//===- GeneralOptions.h ---------------------------------------------------===//
//                     The MCLinker Project
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include <mcld/Support/RealPath.h>
#include <mcld/Support/FileSystem.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <set>

namespace mcld {

class Input;
class ZOption;

/** \class GeneralOptions
 *  \brief GeneralOptions collects the options that not be one of the
 *     - input files
 *     - attribute of input files
class GeneralOptions
  enum StripSymbolMode {

  enum HashStyle {
    SystemV = 0x1,
    GNU     = 0x2,
    Both    = 0x3

  enum ICF {

  typedef std::vector<std::string> RpathList;
  typedef RpathList::iterator rpath_iterator;
  typedef RpathList::const_iterator const_rpath_iterator;

  typedef std::vector<std::string> ScriptList;
  typedef ScriptList::iterator script_iterator;
  typedef ScriptList::const_iterator const_script_iterator;

  typedef std::vector<std::string> AuxiliaryList;
  typedef AuxiliaryList::iterator aux_iterator;
  typedef AuxiliaryList::const_iterator const_aux_iterator;

  typedef std::vector<std::string> UndefSymList;
  typedef UndefSymList::iterator undef_sym_iterator;
  typedef UndefSymList::const_iterator const_undef_sym_iterator;

  typedef std::set<std::string> ExcludeLIBS;


  /// trace
  void setTrace(bool pEnableTrace = true)
  { m_bTrace = pEnableTrace; }

  bool trace() const
  { return m_bTrace; }

  void setBsymbolic(bool pBsymbolic = true)
  { m_Bsymbolic = pBsymbolic; }

  bool Bsymbolic() const
  { return m_Bsymbolic; }

  void setPIE(bool pPIE = true)
  { m_bPIE = pPIE; }

  bool isPIE() const
  { return m_bPIE; }

  void setBgroup(bool pBgroup = true)
  { m_Bgroup = pBgroup; }

  bool Bgroup() const
  { return m_Bgroup; }

  void setDyld(const std::string& pDyld)
  { m_Dyld = pDyld; }

  const std::string& dyld() const
  { return m_Dyld; }

  bool hasDyld() const
  { return !m_Dyld.empty(); }

  void setSOName(const std::string& pName);

  const std::string& soname() const
  { return m_SOName; }

  void setVerbose(int8_t pVerbose = -1)
  { m_Verbose = pVerbose; }

  int8_t verbose() const
  { return m_Verbose; }

  void setMaxErrorNum(int16_t pNum)
  { m_MaxErrorNum = pNum; }

  int16_t maxErrorNum() const
  { return m_MaxErrorNum; }

  void setMaxWarnNum(int16_t pNum)
  { m_MaxWarnNum = pNum; }

  int16_t maxWarnNum() const
  { return m_MaxWarnNum; }

  void setColor(bool pEnabled = true)
  { m_bColor = pEnabled; }

  bool color() const
  { return m_bColor; }

  void setNoUndefined(bool pEnable = true)
  { m_NoUndefined = (pEnable?YES:NO); }

  void setMulDefs(bool pEnable = true)
  { m_MulDefs = (pEnable?YES:NO); }

  void setEhFrameHdr(bool pEnable = true)
  { m_bCreateEhFrameHdr = pEnable; }

  ///  -----  the -z options  -----  ///
  void addZOption(const mcld::ZOption& pOption);

  bool hasCombReloc() const
  { return m_bCombReloc; }

  bool hasNoUndefined() const
  { return (Unknown != m_NoUndefined); }

  bool isNoUndefined() const
  { return (YES == m_NoUndefined); }

  bool hasStackSet() const
  { return (Unknown != m_ExecStack); }

  bool hasExecStack() const
  { return (YES == m_ExecStack); }

  bool hasInitFirst() const
  { return m_bInitFirst; }

  bool hasInterPose() const
  { return m_bInterPose; }

  bool hasLoadFltr() const
  { return m_bLoadFltr; }

  bool hasMulDefs() const
  { return (Unknown != m_MulDefs); }

  bool isMulDefs() const
  { return (YES == m_MulDefs); }

  bool hasNoCopyReloc() const
  { return m_bNoCopyReloc; }

  bool hasNoDefaultLib() const
  { return m_bNoDefaultLib; }

  bool hasNoDelete() const
  { return m_bNoDelete; }

  bool hasNoDLOpen() const
  { return m_bNoDLOpen; }

  bool hasNoDump() const
  { return m_bNoDump; }

  bool hasRelro() const
  { return m_bRelro; }

  bool hasNow() const
  { return m_bNow; }

  bool hasOrigin() const
  { return m_bOrigin; }

  uint64_t commPageSize() const
  { return m_CommPageSize; }

  uint64_t maxPageSize() const
  { return m_MaxPageSize; }

  bool hasEhFrameHdr() const
  { return m_bCreateEhFrameHdr; }

  // -n, --nmagic
  void setNMagic(bool pMagic = true)
  { m_bNMagic = pMagic; }

  bool nmagic() const
  { return m_bNMagic; }

  // -N, --omagic
  void setOMagic(bool pMagic = true)
  { m_bOMagic = pMagic; }

  bool omagic() const
  { return m_bOMagic; }

  // -S, --strip-debug
  void setStripDebug(bool pStripDebug = true)
  { m_bStripDebug = pStripDebug; }

