// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file defines utility functions for X11 (Linux only). This code has been
// ported from XCB since we can't use XCB on Ubuntu while its 32-bit support
// remains woefully incomplete.
#include "ui/base/x/x11_util.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/shm.h>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <X11/extensions/shape.h>
#include <X11/extensions/XInput2.h>
#include <X11/Xcursor/Xcursor.h>
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/debug/trace_event.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/singleton.h"
#include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "base/sys_byteorder.h"
#include "base/threading/thread.h"
#include "skia/ext/image_operations.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkBitmap.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkPostConfig.h"
#include "ui/base/x/x11_menu_list.h"
#include "ui/base/x/x11_util_internal.h"
#include "ui/events/event_utils.h"
#include "ui/events/keycodes/keyboard_code_conversion_x.h"
#include "ui/events/x/device_data_manager.h"
#include "ui/events/x/touch_factory_x11.h"
#include "ui/gfx/canvas.h"
#include "ui/gfx/image/image_skia.h"
#include "ui/gfx/image/image_skia_rep.h"
#include "ui/gfx/point.h"
#include "ui/gfx/point_conversions.h"
#include "ui/gfx/rect.h"
#include "ui/gfx/size.h"
#include "ui/gfx/skia_util.h"
#include "ui/gfx/x/x11_error_tracker.h"
#if defined(OS_FREEBSD)
#include <sys/sysctl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
namespace ui {
namespace {
int DefaultX11ErrorHandler(XDisplay* d, XErrorEvent* e) {
if (base::MessageLoop::current()) {
FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&LogErrorEventDescription, d, *e));
} else {
<< "X error received: "
<< "serial " << e->serial << ", "
<< "error_code " << static_cast<int>(e->error_code) << ", "
<< "request_code " << static_cast<int>(e->request_code) << ", "
<< "minor_code " << static_cast<int>(e->minor_code);
return 0;
int DefaultX11IOErrorHandler(XDisplay* d) {
// If there's an IO error it likely means the X server has gone away
LOG(ERROR) << "X IO error received (X server probably went away)";
// Note: The caller should free the resulting value data.
bool GetProperty(XID window, const std::string& property_name, long max_length,
Atom* type, int* format, unsigned long* num_items,
unsigned char** property) {
Atom property_atom = GetAtom(property_name.c_str());
unsigned long remaining_bytes = 0;
return XGetWindowProperty(gfx::GetXDisplay(),
0, // offset into property data to read
max_length, // max length to get
False, // deleted
// A process wide singleton that manages the usage of X cursors.
class XCursorCache {
XCursorCache() {}
~XCursorCache() {
::Cursor GetCursor(int cursor_shape) {
// Lookup cursor by attempting to insert a null value, which avoids
// a second pass through the map after a cache miss.
std::pair<std::map<int, ::Cursor>::iterator, bool> it = cache_.insert(
std::make_pair(cursor_shape, 0));
if (it.second) {
XDisplay* display = gfx::GetXDisplay();
it.first->second = XCreateFontCursor(display, cursor_shape);
return it.first->second;
void Clear() {
XDisplay* display = gfx::GetXDisplay();
for (std::map<int, ::Cursor>::iterator it =
cache_.begin(); it != cache_.end(); ++it) {
XFreeCursor(display, it->second);
// Maps X11 font cursor shapes to Cursor IDs.
std::map<int, ::Cursor> cache_;
XCursorCache* cursor_cache = NULL;
// A process wide singleton cache for custom X cursors.
class XCustomCursorCache {
static XCustomCursorCache* GetInstance() {
return Singleton<XCustomCursorCache>::get();
::Cursor InstallCustomCursor(XcursorImage* image) {
XCustomCursor* custom_cursor = new XCustomCursor(image);
::Cursor xcursor = custom_cursor->cursor();
cache_[xcursor] = custom_cursor;
return xcursor;
void Ref(::Cursor cursor) {
void Unref(::Cursor cursor) {
if (cache_[cursor]->Unref())
void Clear() {
const XcursorImage* GetXcursorImage(::Cursor cursor) const {
return cache_.find(cursor)->second->image();
friend struct DefaultSingletonTraits<XCustomCursorCache>;
class XCustomCursor {
// This takes ownership of the image.
