// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include "ash/accelerators/exit_warning_handler.h"
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "ui/base/accelerators/accelerator.h"
namespace ui {
class AcceleratorManager;
namespace ash {
struct AcceleratorData;
class BrightnessControlDelegate;
class ExitWarningHandler;
class ImeControlDelegate;
class KeyboardBrightnessControlDelegate;
class ScreenshotDelegate;
class VolumeControlDelegate;
// AcceleratorController provides functions for registering or unregistering
// global keyboard accelerators, which are handled earlier than any windows. It
// also implements several handlers as an accelerator target.
class ASH_EXPORT AcceleratorController : public ui::AcceleratorTarget {
virtual ~AcceleratorController();
// A list of possible ways in which an accelerator should be restricted before
// processing. Any target registered with this controller should respect
// restrictions by calling |GetCurrentAcceleratorRestriction| during
// processing.
enum AcceleratorProcessingRestriction {
// Process the accelerator normally.
// Don't process the accelerator.
// Don't process the accelerator and prevent propagation to other targets.
// Registers a global keyboard accelerator for the specified target. If
// multiple targets are registered for an accelerator, a target registered
// later has higher priority.
void Register(const ui::Accelerator& accelerator,
ui::AcceleratorTarget* target);
// Unregisters the specified keyboard accelerator for the specified target.
void Unregister(const ui::Accelerator& accelerator,
ui::AcceleratorTarget* target);
// Unregisters all keyboard accelerators for the specified target.
void UnregisterAll(ui::AcceleratorTarget* target);
// Activates the target associated with the specified accelerator.
// First, AcceleratorPressed handler of the most recently registered target
// is called, and if that handler processes the event (i.e. returns true),
// this method immediately returns. If not, we do the same thing on the next
// target, and so on.
// Returns true if an accelerator was activated.
bool Process(const ui::Accelerator& accelerator);
// Returns true if the |accelerator| is registered.
bool IsRegistered(const ui::Accelerator& accelerator) const;
// Returns true if the |accelerator| is preferred. A preferred accelerator
// is handled before being passed to an window/web contents, unless
// the window is in fullscreen state.
bool IsPreferred(const ui::Accelerator& accelerator) const;
// Returns true if the |accelerator| is reserved. A reserved accelerator
// is always handled and will never be passed to an window/web contents.
bool IsReserved(const ui::Accelerator& accelerator) const;
// Performs the specified action. The |accelerator| may provide additional
// data the action needs. Returns whether an action was performed
// successfully.
bool PerformAction(int action,
const ui::Accelerator& accelerator);
// Returns the restriction for the current context.
AcceleratorProcessingRestriction GetCurrentAcceleratorRestriction();
// Overridden from ui::AcceleratorTarget:
virtual bool AcceleratorPressed(const ui::Accelerator& accelerator) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool CanHandleAccelerators() const OVERRIDE;
void SetBrightnessControlDelegate(
scoped_ptr<BrightnessControlDelegate> brightness_control_delegate);
void SetImeControlDelegate(
scoped_ptr<ImeControlDelegate> ime_control_delegate);
void SetScreenshotDelegate(
scoped_ptr<ScreenshotDelegate> screenshot_delegate);
BrightnessControlDelegate* brightness_control_delegate() const {
return brightness_control_delegate_.get();
ScreenshotDelegate* screenshot_delegate() {
return screenshot_delegate_.get();
// Provides access to the ExitWarningHandler for testing.
ExitWarningHandler* GetExitWarningHandlerForTest() {
return &exit_warning_handler_;
const ui::Accelerator& previous_accelerator_for_test() const {
return previous_accelerator_;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(AcceleratorControllerTest, GlobalAccelerators);
// Initializes the accelerators this class handles as a target.
void Init();
// Registers the specified accelerators.
void RegisterAccelerators(const AcceleratorData accelerators[],
size_t accelerators_length);
// Get the accelerator restriction for the given action. Supply an |action|
// of -1 to get restrictions that apply for the current context.
AcceleratorProcessingRestriction GetAcceleratorProcessingRestriction(
int action);
void SetKeyboardBrightnessControlDelegate(
scoped_ptr<ui::AcceleratorManager> accelerator_manager_;
// TODO(derat): BrightnessControlDelegate is also used by the system tray;
// move it outside of this class.
scoped_ptr<BrightnessControlDelegate> brightness_control_delegate_;
scoped_ptr<ImeControlDelegate> ime_control_delegate_;
scoped_ptr<ScreenshotDelegate> screenshot_delegate_;
// Remember previous accelerator as some accelerator needs to be fired
// with a specific sequence.
ui::Accelerator previous_accelerator_;
// Handles the exit accelerator which requires a double press to exit and
// shows a popup with an explanation.
ExitWarningHandler exit_warning_handler_;
// A map from accelerators to the AcceleratorAction values, which are used in
// the implementation.
std::map<ui::Accelerator, int> accelerators_;
// Actions allowed when the user is not signed in.
std::set<int> actions_allowed_at_login_screen_;
// Actions allowed when the screen is locked.
std::set<int> actions_allowed_at_lock_screen_;
// Actions allowed when a modal window is up.
std::set<int> actions_allowed_at_modal_window_;
// Preferred actions. See accelerator_table.h for details.
std::set<int> preferred_actions_;
// Reserved actions. See accelerator_table.h for details.
std::set<int> reserved_actions_;
// Actions which will not be repeated while holding the accelerator key.
std::set<int> nonrepeatable_actions_;
// Actions allowed in app mode.
std::set<int> actions_allowed_in_app_mode_;
// Actions disallowed if there are no windows.
std::set<int> actions_needing_window_;
} // namespace ash