/* * Release: 1.3.1 2009-04-26 */ /* * Copyright (c) Andr?e Hansson (peolanha AT gmail DOT com) * MIT License - http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * Idea loosely based on JASH, http://billyreisinger.com/jash/ * * Website: http://gridder.andreehansson.se/ * * Changelog: * - New GUI! The new GUI should be less obtrusive and has been repositioned. * It is also featuring a slight delay on inputs so that you'll have a chance * to change the settings before it is re-rendering the grid * - Due to a lot of inquries regarding affiliation with jQuery the filenames has * been changed, I'm very sorry for the inconvenience! * - CSS issues with the GUI should also be fixed in more websites, please report * in any issue you stumble upon * - A small bug in IE that made the paragraph lines not position correctly has been * fixed * - A dropdown box has replaced the columns input box, 960 Gridder calculates the * proper number of columns that can be used with the specified grid width * - The 960 Gridder is now displaying perfectly (into the very pixels) in all * A-grade browsers (according to browsershots.org) * - An option to invert the gutters has been added, set this to 'true' if * you want to use it, OR use the shortcut CTRL+ALT+A * - Some other minor changes... */ function Grid() { var c = this; c.settingsDef = { urlBase: "http://gridder.andreehansson.se/releases/1.3.1/", gColor: "#EEEEEE", gColumns: 12, gOpacity: 0.45, gWidth: 10, pColor: "#C0C0C0", pHeight: 15, pOffset: 0, pOpacity: 0.55, center: true, invert: false, gEnabled: true, pEnabled: true, size: 960, fixFlash: true, setupEnabled: true, pressedKeys: [], delayTimer: "" }; c.settings = (typeof (window.gOverride) === "undefined") ? {} : window.gOverride; for (var a in c.settingsDef) { if (typeof (c.settings[a]) === "undefined") { c.settings[a] = c.settingsDef[a]; } } if (typeof (window.jQuery) === "undefined" || jQuery().jquery.match(/^1\.3/) === null) { window.jQuery = undefined; var b = document.createElement("script"); b.type = "text/javascript"; b.src = c.settings.urlBase + "jquery.js"; document.body.appendChild(b); } c._createEntity = function (e, d) { jQuery('<div class="g-' + e + '"> </div>').appendTo("#g-grid").css(d); }; c._setVariable = function (d, e) { d = d.replace(/g-setup-/, ""); if (isNaN(parseInt(e, 10)) || parseInt(e, 10) === 0) { c.settings[d] = e; } else { c.settings[d] = parseInt(e, 10); } if (e === true) { jQuery("#g-setup-" + d).attr("checked", "checked"); } else { if (e === false) { jQuery("#g-setup-" + d).removeAttr("checked"); } else { jQuery("#g-setup-" + d).val(e); } } }; c.setupWindow = function () { jQuery('<style type"text/css">#g-setup{position:absolute;top:150px;left:-310px;padding:6px;margin:0;list-style:none;width:320px!important;background-color:#d1cfe6;border:2px solid #a19bd1;z-index:2100; display:none;}#g-setup *{background:transparent!important;border:0!important;color:#58517c!important;font-family:Verdana,Geneva,sans-serif!important;font-size:10px!important;font-weight:normal!important;letter-spacing:normal!important;line-height:1!important;list-style-type:none!important;margin:0!important;padding:0!important;text-decoration:none!important;text-indent:0!important;text-transform:none!important;word-spacing:0!important;z-index:2100!important;}#g-setup .head{font-weight:bold!important;text-align:center;border-bottom:1px solid #7cb267!important;}#g-setup ul{width:150px;float:left!important;}#g-setup li{clear:left;padding:5px!important;}* html #g-setup li{clear:none!important;padding:4px!important;}#g-setup span{float:left!important;width:50px;padding:1px 