// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com
#ifndef _FX_STRING_H_
#define _FX_STRING_H_
class CFX_ByteStringC;
class CFX_ByteString;
class CFX_WideStringC;
class CFX_WideString;
struct CFX_CharMap;
class CFX_BinaryBuf;
typedef int FX_STRSIZE;
class CFX_ByteStringL;
class CFX_WideStringL;
class CFX_ByteStringC : public CFX_Object
m_Ptr = NULL;
m_Length = 0;
CFX_ByteStringC(FX_LPCBYTE ptr, FX_STRSIZE size)
m_Ptr = ptr;
m_Length = size;
CFX_ByteStringC(FX_LPCSTR ptr)
m_Ptr = (FX_LPCBYTE)ptr;
m_Length = ptr ? (FX_STRSIZE)FXSYS_strlen(ptr) : 0;
CFX_ByteStringC(FX_CHAR& ch)
m_Ptr = (FX_LPCBYTE)&ch;
m_Length = 1;
CFX_ByteStringC(FX_LPCSTR ptr, FX_STRSIZE len)
m_Ptr = (FX_LPCBYTE)ptr;
if (len == -1) {
m_Length = (FX_STRSIZE)FXSYS_strlen(ptr);
} else {
m_Length = len;
CFX_ByteStringC(const CFX_ByteStringC& src)
m_Ptr = src.m_Ptr;
m_Length = src.m_Length;
CFX_ByteStringC(const CFX_ByteString& src);
CFX_ByteStringC& operator = (FX_LPCSTR src)
m_Ptr = (FX_LPCBYTE)src;
m_Length = (FX_STRSIZE)FXSYS_strlen(src);
return *this;
CFX_ByteStringC& operator = (const CFX_ByteStringC& src)
m_Ptr = src.m_Ptr;
m_Length = src.m_Length;
return *this;
CFX_ByteStringC& operator = (const CFX_ByteString& src);
bool operator == (const CFX_ByteStringC& str) const
return str.m_Length == m_Length && FXSYS_memcmp32(str.m_Ptr, m_Ptr, m_Length) == 0;
bool operator != (const CFX_ByteStringC& str) const
return str.m_Length != m_Length || FXSYS_memcmp32(str.m_Ptr, m_Ptr, m_Length) != 0;
#define FXBSTR_ID(c1, c2, c3, c4) ((c1 << 24) | (c2 << 16) | (c3 << 8) | (c4))
FX_DWORD GetID(FX_STRSIZE start_pos = 0) const;
FX_LPCBYTE GetPtr() const
return m_Ptr;
FX_LPCSTR GetCStr() const
return (FX_LPCSTR)m_Ptr;
FX_STRSIZE GetLength() const
return m_Length;
bool IsEmpty() const
return m_Length == 0;
operator FX_LPCBYTE() const
return m_Ptr;
FX_BYTE GetAt(FX_STRSIZE index) const
return m_Ptr[index];
CFX_ByteStringC Mid(FX_STRSIZE index, FX_STRSIZE count = -1) const
if (index < 0) {
index = 0;
if (index > m_Length) {
return CFX_ByteStringC();
if (count < 0 || count > m_Length - index) {
count = m_Length - index;
return CFX_ByteStringC(m_Ptr + index, count);
FX_STRSIZE m_Length;
void* operator new (size_t) throw()
return NULL;
typedef const CFX_ByteStringC& FX_BSTR;
#define FX_BSTRC(str) CFX_ByteStringC(str, sizeof str-1)
struct CFX_StringData {
long m_nRefs;
FX_STRSIZE m_nDataLength;
FX_STRSIZE m_nAllocLength;
FX_CHAR m_String[1];
class CFX_ByteString : public CFX_Object
m_pData = NULL;
CFX_ByteString(const CFX_ByteString& str);
CFX_ByteString(char ch);
CFX_ByteString(FX_LPCSTR ptr, FX_STRSIZE len = -1);
CFX_ByteString(FX_LPCBYTE ptr, FX_STRSIZE len);
CFX_ByteString(FX_BSTR bstrc);
CFX_ByteString(FX_BSTR bstrc1, FX_BSTR bstrc2);
static CFX_ByteString FromUnicode(FX_LPCWSTR ptr, FX_STRSIZE len = -1);
