VIXL Supported Instruction List
This is a list of the AArch64 instructions supported by the VIXL assembler,
disassembler and simulator. The simulator may not support all floating point
operations to the precision required by AArch64 - please check the simulator
source code for details.
AArch64 integer instructions
### adc ###
Add with carry bit.
void adc(const Register& rd,
const Register& rn,
const Operand& operand)
### adcs ###
Add with carry bit and update status flags.
void adcs(const Register& rd,
const Register& rn,
const Operand& operand)
### add ###
void add(const Register& rd,
const Register& rn,
const Operand& operand)
### adds ###
Add and update status flags.
void adds(const Register& rd,
const Register& rn,
const Operand& operand)
### adr ###
Calculate the address of a PC offset.
void adr(const Register& rd, int imm21)
### adr ###
Calculate the address of a label.
void adr(const Register& rd, Label* label)
### and ###
Bitwise and (A & B).
void and_(const Register& rd,
const Register& rn,
const Operand& operand)
### ands ###
Bitwise and (A & B) and update status flags.
void ands(const Register& rd,
const Register& rn,
const Operand& operand)
### asr ###
Arithmetic shift right.
inline void asr(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, unsigned shift)
### asrv ###
Arithmetic shift right by variable.
void asrv(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, const Register& rm)
### b ###
Conditional branch to PC offset.
void b(int imm19, Condition cond)
### b ###
Conditional branch to label.
void b(Label* label, Condition cond)
### b ###
Unconditional branch to PC offset.
void b(int imm26)
### b ###
Unconditional branch to label.
void b(Label* label)
### bfi ###
Bitfield insert.
inline void bfi(const Register& rd,
const Register& rn,
unsigned lsb,
unsigned width)
### bfm ###
Bitfield move.
void bfm(const Register& rd,
const Register& rn,
unsigned immr,
unsigned imms)
### bfxil ###
Bitfield extract and insert low.
inline void bfxil(const Register& rd,
const Register& rn,
unsigned lsb,
unsigned width)
### bic ###
Bit clear (A & ~B).
void bic(const Register& rd,
const Register& rn,
const Operand& operand)
### bics ###
Bit clear (A & ~B) and update status flags.
void bics(const Register& rd,
const Register& rn,
const Operand& operand)
### bl ###
Branch with link to PC offset.
void bl(int imm26)
### bl ###
Branch with link to label.
void bl(Label* label)
### blr ###
Branch with link to register.
void blr(const Register& xn)
### br ###
Branch to register.
void br(const Register& xn)
### brk ###
Monitor debug-mode breakpoint.
void brk(int code)
### cbnz ###
Compare and branch to PC offset if not zero.
void cbnz(const Register& rt, int imm19)
### cbnz ###
Compare and branch to label if not zero.
void cbnz(const Register& rt, Label* label)
### cbz ###
Compare and branch to PC offset if zero.
void cbz(const Register& rt, int imm19)
### cbz ###
Compare and branch to label if zero.
void cbz(const Register& rt, Label* label)
### ccmn ###
Conditional compare negative.
void ccmn(const Register& rn,
const Operand& operand,
StatusFlags nzcv,
Condition cond)
### ccmp ###
Conditional compare.
void ccmp(const Register& rn,
const Operand& operand,
StatusFlags nzcv,
Condition cond)
### cinc ###
Conditional increment: rd = cond ? rn + 1 : rn.
void cinc(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, Condition cond)
### cinv ###
Conditional invert: rd = cond ? ~rn : rn.
void cinv(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, Condition cond)
### cls ###
Count leading sign bits.
void cls(const Register& rd, const Register& rn)
### clz ###
Count leading zeroes.
void clz(const Register& rd, const Register& rn)
### cmn ###
Compare negative.
void cmn(const Register& rn, const Operand& operand)
### cmp ###
void cmp(const Register& rn, const Operand& operand)
### cneg ###
Conditional negate: rd = cond ? -rn : rn.
