/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * std_map.i
 * SWIG typemaps for std::map< K, T, C >
 * The C# wrapper is made to look and feel like a C# System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<>.
 * Using this wrapper is fairly simple. For example, to create a map from integers to doubles use:
 *   %include <std_map.i>
 *   %template(MapIntDouble) std::map<int, double>
 * Notes:
 * 1) For .NET 1 compatibility, define SWIG_DOTNET_1 when compiling the C# code. In this case 
 *    the C# wrapper has only basic functionality.
 * 2) IEnumerable<> is implemented in the proxy class which is useful for using LINQ with 
 *    C++ std::map wrappers.
 * Warning: heavy macro usage in this file. Use swig -E to get a sane view on the real file contents!
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

#include <map>
#include <algorithm>
#include <stdexcept>

/* K is the C++ key type, T is the C++ value type */

%typemap(csinterfaces) std::map< K, T, C > "IDisposable \n#if !SWIG_DOTNET_1\n    , System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<$typemap(cstype, K), $typemap(cstype, T)>\n#endif\n";
%typemap(cscode) std::map<K, T, C > %{

  public $typemap(cstype, T) this[$typemap(cstype, K) key] {
    get {
      return getitem(key);

    set {
      setitem(key, value);

  public bool TryGetValue($typemap(cstype, K) key, out $typemap(cstype, T) value) {
    if (this.ContainsKey(key)) {
      value = this[key];
      return true;
    value = default($typemap(cstype, T));
    return false;

  public int Count {
    get {
      return (int)size();

  public bool IsReadOnly {
    get { 
      return false; 


  public System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<$typemap(cstype, K)> Keys {
    get {
      System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<$typemap(cstype, K)> keys = new System.Collections.Generic.List<$typemap(cstype, K)>();
      int size = this.Count;
      if (size > 0) {
        IntPtr iter = create_iterator_begin();
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
      return keys;

  public System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<$typemap(cstype, T)> Values {
    get {
      System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<$typemap(cstype, T)> vals = new System.Collections.Generic.List<$typemap(cstype, T)>();
      foreach (System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<$typemap(cstype, K), $typemap(cstype, T)> pair in this) {
      return vals;
  public void Add(System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<$typemap(cstype, K), $typemap(cstype, T)> item) {
    Add(item.Key, item.Value);

  public bool Remove(System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<$typemap(cstype, K), $typemap(cstype, T)> item) {
    if (Contains(item)) {
      return Remove(item.Key);
    } else {
      return false;

  public bool Contains(System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<$typemap(cstype, K), $typemap(cstype, T)> item) {
    if (this[item.Key] == item.Value) {
      return true;
    } else {
      return false;

  public void CopyTo(System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<$typemap(cstype, K), $typemap(cstype, T)>[] array) {
    CopyTo(array, 0);

  public void CopyTo(System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<$typemap(cstype, K), $typemap(cstype, T)>[] array, int arrayIndex) {
    if (array == null)
      throw new ArgumentNullException("array");
    if (arrayIndex < 0)
      throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("arrayIndex", "Value is less than zero");
    if (array.Rank > 1)
      throw new ArgumentException("Multi dimensional array.", "array");
    if (arrayIndex+this.Count > array.Length)
      throw new ArgumentException("Number of elements to copy is too large.");

    System.Collections.Generic.IList<$typemap(cstype, K)> keyList = new System.Collections.Generic.List<$typemap(cstype, K)>(this.Keys);
    for (int i = 0; i < keyList.Count; i++) {
      $typemap(cstype, K) currentKey = keyList[i];
      array.SetValue(new System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<$typemap(cstype, K), $typemap(cstype, T)>(currentKey, this[currentKey]), arrayIndex+i);

  System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator<System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<$typemap(cstype, K), $typemap(cstype, T)>> System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<$typemap(cstype, K), $typemap(cstype, T)>>.GetEnumerator() {
    return new $csclassnameEnumerator(this);

  System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() {
    return new $csclassnameEnumerator(this);

  public $csclassnameEnumerator GetEnumerator() {
    return new $csclassnameEnumerator(this);

  // Type-safe enumerator
  /// Note that the IEnumerator documentation requires an InvalidOperationException to be thrown
  /// whenever the collection is modified. This has been done for changes in the size of the
  /// collection but not when one of the elements of the collection is modified as it is a bit
  /// tricky to detect unmanaged code that modifies the collection under our feet.
  public sealed class $csclassnameEnumerator : System.Collections.IEnumerator, 
      System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator<System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<$typemap(cstype, K), $typemap(cstype, T)>>
    private $csclassname collectionRef;
    private System.Collections.Generic.IList<$typemap(cstype, K)> keyCollection;
    private int currentIndex;
    private object currentObject;
    private int currentSize;

    public $csclassnameEnumerator($csclassname collection) {
      collectionRef = collection;
      keyCollection = new System.Collections.Generic.List<$typemap(cstype, K)>(collection.Keys);
      currentIndex = -1;
      currentObject = null;
      currentSize = collectionRef.Count;

