { set zeroconf_command "mDNS" return 1 } } return 0 } proc toggle_no_encryption {{rev 0}} { global showing_no_encryption global no_enc_button no_enc_prev global ts_only ssh_only global use_ssl use_ssh use_sshssl if {$rev} { # reverse it first if {$showing_no_encryption} { set showing_no_encryption 0 } else { set showing_no_encryption 1 } } if {$showing_no_encryption} { catch {pack forget .f4.none} catch {pack forget $no_enc_button} if {!$use_ssl && !$use_ssh && !$use_sshssl} { set use_ssl 1 sync_use_ssl_ssh } set showing_no_encryption 0 } else { if {$ts_only || $ssh_only} { return } catch {pack .f4.none -side left} if {![info exists no_enc_button]} { catch {destroy .o} } elseif {![winfo exists $no_enc_button]} { catch {destroy .o} } else { catch {pack $no_enc_button -after $no_enc_prev -fill x} } set showing_no_encryption 1 } } proc toggle_vnc_prefix {} { global vncdisplay if [regexp -nocase {^vnc://} $vncdisplay] { regsub -nocase {^vnc://} $vncdisplay "" vncdisplay } else { regsub -nocase {^[a-z0-9+]*://} $vncdisplay "" vncdisplay set vncdisplay "Vnc://$vncdisplay" } catch {.f0.e icursor end} } ############################################ global env if {[regexp -nocase {Windows.9} $tcl_platform(os)]} { set is_win9x 1 } else { set is_win9x 0 } set is_windows 0 if { [regexp -nocase {Windows} $tcl_platform(os)]} { set is_windows 1 } set uname "" if {! $is_windows} { catch {set uname [exec uname]} } set ffont "fixed" global have_ipv6 set have_ipv6 "" check_for_ipv6 # need to check if "fixed" font under XFT on tk8.5 is actually fixed width!! if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "unix"} { set ls "" catch {set ls [font metrics $ffont -linespace]} set fs "" catch {set fs [font metrics $ffont -fixed]} set redo 0 if {$fs != "" && $fs != "1"} { set redo 1 } if {$ls != "" && $ls > 14} { set redo 1 } if {$redo} { foreach fn [font names] { if {$fn == "TkFixedFont"} { set ffont $fn break } } } catch {option add *Dialog.msg.font {helvetica -14 bold}} catch {option add *Dialog.msg.wrapLength 4i} } if {$uname == "Darwin"} { set ffont "Monaco 10" #option add *Button.font Helvetica widgetDefault catch {option add *Button.font {System 10} widgetDefault} } # set SSVNC_HOME to HOME in case we modify it for mobile use: if [info exists env(HOME)] { if {! [info exists env(SSVNC_HOME)]} { set env(SSVNC_HOME) $env(HOME) } } # For mobile use, e.g. from a USB flash drive, we look for a "home" or "Home" # directory relative to this script where the profiles and certs will be kept # by default. if [file exists $buck_zero] { #puts "$buck_zero" set up [file dirname $buck_zero] if {$up == "."} { # this is actually bad news on windows because we cd'd to util. set up ".." } else { set up [file dirname $up] } set dirs [list $up] if {! $is_windows && $up != ".."} { # get rid of bin set up [file dirname $up] lappend dirs $up } for {set i 0} {$i < $argc} {incr i} { set it0 [lindex $argv $i] if {$it0 == "."