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Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
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Test compare_to_expectations.py
TODO(epoger): Create a command to update the expected results (in
self._output_dir_expected) when appropriate. For now, you should:
1. examine the results in self._output_dir_actual and make sure they are ok
2. rm -rf self._output_dir_expected
3. mv self._output_dir_actual self._output_dir_expected
Although, if you're using an SVN checkout, this will blow away .svn directories
within self._output_dir_expected, which wouldn't be good...
import os
import sys
# Imports from within Skia
import base_unittest
import compare_to_expectations
import results
import gm_json # must import results first, so that gm_json will be in sys.path
class CompareToExpectationsTest(base_unittest.TestCase):
def test_gm(self):
"""Process results of a GM run with the ExpectationComparisons object."""
results_obj = compare_to_expectations.ExpectationComparisons(
actuals_root=os.path.join(self._input_dir, 'gm-actuals'),
expected_root=os.path.join(self._input_dir, 'gm-expectations'),
results_obj.get_timestamp = mock_get_timestamp
os.path.join(self._output_dir_actual, 'gm.json'))
def mock_get_timestamp():
"""Mock version of BaseComparisons.get_timestamp() for testing."""
return 12345678
def main():
if __name__ == '__main__':