#!/usr/bin/python #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Be sure to add the python path that points to the LLDB shared library. # # To use this in the embedded python interpreter using "lldb": # # cd /path/containing/crashlog.py # lldb # (lldb) script import crashlog # "crashlog" command installed, type "crashlog --help" for detailed help # (lldb) crashlog ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/a.crash # # The benefit of running the crashlog command inside lldb in the # embedded python interpreter is when the command completes, there # will be a target with all of the files loaded at the locations # described in the crash log. Only the files that have stack frames # in the backtrace will be loaded unless the "--load-all" option # has been specified. This allows users to explore the program in the # state it was in right at crash time. # # On MacOSX csh, tcsh: # ( setenv PYTHONPATH /path/to/LLDB.framework/Resources/Python ; ./crashlog.py ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/a.crash ) # # On MacOSX sh, bash: # PYTHONPATH=/path/to/LLDB.framework/Resources/Python ./crashlog.py ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/a.crash #---------------------------------------------------------------------- import commands import cmd import datetime import glob import optparse import os import platform import plistlib import pprint # pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4); pp.pprint(command_args) import re import shlex import string import sys import time import uuid try: # Just try for LLDB in case PYTHONPATH is already correctly setup import lldb except ImportError: lldb_python_dirs = list() # lldb is not in the PYTHONPATH, try some defaults for the current platform platform_system = platform.system() if platform_system == 'Darwin': # On Darwin, try the currently selected Xcode directory xcode_dir = commands.getoutput("xcode-select --print-path") if xcode_dir: lldb_python_dirs.append(os.path.realpath(xcode_dir + '/../SharedFrameworks/LLDB.framework/Resources/Python')) lldb_python_dirs.append(xcode_dir + '/Library/PrivateFrameworks/LLDB.framework/Resources/Python') lldb_python_dirs.append('/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/LLDB.framework/Resources/Python') success = False for lldb_python_dir in lldb_python_dirs: if os.path.exists(lldb_python_dir): if not (sys.path.__contains__(lldb_python_dir)): sys.path.append(lldb_python_dir) try: import lldb except ImportError: pass else: print 'imported lldb from: "%s"' % (lldb_python_dir) success = True break if not success: print "error: couldn't locate the 'lldb' module, please set PYTHONPATH correctly" sys.exit(1) from lldb.utils import symbolication PARSE_MODE_NORMAL = 0 PARSE_MODE_THREAD = 1 PARSE_MODE_IMAGES = 2 PARSE_MODE_THREGS = 3 PARSE_MODE_SYSTEM = 4 class CrashLog(symbolication.Symbolicator): """Class that does parses darwin crash logs""" parent_process_regex = re.compile('^Parent Process:\s*(.*)\[(\d+)\]'); thread_state_regex = re.compile('^Thread ([0-9]+) crashed with') thread_regex = re.compile('^Thread ([0-9]+)([^:]*):(.*)') frame_regex = re.compile('^([0-9]+) +([^ ]+) *\t?(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+) +(.*)') image_regex_uuid = re.compile('(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)[- ]+(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+) +[+]?([^ ]+) +([^<]+)<([-0-9a-fA-F]+)> (.*)'); image_regex_no_uuid = re.compile('(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)[- ]+(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+) +[+]?([^ ]+) +([^/]+)/(.