/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * chicken.swg
 * CHICKEN configuration module.
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

/* chicken.h has to appear first. */

%insert(runtime) %{
#include <assert.h>
#include <chicken.h>

%insert(runtime) "swigrun.swg";            // Common C API type-checking code
%insert(runtime) "chickenrun.swg";      // CHICKEN run-time code

/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *                          standard typemaps
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */


  fixnum: int, short, unsigned int, unsigned short, unsigned char,
  signed char

  char: char

  bool: bool

  flonum: float, double, long, long long, unsigned long, unsigned long

/* --- Primitive types --- */

%define SIMPLE_TYPEMAP(type_, from_scheme, to_scheme, checker, convtype, storage_)

%typemap(in) type_ 
%{  if (!checker ($input)) {
    swig_barf (SWIG_BARF1_BAD_ARGUMENT_TYPE, "Argument #$argnum is not of type 'type_'");
  $1 = ($1_ltype) from_scheme ($input); %}

/* Const primitive references.  Passed by value */

%typemap(in) const type_ & ($*1_ltype temp)
%{  if (!checker ($input)) {
    swig_barf (SWIG_BARF1_BAD_ARGUMENT_TYPE, "Argument #$argnum is not of type 'type_'");
  temp = ($*1_ltype) from_scheme ($input); 
  $1 = &temp; %}

/* --- Variable input --- */
%typemap(varin) type_
%{  if (!checker ($input)) {
    swig_barf (SWIG_BARF1_BAD_ARGUMENT_TYPE, "Cannot use '$1_ltype' for variable '$name' of type 'type_'");
  $1 = ($1_ltype) from_scheme ($input); %}

#if "storage_" == "0"

%typemap(out) type_ 
  $result = to_scheme (convtype ($1));

/* References to primitive types.  Return by value */

%typemap(out) const type_ &
  $result = to_scheme (convtype (*$1));

/* --- Variable output --- */
%typemap(varout) type_ 
  $result = to_scheme (convtype ($varname));

%typemap(throws) type_
  SWIG_Chicken_ThrowException(to_scheme ( convtype ($1)));


%typemap(out) type_ 
  C_word *space = C_alloc(storage_);
  $result = to_scheme (&space, convtype ($1));

/* References to primitive types.  Return by value */

%typemap(out) const type_ &
  C_word *space = C_alloc(storage_);
  $result = to_scheme (&space, convtype (*$1));

/* --- Variable output --- */
%typemap(varout) type_ 
  C_word *space = C_alloc(storage_);
  $result = to_scheme (&space, convtype ($varname));

%typemap(throws) type_
  C_word *space = C_alloc(storage_);
  SWIG_Chicken_ThrowException(to_scheme (&space, convtype ($1)));


/* --- Constants --- */

%typemap(constcode) type_
"static const $1_type $result = $value;"


SIMPLE_TYPEMAP(int, C_num_to_int, C_fix, C_swig_is_number, (int), 0);
//SIMPLE_TYPEMAP(enum SWIGTYPE, C_unfix, C_fix, C_swig_is_fixnum, (int), 0);
SIMPLE_TYPEMAP(short, C_num_to_int, C_fix, C_swig_is_number, (int), 0);
SIMPLE_TYPEMAP(long, C_num_to_long, C_long_to_num, C_swig_is_long, (long), C_SIZEOF_FLONUM);
SIMPLE_TYPEMAP(long long, C_num_to_long, C_long_to_num, C_swig_is_long, (long), C_SIZEOF_FLONUM);
SIMPLE_TYPEMAP(unsigned int, C_num_to_unsigned_int, C_unsigned_int_to_num, C_swig_is_number, (unsigned int), C_SIZEOF_FLONUM);
SIMPLE_TYPEMAP(unsigned short, C_num_to_unsigned_int, C_fix, C_swig_is_number, (unsigned int), 0);
SIMPLE_TYPEMAP(unsigned long, C_num_to_unsigned_long, C_unsigned_long_to_num, C_swig_is_long, (unsigned long), C_SIZEOF_FLONUM);
SIMPLE_TYPEMAP(unsigned long long, C_num_to_unsigned_long, C_unsigned_long_to_num, C_swig_is_long, (unsigned long), C_SIZEOF_FLONUM);
SIMPLE_TYPEMAP(unsigned char, C_character_code, C_make_character, C_swig_is_char, (unsigned int), 0);
SIMPLE_TYPEMAP(signed char, C_character_code, C_make_character, C_swig_is_char, (int), 0);
SIMPLE_TYPEMAP(char, C_character_code, C_make_character, C_swig_is_char, (char), 0);
SIMPLE_TYPEMAP(bool, C_truep, C_mk_bool, C_swig_is_bool, (bool), 0);
SIMPLE_TYPEMAP(float, C_c_double, C_flonum, C_swig_is_number, (double), C_SIZEOF_FLONUM);
SIMPLE_TYPEMAP(double, C_c_double, C_flonum, C_swig_is_number, (double), C_SIZEOF_FLONUM);

