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// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "components/search_engines/search_terms_data.h"

#include "base/logging.h"
#include "components/google/core/browser/google_url_tracker.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"

SearchTermsData::SearchTermsData() {

SearchTermsData::~SearchTermsData() {

std::string SearchTermsData::GoogleBaseURLValue() const {
  return GoogleURLTracker::kDefaultGoogleHomepage;

std::string SearchTermsData::GoogleBaseSuggestURLValue() const {
  // Start with the Google base URL.
  const GURL base_url(GoogleBaseURLValue());

  GURL::Replacements repl;

  // Replace any existing path with "/complete/".
  // SetPathStr() requires its argument to stay in scope as long as |repl| is,
  // so "/complete/" can't be passed to SetPathStr() directly, it needs to be in
  // a variable.
  const std::string suggest_path("/complete/");

  // Clear the query and ref.
  return base_url.ReplaceComponents(repl).spec();

std::string SearchTermsData::GetApplicationLocale() const {
  return "en";

base::string16 SearchTermsData::GetRlzParameterValue(bool from_app_list) const {
  return base::string16();

std::string SearchTermsData::GetSearchClient() const {
  return std::string();

std::string SearchTermsData::GetSuggestClient() const {
  return std::string();

std::string SearchTermsData::GetSuggestRequestIdentifier() const {
  return std::string();

std::string SearchTermsData::NTPIsThemedParam() const {
  return std::string();

std::string SearchTermsData::GoogleImageSearchSource() const {
  return std::string();