* Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <jni.h>
#include "fmr.h"
#ifdef LOG_TAG
#undef LOG_TAG
static int g_idx = -1;
extern struct fmr_ds fmr_data;
jboolean openDev(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz)
int ret = 0;
ret = FMR_open_dev(g_idx); // if success, then ret = 0; else ret < 0
LOGD("%s, [ret=%d]\n", __func__, ret);
return ret?JNI_FALSE:JNI_TRUE;
jboolean closeDev(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz)
int ret = 0;
ret = FMR_close_dev(g_idx);
LOGD("%s, [ret=%d]\n", __func__, ret);
return ret?JNI_FALSE:JNI_TRUE;
jboolean powerUp(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz, jfloat freq)
int ret = 0;
int tmp_freq;
LOGI("%s, [freq=%d]\n", __func__, (int)freq);
tmp_freq = (int)(freq * 10); //Eg, 87.5 * 10 --> 875
ret = FMR_pwr_up(g_idx, tmp_freq);
LOGD("%s, [ret=%d]\n", __func__, ret);
return ret?JNI_FALSE:JNI_TRUE;
jboolean powerDown(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz, jint type)
int ret = 0;
ret = FMR_pwr_down(g_idx, type);
LOGD("%s, [ret=%d]\n", __func__, ret);
return ret?JNI_FALSE:JNI_TRUE;
jboolean tune(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz, jfloat freq)
int ret = 0;
int tmp_freq;
tmp_freq = (int)(freq * 10); //Eg, 87.5 * 10 --> 875
ret = FMR_tune(g_idx, tmp_freq);
LOGD("%s, [ret=%d]\n", __func__, ret);
return ret?JNI_FALSE:JNI_TRUE;
jfloat seek(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz, jfloat freq, jboolean isUp) //jboolean isUp;
int ret = 0;
int tmp_freq;
int ret_freq;
float val;
tmp_freq = (int)(freq * 100); //Eg, 87.55 * 100 --> 8755
ret = FMR_set_mute(g_idx, 1);
if (ret) {
LOGE("%s, error, [ret=%d]\n", __func__, ret);
LOGD("%s, [mute] [ret=%d]\n", __func__, ret);
ret = FMR_seek(g_idx, tmp_freq, (int)isUp, &ret_freq);
if (ret) {
ret_freq = tmp_freq; //seek error, so use original freq
LOGD("%s, [freq=%d] [ret=%d]\n", __func__, ret_freq, ret);
val = (float)ret_freq/100; //Eg, 8755 / 100 --> 87.55
return val;
jshortArray autoScan(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz)
#define FM_SCAN_CH_SIZE_MAX 200
int ret = 0;
jshortArray scanChlarray;
int chl_cnt = FM_SCAN_CH_SIZE_MAX;
uint16_t ScanTBL[FM_SCAN_CH_SIZE_MAX];
LOGI("%s, [tbl=%p]\n", __func__, ScanTBL);
ret = FMR_scan(g_idx, ScanTBL, &chl_cnt);
if (ret < 0) {
LOGE("scan failed!\n");
scanChlarray = NULL;
goto out;
if (chl_cnt > 0) {
scanChlarray = env->NewShortArray(chl_cnt);
env->SetShortArrayRegion(scanChlarray, 0, chl_cnt, (const jshort*)&ScanTBL[0]);
} else {
LOGE("cnt error, [cnt=%d]\n", chl_cnt);
scanChlarray = NULL;
if (fmr_data.scan_stop == fm_true) {
ret = FMR_tune(g_idx, fmr_data.cur_freq);
LOGI("scan stop!!! tune ret=%d",ret);
scanChlarray = NULL;
ret = -1;
LOGD("%s, [cnt=%d] [ret=%d]\n", __func__, chl_cnt, ret);
return scanChlarray;
jshort readRds(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz)
int ret = 0;
uint16_t status = 0;
ret = FMR_read_rds_data(g_idx, &status);
if (ret) {
//LOGE("%s,status = 0,[ret=%d]\n", __func__, ret);
status = 0; //there's no event or some error happened
return status;
jbyteArray getPs(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz)
int ret = 0;
jbyteArray PSname;
uint8_t *ps = NULL;
int ps_len = 0;
ret = FMR_get_ps(g_idx, &ps, &ps_len);
if (ret) {
LOGE("%s, error, [ret=%d]\n", __func__, ret);
return NULL;
PSname = env->NewByteArray(ps_len);
env->SetByteArrayRegion(PSname, 0, ps_len, (const jbyte*)ps);
LOGD("%s, [ret=%d]\n", __func__, ret);
return PSname;
jbyteArray getLrText(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz)
int ret = 0;
jbyteArray LastRadioText;
uint8_t *rt = NULL;
int rt_len = 0;
ret = FMR_get_rt(g_idx, &rt, &rt_len);
if (ret) {
LOGE("%s, error, [ret=%d]\n", __func__, ret);
return NULL;
LastRadioText = env->NewByteArray(rt_len);
env->SetByteArrayRegion(LastRadioText, 0, rt_len, (const jbyte*)rt);
LOGD("%s, [ret=%d]\n", __func__, ret);
return LastRadioText;
jshort activeAf(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz)
int ret = 0;
jshort ret_freq = 0;
ret = FMR_active_af(g_idx, (uint16_t*)&ret_freq);
if (ret) {
LOGE("%s, error, [ret=%d]\n", __func__, ret);
return 0;
LOGD("%s, [ret=%d]\n", __func__, ret);
return ret_freq;
jshortArray getAFList(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz)
int ret = 0;
jshortArray AFList;
char *af = NULL;
int af_len = 0;
//ret = FMR_get_af(g_idx, &af, &af_len); // If need, we should implemate this API
if (ret) {
LOGE("%s, error, [ret=%d]\n", __func__, ret);
return NULL;
AFList = env->NewShortArray(af_len);
env->SetShortArrayRegion(AFList, 0, af_len, (const jshort*)af);
LOGD("%s, [ret=%d]\n", __func__, ret);
return AFList;
jint setRds(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz, jboolean rdson)
int ret = 0;
int onoff = -1;
if (rdson == JNI_TRUE) {
onoff = FMR_RDS_ON;
} else {
onoff = FMR_RDS_OFF;
ret = FMR_turn_on_off_rds(g_idx, onoff);
if (ret) {
LOGE("%s, error, [ret=%d]\n", __func__, ret);
LOGD("%s, [onoff=%d] [ret=%d]\n", __func__, onoff, ret);
return ret?JNI_FALSE:JNI_TRUE;
jboolean stopScan(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz)
int ret = 0;
ret = FMR_stop_scan(g_idx);
if (ret) {
LOGE("%s, error, [ret=%d]\n", __func__, ret);
LOGD("%s, [ret=%d]\n", __func__, ret);
return ret?JNI_FALSE:JNI_TRUE;
jint setMute(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz, jboolean mute)
int ret = 0;
ret = FMR_set_mute(g_idx, (int)mute);
if (ret) {
LOGE("%s, error, [ret=%d]\n", __func__, ret);
LOGD("%s, [mute=%d] [ret=%d]\n", __func__, (int)mute, ret);
return ret?JNI_FALSE:JNI_TRUE;
* Inquiry if RDS is support in driver.