void cneg(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, Condition cond)
### csel ###
Conditional select: rd = cond ? rn : rm.
void csel(const Register& rd,
const Register& rn,
const Register& rm,
Condition cond)
### cset ###
Conditional set: rd = cond ? 1 : 0.
void cset(const Register& rd, Condition cond)
### csetm ###
Conditional set mask: rd = cond ? -1 : 0.
void csetm(const Register& rd, Condition cond)
### csinc ###
Conditional select increment: rd = cond ? rn : rm + 1.
void csinc(const Register& rd,
const Register& rn,
const Register& rm,
Condition cond)
### csinv ###
Conditional select inversion: rd = cond ? rn : ~rm.
void csinv(const Register& rd,
const Register& rn,
const Register& rm,
Condition cond)
### csneg ###
Conditional select negation: rd = cond ? rn : -rm.
void csneg(const Register& rd,
const Register& rn,
const Register& rm,
Condition cond)
### dmb ###
Data memory barrier.
void dmb(BarrierDomain domain, BarrierType type)
### dsb ###
Data synchronization barrier.
void dsb(BarrierDomain domain, BarrierType type)
### eon ###
Bitwise enor/xnor (A ^ ~B).
void eon(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, const Operand& operand)
### eor ###
Bitwise eor/xor (A ^ B).
void eor(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, const Operand& operand)
### extr ###
void extr(const Register& rd,
const Register& rn,
const Register& rm,
unsigned lsb)
### hint ###
System hint.
void hint(SystemHint code)
### hlt ###
Halting debug-mode breakpoint.
void hlt(int code)
### isb ###
Instruction synchronization barrier.
void isb()
### ldnp ###
Load integer or FP register pair, non-temporal.
void ldnp(const CPURegister& rt, const CPURegister& rt2,
const MemOperand& src)
### ldp ###
Load integer or FP register pair.
void ldp(const CPURegister& rt, const CPURegister& rt2,
const MemOperand& src)
### ldpsw ###
Load word pair with sign extension.
void ldpsw(const Register& rt, const Register& rt2, const MemOperand& src)
### ldr ###
Load double precision floating point literal to FP register.
void ldr(const FPRegister& ft, double imm)
### ldr ###
Load integer or FP register.
void ldr(const CPURegister& rt, const MemOperand& src)
### ldr ###
Load literal to register.
void ldr(const Register& rt, uint64_t imm)
### ldr ###
Load single precision floating point literal to FP register.
void ldr(const FPRegister& ft, float imm)
### ldrb ###
Load byte.
void ldrb(const Register& rt, const MemOperand& src)
### ldrh ###
Load half-word.
void ldrh(const Register& rt, const MemOperand& src)
### ldrsb ###
Load byte with sign extension.
void ldrsb(const Register& rt, const MemOperand& src)
### ldrsh ###
Load half-word with sign extension.
void ldrsh(const Register& rt, const MemOperand& src)
### ldrsw ###
Load word with sign extension.
void ldrsw(const Register& rt, const MemOperand& src)
### lsl ###
Logical shift left.
inline void lsl(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, unsigned shift)
### lslv ###
Logical shift left by variable.
void lslv(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, const Register& rm)
### lsr ###
Logical shift right.
inline void lsr(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, unsigned shift)
### lsrv ###
Logical shift right by variable.
void lsrv(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, const Register& rm)
### madd ###
Multiply and accumulate.
void madd(const Register& rd,
const Register& rn,
const Register& rm,
const Register& ra)
### mneg ###
Negated multiply.
void mneg(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, const Register& rm)
### mov ###
Move register to register.
void mov(const Register& rd, const Register& rn)
### movk ###
Move immediate and keep.
void movk(const Register& rd, uint64_t imm, int shift = -1)
### movn ###
Move inverted immediate.
void movn(const Register& rd, uint64_t imm, int shift = -1)
### movz ###
Move immediate.