    // Type-safe iterator Current
    public System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<$typemap(cstype, K), $typemap(cstype, T)> Current {
      get {
        if (currentIndex == -1)
          throw new InvalidOperationException("Enumeration not started.");
        if (currentIndex > currentSize - 1)
          throw new InvalidOperationException("Enumeration finished.");
        if (currentObject == null)
          throw new InvalidOperationException("Collection modified.");
        return (System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<$typemap(cstype, K), $typemap(cstype, T)>)currentObject;

    // Type-unsafe IEnumerator.Current
    object System.Collections.IEnumerator.Current {
      get {
        return Current;

    public bool MoveNext() {
      int size = collectionRef.Count;
      bool moveOkay = (currentIndex+1 < size) && (size == currentSize);
      if (moveOkay) {
        $typemap(cstype, K) currentKey = keyCollection[currentIndex];
        currentObject = new System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<$typemap(cstype, K), $typemap(cstype, T)>(currentKey, collectionRef[currentKey]);
      } else {
        currentObject = null;
      return moveOkay;

    public void Reset() {
      currentIndex = -1;
      currentObject = null;
      if (collectionRef.Count != currentSize) {
        throw new InvalidOperationException("Collection modified.");

    public void Dispose() {
      currentIndex = -1;
      currentObject = null;

    typedef size_t size_type;
    typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
    typedef K key_type;
    typedef T mapped_type;

    map(const map< K, T, C > &other);
    size_type size() const;
    bool empty() const;
    %rename(Clear) clear;
    void clear();
    %extend {
      const mapped_type& getitem(const key_type& key) throw (std::out_of_range) {
        std::map< K, T, C >::iterator iter = $self->find(key);
        if (iter != $self->end())
          return iter->second;
          throw std::out_of_range("key not found");

      void setitem(const key_type& key, const mapped_type& x) {
        (*$self)[key] = x;

      bool ContainsKey(const key_type& key) {
        std::map< K, T, C >::iterator iter = $self->find(key);
        return iter != $self->end();

      void Add(const key_type& key, const mapped_type& val) throw (std::out_of_range) {
        std::map< K, T, C >::iterator iter = $self->find(key);
        if (iter != $self->end())
          throw std::out_of_range("key already exists");
        $self->insert(std::pair< K, T >(key, val));

      bool Remove(const key_type& key) {
        std::map< K, T, C >::iterator iter = $self->find(key);
        if (iter != $self->end()) {
          return true;
        return false;

      // create_iterator_begin(), get_next_key() and destroy_iterator work together to provide a collection of keys to C#
      %apply void *VOID_INT_PTR { std::map< K, T, C >::iterator *create_iterator_begin }
      %apply void *VOID_INT_PTR { std::map< K, T, C >::iterator *swigiterator }

      std::map< K, T, C >::iterator *create_iterator_begin() {
        return new std::map< K, T, C >::iterator($self->begin());

      const key_type& get_next_key(std::map< K, T, C >::iterator *swigiterator) {
        std::map< K, T, C >::iterator iter = *swigiterator;
        return (*iter).first;

      void destroy_iterator(std::map< K, T, C >::iterator *swigiterator) {
        delete swigiterator;


%csmethodmodifiers std::map::size "private"
%csmethodmodifiers std::map::getitem "private"
%csmethodmodifiers std::map::setitem "private"
%csmethodmodifiers std::map::create_iterator_begin "private"
%csmethodmodifiers std::map::get_next_key "private"
%csmethodmodifiers std::map::destroy_iterator "private"

// Default implementation
namespace std {   
  template<class K, class T, class C = std::less<K> > class map {

// Legacy macros (deprecated)
%define specialize_std_map_on_key(K,CHECK,CONVERT_FROM,CONVERT_TO)
#warning "specialize_std_map_on_key ignored - macro is deprecated and no longer necessary"

%define specialize_std_map_on_value(T,CHECK,CONVERT_FROM,CONVERT_TO)
#warning "specialize_std_map_on_value ignored - macro is deprecated and no longer necessary"

#warning "specialize_std_map_on_both ignored - macro is deprecated and no longer necessary"