 * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


#include <iosfwd>

namespace art {
namespace arm64 {

// Values for GP XRegisters - 64bit registers.
enum XRegister {
  X0  =  0,
  X1  =  1,
  X2  =  2,
  X3  =  3,
  X4  =  4,
  X5  =  5,
  X6  =  6,
  X7  =  7,
  X8  =  8,
  X9  =  9,
  X10 = 10,
  X11 = 11,
  X12 = 12,
  X13 = 13,
  X14 = 14,
  X15 = 15,
  X16 = 16,
  X17 = 17,
  X18 = 18,
  X19 = 19,
  X20 = 20,
  X21 = 21,
  X22 = 22,
  X23 = 23,
  X24 = 24,
  X25 = 25,
  X26 = 26,
  X27 = 27,
  X28 = 28,
  X29 = 29,
  X30 = 30,
  SP  = 31,      // SP and XZR are encoded in instructions using the register
  XZR = 32,      // code `31`, the context deciding which is used. We use a
                 // different enum value to distinguish between the two.
  kNumberOfXRegisters = 33,
  // Aliases.
  TR  = X18,     // ART Thread Register - Managed Runtime (Caller Saved Reg)
  ETR = X21,     // ART Thread Register - External Calls  (Callee Saved Reg)
  IP0 = X16,     // Used as scratch by VIXL.
  IP1 = X17,     // Used as scratch by ART JNI Assembler.
  FP  = X29,
  LR  = X30,
  kNoRegister = -1,
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const XRegister& rhs);

// Values for GP WRegisters - 32bit registers.
enum WRegister {
  W0  =  0,
  W1  =  1,
  W2  =  2,
  W3  =  3,
  W4  =  4,
  W5  =  5,
  W6  =  6,
  W7  =  7,
  W8  =  8,
  W9  =  9,
  W10 = 10,
  W11 = 11,
  W12 = 12,
  W13 = 13,
  W14 = 14,
  W15 = 15,
  W16 = 16,
  W17 = 17,
  W18 = 18,
  W19 = 19,
  W20 = 20,
  W21 = 21,
  W22 = 22,
  W23 = 23,
  W24 = 24,
  W25 = 25,
  W26 = 26,
  W27 = 27,
  W28 = 28,
  W29 = 29,
  W30 = 30,
  WSP = 31,
  WZR = 32,
  kNumberOfWRegisters = 33,
  kNoWRegister = -1,
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const WRegister& rhs);

// Values for FP DRegisters - double precision floating point.
enum DRegister {
  D0  =  0,
  D1  =  1,
  D2  =  2,
  D3  =  3,
  D4  =  4,
  D5  =  5,
  D6  =  6,
  D7  =  7,
  D8  =  8,
  D9  =  9,
  D10 = 10,
  D11 = 11,
  D12 = 12,
  D13 = 13,
  D14 = 14,
  D15 = 15,
  D16 = 16,
  D17 = 17,
  D18 = 18,
  D19 = 19,
  D20 = 20,
  D21 = 21,
  D22 = 22,
  D23 = 23,
  D24 = 24,
  D25 = 25,
  D26 = 26,
  D27 = 27,
  D28 = 28,
  D29 = 29,
  D30 = 30,
  D31 = 31,
  kNumberOfDRegisters = 32,
  kNoDRegister = -1,
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const DRegister& rhs);

// Values for FP SRegisters - single precision floating point.
enum SRegister {
  S0  =  0,
  S1  =  1,
  S2  =  2,
  S3  =  3,
  S4  =  4,
  S5  =  5,
  S6  =  6,
  S7  =  7,
  S8  =  8,
  S9  =  9,
  S10 = 10,
  S11 = 11,
  S12 = 12,
  S13 = 13,
  S14 = 14,
  S15 = 15,
  S16 = 16,
  S17 = 17,
  S18 = 18,
  S19 = 19,
  S20 = 20,
  S21 = 21,
  S22 = 22,
  S23 = 23,
  S24 = 24,
  S25 = 25,
  S26 = 26,
  S27 = 27,
  S28 = 28,
  S29 = 29,
  S30 = 30,
  S31 = 31,
  kNumberOfSRegisters = 32,
  kNoSRegister = -1,
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const SRegister& rhs);

}  // namespace arm64
}  // namespace art