* Parameter:
* None
*Return Value:
* 1: support
* 0: NOT support
* -1: error
jint isRdsSupport(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz)
int ret = 0;
int supt = -1;
ret = FMR_is_rdsrx_support(g_idx, &supt);
if (ret) {
LOGE("%s, error, [ret=%d]\n", __func__, ret);
LOGD("%s, [supt=%d] [ret=%d]\n", __func__, supt, ret);
return supt;
* SwitchAntenna
* Parameter:
* antenna:
0 : switch to long antenna
1: switch to short antenna
*Return Value:
* 0: Success
* 1: Failed
* 2: Not support
jint switchAntenna(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz, jint antenna)
int ret = 0;
jint jret = 0;
int ana = -1;
if (0 == antenna) {
ana = FM_LONG_ANA;
} else if (1 == antenna) {
} else {
LOGE("%s:fail, para error\n", __func__);
jret = JNI_FALSE;
goto out;
ret = FMR_ana_switch(g_idx, ana);
if (ret == -ERR_UNSUPT_SHORTANA) {
LOGW("Not support switchAntenna\n");
jret = 2;
} else if (ret) {
LOGE("switchAntenna(), error\n");
jret = 1;
} else {
jret = 0;
LOGD("%s: [antenna=%d] [ret=%d]\n", __func__, ana, ret);
return jret;
static const char *classPathNameRx = "com/android/fmradio/FmNative";
static JNINativeMethod methodsRx[] = {
{"openDev", "()Z", (void*)openDev }, //1
{"closeDev", "()Z", (void*)closeDev }, //2
{"powerUp", "(F)Z", (void*)powerUp }, //3
{"powerDown", "(I)Z", (void*)powerDown }, //4
{"tune", "(F)Z", (void*)tune }, //5
{"seek", "(FZ)F", (void*)seek }, //6
{"autoScan", "()[S", (void*)autoScan }, //7
{"stopScan", "()Z", (void*)stopScan }, //8
{"setRds", "(Z)I", (void*)setRds }, //10
{"readRds", "()S", (void*)readRds }, //11 will pending here for get event status
{"getPs", "()[B", (void*)getPs }, //12
{"getLrText", "()[B", (void*)getLrText}, //13
{"activeAf", "()S", (void*)activeAf}, //14
{"setMute", "(Z)I", (void*)setMute}, //15
{"isRdsSupport", "()I", (void*)isRdsSupport}, //16
{"switchAntenna", "(I)I", (void*)switchAntenna}, //17
* Register several native methods for one class.
static jint registerNativeMethods(JNIEnv* env, const char* className,
JNINativeMethod* gMethods, int numMethods)
jclass clazz;
clazz = env->FindClass(className);
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
if (clazz == NULL) {
LOGE("Native registration unable to find class '%s'", className);
return JNI_FALSE;
if (env->RegisterNatives(clazz, gMethods, numMethods) < 0) {
LOGE("RegisterNatives failed for '%s'", className);
return JNI_FALSE;
LOGD("%s, success\n", __func__);
return JNI_TRUE;
* Register native methods for all classes we know about.
* returns JNI_TRUE on success.
static jint registerNatives(JNIEnv* env)
jint ret = JNI_FALSE;
if (registerNativeMethods(env, classPathNameRx,methodsRx,
sizeof(methodsRx) / sizeof(methodsRx[0]))) {
ret = JNI_TRUE;
LOGD("%s, done\n", __func__);
return ret;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* This is called by the VM when the shared library is first loaded.
typedef union {
JNIEnv* env;
void* venv;
} UnionJNIEnvToVoid;
jint JNI_OnLoad(JavaVM* vm, void* reserved)
UnionJNIEnvToVoid uenv;
uenv.venv = NULL;
jint result = -1;
JNIEnv* env = NULL;
if (vm->GetEnv(&uenv.venv, JNI_VERSION_1_4) != JNI_OK) {
LOGE("ERROR: GetEnv failed");
goto fail;
env = uenv.env;
if (registerNatives(env) != JNI_TRUE) {
LOGE("ERROR: registerNatives failed");
goto fail;
if ((g_idx = FMR_init()) < 0) {
goto fail;
result = JNI_VERSION_1_4;
return result;