void movz(const Register& rd, uint64_t imm, int shift = -1)
### mrs ###
Move to register from system register.
void mrs(const Register& rt, SystemRegister sysreg)
### msr ###
Move from register to system register.
void msr(SystemRegister sysreg, const Register& rt)
### msub ###
Multiply and subtract.
void msub(const Register& rd,
const Register& rn,
const Register& rm,
const Register& ra)
### mul ###
void mul(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, const Register& rm)
### mvn ###
Move inverted operand to register.
void mvn(const Register& rd, const Operand& operand)
### neg ###
void neg(const Register& rd,
const Operand& operand)
### negs ###
Negate and update status flags.
void negs(const Register& rd,
const Operand& operand)
### ngc ###
Negate with carry bit.
void ngc(const Register& rd,
const Operand& operand)
### ngcs ###
Negate with carry bit and update status flags.
void ngcs(const Register& rd,
const Operand& operand)
### nop ###
void nop()
### orn ###
Bitwise nor (A | ~B).
void orn(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, const Operand& operand)
### orr ###
Bitwise or (A | B).
void orr(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, const Operand& operand)
### rbit ###
Bit reverse.
void rbit(const Register& rd, const Register& rn)
### ret ###
Branch to register with return hint.
void ret(const Register& xn = lr)
### rev ###
Reverse bytes.
void rev(const Register& rd, const Register& rn)
### rev16 ###
Reverse bytes in 16-bit half words.
void rev16(const Register& rd, const Register& rn)
### rev32 ###
Reverse bytes in 32-bit words.
void rev32(const Register& rd, const Register& rn)
### ror ###
Rotate right.
inline void ror(const Register& rd, const Register& rs, unsigned shift)
### rorv ###
Rotate right by variable.
void rorv(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, const Register& rm)
### sbc ###
Subtract with carry bit.
void sbc(const Register& rd,
const Register& rn,
const Operand& operand)
### sbcs ###
Subtract with carry bit and update status flags.
void sbcs(const Register& rd,
const Register& rn,
const Operand& operand)
### sbfiz ###
Signed bitfield insert with zero at right.
inline void sbfiz(const Register& rd,
const Register& rn,
unsigned lsb,
unsigned width)
### sbfm ###
Signed bitfield move.
void sbfm(const Register& rd,
const Register& rn,
unsigned immr,
unsigned imms)
### sbfx ###
Signed bitfield extract.
inline void sbfx(const Register& rd,
const Register& rn,
unsigned lsb,
unsigned width)
### scvtf ###
Convert signed integer or fixed point to FP.
void scvtf(const FPRegister& fd, const Register& rn, unsigned fbits = 0)
### sdiv ###
Signed integer divide.
void sdiv(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, const Register& rm)
### smaddl ###
Signed long multiply and accumulate: 32 x 32 + 64 -> 64-bit.
void smaddl(const Register& rd,
const Register& rn,
const Register& rm,
const Register& ra)
### smsubl ###
Signed long multiply and subtract: 64 - (32 x 32) -> 64-bit.
void smsubl(const Register& rd,
const Register& rn,
const Register& rm,
const Register& ra)
### smulh ###
Signed multiply high: 64 x 64 -> 64-bit <127:64>.
void smulh(const Register& xd, const Register& xn, const Register& xm)
### smull ###
Signed long multiply: 32 x 32 -> 64-bit.
void smull(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, const Register& rm)
### stnp ###
Store integer or FP register pair, non-temporal.
void stnp(const CPURegister& rt, const CPURegister& rt2,
const MemOperand& dst)
### stp ###
Store integer or FP register pair.
void stp(const CPURegister& rt, const CPURegister& rt2,
const MemOperand& dst)
### str ###
Store integer or FP register.
void str(const CPURegister& rt, const MemOperand& dst)
### strb ###
Store byte.
void strb(const Register& rt, const MemOperand& dst)
### strh ###
Store half-word.