XCustomCursor(XcursorImage* image)
: image_(image),
ref_(1) {
cursor_ = XcursorImageLoadCursor(gfx::GetXDisplay(), image);
~XCustomCursor() {
XFreeCursor(gfx::GetXDisplay(), cursor_);
::Cursor cursor() const { return cursor_; }
void Ref() {
// Returns true if the cursor was destroyed because of the unref.
bool Unref() {
if (--ref_ == 0) {
delete this;
return true;
return false;
const XcursorImage* image() const {
return image_;
XcursorImage* image_;
int ref_;
::Cursor cursor_;
XCustomCursorCache() {}
~XCustomCursorCache() {
std::map< ::Cursor, XCustomCursor*> cache_;
} // namespace
bool IsXInput2Available() {
return DeviceDataManager::GetInstance()->IsXInput2Available();
static SharedMemorySupport DoQuerySharedMemorySupport(XDisplay* dpy) {
int dummy;
Bool pixmaps_supported;
// Query the server's support for XSHM.
if (!XShmQueryVersion(dpy, &dummy, &dummy, &pixmaps_supported))
#if defined(OS_FREEBSD)
// On FreeBSD we can't access the shared memory after it was marked for
// deletion, unless this behaviour is explicitly enabled by the user.
// In case it's not enabled disable shared memory support.
int allow_removed;
size_t length = sizeof(allow_removed);
if ((sysctlbyname("kern.ipc.shm_allow_removed", &allow_removed, &length,
NULL, 0) < 0) || allow_removed < 1) {
// Next we probe to see if shared memory will really work
int shmkey = shmget(IPC_PRIVATE, 1, 0600);
if (shmkey == -1) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to get shared memory segment.";
} else {
VLOG(1) << "Got shared memory segment " << shmkey;
void* address = shmat(shmkey, NULL, 0);
// Mark the shared memory region for deletion
shmctl(shmkey, IPC_RMID, NULL);
XShmSegmentInfo shminfo;
memset(&shminfo, 0, sizeof(shminfo));
shminfo.shmid = shmkey;
gfx::X11ErrorTracker err_tracker;
bool result = XShmAttach(dpy, &shminfo);
if (result)
VLOG(1) << "X got shared memory segment " << shmkey;
LOG(WARNING) << "X failed to attach to shared memory segment " << shmkey;
if (err_tracker.FoundNewError())
result = false;
if (!result) {
LOG(WARNING) << "X failed to attach to shared memory segment " << shmkey;
VLOG(1) << "X attached to shared memory segment " << shmkey;
XShmDetach(dpy, &shminfo);
SharedMemorySupport QuerySharedMemorySupport(XDisplay* dpy) {
static SharedMemorySupport shared_memory_support = SHARED_MEMORY_NONE;
static bool shared_memory_support_cached = false;
if (shared_memory_support_cached)
return shared_memory_support;
shared_memory_support = DoQuerySharedMemorySupport(dpy);
shared_memory_support_cached = true;
return shared_memory_support;
bool QueryRenderSupport(Display* dpy) {
int dummy;
// We don't care about the version of Xrender since all the features which
// we use are included in every version.
static bool render_supported = XRenderQueryExtension(dpy, &dummy, &dummy);
return render_supported;
::Cursor GetXCursor(int cursor_shape) {
if (!cursor_cache)
cursor_cache = new XCursorCache;
return cursor_cache->GetCursor(cursor_shape);
::Cursor CreateReffedCustomXCursor(XcursorImage* image) {
return XCustomCursorCache::GetInstance()->InstallCustomCursor(image);
void RefCustomXCursor(::Cursor cursor) {
void UnrefCustomXCursor(::Cursor cursor) {
XcursorImage* SkBitmapToXcursorImage(const SkBitmap* cursor_image,
const gfx::Point& hotspot) {
DCHECK(cursor_image->colorType() == kPMColor_SkColorType);
gfx::Point hotspot_point = hotspot;
SkBitmap scaled;
// X11 seems to have issues with cursors when images get larger than 64
// pixels. So rescale the image if necessary.
const float kMaxPixel = 64.f;
bool needs_scale = false;
if (cursor_image->width() > kMaxPixel || cursor_image->height() > kMaxPixel) {
float scale = 1.f;
if (cursor_image->width() > cursor_image->height())
scale = kMaxPixel / cursor_image->width();
scale = kMaxPixel / cursor_image->height();
scaled = skia::ImageOperations::Resize(*cursor_image,
static_cast<int>(cursor_image->width() * scale),
static_cast<int>(cursor_image->height() * scale));
hotspot_point = gfx::ToFlooredPoint(gfx::ScalePoint(hotspot, scale));
needs_scale = true;
const SkBitmap* bitmap = needs_scale ? &scaled : cursor_image;
XcursorImage* image = XcursorImageCreate(bitmap->width(), bitmap->height());
image->xhot = std::min(bitmap->width() - 1, hotspot_point.x());
image->yhot = std::min(bitmap->height() - 1, hotspot_point.y());
if (bitmap->width() && bitmap->height()) {
// The |bitmap| contains ARGB image, so just copy it.
bitmap->width() * bitmap->height() * 4);
return image;
int CoalescePendingMotionEvents(const XEvent* xev,
XEvent* last_event) {
XIDeviceEvent* xievent = static_cast<XIDeviceEvent*>(xev->xcookie.data);
int num_coalesced = 0;
XDisplay* display = xev->xany.display;
int event_type = xev->xgeneric.evtype;
DCHECK(event_type == XI_Motion || event_type == XI_TouchUpdate);
while (XPending(display)) {
XEvent next_event;
XPeekEvent(display, &next_event);
// If we can't get the cookie, abort the check.