/* enum SWIGTYPE */
%apply int { enum SWIGTYPE };
%apply const int& { const enum SWIGTYPE& };

%typemap(varin) enum SWIGTYPE
  if (!C_swig_is_fixnum($input) && sizeof(int) != sizeof($1)) {
    swig_barf(SWIG_BARF1_BAD_ARGUMENT_TYPE, "enum variable '$name' can not be set");
  *((int *)(void *)&$1) = C_unfix($input);

/* --- Input arguments --- */

/* Strings */

%typemap(in) char * 
{ if ($input == C_SCHEME_FALSE) {
  $1 = NULL;
 else { 
   if (!C_swig_is_string ($input)) {
     swig_barf (SWIG_BARF1_BAD_ARGUMENT_TYPE, "Argument #$argnum is not of type 'char *'");
   $1 = ($ltype) SWIG_MakeString ($input);

%typemap(freearg) char * "if ($1 != NULL) { free ($1); }"

/* Pointers, references, and arrays */
%typemap(in,closcode="(slot-ref $input 'swig-this)") SWIGTYPE *, SWIGTYPE [], SWIGTYPE &  {
   $1 = ($1_ltype)SWIG_MustGetPtr($input, $descriptor, $argnum, $disown);

%typemap(in,closcode="(slot-ref $input 'swig-this)") SWIGTYPE *DISOWN {
  $1 = ($1_ltype)SWIG_MustGetPtr($input, $descriptor, $argnum, SWIG_POINTER_DISOWN);

/* Void pointer.  Accepts any kind of pointer */
%typemap(in) void * {
  $1 = ($1_ltype)SWIG_MustGetPtr($input, NULL, $argnum, 0);

%typemap(varin,closcode="(slot-ref $input 'swig-this)") SWIGTYPE * {
  $1 = ($1_ltype)SWIG_MustGetPtr($input, $descriptor, 1, SWIG_POINTER_DISOWN);

%typemap(varin,closcode="(slot-ref $input 'swig-this)") SWIGTYPE & {
  $1 = *(($1_ltype)SWIG_MustGetPtr($input, $descriptor, 1, 0));

%typemap(varin) SWIGTYPE [] {
  SWIG_Chicken_Barf(SWIG_BARF1_BAD_ARGUMENT_TYPE, "Type error");

%typemap(varin) SWIGTYPE [ANY] {
  void *temp;
  int ii;
  $1_basetype *b = 0;
  temp = SWIG_MustGetPtr($input, $1_descriptor, 1, 0);
  b = ($1_basetype *) $1;
  for (ii = 0; ii < $1_size; ii++) b[ii] = *(($1_basetype *) temp + ii);

%typemap(varin) void * {
  $1 = SWIG_MustGetPtr($input, NULL, 1, 0);

%typemap(out) SWIGTYPE *, SWIGTYPE &, SWIGTYPE [] {
  C_word *known_space = C_alloc(C_SIZEOF_SWIG_POINTER);
  $result = SWIG_NewPointerObj($1, $descriptor, $owner);

  C_word *known_space = C_alloc(C_SIZEOF_SWIG_POINTER);
  swig_type_info *ty = SWIG_TypeDynamicCast($1_descriptor,(void **) &$1);
  $result = SWIG_NewPointerObj($1, ty, $owner);
%typemap(varout) SWIGTYPE *, SWIGTYPE [] {
  C_word *known_space = C_alloc(C_SIZEOF_SWIG_POINTER);
  $result = SWIG_NewPointerObj($varname, $descriptor, 0);

%typemap(varout) SWIGTYPE & {
  C_word *known_space = C_alloc(C_SIZEOF_SWIG_POINTER);
  $result = SWIG_NewPointerObj((void *) &$varname, $1_descriptor, 0);

