/*--- begin host_ppc_defs.h ---*/
This file is part of Valgrind, a dynamic binary instrumentation
Copyright (C) 2004-2013 OpenWorks LLP
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
02110-1301, USA.
The GNU General Public License is contained in the file COPYING.
Neither the names of the U.S. Department of Energy nor the
University of California nor the names of its contributors may be
used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
without prior written permission.
#include "libvex_basictypes.h"
#include "libvex.h" // VexArch
#include "host_generic_regs.h" // HReg
/* Num registers used for function calls */
#define PPC_N_REGPARMS 8
/* --------- Registers. --------- */
/* The usual HReg abstraction. There are 32 real int regs,
32 real float regs, and 32 real vector regs.
extern void ppHRegPPC ( HReg );
extern HReg hregPPC_GPR0 ( Bool mode64 ); // scratch reg / zero reg
extern HReg hregPPC_GPR1 ( Bool mode64 ); // Stack Frame Pointer
extern HReg hregPPC_GPR2 ( Bool mode64 ); // not used: TOC pointer
extern HReg hregPPC_GPR3 ( Bool mode64 );
extern HReg hregPPC_GPR4 ( Bool mode64 );
extern HReg hregPPC_GPR5 ( Bool mode64 );
extern HReg hregPPC_GPR6 ( Bool mode64 );
extern HReg hregPPC_GPR7 ( Bool mode64 );
extern HReg hregPPC_GPR8 ( Bool mode64 );
extern HReg hregPPC_GPR9 ( Bool mode64 );
extern HReg hregPPC_GPR10 ( Bool mode64 );
extern HReg hregPPC_GPR11 ( Bool mode64 );
extern HReg hregPPC_GPR12 ( Bool mode64 );
extern HReg hregPPC_GPR13 ( Bool mode64 );
extern HReg hregPPC_GPR14 ( Bool mode64 );
extern HReg hregPPC_GPR15 ( Bool mode64 );
extern HReg hregPPC_GPR16 ( Bool mode64 );
extern HReg hregPPC_GPR17 ( Bool mode64 );
extern HReg hregPPC_GPR18 ( Bool mode64 );
extern HReg hregPPC_GPR19 ( Bool mode64 );
extern HReg hregPPC_GPR20 ( Bool mode64 );
extern HReg hregPPC_GPR21 ( Bool mode64 );
extern HReg hregPPC_GPR22 ( Bool mode64 );
extern HReg hregPPC_GPR23 ( Bool mode64 );
extern HReg hregPPC_GPR24 ( Bool mode64 );
extern HReg hregPPC_GPR25 ( Bool mode64 );
extern HReg hregPPC_GPR26 ( Bool mode64 );
extern HReg hregPPC_GPR27 ( Bool mode64 );
extern HReg hregPPC_GPR28 ( Bool mode64 );
extern HReg hregPPC_GPR29 ( Bool mode64 ); // reserved for dispatcher
extern HReg hregPPC_GPR30 ( Bool mode64 ); // used as VMX spill temp
extern HReg hregPPC_GPR31 ( Bool mode64 ); // GuestStatePtr (callee-saved)
extern HReg hregPPC_FPR0 ( void );
extern HReg hregPPC_FPR1 ( void );
extern HReg hregPPC_FPR2 ( void );
extern HReg hregPPC_FPR3 ( void );
extern HReg hregPPC_FPR4 ( void );
extern HReg hregPPC_FPR5 ( void );
extern HReg hregPPC_FPR6 ( void );
extern HReg hregPPC_FPR7 ( void );
extern HReg hregPPC_FPR8 ( void );
extern HReg hregPPC_FPR9 ( void );
extern HReg hregPPC_FPR10 ( void );
extern HReg hregPPC_FPR11 ( void );
extern HReg hregPPC_FPR12 ( void );
extern HReg hregPPC_FPR13 ( void );
extern HReg hregPPC_FPR14 ( void );
extern HReg hregPPC_FPR15 ( void );
extern HReg hregPPC_FPR16 ( void );
extern HReg hregPPC_FPR17 ( void );
extern HReg hregPPC_FPR18 ( void );
extern HReg hregPPC_FPR19 ( void );
extern HReg hregPPC_FPR20 ( void );
extern HReg hregPPC_FPR21 ( void );
extern HReg hregPPC_FPR22 ( void );
extern HReg hregPPC_FPR23 ( void );
extern HReg hregPPC_FPR24 ( void );
extern HReg hregPPC_FPR25 ( void );
extern HReg hregPPC_FPR26 ( void );
extern HReg hregPPC_FPR27 ( void );
extern HReg hregPPC_FPR28 ( void );
extern HReg hregPPC_FPR29 ( void );
extern HReg hregPPC_FPR30 ( void );
extern HReg hregPPC_FPR31 ( void );
extern HReg hregPPC_VR0 ( void );