*)'); empty_line_regex = re.compile('^$') class Thread: """Class that represents a thread in a darwin crash log""" def __init__(self, index): self.index = index self.frames = list() self.idents = list() self.registers = dict() self.reason = None self.queue = None def dump(self, prefix): print "%sThread[%u] %s" % (prefix, self.index, self.reason) if self.frames: print "%s Frames:" % (prefix) for frame in self.frames: frame.dump(prefix + ' ') if self.registers: print "%s Registers:" % (prefix) for reg in self.registers.keys(): print "%s %-5s = %#16.16x" % (prefix, reg, self.registers[reg]) def add_ident(self, ident): if not ident in self.idents: self.idents.append(ident) def did_crash(self): return self.reason != None def __str__(self): s = "Thread[%u]" % self.index if self.reason: s += ' %s' % self.reason return s class Frame: """Class that represents a stack frame in a thread in a darwin crash log""" def __init__(self, index, pc, description): self.pc = pc self.description = description self.index = index def __str__(self): if self.description: return "[%3u] 0x%16.16x %s" % (self.index, self.pc, self.description) else: return "[%3u] 0x%16.16x" % (self.index, self.pc) def dump(self, prefix): print "%s%s" % (prefix, str(self)) class DarwinImage(symbolication.Image): """Class that represents a binary images in a darwin crash log""" dsymForUUIDBinary = os.path.expanduser('~rc/bin/dsymForUUID') if not os.path.exists(dsymForUUIDBinary): dsymForUUIDBinary = commands.getoutput('which dsymForUUID') dwarfdump_uuid_regex = re.compile('UUID: ([-0-9a-fA-F]+) \(([^\(]+)\) .*') def __init__(self, text_addr_lo, text_addr_hi, identifier, version, uuid, path): symbolication.Image.__init__(self, path, uuid); self.add_section (symbolication.Section(text_addr_lo, text_addr_hi, "__TEXT")) self.identifier = identifier self.version = version def locate_module_and_debug_symbols(self): # Don't load a module twice... if self.resolved: return True # Mark this as resolved so we don't keep trying self.resolved = True uuid_str = self.get_normalized_uuid_string() print 'Getting symbols for %s %s...' % (uuid_str, self.path), if os.path.exists(self.dsymForUUIDBinary): dsym_for_uuid_command = '%s %s' % (self.dsymForUUIDBinary, uuid_str) s = commands.getoutput(dsym_for_uuid_command) if s: plist_root = plistlib.readPlistFromString (s) if plist_root: plist = plist_root[uuid_str] if plist: if 'DBGArchitecture' in plist: self.arch = plist['DBGArchitecture'] if 'DBGDSYMPath' in plist: self.symfile = os.path.realpath(plist['DBGDSYMPath']) if 'DBGSymbolRichExecutable' in plist: self.resolved_path = os.path.expanduser (plist['DBGSymbolRichExecutable']) if not self.resolved_path and os.path.exists(self.path): dwarfdump_cmd_output = commands.getoutput('dwarfdump --uuid "%s"' % self.path) self_uuid = self.get_uuid() for line in dwarfdump_cmd_output.splitlines(): match = self.dwarfdump_uuid_regex.search (line) if match: dwarf_uuid_str = match.group(1) dwarf_uuid = uuid.UUID(dwarf_uuid_str) if self_uuid == dwarf_uuid: self.resolved_path = self.path self.arch = match.group(2) break; if not self.resolved_path: self.unavailable = True print "error\n error: unable to locate '%s' with UUID %s" % (self.path, uuid_str) return False if (self.resolved_path and os.path.exists(self.resolved_path)) or (self.path and os.path.exists(self.path)): print 'ok' # if self.resolved_path: # print ' exe = "%s"' % self.resolved_path # if self.symfile: # print ' dsym = "%s"' % self.symfile return True else: self.unavailable = True return False def __init__(self, path): """CrashLog constructor that take a path to a darwin crash log file""" symbolication.Symbolicator.__init__(self); self.path = os.path.expanduser(path); self.info_lines = list() self.system_profile = list() self.threads = list() self.idents = list() # A list of the required identifiers for doing all stack backtraces self.crashed_thread_idx = -1 self.version = -1 self.error = None # With possible initial component of ~ or ~user replaced by that user's home directory. try: f = open(self.path) except IOError: self.error = 'error: cannot open "%s"' % self.path return self.file_lines = f.read().splitlines() parse_mode = PARSE_MODE_NORMAL thread = None for line in self.file_lines: # print line line_len = len(line) if line_len == 0: if thread: if parse_mode == PARSE_MODE_THREAD: if thread.index == self.crashed_thread_idx: thread.reason = '' if self.thread_exception: thread.reason += self.thread_exception if self.thread_exception_data: thread.reason += " (%s)" % self.thread_exception_data self.threads.append(thread) thread = None else: # only append an extra empty line if the previous line # in the info_lines wasn't empty if len(self.info_lines) > 0 and len(self.info_lines[-1]): self.info_lines.append(line) parse_mode = PARSE_MODE_NORMAL # print 'PARSE_MODE_NORMAL' elif parse_mode == PARSE_MODE_NORMAL: if line.startswith ('Process:'): (self.process_name, pid_with_brackets) = line[8:].strip().split(' [') self.process_id = pid_with_brackets.strip('[]') elif line.startswith ('Path:'): self.process_path = line[5:].strip() elif line.startswith ('Identifier:'): self.process_identifier = line[11:].strip() elif line.startswith ('Version:'): version_string = line[8:].strip() matched_pair = re.search("(.+)\((.+)\)", version_string) if matched_pair: self.process_version = matched_pair.group(1) self.process_compatability_version = matched_pair.group(2) else: self.process = version_string self.process_compatability_version = version_string elif self.parent_process_regex.search(line): parent_process_match = self.parent_process_regex.search(line) self.parent_process_name = parent_process_match.group(1) self.parent_process_id = parent_process_match.group(2) elif line.startswith ('Exception Type:'): self.thread_exception = line[15:].strip() continue elif line.startswith ('Exception Codes:'): self.thread_exception_data = line[16:].strip() continue elif line.startswith ('Crashed Thread:'): self.crashed_thread_idx = int(line[15:].strip().split()[0]) continue elif line.startswith ('Report Version:'): self.version = int(line[15:].strip()) continue elif line.startswith ('System Profile:'): parse_mode = PARSE_MODE_SYSTEM continue elif (line.startswith ('Interval Since Last Report:') or line.startswith ('Crashes Since Last Report:') or line.startswith ('Per-App Interval Since Last Report:') or line.startswith ('Per-App Crashes Since Last Report:') or line.startswith ('Sleep/Wake UUID:') or line.startswith ('Anonymous UUID:')): # ignore these continue elif line.startswith ('Thread'): thread_state_match = self.thread_state_regex.search (line) if thread_state_match: thread_state_match = self.thread_regex.search (line) thread_idx = int(thread_state_match.group(1)) parse_mode = PARSE_MODE_THREGS thread = self.threads[thread_idx] else: thread_match = self.thread_regex.search (line) if thread_match: # print 'PARSE_MODE_THREAD' parse_mode = PARSE_MODE_THREAD thread_idx = int(thread_match.group(1)) thread = CrashLog.Thread(thread_idx) continue elif line.startswith ('Binary Images:'): parse_mode = PARSE_MODE_IMAGES continue self.info_lines.append(line.strip()) elif parse_mode == PARSE_MODE_THREAD: if line.startswith ('Thread'): continue frame_match = self.frame_regex.search(line) if frame_match: ident = frame_match.group(2) thread.add_ident(ident) if not ident in self.idents: self.idents.append(ident) thread.frames.append (CrashLog.Frame(int(frame_match.group(1)), int(frame_match.group(3), 0), frame_match.group(4))) else: print 'error: frame regex failed for line: "%s"' % line elif parse_mode == PARSE_MODE_IMAGES: image_match = self.image_regex_uuid.search (line) if image_match: image = CrashLog.DarwinImage (int(image_match.group(1),0), int(image_match.group(2),0), image_match.group(3).strip(), image_match.group(4).strip(), uuid.UUID(image_match.group(5)), image_match.group(6)) self.images.append (image) else: image_match = self.image_regex_no_uuid.search (line) if image_match: image = CrashLog.DarwinImage (int(image_match.group(1),0), int(image_match.group(2),0), image_match.group(3).strip(), image_match.group(4).strip(), None, image_match.group(5)) self.images.append (image) else: print "error: image regex failed for: %s" % line elif parse_mode == PARSE_MODE_THREGS: stripped_line = line.strip() # "r12: 0x00007fff6b5939c8 r13: 0x0000000007000006 r14: 0x0000000000002a03 r15: 0x0000000000000c00" reg_values = re.findall ('([a-zA-Z0-9]+: 0[Xx][0-9a-fA-F]+) *', stripped_line); for reg_value in reg_values: #print 'reg_value = "%s"' % reg_value (reg, value) = reg_value.split(': ') #print 'reg = "%s"' % reg #print 'value = "%s"' % value thread.registers[reg.strip()] = int(value, 0) elif parse_mode == PARSE_MODE_SYSTEM: self.system_profile.append(line) f.close() def dump(self): print "Crash Log File: %s" % (self.path) print "\nThreads:" for thread in self.threads: thread.dump(' ') print "\nImages:" for image in self.images: image.dump(' ') def find_image_with_identifier(self, identifier): for image in self.images: if image.identifier == identifier: return image return None def create_target(self): #print 'crashlog.create_target()...' target = symbolication.Symbolicator.create_target(self) if target: return target # We weren't able to open the main executable as, but we can still symbolicate print 'crashlog.create_target()...2' if self.idents: for ident in self.idents: image = self.find_image_with_identifier (ident) if image: target = image.create_target () if target: return target # success print 'crashlog.create_target()...3' for image in self.images: target = image.create_target () if target: return target # success print 'crashlog.create_target()...4' print 'error: unable to locate any executables from the crash log' return None def usage(): print "Usage: lldb-symbolicate.py [-n name] executable-image" sys.exit(0) class Interactive(cmd.Cmd): '''Interactive prompt for analyzing one or more Darwin crash logs, type "help" to see a list of supported commands.''' image_option_parser = None def __init__(self, crash_logs): cmd.Cmd.__init__(self) self.use_rawinput = False self.intro = 'Interactive crashlogs prompt, type "help" to see a list of supported commands.' self.crash_logs = crash_logs self.prompt = '% ' def default(self, line): '''Catch all for unknown command, which will exit the interpreter.''' print "uknown command: %s" % line return True def do_q(self, line): '''Quit command''' return True def do_quit(self, line): '''Quit command''' return True def do_symbolicate(self, line): description='''Symbolicate one or more darwin crash log files by index to provide source file and line information, inlined stack frames back to the concrete functions, and disassemble the location of the crash for the first frame of the crashed thread.''' option_parser = CreateSymbolicateCrashLogOptions ('symbolicate', description, False) command_args = shlex.split(line) try: (options, args) = option_parser.parse_args(command_args) except: return if args: # We have arguments, they must valid be crash log file indexes for idx_str in args: idx = int(idx_str) if idx < len(self.crash_logs): SymbolicateCrashLog (self.crash_logs[idx], options) else: print 'error: crash log index %u is out of range' % (idx) else: # No arguments, symbolicate all crash logs using the options provided for idx in range(len(self.crash_logs)): SymbolicateCrashLog (self.crash_logs[idx], options) def do_list(self, line=None): '''Dump a list of all crash logs that are currently loaded. USAGE: list''' print '%u crash logs are loaded:' % len(self.crash_logs) for (crash_log_idx, crash_log) in enumerate(self.crash_logs): print '[%u] = %s' % (crash_log_idx, crash_log.path) def do_image(self, line): '''Dump information about one or more binary images in the crash log given an image basename, or all images if no arguments are provided.''' usage = "usage: %prog [options] <PATH> [PATH ...]" description='''Dump information about one or more images in all crash logs. The <PATH> can be a full path, image basename, or partial path. Searches are done in this order.''' command_args = shlex.split(line) if not self.image_option_parser: self.image_option_parser = optparse.OptionParser(description=description, prog='image',usage=usage) self.image_option_parser.add_option('-a', '--all', action='store_true', help='show all images', default=False) try: (options, args) = self.image_option_parser.parse_args(command_args) except: return if args: for image_path in args: fullpath_search = image_path[0] == '/' for (crash_log_idx, crash_log) in enumerate(self.crash_logs): matches_found = 0 for (image_idx, image) in enumerate(crash_log.images): if fullpath_search: if image.get_resolved_path() == image_path: matches_found += 1 print '[%u] ' % (crash_log_idx), image else: image_basename = image.get_resolved_path_basename() if