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 * drawElements Memory Pool Library
 * --------------------------------
 * Copyright 2014 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
 * \file
 * \brief Memory pool management.

#include "deMemPool.h"
#include "deMemory.h"
#include "deInt32.h"

#	include "deRandom.h"

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

	INITIAL_PAGE_SIZE		= 128,		/*!< Size for the first allocated memory page.			*/
	MAX_PAGE_SIZE			= 8096,		/*!< Maximum size for a memory page.					*/
	MEM_PAGE_BASE_ALIGN		= 4			/*!< Base alignment guarantee for mem page data ptr.	*/

typedef struct MemPage_s MemPage;

 * \internal
 * \brief Memory page header.
 * Represent a page of memory allocate by a memory pool.
struct MemPage_s
	int			capacity;
	int			bytesAllocated;

	MemPage*	nextPage;

typedef struct DebugAlloc_s DebugAlloc;

struct DebugAlloc_s
	void*			memPtr;
	DebugAlloc*		next;

 * \brief Memory pool.
 * A pool of memory from which individual memory allocations can be made.
 * The memory pools don't have a freeing operation for individual allocations,
 * but rather all of the memory allocated from a pool is freed when the pool
 * is destroyed.
 * The pools can be arranged into a hierarchy. If a pool with children is
 * destroyed, all of the children are first recursively destroyed and then
 * the pool itself.
 * The memory pools support a feature where individual allocations can be
 * made to simulate failure (i.e., return null). This can be enabled by
 * creating the root pool with the deMemPool_createFailingRoot() function.
 * When the feature is enabled, also creation of sub-pools occasionally
 * fails.
struct deMemPool_s
	deUint32		flags;				/*!< Flags.											*/
	deMemPool*		parent;				/*!< Pointer to parent (null for root pools).		*/
	deMemPoolUtil*	util;				/*!< Utilities (callbacks etc.).					*/
	int				numChildren;		/*!< Number of child pools.							*/
	deMemPool*		firstChild;			/*!< Pointer to first child pool in linked list.	*/
	deMemPool*		prevPool;			/*!< Previous pool in parent's linked list.			*/
	deMemPool*		nextPool;			/*!< Next pool in parent's linked list.				*/

	MemPage*		currentPage;		/*!< Current memory page from which to allocate.	*/

	deBool			allowFailing;		/*!< Is allocation failure simulation enabled?		*/
	deRandom		failRandom;			/*!< RNG for failing allocations.					*/
	deBool			enableDebugAllocs;	/*!< If true, always allocates using deMalloc().	*/
	DebugAlloc*		debugAllocListHead;	/*!< List of allocation in debug mode.				*/

	int				lastAllocatedIndex;	/*!< Index of last allocated pool (rootPool only).	*/
	int				allocIndex;			/*!< Allocation index (running counter).			*/
	int				maxMemoryAllocated;	/*!< Maximum amount of memory allocated from pools.	*/
	int				maxMemoryCapacity;	/*!< Maximum amount of memory allocated for pools.	*/

 * \internal
 * \brief Initialize a memory page.
 * \param page		Memory page to initialize.
 * \param capacity	Capacity allocated for the memory page.
static void MemPage_init (MemPage* page, int capacity)
	memset(page, 0, sizeof(MemPage));
#if defined(DE_DEBUG)
	memset(page + 1, 0xCD, capacity);
	page->capacity = capacity;

 * \internal
 * \brief Create a new memory page.
 * \param capacity	Capacity for the memory page.
 * \return The created memory page (or null on failure).
static MemPage* MemPage_create (int capacity)
	MemPage* page = (MemPage*)deMalloc(sizeof(MemPage) + capacity);
	if (!page)
		return DE_NULL;

	DE_ASSERT(deIsAlignedPtr(page+1, MEM_PAGE_BASE_ALIGN));

	MemPage_init(page, capacity);
	return page;