static CFX_ByteString FromUnicode(const CFX_WideString& str);
operator FX_LPCSTR() const
return m_pData ? m_pData->m_String : "";
operator FX_LPCBYTE() const
return m_pData ? (FX_LPCBYTE)m_pData->m_String : NULL;
FX_STRSIZE GetLength() const
return m_pData ? m_pData->m_nDataLength : 0;
bool IsEmpty() const
return !GetLength();
int Compare(FX_BSTR str) const;
bool Equal(FX_BSTR str) const;
bool EqualNoCase(FX_BSTR str) const;
bool operator == (FX_LPCSTR str) const
return Equal(str);
bool operator == (FX_BSTR str) const
return Equal(str);
bool operator == (const CFX_ByteString& str) const;
bool operator != (FX_LPCSTR str) const
return !Equal(str);
bool operator != (FX_BSTR str) const
return !Equal(str);
bool operator != (const CFX_ByteString& str) const
return !operator==(str);
void Empty();
const CFX_ByteString& operator = (FX_LPCSTR str);
const CFX_ByteString& operator = (FX_BSTR bstrc);
const CFX_ByteString& operator = (const CFX_ByteString& stringSrc);
const CFX_ByteString& operator = (const CFX_BinaryBuf& buf);
void Load(FX_LPCBYTE str, FX_STRSIZE len);
const CFX_ByteString& operator += (FX_CHAR ch);
const CFX_ByteString& operator += (FX_LPCSTR str);
const CFX_ByteString& operator += (const CFX_ByteString& str);
const CFX_ByteString& operator += (FX_BSTR bstrc);
FX_BYTE GetAt(FX_STRSIZE nIndex) const
return m_pData ? m_pData->m_String[nIndex] : 0;
FX_BYTE operator[](FX_STRSIZE nIndex) const
return m_pData ? m_pData->m_String[nIndex] : 0;
void SetAt(FX_STRSIZE nIndex, FX_CHAR ch);
FX_STRSIZE Delete(FX_STRSIZE index, FX_STRSIZE count = 1);
void Format(FX_LPCSTR lpszFormat, ... );
void FormatV(FX_LPCSTR lpszFormat, va_list argList);
void Reserve(FX_STRSIZE len);
FX_LPSTR LockBuffer();
void ReleaseBuffer(FX_STRSIZE len = -1);
CFX_ByteString Mid(FX_STRSIZE first) const;
CFX_ByteString Mid(FX_STRSIZE first, FX_STRSIZE count) const;
CFX_ByteString Left(FX_STRSIZE count) const;
CFX_ByteString Right(FX_STRSIZE count) const;
FX_STRSIZE Find(FX_BSTR lpszSub, FX_STRSIZE start = 0) const;
FX_STRSIZE Find(FX_CHAR ch, FX_STRSIZE start = 0) const;
FX_STRSIZE ReverseFind(FX_CHAR ch) const;
void MakeLower();
void MakeUpper();
void TrimRight();
void TrimRight(FX_CHAR chTarget);
void TrimRight(FX_BSTR lpszTargets);
void TrimLeft();
void TrimLeft(FX_CHAR chTarget);
void TrimLeft(FX_BSTR lpszTargets);
FX_STRSIZE Replace(FX_BSTR lpszOld, FX_BSTR lpszNew);
CFX_WideString UTF8Decode() const;
void ConvertFrom(const CFX_WideString& str, CFX_CharMap* pCharMap = NULL);
FX_DWORD GetID(FX_STRSIZE start_pos = 0) const;
static CFX_ByteString LoadFromFile(FX_BSTR file_path);
#define FXFORMAT_HEX 2
static CFX_ByteString FormatInteger(int i, FX_DWORD flags = 0);
static CFX_ByteString FormatFloat(FX_FLOAT f, int precision = 0);
struct CFX_StringData* m_pData;