if (!XGetEventData(next_event.xgeneric.display, &next_event.xcookie))
return num_coalesced;
// If this isn't from a valid device, throw the event away, as
// that's what the message pump would do. Device events come in pairs
// with one from the master and one from the slave so there will
// always be at least one pending.
if (!ui::TouchFactory::GetInstance()->ShouldProcessXI2Event(&next_event)) {
XFreeEventData(display, &next_event.xcookie);
XNextEvent(display, &next_event);
if (next_event.type == GenericEvent &&
next_event.xgeneric.evtype == event_type &&
&next_event)) {
XIDeviceEvent* next_xievent =
// Confirm that the motion event is targeted at the same window
// and that no buttons or modifiers have changed.
if (xievent->event == next_xievent->event &&
xievent->child == next_xievent->child &&
xievent->detail == next_xievent->detail &&
xievent->buttons.mask_len == next_xievent->buttons.mask_len &&
xievent->buttons.mask_len) == 0) &&
xievent->mods.base == next_xievent->mods.base &&
xievent->mods.latched == next_xievent->mods.latched &&
xievent->mods.locked == next_xievent->mods.locked &&
xievent->mods.effective == next_xievent->mods.effective) {
XFreeEventData(display, &next_event.xcookie);
// Free the previous cookie.
if (num_coalesced > 0)
XFreeEventData(display, &last_event->xcookie);
// Get the event and its cookie data.
XNextEvent(display, last_event);
XGetEventData(display, &last_event->xcookie);
// This isn't an event we want so free its cookie data.
XFreeEventData(display, &next_event.xcookie);
if (event_type == XI_Motion && num_coalesced > 0) {
base::TimeDelta delta = ui::EventTimeFromNative(last_event) -
UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_10000("Event.CoalescedCount.Mouse", num_coalesced);
UMA_HISTOGRAM_TIMES("Event.CoalescedLatency.Mouse", delta);
return num_coalesced;
void HideHostCursor() {
CR_DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(XScopedCursor, invisible_cursor,
(CreateInvisibleCursor(), gfx::GetXDisplay()));
XDefineCursor(gfx::GetXDisplay(), DefaultRootWindow(gfx::GetXDisplay()),
::Cursor CreateInvisibleCursor() {
XDisplay* xdisplay = gfx::GetXDisplay();
::Cursor invisible_cursor;
char nodata[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
XColor black;
black.red = black.green = black.blue = 0;
Pixmap blank = XCreateBitmapFromData(xdisplay,
nodata, 8, 8);
invisible_cursor = XCreatePixmapCursor(xdisplay, blank, blank,
&black, &black, 0, 0);
XFreePixmap(xdisplay, blank);
return invisible_cursor;
void SetUseOSWindowFrame(XID window, bool use_os_window_frame) {
// This data structure represents additional hints that we send to the window
// manager and has a direct lineage back to Motif, which defined this de facto
// standard. This struct doesn't seem 64-bit safe though, but it's what GDK
// does.
typedef struct {
unsigned long flags;
unsigned long functions;
unsigned long decorations;
long input_mode;
unsigned long status;
} MotifWmHints;
MotifWmHints motif_hints;
memset(&motif_hints, 0, sizeof(motif_hints));
// Signals that the reader of the _MOTIF_WM_HINTS property should pay
// attention to the value of |decorations|.
motif_hints.flags = (1L << 1);
motif_hints.decorations = use_os_window_frame ? 1 : 0;
::Atom hint_atom = GetAtom("_MOTIF_WM_HINTS");
reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&motif_hints),
bool IsShapeExtensionAvailable() {
int dummy;
static bool is_shape_available =
XShapeQueryExtension(gfx::GetXDisplay(), &dummy, &dummy);
return is_shape_available;
XID GetX11RootWindow() {
return DefaultRootWindow(gfx::GetXDisplay());
bool GetCurrentDesktop(int* desktop) {
return GetIntProperty(GetX11RootWindow(), "_NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP", desktop);
void SetHideTitlebarWhenMaximizedProperty(XID window,
HideTitlebarWhenMaximized property) {
// XChangeProperty() expects "hide" to be long.
unsigned long hide = property;
32, // size in bits
reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&hide),
void ClearX11DefaultRootWindow() {
XDisplay* display = gfx::GetXDisplay();
XID root_window = GetX11RootWindow();
gfx::Rect root_bounds;
if (!GetWindowRect(root_window, &root_bounds)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get the bounds of the X11 root window";
XGCValues gc_values = {0};
gc_values.foreground = BlackPixel(display, DefaultScreen(display));
GC gc = XCreateGC(display, root_window, GCForeground, &gc_values);
XFillRectangle(display, root_window, gc,
XFreeGC(display, gc);
bool IsWindowVisible(XID window) {
TRACE_EVENT0("ui", "IsWindowVisible");
XWindowAttributes win_attributes;
if (!XGetWindowAttributes(gfx::GetXDisplay(), window, &win_attributes))
return false;
if (win_attributes.map_state != IsViewable)
return false;
// Minimized windows are not visible.