/* special typemaps for class pointers */
%typemap(in) SWIGTYPE (CLASS::*) {
  char err_msg[256];

  if (C_swig_is_pair($input)) {
    /* try and convert pointer object */
    void *result;
    if (!SWIG_ConvertPtr(C_block_item($input,1), &result, $descriptor, 0)) {
      C_word ptr = C_block_item($input,0);
      if (C_swig_is_string(ptr)) {
        SWIG_UnpackData(C_c_string(ptr), (void *) &$1, sizeof($type));
      } else {
        snprintf(err_msg, sizeof(err_msg), "Type error in argument #%i: expected %s", $argnum, ($descriptor->str ? $descriptor->str : $descriptor->name));
        SWIG_Chicken_Barf(SWIG_BARF1_BAD_ARGUMENT_TYPE, err_msg);
    } else {
      snprintf(err_msg, sizeof(err_msg), "Type error in argument #%i: expected %s", $argnum, ($descriptor->str ? $descriptor->str : $descriptor->name));
      SWIG_Chicken_Barf(SWIG_BARF1_BAD_ARGUMENT_TYPE, err_msg);
  } else {
    snprintf(err_msg, sizeof(err_msg), "Type error in argument #%i: expected %s", $argnum, ($descriptor->str ? $descriptor->str : $descriptor->name));
    SWIG_Chicken_Barf(SWIG_BARF1_BAD_ARGUMENT_TYPE, err_msg);

%typemap(out) SWIGTYPE (CLASS::*) {
  size_t ptr_size = sizeof($type);
  C_word *known_space = C_alloc(C_SIZEOF_PAIR + C_SIZEOF_STRING(2*ptr_size) + C_SIZEOF_SWIG_POINTER);
  char *temp = (char *)malloc(2*ptr_size);
  C_word ptr = SWIG_NewPointerObj((void *) known_space, $descriptor, 0);

  SWIG_PackData(temp, (void *) &$1, ptr_size);
  $result = C_pair(&known_space, C_string(&known_space, 2*ptr_size, temp), ptr);

%typemap(varin) SWIGTYPE (CLASS::*) {
  char err_msg[256];

  if (C_swig_is_pair($input)) {
    /* try and convert pointer object */
    void *result;
    if (!SWIG_ConvertPtr(C_block_item($input,1), &result, $descriptor, 0)) {
      C_word ptr = C_block_item($input,0);
      if (C_swig_is_string(ptr)) {
        SWIG_UnpackData(C_c_string(ptr), (void *) &$1, sizeof($type));
      } else {
        snprintf(err_msg, sizeof(err_msg), "Type error in argument #%i: expected %s", 1, ($descriptor->str ? $descriptor->str : $descriptor->name));
        SWIG_Chicken_Barf(SWIG_BARF1_BAD_ARGUMENT_TYPE, err_msg);
    } else {
      snprintf(err_msg, sizeof(err_msg), "Type error in argument #%i: expected %s", 1, ($descriptor->str ? $descriptor->str : $descriptor->name));
      SWIG_Chicken_Barf(SWIG_BARF1_BAD_ARGUMENT_TYPE, err_msg);
  } else {
    snprintf(err_msg, sizeof(err_msg), "Type error in argument #%i: expected %s", 1, ($descriptor->str ? $descriptor->str : $descriptor->name));
    SWIG_Chicken_Barf(SWIG_BARF1_BAD_ARGUMENT_TYPE, err_msg);

%typemap(varout) SWIGTYPE (CLASS::*) {
  size_t ptr_size = sizeof($type);
  C_word *known_space = C_alloc(C_SIZEOF_PAIR + C_SIZEOF_STRING(2*ptr_size) + C_SIZEOF_SWIG_POINTER);
  char *temp = (char *)malloc(2*ptr_size);
  C_word ptr = SWIG_NewPointerObj((void *) known_space, $descriptor, 0);

  SWIG_PackData(temp, (void *) &$varname, ptr_size);
  $result = C_pair(&known_space, C_string(&known_space, 2*ptr_size, temp), ptr);


/* Pass-by-value */

%typemap(in,closcode="(slot-ref $input 'swig-this)") SWIGTYPE($&1_ltype argp) {
  argp = ($&1_ltype)SWIG_MustGetPtr($input, $&1_descriptor, $argnum, 0);
  $1 = *argp;

%typemap(varin,closcode="(slot-ref $input 'swig-this)") SWIGTYPE {
  $&1_ltype argp;
  argp = ($&1_ltype)SWIG_MustGetPtr($input, $&1_descriptor, 1, 0);
  $1 = *argp;

