// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_vector.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "google_apis/drive/drive_entry_kinds.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace base {
class FilePath;
class DictionaryValue;
class Value;
template <class StructType>
class JSONValueConverter;
namespace internal {
template <class NestedType>
class RepeatedMessageConverter;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace base
// Defines data elements of Google Documents API as described in
// http://code.google.com/apis/documents/.
namespace google_apis {
// Defines link (URL) of an entity (document, file, feed...). Each entity could
// have more than one link representing it.
class Link {
enum LinkType {
// Registers the mapping between JSON field names and the members in
// this class.
static void RegisterJSONConverter(base::JSONValueConverter<Link>* converter);
// Type of the link.
LinkType type() const { return type_; }
// URL of the link.
const GURL& href() const { return href_; }
// Title of the link.
const std::string& title() const { return title_; }
// For OPEN_WITH links, this contains the application ID. For all other link
// types, it is the empty string.
const std::string& app_id() const { return app_id_; }
// Link MIME type.
const std::string& mime_type() const { return mime_type_; }
void set_type(LinkType type) { type_ = type; }
void set_href(const GURL& href) { href_ = href; }
void set_title(const std::string& title) { title_ = title; }
void set_app_id(const std::string& app_id) { app_id_ = app_id; }
void set_mime_type(const std::string& mime_type) { mime_type_ = mime_type; }
friend class ResourceEntry;
// Converts value of link.rel into LinkType. Outputs to |type| and returns
// true when |rel| has a valid value. Otherwise does nothing and returns
// false.
static bool GetLinkType(const base::StringPiece& rel, LinkType* type);
// Converts value of link.rel to application ID, if there is one embedded in
// the link.rel field. Outputs to |app_id| and returns true when |rel| has a
// valid value. Otherwise does nothing and returns false.
static bool GetAppID(const base::StringPiece& rel, std::string* app_id);
LinkType type_;
GURL href_;
std::string title_;
std::string app_id_;
std::string mime_type_;
// Feed links define links (URLs) to special list of entries (i.e. list of
// previous document revisions).
class ResourceLink {
enum ResourceLinkType {
// Registers the mapping between JSON field names and the members in
// this class.
static void RegisterJSONConverter(
base::JSONValueConverter<ResourceLink>* converter);
// MIME type of the feed.
ResourceLinkType type() const { return type_; }
// URL of the feed.
const GURL& href() const { return href_; }
void set_type(ResourceLinkType type) { type_ = type; }
void set_href(const GURL& href) { href_ = href; }
friend class ResourceEntry;
// Converts value of gd$feedLink.rel into ResourceLinkType enum.
// Outputs to |result| and returns true when |rel| has a valid
// value. Otherwise does nothing and returns false.
static bool GetFeedLinkType(
const base::StringPiece& rel, ResourceLinkType* result);
ResourceLinkType type_;
GURL href_;
// Author represents an author of an entity.
class Author {
// Registers the mapping between JSON field names and the members in
// this class.
static void RegisterJSONConverter(
base::JSONValueConverter<Author>* converter);
// Getters.
const std::string& name() const { return name_; }
const std::string& email() const { return email_; }
void set_name(const std::string& name) { name_ = name; }
void set_email(const std::string& email) { email_ = email; }
friend class ResourceEntry;
std::string name_;
std::string email_;
// Entry category.
class Category {
enum CategoryType {
// Registers the mapping between JSON field names and the members in
// this class.
static void RegisterJSONConverter(
base::JSONValueConverter<Category>* converter);
// Category label.
const std::string& label() const { return label_; }
// Category type.
CategoryType type() const { return type_; }
// Category term.
const std::string& term() const { return term_; }
void set_label(const std::string& label) { label_ = label; }
void set_type(CategoryType type) { type_ = type; }
void set_term(const std::string& term) { term_ = term; }
friend class ResourceEntry;
// Converts category scheme into CategoryType enum. For example,
// http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#kind => Category::CATEGORY_KIND
// Returns false and does not change |result| when |scheme| has an
// unrecognizable value.
static bool GetCategoryTypeFromScheme(
const base::StringPiece& scheme, CategoryType* result);
std::string label_;
CategoryType type_;
std::string term_;
// Content details of a resource: mime-type, url, and so on.
class Content {
// Registers the mapping between JSON field names and the members in
// this class.
static void RegisterJSONConverter(
base::JSONValueConverter<Content>* converter);
// The URL to download the file content.