std::vector<Atom> wm_states;
if (GetAtomArrayProperty(window, "_NET_WM_STATE", &wm_states)) {
Atom hidden_atom = GetAtom("_NET_WM_STATE_HIDDEN");
if (std::find(wm_states.begin(), wm_states.end(), hidden_atom) !=
wm_states.end()) {
return false;
// Some compositing window managers (notably kwin) do not actually unmap
// windows on desktop switch, so we also must check the current desktop.
int window_desktop, current_desktop;
return (!GetWindowDesktop(window, &window_desktop) ||
!GetCurrentDesktop(¤t_desktop) ||
window_desktop == kAllDesktops ||
window_desktop == current_desktop);
bool GetWindowRect(XID window, gfx::Rect* rect) {
Window root, child;
int x, y;
unsigned int width, height;
unsigned int border_width, depth;
if (!XGetGeometry(gfx::GetXDisplay(), window, &root, &x, &y,
&width, &height, &border_width, &depth))
return false;
if (!XTranslateCoordinates(gfx::GetXDisplay(), window, root,
0, 0, &x, &y, &child))
return false;
*rect = gfx::Rect(x, y, width, height);
std::vector<int> insets;
if (GetIntArrayProperty(window, "_NET_FRAME_EXTENTS", &insets) &&
insets.size() == 4) {
rect->Inset(-insets[0], -insets[2], -insets[1], -insets[3]);
// Not all window managers support _NET_FRAME_EXTENTS so return true even if
// requesting the property fails.
return true;
bool WindowContainsPoint(XID window, gfx::Point screen_loc) {
TRACE_EVENT0("ui", "WindowContainsPoint");
gfx::Rect window_rect;
if (!GetWindowRect(window, &window_rect))
return false;
if (!window_rect.Contains(screen_loc))
return false;
if (!IsShapeExtensionAvailable())
return true;
// According to http://www.x.org/releases/X11R7.6/doc/libXext/shapelib.html,
// if an X display supports the shape extension the bounds of a window are
// defined as the intersection of the window bounds and the interior
// rectangles. This means to determine if a point is inside a window for the
// purpose of input handling we have to check the rectangles in the ShapeInput
// list.
// According to http://www.x.org/releases/current/doc/xextproto/shape.html,
// we need to also respect the ShapeBounding rectangles.
// The effective input region of a window is defined to be the intersection
// of the client input region with both the default input region and the
// client bounding region. Any portion of the client input region that is not
// included in both the default input region and the client bounding region
// will not be included in the effective input region on the screen.
int rectangle_kind[] = {ShapeInput, ShapeBounding};
for (size_t kind_index = 0;
kind_index < arraysize(rectangle_kind);
kind_index++) {
int dummy;
int shape_rects_size = 0;
XRectangle* shape_rects = XShapeGetRectangles(gfx::GetXDisplay(),
if (!shape_rects) {
// The shape is empty. This can occur when |window| is minimized.
DCHECK_EQ(0, shape_rects_size);
return false;
bool is_in_shape_rects = false;
for (int i = 0; i < shape_rects_size; ++i) {
// The ShapeInput and ShapeBounding rects are to be in window space, so we
// have to translate by the window_rect's offset to map to screen space.
gfx::Rect shape_rect =
gfx::Rect(shape_rects[i].x + window_rect.x(),
shape_rects[i].y + window_rect.y(),
shape_rects[i].width, shape_rects[i].height);
if (shape_rect.Contains(screen_loc)) {
is_in_shape_rects = true;
if (!is_in_shape_rects)
return false;
return true;
bool PropertyExists(XID window, const std::string& property_name) {
Atom type = None;
int format = 0; // size in bits of each item in 'property'
unsigned long num_items = 0;
unsigned char* property = NULL;
int result = GetProperty(window, property_name, 1,
&type, &format, &num_items, &property);
if (result != Success)
return false;
return num_items > 0;
bool GetRawBytesOfProperty(XID window,
Atom property,
scoped_refptr<base::RefCountedMemory>* out_data,
size_t* out_data_bytes,
size_t* out_data_items,
Atom* out_type) {
// Retrieve the data from our window.