%typemap(out) SWIGTYPE 
#ifdef __cplusplus
  $&1_ltype resultptr;
  C_word *known_space = C_alloc(C_SIZEOF_SWIG_POINTER);
  resultptr = new $1_ltype((const $1_ltype &) $1);
  $result =  SWIG_NewPointerObj(resultptr, $&1_descriptor, 1);
  $&1_ltype resultptr;
  C_word *known_space = C_alloc(C_SIZEOF_SWIG_POINTER);
  resultptr = ($&1_ltype) malloc(sizeof($1_type));
  memmove(resultptr, &$1, sizeof($1_type));
  $result = SWIG_NewPointerObj(resultptr, $&1_descriptor, 1);

%typemap(varout) SWIGTYPE 
#ifdef __cplusplus
  $&1_ltype resultptr;
  C_word *known_space = C_alloc(C_SIZEOF_SWIG_POINTER);
  resultptr = new $1_ltype((const $1_ltype&) $1);
  $result =  SWIG_NewPointerObj(resultptr, $&1_descriptor, 0);
  $&1_ltype resultptr;
  C_word *known_space = C_alloc(C_SIZEOF_SWIG_POINTER);
  resultptr = ($&1_ltype) malloc(sizeof($1_type));
  memmove(resultptr, &$1, sizeof($1_type));
  $result = SWIG_NewPointerObj(resultptr, $&1_descriptor, 0);

/* --- Output values --- */

/* Strings */

  char *
{ char *s = (char*) $1;
  if ($1 == NULL) {
    $result = C_SCHEME_FALSE;
  else {
    int string_len = strlen ((char *) ($1));
    C_word *string_space = C_alloc (C_SIZEOF_STRING (string_len));
    $result = C_string (&string_space, string_len, s);

  char *
{ char *s = (char*) $varname;
  if ($varname == NULL) {
    $result = C_SCHEME_FALSE;
  else {
    int string_len = strlen ($varname);
    C_word *string_space = C_alloc (C_SIZEOF_STRING (string_len));
    $result = C_string (&string_space, string_len, s);

%typemap(throws) char *
  if ($1 == NULL) {
  } else {
    int string_len = strlen($1);
    C_word *string_space = C_alloc(C_SIZEOF_STRING(string_len));
    SWIG_Chicken_ThrowException(C_string(&string_space, string_len, (char *) $1));

/* Void */
%typemap(out) void

/* Special typemap for character array return values */

  char [ANY], const char [ANY] 
%{ if ($1 == NULL) {
  $result = C_SCHEME_FALSE;
 else {
   const int string_len = strlen ($1);
   C_word *string_space = C_alloc (C_SIZEOF_STRING (string_len));
   $result = C_string (&string_space, string_len, $1);
 } %}

/* Primitive types--return by value */

/* --- Variable input --- */

/* A string */
#ifdef __cplusplus
%typemap(varin) char * {
  if ($input == C_SCHEME_FALSE) {
    $1 = NULL;
  else if (!C_swig_is_string ($input)) {
      swig_barf (SWIG_BARF1_BAD_ARGUMENT_TYPE, "C variable '$name ($1_ltype)'");
  else {
    char *temp = C_c_string ($input);
    int  len   = C_header_size ($input);
    if ($1) delete [] $1;
    $1 = ($type) new char[len+1];
    strncpy((char*)$1, temp, len);
    ((char*)$1) [len] = 0;
%typemap(varin,warning="451:Setting const char * variable may leak memory") const char * {
  if ($input == C_SCHEME_FALSE) {
    $1 = NULL;
  else if (!C_swig_is_string ($input)) {
    swig_barf (SWIG_BARF1_BAD_ARGUMENT_TYPE, "C variable '$name ($1_ltype)'");
  else {
    char *temp = C_c_string ($input);
    int  len   = C_header_size ($input);
    $1 = ($type) new char[len+1];
    ((char*)$1) [len] = 0;
%typemap(varin) char * {
  if ($input == C_SCHEME_FALSE) {
    $1 = NULL;
  else if (!C_swig_is_string ($input)) {
    swig_barf (SWIG_BARF1_BAD_ARGUMENT_TYPE, "C variable '$name ($1_ltype)'");
  else {
    char *temp = C_c_string ($input);
    int  len   = C_header_size ($input);
    if ($1) free((char*) $1);
    $1 = ($type) malloc(len+1);
    ((char*)$1) [len] = 0;
%typemap(varin,warning="451:Setting const char * variable may leak memory") const char * {
  if ($input == C_SCHEME_FALSE) {
    $1 = NULL;
  else if (!C_swig_is_string ($input)) {
    swig_barf (SWIG_BARF1_BAD_ARGUMENT_TYPE, "C variable '$name ($1_ltype)'");
  else {
    char *temp = C_c_string ($input);
    int  len   = C_header_size ($input);
    $1 = ($type) malloc(len+1);
    ((char*)$1) [len] = 0;