extern HReg hregPPC_VR1 ( void );
extern HReg hregPPC_VR2 ( void );
extern HReg hregPPC_VR3 ( void );
extern HReg hregPPC_VR4 ( void );
extern HReg hregPPC_VR5 ( void );
extern HReg hregPPC_VR6 ( void );
extern HReg hregPPC_VR7 ( void );
extern HReg hregPPC_VR8 ( void );
extern HReg hregPPC_VR9 ( void );
extern HReg hregPPC_VR10 ( void );
extern HReg hregPPC_VR11 ( void );
extern HReg hregPPC_VR12 ( void );
extern HReg hregPPC_VR13 ( void );
extern HReg hregPPC_VR14 ( void );
extern HReg hregPPC_VR15 ( void );
extern HReg hregPPC_VR16 ( void );
extern HReg hregPPC_VR17 ( void );
extern HReg hregPPC_VR18 ( void );
extern HReg hregPPC_VR19 ( void );
extern HReg hregPPC_VR20 ( void );
extern HReg hregPPC_VR21 ( void );
extern HReg hregPPC_VR22 ( void );
extern HReg hregPPC_VR23 ( void );
extern HReg hregPPC_VR24 ( void );
extern HReg hregPPC_VR25 ( void );
extern HReg hregPPC_VR26 ( void );
extern HReg hregPPC_VR27 ( void );
extern HReg hregPPC_VR28 ( void );
extern HReg hregPPC_VR29 ( void );
extern HReg hregPPC_VR30 ( void );
extern HReg hregPPC_VR31 ( void );
#define StackFramePtr(_mode64) hregPPC_GPR1(_mode64)
#define GuestStatePtr(_mode64) hregPPC_GPR31(_mode64)
/* --------- Condition codes --------- */
/* This gives names from bitfields in CR; hence it names BI numbers */
/* Using IBM/hardware indexing convention */
enum {
// CR7, which we use for integer compares
Pcf_7LT = 28, /* neg | lt */
Pcf_7GT = 29, /* pos | gt */
Pcf_7EQ = 30, /* zero | equal */
Pcf_7SO = 31, /* summary overflow */
Pcf_NONE = 32 /* no condition; used with Pct_ALWAYS */
enum { /* Maps bc bitfield BO */
Pct_FALSE = 0x4, /* associated PPCCondFlag must not be Pcf_NONE */
Pct_TRUE = 0xC, /* associated PPCCondFlag must not be Pcf_NONE */
Pct_ALWAYS = 0x14 /* associated PPCCondFlag must be Pcf_NONE */
struct {
PPCCondFlag flag;
PPCCondTest test;
extern const HChar* showPPCCondCode ( PPCCondCode );
/* constructor */
extern PPCCondCode mk_PPCCondCode ( PPCCondTest, PPCCondFlag );
/* false->true, true->false */
extern PPCCondTest invertCondTest ( PPCCondTest );
/* --------- Memory address expressions (amodes). --------- */
enum {
Pam_IR=1, /* Immediate (signed 16-bit) + Reg */
Pam_RR=2 /* Reg1 + Reg2 */
struct {
PPCAModeTag tag;
union {
struct {
HReg base;
Int index;
} IR;
struct {
HReg base;
HReg index;
} RR;
} Pam;
extern PPCAMode* PPCAMode_IR ( Int, HReg );
extern PPCAMode* PPCAMode_RR ( HReg, HReg );
extern PPCAMode* dopyPPCAMode ( PPCAMode* );
extern void ppPPCAMode ( PPCAMode* );
/* --------- Operand, which can be a reg or a u16/s16. --------- */
/* ("RH" == "Register or Halfword immediate") */
enum {
struct {
PPCRHTag tag;
union {
struct {
Bool syned;
UShort imm16;
} Imm;
struct {
HReg reg;
} Reg;
extern PPCRH* PPCRH_Imm ( Bool, UShort );
extern PPCRH* PPCRH_Reg ( HReg );
extern void ppPPCRH ( PPCRH* );
/* --------- Operand, which can be a reg or a u32/64. --------- */
enum {
struct {
PPCRITag tag;
union {
ULong Imm;
HReg Reg;
extern PPCRI* PPCRI_Imm ( ULong );
extern PPCRI* PPCRI_Reg( HReg );
extern void ppPPCRI ( PPCRI* );
/* --------- Operand, which can be a vector reg or a s6. --------- */
/* ("VI" == "Vector Register or Immediate") */
enum {
struct {
PPCVI5sTag tag;
union {
Char Imm5s;
HReg Reg;
extern PPCVI5s* PPCVI5s_Imm ( Char );
extern PPCVI5s* PPCVI5s_Reg ( HReg );
extern void ppPPCVI5s ( PPCVI5s* );
/* --------- Instructions. --------- */
/* --------- */
enum {
extern const HChar* showPPCUnaryOp ( PPCUnaryOp );
/* --------- */
enum {
Palu_ADD, Palu_SUB,