void AllocCopy(CFX_ByteString& dest, FX_STRSIZE nCopyLen, FX_STRSIZE nCopyIndex, FX_STRSIZE nExtraLen) const;
void AssignCopy(FX_STRSIZE nSrcLen, FX_LPCSTR lpszSrcData);
void ConcatCopy(FX_STRSIZE nSrc1Len, FX_LPCSTR lpszSrc1Data, FX_STRSIZE nSrc2Len, FX_LPCSTR lpszSrc2Data);
void ConcatInPlace(FX_STRSIZE nSrcLen, FX_LPCSTR lpszSrcData);
void CopyBeforeWrite();
void AllocBeforeWrite(FX_STRSIZE nLen);
inline CFX_ByteStringC::CFX_ByteStringC(const CFX_ByteString& src)
m_Ptr = (FX_LPCBYTE)src;
m_Length = src.GetLength();
inline CFX_ByteStringC& CFX_ByteStringC::operator = (const CFX_ByteString& src)
m_Ptr = (FX_LPCBYTE)src;
m_Length = src.GetLength();
return *this;
inline CFX_ByteString operator + (FX_BSTR str1, FX_BSTR str2)
return CFX_ByteString(str1, str2);
inline CFX_ByteString operator + (FX_BSTR str1, FX_LPCSTR str2)
return CFX_ByteString(str1, str2);
inline CFX_ByteString operator + (FX_LPCSTR str1, FX_BSTR str2)
return CFX_ByteString(str1, str2);
inline CFX_ByteString operator + (FX_BSTR str1, FX_CHAR ch)
return CFX_ByteString(str1, CFX_ByteStringC(ch));
inline CFX_ByteString operator + (FX_CHAR ch, FX_BSTR str2)
return CFX_ByteString(ch, str2);
inline CFX_ByteString operator + (const CFX_ByteString& str1, const CFX_ByteString& str2)
return CFX_ByteString(str1, str2);
inline CFX_ByteString operator + (const CFX_ByteString& str1, FX_CHAR ch)
return CFX_ByteString(str1, CFX_ByteStringC(ch));
inline CFX_ByteString operator + (FX_CHAR ch, const CFX_ByteString& str2)
return CFX_ByteString(ch, str2);
inline CFX_ByteString operator + (const CFX_ByteString& str1, FX_LPCSTR str2)
return CFX_ByteString(str1, str2);
inline CFX_ByteString operator + (FX_LPCSTR str1, const CFX_ByteString& str2)
return CFX_ByteString(str1, str2);
inline CFX_ByteString operator + (const CFX_ByteString& str1, FX_BSTR str2)
return CFX_ByteString(str1, str2);
inline CFX_ByteString operator + (FX_BSTR str1, const CFX_ByteString& str2)
return CFX_ByteString(str1, str2);
class CFX_StringBufBase : public CFX_Object
CFX_StringBufBase(FX_STRSIZE limit)
m_Size = 0;
m_Limit = limit;
FX_CHAR* GetPtr() const
return (FX_CHAR*)(this + 1);
FX_STRSIZE GetSize() const
return m_Size;
void Empty()
m_Size = 0;
void Copy(FX_BSTR str);
void Append(FX_BSTR str);
void Append(int i, FX_DWORD flags = 0);
CFX_ByteStringC GetStringC() const
return CFX_ByteStringC((FX_CHAR*)(this + 1), m_Size);
CFX_ByteString GetString() const
return CFX_ByteString((FX_CHAR*)(this + 1), m_Size);
template<FX_STRSIZE limit>
class CFX_StringBufTemplate : public CFX_StringBufBase
CFX_StringBufTemplate() : CFX_StringBufBase(limit) {}
FX_CHAR m_Buffer[limit];
typedef CFX_StringBufTemplate<256> CFX_StringBuf256;
class CFX_WideStringC : public CFX_Object
m_Ptr = NULL;
m_Length = 0;
CFX_WideStringC(FX_LPCWSTR ptr)
m_Ptr = ptr;
m_Length = ptr ? (FX_STRSIZE)FXSYS_wcslen(ptr) : 0;
CFX_WideStringC(FX_WCHAR& ch)