  bool stripDebug() const
  { return m_bStripDebug; }

  // -E, --export-dynamic
  void setExportDynamic(bool pExportDynamic = true)
  { m_bExportDynamic = pExportDynamic; }

  bool exportDynamic() const
  { return m_bExportDynamic; }

  // --warn-shared-textrel
  void setWarnSharedTextrel(bool pWarnSharedTextrel = true)
  { m_bWarnSharedTextrel = pWarnSharedTextrel; }

  bool warnSharedTextrel() const
  { return m_bWarnSharedTextrel; }

  void setBinaryInput(bool pBinaryInput = true)
  { m_bBinaryInput = pBinaryInput; }

  bool isBinaryInput() const
  { return m_bBinaryInput; }

  void setDefineCommon(bool pEnable = true)
  { m_bDefineCommon = pEnable; }

  bool isDefineCommon() const
  { return m_bDefineCommon; }

  void setFatalWarnings(bool pEnable = true)
  { m_bFatalWarnings = pEnable; }

  bool isFatalWarnings() const
  { return m_bFatalWarnings; }

  StripSymbolMode getStripSymbolMode() const
  { return m_StripSymbols; }

  void setStripSymbols(StripSymbolMode pMode)
  { m_StripSymbols = pMode; }

  void setNewDTags(bool pEnable = true)
  { m_bNewDTags = pEnable; }

  bool hasNewDTags() const
  { return m_bNewDTags; }

  void setNoStdlib(bool pEnable = true)
  { m_bNoStdlib = pEnable; }

  bool nostdlib() const
  { return m_bNoStdlib; }

  // -M, --print-map
  void setPrintMap(bool pEnable = true)
  { m_bPrintMap = pEnable; }

  bool printMap() const
  { return m_bPrintMap; }

  void setWarnMismatch(bool pEnable = true)
  { m_bWarnMismatch = pEnable; }

  bool warnMismatch() const
  { return m_bWarnMismatch; }

  // --gc-sections
  void setGCSections(bool pEnable = true)
  { m_bGCSections = pEnable; }

  bool GCSections() const
  { return m_bGCSections; }

  // --print-gc-sections
  void setPrintGCSections(bool pEnable = true)
  { m_bPrintGCSections = pEnable; }

  bool getPrintGCSections() const
  { return m_bPrintGCSections; }

  // --ld-generated-unwind-info
  void setGenUnwindInfo(bool pEnable = true)
  { m_bGenUnwindInfo = pEnable; }

  bool genUnwindInfo() const
  { return m_bGenUnwindInfo; }

  // -G, max GP size option
  void setGPSize(int gpsize)
  { m_GPSize = gpsize; }

  int getGPSize() const
  { return m_GPSize; }

  unsigned int getHashStyle() const { return m_HashStyle; }

  void setHashStyle(unsigned int pStyle)
  { m_HashStyle = pStyle; }

  ICF getICFMode() const { return m_ICF; }

  void setICFMode(ICF pMode)
  { m_ICF = pMode; }

  size_t getICFIterations() const { return m_ICFIterations; }

  void setICFIterations(size_t pNum)
  { m_ICFIterations = pNum; }

  bool printICFSections() const { return m_bPrintICFSections; }

  void setPrintICFSections(bool pPrintICFSections)
  { m_bPrintICFSections = pPrintICFSections; }

  // -----  link-in rpath  ----- //
  const RpathList& getRpathList() const { return m_RpathList; }
  RpathList&       getRpathList()       { return m_RpathList; }

  const_rpath_iterator rpath_begin() const { return m_RpathList.begin(); }
  rpath_iterator       rpath_begin()       { return m_RpathList.begin(); }
  const_rpath_iterator rpath_end  () const { return m_RpathList.end();   }
  rpath_iterator       rpath_end  ()       { return m_RpathList.end();   }

  // -----  link-in script  ----- //
  const ScriptList& getScriptList() const { return m_ScriptList; }
  ScriptList&       getScriptList()       { return m_ScriptList; }

  const_script_iterator script_begin() const { return m_ScriptList.begin(); }
  script_iterator       script_begin()       { return m_ScriptList.begin(); }
  const_script_iterator script_end  () const { return m_ScriptList.end();   }
  script_iterator       script_end  ()       { return m_ScriptList.end();   }

