// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// IPC messages for injected Java objects (Gin-based implementation).
// Multiply-included message file, hence no include guard.
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "content/common/android/gin_java_bridge_errors.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "ipc/ipc_message_macros.h"
#define IPC_MESSAGE_START GinJavaBridgeMsgStart
// Messages for handling Java objects injected into JavaScript -----------------
// Sent from browser to renderer to add a Java object with the given name.
// Object IDs are generated on the browser side.
std::string /* name */,
int32 /* object_id */)
// Sent from browser to renderer to remove a Java object with the given name.
std::string /* name */)
// Sent from renderer to browser to get information about methods of
// the given object. The query will only succeed if inspection of injected
// objects is enabled on the browser side.
int32 /* object_id */,
std::set<std::string> /* returned_method_names */)
// Sent from renderer to browser to find out, if an object has a method with
// the given name.
int32 /* object_id */,
std::string /* method_name */,
bool /* result */)
// Sent from renderer to browser to invoke a method. Method arguments
// are chained into |arguments| list. base::ListValue is used for |result| as
// a container to work around immutability of base::Value.
// Empty result list indicates that an error has happened on the Java side
// (either bridge-induced error or an unhandled Java exception) and an exception
// must be thrown into JavaScript. |error_code| indicates the cause of
// the error.
// Some special value types that are not supported by base::Value are encoded
// as BinaryValues via GinJavaBridgeValue.
int32 /* object_id */,
std::string /* method_name */,
base::ListValue /* arguments */,
base::ListValue /* result */,
content::GinJavaBridgeError /* error_code */)
// Sent from renderer to browser in two cases:
// 1. (Main usage) To inform that the JS wrapper of the object has
// been completely dereferenced and garbage-collected.
// 2. To notify the browser that wrapper creation has failed. The browser side
// assumes optimistically that every time an object is returned from a
// method, the corresponding wrapper object will be successfully created on
// the renderer side. Sending of this message informs the browser whether
// this expectation has failed.
int32 /* object_id */)