 * \internal
 * \brief Destroy a memory page.
 * \param page	Memory page to destroy.
static void MemPage_destroy (MemPage* page)
#if defined(DE_DEBUG)
	/* Fill with garbage to hopefully catch dangling pointer bugs easier. */
	deUint8* dataPtr = (deUint8*)(page + 1);
	memset(dataPtr, 0xCD, page->capacity);

 * \internal
 * \brief Internal function for creating a new memory pool.
 * \param parent	Parent pool (may be null).
 * \return The created memory pool (or null on failure).
static deMemPool* createPoolInternal (deMemPool* parent)
	deMemPool*	pool;
	MemPage*	initialPage;

	if (parent && parent->allowFailing)
		if ((deRandom_getUint32(&parent->failRandom) & 16383) <= 15)
			return DE_NULL;

	/* Init first page. */
	initialPage = MemPage_create(INITIAL_PAGE_SIZE);
	if (!initialPage)
		return DE_NULL;

	/* Alloc pool from initial page. */
	DE_ASSERT((int)sizeof(deMemPool) <= initialPage->capacity);
	pool = (deMemPool*)(initialPage + 1);
	initialPage->bytesAllocated += (int)sizeof(deMemPool);

	memset(pool, 0, sizeof(deMemPool));
	pool->currentPage = initialPage;

	/* Register to parent. */
	pool->parent = parent;
	if (parent)
		if (parent->firstChild) parent->firstChild->prevPool = pool;
		pool->nextPool = parent->firstChild;
		parent->firstChild = pool;

	/* Get utils from parent. */
	pool->util = parent ? parent->util : DE_NULL;

	pool->allowFailing = parent ? parent->allowFailing : DE_FALSE;
	deRandom_init(&pool->failRandom, parent ? deRandom_getUint32(&parent->failRandom) : 0x1234abcd);

	pool->enableDebugAllocs		= parent ? parent->enableDebugAllocs : DE_FALSE;
	pool->debugAllocListHead	= DE_NULL;

	/* Pool allocation index. */
		deMemPool* root = pool;
		while (root->parent)
			root = root->parent;

		if (pool == root)
			root->lastAllocatedIndex = 0;

		pool->allocIndex = ++root->lastAllocatedIndex;

		/* \note Put the index of leaking pool here and add a breakpoint to catch leaks easily. */
/*		if (pool->allocIndex == 51)
			root = root;*/

	return pool;

 * \brief Create a new root memory pool.
 * \return The created memory pool (or null on failure).
deMemPool* deMemPool_createRoot	(const deMemPoolUtil* util, deUint32 flags)
	deMemPool* pool = createPoolInternal(DE_NULL);
	if (!pool)
		return DE_NULL;
		pool->allowFailing = DE_TRUE;
		pool->enableDebugAllocs		= DE_TRUE;
		pool->debugAllocListHead	= DE_NULL;
	DE_UNREF(flags); /* in case no debug features enabled */

	/* Get copy of utilities. */
	if (util)
		deMemPoolUtil* utilCopy = DE_POOL_NEW(pool, deMemPoolUtil);
		if (!utilCopy)
			return DE_NULL;

		memcpy(utilCopy, util, sizeof(deMemPoolUtil));
		pool->util = utilCopy;

	return pool;

 * \brief Create a sub-pool for an existing memory pool.
 * \return The created memory pool (or null on failure).
deMemPool* deMemPool_create (deMemPool* parent)
	deMemPool* pool;
	pool = createPoolInternal(parent);
	if (!pool && parent->util)
	return pool;

 * \brief Destroy a memory pool.
 * \param pool	Pool to be destroyed.
 * Frees all the memory allocated from the pool. Also destroyed any child
 * pools that the pool has (recursively).
void deMemPool_destroy (deMemPool* pool)
	deMemPool* iter;
	deMemPool* iterNext;

	/* Update memory consumption statistics. */
	if (pool->parent)
		deMemPool* root = pool->parent;
		while (root->parent)
			root = root->parent;
		root->maxMemoryAllocated	= deMax32(root->maxMemoryAllocated, deMemPool_getNumAllocatedBytes(root, DE_TRUE));
		root->maxMemoryCapacity		= deMax32(root->maxMemoryCapacity, deMemPool_getCapacity(root, DE_TRUE));