m_Ptr = &ch;
m_Length = 1;
m_Ptr = ptr;
if (len == -1) {
m_Length = (FX_STRSIZE)FXSYS_wcslen(ptr);
} else {
m_Length = len;
CFX_WideStringC(const CFX_WideStringC& src)
m_Ptr = src.m_Ptr;
m_Length = src.m_Length;
CFX_WideStringC(const CFX_WideString& src);
CFX_WideStringC& operator = (FX_LPCWSTR src)
m_Ptr = src;
m_Length = (FX_STRSIZE)FXSYS_wcslen(src);
return *this;
CFX_WideStringC& operator = (const CFX_WideStringC& src)
m_Ptr = src.m_Ptr;
m_Length = src.m_Length;
return *this;
CFX_WideStringC& operator = (const CFX_WideString& src);
bool operator == (const CFX_WideStringC& str) const
return str.m_Length == m_Length && FXSYS_memcmp32(str.m_Ptr, m_Ptr, m_Length * sizeof(FX_WCHAR)) == 0;
bool operator != (const CFX_WideStringC& str) const
return str.m_Length != m_Length || FXSYS_memcmp32(str.m_Ptr, m_Ptr, m_Length * sizeof(FX_WCHAR)) != 0;
FX_LPCWSTR GetPtr() const
return m_Ptr;
FX_STRSIZE GetLength() const
return m_Length;
bool IsEmpty() const
return m_Length == 0;
FX_WCHAR GetAt(FX_STRSIZE index) const
return m_Ptr[index];
CFX_WideStringC Left(FX_STRSIZE count) const
if (count < 1) {
return CFX_WideStringC();
if (count > m_Length) {
count = m_Length;
return CFX_WideStringC(m_Ptr, count);
CFX_WideStringC Mid(FX_STRSIZE index, FX_STRSIZE count = -1) const
if (index < 0) {
index = 0;
if (index > m_Length) {
return CFX_WideStringC();
if (count < 0 || count > m_Length - index) {
count = m_Length - index;
return CFX_WideStringC(m_Ptr + index, count);
CFX_WideStringC Right(FX_STRSIZE count) const
if (count < 1) {
return CFX_WideStringC();
if (count > m_Length) {
count = m_Length;
return CFX_WideStringC(m_Ptr + m_Length - count, count);
FX_STRSIZE m_Length;
void* operator new (size_t) throw()
return NULL;
typedef const CFX_WideStringC& FX_WSTR;
#define FX_WSTRC(wstr) CFX_WideStringC((FX_LPCWSTR)wstr, sizeof(wstr) / sizeof(FX_WCHAR) - 1)
struct CFX_StringDataW {
long m_nRefs;
FX_STRSIZE m_nDataLength;
FX_STRSIZE m_nAllocLength;
FX_WCHAR m_String[1];
class CFX_WideString : public CFX_Object
m_pData = NULL;
CFX_WideString(const CFX_WideString& str);
CFX_WideString(FX_LPCWSTR ptr, FX_STRSIZE len = -1)
InitStr(ptr, len);
CFX_WideString(FX_WCHAR ch);
CFX_WideString(const CFX_WideStringC& str);
CFX_WideString(const CFX_WideStringC& str1, const CFX_WideStringC& str2);
static CFX_WideString FromLocal(const char* str, FX_STRSIZE len = -1);
static CFX_WideString FromUTF8(const char* str, FX_STRSIZE len = -1);
static CFX_WideString FromUTF16LE(const unsigned short* str, FX_STRSIZE len = -1);
operator FX_LPCWSTR() const
return m_pData ? m_pData->m_String : (FX_WCHAR*)L"";
void Empty();
FX_BOOL IsEmpty() const
return !GetLength();
FX_STRSIZE GetLength() const
return m_pData ? m_pData->m_nDataLength : 0;
const CFX_WideString& operator = (FX_LPCWSTR str);
