#! @PERL@

##--- Cachegrind's differencer.                         cg_diff.in ---##

#  This file is part of Cachegrind, a Valgrind tool for cache
#  profiling programs.
#  Copyright (C) 2002-2010 Nicholas Nethercote
#     njn@valgrind.org
#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
#  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
#  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
#  License, or (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
#  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
#  02111-1307, USA.
#  The GNU General Public License is contained in the file COPYING.

# This is a very cut-down and modified version of cg_annotate.

use warnings;
use strict;

# Global variables

# Version number
my $version = "@VERSION@";

# Usage message.
my $usage = <<END
usage: cg_diff [options] <cachegrind-out-file1> <cachegrind-out-file2>

  options for the user, with defaults in [ ], are:
    -h --help             show this message
    -v --version          show version
    --mod-filename=<expr> a Perl search-and-replace expression that is applied
                          to filenames, eg. --mod-filename='s/prog[0-9]/projN/'
    --mod-funcname=<expr> like --mod-filename, but applied to function names

  cg_diff is Copyright (C) 2010-2010 Nicholas Nethercote.
  and licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2.
  Bug reports, feedback, admiration, abuse, etc, to: njn\@valgrind.org.

# --mod-filename expression
my $mod_filename = undef;

# --mod-funcname expression
my $mod_funcname = undef;

# Argument and option handling
sub process_cmd_line() 
    my ($file1, $file2) = (undef, undef);

    for my $arg (@ARGV) { 

        if ($arg =~ /^-/) {
            # --version
            if ($arg =~ /^-v$|^--version$/) {

            } elsif ($arg =~ /^--mod-filename=(.*)/) {
                $mod_filename = $1;

            } elsif ($arg =~ /^--mod-funcname=(.*)/) {
                $mod_funcname = $1;

            } else {            # -h and --help fall under this case

        } elsif (not defined($file1)) {
            $file1 = $arg;

        } elsif (not defined($file2)) {
            $file2 = $arg;

        } else {

    # Must have specified two input files.
    if (not defined $file1 or not defined $file2) {

    return ($file1, $file2);

# Reading of input file
sub max ($$) 
    my ($x, $y) = @_;
    return ($x > $y ? $x : $y);

# Add the two arrays;  any '.' entries are ignored.  Two tricky things:
# 1. If $a2->[$i] is undefined, it defaults to 0 which is what we want; we turn
#    off warnings to allow this.  This makes things about 10% faster than
#    checking for definedness ourselves.
# 2. We don't add an undefined count or a ".", even though it's value is 0,
#    because we don't want to make an $a2->[$i] that is undef become 0
#    unnecessarily.
sub add_array_a_to_b ($$) 
    my ($a, $b) = @_;

    my $n = max(scalar @$a, scalar @$b);
    $^W = 0;
    foreach my $i (0 .. $n-1) {
        $b->[$i] += $a->[$i] if (defined $a->[$i] && "." ne $a->[$i]);
    $^W = 1;

sub sub_array_b_from_a ($$) 
    my ($a, $b) = @_;

    my $n = max(scalar @$a, scalar @$b);
    $^W = 0;
    foreach my $i (0 .. $n-1) {
        $a->[$i] -= $b->[$i];       # XXX: doesn't handle '.' entries
    $^W = 1;

# Add each event count to the CC array.  '.' counts become undef, as do
# missing entries (implicitly).
sub line_to_CC ($$)
    my ($line, $numEvents) = @_;

    my @CC = (split /\s+/, $line);
    (@CC <= $numEvents) or die("Line $.: too many event counts\n");
    return \@CC;

sub read_input_file($) 
    my ($input_file) = @_;

    open(INPUTFILE, "< $input_file") 
         || die "Cannot open $input_file for reading\n";

    # Read "desc:" lines.
    my $desc;
    my $line;
    while ($line = <INPUTFILE>) {
        if ($line =~ s/desc:\s+//) {
            $desc .= $line;
        } else {

    # Read "cmd:" line (Nb: will already be in $line from "desc:" loop above).
    ($line =~ s/^cmd:\s+//) or die("Line $.: missing command line\n");
    my $cmd = $line;
    chomp($cmd);    # Remove newline

