// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ppapi/tests/test_view.h"
#include <sstream>
#include "ppapi/c/pp_time.h"
#include "ppapi/c/private/ppb_testing_private.h"
#include "ppapi/cpp/completion_callback.h"
#include "ppapi/tests/testing_instance.h"
// When waiting for view changed events, wait no longer than this.
#if !defined(THREAD_SANITIZER)
static int kViewChangeTimeoutSec = 5;
// ThreadSanitizer may slow the interaction down significantly.
static int kViewChangeTimeoutSec = 30;
TestView::TestView(TestingInstance* instance)
: TestCase(instance),
post_quit_on_view_changed_(false) {
void TestView::DidChangeView(const pp::View& view) {
last_view_ = view;
if (post_quit_on_view_changed_) {
post_quit_on_view_changed_ = false;
bool TestView::Init() {
return CheckTestingInterface();
void TestView::RunTests(const std::string& filter) {
RUN_TEST(CreatedVisible, filter);
RUN_TEST(CreatedInvisible, filter);
RUN_TEST(PageHideShow, filter);
RUN_TEST(SizeChange, filter);
RUN_TEST(ClipChange, filter);
RUN_TEST(ScrollOffsetChange, filter);
bool TestView::WaitUntilViewChanged() {
// Schedule a callback so this step times out if we don't get a ViewChanged
// in a reasonable amount of time.
pp::CompletionCallbackFactory<TestView> factory(this);
pp::CompletionCallback timeout =
kViewChangeTimeoutSec * 1000, timeout);
size_t old_page_visibility_change_count = page_visibility_log_.size();
// Run a nested message loop. It will exit either on ViewChanged or if the
// timeout happens.
post_quit_on_view_changed_ = true;
post_quit_on_view_changed_ = false;
// We know we got a view changed event if something was appended to the log.
return page_visibility_log_.size() > old_page_visibility_change_count;
void TestView::QuitMessageLoop(int32_t result) {
std::string TestView::TestCreatedVisible() {
std::string TestView::TestCreatedInvisible() {
if (page_visibility_log_[0]) {
// Add more error message since this test has some extra requirements.
instance_->AppendError("Initial page is set to visible. NOTE: "
"This test must be run in a background tab. "
"Either run in the UI test which does this, or you can middle-click "
"on the test link to run manually.");
std::string TestView::TestPageHideShow() {
// Initial state should be visible.
// Now that we're alive, tell the test knows it can change our visibility.
// Wait until we get a hide event, being careful to handle spurious
// notifications of ViewChanged.
PP_Time begin_time = pp::Module::Get()->core()->GetTime();
while (WaitUntilViewChanged() &&
page_visibility_log_[page_visibility_log_.size() - 1] &&
pp::Module::Get()->core()->GetTime() - begin_time <
kViewChangeTimeoutSec) {
if (page_visibility_log_[page_visibility_log_.size() - 1]) {
// Didn't get a view changed event that changed visibility (though there
// may have been some that didn't change visibility).
// Add more error message since this test has some extra requirements.
return "Didn't receive a hide event in timeout. NOTE: "
"This test requires tab visibility to change and won't pass if you "
"just run it in a browser. Normally the UI test should handle "
"this. You can also run manually by waiting 2 secs, creating a new "
"tab, waiting 2 more secs, and closing the new tab.";
// Tell the test so it can show us again.
// Wait until we get a show event.
begin_time = pp::Module::Get()->core()->GetTime();
while (WaitUntilViewChanged() &&
!page_visibility_log_[page_visibility_log_.size() - 1] &&
pp::Module::Get()->core()->GetTime() - begin_time <
kViewChangeTimeoutSec) {
ASSERT_TRUE(page_visibility_log_[page_visibility_log_.size() - 1]);
std::string TestView::TestSizeChange() {
pp::Rect original_rect = last_view_.GetRect();
pp::Rect desired_rect = original_rect;
desired_rect.set_width(original_rect.width() + 10);
desired_rect.set_height(original_rect.height() + 12);
std::ostringstream script_stream;
script_stream << "var plugin = document.getElementById('plugin');";
script_stream << "plugin.setAttribute('width', "
<< desired_rect.width() << ");";
script_stream << "plugin.setAttribute('height', "
<< desired_rect.height() << ");";
PP_Time begin_time = pp::Module::Get()->core()->GetTime();
while (WaitUntilViewChanged() && last_view_.GetRect() != desired_rect &&
pp::Module::Get()->core()->GetTime() - begin_time <
kViewChangeTimeoutSec) {
ASSERT_TRUE(last_view_.GetRect() == desired_rect);
std::string TestView::TestClipChange() {
pp::Rect original_rect = last_view_.GetRect();
// Original clip should be the full frame.
pp::Rect original_clip = last_view_.GetClipRect();
ASSERT_TRUE(original_clip.x() == 0);
ASSERT_TRUE(original_clip.y() == 0);
ASSERT_TRUE(original_clip.width() == original_rect.width());
ASSERT_TRUE(original_clip.height() == original_rect.height());
int clip_amount = original_rect.height() / 2;
// It might be nice to set the position to be absolute and set the location,
// but this will cause WebKit to actually tear down the plugin and recreate
// it. So instead we add a big div to cause the document to be scrollable,
// and scroll it down.
std::ostringstream script_stream;
<< "var big = document.createElement('div');"
<< "big.setAttribute('style', 'position:absolute; left:100px; "
"top:0px; width:1px; height:5000px;');"
<< "document.body.appendChild(big);"
<< "window.scrollBy(0, " << original_rect.y() + clip_amount << ");";
pp::Rect desired_clip = original_clip;
desired_clip.set_height(desired_clip.height() - desired_clip.y());
PP_Time begin_time = pp::Module::Get()->core()->GetTime();
while (WaitUntilViewChanged() && last_view_.GetClipRect() != desired_clip &&
pp::Module::Get()->core()->GetTime() - begin_time <
kViewChangeTimeoutSec) {
ASSERT_TRUE(last_view_.GetClipRect() == desired_clip);
std::string TestView::TestScrollOffsetChange() {
instance_->EvalScript("document.body.style.width = '5000px';"
"document.body.style.height = '5000px';");
instance_->EvalScript("window.scrollTo(5, 1);");
PP_Time begin_time = pp::Module::Get()->core()->GetTime();
while (WaitUntilViewChanged() &&
last_view_.GetScrollOffset() != pp::Point(5, 1) &&
pp::Module::Get()->core()->GetTime() - begin_time <
kViewChangeTimeoutSec) {
ASSERT_EQ(pp::Point(5, 1), last_view_.GetScrollOffset());
instance_->EvalScript("window.scrollTo(0, 0);");
begin_time = pp::Module::Get()->core()->GetTime();
while (WaitUntilViewChanged() &&
last_view_.GetScrollOffset() != pp::Point(0, 0) &&
pp::Module::Get()->core()->GetTime() - begin_time <
kViewChangeTimeoutSec) {
ASSERT_EQ(pp::Point(0, 0), last_view_.GetScrollOffset());