const CFX_WideString& operator =(const CFX_WideString& stringSrc);
const CFX_WideString& operator =(const CFX_WideStringC& stringSrc);
const CFX_WideString& operator += (FX_LPCWSTR str);
const CFX_WideString& operator += (FX_WCHAR ch);
const CFX_WideString& operator += (const CFX_WideString& str);
const CFX_WideString& operator += (const CFX_WideStringC& str);
FX_WCHAR GetAt(FX_STRSIZE nIndex) const
return m_pData ? m_pData->m_String[nIndex] : 0;
FX_WCHAR operator[](FX_STRSIZE nIndex) const
return m_pData ? m_pData->m_String[nIndex] : 0;
void SetAt(FX_STRSIZE nIndex, FX_WCHAR ch);
int Compare(FX_LPCWSTR str) const;
int Compare(const CFX_WideString& str) const;
int CompareNoCase(FX_LPCWSTR str) const;
bool Equal(const CFX_WideStringC& str) const;
CFX_WideString Mid(FX_STRSIZE first) const;
CFX_WideString Mid(FX_STRSIZE first, FX_STRSIZE count) const;
CFX_WideString Left(FX_STRSIZE count) const;
CFX_WideString Right(FX_STRSIZE count) const;
FX_STRSIZE Delete(FX_STRSIZE index, FX_STRSIZE count = 1);
void Format(FX_LPCWSTR lpszFormat, ... );
void FormatV(FX_LPCWSTR lpszFormat, va_list argList);
void MakeLower();
void MakeUpper();
void TrimRight();
void TrimRight(FX_WCHAR chTarget);
void TrimRight(FX_LPCWSTR lpszTargets);
void TrimLeft();
void TrimLeft(FX_WCHAR chTarget);
void TrimLeft(FX_LPCWSTR lpszTargets);
void Reserve(FX_STRSIZE len);
FX_LPWSTR LockBuffer();
void ReleaseBuffer(FX_STRSIZE len = -1);
int GetInteger() const;
FX_FLOAT GetFloat() const;
FX_STRSIZE Find(FX_LPCWSTR lpszSub, FX_STRSIZE start = 0) const;
FX_STRSIZE Find(FX_WCHAR ch, FX_STRSIZE start = 0) const;
CFX_ByteString UTF8Encode() const;
CFX_ByteString UTF16LE_Encode(FX_BOOL bTerminate = TRUE) const;
void ConvertFrom(const CFX_ByteString& str, CFX_CharMap* pCharMap = NULL);
void InitStr(FX_LPCWSTR ptr, int len);
CFX_StringDataW* m_pData;
void CopyBeforeWrite();
void AllocBeforeWrite(FX_STRSIZE nLen);
void ConcatInPlace(FX_STRSIZE nSrcLen, FX_LPCWSTR lpszSrcData);
void ConcatCopy(FX_STRSIZE nSrc1Len, FX_LPCWSTR lpszSrc1Data, FX_STRSIZE nSrc2Len, FX_LPCWSTR lpszSrc2Data);
void AssignCopy(FX_STRSIZE nSrcLen, FX_LPCWSTR lpszSrcData);
void AllocCopy(CFX_WideString& dest, FX_STRSIZE nCopyLen, FX_STRSIZE nCopyIndex, FX_STRSIZE nExtraLen) const;
inline CFX_WideStringC::CFX_WideStringC(const CFX_WideString& src)
m_Ptr = (FX_LPCWSTR)src;
m_Length = src.GetLength();
inline CFX_WideStringC& CFX_WideStringC::operator = (const CFX_WideString& src)
m_Ptr = (FX_LPCWSTR)src;
m_Length = src.GetLength();
return *this;
inline CFX_WideString operator + (const CFX_WideStringC& str1, const CFX_WideStringC& str2)
return CFX_WideString(str1, str2);
inline CFX_WideString operator + (const CFX_WideStringC& str1, FX_LPCWSTR str2)
return CFX_WideString(str1, str2);
inline CFX_WideString operator + (FX_LPCWSTR str1, const CFX_WideStringC& str2)