unsigned long nitems = 0;
unsigned long nbytes = 0;
Atom prop_type = None;
int prop_format = 0;
unsigned char* property_data = NULL;
if (XGetWindowProperty(gfx::GetXDisplay(), window, property,
0, 0x1FFFFFFF /* MAXINT32 / 4 */, False,
AnyPropertyType, &prop_type, &prop_format,
&nitems, &nbytes, &property_data) != Success) {
return false;
if (prop_type == None)
return false;
size_t bytes = 0;
// So even though we should theoretically have nbytes (and we can't
// pass NULL there), we need to manually calculate the byte length here
// because nbytes always returns zero.
switch (prop_format) {
case 8:
bytes = nitems;
case 16:
bytes = sizeof(short) * nitems;
case 32:
bytes = sizeof(long) * nitems;
if (out_data_bytes)
*out_data_bytes = bytes;
if (out_data)
*out_data = new XRefcountedMemory(property_data, bytes);
if (out_data_items)
*out_data_items = nitems;
if (out_type)
*out_type = prop_type;
return true;
bool GetIntProperty(XID window, const std::string& property_name, int* value) {
Atom type = None;
int format = 0; // size in bits of each item in 'property'
unsigned long num_items = 0;
unsigned char* property = NULL;
int result = GetProperty(window, property_name, 1,
&type, &format, &num_items, &property);
if (result != Success)
return false;
if (format != 32 || num_items != 1) {
return false;
*value = static_cast<int>(*(reinterpret_cast<long*>(property)));
return true;
bool GetXIDProperty(XID window, const std::string& property_name, XID* value) {
Atom type = None;
int format = 0; // size in bits of each item in 'property'
unsigned long num_items = 0;
unsigned char* property = NULL;
int result = GetProperty(window, property_name, 1,
&type, &format, &num_items, &property);
if (result != Success)
return false;
if (format != 32 || num_items != 1) {
return false;
*value = *(reinterpret_cast<XID*>(property));
return true;
bool GetIntArrayProperty(XID window,
const std::string& property_name,
std::vector<int>* value) {
Atom type = None;
int format = 0; // size in bits of each item in 'property'
unsigned long num_items = 0;
unsigned char* properties = NULL;
int result = GetProperty(window, property_name,
(~0L), // (all of them)
&type, &format, &num_items, &properties);
if (result != Success)
return false;
if (format != 32) {
return false;
long* int_properties = reinterpret_cast<long*>(properties);
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < num_items; ++i) {
return true;
bool GetAtomArrayProperty(XID window,
const std::string& property_name,
std::vector<Atom>* value) {
Atom type = None;
int format = 0; // size in bits of each item in 'property'
unsigned long num_items = 0;
unsigned char* properties = NULL;
int result = GetProperty(window, property_name,
(~0L), // (all of them)
&type, &format, &num_items, &properties);
if (result != Success)
return false;
if (type != XA_ATOM) {
return false;
Atom* atom_properties = reinterpret_cast<Atom*>(properties);
value->insert(value->begin(), atom_properties, atom_properties + num_items);
return true;
bool GetStringProperty(
XID window, const std::string& property_name, std::string* value) {
Atom type = None;
int format = 0; // size in bits of each item in 'property'
unsigned long num_items = 0;
unsigned char* property = NULL;
int result = GetProperty(window, property_name, 1024,
&type, &format, &num_items, &property);
if (result != Success)
return false;
if (format != 8) {
return false;
value->assign(reinterpret_cast<char*>(property), num_items);
return true;
bool SetIntProperty(XID window,
const std::string& name,
const std::string& type,
int value) {
std::vector<int> values(1, value);
return SetIntArrayProperty(window, name, type, values);
bool SetIntArrayProperty(XID window,
const std::string& name,
const std::string& type,
const std::vector<int>& value) {
Atom name_atom = GetAtom(name.c_str());
Atom type_atom = GetAtom(type.c_str());
// XChangeProperty() expects values of type 32 to be longs.
scoped_ptr<long[]> data(new long[value.size()]);
for (size_t i = 0; i < value.size(); ++i)
data[i] = value[i];
gfx::X11ErrorTracker err_tracker;
32, // size in bits of items in 'value'
reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(data.get()),
value.size()); // num items
return !err_tracker.FoundNewError();
bool SetAtomProperty(XID window,
const std::string& name,
const std::string& type,
Atom value) {
std::vector<Atom> values(1, value);
return SetAtomArrayProperty(window, name, type, values);
bool SetAtomArrayProperty(XID window,
const std::string& name,
const std::string& type,
const std::vector<Atom>& value) {
Atom name_atom = GetAtom(name.c_str());
Atom type_atom = GetAtom(type.c_str());
// XChangeProperty() expects values of type 32 to be longs.
scoped_ptr<Atom[]> data(new Atom[value.size()]);
for (size_t i = 0; i < value.size(); ++i)
data[i] = value[i];
gfx::X11ErrorTracker err_tracker;
32, // size in bits of items in 'value'
reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(data.get()),
value.size()); // num items
return !err_tracker.FoundNewError();
bool SetStringProperty(XID window,
Atom property,
Atom type,
const std::string& value) {
gfx::X11ErrorTracker err_tracker;
reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(value.c_str()),
return !err_tracker.FoundNewError();
Atom GetAtom(const char* name) {
// TODO(derat): Cache atoms to avoid round-trips to the server.
return XInternAtom(gfx::GetXDisplay(), name, false);
void SetWindowClassHint(XDisplay* display,
XID window,
const std::string& res_name,
const std::string& res_class) {
XClassHint class_hints;
// const_cast is safe because XSetClassHint does not modify the strings.
