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// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include "base/callback_forward.h"
#include "sync/internal_api/public/base/invalidator_state.h"
#include "sync/notifier/invalidation_util.h"

class IdentityProvider;

namespace syncer {
class InvalidationHandler;
}  // namespace syncer

namespace invalidation {
class InvalidationLogger;

// Interface for classes that handle invalidation registrations and send out
// invalidations to register handlers.
// Invalidation clients should follow the pattern below:
// When starting the client:
//   frontend->RegisterInvalidationHandler(client_handler);
// When the set of IDs to register changes for the client during its lifetime
// (i.e., between calls to RegisterInvalidationHandler(client_handler) and
// UnregisterInvalidationHandler(client_handler):
//   frontend->UpdateRegisteredInvalidationIds(client_handler, client_ids);
// When shutting down the client for browser shutdown:
//   frontend->UnregisterInvalidationHandler(client_handler);
// Note that there's no call to UpdateRegisteredIds() -- this is because the
// invalidation API persists registrations across browser restarts.
// When permanently shutting down the client, e.g. when disabling the related
// feature:
//   frontend->UpdateRegisteredInvalidationIds(client_handler, ObjectIdSet());
//   frontend->UnregisterInvalidationHandler(client_handler);
// If an invalidation handler cares about the invalidator state, it should also
// do the following when starting the client:
//   invalidator_state = frontend->GetInvalidatorState();
// It can also do the above in OnInvalidatorStateChange(), or it can use the
// argument to OnInvalidatorStateChange().
// It is an error to have registered handlers when an
// InvalidationFrontend is shut down; clients must ensure that they
// unregister themselves before then. (Depending on the
// InvalidationFrontend, shutdown may be equivalent to destruction, or
// a separate function call like Shutdown()).
// NOTE(akalin): Invalidations that come in during browser shutdown may get
// dropped.  This won't matter once we have an Acknowledge API, though: see
// http://crbug.com/78462 and http://crbug.com/124149.
class InvalidationService {
  virtual ~InvalidationService() {}

  // Starts sending notifications to |handler|.  |handler| must not be NULL,
  // and it must not already be registered.
  // Handler registrations are persisted across restarts of sync.
  virtual void RegisterInvalidationHandler(
      syncer::InvalidationHandler* handler) = 0;

  // Updates the set of ObjectIds associated with |handler|.  |handler| must
  // not be NULL, and must already be registered.  An ID must be registered for
  // at most one handler.
  // Registered IDs are persisted across restarts of sync.
  virtual void UpdateRegisteredInvalidationIds(
      syncer::InvalidationHandler* handler,
      const syncer::ObjectIdSet& ids) = 0;

  // Stops sending notifications to |handler|.  |handler| must not be NULL, and
  // it must already be registered.  Note that this doesn't unregister the IDs
  // associated with |handler|.
  // Handler registrations are persisted across restarts of sync.
  virtual void UnregisterInvalidationHandler(
      syncer::InvalidationHandler* handler) = 0;

  // Returns the current invalidator state.  When called from within
  // InvalidationHandler::OnInvalidatorStateChange(), this must return
  // the updated state.
  virtual syncer::InvalidatorState GetInvalidatorState() const = 0;

  // Returns the ID belonging to this invalidation client.  Can be used to
  // prevent the receipt of notifications of our own changes.
  virtual std::string GetInvalidatorClientId() const = 0;

  // Return the logger used to debug invalidations
  virtual InvalidationLogger* GetInvalidationLogger() = 0;

  // Triggers requests of internal status.
  virtual void RequestDetailedStatus(
      base::Callback<void(const base::DictionaryValue&)> post_caller) const = 0;

  // Returns the identity provider.
  virtual IdentityProvider* GetIdentityProvider() = 0;

}  // namespace invalidation