return CFX_WideString(str1, str2);
inline CFX_WideString operator + (const CFX_WideStringC& str1, FX_WCHAR ch)
return CFX_WideString(str1, CFX_WideStringC(ch));
inline CFX_WideString operator + (FX_WCHAR ch, const CFX_WideStringC& str2)
return CFX_WideString(ch, str2);
inline CFX_WideString operator + (const CFX_WideString& str1, const CFX_WideString& str2)
return CFX_WideString(str1, str2);
inline CFX_WideString operator + (const CFX_WideString& str1, FX_WCHAR ch)
return CFX_WideString(str1, CFX_WideStringC(ch));
inline CFX_WideString operator + (FX_WCHAR ch, const CFX_WideString& str2)
return CFX_WideString(ch, str2);
inline CFX_WideString operator + (const CFX_WideString& str1, FX_LPCWSTR str2)
return CFX_WideString(str1, str2);
inline CFX_WideString operator + (FX_LPCWSTR str1, const CFX_WideString& str2)
return CFX_WideString(str1, str2);
inline CFX_WideString operator + (const CFX_WideString& str1, const CFX_WideStringC& str2)
return CFX_WideString(str1, str2);
inline CFX_WideString operator + (const CFX_WideStringC& str1, const CFX_WideString& str2)
return CFX_WideString(str1, str2);
bool operator==(const CFX_WideString& s1, const CFX_WideString& s2);
bool operator==(const CFX_WideString& s1, const CFX_WideStringC& s2);
bool operator==(const CFX_WideStringC& s1, const CFX_WideString& s2);
bool operator== (const CFX_WideString& s1, FX_LPCWSTR s2);
bool operator==(FX_LPCWSTR s1, const CFX_WideString& s2);
bool operator!=(const CFX_WideString& s1, const CFX_WideString& s2);
bool operator!=(const CFX_WideString& s1, const CFX_WideStringC& s2);
bool operator!=(const CFX_WideStringC& s1, const CFX_WideString& s2);
bool operator!= (const CFX_WideString& s1, FX_LPCWSTR s2);
bool operator!=(FX_LPCWSTR s1, const CFX_WideString& s2);
FX_FLOAT FX_atof(FX_BSTR str);
void FX_atonum(FX_BSTR str, FX_BOOL& bInteger, void* pData);
CFX_ByteString FX_UTF8Encode(FX_LPCWSTR pwsStr, FX_STRSIZE len);
inline CFX_ByteString FX_UTF8Encode(FX_WSTR wsStr)
return FX_UTF8Encode(wsStr.GetPtr(), wsStr.GetLength());
inline CFX_ByteString FX_UTF8Encode(const CFX_WideString &wsStr)
return FX_UTF8Encode((FX_LPCWSTR)wsStr, wsStr.GetLength());
class CFX_ByteStringL : public CFX_ByteStringC
CFX_ByteStringL() : CFX_ByteStringC() {}
~CFX_ByteStringL() {}
void Empty(IFX_Allocator* pAllocator);
FX_LPSTR AllocBuffer(FX_STRSIZE length, IFX_Allocator* pAllocator);
void Set(FX_BSTR src, IFX_Allocator* pAllocator);
class CFX_WideStringL : public CFX_WideStringC
CFX_WideStringL() : CFX_WideStringC() {}
~CFX_WideStringL() {}
void Empty(IFX_Allocator* pAllocator);
void Set(FX_WSTR src, IFX_Allocator* pAllocator);
int GetInteger() const;
FX_FLOAT GetFloat() const;
void TrimRight(FX_LPCWSTR lpszTargets);
void FX_UTF8Encode(FX_LPCWSTR pwsStr, FX_STRSIZE len, CFX_ByteStringL &utf8Str, IFX_Allocator* pAllocator = NULL);