// Just to be safe, the res_name and res_class parameters are local copies,
// not const references.
class_hints.res_name = const_cast<char*>(res_name.c_str());
class_hints.res_class = const_cast<char*>(res_class.c_str());
XSetClassHint(display, window, &class_hints);
void SetWindowRole(XDisplay* display, XID window, const std::string& role) {
if (role.empty()) {
XDeleteProperty(display, window, GetAtom("WM_WINDOW_ROLE"));
} else {
char* role_c = const_cast<char*>(role.c_str());
XChangeProperty(display, window, GetAtom("WM_WINDOW_ROLE"), XA_STRING, 8,
reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(role_c),
bool GetCustomFramePrefDefault() {
// Ideally, we'd use the custom frame by default and just fall back on using
// system decorations for the few (?) tiling window managers where the custom
// frame doesn't make sense (e.g. awesome, ion3, ratpoison, xmonad, etc.) or
// other WMs where it has issues (e.g. Fluxbox -- see issue 19130). The EWMH
// _NET_SUPPORTING_WM property makes it easy to look up a name for the current
// WM, but at least some of the WMs in the latter group don't set it.
// Instead, we default to using system decorations for all WMs and
// special-case the ones where the custom frame should be used.
ui::WindowManagerName wm_type = GuessWindowManager();
return (wm_type == WM_BLACKBOX ||
wm_type == WM_COMPIZ ||
wm_type == WM_ENLIGHTENMENT ||
wm_type == WM_METACITY ||
wm_type == WM_MUFFIN ||
wm_type == WM_MUTTER ||
wm_type == WM_OPENBOX ||
wm_type == WM_XFWM4);
bool GetWindowDesktop(XID window, int* desktop) {
return GetIntProperty(window, "_NET_WM_DESKTOP", desktop);
std::string GetX11ErrorString(XDisplay* display, int err) {
char buffer[256];
XGetErrorText(display, err, buffer, arraysize(buffer));
return buffer;
// Returns true if |window| is a named window.
bool IsWindowNamed(XID window) {
XTextProperty prop;
if (!XGetWMName(gfx::GetXDisplay(), window, &prop) || !prop.value)
return false;
return true;
bool EnumerateChildren(EnumerateWindowsDelegate* delegate, XID window,
const int max_depth, int depth) {
if (depth > max_depth)
return false;
std::vector<XID> windows;
std::vector<XID>::iterator iter;
if (depth == 0) {
// Enumerate the menus first.
for (iter = windows.begin(); iter != windows.end(); iter++) {
if (delegate->ShouldStopIterating(*iter))
return true;
XID root, parent, *children;
unsigned int num_children;
int status = XQueryTree(gfx::GetXDisplay(), window, &root, &parent, &children,
if (status == 0)
return false;
for (int i = static_cast<int>(num_children) - 1; i >= 0; i--)
// XQueryTree returns the children of |window| in bottom-to-top order, so
// reverse-iterate the list to check the windows from top-to-bottom.
for (iter = windows.begin(); iter != windows.end(); iter++) {
if (IsWindowNamed(*iter) && delegate->ShouldStopIterating(*iter))
return true;
// If we're at this point, we didn't find the window we're looking for at the
// current level, so we need to recurse to the next level. We use a second
// loop because the recursion and call to XQueryTree are expensive and is only
// needed for a small number of cases.
if (++depth <= max_depth) {
for (iter = windows.begin(); iter != windows.end(); iter++) {
if (EnumerateChildren(delegate, *iter, max_depth, depth))
return true;
return false;
bool EnumerateAllWindows(EnumerateWindowsDelegate* delegate, int max_depth) {
XID root = GetX11RootWindow();
return EnumerateChildren(delegate, root, max_depth, 0);
void EnumerateTopLevelWindows(ui::EnumerateWindowsDelegate* delegate) {
std::vector<XID> stack;
if (!ui::GetXWindowStack(ui::GetX11RootWindow(), &stack)) {
// Window Manager doesn't support _NET_CLIENT_LIST_STACKING, so fall back
// to old school enumeration of all X windows. Some WMs parent 'top-level'
// windows in unnamed actual top-level windows (ion WM), so extend the
// search depth to all children of top-level windows.