  // -----  -u/--undefined, undefined symbols ----- //
  const UndefSymList& getUndefSymList() const { return m_UndefSymList; }
  UndefSymList&       getUndefSymList()       { return m_UndefSymList; }

  const_undef_sym_iterator undef_sym_begin() const
  { return m_UndefSymList.begin(); }
  undef_sym_iterator undef_sym_begin()
  { return m_UndefSymList.begin(); }

  const_undef_sym_iterator undef_sym_end() const
  { return m_UndefSymList.end(); }
  undef_sym_iterator undef_sym_end()
  { return m_UndefSymList.end(); }

  // -----  filter and auxiliary filter  ----- //
  void setFilter(const std::string& pFilter)
  { m_Filter = pFilter; }

  const std::string& filter() const
  { return m_Filter; }

  bool hasFilter() const
  { return !m_Filter.empty(); }

  const AuxiliaryList& getAuxiliaryList() const { return m_AuxiliaryList; }
  AuxiliaryList&       getAuxiliaryList()       { return m_AuxiliaryList; }

  const_aux_iterator aux_begin() const { return m_AuxiliaryList.begin(); }
  aux_iterator       aux_begin()       { return m_AuxiliaryList.begin(); }
  const_aux_iterator aux_end  () const { return m_AuxiliaryList.end();   }
  aux_iterator       aux_end  ()       { return m_AuxiliaryList.end();   }

  // -----  exclude libs  ----- //
  ExcludeLIBS& excludeLIBS()
  { return m_ExcludeLIBS; }

  bool isInExcludeLIBS(const Input& pInput) const;

  enum status {

  std::string m_DefaultLDScript;
  std::string m_Dyld;
  std::string m_SOName;
  int8_t m_Verbose;            // --verbose[=0,1,2]
  uint16_t m_MaxErrorNum;      // --error-limit=N
  uint16_t m_MaxWarnNum;       // --warning-limit=N
  status m_ExecStack;          // execstack, noexecstack
  status m_NoUndefined;        // defs, --no-undefined
  status m_MulDefs;            // muldefs, --allow-multiple-definition
  uint64_t m_CommPageSize;     // common-page-size=value
  uint64_t m_MaxPageSize;      // max-page-size=value
  bool m_bCombReloc     : 1;   // combreloc, nocombreloc
  bool m_bInitFirst     : 1;   // initfirst
  bool m_bInterPose     : 1;   // interpose
  bool m_bLoadFltr      : 1;   // loadfltr
  bool m_bNoCopyReloc   : 1;   // nocopyreloc
  bool m_bNoDefaultLib  : 1;   // nodefaultlib
  bool m_bNoDelete      : 1;   // nodelete
  bool m_bNoDLOpen      : 1;   // nodlopen
  bool m_bNoDump        : 1;   // nodump
  bool m_bRelro         : 1;   // relro, norelro
  bool m_bNow           : 1;   // lazy, now
  bool m_bOrigin        : 1;   // origin
  bool m_bTrace         : 1;   // --trace
  bool m_Bsymbolic      : 1;   // --Bsymbolic
  bool m_Bgroup         : 1;
  bool m_bPIE           : 1;
  bool m_bColor         : 1;   // --color[=true,false,auto]
  bool m_bCreateEhFrameHdr : 1;    // --eh-frame-hdr
  bool m_bNMagic : 1; // -n, --nmagic
  bool m_bOMagic : 1; // -N, --omagic
  bool m_bStripDebug : 1; // -S, --strip-debug
  bool m_bExportDynamic :1; //-E, --export-dynamic
  bool m_bWarnSharedTextrel : 1; // --warn-shared-textrel
  bool m_bBinaryInput : 1; // -b [input-format], --format=[input-format]
  bool m_bDefineCommon : 1; // -d, -dc, -dp
  bool m_bFatalWarnings : 1; // --fatal-warnings
  bool m_bNewDTags: 1; // --enable-new-dtags
  bool m_bNoStdlib: 1; // -nostdlib
  bool m_bPrintMap: 1; // --print-map
  bool m_bWarnMismatch: 1; // --no-warn-mismatch
  bool m_bGCSections: 1; // --gc-sections
  bool m_bPrintGCSections:1; // --print-gc-sections
  bool m_bGenUnwindInfo: 1; // --ld-generated-unwind-info
  bool m_bPrintICFSections: 1; // --print-icf-sections
  ICF m_ICF;
  size_t m_ICFIterations;
  uint32_t m_GPSize; // -G, --gpsize
  StripSymbolMode m_StripSymbols;
  RpathList m_RpathList;
  ScriptList m_ScriptList;
  UndefSymList m_UndefSymList; // -u [symbol], --undefined [symbol]
  unsigned int m_HashStyle;
  std::string m_Filter;
  AuxiliaryList m_AuxiliaryList;
  ExcludeLIBS m_ExcludeLIBS;

} // namespace of mcld