} { if {![file isdirectory "$up/home"] && ![file isdirectory "$up/Home"]} { catch {file mkdir "$up/Home"} } break } } set gotone 0 foreach d $dirs { set try "$d/home" #puts "$try" if [file isdirectory $try] { set env(SSVNC_HOME) $try set gotone 1 break } set try "$d/Home" #puts "$try" if [file isdirectory $try] { set env(SSVNC_HOME) $try set gotone 1 break } } if {$gotone} { set b "" if {$is_windows} { set b "$env(SSVNC_HOME)/ss_vnc" } else { set b "$env(SSVNC_HOME)/.vnc" } catch {file mkdir $b} catch {file mkdir "$b/certs"} catch {file mkdir "$b/profiles"} } #puts "HOME: $env(SSVNC_HOME)" } global svcert_default mycert_default crlfil_default global svcert_default_force mycert_default_force crlfil_default_force set svcert_default "" set mycert_default "" set crlfil_default "" set svcert_default_force 0 set mycert_default_force 0 set crlfil_default_force 0 set saw_ts_only 0 set saw_ssh_only 0 set ssvncrc $env(SSVNC_HOME)/.ssvncrc if {$is_windows} { set ssvncrc $env(SSVNC_HOME)/ssvnc_rc } global ts_desktop_size_def ts_desktop_depth_def ts_desktop_type_def ts_xserver_type_def set ts_desktop_size_def "" set ts_desktop_depth_def "" set ts_desktop_type_def "" set ts_xserver_type_def "" global win_localhost set win_localhost "" global kill_stunnel set kill_stunnel 1 global started_with_noenc if {! [info exists env(SSVNC_DISABLE_ENCRYPTION_BUTTON)]} { set env(SSVNC_DISABLE_ENCRYPTION_BUTTON) 1 set started_with_noenc 1 } else { if {$env(SSVNC_DISABLE_ENCRYPTION_BUTTON) == "0"} { set started_with_noenc 0 } elseif {$env(SSVNC_DISABLE_ENCRYPTION_BUTTON) == "1"} { set started_with_noenc 1 } else { set env(SSVNC_DISABLE_ENCRYPTION_BUTTON) 1 set started_with_noenc 1 } } if [file exists $ssvncrc] { set fh "" catch {set fh [open $ssvncrc "r"]} if {$fh != ""} { while {[gets $fh line] > -1} { set str [string trim $line] if [regexp {^#} $str] { continue } if [regexp {^mode=tsvnc} $str] { set saw_ts_only 1 set saw_ssh_only 0 } elseif [regexp {^mode=sshvnc} $str] { set saw_ts_only 0 set saw_ssh_only 1 } elseif [regexp {^mode=ssvnc} $str] { set saw_ts_only 0 set saw_ssh_only 0 } if [regexp {^desktop_type=(.*)$} $str m val] { set val [string trim $val] set ts_desktop_type_def $val } if [regexp {^desktop_size=(.*)$} $str m val] { set val [string trim $val] set ts_desktop_size_def $val } if [regexp {^desktop_depth=(.*)$} $str m val] { set val [string trim $val] set ts_desktop_depth_def $val } if [regexp {^xserver_type=(.*)$} $str m val] { set val [string trim $val] set ts_xserver_type_def $val } if [regexp {^font_default=(.*)$} $str m val] { set val [string trim $val] catch {option add *font $val} catch {option add *Dialog.msg.font $val} } if [regexp {^font_fixed=(.*)$} $str m val] { set val [string trim $val] set ffont $val } if [regexp {^noenc=1} $str] { global env set env(SSVNC_DISABLE_ENCRYPTION_BUTTON) 1 set started_with_noenc 1 } if [regexp {^noenc=0} $str] { global env set env(SSVNC_DISABLE_ENCRYPTION_BUTTON) 0 set started_with_noenc 0 } if [regexp {^cotvnc=1} $str] { global env set env(SSVNC_COTVNC) 1 } if [regexp {^cotvnc=0} $str] { global env set env(SSVNC_COTVNC) 0 } if [regexp {^killstunnel=1} $str] { set kill_stunnel 1 } if [regexp {^killstunnel=0} $str] { set kill_stunnel 0 } global have_ipv6 if [regexp {^ipv6=1} $str] { set have_ipv6 1 set env(SSVNC_IPV6) 1 } if [regexp {^ipv6=0} $str] { set have_ipv6 0 set env(SSVNC_IPV6) 0 } if [regexp {^mycert=(.