// Note that the url can expire, so we'll fetch the latest resource
// entry before starting a download to get the download URL.
const GURL& url() const { return url_; }
const std::string& mime_type() const { return mime_type_; }
void set_url(const GURL& url) { url_ = url; }
void set_mime_type(const std::string& mime_type) { mime_type_ = mime_type; }
friend class ResourceEntry;
GURL url_;
std::string mime_type_;
// Base class for feed entries. This class defines fields commonly used by
// various feeds.
class CommonMetadata {
virtual ~CommonMetadata();
// Returns a link of a given |type| for this entry. If not found, it returns
// NULL.
const Link* GetLinkByType(Link::LinkType type) const;
// Entry update time.
base::Time updated_time() const { return updated_time_; }
// Entry ETag.
const std::string& etag() const { return etag_; }
// List of entry authors.
const ScopedVector<Author>& authors() const { return authors_; }
// List of entry links.
const ScopedVector<Link>& links() const { return links_; }
ScopedVector<Link>* mutable_links() { return &links_; }
// List of entry categories.
const ScopedVector<Category>& categories() const { return categories_; }
void set_etag(const std::string& etag) { etag_ = etag; }
void set_authors(ScopedVector<Author> authors) {
authors_ = authors.Pass();
void set_links(ScopedVector<Link> links) {
links_ = links.Pass();
void set_categories(ScopedVector<Category> categories) {
categories_ = categories.Pass();
void set_updated_time(const base::Time& updated_time) {
updated_time_ = updated_time;
// Registers the mapping between JSON field names and the members in
// this class.
template<typename CommonMetadataDescendant>
static void RegisterJSONConverter(
base::JSONValueConverter<CommonMetadataDescendant>* converter);
std::string etag_;
ScopedVector<Author> authors_;
ScopedVector<Link> links_;
ScopedVector<Category> categories_;
base::Time updated_time_;
// This class represents a resource entry. A resource is a generic term which
// refers to a file and a directory.
class ResourceEntry : public CommonMetadata {
virtual ~ResourceEntry();
// Extracts "entry" dictionary from the JSON value, and parse the contents,
// using CreateFrom(). Returns NULL on failure. The input JSON data, coming
// from the gdata server, looks like:
// {
// "encoding": "UTF-8",
// "entry": { ... }, // This function will extract this and parse.
// "version": "1.0"
// }
// The caller should delete the returned object.
static scoped_ptr<ResourceEntry> ExtractAndParse(const base::Value& value);
// Creates resource entry from parsed JSON Value. You should call
// this instead of instantiating JSONValueConverter by yourself
// because this method does some post-process for some fields. See
// FillRemainingFields comment and implementation for the details.
static scoped_ptr<ResourceEntry> CreateFrom(const base::Value& value);
// Returns name of entry node.
static std::string GetEntryNodeName();
// Registers the mapping between JSON field names and the members in
// this class.
static void RegisterJSONConverter(
base::JSONValueConverter<ResourceEntry>* converter);
// Sets true to |result| if the field exists.
// Always returns true even when the field does not exist.
static bool HasFieldPresent(const base::Value* value, bool* result);
// Parses |value| as int64 and sets it to |result|. If the field does not
// exist, sets 0 to |result| as default value.
// Returns true if |value| is NULL or it is parsed as int64 successfully.
static bool ParseChangestamp(const base::Value* value, int64* result);
// The resource ID is used to identify a resource, which looks like:
// file:d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8
const std::string& resource_id() const { return resource_id_; }
// This is a URL looks like:
// https://docs.google.com/feeds/id/file%3Ad41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8.
// The URL is currently not used.
const std::string& id() const { return id_; }
DriveEntryKind kind() const { return kind_; }
const std::string& title() const { return title_; }
base::Time published_time() const { return published_time_; }
base::Time last_viewed_time() const { return last_viewed_time_; }
const std::vector<std::string>& labels() const { return labels_; }
// The URL to download a file content.
