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#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.

import glob
import json
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import unittest


_TEST_DATA_DIR = 'base/test/data/presubmit'

class MockInputApi(object):
  def __init__(self):
    self.json = json
    self.re = re
    self.os_path = os.path
    self.python_executable = sys.executable
    self.subprocess = subprocess
    self.files = []
    self.is_committing = False

  def AffectedFiles(self):
    return self.files

  def PresubmitLocalPath(self):
    return os.path.dirname(__file__)

  def ReadFile(self, filename, mode='rU'):
    for file_ in self.files:
      if file_.LocalPath() == filename:
        return '\n'.join(file_.NewContents())
    # Otherwise, file is not in our mock API.
    raise IOError, "No such file or directory: '%s'" % filename

class MockOutputApi(object):
  class PresubmitResult(object):
    def __init__(self, message, items=None, long_text=''):
      self.message = message
      self.items = items
      self.long_text = long_text

  class PresubmitError(PresubmitResult):
    def __init__(self, message, items, long_text=''):
      MockOutputApi.PresubmitResult.__init__(self, message, items, long_text)
      self.type = 'error'

  class PresubmitPromptWarning(PresubmitResult):
    def __init__(self, message, items, long_text=''):
      MockOutputApi.PresubmitResult.__init__(self, message, items, long_text)
      self.type = 'warning'

  class PresubmitNotifyResult(PresubmitResult):
    def __init__(self, message, items, long_text=''):
      MockOutputApi.PresubmitResult.__init__(self, message, items, long_text)
      self.type = 'notify'

  class PresubmitPromptOrNotify(PresubmitResult):
    def __init__(self, message, items, long_text=''):
      MockOutputApi.PresubmitResult.__init__(self, message, items, long_text)
      self.type = 'promptOrNotify'

class MockFile(object):
  def __init__(self, local_path, new_contents):
    self._local_path = local_path
    self._new_contents = new_contents
    self._changed_contents = [(i + 1, l) for i, l in enumerate(new_contents)]

  def ChangedContents(self):
    return self._changed_contents

  def NewContents(self):
    return self._new_contents

  def LocalPath(self):
    return self._local_path

class MockChange(object):
  def __init__(self, changed_files):
    self._changed_files = changed_files

  def LocalPaths(self):
    return self._changed_files

class IncludeOrderTest(unittest.TestCase):
  def testSystemHeaderOrder(self):
    scope = [(1, '#include <csystem.h>'),
             (2, '#include <cppsystem>'),
             (3, '#include "acustom.h"')]
    all_linenums = [linenum for (linenum, _) in scope]
    mock_input_api = MockInputApi()
    warnings = PRESUBMIT._CheckIncludeOrderForScope(scope, mock_input_api,
                                                    '', all_linenums)
    self.assertEqual(0, len(warnings))

  def testSystemHeaderOrderMismatch1(self):
    scope = [(10, '#include <cppsystem>'),
             (20, '#include <csystem.h>'),
             (30, '#include "acustom.h"')]
    all_linenums = [linenum for (linenum, _) in scope]
    mock_input_api = MockInputApi()
    warnings = PRESUBMIT._CheckIncludeOrderForScope(scope, mock_input_api,
                                                    '', all_linenums)
    self.assertEqual(1, len(warnings))
    self.assertTrue('20' in warnings[0])

  def testSystemHeaderOrderMismatch2(self):
    scope = [(10, '#include <cppsystem>'),
             (20, '#include "acustom.h"'),
             (30, '#include <csystem.h>')]
    all_linenums = [linenum for (linenum, _) in scope]
    mock_input_api = MockInputApi()
    warnings = PRESUBMIT._CheckIncludeOrderForScope(scope, mock_input_api,
                                                    '', all_linenums)
    self.assertEqual(1, len(warnings))
    self.assertTrue('30' in warnings[0])

  def testSystemHeaderOrderMismatch3(self):
    scope = [(10, '#include "acustom.h"'),
             (20, '#include <csystem.h>'),
             (30, '#include <cppsystem>')]
    all_linenums = [linenum for (linenum, _) in scope]
    mock_input_api = MockInputApi()
    warnings = PRESUBMIT._CheckIncludeOrderForScope(scope, mock_input_api,
                                                    '', all_linenums)
    self.assertEqual(2, len(warnings))
    self.assertTrue('20' in warnings[0])
    self.assertTrue('30' in warnings[1])