*)$} $str m val] { set val [string trim $val] set mycert_default $val } if [regexp {^cert=(.*)$} $str m val] { set val [string trim $val] set mycert_default $val } if [regexp {^cacert=(.*)$} $str m val] { set val [string trim $val] set svcert_default $val } if [regexp {^ca=(.*)$} $str m val] { set val [string trim $val] set svcert_default $val } if [regexp {^crl=(.*)$} $str m val] { set val [string trim $val] set crlfil_default $val } if [regexp {^env=([^=]*)=(.*)$} $str m var val] { global env set env($var) $val } } close $fh } } for {set i 0} {$i < $argc} {incr i} { set item [lindex $argv $i] regsub {^--} $item "-" item if {$item == "-profiles" || $item == "-list"} { set dir [get_profiles_dir] #puts stderr "VNC Profiles:" #puts stderr " " if {[info exists env(SSVNC_TS_ONLY)]} { set saw_ts_only 1 } elseif {[info exists env(SSVNC_SSH_ONLY)]} { set saw_ssh_only 1 } set profs [list] foreach prof [glob -nocomplain -directory $dir "*.vnc"] { set s [file tail $prof] regsub {\.vnc$} $s "" s if {$saw_ts_only || $saw_ssh_only} { set ok 0; set tsok 0; set fh "" catch {set fh [open $prof "r"]} if {$fh != ""} { while {[gets $fh line] > -1} { if {[regexp {use_ssh=1} $line]} { set ok 1 } if {[regexp {ts_mode=1} $line]} { set tsok 1 } } close $fh } if {$saw_ts_only && !$tsok} { continue; } elseif {! $ok} { continue } } lappend profs $s } foreach prof [lsort $profs] { puts "$prof" } exit } elseif {$item == "-nvb"} { global env set env(SSVNC_NO_VERIFY_ALL_BUTTON) 1 } elseif {$item == "-noenc"} { global env set env(SSVNC_DISABLE_ENCRYPTION_BUTTON) 1 set started_with_noenc 1 } elseif {$item == "-enc"} { global env set env(SSVNC_DISABLE_ENCRYPTION_BUTTON) 0 } elseif {$item == "-bigger"} { global env if {![info exists env(SSVNC_BIGGER_DIALOG)]} { set env(SSVNC_BIGGER_DIALOG) 1 } } elseif {$item == "-ssh"} { set saw_ssh_only 1 set saw_ts_only 0 } elseif {$item == "-ts"} { set saw_ts_only 1 set saw_ssh_only 0 } elseif {$item == "-ssl" || $item == "-ss"} { set saw_ts_only 0 set saw_ssh_only 0 } elseif {$item == "-tso"} { global env set env(SSVNC_TS_ALWAYS) 1 set saw_ts_only 1 } elseif {$item == "-killstunnel"} { set kill_stunnel 1 } elseif {$item == "-nokillstunnel"} { set kill_stunnel 0 } elseif {$item == "-mycert" || $item == "-cert"} { incr i set mycert_default [lindex $argv $i] } elseif {$item == "-cacert" || $item == "-ca"} { incr i set svcert_default [lindex $argv $i] } elseif {$item == "-crl"} { incr i set crlfil_default [lindex $argv $i] } } if [info exists env(SSVNC_FONT_FIXED)] { set ffont $env(SSVNC_FONT_FIXED) } if [info exists env(SSVNC_FONT_DEFAULT)] { catch {option add *font $env(SSVNC_FONT_DEFAULT)} catch {option add *Dialog.msg.font $env(SSVNC_FONT_DEFAULT)} } if [regexp {[ ]} $ffont] { set help_font "-font \"$ffont\"" } else { set help_font "-font $ffont" } if { [regexp -nocase {Windows} $tcl_platform(os)]} { cd util if {$help_font == "-font fixed"} { set help_font "" } } if {$saw_ts_only && $saw_ssh_only} { set saw_ssh_only 0 } global ssh_only set ssh_only 0 if {[info exists env(SSVNC_SSH_ONLY)] || $saw_ssh_only} { set ssh_only 1 } global ts_only set ts_only 0 if {[info exists env(SSVNC_TS_ONLY)] || $saw_ts_only} { set ts_only 1 } if {$mycert_default != ""} { if [regexp -nocase {^FORCE:} $mycert_default] { set mycert_default_force 1 regsub -nocase {^FORCE:} $mycert_default "" mycert_default } if {![file exists $mycert_default]} { set idir [get_idir_certs ""] set mycert_default "$idir/$mycert_default" } } if {$svcert_default != ""} { if [regexp -nocase {^FORCE:} $svcert_default] { set svcert_default_force 1 regsub -nocase {^FORCE:} $svcert_default "" svcert_default } if {![file exists $svcert_default]} { set idir [get_idir_certs ""] if {$svcert_default == "CA"} { set svcert_default "$idir/CA/cacert.pem" } else { set svcert_default "$idir/$svcert_default" } } } if {$crlfil_default != ""} { if [regexp -nocase {^FORCE:} $crlfil_default] { set crlfil_default_force 1 regsub -nocase {^FORCE:} $crlfil_default "" crlfil_default } if {![file exists $crlfil_default]} { set idir [get_idir_certs ""] set crlfil_default "$idir/$crlfil_default" } } if {$is_windows} { check_writable } set darwin_cotvnc 0 if {$uname == "Darwin"} { if {! [info exists env(DISPLAY)]} { set darwin_cotvnc 1 } elseif {[regexp {/tmp/} $env(DISPLAY)]} { set darwin_cotvnc 1 } if [info exists env(SSVNC_HOME)] { set t "$env(SSVNC_HOME)/.vnc" if {! [file exists $t]} { catch {file mkdir $t} } } } ##for testing macosx if [info exists env(FORCE_DARWIN)] { set uname Darwin set darwin_cotvnc 1 } set putty_pw "" global scroll_text_focus set scroll_text_focus 1 set multientry 1 wm withdraw . if {$ssh_only} { wm title . "SSH VNC Viewer" } elseif {$ts_only} { wm title . "Terminal Services VNC Viewer" } else { wm title . "SSL/SSH VNC Viewer" } wm resizable . 1 0 set_defaults if {$uname == "Darwin"} { if [info exists use_x11_macosx] { if {$use_x11_macosx} { set darwin_cotvnc 0 } } } set skip_pre 0 set vncdisplay "" set last_load "" set vncproxy "" set remote_ssh_cmd "" set vncauth_passwd "" global did_listening_message set did_listening_message 0 global accepted_cert_dialog_in_progress set accepted_cert_dialog_in_progress 0 global fetch_cert_filename set fetch_cert_filename "" set vhd "VNC Host:Display" if {$ssh_only} { label .l -text "SSH VNC Viewer" -relief ridge } elseif {$ts_only} { label .l -text "Terminal Services VNC Viewer" -relief ridge set vhd "VNC Terminal Server:" } else { label .l -text "SSL/SSH VNC Viewer" -relief ridge } set wl 21 set we 40 frame .f0 if {$multientry} { label .f0.l -width $wl -anchor w -text "$vhd" -relief ridge } else { label .f0.l -anchor w -text "$vhd" -relief ridge } entry .f0.e -width $we -textvariable vncdisplay pack .f0.l -side left bind .f0.e <Return> launch bind .f0.e <Control-E> {toggle_vnc_prefix} pack .f0.e -side left -expand 1 -fill x if {[check_zeroconf_browse]} { menubutton .f0.mb -relief ridge -menu .f0.mb.m -text "Find" menu .f0.mb.m -tearoff 0 -postcommand {zeroconf_fill .f0.mb .f0.mb.m} pack .f0.mb -side