4px 0 0!important;text-align:right!important;line-height:1.5!important;}#g-setup input,#g-setup select{float:left!important;width:70px;border:1px solid #a19bd1!important;background-color:#e7e6ee!important;padding:2px!important;}#g-setup select{width:77px;padding:0!important;}#g-setup-misc{margin-top:5px!important;clear:left;float:none!important;width:300px!important;border-top:1px solid #7cb267!important;}#g-setup-misc span{line-height:1.1!important;width:200px;}#g-setup-misc input{width:15px;padding:0!important;height:15px;}#g-setup-tab{width:26px;overflow:hidden;position:absolute;top:0;left:100%;margin-left:-26px!important;z-index:2100!important;}#g-setup-tab img{left:0;position:relative;}#g-grid{left:0;position:absolute;z-index:500;top:0;}#g-grid .g-vertical,#g-grid .g-horizontal{position:absolute;z-index:1000;}*:first-child+html #g-grid .g-horizontal,*:first-child+html #g-grid .g-vertical{margin-left:-1px;}#g-grid .g-horizontal{min-height:1px;height:1px;font-size:0;line-height:0;}</style>').appendTo("head"); c.settings.height = jQuery(document).height(); if (c.settings.setupEnabled) { jQuery('<div id="g-setup"><ul><li class="head">Vertical</li><li><span>Color</span><input id="g-setup-gColor" /></li><li><span>Opacity</span><input id="g-setup-gOpacity" /></li><li><span>Width</span><input id="g-setup-gWidth" /></li><li><span>Columns</span><select id="g-setup-gColumns"></select></li></ul><ul><li class="head">Horizontal</li><li><span>Color</span><input id="g-setup-pColor" /></li><li><span>Opacity</span><input id="g-setup-pOpacity" /></li><li><span>Height</span><input id="g-setup-pHeight" /></li><li><span>Offset</span><input id="g-setup-pOffset" /></li></ul><ul id="g-setup-misc"><li><span>Enable vertical (gutters)</span><input id="g-setup-gEnabled" type="checkbox" /></li><li><span>Enable horizontal (paragraphs)</span><input id="g-setup-pEnabled" type="checkbox" /></li><li><span>Invert vertical</span><input id="g-setup-invert" type="checkbox" /></li><li><span>Center grid</span><input id="g-setup-center" type="checkbox" /></li></ul><div style="clear: left;"></div><div id="g-setup-tab"><a href="javascript:;"><img src="http://gridder.andreehansson.se/releases/1.3.1/logo-sprite.png" alt="" /></a></div></div>').appendTo("body"); for (var d = 2; d < 48; d++) { if (Math.round((c.settings.size / d)) === (c.settings.size / d)) { jQuery('<option value="' + d + '">' + d + "</option>").appendTo("#g-setup-gColumns"); } } for (var d in c.settings) { if (jQuery("#g-setup-" + d).length !== 0) { if (jQuery("#g-setup-" + d).parent().parent().is("#g-setup-misc") && c.settings[d]) { jQuery("#g-setup-" + d).attr("checked", "checked"); } else { jQuery("#g-setup-" + d).val(c.settings[d]); } } } jQuery("#g-setup").css("top", jQuery(window).scrollTop() + 150); jQuery("#g-setup-tab a").click(function () { c.toggleSetupWindow(); }); jQuery("#g-setup input").keyup(function () { var e = this; clearTimeout(c.settings.delayTimer); c.settings.delayTimer = setTimeout(function () { c.setVariable(jQuery(e).attr("id"), jQuery(e).val()); }, 700); }); jQuery("#g-setup-gColumns").change(function () { c.setVariable("gColumns", $(this).val()); }); jQuery("#g-setup-misc input").click(function () { c.setVariable(jQuery(this).attr("id"), jQuery(this).attr("checked")); }); jQuery().keydown(function (f) { if (jQuery.inArray(f.which, c.settings.pressedKeys) === -1) { c.settings.pressedKeys.push(f.which); } }); jQuery(window).scroll(function () { jQuery("#g-setup").css("top", jQuery().scrollTop() + 150); }); } jQuery().keyup(function (g) { if (jQuery.inArray(17, c.settings.pressedKeys) !