// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
function finalTransactionCompleted()
debug('The final transaction completed.');
function finalTransactionAborted()
fail('The final transaction should not abort.');
function employeeNotFound()
debug('Employee not found.');
shouldBe("event.target.result", "undefined");
function newTransactionAborted()
debug('The transaction was aborted.');
var finalTransaction = db.transaction(['employees'],
finalTransaction.oncomplete = finalTransactionCompleted;
finalTransaction.onabort = finalTransactionAborted;
var request = finalTransaction.objectStore('employees').get(0);
request.onsuccess = employeeNotFound;
request.onerror = unexpectedErrorCallback;
function newTransactionCompleted()
fail('The new transaction should not complete.');
function employeeAdded()
debug('Added an employee inside the transaction.');
function onSetVersionComplete()
debug('Creating new transaction.');
window.newTransaction = db.transaction(['employees'],
newTransaction.oncomplete = newTransactionCompleted;
newTransaction.onabort = newTransactionAborted;
var request = newTransaction.objectStore('employees').put(
{id: 0, name: 'John Doe', desk: 'LON-BEL-123'});
request.onsuccess = employeeAdded;
request.onerror = unexpectedErrorCallback;
function onSetVersion()
// We are now in a set version transaction.
window.db = event.target.result;
debug('Creating object store.');
db.createObjectStore('employees', {keyPath: 'id'});
function test()
if ('webkitIndexedDB' in window) {
indexedDB = webkitIndexedDB;
IDBCursor = webkitIDBCursor;
IDBKeyRange = webkitIDBKeyRange;
IDBTransaction = webkitIDBTransaction;
indexedDBTest(onSetVersion, onSetVersionComplete);