// Search for 'download_url' in gdata_wapi_requests.h for details.
const GURL& download_url() const { return content_.url(); }
const std::string& content_mime_type() const { return content_.mime_type(); }
// The resource links contain extra links for revisions and access control,
// etc. Note that links() contain more basic links like edit URL,
// alternative URL, etc.
const ScopedVector<ResourceLink>& resource_links() const {
return resource_links_;
// File name (exists only for kinds FILE and PDF).
const std::string& filename() const { return filename_; }
// Suggested file name (exists only for kinds FILE and PDF).
const std::string& suggested_filename() const { return suggested_filename_; }
// File content MD5 (exists only for kinds FILE and PDF).
const std::string& file_md5() const { return file_md5_; }
// File size (exists only for kinds FILE and PDF).
int64 file_size() const { return file_size_; }
// True if the file or directory is deleted (applicable to change list only).
bool deleted() const { return deleted_ || removed_; }
// Changestamp (exists only for change query results).
// If not exists, defaults to 0.
int64 changestamp() const { return changestamp_; }
// Image width (exists only for images).
// If doesn't exist, then equals -1.
int64 image_width() const { return image_width_; }
// Image height (exists only for images).
// If doesn't exist, then equals -1.
int64 image_height() const { return image_height_; }
// Image rotation in clockwise degrees (exists only for images).
// If doesn't exist, then equals -1.
int64 image_rotation() const { return image_rotation_; }
// The time of this modification.
// Note: This property is filled only when converted from ChangeResource.
const base::Time& modification_date() const { return modification_date_; }
// Text version of resource entry kind. Returns an empty string for
// unknown entry kind.
std::string GetEntryKindText() const;
// Returns preferred file extension for hosted documents. If entry is not
// a hosted document, this call returns an empty string.
static std::string GetHostedDocumentExtension(DriveEntryKind kind);
// True if resource entry is remotely hosted.
bool is_hosted_document() const {
return (ClassifyEntryKind(kind_) & KIND_OF_HOSTED_DOCUMENT) > 0;
// True if resource entry hosted by Google Documents.
bool is_google_document() const {
return (ClassifyEntryKind(kind_) & KIND_OF_GOOGLE_DOCUMENT) > 0;
// True if resource entry is hosted by an external application.
bool is_external_document() const {
return (ClassifyEntryKind(kind_) & KIND_OF_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT) > 0;
// True if resource entry is a folder (collection).
bool is_folder() const {
return (ClassifyEntryKind(kind_) & KIND_OF_FOLDER) > 0;
// True if resource entry is regular file.
bool is_file() const {
return (ClassifyEntryKind(kind_) & KIND_OF_FILE) > 0;
// True if resource entry can't be mapped to the file system.
bool is_special() const {
return !is_file() && !is_folder() && !is_hosted_document();
// The following constructs are exposed for unit tests.
// Classes of EntryKind. Used for ClassifyEntryKind().
enum EntryKindClass {
KIND_OF_FOLDER = 1 << 3,
KIND_OF_FILE = 1 << 4,
// Returns the kind enum corresponding to the extension in form ".xxx".
static DriveEntryKind GetEntryKindFromExtension(const std::string& extension);
// Classifies the EntryKind. The returned value is a bitmask of
// EntryKindClass. For example, DOCUMENT is classified as
static int ClassifyEntryKind(DriveEntryKind kind);
// Classifies the EntryKind by the file extension of specific path. The
// returned value is a bitmask of EntryKindClass. See also ClassifyEntryKind.
static int ClassifyEntryKindByFileExtension(const base::FilePath& file);
void set_resource_id(const std::string& resource_id) {
resource_id_ = resource_id;
void set_id(const std::string& id) { id_ = id; }
void set_kind(DriveEntryKind kind) { kind_ = kind; }
void set_title(const std::string& title) { title_ = title; }
void set_published_time(const base::Time& published_time) {
published_time_ = published_time;
void set_last_viewed_time(const base::Time& last_viewed_time) {
last_viewed_time_ = last_viewed_time;
void set_labels(const std::vector<std::string>& labels) {
labels_ = labels;
void set_content(const Content& content) {
content_ = content;
void set_resource_links(ScopedVector<ResourceLink> resource_links) {
resource_links_ = resource_links.Pass();
void set_filename(const std::string& filename) { filename_ = filename; }
void set_suggested_filename(const std::string& suggested_filename) {
suggested_filename_ = suggested_filename;
void set_file_md5(const std::string& file_md5) { file_md5_ = file_md5; }
void set_file_size(int64 file_size) { file_size_ = file_size; }
void set_deleted(bool deleted) { deleted_ = deleted; }
void set_removed(bool removed) { removed_ = removed; }
void set_changestamp(int64 changestamp) { changestamp_ = changestamp; }
void set_image_width(int64 image_width) { image_width_ = image_width; }
void set_image_height(int64 image_height) { image_height_ = image_height; }
void set_image_rotation(int64 image_rotation) {
image_rotation_ = image_rotation;
void set_modification_date(const base::Time& modification_date) {
modification_date_ = modification_date;
// Fills the remaining fields where JSONValueConverter cannot catch.
