// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "sandbox/linux/tests/sandbox_test_runner_function_pointer.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
namespace sandbox {
// Has this been compiled to run on Android?
bool IsAndroid();
bool IsArchitectureArm();
// Is Valgrind currently being used?
bool IsRunningOnValgrind();
#define DISABLE_ON_ASAN(test_name) DISABLED_##test_name
#define DISABLE_ON_ASAN(test_name) test_name
#endif // defined(ADDRESS_SANITIZER)
#if defined(LEAK_SANITIZER)
#define DISABLE_ON_LSAN(test_name) DISABLED_##test_name
#define DISABLE_ON_LSAN(test_name) test_name
#define DISABLE_ON_TSAN(test_name) DISABLED_##test_name
#define DISABLE_ON_TSAN(test_name) test_name
#endif // defined(THREAD_SANITIZER)
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
#define DISABLE_ON_ANDROID(test_name) DISABLED_##test_name
#define DISABLE_ON_ANDROID(test_name) test_name
// While it is perfectly OK for a complex test to provide its own DeathCheck
// function. Most death tests have very simple requirements. These tests should
// use one of the predefined DEATH_XXX macros as an argument to
// SANDBOX_DEATH_TEST(). You can check for a (sub-)string in the output of the
// test, for a particular exit code, or for a particular death signal.
// NOTE: If you do decide to write your own DeathCheck, make sure to use
// gtests's ASSERT_XXX() macros instead of SANDBOX_ASSERT(). See
// unit_tests.cc for examples.
#define DEATH_SUCCESS() sandbox::UnitTests::DeathSuccess, NULL
sandbox::UnitTests::DeathSuccessAllowNoise, NULL
#define DEATH_MESSAGE(msg) \
sandbox::UnitTests::DeathMessage, \
static_cast<const void*>(static_cast<const char*>(msg))
#define DEATH_EXIT_CODE(rc) \
sandbox::UnitTests::DeathExitCode, \
#define DEATH_BY_SIGNAL(s) \
sandbox::UnitTests::DeathBySignal, \
// A SANDBOX_DEATH_TEST is just like a SANDBOX_TEST (see below), but it assumes
// that the test actually dies. The death test only passes if the death occurs
// in the expected fashion, as specified by "death" and "death_aux". These two
// parameters are typically set to one of the DEATH_XXX() macros.
#define SANDBOX_DEATH_TEST(test_case_name, test_name, death) \
void TEST_##test_name(void); \
TEST(test_case_name, test_name) { \
SandboxTestRunnerFunctionPointer sandbox_test_runner(TEST_##test_name); \
sandbox::UnitTests::RunTestInProcess(&sandbox_test_runner, death); \
} \
void TEST_##test_name(void)
// Define a new test case that runs inside of a GTest death test. This is
// necessary, as most of our tests by definition make global and irreversible
// changes to the system (i.e. they install a sandbox). GTest provides death
// tests as a tool to isolate global changes from the rest of the tests.
#define SANDBOX_TEST(test_case_name, test_name) \
SANDBOX_DEATH_TEST(test_case_name, test_name, DEATH_SUCCESS())
// SANDBOX_TEST_ALLOW_NOISE is just like SANDBOX_TEST, except it does not
// consider log error messages printed by the test to be test failures.
#define SANDBOX_TEST_ALLOW_NOISE(test_case_name, test_name) \
// Simple assertion macro that is compatible with running inside of a death
// test. We unfortunately cannot use any of the GTest macros.
#define SANDBOX_STR(x) #x
#define SANDBOX_ASSERT(expr) \
((expr) ? static_cast<void>(0) : sandbox::UnitTests::AssertionFailure( \
SANDBOX_STR(expr), __FILE__, __LINE__))
// This class allows to run unittests in their own process. The main method is
// RunTestInProcess().
class UnitTests {
typedef void (*DeathCheck)(int status,
const std::string& msg,
const void* aux);
// Runs a test inside a short-lived process. Do not call this function
// directly. It is automatically invoked by SANDBOX_TEST(). Most sandboxing
// functions make global irreversible changes to the execution environment
// and must therefore execute in their own isolated process.
// |test_runner| must implement the SandboxTestRunner interface and will run
// in a subprocess.
// Note: since the child process (created with fork()) will never return from
// RunTestInProcess(), |test_runner| is guaranteed to exist for the lifetime
// of the child process.
static void RunTestInProcess(SandboxTestRunner* test_runner,
DeathCheck death,
const void* death_aux);
// Report a useful error message and terminate the current SANDBOX_TEST().
// Calling this function from outside a SANDBOX_TEST() is unlikely to do
// anything useful.
static void AssertionFailure(const char* expr, const char* file, int line);
// Sometimes we determine at run-time that a test should be disabled.
// Call this method if we want to return from a test and completely
// ignore its results.
// You should not call this method, if the test already ran any test-relevant
// code. Most notably, you should not call it, you already wrote any messages
// to stderr.
static void IgnoreThisTest();
// A DeathCheck method that verifies that the test completed succcessfully.
// This is the default test mode for SANDBOX_TEST(). The "aux" parameter
// of this DeathCheck is unused (and thus unnamed)
static void DeathSuccess(int status, const std::string& msg, const void*);
// A DeathCheck method that verifies that the test completed succcessfully
// allowing for log error messages.
static void DeathSuccessAllowNoise(int status,
const std::string& msg,
const void*);
// A DeathCheck method that verifies that the test completed with error
// code "1" and printed a message containing a particular substring. The
// "aux" pointer should point to a C-string containing the expected error
// message. This method is useful for checking assertion failures such as
static void DeathMessage(int status, const std::string& msg, const void* aux);
// A DeathCheck method that verifies that the test completed with a
// particular exit code. If the test output any messages to stderr, they are
// silently ignored. The expected exit code should be passed in by
// casting the its "int" value to a "void *", which is then used for "aux".
static void DeathExitCode(int status,
const std::string& msg,
const void* aux);
// A DeathCheck method that verifies that the test was terminated by a
// particular signal. If the test output any messages to stderr, they are
// silently ignore. The expected signal number should be passed in by
// casting the its "int" value to a "void *", which is then used for "aux".
static void DeathBySignal(int status,
const std::string& msg,
const void* aux);
} // namespace