// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace metrics {
namespace prefs {
// Alphabetical list of preference names specific to the metrics
// component. Document each in the .cc file.
extern const char kMetricsClientID[];
extern const char kMetricsInitialLogs[];
extern const char kMetricsInitialLogsOld[];
extern const char kMetricsLowEntropySource[];
extern const char kMetricsMachineId[];
extern const char kMetricsOldClientID[];
extern const char kMetricsOldLowEntropySource[];
extern const char kMetricsOngoingLogs[];
extern const char kMetricsOngoingLogsOld[];
extern const char kMetricsResetIds[];
extern const char kMetricsReportingEnabledTimestamp[];
extern const char kMetricsSessionID[];
extern const char kStabilityBreakpadRegistrationSuccess[];
extern const char kStabilityBreakpadRegistrationFail[];
extern const char kStabilityCrashCount[];
extern const char kStabilityDebuggerPresent[];
extern const char kStabilityDebuggerNotPresent[];
extern const char kStabilityExecutionPhase[];
extern const char kStabilityExitedCleanly[];
extern const char kStabilityIncompleteSessionEndCount[];
extern const char kStabilityLastTimestampSec[];
extern const char kStabilityLaunchCount[];
extern const char kStabilityLaunchTimeSec[];
extern const char kStabilitySavedSystemProfile[];
extern const char kStabilitySavedSystemProfileHash[];
extern const char kStabilitySessionEndCompleted[];
extern const char kStabilityStatsBuildTime[];
extern const char kStabilityStatsVersion[];
extern const char kUninstallLaunchCount[];
extern const char kUninstallMetricsUptimeSec[];
} // namespace prefs
} // namespace metrics