#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Adaptor script called through build/isolate.gypi.
Creates a wrapping .isolate which 'includes' the original one, that can be
consumed by tools/swarming_client/isolate.py. Path variables are determined
based on the current working directory. The relative_cwd in the .isolated file
is determined based on the .isolate file that declare the 'command' variable to
be used so the wrapping .isolate doesn't affect this value.
This script loads build.ninja and processes it to determine all the executables
referenced by the isolated target. It adds them in the wrapping .isolate file.
WARNING: The target to use for build.ninja analysis is the base name of the
.isolate file plus '_run'. For example, 'foo_test.isolate' would have the target
'foo_test_run' analysed.
import StringIO
import glob
import logging
import os
import posixpath
import subprocess
import sys
import time
TOOLS_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
SWARMING_CLIENT_DIR = os.path.join(TOOLS_DIR, 'swarming_client')
SRC_DIR = os.path.dirname(TOOLS_DIR)
sys.path.insert(0, SWARMING_CLIENT_DIR)
import isolate_format
def load_ninja_recursively(build_dir, ninja_path, build_steps):
"""Crudely extracts all the subninja and build referenced in ninja_path.
In particular, it ignores rule and variable declarations. The goal is to be
performant (well, as much as python can be performant) which is currently in
the <200ms range for a complete chromium tree. As such the code is laid out
for performance instead of readability.
logging.debug('Loading %s', ninja_path)
with open(os.path.join(build_dir, ninja_path), 'rb') as f:
line = None
merge_line = ''
subninja = []
for line in f:
line = line.rstrip()
if not line:
if line[-1] == '$':
# The next line needs to be merged in.
merge_line += line[:-1]
if merge_line:
line = merge_line + line
merge_line = ''
statement = line[:line.find(' ')]
if statement == 'build':
# Save the dependency list as a raw string. Only the lines needed will
# be processed with raw_build_to_deps(). This saves a good 70ms of
# processing time.
build_target, dependencies = line[6:].split(': ', 1)
# Interestingly, trying to be smart and only saving the build steps
# with the intended extensions ('', '.stamp', '.so') slows down
# parsing even if 90% of the build rules can be skipped.
# On Windows, a single step may generate two target, so split items
# accordingly. It has only been seen for .exe/.exe.pdb combos.
for i in build_target.strip().split():
build_steps[i] = dependencies
elif statement == 'subninja':
except IOError:
print >> sys.stderr, 'Failed to open %s' % ninja_path
total = 1
for rel_path in subninja:
# Load each of the files referenced.
# TODO(maruel): Skip the files known to not be needed. It saves an aweful
# lot of processing time.
total += load_ninja_recursively(build_dir, rel_path, build_steps)
except IOError:
print >> sys.stderr, '... as referenced by %s' % ninja_path
return total
def load_ninja(build_dir):
"""Loads the tree of .ninja files in build_dir."""
build_steps = {}
total = load_ninja_recursively(build_dir, 'build.ninja', build_steps)
logging.info('Loaded %d ninja files, %d build steps', total, len(build_steps))
return build_steps
def using_blacklist(item):
"""Returns True if an item should be analyzed.
Ignores many rules that are assumed to not depend on a dynamic library. If
the assumption doesn't hold true anymore for a file format, remove it from
this list. This is simply an optimization.
'.a', '.cc', '.css', '.def', '.frag', '.h', '.html', '.js', '.json',
'.manifest', '.o', '.obj', '.pak', '.png', '.pdb', '.strings', '.test',
'.txt', '.vert',
# ninja files use native path format.
ext = os.path.splitext(item)[1]
if ext in IGNORED:
return False
# Special case Windows, keep .dll.lib but discard .lib.
if item.endswith('.dll.lib'):
return True
if ext == '.lib':
return False
return item not in ('', '|', '||')
def raw_build_to_deps(item):
"""Converts a raw ninja build statement into the list of interesting
# TODO(maruel): Use a whitelist instead? .stamp, .so.TOC, .dylib.TOC,
# .dll.lib, .exe and empty.
# The first item is the build rule, e.g. 'link', 'cxx', 'phony', etc.
return filter(using_blacklist, item.split(' ')[1:])
def collect_deps(target, build_steps, dependencies_added, rules_seen):
"""Recursively adds all the interesting dependencies for |target|
into |dependencies_added|.
