// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
'use strict';
* Scrollable thumbnail ribbon at the bottom of the Gallery in the Slide mode.
* @param {Document} document Document.
* @param {MetadataCache} metadataCache MetadataCache instance.
* @param {cr.ui.ArrayDataModel} dataModel Data model.
* @param {cr.ui.ListSelectionModel} selectionModel Selection model.
* @return {Element} Ribbon element.
* @constructor
function Ribbon(document, metadataCache, dataModel, selectionModel) {
var self = document.createElement('div');
Ribbon.decorate(self, metadataCache, dataModel, selectionModel);
return self;
* Inherit from HTMLDivElement.
Ribbon.prototype.__proto__ = HTMLDivElement.prototype;
* Decorate a Ribbon instance.
* @param {Ribbon} self Self pointer.
* @param {MetadataCache} metadataCache MetadataCache instance.
* @param {cr.ui.ArrayDataModel} dataModel Data model.
* @param {cr.ui.ListSelectionModel} selectionModel Selection model.
Ribbon.decorate = function(self, metadataCache, dataModel, selectionModel) {
self.__proto__ = Ribbon.prototype;
self.metadataCache_ = metadataCache;
self.dataModel_ = dataModel;
self.selectionModel_ = selectionModel;
self.className = 'ribbon';
* Max number of thumbnails in the ribbon.
* @type {number}
Ribbon.ITEMS_COUNT = 5;
* Force redraw the ribbon.
Ribbon.prototype.redraw = function() {
* Clear all cached data to force full redraw on the next selection change.
Ribbon.prototype.reset = function() {
this.renderCache_ = {};
this.firstVisibleIndex_ = 0;
this.lastVisibleIndex_ = -1; // Zero thumbnails
* Enable the ribbon.
Ribbon.prototype.enable = function() {
this.onContentBound_ = this.onContentChange_.bind(this);
this.dataModel_.addEventListener('content', this.onContentBound_);
this.onSpliceBound_ = this.onSplice_.bind(this);
this.dataModel_.addEventListener('splice', this.onSpliceBound_);
this.onSelectionBound_ = this.onSelection_.bind(this);
this.selectionModel_.addEventListener('change', this.onSelectionBound_);
* Disable ribbon.
Ribbon.prototype.disable = function() {
this.dataModel_.removeEventListener('content', this.onContentBound_);
this.dataModel_.removeEventListener('splice', this.onSpliceBound_);
this.selectionModel_.removeEventListener('change', this.onSelectionBound_);
this.textContent = '';
* Data model splice handler.
* @param {Event} event Event.
* @private
Ribbon.prototype.onSplice_ = function(event) {
if (event.removed.length == 0)
if (event.removed.length > 1) {
console.error('Cannot remove multiple items');
var removed = this.renderCache_[event.removed[0].getEntry().toURL()];
if (!removed || !removed.parentNode || !removed.hasAttribute('selected')) {
console.error('Can only remove the selected item');
var persistentNodes = this.querySelectorAll('.ribbon-image:not([vanishing])');
if (this.lastVisibleIndex_ < this.dataModel_.length) { // Not at the end.
var lastNode = persistentNodes[persistentNodes.length - 1];
if (lastNode.nextSibling) {
// Pull back a vanishing node from the right.
} else {
// Push a new item at the right end.
} else {
// No items to the right, move the window to the left.
if (this.firstVisibleIndex_) {
var firstNode = persistentNodes[0];
if (firstNode.previousSibling) {
// Pull back a vanishing node from the left.
} else {
// Push a new item at the left end.
var newThumbnail = this.renderThumbnail_(this.firstVisibleIndex_);
newThumbnail.style.marginLeft = -(this.clientHeight - 2) + 'px';
this.insertBefore(newThumbnail, this.firstChild);
setTimeout(function() {
newThumbnail.style.marginLeft = '0';
}, 0);
removed.setAttribute('vanishing', 'smooth');
* Selection change handler.
* @private
Ribbon.prototype.onSelection_ = function() {
var indexes = this.selectionModel_.selectedIndexes;
if (indexes.length == 0)
return; // Ignore temporary empty selection.
var selectedIndex = indexes[0];
var length = this.dataModel_.length;
// TODO(dgozman): use margin instead of 2 here.
var itemWidth = this.clientHeight - 2;
var fullItems = Ribbon.ITEMS_COUNT;
fullItems = Math.min(fullItems, length);
var right = Math.floor((fullItems - 1) / 2);
var fullWidth = fullItems * itemWidth;
this.style.width = fullWidth + 'px';
var lastIndex = selectedIndex + right;
lastIndex = Math.max(lastIndex, fullItems - 1);
lastIndex = Math.min(lastIndex, length - 1);
var firstIndex = lastIndex - fullItems + 1;
if (this.firstVisibleIndex_ != firstIndex ||
this.lastVisibleIndex_ != lastIndex) {
if (this.lastVisibleIndex_ == -1) {
this.firstVisibleIndex_ = firstIndex;
this.lastVisibleIndex_ = lastIndex;
this.textContent = '';
var startIndex = Math.min(firstIndex, this.firstVisibleIndex_);
// All the items except the first one treated equally.