left } frame .f1 label .f1.l -width $wl -anchor w -text "VNC Password:" -relief ridge entry .f1.e -width $we -textvariable vncauth_passwd -show * pack .f1.l -side left pack .f1.e -side left -expand 1 -fill x bind .f1.e <Return> launch frame .fu label .fu.l -width $wl -anchor w -text "Unix Username:" -relief ridge entry .fu.e -width 14 -textvariable unixpw_username label .fu.m -anchor w -text "Unix Password:" -relief ridge entry .fu.f -textvariable unixpw_passwd -show * pack .fu.l -side left pack .fu.e .fu.m -side left pack .fu.f -side left -expand 1 -fill x bind .fu.f <Return> launch frame .f2 label .f2.l -width $wl -anchor w -text "Proxy/Gateway:" -relief ridge entry .f2.e -width $we -textvariable vncproxy pack .f2.l -side left pack .f2.e -side left -expand 1 -fill x bind .f2.e <Return> launch frame .f3 label .f3.l -width $wl -anchor w -text "Remote SSH Command:" -relief ridge entry .f3.e -width $we -textvariable remote_ssh_cmd pack .f3.l -side left pack .f3.e -side left -expand 1 -fill x .f3.l configure -state disabled .f3.e configure -state disabled bind .f3.e <Return> launch set remote_ssh_cmd_list {.f3.e .f3.l} frame .f4 radiobutton .f4.ssl -anchor w -variable sshssl_sw -value ssl -command {ssl_ssh_adjust ssl} -text "Use SSL" radiobutton .f4.ssh -anchor w -variable sshssl_sw -value ssh -command {ssl_ssh_adjust ssh} -text "Use SSH" radiobutton .f4.sshssl -anchor w -variable sshssl_sw -value sshssl -command {ssl_ssh_adjust sshssl} -text "SSH+SSL" pack .f4.ssl .f4.ssh .f4.sshssl -side left -fill x set showing_no_encryption 0 radiobutton .f4.none -anchor w -variable sshssl_sw -value none -command {ssl_ssh_adjust none} -text "None " if [disable_encryption] { pack .f4.none -side left set showing_no_encryption 1 } global skip_verify_accepted_certs set skip_verify_accepted_certs 0 global anon_dh_detected set anon_dh_detected 0 global vencrypt_detected set vencrypt_detected "" global always_verify_ssl set always_verify_ssl 1; if {[info exists env(SSVNC_NO_VERIFY_ALL)]} { set always_verify_ssl 0; } if {$uname == "Darwin"} { button .f4.getcert -command {fetch_cert 1} -text "Fetch Cert" } else { button .f4.getcert -command {fetch_cert 1} -text "Fetch Cert" -padx 3 } checkbutton .f4.always -variable always_verify_ssl -text "Verify All Certs" -command no_certs_tutorial_mesg pack .f4.getcert -side right -fill x if {[info exists env(SSVNC_NO_VERIFY_ALL_BUTTON)]} { set always_verify_ssl 0; } else { pack .f4.always -side right -fill x } if {$ssh_only || $ts_only} { ssl_ssh_adjust ssh } else { ssl_ssh_adjust ssl } frame .b button .b.help -text "Help" -command help button .b.certs -text "Certs ..." -command getcerts button .b.opts -text "Options ..." -command set_options button .b.load -text "Load" -command {load_profile} button .b.save -text "Save" -command {save_profile} button .b.conn -text "Connect" -command launch button .b.exit -text "Exit" -command {destroy .; exit} if {$ssh_only || $ts_only} { pack .b.opts .b.save .b.load .b.conn .b.help .b.exit -side left -expand 1 -fill x } else { pack .b.certs .b.opts .b.save .b.load .b.conn .b.help .b.exit -side left -expand 1 -fill x } if {$multientry} { if {! $is_windows} { if {$ssh_only} { pack .l .f0 .f1 .f2 .f3 .b -side top -fill x } elseif {$ts_only} { pack .l .f0 .f2 .b -side top -fill x } else { pack .l .f0 .f1 .f2 .f3 .f4 .b -side top -fill x } } else { if {$ssh_only} { pack .l .f0 .f2 .f3 .b -side top -fill x } elseif {$ts_only} { pack .l .f0 .f2 .b -side top -fill x } else { pack .l .f0 .f2 .f3 .f4 .b -side top -fill x } } } else { pack .l .f0 .b -side top -fill x } if {![info exists env(SSVNC_GUI_CHILD)] || $env(SSVNC_GUI_CHILD) == ""} { center_win . } focus .f0.e wm deiconify . global system_button_face set system_button_face "" foreach item [.b.help configure -bg] { set system_button_face $item } if {[info exists env(SSVNC_GUI_CMD)]} { set env(SSVNC_GUI_CHILD) 1 bind . <Control-n> "exec $env(SSVNC_GUI_CMD) &" } bind . <Control-q> "destroy .; exit" bind . <Shift-Escape> "destroy .; exit" bind . <Control-s> "launch_shell_only" bind . <Control-p> {port_knock_only "" "KNOCK"} bind . <Control-P> {port_knock_only "" "FINISH"} bind . <Control-l> {load_profile} bind . <B3-ButtonRelease> {load_profile} bind . <Control-t> {toggle_tsonly} bind . <Control-d> {delete_profile} bind . <Shift-B3-ButtonRelease> {toggle_tsonly} bind . <Shift-B2-ButtonRelease> {toggle_tsonly} bind .l <Shift-ButtonRelease> {toggle_tsonly} bind . <Control-h> {toggle_sshonly} bind . <Control-T> {to_ssvnc} bind . <Control-a> {set_advanced_options} bind . <Control-o> {set_options} bind . <Control-u> {set_ssvncviewer_options} bind . <Control-e> {toggle_no_encryption} global entered_gui_top button_gui_top set entered_gui_top 0 set button_gui_top 0 bind . <Enter> {set entered_gui_top 1} bind .l <ButtonPress> {set button_gui_top 1} bind .f0.l <ButtonPress> {set button_gui_top 1} update mac_raise set didload 0 for {set i 0} {$i < $argc} {incr i} { set item [lindex $argv $i] regsub {^--} $item "-" item if {$item == "."} { ; } elseif {$item == "-nv"} { set always_verify_ssl 0 } elseif {$item == "-help"} { help } elseif {$item == "-ssh"} { ; } elseif {$item == "-bigger"} { ; } elseif {$item == "-ts"} { ; } elseif {$item == "-ss"} { ; } elseif {$item == "-ssl"} { ; } elseif {$item == "-tso"} { ; } elseif {$item == "-mycert" || $item == "-cert"} { incr i } elseif {$item == "-cacert" || $item == "-ca"} { incr i } elseif {$item == "-crl"} { incr i } elseif {$item == "-printhelp"} { print_help exit; } elseif {$item != ""} { if {[file exists $item] && [file isfile $item]} { set didload 1 load_profile . $item } else { set ok 0 set dir [get_profiles_dir] set try "$dir/$item" foreach try [list $dir/$item $dir/$item.vnc] { if {[file exists $try] && [file isfile $try]} { load_profile . $try set ok 1 break; } } if {! $ok && [regexp {:[0-9][0-9]*$} $item]} { global vncdisplay set vncdisplay $item set ok 1 } if {! $ok} { if {$ts_only || $ssh_only} { global vncdisplay set vncdisplay $item set ok 1 } } if {$ok} { update set didload 1 if [info exists env(SSVNC_PROFILE_LOADONLY)] { if {$env(SSVNC_PROFILE_LOADONLY) == "1"} { set ok 0 } } if {$ok} { after 750 launch } } } } }