if rules_seen is None:
rules_seen = set()
if target in rules_seen:
# TODO(maruel): Figure out how it happens.
logging.warning('Circular dependency for %s!', target)
dependencies = raw_build_to_deps(build_steps[target])
except KeyError:
logging.info('Failed to find a build step to generate: %s', target)
logging.debug('collect_deps(%s) -> %s', target, dependencies)
for dependency in dependencies:
collect_deps(dependency, build_steps, dependencies_added, rules_seen)
def post_process_deps(build_dir, dependencies):
"""Processes the dependency list with OS specific rules."""
def filter_item(i):
if i.endswith('.so.TOC'):
# Remove only the suffix .TOC, not the .so!
return i[:-4]
if i.endswith('.dylib.TOC'):
# Remove only the suffix .TOC, not the .dylib!
return i[:-4]
if i.endswith('.dll.lib'):
# Remove only the suffix .lib, not the .dll!
return i[:-4]
return i
# Check for execute access. This gets rid of all the phony rules.
return [
i for i in map(filter_item, dependencies)
if os.access(os.path.join(build_dir, i), os.X_OK)
def create_wrapper(args, isolate_index, isolated_index):
"""Creates a wrapper .isolate that add dynamic libs.
The original .isolate is not modified.
cwd = os.getcwd()
isolate = args[isolate_index]
# The code assumes the .isolate file is always specified path-less in cwd. Fix
# if this assumption doesn't hold true.
assert os.path.basename(isolate) == isolate, isolate
# This will look like ../out/Debug. This is based against cwd. Note that this
# must equal the value provided as PRODUCT_DIR.
build_dir = os.path.dirname(args[isolated_index])
# This will look like chrome/unit_tests.isolate. It is based against SRC_DIR.
# It's used to calculate temp_isolate.
src_isolate = os.path.relpath(os.path.join(cwd, isolate), SRC_DIR)
# The wrapping .isolate. This will look like
# ../out/Debug/gen/chrome/unit_tests.isolate.
temp_isolate = os.path.join(build_dir, 'gen', src_isolate)
temp_isolate_dir = os.path.dirname(temp_isolate)
# Relative path between the new and old .isolate file.
isolate_relpath = os.path.relpath(
'.', temp_isolate_dir).replace(os.path.sep, '/')
# It's a big assumption here that the name of the isolate file matches the
# primary target '_run'. Fix accordingly if this doesn't hold true, e.g.
# complain to maruel@.
target = isolate[:-len('.isolate')] + '_run'
build_steps = load_ninja(build_dir)
binary_deps = set()
collect_deps(target, build_steps, binary_deps, None)
binary_deps = post_process_deps(build_dir, binary_deps)
'Binary dependencies:%s', ''.join('\n ' + i for i in binary_deps))
# Now do actual wrapping .isolate.
isolate_dict = {
'includes': [
posixpath.join(isolate_relpath, isolate),
'variables': {
# Will look like ['<(PRODUCT_DIR)/lib/flibuser_prefs.so'].
isolate_format.KEY_TRACKED: sorted(
'<(PRODUCT_DIR)/%s' % i.replace(os.path.sep, '/')
for i in binary_deps),
if not os.path.isdir(temp_isolate_dir):
comment = (
'# Warning: this file was AUTOGENERATED.\n'
'# DO NO EDIT.\n')
out = StringIO.StringIO()
isolate_format.print_all(comment, isolate_dict, out)
isolate_content = out.getvalue()
with open(temp_isolate, 'wb') as f:
logging.info('Added %d dynamic libs', len(binary_deps))
logging.debug('%s', isolate_content)
args[isolate_index] = temp_isolate
def main():
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.ERROR, format='%(levelname)7s %(message)s')
args = sys.argv[1:]
isolate = None
isolated = None
is_component = False
for i, arg in enumerate(args):
if arg == '--isolate':
isolate = i + 1
if arg == '--isolated':
isolated = i + 1
if arg == 'component=shared_library':
is_component = True
if isolate is None or isolated is None:
print >> sys.stderr, 'Internal failure'
return 1
if is_component:
create_wrapper(args, isolate, isolated)
swarming_client = os.path.join(SRC_DIR, 'tools', 'swarming_client')
result = subprocess.call(
[sys.executable, os.path.join(swarming_client, 'isolate.py')] + args)
return result
if __name__ == '__main__':