Palu_AND, Palu_OR, Palu_XOR,
const HChar* showPPCAluOp ( PPCAluOp,
Bool /* is the 2nd operand an immediate? */);
/* --------- */
enum {
Pshft_SHL, Pshft_SHR, Pshft_SAR,
const HChar* showPPCShftOp ( PPCShftOp,
Bool /* is the 2nd operand an immediate? */,
Bool /* is this a 32bit or 64bit op? */ );
/* --------- */
enum {
/* Ternary */
/* Binary */
/* Unary */
Pfp_SQRT, Pfp_ABS, Pfp_NEG, Pfp_MOV, Pfp_RES, Pfp_RSQRTE,
extern const HChar* showPPCFpOp ( PPCFpOp );
/* --------- */
enum {
/* Integer Unary */
Pav_MOV, /* Mov */
Pav_NOT, /* Bitwise */
Pav_UNPCKH8S, Pav_UNPCKH16S, /* Unpack */
/* Integer Binary */
Pav_AND, Pav_OR, Pav_XOR, /* Bitwise */
/* Compare (always affects CR field 6) */
/* Shift */
Pav_SHL, Pav_SHR, Pav_SAR, Pav_ROTL,
/* Pack */
/* Merge */
/* Concatenation */
/* Polynomial Multipy-Add */
/* Cipher */
/* Hash */
Pav_SHA256, Pav_SHA512,
/* BCD Arithmetic */
Pav_BCDAdd, Pav_BCDSub,
/* zero count */
/* Vector bit matrix transpose by byte */
extern const HChar* showPPCAvOp ( PPCAvOp );
/* --------- */
enum {
/* Floating point binary */
Pavfp_ADDF, Pavfp_SUBF, Pavfp_MULF,
Pavfp_MAXF, Pavfp_MINF,
/* Floating point unary */
Pavfp_RCPF, Pavfp_RSQRTF,
Pavfp_CVTU2F, Pavfp_CVTS2F, Pavfp_QCVTF2U, Pavfp_QCVTF2S,
extern const HChar* showPPCAvFpOp ( PPCAvFpOp );
/* --------- */
enum {
Pin_LI, /* load word (32/64-bit) immediate (fake insn) */
Pin_Alu, /* word add/sub/and/or/xor */
Pin_Shft, /* word shl/shr/sar */
Pin_AddSubC, /* add/sub with read/write carry */
Pin_Cmp, /* word compare */
Pin_Unary, /* not, neg, clz */
Pin_MulL, /* widening multiply */
Pin_Div, /* div */
Pin_Call, /* call to address in register */
Pin_XDirect, /* direct transfer to GA */
Pin_XIndir, /* indirect transfer to GA */
Pin_XAssisted, /* assisted transfer to GA */
Pin_CMov, /* conditional move */
Pin_Load, /* zero-extending load a 8|16|32|64 bit value from mem */
Pin_LoadL, /* load-linked (lwarx/ldarx) 32|64 bit value from mem */
Pin_Store, /* store a 8|16|32|64 bit value to mem */
Pin_StoreC, /* store-conditional (stwcx./stdcx.) 32|64 bit val */
Pin_Set, /* convert condition code to value 0 or 1 */
Pin_MfCR, /* move from condition register to GPR */
Pin_MFence, /* mem fence */
Pin_FpUnary, /* FP unary op */
Pin_FpBinary, /* FP binary op */
Pin_FpMulAcc, /* FP multipy-accumulate style op */
Pin_FpLdSt, /* FP load/store */
Pin_FpSTFIW, /* stfiwx */
Pin_FpRSP, /* FP round IEEE754 double to IEEE754 single */
Pin_FpCftI, /* fcfid[u,s,us]/fctid[u]/fctiw[u] */
Pin_FpCMov, /* FP floating point conditional move */
Pin_FpLdFPSCR, /* mtfsf */
Pin_FpCmp, /* FP compare, generating value into int reg */
Pin_RdWrLR, /* Read/Write Link Register */
Pin_AvLdSt, /* AV load/store (kludging for AMode_IR) */
Pin_AvUnary, /* AV unary general reg=>reg */
Pin_AvBinary, /* AV binary general reg,reg=>reg */
Pin_AvBin8x16, /* AV binary, 8x4 */
Pin_AvBin16x8, /* AV binary, 16x4 */
Pin_AvBin32x4, /* AV binary, 32x4 */
Pin_AvBin64x2, /* AV binary, 64x2 */
Pin_AvBin32Fx4, /* AV FP binary, 32Fx4 */
Pin_AvUn32Fx4, /* AV FP unary, 32Fx4 */
Pin_AvPerm, /* AV permute (shuffle) */
Pin_AvSel, /* AV select */
Pin_AvShlDbl, /* AV shift-left double by imm */
Pin_AvSplat, /* One elem repeated throughout dst */
Pin_AvLdVSCR, /* mtvscr */
Pin_AvCMov, /* AV conditional move */
Pin_AvCipherV128Unary, /* AV Vector unary Cipher */
Pin_AvCipherV128Binary, /* AV Vector binary Cipher */
Pin_AvHashV128Binary, /* AV Vector binary Hash */
Pin_AvBCDV128Trinary, /* BCD Arithmetic */
Pin_Dfp64Unary, /* DFP64 unary op */
Pin_Dfp128Unary, /* DFP128 unary op */