%typemap(varin) char [] {
  swig_barf(SWIG_BARF1_BAD_ARGUMENT_TYPE, "C/C++ variable '$name' is read-only");

/* Special case for string array variables */
%typemap(varin) char [ANY] {
  if ($input == C_SCHEME_FALSE) {
  else if (!C_swig_is_string ($input)) {
    swig_barf (SWIG_BARF1_BAD_ARGUMENT_TYPE, "C variable '$name ($1_ltype)'");
  else {
    char *temp = C_c_string ($input);

/* --- Variable output --- */

/* Void */
%typemap(varout) void "$result = C_SCHEME_UNDEFINED;";

/* Special typemap for character array return values */
%typemap(varout) char [ANY], const char [ANY] 
%{  if ($varname == NULL) {
    $result = C_SCHEME_FALSE;
  else {
   const int string_len = strlen ($varname);
   C_word *string_space = C_alloc (C_SIZEOF_STRING (string_len));
   $result = C_string (&string_space, string_len, (char *) $varname);

/* --- Constants --- */

%typemap(constcode) char *
"static const char *$result = $value;"

%typemap(constcode) SWIGTYPE *, SWIGTYPE &, SWIGTYPE []
"static const void *$result = (void*) $value;"

/* ------------------------------------------------------------
 * String & length
 * ------------------------------------------------------------ */

%typemap(in) (char *STRING, int LENGTH), (char *STRING, size_t LENGTH) {
  if ($input == C_SCHEME_FALSE) {
    swig_barf (SWIG_BARF1_BAD_ARGUMENT_TYPE, "Cannot use a null/#f string for a char*, int arguments");
  else if (C_swig_is_string ($input)) {
    $1 = ($1_ltype) C_c_string ($input);
    $2 = ($2_ltype) C_header_size ($input);
  else {
    swig_barf (SWIG_BARF1_BAD_ARGUMENT_TYPE, "Argument #$argnum is not of type 'string'");

/* ------------------------------------------------------------
 * CHICKEN types
 * ------------------------------------------------------------ */

%typemap(in)   C_word "$1 = $input;";
%typemap(out)  C_word "$result = $1;";

/* ------------------------------------------------------------
 * Typechecking rules
 * ------------------------------------------------------------ */

         bool, const bool & 
  $1 = C_swig_is_bool ($input);

	 int, short, 
 	 unsigned int, unsigned short,
	 signed char, unsigned char,
	 const int &, const short &, 
 	 const unsigned int &, const unsigned short &,
  $1 = C_swig_is_fixnum ($input);

 	 unsigned long,
	 long long, unsigned long long,
	 const long &,
 	 const unsigned long &,
	 const long long &, const unsigned long long &
  $1 = (C_swig_is_bool ($input) || 
    C_swig_is_fixnum ($input) || 
    C_swig_is_flonum ($input)) ? 1 : 0;

	float, double,
	const float &, const double &
  $1 = C_swig_is_flonum ($input);

%typecheck(SWIG_TYPECHECK_CHAR) char {
  $1 = C_swig_is_string ($input);

%typecheck(SWIG_TYPECHECK_STRING) char * {
  $1 = C_swig_is_string ($input);

  void *ptr;
  $1 = !SWIG_ConvertPtr($input, &ptr, $1_descriptor, 0);

%typecheck(SWIG_TYPECHECK_VOIDPTR) void * {
  void *ptr;
  $1 = !SWIG_ConvertPtr($input, &ptr, 0, 0);

  void *ptr = 0;
  if (SWIG_ConvertPtr($input, &ptr, $descriptor, 0)) {
    /* error */
    $1 = 0;
  } else {
    $1 = (ptr != 0);

  void *ptr = 0;
  if (SWIG_ConvertPtr($input, &ptr, $&descriptor, 0)) {
    /* error */
    $1 = 0;
  } else {
    $1 = (ptr != 0);