	/* Destroy all children. */
	iter = pool->firstChild;
	while (iter)
		iterNext = iter->nextPool;
		iter = iterNext;

	DE_ASSERT(pool->numChildren == 0);

	/* Update pointers. */
	if (pool->prevPool) pool->prevPool->nextPool = pool->nextPool;
	if (pool->nextPool) pool->nextPool->prevPool = pool->prevPool;

	if (pool->parent)
		deMemPool* parent = pool->parent;
		if (parent->firstChild == pool)
			parent->firstChild = pool->nextPool;

		DE_ASSERT(parent->numChildren >= 0);

	/* Free all debug allocations. */
	if (pool->enableDebugAllocs)
		DebugAlloc* alloc	= pool->debugAllocListHead;
		DebugAlloc* next;

		while (alloc)
			next = alloc->next;
			alloc = next;

		pool->debugAllocListHead = DE_NULL;

	/* Free pages. */
	/* \note Pool itself is allocated from first page, so we must not touch the pool after freeing the page! */
		MemPage* page = pool->currentPage;
		MemPage* nextPage;

		while (page)
			nextPage = page->nextPage;
			page = nextPage;

 * \brief Get the number of children for a pool.
 * \return The number of (immediate) child pools a memory pool has.
int deMemPool_getNumChildren (const deMemPool* pool)
	return pool->numChildren;

 * \brief Get the number of bytes allocated (by the user) from the pool.
 * \param pool		Pool pointer.
 * \param recurse	Is operation recursive to child pools?
 * \return The number of bytes allocated by the pool (including child pools
 *		   if 'recurse' is true).
int deMemPool_getNumAllocatedBytes (const deMemPool* pool, deBool recurse)
	int			numAllocatedBytes = 0;
	MemPage*	memPage;

	for (memPage = pool->currentPage; memPage; memPage = memPage->nextPage)
		numAllocatedBytes += memPage->bytesAllocated;

	if (recurse)
		deMemPool* child;
		for (child = pool->firstChild; child; child = child->nextPool)
			numAllocatedBytes += deMemPool_getNumAllocatedBytes(child, DE_TRUE);

	return numAllocatedBytes;

int deMemPool_getCapacity (const deMemPool* pool, deBool recurse)
	int			numCapacityBytes = 0;
	MemPage*	memPage;

	for (memPage = pool->currentPage; memPage; memPage = memPage->nextPage)
		numCapacityBytes += memPage->capacity;

	if (recurse)
		deMemPool* child;
		for (child = pool->firstChild; child; child = child->nextPool)
			numCapacityBytes += deMemPool_getCapacity(child, DE_TRUE);

	return numCapacityBytes;

DE_INLINE void* deMemPool_allocInternal (deMemPool* pool, int numBytes, deUint32 alignBytes)
	MemPage* curPage = pool->currentPage;

	if (pool->allowFailing)
		if ((deRandom_getUint32(&pool->failRandom) & 16383) <= 15)
			return DE_NULL;

	if (pool->enableDebugAllocs)
		DebugAlloc*	header	= DE_NEW(DebugAlloc);
		void*		ptr		= deAlignedMalloc(numBytes, alignBytes);

		if (!header || !ptr)
			return DE_NULL;

		header->memPtr	= ptr;
		header->next	= pool->debugAllocListHead;
		pool->debugAllocListHead = header;

		return ptr;

		void*	curPagePtr		= (void*)((deUint8*)(curPage + 1) + curPage->bytesAllocated);
		void*	alignedPtr		= deAlignPtr(curPagePtr, alignBytes);
		int		alignPadding	= (int)((deUintptr)alignedPtr - (deUintptr)curPagePtr);

		if (numBytes + alignPadding > curPage->capacity - curPage->bytesAllocated)
			/* Does not fit to current page. */
			int		maxAlignPadding		= deMax32(0, alignBytes-MEM_PAGE_BASE_ALIGN);
			int		newPageCapacity		= deMax32(deMin32(2*curPage->capacity, MAX_PAGE_SIZE), numBytes+maxAlignPadding);

			curPage = MemPage_create(newPageCapacity);
			if (!curPage)
				return DE_NULL;

			curPage->nextPage	= pool->currentPage;
			pool->currentPage	= curPage;