Pin_DfpShift, /* Decimal floating point shift by immediate value */
Pin_Dfp64Binary, /* DFP64 binary op */
Pin_Dfp128Binary, /* DFP128 binary op */
Pin_DfpShift128, /* 128-bit Decimal floating point shift by
* immediate value */
Pin_DfpD128toD64, /* DFP 128 to DFP 64 op */
Pin_DfpI64StoD128, /* DFP signed integer to DFP 128 */
Pin_DfpRound, /* D64 round to D64 */
Pin_DfpRound128, /* D128 round to D128 */
Pin_ExtractExpD128, /* DFP, extract 64 bit exponent */
Pin_InsertExpD128, /* DFP, insert 64 bit exponent and 128 bit binary
* significand into a DFP 128-bit value*/
Pin_Dfp64Cmp, /* DFP 64-bit compare, generating value into
* int reg */
Pin_Dfp128Cmp, /* DFP 128-bit compare, generating value into
* int reg */
Pin_DfpQuantize, /* D64 quantize using register value, significance
* round */
Pin_DfpQuantize128, /* D128 quantize using register value, significance
* round */
Pin_EvCheck, /* Event check */
Pin_ProfInc /* 64-bit profile counter increment */
/* Destinations are on the LEFT (first operand) */
struct {
PPCInstrTag tag;
union {
/* Get a 32/64-bit literal into a register.
May turn into a number of real insns. */
struct {
HReg dst;
ULong imm64;
} LI;
/* Integer add/sub/and/or/xor. Limitations:
- For add, the immediate, if it exists, is a signed 16.
- For sub, the immediate, if it exists, is a signed 16
which may not be -32768, since no such instruction
exists, and so we have to emit addi with +32768, but
that is not possible.
- For and/or/xor, the immediate, if it exists,
is an unsigned 16.
struct {
PPCAluOp op;
HReg dst;
HReg srcL;
PPCRH* srcR;
} Alu;
/* Integer shl/shr/sar.
Limitations: the immediate, if it exists,
is a signed 5-bit value between 1 and 31 inclusive.
struct {
PPCShftOp op;
Bool sz32; /* mode64 has both 32 and 64bit shft */
HReg dst;
HReg srcL;
PPCRH* srcR;
} Shft;
/* */
struct {
Bool isAdd; /* else sub */
Bool setC; /* else read carry */
HReg dst;
HReg srcL;
HReg srcR;
} AddSubC;
/* If signed, the immediate, if it exists, is a signed 16,
else it is an unsigned 16. */
struct {
Bool syned;
Bool sz32; /* mode64 has both 32 and 64bit cmp */
UInt crfD;
HReg srcL;
PPCRH* srcR;
} Cmp;
/* Not, Neg, Clz32/64, Extsw */
struct {
PPCUnaryOp op;
HReg dst;
HReg src;
} Unary;
struct {
Bool syned; /* meaningless if hi32==False */
Bool hi; /* False=>low, True=>high */
Bool sz32; /* mode64 has both 32 & 64bit mull */
HReg dst;
HReg srcL;
HReg srcR;
} MulL;
/* ppc32 div/divu instruction. */
struct {
Bool extended;
Bool syned;
Bool sz32; /* mode64 has both 32 & 64bit div */
HReg dst;
HReg srcL;
HReg srcR;
} Div;
/* Pseudo-insn. Call target (an absolute address), on given
condition (which could be Pct_ALWAYS). argiregs indicates
which of r3 .. r10 carries argument values for this call,
using a bit mask (1<<N is set if rN holds an arg, for N in
3 .. 10 inclusive). */
struct {
PPCCondCode cond;
Addr64 target;
UInt argiregs;
RetLoc rloc; /* where the return value will be */
} Call;
/* Update the guest CIA value, then exit requesting to chain
to it. May be conditional. Use of Addr64 in order to cope
with 64-bit hosts. */
struct {
Addr64 dstGA; /* next guest address */
PPCAMode* amCIA; /* amode in guest state for CIA */
PPCCondCode cond; /* can be ALWAYS */
Bool toFastEP; /* chain to the slow or fast point? */
} XDirect;
/* Boring transfer to a guest address not known at JIT time.
Not chainable. May be conditional. */
struct {
HReg dstGA;
PPCAMode* amCIA;
PPCCondCode cond; /* can be ALWAYS */
} XIndir;
/* Assisted transfer to a guest address, most general case.
