文本文件  |  17行  |  714 B

        AXLink AXTitle='Link with image at start.'
            AXImage AXDescription='Link'
            AXStaticText AXValue=' with image at start.'
        AXLink AXTitle='Link with image in the middle.'
            AXStaticText AXValue='Link with '
            AXImage AXDescription='image'
            AXStaticText AXValue=' in the middle.'
        AXLink AXTitle='Link with broken in the middle.'
            AXStaticText AXValue='Link with '
            AXImage AXDescription='broken'
            AXStaticText AXValue=' in the middle.'
        AXLink AXTitle='Link with image at the end'
            AXStaticText AXValue='Link with image at the '
            AXImage AXDescription='end'