// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ash/shelf/shelf_types.h"
#include "ash/system/user/login_status.h"
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
namespace views {
class View;
namespace ash {
class SystemTray;
class TrayItemView;
class ASH_EXPORT SystemTrayItem {
explicit SystemTrayItem(SystemTray* system_tray);
virtual ~SystemTrayItem();
// Create* functions may return NULL if nothing should be displayed for the
// type of view. The default implementations return NULL.
// Returns a view to be displayed in the system tray. If this returns NULL,
// then this item is not displayed in the tray.
// NOTE: The returned view should almost always be a TrayItemView, which
// automatically resizes the widget when the size of the view changes, and
// adds animation when the visibility of the view changes. If a view wants to
// avoid this behavior, then it should not be a TrayItemView.
virtual views::View* CreateTrayView(user::LoginStatus status);
// Returns a view for the item to be displayed in the list. This view can be
// displayed with a number of other tray items, so this should not be too
// big.
virtual views::View* CreateDefaultView(user::LoginStatus status);
// Returns a detailed view for the item. This view is displayed standalone.
virtual views::View* CreateDetailedView(user::LoginStatus status);
// Returns a notification view for the item. This view is displayed with
// other notifications and should be the same size as default views.
virtual views::View* CreateNotificationView(user::LoginStatus status);
// These functions are called when the corresponding view item is about to be
// removed. An item should do appropriate cleanup in these functions.
// The default implementation does nothing.
virtual void DestroyTrayView();
virtual void DestroyDefaultView();
virtual void DestroyDetailedView();
virtual void DestroyNotificationView();
// Updates the tray view (if applicable) when the user's login status changes.
// It is not necessary the update the default or detailed view, since the
// default/detailed popup is closed when login status changes. The default
// implementation does nothing.
virtual void UpdateAfterLoginStatusChange(user::LoginStatus status);
// Updates the tray view (if applicable) when shelf's alignment changes.
// The default implementation does nothing.
virtual void UpdateAfterShelfAlignmentChange(ShelfAlignment alignment);
// Shows the detailed view for this item. If the main popup for the tray is
// currently visible, then making this call would use the existing window to
// display the detailed item. The detailed item will inherit the bounds of the
// existing window.
// If there is no existing view, then this is equivalent to calling
// PopupDetailedView(0, true).
void TransitionDetailedView();
// Pops up the detailed view for this item. An item can request to show its
// detailed view using this function (e.g. from an observer callback when
// something, e.g. volume, network availability etc. changes). If
// |for_seconds| is non-zero, then the popup is closed after the specified
// time.
void PopupDetailedView(int for_seconds, bool activate);
// Continue showing the currently-shown detailed view, if any, for
// |for_seconds| seconds. The caller is responsible for checking that the
// currently-shown view is for this item.
void SetDetailedViewCloseDelay(int for_seconds);
// Hides the detailed view for this item.
void HideDetailedView();
// Shows a notification for this item.
void ShowNotificationView();
// Hides the notification for this item.
void HideNotificationView();
// Returns true if item should hide the arrow.
virtual bool ShouldHideArrow() const;
// Returns true if this item needs to force the shelf to be visible when
// the shelf is in the auto-hide state. Default is true.
virtual bool ShouldShowShelf() const;
// Returns the system tray that this item belongs to.
SystemTray* system_tray() const { return system_tray_; }
bool restore_focus() const { return restore_focus_; }
void set_restore_focus(bool restore_focus) {
restore_focus_ = restore_focus;
SystemTray* system_tray_;
bool restore_focus_;
} // namespace ash