Not chainable. May be conditional. */
struct {
HReg dstGA;
PPCAMode* amCIA;
PPCCondCode cond; /* can be ALWAYS */
IRJumpKind jk;
} XAssisted;
/* Mov src to dst on the given condition, which may not
be the bogus Pct_ALWAYS. */
struct {
PPCCondCode cond;
HReg dst;
PPCRI* src;
} CMov;
/* Zero extending loads. Dst size is host word size */
struct {
UChar sz; /* 1|2|4|8 */
HReg dst;
PPCAMode* src;
} Load;
/* Load-and-reserve (lwarx, ldarx) */
struct {
UChar sz; /* 4|8 */
HReg dst;
HReg src;
} LoadL;
/* 64/32/16/8 bit stores */
struct {
UChar sz; /* 1|2|4|8 */
PPCAMode* dst;
HReg src;
} Store;
/* Store-conditional (stwcx., stdcx.) */
struct {
UChar sz; /* 4|8 */
HReg dst;
HReg src;
} StoreC;
/* Convert a ppc condition code to value 0 or 1. */
struct {
PPCCondCode cond;
HReg dst;
} Set;
/* Move the entire CR to a GPR */
struct {
HReg dst;
} MfCR;
/* Mem fence. In short, an insn which flushes all preceding
loads and stores as much as possible before continuing.
On PPC we emit a "sync". */
struct {
} MFence;
/* PPC Floating point */
struct {
PPCFpOp op;
HReg dst;
HReg src;
} FpUnary;
struct {
PPCFpOp op;
HReg dst;
HReg srcL;
HReg srcR;
} FpBinary;
struct {
PPCFpOp op;
HReg dst;
HReg srcML;
HReg srcMR;
HReg srcAcc;
} FpMulAcc;
struct {
Bool isLoad;
UChar sz; /* only 4 (IEEE single) or 8 (IEEE double) */
HReg reg;
PPCAMode* addr;
} FpLdSt;
struct {
HReg addr; /* int reg */
HReg data; /* float reg */
/* Round 64-bit FP value to 32-bit FP value in an FP reg. */
struct {
HReg src;
HReg dst;
} FpRSP;
/* fcfid[u,s,us]/fctid[u]/fctiw[u]. Only some combinations
of the various fields are allowed. This is asserted for
and documented in the code for the constructor,
PPCInstr_FpCftI, in host_ppc_defs.c. */
struct {
Bool fromI; /* True== I->F, False== F->I */
Bool int32; /* True== I is 32, False== I is 64 */
Bool syned;
Bool flt64; /* True== F is 64, False== F is 32 */
HReg src;
HReg dst;
} FpCftI;
/* FP mov src to dst on the given condition. */
struct {
PPCCondCode cond;
HReg dst;
HReg src;
} FpCMov;
/* Load FP Status & Control Register */
struct {
HReg src;
UInt dfp_rm;
/* Do a compare, generating result into an int register. */
struct {
UChar crfD;
HReg dst;
HReg srcL;
HReg srcR;
} FpCmp;
/* Read/Write Link Register */
struct {
Bool wrLR;
HReg gpr;
} RdWrLR;
/* Simplistic AltiVec */
struct {
Bool isLoad;
UChar sz; /* 8|16|32|128 */
HReg reg;
PPCAMode* addr;
} AvLdSt;
struct {
PPCAvOp op;
HReg dst;
HReg src;
} AvUnary;
struct {
PPCAvOp op;
HReg dst;
HReg srcL;
HReg srcR;
} AvBinary;
struct {
PPCAvOp op;
HReg dst;
HReg srcL;
HReg srcR;
} AvBin8x16;
struct {
PPCAvOp op;
HReg dst;
HReg srcL;
HReg srcR;
} AvBin16x8;
struct {
PPCAvOp op;
HReg dst;
HReg srcL;
HReg srcR;
} AvBin32x4;
/* Can only be generated for CPUs capable of ISA 2.07 or above */
struct {
PPCAvOp op;
HReg dst;
HReg srcL;
HReg srcR;
} AvBin64x2;
struct {
PPCAvFpOp op;
HReg dst;
HReg srcL;
HReg srcR;
} AvBin32Fx4;
struct {
PPCAvFpOp op;
HReg dst;
HReg src;
} AvUn32Fx4;
/* Perm,Sel,SlDbl,Splat are all weird AV permutations */
struct {
HReg dst;
HReg srcL;
HReg srcR;
HReg ctl;
} AvPerm;
struct {
HReg dst;
HReg srcL;
HReg srcR;
HReg ctl;
} AvSel;
struct {
UChar shift;
HReg dst;
HReg srcL;
HReg srcR;
} AvShlDbl;
struct {
UChar sz; /* 8,16,32 */
HReg dst;
PPCVI5s* src;
} AvSplat;
/* Mov src to dst on the given condition, which may not
be the bogus Xcc_ALWAYS. */
struct {
PPCCondCode cond;
HReg dst;
HReg src;
} AvCMov;
/* Load AltiVec Status & Control Register */
struct {
HReg src;
struct {
PPCAvOp op;
HReg dst;
HReg src;
} AvCipherV128Unary;
struct {
PPCAvOp op;
HReg dst;
HReg src;
PPCRI* s_field;
} AvHashV128Binary;
struct {
PPCAvOp op;
HReg dst;
HReg src1;
HReg src2;
PPCRI* ps;
} AvBCDV128Trinary;
struct {
PPCAvOp op;
HReg dst;
HReg srcL;
HReg srcR;
} AvCipherV128Binary;
struct {
PPCFpOp op;
HReg dst;
HReg src;
} Dfp64Unary;
struct {
PPCFpOp op;
HReg dst;
HReg srcL;
HReg srcR;
} Dfp64Binary;
struct {
PPCFpOp op;
HReg dst;
HReg src;
PPCRI* shift;
} DfpShift;
struct {
PPCFpOp op;
HReg dst_hi;
HReg dst_lo;
HReg src_hi;
HReg src_lo;
} Dfp128Unary;
struct {
/* The dst is used to pass the left source operand in and return
* the result.