image_basename == image_path: matches_found += 1 print '[%u] ' % (crash_log_idx), image if matches_found == 0: for (image_idx, image) in enumerate(crash_log.images): resolved_image_path = image.get_resolved_path() if resolved_image_path and string.find(image.get_resolved_path(), image_path) >= 0: print '[%u] ' % (crash_log_idx), image else: for crash_log in self.crash_logs: for (image_idx, image) in enumerate(crash_log.images): print '[%u] %s' % (image_idx, image) return False def interactive_crashlogs(options, args): crash_log_files = list() for arg in args: for resolved_path in glob.glob(arg): crash_log_files.append(resolved_path) crash_logs = list(); for crash_log_file in crash_log_files: #print 'crash_log_file = "%s"' % crash_log_file crash_log = CrashLog(crash_log_file) if crash_log.error: print crash_log.error continue if options.debug: crash_log.dump() if not crash_log.images: print 'error: no images in crash log "%s"' % (crash_log) continue else: crash_logs.append(crash_log) interpreter = Interactive(crash_logs) # List all crash logs that were imported interpreter.do_list() interpreter.cmdloop() def save_crashlog(debugger, command, result, dict): usage = "usage: %prog [options] <output-path>" description='''Export the state of current target into a crashlog file''' parser = optparse.OptionParser(description=description, prog='save_crashlog',usage=usage) parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', dest='verbose', help='display verbose debug info', default=False) try: (options, args) = parser.parse_args(shlex.split(command)) except: result.PutCString ("error: invalid options"); return if len(args) != 1: result.PutCString ("error: invalid arguments, a single output file is the only valid argument") return out_file = open(args[0], 'w') if not out_file: result.PutCString ("error: failed to open file '%s' for writing...", args[0]); return if lldb.target: identifier = lldb.target.executable.basename if lldb.process: pid = lldb.process.id if pid != lldb.LLDB_INVALID_PROCESS_ID: out_file.write('Process: %s [%u]\n' % (identifier, pid)) out_file.write('Path: %s\n' % (lldb.target.executable.fullpath)) out_file.write('Identifier: %s\n' % (identifier)) out_file.write('\nDate/Time: %s\n' % (datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))) out_file.write('OS Version: Mac OS X %s (%s)\n' % (platform.mac_ver()[0], commands.getoutput('sysctl -n kern.osversion'))); out_file.write('Report Version: 9\n') for thread_idx in range(lldb.process.num_threads): thread = lldb.process.thread[thread_idx] out_file.write('\nThread %u:\n' % (thread_idx)) for (frame_idx, frame) in enumerate(thread.frames): frame_pc = frame.pc frame_offset = 0 if frame.function: block = frame.GetFrameBlock() block_range = block.range[frame.addr] if block_range: block_start_addr = block_range[0] frame_offset = frame_pc - block_start_addr.load_addr else: frame_offset = frame_pc - frame.function.addr.load_addr elif frame.symbol: frame_offset = frame_pc - frame.symbol.addr.load_addr out_file.write('%-3u %-32s 0x%16.16x %s' % (frame_idx, frame.module.file.basename, frame_pc, frame.name)) if frame_offset > 0: out_file.write(' + %u' % (frame_offset)) line_entry = frame.line_entry if line_entry: if options.verbose: # This will output the fullpath + line + column out_file.write(' %s' % (line_entry)) else: out_file.write(' %s:%u' % (line_entry.file.basename, line_entry.line)) column = line_entry.column if column: out_file.write(':%u' % (column)) out_file.write('\n') out_file.write('\nBinary Images:\n') for module in lldb.target.modules: text_segment = module.section['__TEXT'] if text_segment: text_segment_load_addr = text_segment.GetLoadAddress(lldb.target) if text_segment_load_addr != lldb.LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS: text_segment_end_load_addr = text_segment_load_addr + text_segment.size identifier = module.file.basename module_version = '???' module_version_array = module.GetVersion() if module_version_array: module_version = '.'