			DE_ASSERT(curPage->bytesAllocated == 0);

			curPagePtr			= (void*)(curPage + 1);
			alignedPtr			= deAlignPtr(curPagePtr, alignBytes);
			alignPadding		= (int)((deUintptr)alignedPtr - (deUintptr)curPagePtr);

			DE_ASSERT(numBytes + alignPadding <= curPage->capacity);

		curPage->bytesAllocated += numBytes+alignPadding;
		return alignedPtr;

 * \brief Allocate memory from a pool.
 * \param pool		Memory pool to allocate from.
 * \param numBytes	Number of bytes to allocate.
 * \return Pointer to the allocate memory (or null on failure).
void* deMemPool_alloc (deMemPool* pool, int numBytes)
	void* ptr;
	DE_ASSERT(numBytes > 0);
	ptr = deMemPool_allocInternal(pool, numBytes, DE_POOL_DEFAULT_ALLOC_ALIGNMENT);
	if (!ptr && pool->util)
	return ptr;

 * \brief Allocate aligned memory from a pool.
 * \param pool			Memory pool to allocate from.
 * \param numBytes		Number of bytes to allocate.
 * \param alignBytes	Required alignment in bytes, must be power of two.
 * \return Pointer to the allocate memory (or null on failure).
void* deMemPool_alignedAlloc (deMemPool* pool, int numBytes, deUint32 alignBytes)
	void* ptr;
	DE_ASSERT(numBytes > 0);
	ptr = deMemPool_allocInternal(pool, numBytes, alignBytes);
	DE_ASSERT(deIsAlignedPtr(ptr, alignBytes));
	if (!ptr && pool->util)
	return ptr;

 * \brief Duplicate a piece of memory into a memory pool.
 * \param pool	Memory pool to allocate from.
 * \param ptr	Piece of memory to duplicate.
 * \return Pointer to the copied memory block (or null on failure).
void* deMemPool_memDup (deMemPool* pool, const void* ptr, int numBytes)
	void* newPtr = deMemPool_alloc(pool, numBytes);
	if (newPtr)
		memcpy(newPtr, ptr, numBytes);
	return newPtr;

 * \brief Duplicate a string into a memory pool.
 * \param pool	Memory pool to allocate from.
 * \param str	String to duplicate.
 * \return Pointer to the new string (or null on failure).
char* deMemPool_strDup (deMemPool* pool, const char* str)
	int		len		= (int)strlen(str);
	char*	newStr	= (char*)deMemPool_alloc(pool, len+1);
	if (newStr)
		memcpy(newStr, str, len+1);
	return newStr;

 * \brief Duplicate a string into a memory pool, with a maximum length.
 * \param pool		Memory pool to allocate from.
 * \param str		String to duplicate.
 * \param maxLength	Maximum number of characters to duplicate.
 * \return Pointer to the new string (or null on failure).
char* deMemPool_strnDup (deMemPool* pool, const char* str, int maxLength)
	int		len			= deMin32((int)strlen(str), maxLength);
	char*	newStr		= (char*)deMemPool_alloc(pool, len + 1);
	if (newStr)
		memcpy(newStr, str, len);
		newStr[len] = 0;
	return newStr;


int deMemPool_getMaxNumAllocatedBytes (const deMemPool* pool)
	DE_ASSERT(pool && !pool->parent); /* must be root */
	return deMax32(pool->maxMemoryAllocated, deMemPool_getNumAllocatedBytes(pool, DE_TRUE));

int deMemPool_getMaxCapacity (const deMemPool* pool)
	DE_ASSERT(pool && !pool->parent); /* must be root */
	return deMax32(pool->maxMemoryCapacity, deMemPool_getCapacity(pool, DE_TRUE));