PPCFpOp op;
HReg dst_hi;
HReg dst_lo;
HReg srcR_hi;
HReg srcR_lo;
} Dfp128Binary;
struct {
PPCFpOp op;
HReg dst_hi;
HReg dst_lo;
HReg src_hi;
HReg src_lo;
PPCRI* shift;
} DfpShift128;
struct {
HReg dst;
HReg src;
PPCRI* r_rmc;
} DfpRound;
struct {
HReg dst_hi;
HReg dst_lo;
HReg src_hi;
HReg src_lo;
PPCRI* r_rmc;
} DfpRound128;
struct {
PPCFpOp op;
HReg dst;
HReg srcL;
HReg srcR;
PPCRI* rmc;
} DfpQuantize;
struct {
PPCFpOp op;
HReg dst_hi;
HReg dst_lo;
HReg src_hi;
HReg src_lo;
PPCRI* rmc;
} DfpQuantize128;
struct {
PPCFpOp op;
HReg dst;
HReg src_hi;
HReg src_lo;
} ExtractExpD128;
struct {
PPCFpOp op;
HReg dst_hi;
HReg dst_lo;
HReg srcL;
HReg srcR_hi;
HReg srcR_lo;
} InsertExpD128;
struct {
PPCFpOp op;
HReg dst;
HReg src_hi;
HReg src_lo;
} DfpD128toD64;
struct {
PPCFpOp op;
HReg dst_hi;
HReg dst_lo;
HReg src;
} DfpI64StoD128;
struct {
UChar crfD;
HReg dst;
HReg srcL;
HReg srcR;
} Dfp64Cmp;
struct {
UChar crfD;
HReg dst;
HReg srcL_hi;
HReg srcL_lo;
HReg srcR_hi;
HReg srcR_lo;
} Dfp128Cmp;
struct {
PPCAMode* amCounter;
PPCAMode* amFailAddr;
} EvCheck;
struct {
/* No fields. The address of the counter to inc is
installed later, post-translation, by patching it in,
as it is not known at translation time. */
} ProfInc;
} Pin;
extern PPCInstr* PPCInstr_LI ( HReg, ULong, Bool );
extern PPCInstr* PPCInstr_Alu ( PPCAluOp, HReg, HReg, PPCRH* );
extern PPCInstr* PPCInstr_Shft ( PPCShftOp, Bool sz32, HReg, HReg, PPCRH* );
extern PPCInstr* PPCInstr_AddSubC ( Bool, Bool, HReg, HReg, HReg );
extern PPCInstr* PPCInstr_Cmp ( Bool, Bool, UInt, HReg, PPCRH* );
extern PPCInstr* PPCInstr_Unary ( PPCUnaryOp op, HReg dst, HReg src );
extern PPCInstr* PPCInstr_MulL ( Bool syned, Bool hi32, Bool sz32, HReg, HReg, HReg );
extern PPCInstr* PPCInstr_Div ( Bool extended, Bool syned, Bool sz32, HReg dst, HReg srcL, HReg srcR );
extern PPCInstr* PPCInstr_Call ( PPCCondCode, Addr64, UInt, RetLoc );
extern PPCInstr* PPCInstr_XDirect ( Addr64 dstGA, PPCAMode* amCIA,
PPCCondCode cond, Bool toFastEP );
extern PPCInstr* PPCInstr_XIndir ( HReg dstGA, PPCAMode* amCIA,
PPCCondCode cond );
extern PPCInstr* PPCInstr_XAssisted ( HReg dstGA, PPCAMode* amCIA,
PPCCondCode cond, IRJumpKind jk );
extern PPCInstr* PPCInstr_CMov ( PPCCondCode, HReg dst, PPCRI* src );
extern PPCInstr* PPCInstr_Load ( UChar sz,
HReg dst, PPCAMode* src, Bool mode64 );
extern PPCInstr* PPCInstr_LoadL ( UChar sz,
HReg dst, HReg src, Bool mode64 );
extern PPCInstr* PPCInstr_Store ( UChar sz, PPCAMode* dst,
HReg src, Bool mode64 );
extern PPCInstr* PPCInstr_StoreC ( UChar sz, HReg dst, HReg src,
Bool mode64 );
extern PPCInstr* PPCInstr_Set ( PPCCondCode cond, HReg dst );
extern PPCInstr* PPCInstr_MfCR ( HReg dst );
extern PPCInstr* PPCInstr_MFence ( void );
extern PPCInstr* PPCInstr_FpUnary ( PPCFpOp op, HReg dst, HReg src );
