// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <list>
#include <string>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
namespace remoting {
namespace protocol {
extern const int kDefaultStreamVersion;
// Struct for configuration parameters of a single channel.
// Some channels (like video) may have multiple underlying sockets that need
// to be configured simultaneously.
struct ChannelConfig {
enum TransportType {
enum Codec {
CODEC_UNDEFINED, // Used for event and control channels.
// Creates a config with transport field set to TRANSPORT_NONE which indicates
// that corresponding channel is disabled.
static ChannelConfig None();
// Default constructor. Equivalent to None().
// Creates a channel config with the specified parameters.
ChannelConfig(TransportType transport, int version, Codec codec);
// operator== is overloaded so that std::find() works with
// std::list<ChannelConfig>.
bool operator==(const ChannelConfig& b) const;
TransportType transport;
int version;
Codec codec;
// SessionConfig is used by the chromoting Session to store negotiated
// chromotocol configuration.
class SessionConfig {
void set_control_config(const ChannelConfig& control_config) {
control_config_ = control_config;
const ChannelConfig& control_config() const { return control_config_; }
void set_event_config(const ChannelConfig& event_config) {
event_config_ = event_config;
const ChannelConfig& event_config() const { return event_config_; }
void set_video_config(const ChannelConfig& video_config) {
video_config_ = video_config;
const ChannelConfig& video_config() const { return video_config_; }
void set_audio_config(const ChannelConfig& audio_config) {
audio_config_ = audio_config;
const ChannelConfig& audio_config() const { return audio_config_; }
bool is_audio_enabled() const {
return audio_config_.transport != ChannelConfig::TRANSPORT_NONE;
// Returns true if the control channel supports capabilities.
bool SupportsCapabilities() const;
// Returns a suitable session configuration for use in tests.
static SessionConfig ForTest();
ChannelConfig control_config_;
ChannelConfig event_config_;
ChannelConfig video_config_;
ChannelConfig audio_config_;
// Defines session description that is sent from client to the host in the
// session-initiate message. It is different from the regular Config
// because it allows one to specify multiple configurations for each channel.
class CandidateSessionConfig {
static scoped_ptr<CandidateSessionConfig> CreateEmpty();
static scoped_ptr<CandidateSessionConfig> CreateFrom(
const SessionConfig& config);
static scoped_ptr<CandidateSessionConfig> CreateDefault();
const std::list<ChannelConfig>& control_configs() const {
return control_configs_;
std::list<ChannelConfig>* mutable_control_configs() {
return &control_configs_;
const std::list<ChannelConfig>& event_configs() const {
return event_configs_;
std::list<ChannelConfig>* mutable_event_configs() {
return &event_configs_;
const std::list<ChannelConfig>& video_configs() const {
return video_configs_;
std::list<ChannelConfig>* mutable_video_configs() {
return &video_configs_;
const std::list<ChannelConfig>& audio_configs() const {
return audio_configs_;
std::list<ChannelConfig>* mutable_audio_configs() {
return &audio_configs_;
// Selects session configuration that is supported by both participants.
// NULL is returned if such configuration doesn't exist. When selecting
// channel configuration priority is given to the configs listed first
// in |client_config|.
bool Select(const CandidateSessionConfig* client_config,
SessionConfig* result);
// Returns true if |config| is supported.
bool IsSupported(const SessionConfig& config) const;
// Extracts final protocol configuration. Must be used for the description
// received in the session-accept stanza. If the selection is ambiguous
// (e.g. there is more than one configuration for one of the channel)
// or undefined (e.g. no configurations for a channel) then NULL is returned.
bool GetFinalConfig(SessionConfig* result) const;
scoped_ptr<CandidateSessionConfig> Clone() const;
// Helpers for enabling/disabling specific features.
void DisableAudioChannel();
void EnableVideoCodec(ChannelConfig::Codec codec);
explicit CandidateSessionConfig(const CandidateSessionConfig& config);
CandidateSessionConfig& operator=(const CandidateSessionConfig& b);
static bool SelectCommonChannelConfig(
const std::list<ChannelConfig>& host_configs_,
const std::list<ChannelConfig>& client_configs_,
ChannelConfig* config);
static bool IsChannelConfigSupported(const std::list<ChannelConfig>& list,
const ChannelConfig& value);
std::list<ChannelConfig> control_configs_;
std::list<ChannelConfig> event_configs_;
std::list<ChannelConfig> video_configs_;
std::list<ChannelConfig> audio_configs_;
} // namespace protocol
} // namespace remoting