// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace content {
class BrowserContext;
namespace extensions {
class Extension;
namespace ui_util {
// Returns true if the extension should be displayed in the app launcher.
// Checks whether the extension is an ephemeral app or should be hidden due to
// policy.
bool ShouldDisplayInAppLauncher(const Extension* extension,
content::BrowserContext* context);
// Returns true if the extension can be displayed in the app launcher.
// Checks whether the extension should be hidden due to policy, but does not
// exclude ephemeral apps.
bool CanDisplayInAppLauncher(const Extension* extension,
content::BrowserContext* context);
// Returns true if the extension should be displayed in the browser NTP.
// Checks whether the extension is an ephemeral app or should be hidden due to
// policy.
bool ShouldDisplayInNewTabPage(const Extension* extension,
content::BrowserContext* context);
// Returns true if the extension should be displayed in the extension
// settings page (i.e. chrome://extensions). Checks whether the extension is
// an ephemeral app.
bool ShouldDisplayInExtensionSettings(const Extension* extension,
content::BrowserContext* context);
// Returns true if the extension should not be shown anywhere. This is
// mostly the same as the extension being a component extension, but also
// includes non-component apps that are hidden from the app launcher and NTP,
// as well as ephemeral apps.
bool ShouldNotBeVisible(const Extension* extension,
content::BrowserContext* context);
} // namespace ui_util
} // namespace extensions