extern PPCInstr* PPCInstr_FpBinary ( PPCFpOp op, HReg dst, HReg srcL, HReg srcR );
extern PPCInstr* PPCInstr_FpMulAcc ( PPCFpOp op, HReg dst, HReg srcML,
HReg srcMR, HReg srcAcc );
extern PPCInstr* PPCInstr_FpLdSt ( Bool isLoad, UChar sz, HReg, PPCAMode* );
extern PPCInstr* PPCInstr_FpSTFIW ( HReg addr, HReg data );
extern PPCInstr* PPCInstr_FpRSP ( HReg dst, HReg src );
extern PPCInstr* PPCInstr_FpCftI ( Bool fromI, Bool int32, Bool syned,
Bool dst64, HReg dst, HReg src );
extern PPCInstr* PPCInstr_FpCMov ( PPCCondCode, HReg dst, HReg src );
extern PPCInstr* PPCInstr_FpLdFPSCR ( HReg src, Bool dfp_rm );
extern PPCInstr* PPCInstr_FpCmp ( HReg dst, HReg srcL, HReg srcR );
extern PPCInstr* PPCInstr_RdWrLR ( Bool wrLR, HReg gpr );
extern PPCInstr* PPCInstr_AvLdSt ( Bool isLoad, UChar sz, HReg, PPCAMode* );
extern PPCInstr* PPCInstr_AvUnary ( PPCAvOp op, HReg dst, HReg src );
extern PPCInstr* PPCInstr_AvBinary ( PPCAvOp op, HReg dst, HReg srcL, HReg srcR );
extern PPCInstr* PPCInstr_AvBin8x16 ( PPCAvOp op, HReg dst, HReg srcL, HReg srcR );
extern PPCInstr* PPCInstr_AvBin16x8 ( PPCAvOp op, HReg dst, HReg srcL, HReg srcR );
extern PPCInstr* PPCInstr_AvBin32x4 ( PPCAvOp op, HReg dst, HReg srcL, HReg srcR );
extern PPCInstr* PPCInstr_AvBin64x2 ( PPCAvOp op, HReg dst, HReg srcL, HReg srcR );
extern PPCInstr* PPCInstr_AvBin32Fx4 ( PPCAvFpOp op, HReg dst, HReg srcL, HReg srcR );
extern PPCInstr* PPCInstr_AvUn32Fx4 ( PPCAvFpOp op, HReg dst, HReg src );
extern PPCInstr* PPCInstr_AvPerm ( HReg dst, HReg srcL, HReg srcR, HReg ctl );
extern PPCInstr* PPCInstr_AvSel ( HReg ctl, HReg dst, HReg srcL, HReg srcR );
extern PPCInstr* PPCInstr_AvShlDbl ( UChar shift, HReg dst, HReg srcL, HReg srcR );
extern PPCInstr* PPCInstr_AvSplat ( UChar sz, HReg dst, PPCVI5s* src );
extern PPCInstr* PPCInstr_AvCMov ( PPCCondCode, HReg dst, HReg src );
extern PPCInstr* PPCInstr_AvLdVSCR ( HReg src );
extern PPCInstr* PPCInstr_AvCipherV128Unary ( PPCAvOp op, HReg dst,
HReg srcR );
extern PPCInstr* PPCInstr_AvCipherV128Binary ( PPCAvOp op, HReg dst,
HReg srcL, HReg srcR );
extern PPCInstr* PPCInstr_AvHashV128Binary ( PPCAvOp op, HReg dst,
HReg src, PPCRI* s_field );
extern PPCInstr* PPCInstr_AvBCDV128Trinary ( PPCAvOp op, HReg dst,
HReg src1, HReg src2,
PPCRI* ps );
extern PPCInstr* PPCInstr_Dfp64Unary ( PPCFpOp op, HReg dst, HReg src );
extern PPCInstr* PPCInstr_Dfp64Binary ( PPCFpOp op, HReg dst, HReg srcL,
HReg srcR );
extern PPCInstr* PPCInstr_DfpShift ( PPCFpOp op, HReg dst, HReg src,
PPCRI* shift );
extern PPCInstr* PPCInstr_Dfp128Unary ( PPCFpOp op, HReg dst_hi, HReg dst_lo,
HReg srcR_hi, HReg srcR_lo );
extern PPCInstr* PPCInstr_Dfp128Binary ( PPCFpOp op, HReg dst_hi, HReg dst_lo,
HReg srcR_hi, HReg srcR_lo );
extern PPCInstr* PPCInstr_DfpShift128 ( PPCFpOp op, HReg dst_hi, HReg src_hi,
HReg dst_lo, HReg src_lo,
PPCRI* shift );
