""" Test the solution to issue 11581. valobj.AddressOf() returns None when an address is expected in a SyntheticChildrenProvider """ import os, time import unittest2 import lldb import lldbutil from lldbtest import * class Issue11581TestCase(TestBase): mydir = os.path.join("expression_command", "issue_11588") def test_11581_commands(self): # This is the function to remove the custom commands in order to have a # clean slate for the next test case. def cleanup(): self.runCmd('type synthetic clear', check=False) # Execute the cleanup function during test case tear down. self.addTearDownHook(cleanup) """valobj.AddressOf() should return correct values.""" self.buildDefault() exe = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "a.out") target = self.dbg.CreateTarget(exe) self.assertTrue(target, VALID_TARGET) breakpoint = target.BreakpointCreateBySourceRegex('Set breakpoint here.',lldb.SBFileSpec ("main.cpp", False)) process = target.LaunchSimple (None, None, os.getcwd()) self.assertTrue (process, "Created a process.") self.assertTrue (process.GetState() == lldb.eStateStopped, "Stopped it too.") thread_list = lldbutil.get_threads_stopped_at_breakpoint (process, breakpoint) self.assertTrue (len(thread_list) == 1) thread = thread_list[0] self.runCmd("command script import --allow-reload s11588.py") self.runCmd("type synthetic add --python-class s11588.Issue11581SyntheticProvider StgClosure") self.expect("expr --show-types -- *((StgClosure*)(r14-1))", substrs = ["(StgClosure) $", "(StgClosure *) &$","0x", "addr = ", "load_address = "]) target = lldb.debugger.GetSelectedTarget() process = target.GetProcess() # register r14 does not exist on 32-bit architectures, it is an x86_64 extension # let's skip this part of the test if we are in 32-bit mode if process.GetAddressByteSize() == 8: frame = process.GetSelectedThread().GetSelectedFrame() pointer = frame.FindVariable("r14") addr = pointer.GetValueAsUnsigned(0) self.assertTrue(addr != 0, "could not read pointer to StgClosure") addr = addr - 1 self.runCmd("register write r14 %d" % addr) self.expect("register read r14", substrs = ["0x",hex(addr)[2:].rstrip("L")]) # Remove trailing 'L' if it exists self.expect("expr --show-types -- *(StgClosure*)$r14", substrs = ["(StgClosure) $", "(StgClosure *) &$","0x", "addr = ", "load_address = ", hex(addr)[2:].rstrip("L"), str(addr)]) if __name__ == '__main__': import atexit lldb.SBDebugger.Initialize() atexit.register(lambda: lldb.SBDebugger.Terminate()) unittest2.main()