// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <set>
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "content/common/mac/font_descriptor.h"
#include "ipc/ipc_message_utils.h"
#include "ui/gfx/range/range.h"
#if __OBJC__
@class NSAttributedString;
@class NSDictionary;
class NSAttributedString;
class NSDictionary;
namespace mac {
// This class will serialize the font information of an NSAttributedString so
// that it can be sent over IPC. This class only stores the information of the
// NSFontAttributeName. The motive is that of security: using NSArchiver and
// friends to send objects from the renderer to the browser could lead to
// deserialization of arbitrary objects. This class restricts serialization to
// a specific object class and specific attributes of that object.
class CONTENT_EXPORT AttributedStringCoder {
// A C++ IPC-friendly representation of the NSFontAttributeName attribute
// set.
class FontAttribute {
FontAttribute(NSDictionary* ns_attributes, gfx::Range effective_range);
FontAttribute(FontDescriptor font, gfx::Range range);
// Creates an autoreleased NSDictionary that can be attached to an
// NSAttributedString.
NSDictionary* ToAttributesDictionary() const;
// Whether or not the attribute should be placed in the EncodedString. This
// can return false, e.g. if the Cocoa-based constructor can't find any
// information to encode.
bool ShouldEncode() const;
// Accessors:
FontDescriptor font_descriptor() const { return font_descriptor_; }
gfx::Range effective_range() const { return effective_range_; }
FontDescriptor font_descriptor_;
gfx::Range effective_range_;
// A class that contains the pertinent information from an NSAttributedString,
// which can be serialized over IPC.
class EncodedString {
explicit EncodedString(base::string16 string);
// Accessors:
base::string16 string() const { return string_; }
const std::vector<FontAttribute>& attributes() const {
return attributes_;
std::vector<FontAttribute>* attributes() { return &attributes_; }
// The plain-text string.
base::string16 string_;
// The set of attributes that style |string_|.
std::vector<FontAttribute> attributes_;
// Takes an NSAttributedString, extracts the pertinent attributes, and returns
// an object that represents it. Caller owns the result.
static const EncodedString* Encode(NSAttributedString* str);
// Returns an autoreleased NSAttributedString from an encoded representation.
static NSAttributedString* Decode(const EncodedString* str);
} // namespace mac
// IPC ParamTraits specialization //////////////////////////////////////////////
namespace IPC {
template <>
struct ParamTraits<mac::AttributedStringCoder::EncodedString> {
typedef mac::AttributedStringCoder::EncodedString param_type;
static void Write(Message* m, const param_type& p);
static bool Read(const Message* m, PickleIterator* iter, param_type* r);
static void Log(const param_type& p, std::string* l);
template <>
struct ParamTraits<mac::AttributedStringCoder::FontAttribute> {
typedef mac::AttributedStringCoder::FontAttribute param_type;
static void Write(Message* m, const param_type& p);
static bool Read(const Message* m, PickleIterator* iter, param_type* r);
static void Log(const param_type& p, std::string* l);
} // namespace IPC