/* ------------------------------------------------------------
 * Exception handling
 * ------------------------------------------------------------ */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------
 * --- Exception handling ---
 * ------------------------------------------------------------ */

%typemap(throws) SWIGTYPE {
  $&ltype temp = new $ltype($1);
  C_word *known_space = C_alloc(C_SIZEOF_SWIG_POINTER);
  C_word ptr = SWIG_NewPointerObj(temp, $&descriptor,1);

%typemap(throws) SWIGTYPE * {
  C_word *known_space = C_alloc(C_SIZEOF_SWIG_POINTER);
  C_word ptr = SWIG_NewPointerObj((void *) $1, $descriptor, 0);

%typemap(throws) SWIGTYPE [ANY] {
  C_word *known_space = C_alloc(C_SIZEOF_SWIG_POINTER);
  C_word ptr = SWIG_NewPointerObj((void *) $1, $descriptor, 0);

%typemap(throws) SWIGTYPE & {
  C_word *known_space = C_alloc(C_SIZEOF_SWIG_POINTER);
  C_word ptr = SWIG_NewPointerObj((void *)&($1),$descriptor,0);

/* ------------------------------------------------------------
 * ANSI C typemaps
 * ------------------------------------------------------------ */

%apply unsigned long { size_t };

/* ------------------------------------------------------------
 * Various
 * ------------------------------------------------------------ */

/* Array reference typemaps */
%apply SWIGTYPE & { SWIGTYPE ((&)[ANY]) }

/* const pointers */
%apply SWIGTYPE * { SWIGTYPE *const }

/* ------------------------------------------------------------
 * Overloaded operator support
 * ------------------------------------------------------------ */

#ifdef __cplusplus
%rename(__add__)      *::operator+;
%rename(__pos__)      *::operator+();
%rename(__pos__)      *::operator+() const;
%rename(__sub__)      *::operator-;
%rename(__neg__)      *::operator-();
%rename(__neg__)      *::operator-() const;
%rename(__mul__)      *::operator*;
%rename(__div__)      *::operator/;
%rename(__mod__)      *::operator%;
%rename(__lshift__)   *::operator<<;
%rename(__rshift__)   *::operator>>;
%rename(__and__)      *::operator&;
%rename(__or__)       *::operator|;
%rename(__xor__)      *::operator^;
%rename(__invert__)   *::operator~;
%rename(__iadd__)     *::operator+=;
%rename(__isub__)     *::operator-=;
%rename(__imul__)     *::operator*=;
%rename(__idiv__)     *::operator/=;
%rename(__imod__)     *::operator%=;
%rename(__ilshift__)  *::operator<<=;
%rename(__irshift__)  *::operator>>=;
%rename(__iand__)     *::operator&=;
%rename(__ior__)      *::operator|=;
%rename(__ixor__)     *::operator^=;
%rename(__lt__)       *::operator<;
%rename(__le__)       *::operator<=;
%rename(__gt__)       *::operator>;
%rename(__ge__)       *::operator>=;
%rename(__eq__)       *::operator==;
%rename(__ne__)       *::operator!=;

/* Special cases */
%rename(__call__)     *::operator();

/* Warnings for certain CHICKEN keywords */
%include <chickenkw.swg>

/* TinyCLOS <--> Low-level CHICKEN */

%typemap("clos_in") SIMPLE_CLOS_OBJECT * "(slot-ref $input (quote this))"
%typemap("clos_out") SIMPLE_CLOS_OBJECT * "(make $class (quote this) $1)"

%insert(header) %{
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* Chicken initialization function */
SWIGEXPORT void SWIG_init(C_word, C_word, C_word) C_noret;
#ifdef __cplusplus

%insert(closprefix) "swigclosprefix.scm"

%insert(init) "swiginit.swg"

%insert(init) %{
/* CHICKEN initialization function */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
SWIGEXPORT void SWIG_init(C_word argc, C_word closure, C_word continuation) {
  int       i;
  C_word sym;
  C_word tmp;
  C_word *a;
  C_word ret;
  C_word *return_vec;

  ret = C_SCHEME_TRUE;
#if $veclength
  return_vec = C_alloc(C_SIZEOF_VECTOR($veclength));
  ret = (C_word) return_vec;
  *(return_vec++) = C_VECTOR_TYPE | $veclength;

  a = C_alloc(2*$nummethods$symsize);