// Currently, sets |kind_| and |labels_| based on the |categories_| in the
// class.
void FillRemainingFields();
friend class base::internal::RepeatedMessageConverter<ResourceEntry>;
friend class ResourceList;
friend class ResumeUploadRequest;
// Converts categories.term into DriveEntryKind enum.
static DriveEntryKind GetEntryKindFromTerm(const std::string& term);
// Converts |kind| into its text identifier equivalent.
static const char* GetEntryKindDescription(DriveEntryKind kind);
std::string resource_id_;
std::string id_;
DriveEntryKind kind_;
std::string title_;
base::Time published_time_;
// Last viewed value may be unreliable. See: crbug.com/152628.
base::Time last_viewed_time_;
std::vector<std::string> labels_;
Content content_;
ScopedVector<ResourceLink> resource_links_;
// Optional fields for files only.
std::string filename_;
std::string suggested_filename_;
std::string file_md5_;
int64 file_size_;
bool deleted_;
bool removed_;
int64 changestamp_;
int64 image_width_;
int64 image_height_;
int64 image_rotation_;
base::Time modification_date_;
// This class represents a list of resource entries with some extra metadata
// such as the root upload URL. The feed is paginated and the rest of the
// feed can be fetched by retrieving the remaining parts of the feed from
// URLs provided by GetNextFeedURL() method.
class ResourceList : public CommonMetadata {
virtual ~ResourceList();
// Extracts "feed" dictionary from the JSON value, and parse the contents,
// using CreateFrom(). Returns NULL on failure. The input JSON data, coming
// from the gdata server, looks like:
// {
// "encoding": "UTF-8",
// "feed": { ... }, // This function will extract this and parse.
// "version": "1.0"
// }
static scoped_ptr<ResourceList> ExtractAndParse(const base::Value& value);
// Creates feed from parsed JSON Value. You should call this
// instead of instantiating JSONValueConverter by yourself because
// this method does some post-process for some fields. See
// FillRemainingFields comment and implementation in ResourceEntry
// class for the details.
static scoped_ptr<ResourceList> CreateFrom(const base::Value& value);
// Registers the mapping between JSON field names and the members in
// this class.
static void RegisterJSONConverter(
base::JSONValueConverter<ResourceList>* converter);
// Returns true and passes|url| of the next feed if the current entry list
// does not completed this feed.
bool GetNextFeedURL(GURL* url) const;
// List of resource entries.
const ScopedVector<ResourceEntry>& entries() const { return entries_; }
ScopedVector<ResourceEntry>* mutable_entries() { return &entries_; }
// Releases entries_ into |entries|. This is a transfer of ownership, so the
// caller is responsible for deleting the elements of |entries|.
void ReleaseEntries(std::vector<ResourceEntry*>* entries);
// Start index of the resource entry list.
int start_index() const { return start_index_; }
// Number of items per feed of the resource entry list.
int items_per_page() const { return items_per_page_; }
// The largest changestamp. Next time the resource list should be fetched
// from this changestamp.
int64 largest_changestamp() const { return largest_changestamp_; }
// Resource entry list title.
const std::string& title() { return title_; }
void set_entries(ScopedVector<ResourceEntry> entries) {
entries_ = entries.Pass();
void set_start_index(int start_index) {
start_index_ = start_index;
void set_items_per_page(int items_per_page) {
items_per_page_ = items_per_page;
void set_title(const std::string& title) {
title_ = title;
void set_largest_changestamp(int64 largest_changestamp) {
largest_changestamp_ = largest_changestamp;
// Parses and initializes data members from content of |value|.
// Return false if parsing fails.
bool Parse(const base::Value& value);
ScopedVector<ResourceEntry> entries_;
int start_index_;
int items_per_page_;
std::string title_;
int64 largest_changestamp_;
} // namespace google_apis