void strh(const Register& rt, const MemOperand& dst)
### sub ###
void sub(const Register& rd,
const Register& rn,
const Operand& operand)
### subs ###
Subtract and update status flags.
void subs(const Register& rd,
const Register& rn,
const Operand& operand)
### sxtb ###
Signed extend byte.
inline void sxtb(const Register& rd, const Register& rn)
### sxth ###
Signed extend halfword.
inline void sxth(const Register& rd, const Register& rn)
### sxtw ###
Signed extend word.
inline void sxtw(const Register& rd, const Register& rn)
### tbnz ###
Test bit and branch to PC offset if not zero.
void tbnz(const Register& rt, unsigned bit_pos, int imm14)
### tbnz ###
Test bit and branch to label if not zero.
void tbnz(const Register& rt, unsigned bit_pos, Label* label)
### tbz ###
Test bit and branch to PC offset if zero.
void tbz(const Register& rt, unsigned bit_pos, int imm14)
### tbz ###
Test bit and branch to label if zero.
void tbz(const Register& rt, unsigned bit_pos, Label* label)
### tst ###
Bit test and set flags.
void tst(const Register& rn, const Operand& operand)
### ubfiz ###
Unsigned bitfield insert with zero at right.
inline void ubfiz(const Register& rd,
const Register& rn,
unsigned lsb,
unsigned width)
### ubfm ###
Unsigned bitfield move.
void ubfm(const Register& rd,
const Register& rn,
unsigned immr,
unsigned imms)
### ubfx ###
Unsigned bitfield extract.
inline void ubfx(const Register& rd,
const Register& rn,
unsigned lsb,
unsigned width)
### ucvtf ###
Convert unsigned integer or fixed point to FP.
void ucvtf(const FPRegister& fd, const Register& rn, unsigned fbits = 0)
### udiv ###
Unsigned integer divide.
void udiv(const Register& rd, const Register& rn, const Register& rm)
### umaddl ###
Unsigned long multiply and accumulate: 32 x 32 + 64 -> 64-bit.
void umaddl(const Register& rd,
const Register& rn,
const Register& rm,
const Register& ra)
### umsubl ###
Unsigned long multiply and subtract: 64 - (32 x 32) -> 64-bit.
void umsubl(const Register& rd,
const Register& rn,
const Register& rm,
const Register& ra)
### uxtb ###
Unsigned extend byte.
inline void uxtb(const Register& rd, const Register& rn)
### uxth ###
Unsigned extend halfword.
inline void uxth(const Register& rd, const Register& rn)
### uxtw ###
Unsigned extend word.
inline void uxtw(const Register& rd, const Register& rn)
AArch64 floating point instructions
### fabs ###
FP absolute.
void fabs(const FPRegister& fd, const FPRegister& fn)
### fadd ###
FP add.
void fadd(const FPRegister& fd, const FPRegister& fn, const FPRegister& fm)
### fccmp ###
FP conditional compare.
void fccmp(const FPRegister& fn,
const FPRegister& fm,
StatusFlags nzcv,
Condition cond)
### fcmp ###
FP compare immediate.
void fcmp(const FPRegister& fn, double value)
### fcmp ###
FP compare registers.
void fcmp(const FPRegister& fn, const FPRegister& fm)
### fcsel ###
FP conditional select.
void fcsel(const FPRegister& fd,
const FPRegister& fn,
const FPRegister& fm,
Condition cond)
### fcvt ###
FP convert between single and double precision.
void fcvt(const FPRegister& fd, const FPRegister& fn)
### fcvtas ###
Convert FP to signed integer (nearest with ties to away).
void fcvtas(const Register& rd, const FPRegister& fn)
### fcvtau ###
Convert FP to unsigned integer (nearest with ties to away).
void fcvtau(const Register& rd, const FPRegister& fn)
### fcvtms ###
Convert FP to signed integer (round towards -infinity).
void fcvtms(const Register& rd, const FPRegister& fn)
### fcvtmu ###
Convert FP to unsigned integer (round towards -infinity).
