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// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <string>

#include "net/quic/crypto/crypto_handshake.h"
#include "net/quic/crypto/quic_crypto_server_config.h"
#include "net/quic/quic_config.h"
#include "net/quic/quic_crypto_stream.h"

namespace net {

class CryptoHandshakeMessage;
class QuicCryptoServerConfig;
class QuicSession;

namespace test {
class CryptoTestUtils;
}  // namespace test

class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE QuicCryptoServerStream : public QuicCryptoStream {
  QuicCryptoServerStream(const QuicCryptoServerConfig& crypto_config,
                         QuicSession* session);
  explicit QuicCryptoServerStream(QuicSession* session);
  virtual ~QuicCryptoServerStream();

  // Cancel any outstanding callbacks, such as asynchronous validation of client
  // hello.
  void CancelOutstandingCallbacks();

  // CryptoFramerVisitorInterface implementation
  virtual void OnHandshakeMessage(
      const CryptoHandshakeMessage& message) OVERRIDE;

  // GetBase64SHA256ClientChannelID sets |*output| to the base64 encoded,
  // SHA-256 hash of the client's ChannelID key and returns true, if the client
  // presented a ChannelID. Otherwise it returns false.
  bool GetBase64SHA256ClientChannelID(std::string* output) const;

  uint8 num_handshake_messages() const { return num_handshake_messages_; }

  virtual QuicErrorCode ProcessClientHello(
      const CryptoHandshakeMessage& message,
      const ValidateClientHelloResultCallback::Result& result,
      CryptoHandshakeMessage* reply,
      std::string* error_details);

  // Hook that allows the server to set QuicConfig defaults just
  // before going through the parameter negotiation step.
  virtual void OverrideQuicConfigDefaults(QuicConfig* config);

  friend class test::CryptoTestUtils;

  class ValidateCallback : public ValidateClientHelloResultCallback {
    explicit ValidateCallback(QuicCryptoServerStream* parent);
    // To allow the parent to detach itself from the callback before deletion.
    void Cancel();

    // From ValidateClientHelloResultCallback
    virtual void RunImpl(const CryptoHandshakeMessage& client_hello,
                         const Result& result) OVERRIDE;

    QuicCryptoServerStream* parent_;


  // Invoked by ValidateCallback::RunImpl once initial validation of
  // the client hello is complete.  Finishes processing of the client
  // hello message and handles handshake success/failure.
  void FinishProcessingHandshakeMessage(
      const CryptoHandshakeMessage& message,
      const ValidateClientHelloResultCallback::Result& result);

  // crypto_config_ contains crypto parameters for the handshake.
  const QuicCryptoServerConfig& crypto_config_;

  // Pointer to the active callback that will receive the result of
  // the client hello validation request and forward it to
  // FinishProcessingHandshakeMessage for processing.  NULL if no
  // handshake message is being validated.
  ValidateCallback* validate_client_hello_cb_;

  uint8 num_handshake_messages_;


}  // namespace net