const int kMaxSearchDepth = 1;
ui::EnumerateAllWindows(delegate, kMaxSearchDepth);
std::vector<XID>::iterator iter;
for (iter = stack.begin(); iter != stack.end(); iter++) {
if (delegate->ShouldStopIterating(*iter))
bool GetXWindowStack(Window window, std::vector<XID>* windows) {
Atom type;
int format;
unsigned long count;
unsigned char *data = NULL;
if (GetProperty(window,
&data) != Success) {
return false;
bool result = false;
if (type == XA_WINDOW && format == 32 && data && count > 0) {
result = true;
XID* stack = reinterpret_cast<XID*>(data);
for (long i = static_cast<long>(count) - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (data)
return result;
bool CopyAreaToCanvas(XID drawable,
gfx::Rect source_bounds,
gfx::Point dest_offset,
gfx::Canvas* canvas) {
ui::XScopedImage scoped_image(
XGetImage(gfx::GetXDisplay(), drawable,
source_bounds.x(), source_bounds.y(),
source_bounds.width(), source_bounds.height(),
AllPlanes, ZPixmap));
XImage* image = scoped_image.get();
if (!image) {
LOG(ERROR) << "XGetImage failed";
return false;
if (image->bits_per_pixel == 32) {
if ((0xff << SK_R32_SHIFT) != image->red_mask ||
(0xff << SK_G32_SHIFT) != image->green_mask ||
(0xff << SK_B32_SHIFT) != image->blue_mask) {
LOG(WARNING) << "XImage and Skia byte orders differ";
return false;
// Set the alpha channel before copying to the canvas. Otherwise, areas of
// the framebuffer that were cleared by ply-image rather than being obscured
// by an image during boot may end up transparent.
// TODO(derat|marcheu): Remove this if/when ply-image has been updated to
// set the framebuffer's alpha channel regardless of whether the device
// claims to support alpha or not.
for (int i = 0; i < image->width * image->height * 4; i += 4)
image->data[i + 3] = 0xff;
SkBitmap bitmap;
image->data, image->bytes_per_line);
gfx::ImageSkia image_skia;
gfx::ImageSkiaRep image_rep(bitmap, canvas->image_scale());
canvas->DrawImageInt(image_skia, dest_offset.x(), dest_offset.y());
} else {
NOTIMPLEMENTED() << "Unsupported bits-per-pixel " << image->bits_per_pixel;
return false;
return true;
bool GetWindowManagerName(std::string* wm_name) {
int wm_window = 0;
if (!GetIntProperty(GetX11RootWindow(),
&wm_window)) {
return false;
// It's possible that a window manager started earlier in this X session left
// a stale _NET_SUPPORTING_WM_CHECK property when it was replaced by a
// non-EWMH window manager, so we trap errors in the following requests to
// avoid crashes (issue 23860).
// EWMH requires the supporting-WM window to also have a
// _NET_SUPPORTING_WM_CHECK property pointing to itself (to avoid a stale
// property referencing an ID that's been recycled for another window), so we
// check that too.
gfx::X11ErrorTracker err_tracker;
int wm_window_property = 0;
bool result = GetIntProperty(
wm_window, "_NET_SUPPORTING_WM_CHECK", &wm_window_property);
if (err_tracker.FoundNewError() || !result ||
wm_window_property != wm_window) {
return false;
result = GetStringProperty(
static_cast<XID>(wm_window), "_NET_WM_NAME", wm_name);
return !err_tracker.FoundNewError() && result;
WindowManagerName GuessWindowManager() {
std::string name;
if (GetWindowManagerName(&name)) {
// These names are taken from the WMs' source code.
if (name == "Blackbox")
if (name == "chromeos-wm")
return WM_CHROME_OS;
if (name == "Compiz" || name == "compiz")
return WM_COMPIZ;
if (name == "e16")
if (StartsWithASCII(name, "IceWM", true))
return WM_ICE_WM;
if (name == "KWin")
return WM_KWIN;
if (name == "Metacity")
if (name == "Mutter (Muffin)")
return WM_MUFFIN;
if (name == "GNOME Shell")
return WM_MUTTER; // GNOME Shell uses Mutter
if (name == "Mutter")
return WM_MUTTER;
if (name == "Openbox")
return WM_OPENBOX;
if (name == "Xfwm4")
return WM_XFWM4;
return WM_UNKNOWN;
void SetDefaultX11ErrorHandlers() {
SetX11ErrorHandlers(NULL, NULL);
bool IsX11WindowFullScreen(XID window) {
// If _NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN is in _NET_SUPPORTED, use the presence or
// absence of _NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN in _NET_WM_STATE to determine
// whether we're fullscreen.
Atom fullscreen_atom = GetAtom("_NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN");
if (WmSupportsHint(fullscreen_atom)) {
std::vector<Atom> atom_properties;
if (GetAtomArrayProperty(window,
&atom_properties)) {
return std::find(atom_properties.begin(),
fullscreen_atom) !=
gfx::Rect window_rect;
if (!ui::GetWindowRect(window, &window_rect))
return false;
// We can't use gfx::Screen here because we don't have an aura::Window. So
// instead just look at the size of the default display.