.join(map(str,module_version_array)) out_file.write (' 0x%16.16x - 0x%16.16x %s (%s - ???) <%s> %s\n' % (text_segment_load_addr, text_segment_end_load_addr, identifier, module_version, module.GetUUIDString(), module.file.fullpath)) out_file.close() else: result.PutCString ("error: invalid target"); def Symbolicate(debugger, command, result, dict): try: SymbolicateCrashLogs (shlex.split(command)) except: result.PutCString ("error: python exception %s" % sys.exc_info()[0]) def SymbolicateCrashLog(crash_log, options): if crash_log.error: print crash_log.error return if options.debug: crash_log.dump() if not crash_log.images: print 'error: no images in crash log' return if options.dump_image_list: print "Binary Images:" for image in crash_log.images: if options.verbose: print image.debug_dump() else: print image target = crash_log.create_target () if not target: return exe_module = target.GetModuleAtIndex(0) images_to_load = list() loaded_images = list() if options.load_all_images: # --load-all option was specified, load everything up for image in crash_log.images: images_to_load.append(image) else: # Only load the images found in stack frames for the crashed threads if options.crashed_only: for thread in crash_log.threads: if thread.did_crash(): for ident in thread.idents: images = crash_log.find_images_with_identifier (ident) if images: for image in images: images_to_load.append(image) else: print 'error: can\'t find image for identifier "%s"' % ident else: for ident in crash_log.idents: images = crash_log.find_images_with_identifier (ident) if images: for image in images: images_to_load.append(image) else: print 'error: can\'t find image for identifier "%s"' % ident for image in images_to_load: if image in loaded_images: print "warning: skipping %s loaded at %#16.16x duplicate entry (probably commpage)" % (image.path, image.text_addr_lo) else: err = image.add_module (target) if err: print err else: #print 'loaded %s' % image loaded_images.append(image) for thread in crash_log.threads: this_thread_crashed = thread.did_crash() if options.crashed_only and this_thread_crashed == False: continue print "%s" % thread #prev_frame_index = -1 display_frame_idx = -1 for frame_idx, frame in enumerate(thread.frames): disassemble = (this_thread_crashed or options.disassemble_all_threads) and frame_idx < options.disassemble_depth; if frame_idx == 0: symbolicated_frame_addresses = crash_log.symbolicate (frame.pc & crash_log.addr_mask, options.verbose) else: # Any frame above frame zero and we have to subtract one to get the previous line entry symbolicated_frame_addresses = crash_log.symbolicate ((frame.pc & crash_log.addr_mask) - 1, options.verbose) if symbolicated_frame_addresses: symbolicated_frame_address_idx = 0 for symbolicated_frame_address in symbolicated_frame_addresses: display_frame_idx += 1 print '[%3u] %s' % (frame_idx, symbolicated_frame_address) if (options.source_all or thread.did_crash()) and display_frame_idx < options.source_frames and options.source_context: source_context = options.source_context line_entry = symbolicated_frame_address.get_symbol_context().line_entry if line_entry.IsValid(): strm = lldb.SBStream() if line_entry: lldb.debugger.GetSourceManager().DisplaySourceLinesWithLineNumbers(line_entry.file, line_entry.line, source_context, source_context, "->", strm) source_text = strm.GetData() if source_text: # Indent the source a bit indent_str = ' ' join_str = '\n' + indent_str print '%s%s' % (indent_str, join_str.join(source_text.split('\n'))) if symbolicated_frame_address_idx == 0: if disassemble: instructions = symbolicated_frame_address.get_instructions() if instructions: print symbolication.disassemble_instructions (target, instructions, frame.pc, options.disassemble_before, options.disassemble_after, frame.index > 0) print symbolicated_frame_address_idx += 1 else: print frame print def CreateSymbolicateCrashLogOptions(command_name, description, add_interactive_options): usage = "usage: %prog [options] <FILE> [FILE ...]" option_parser = optparse.OptionParser(description=description, prog='crashlog',usage=usage) option_parser.add_option('--verbose' , '-v', action='store_true', dest='verbose', help='display