for (var index = startIndex + 1;
index <= Math.max(lastIndex, this.lastVisibleIndex_);
++index) {
// Only add items that are in either old or the new viewport.
if (this.lastVisibleIndex_ < index && index < firstIndex ||
lastIndex < index && index < this.firstVisibleIndex_)
var box = this.renderThumbnail_(index);
box.style.marginLeft = '0';
if (index < firstIndex || index > lastIndex) {
// If the node is not in the new viewport we only need it while
// the animation is playing out.
box.setAttribute('vanishing', 'slide');
var slideCount = this.childNodes.length + 1 - Ribbon.ITEMS_COUNT;
var margin = itemWidth * slideCount;
var startBox = this.renderThumbnail_(startIndex);
if (startIndex == firstIndex) {
// Sliding to the right.
startBox.style.marginLeft = -margin + 'px';
if (this.firstChild)
this.insertBefore(startBox, this.firstChild);
setTimeout(function() {
startBox.style.marginLeft = '0';
}, 0);
} else {
// Sliding to the left. Start item will become invisible and should be
// removed afterwards.
startBox.setAttribute('vanishing', 'slide');
startBox.style.marginLeft = '0';
if (this.firstChild)
this.insertBefore(startBox, this.firstChild);
setTimeout(function() {
startBox.style.marginLeft = -margin + 'px';
}, 0);
ImageUtil.setClass(this, 'fade-left',
firstIndex > 0 && selectedIndex != firstIndex);
ImageUtil.setClass(this, 'fade-right',
lastIndex < length - 1 && selectedIndex != lastIndex);
this.firstVisibleIndex_ = firstIndex;
this.lastVisibleIndex_ = lastIndex;
var oldSelected = this.querySelector('[selected]');
if (oldSelected) oldSelected.removeAttribute('selected');
var newSelected =
if (newSelected) newSelected.setAttribute('selected', true);
* Schedule the removal of thumbnails marked as vanishing.
* @private
Ribbon.prototype.scheduleRemove_ = function() {
if (this.removeTimeout_)
this.removeTimeout_ = setTimeout(function() {
this.removeTimeout_ = null;
}.bind(this), 200);
* Remove all thumbnails marked as vanishing.
* @private
Ribbon.prototype.removeVanishing_ = function() {
if (this.removeTimeout_) {
this.removeTimeout_ = 0;
var vanishingNodes = this.querySelectorAll('[vanishing]');
for (var i = 0; i != vanishingNodes.length; i++) {
* Create a DOM element for a thumbnail.
* @param {number} index Item index.
* @return {Element} Newly created element.
* @private
Ribbon.prototype.renderThumbnail_ = function(index) {
var item = this.dataModel_.item(index);
var url = item.getEntry().toURL();
var cached = this.renderCache_[url];
if (cached) {
var img = cached.querySelector('img');
if (img)
return cached;
var thumbnail = this.ownerDocument.createElement('div');
thumbnail.className = 'ribbon-image';
thumbnail.addEventListener('click', function() {
var index = this.dataModel_.indexOf(item);
this.selectionModel_.setIndexSelected(index, true);
util.createChild(thumbnail, 'image-wrapper');
this.metadataCache_.getOne(item.getEntry(), Gallery.METADATA_TYPE,
this.setThumbnailImage_.bind(this, thumbnail, item.getEntry()));
// TODO: Implement LRU eviction.
// Never evict the thumbnails that are currently in the DOM because we rely
// on this cache to find them by URL.
this.renderCache_[url] = thumbnail;
return thumbnail;
* Set the thumbnail image.
* @param {Element} thumbnail Thumbnail element.
* @param {FileEntry} entry Image Entry.
* @param {Object} metadata Metadata.
* @private
Ribbon.prototype.setThumbnailImage_ = function(thumbnail, entry, metadata) {
new ThumbnailLoader(entry, ThumbnailLoader.LoaderType.IMAGE, metadata).load(
ThumbnailLoader.FillMode.FILL /* fill */,
* Content change handler.
* @param {Event} event Event.
* @private
Ribbon.prototype.onContentChange_ = function(event) {
var url = event.item.getEntry().toURL();
if (event.oldEntry.toURL() !== url)
this.remapCache_(event.oldEntry.toURL(), url);
var thumbnail = this.renderCache_[url];
if (thumbnail && event.metadata)
this.setThumbnailImage_(thumbnail, event.item.getEntry(), event.metadata);
* Update the thumbnail element cache.
* @param {string} oldUrl Old url.
* @param {string} newUrl New url.
* @private
Ribbon.prototype.remapCache_ = function(oldUrl, newUrl) {
if (oldUrl != newUrl && (oldUrl in this.renderCache_)) {
this.renderCache_[newUrl] = this.renderCache_[oldUrl];
delete this.renderCache_[oldUrl];