// TODO(erg): Actually doing this correctly would require pulling out xrandr,
// which we don't even do in the desktop screen yet.
::XDisplay* display = gfx::GetXDisplay();
::Screen* screen = DefaultScreenOfDisplay(display);
int width = WidthOfScreen(screen);
int height = HeightOfScreen(screen);
return window_rect.size() == gfx::Size(width, height);
bool WmSupportsHint(Atom atom) {
std::vector<Atom> supported_atoms;
if (!GetAtomArrayProperty(GetX11RootWindow(),
&supported_atoms)) {
return false;
return std::find(supported_atoms.begin(), supported_atoms.end(), atom) !=
const unsigned char* XRefcountedMemory::front() const {
return x11_data_;
size_t XRefcountedMemory::size() const {
return length_;
XRefcountedMemory::~XRefcountedMemory() {
XScopedString::~XScopedString() {
XScopedImage::~XScopedImage() {
void XScopedImage::reset(XImage* image) {
if (image_ == image)
if (image_)
image_ = image;
XScopedCursor::XScopedCursor(::Cursor cursor, XDisplay* display)
: cursor_(cursor),
display_(display) {
XScopedCursor::~XScopedCursor() {
::Cursor XScopedCursor::get() const {
return cursor_;
void XScopedCursor::reset(::Cursor cursor) {
if (cursor_)
XFreeCursor(display_, cursor_);
cursor_ = cursor;
namespace test {
void ResetXCursorCache() {
delete cursor_cache;
cursor_cache = NULL;
const XcursorImage* GetCachedXcursorImage(::Cursor cursor) {
return XCustomCursorCache::GetInstance()->GetXcursorImage(cursor);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// These functions are declared in x11_util_internal.h because they require
// XLib.h to be included, and it conflicts with many other headers.
XRenderPictFormat* GetRenderARGB32Format(XDisplay* dpy) {
static XRenderPictFormat* pictformat = NULL;
if (pictformat)
return pictformat;
// First look for a 32-bit format which ignores the alpha value
XRenderPictFormat templ;
templ.depth = 32;
templ.type = PictTypeDirect;
templ.direct.red = 16;
templ.direct.green = 8;
templ.direct.blue = 0;
templ.direct.redMask = 0xff;
templ.direct.greenMask = 0xff;
templ.direct.blueMask = 0xff;
templ.direct.alphaMask = 0;
static const unsigned long kMask =
PictFormatType | PictFormatDepth |
PictFormatRed | PictFormatRedMask |
PictFormatGreen | PictFormatGreenMask |
PictFormatBlue | PictFormatBlueMask |
pictformat = XRenderFindFormat(dpy, kMask, &templ, 0 /* first result */);
if (!pictformat) {
// Not all X servers support xRGB32 formats. However, the XRENDER spec says
// that they must support an ARGB32 format, so we can always return that.
pictformat = XRenderFindStandardFormat(dpy, PictStandardARGB32);
CHECK(pictformat) << "XRENDER ARGB32 not supported.";
return pictformat;
void SetX11ErrorHandlers(XErrorHandler error_handler,
XIOErrorHandler io_error_handler) {
XSetErrorHandler(error_handler ? error_handler : DefaultX11ErrorHandler);
io_error_handler ? io_error_handler : DefaultX11IOErrorHandler);
void LogErrorEventDescription(XDisplay* dpy,
const XErrorEvent& error_event) {
char error_str[256];
char request_str[256];
XGetErrorText(dpy, error_event.error_code, error_str, sizeof(error_str));
strncpy(request_str, "Unknown", sizeof(request_str));
if (error_event.request_code < 128) {
std::string num = base::UintToString(error_event.request_code);
dpy, "XRequest", num.c_str(), "Unknown", request_str,
} else {
int num_ext;
char** ext_list = XListExtensions(dpy, &num_ext);
for (int i = 0; i < num_ext; i++) {
int ext_code, first_event, first_error;
XQueryExtension(dpy, ext_list[i], &ext_code, &first_event, &first_error);
if (error_event.request_code == ext_code) {
std::string msg = base::StringPrintf(
"%s.%d", ext_list[i], error_event.minor_code);
dpy, "XRequest", msg.c_str(), "Unknown", request_str,
<< "X error received: "
<< "serial " << error_event.serial << ", "
<< "error_code " << static_cast<int>(error_event.error_code)
<< " (" << error_str << "), "
<< "request_code " << static_cast<int>(error_event.request_code) << ", "
<< "minor_code " << static_cast<int>(error_event.minor_code)
<< " (" << request_str << ")";
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// End of x11_util_internal.h
} // namespace ui