verbose debug info', default=False) option_parser.add_option('--debug' , '-g', action='store_true', dest='debug', help='display verbose debug logging', default=False) option_parser.add_option('--load-all' , '-a', action='store_true', dest='load_all_images', help='load all executable images, not just the images found in the crashed stack frames', default=False) option_parser.add_option('--images' , action='store_true', dest='dump_image_list', help='show image list', default=False) option_parser.add_option('--debug-delay' , type='int', dest='debug_delay', metavar='NSEC', help='pause for NSEC seconds for debugger', default=0) option_parser.add_option('--crashed-only' , '-c', action='store_true', dest='crashed_only', help='only symbolicate the crashed thread', default=False) option_parser.add_option('--disasm-depth' , '-d', type='int', dest='disassemble_depth', help='set the depth in stack frames that should be disassembled (default is 1)', default=1) option_parser.add_option('--disasm-all' , '-D', action='store_true', dest='disassemble_all_threads', help='enabled disassembly of frames on all threads (not just the crashed thread)', default=False) option_parser.add_option('--disasm-before' , '-B', type='int', dest='disassemble_before', help='the number of instructions to disassemble before the frame PC', default=4) option_parser.add_option('--disasm-after' , '-A', type='int', dest='disassemble_after', help='the number of instructions to disassemble after the frame PC', default=4) option_parser.add_option('--source-context', '-C', type='int', metavar='NLINES', dest='source_context', help='show NLINES source lines of source context (default = 4)', default=4) option_parser.add_option('--source-frames' , type='int', metavar='NFRAMES', dest='source_frames', help='show source for NFRAMES (default = 4)', default=4) option_parser.add_option('--source-all' , action='store_true', dest='source_all', help='show source for all threads, not just the crashed thread', default=False) if add_interactive_options: option_parser.add_option('-i', '--interactive', action='store_true', help='parse all crash logs and enter interactive mode', default=False) return option_parser def SymbolicateCrashLogs(command_args): description='''Symbolicate one or more darwin crash log files to provide source file and line information, inlined stack frames back to the concrete functions, and disassemble the location of the crash for the first frame of the crashed thread. If this script is imported into the LLDB command interpreter, a "crashlog" command will be added to the interpreter for use at the LLDB command line. After a crash log has been parsed and symbolicated, a target will have been created that has all of the shared libraries loaded at the load addresses found in the crash log file. This allows you to explore the program as if it were stopped at the locations described in the crash log and functions can be disassembled and lookups can be performed using the addresses found in the crash log.''' option_parser = CreateSymbolicateCrashLogOptions ('crashlog', description, True) try: (options, args) = option_parser.parse_args(command_args) except: return if options.debug: print 'command_args = %s' % command_args print 'options', options print 'args', args if options.debug_delay > 0: print "Waiting %u seconds for debugger to attach..." % options.debug_delay time.sleep(options.debug_delay) error = lldb.SBError() if args: if options.interactive: interactive_crashlogs(options, args) else: for crash_log_file in args: crash_log = CrashLog(crash_log_file) SymbolicateCrashLog (crash_log, options) if __name__ == '__main__': # Create a new debugger instance lldb.debugger = lldb.SBDebugger.Create() SymbolicateCrashLogs (sys.argv[1:]) elif getattr(lldb, 'debugger', None): lldb.debugger.HandleCommand('command script add -f lldb.macosx.crashlog.Symbolicate crashlog') lldb.debugger.HandleCommand('command script add -f lldb.macosx.crashlog.save_crashlog save_crashlog') print '"crashlog" and "save_crashlog" command installed, use the "--help" option for detailed help'