    # Read "events:" line.  We make a temporary hash in which the Nth event's
    # value is N, which is useful for handling --show/--sort options below.
    $line = <INPUTFILE>;
    (defined $line && $line =~ s/^events:\s+//) 
        or die("Line $.: missing events line\n");
    my @events = split(/\s+/, $line);
    my $numEvents = scalar @events;

    my $currFileName;
    my $currFileFuncName;

    my %CCs;                    # hash("$filename#$funcname" => CC array)
    my $currCC = undef;         # CC array

    my $summaryCC;

    # Read body of input file.
    while (<INPUTFILE>) {
        s/#.*$//;   # remove comments
        if (s/^(\d+)\s+//) {
            my $CC = line_to_CC($_, $numEvents);
            defined($currCC) || die;
            add_array_a_to_b($CC, $currCC);

        } elsif (s/^fn=(.*)$//) {
            defined($currFileName) || die;
            my $tmpFuncName = $1;
            if (defined $mod_funcname) {
                eval "\$tmpFuncName =~ $mod_funcname";
            $currFileFuncName = "$currFileName#$tmpFuncName";
            $currCC = $CCs{$currFileFuncName};
            if (not defined $currCC) {
                $currCC = [];
                $CCs{$currFileFuncName} = $currCC;

        } elsif (s/^fl=(.*)$//) {
            $currFileName = $1;
            if (defined $mod_filename) {
                eval "\$currFileName =~ $mod_filename";
            # Assume that a "fn=" line is followed by a "fl=" line.
            $currFileFuncName = undef;  

        } elsif (s/^\s*$//) {
            # blank, do nothing
        } elsif (s/^summary:\s+//) {
            $summaryCC = line_to_CC($_, $numEvents);
            (scalar(@$summaryCC) == @events) 
                or die("Line $.: summary event and total event mismatch\n");

        } else {
            warn("WARNING: line $. malformed, ignoring\n");

    # Check if summary line was present
    if (not defined $summaryCC) {
        die("missing final summary line, aborting\n");


    return ($cmd, \@events, \%CCs, $summaryCC);

# "main()"
# Commands seen in the files.  Need not match.
my $cmd1;
my $cmd2;

# Events seen in the files.  They must match.
my $events1;
my $events2;

# Individual CCs, organised by filename/funcname/line_num.
# hashref("$filename#$funcname", CC array)
my $CCs1;
my $CCs2;

# Total counts for summary (an arrayref).
my $summaryCC1;
my $summaryCC2;

# Read the input files
my ($file1, $file2) = process_cmd_line();
($cmd1, $events1, $CCs1, $summaryCC1) = read_input_file($file1);
($cmd2, $events2, $CCs2, $summaryCC2) = read_input_file($file2);

# Check the events match
my $n = max(scalar @$events1, scalar @$events2);
$^W = 0;    # turn off warnings, because we might hit undefs
foreach my $i (0 .. $n-1) {
    ($events1->[$i] eq $events2->[$i]) || die "events don't match, aborting\n";
$^W = 1;

# Do the subtraction: CCs2 -= CCs1
while (my ($filefuncname, $CC1) = each(%$CCs1)) {
    my $CC2 = $CCs2->{$filefuncname};
    if (not defined $CC2) {
        $CC2 = [];
        sub_array_b_from_a($CC2, $CC1);     # CC2 -= CC1
        $CCs2->{$filefuncname} = $CC2;
    } else {
        sub_array_b_from_a($CC2, $CC1);     # CC2 -= CC1
sub_array_b_from_a($summaryCC2, $summaryCC1);

# Print the result, in CCs2
print("desc: Files compared:   $file1; $file2\n");
print("cmd:  $cmd1; $cmd2\n");
print("events: ");
for my $e (@$events1) {
    print(" $e");

while (my ($filefuncname, $CC) = each(%$CCs2)) {

    my @x = split(/#/, $filefuncname);
    (scalar @x == 2) || die;


    foreach my $n (@$CC) {
        print(" $n");

foreach my $n (@$summaryCC2) {
    print(" $n");

##--- end                                                          ---##