void fcvtmu(const Register& rd, const FPRegister& fn)
### fcvtns ###
Convert FP to signed integer (nearest with ties to even).
void fcvtns(const Register& rd, const FPRegister& fn)
### fcvtnu ###
Convert FP to unsigned integer (nearest with ties to even).
void fcvtnu(const Register& rd, const FPRegister& fn)
### fcvtzs ###
Convert FP to signed integer (round towards zero).
void fcvtzs(const Register& rd, const FPRegister& fn)
### fcvtzu ###
Convert FP to unsigned integer (round towards zero).
void fcvtzu(const Register& rd, const FPRegister& fn)
### fdiv ###
FP divide.
void fdiv(const FPRegister& fd, const FPRegister& fn, const FPRegister& fm)
### fmadd ###
FP fused multiply and add.
void fmadd(const FPRegister& fd,
const FPRegister& fn,
const FPRegister& fm,
const FPRegister& fa)
### fmax ###
FP maximum.
void fmax(const FPRegister& fd, const FPRegister& fn, const FPRegister& fm)
### fmaxnm ###
FP maximum number.
void fmaxnm(const FPRegister& fd, const FPRegister& fn, const FPRegister& fm)
### fmin ###
FP minimum.
void fmin(const FPRegister& fd, const FPRegister& fn, const FPRegister& fm)
### fminnm ###
FP minimum number.
void fminnm(const FPRegister& fd, const FPRegister& fn, const FPRegister& fm)
### fmov ###
Move FP register to FP register.
void fmov(const FPRegister& fd, const FPRegister& fn)
### fmov ###
Move FP register to register.
void fmov(const Register& rd, const FPRegister& fn)
### fmov ###
Move double precision immediate to FP register.
void fmov(const FPRegister& fd, double imm)
### fmov ###
Move register to FP register.
void fmov(const FPRegister& fd, const Register& rn)
### fmov ###
Move single precision immediate to FP register.
void fmov(const FPRegister& fd, float imm)
### fmsub ###
FP fused multiply and subtract.
void fmsub(const FPRegister& fd,
const FPRegister& fn,
const FPRegister& fm,
const FPRegister& fa)
### fmul ###
FP multiply.
void fmul(const FPRegister& fd, const FPRegister& fn, const FPRegister& fm)
### fneg ###
FP negate.
void fneg(const FPRegister& fd, const FPRegister& fn)
### fnmadd ###
FP fused multiply, add and negate.
void fnmadd(const FPRegister& fd,
const FPRegister& fn,
const FPRegister& fm,
const FPRegister& fa)
### fnmsub ###
FP fused multiply, subtract and negate.
void fnmsub(const FPRegister& fd,
const FPRegister& fn,
const FPRegister& fm,
const FPRegister& fa)
### frinta ###
FP round to integer (nearest with ties to away).
void frinta(const FPRegister& fd, const FPRegister& fn)
### frintm ###
FP round to integer (toward minus infinity).
void frintm(const FPRegister& fd, const FPRegister& fn)
### frintn ###
FP round to integer (nearest with ties to even).
void frintn(const FPRegister& fd, const FPRegister& fn)
### frintz ###
FP round to integer (towards zero).
void frintz(const FPRegister& fd, const FPRegister& fn)
### fsqrt ###
FP square root.
void fsqrt(const FPRegister& fd, const FPRegister& fn)
### fsub ###
FP subtract.
void fsub(const FPRegister& fd, const FPRegister& fn, const FPRegister& fm)
Additional or pseudo instructions
### bind ###
Bind a label to the current PC.
void bind(Label* label)
### dc32 ###
Emit 32 bits of data into the instruction stream.
inline void dc32(uint32_t data)
### dc64 ###
Emit 64 bits of data into the instruction stream.
inline void dc64(uint64_t data)
### dci ###
Emit raw instructions into the instruction stream.
inline void dci(Instr raw_inst)