extern PPCInstr* PPCInstr_DfpD128toD64 ( PPCFpOp op, HReg dst,
HReg dst_lo, HReg src_lo);
extern PPCInstr* PPCInstr_DfpI64StoD128 ( PPCFpOp op, HReg dst_hi,
HReg dst_lo, HReg src);
extern PPCInstr* PPCInstr_DfpRound ( HReg dst, HReg src, PPCRI* r_rmc );
extern PPCInstr* PPCInstr_DfpRound128 ( HReg dst_hi, HReg dst_lo, HReg src_hi,
HReg src_lo, PPCRI* r_rmc );
extern PPCInstr* PPCInstr_DfpQuantize ( PPCFpOp op, HReg dst, HReg srcL,
HReg srcR, PPCRI* rmc );
extern PPCInstr* PPCInstr_DfpQuantize128 ( PPCFpOp op, HReg dst_hi,
HReg dst_lo,
HReg src_hi,
HReg src_lo, PPCRI* rmc );
extern PPCInstr* PPCInstr_ExtractExpD128 ( PPCFpOp op, HReg dst,
HReg src_hi, HReg src_lo );
extern PPCInstr* PPCInstr_InsertExpD128 ( PPCFpOp op, HReg dst_hi,
HReg dst_lo, HReg srcL,
HReg srcR_hi, HReg srcR_lo );
extern PPCInstr* PPCInstr_Dfp64Cmp ( HReg dst, HReg srcL, HReg srcR );
extern PPCInstr* PPCInstr_Dfp128Cmp ( HReg dst, HReg srcL_hi, HReg srcL_lo,
HReg srcR_hi, HReg srcR_lo );
extern PPCInstr* PPCInstr_EvCheck ( PPCAMode* amCounter,
PPCAMode* amFailAddr );
extern PPCInstr* PPCInstr_ProfInc ( void );
extern void ppPPCInstr(PPCInstr*, Bool mode64);
/* Some functions that insulate the register allocator from details
of the underlying instruction set. */
extern void getRegUsage_PPCInstr ( HRegUsage*, PPCInstr*, Bool mode64 );
extern void mapRegs_PPCInstr ( HRegRemap*, PPCInstr* , Bool mode64);
extern Bool isMove_PPCInstr ( PPCInstr*, HReg*, HReg* );
extern Int emit_PPCInstr ( /*MB_MOD*/Bool* is_profInc,
UChar* buf, Int nbuf, PPCInstr* i,
Bool mode64,
void* disp_cp_chain_me_to_slowEP,
void* disp_cp_chain_me_to_fastEP,
void* disp_cp_xindir,
void* disp_cp_xassisted );
extern void genSpill_PPC ( /*OUT*/HInstr** i1, /*OUT*/HInstr** i2,
HReg rreg, Int offsetB, Bool mode64 );
extern void genReload_PPC ( /*OUT*/HInstr** i1, /*OUT*/HInstr** i2,
HReg rreg, Int offsetB, Bool mode64 );
extern void getAllocableRegs_PPC ( Int*, HReg**, Bool mode64 );
extern HInstrArray* iselSB_PPC ( IRSB*,
Int offs_Host_EvC_Counter,
Int offs_Host_EvC_FailAddr,
Bool chainingAllowed,
Bool addProfInc,
Addr64 max_ga );
/* How big is an event check? This is kind of a kludge because it
depends on the offsets of host_EvC_FAILADDR and
host_EvC_COUNTER. */
extern Int evCheckSzB_PPC ( void );
/* Perform a chaining and unchaining of an XDirect jump. */
extern VexInvalRange chainXDirect_PPC ( void* place_to_chain,
void* disp_cp_chain_me_EXPECTED,
void* place_to_jump_to,
Bool mode64 );
extern VexInvalRange unchainXDirect_PPC ( void* place_to_unchain,
void* place_to_jump_to_EXPECTED,
void* disp_cp_chain_me,
Bool mode64 );
/* Patch the counter location into an existing ProfInc point. */
extern VexInvalRange patchProfInc_PPC ( void* place_to_patch,
ULong* location_of_counter,
Bool mode64 );
#endif /* ndef __VEX_HOST_PPC_DEFS_H */
/*--- end host_ppc_defs.h ---*/