== -1 && jQuery.inArray(18, c.settings.pressedKeys) !== -1) { if (jQuery.inArray(90, c.settings.pressedKeys) !== -1) { c.setVariable("gEnabled", !c.settings.gEnabled); } else { if (jQuery.inArray(88, c.settings.pressedKeys) !== -1) { c.setVariable("pEnabled", !c.settings.pEnabled); } else { if (jQuery.inArray(65, c.settings.pressedKeys) !== -1) { c.setVariable("invert", !c.settings.invert); } else { if (jQuery.inArray(67, c.settings.pressedKeys) !== -1) { c.setVariable({ gEnabled: !c.settings.gEnabled, pEnabled: !c.settings.pEnabled }); } } } } } var f = jQuery.inArray(g.which, c.settings.pressedKeys); c.settings.pressedKeys.splice(f, f); }); }; c.setVariable = function () { if (typeof (arguments[0]) === "object") { for (var d in arguments[0]) { c._setVariable(d, arguments[0][d]); } } else { c._setVariable(arguments[0], arguments[1]); } c.createGrid(); }; c.toggleSetupWindow = function () { var d = jQuery("#g-setup-tab img"); d.css("left", d.position().left === 0 ? -26 : 0); if (parseInt(jQuery("#g-setup").css("left"), 10) === 0) { jQuery("#g-setup").animate({ left: -310 }, 200); } else { jQuery("#g-setup").animate({ left: 0 }, 200); } }; c.createGrid = function () { jQuery("embed").each(function () { if (c.settings.fixFlash) { jQuery(this).attr("wmode", "transparent"); } else { jQuery(this).removeAttr("wmode"); } var i = jQuery(this).wrap("<div></div>").parent().html(); jQuery(this).parent().replaceWith(i); jQuery(this).remove(); }); jQuery("#g-grid").remove(); jQuery('<div id="g-grid"></div>').appendTo("body").css("width", c.settings.size); if (c.settings.center) { jQuery("#g-grid").css({ left: "50%", marginLeft: -((c.settings.size / 2) + c.settings.gWidth) }); } if (c.settings.gEnabled && c.settings.gColumns > 0) { if (c.settings.invert) { jQuery().css("overflow-x", "hidden"); var e = (jQuery(window).width() - c.settings.size) / 2; c._createEntity("vertical", { left: -e, width: e, height: c.settings.height, backgroundColor: c.settings.gColor, opacity: c.settings.gOpacity }); for (var g = 0; g < c.settings.gColumns; g++) { var f = (c.settings.size / c.settings.gColumns) - (c.settings.gWidth * 2); var h = (c.settings.gWidth * 2); c._createEntity("vertical", { left: ((f + h) * g) + h, width: f + "px", height: c.settings.height, backgroundColor: c.settings.gColor, opacity: c.settings.gOpacity }); } if ((c.settings.height + 10) > jQuery(window).height()) { e -= 10; } c._createEntity("vertical", { left: "100%", marginLeft: 20, width: e, height: c.settings.height, backgroundColor: c.settings.gColor, opacity: c.settings.gOpacity }); } else { for (var g = 0; g <= c.settings.gColumns; g++) { c._createEntity("vertical", { left: ((c.settings.size / c.settings.gColumns) * g), width: (c.settings.gWidth * 2), height: c.settings.height, backgroundColor: c.settings.gColor, opacity: c.settings.gOpacity }); } } } if (c.settings.pEnabled && c.settings.pHeight > 1) { var d = ((c.settings.height - c.settings.pOffset) / c.settings.pHeight); for (g = 0; g <= d; g++) { c._createEntity("horizontal", { top: ((c.settings.height / d) * g) + c.settings.pOffset, left: "50%", marginLeft: -(c.settings.size / 2), width: (c.settings.size + (c.settings.gWidth * 2)), backgroundColor: c.settings.pColor, opacity: c.settings.pOpacity }); } } }; } var checkJQuery = function () { if (typeof (window.jQuery) === "undefined") { setTimeout(function () { checkJQuery(); }, 10); } else { window.grid.setupWindow(); window.grid.createGrid(); } }; if (typeof (window.grid) === "undefined") { window.grid = new Grid(); checkJQuery(); } else { window.grid.toggleSetupWindow(); }