  def testAlphabeticalOrderMismatch(self):
    scope = [(10, '#include <csystem.h>'),
             (15, '#include <bsystem.h>'),
             (20, '#include <cppsystem>'),
             (25, '#include <bppsystem>'),
             (30, '#include "bcustom.h"'),
             (35, '#include "acustom.h"')]
    all_linenums = [linenum for (linenum, _) in scope]
    mock_input_api = MockInputApi()
    warnings = PRESUBMIT._CheckIncludeOrderForScope(scope, mock_input_api,
                                                    '', all_linenums)
    self.assertEqual(3, len(warnings))
    self.assertTrue('15' in warnings[0])
    self.assertTrue('25' in warnings[1])
    self.assertTrue('35' in warnings[2])

  def testSpecialFirstInclude1(self):
    mock_input_api = MockInputApi()
    contents = ['#include "some/path/foo.h"',
                '#include "a/header.h"']
    mock_file = MockFile('some/path/foo.cc', contents)
    warnings = PRESUBMIT._CheckIncludeOrderInFile(
        mock_input_api, mock_file, range(1, len(contents) + 1))
    self.assertEqual(0, len(warnings))

  def testSpecialFirstInclude2(self):
    mock_input_api = MockInputApi()
    contents = ['#include "some/other/path/foo.h"',
                '#include "a/header.h"']
    mock_file = MockFile('some/path/foo.cc', contents)
    warnings = PRESUBMIT._CheckIncludeOrderInFile(
        mock_input_api, mock_file, range(1, len(contents) + 1))
    self.assertEqual(0, len(warnings))

  def testSpecialFirstInclude3(self):
    mock_input_api = MockInputApi()
    contents = ['#include "some/path/foo.h"',
                '#include "a/header.h"']
    mock_file = MockFile('some/path/foo_platform.cc', contents)
    warnings = PRESUBMIT._CheckIncludeOrderInFile(
        mock_input_api, mock_file, range(1, len(contents) + 1))
    self.assertEqual(0, len(warnings))

  def testSpecialFirstInclude4(self):
    mock_input_api = MockInputApi()
    contents = ['#include "some/path/bar.h"',
                '#include "a/header.h"']
    mock_file = MockFile('some/path/foo_platform.cc', contents)
    warnings = PRESUBMIT._CheckIncludeOrderInFile(
        mock_input_api, mock_file, range(1, len(contents) + 1))
    self.assertEqual(1, len(warnings))
    self.assertTrue('2' in warnings[0])

  def testSpecialFirstInclude5(self):
    mock_input_api = MockInputApi()
    contents = ['#include "some/other/path/foo.h"',
                '#include "a/header.h"']
    mock_file = MockFile('some/path/foo-suffix.h', contents)
    warnings = PRESUBMIT._CheckIncludeOrderInFile(
        mock_input_api, mock_file, range(1, len(contents) + 1))
    self.assertEqual(0, len(warnings))

  def testSpecialFirstInclude6(self):
    mock_input_api = MockInputApi()
    contents = ['#include "some/other/path/foo_win.h"',
                '#include <set>',
                '#include "a/header.h"']
    mock_file = MockFile('some/path/foo_unittest_win.h', contents)
    warnings = PRESUBMIT._CheckIncludeOrderInFile(
        mock_input_api, mock_file, range(1, len(contents) + 1))
    self.assertEqual(0, len(warnings))

  def testOrderAlreadyWrong(self):
    scope = [(1, '#include "b.h"'),
             (2, '#include "a.h"'),
             (3, '#include "c.h"')]
    mock_input_api = MockInputApi()
    warnings = PRESUBMIT._CheckIncludeOrderForScope(scope, mock_input_api,
                                                    '', [3])
    self.assertEqual(0, len(warnings))

  def testConflictAdded1(self):
    scope = [(1, '#include "a.h"'),
             (2, '#include "c.h"'),
             (3, '#include "b.h"')]
    mock_input_api = MockInputApi()
    warnings = PRESUBMIT._CheckIncludeOrderForScope(scope, mock_input_api,
                                                    '', [2])
    self.assertEqual(1, len(warnings))
    self.assertTrue('3' in warnings[0])

  def testConflictAdded2(self):
    scope = [(1, '#include "c.h"'),
             (2, '#include "b.h"'),
             (3, '#include "d.h"')]
    mock_input_api = MockInputApi()
    warnings = PRESUBMIT._CheckIncludeOrderForScope(scope, mock_input_api,
                                                    '', [2])
    self.assertEqual(1, len(warnings))
    self.assertTrue('2' in warnings[0])

  def testIfElifElseEndif(self):
    mock_input_api = MockInputApi()
    contents = ['#include "e.h"',
                '#define foo',
                '#include "f.h"',
                '#undef foo',
                '#include "e.h"',
                '#if foo',
                '#include "d.h"',
                '#elif bar',
                '#include "c.h"',
                '#include "b.h"',
                '#include "a.h"']
    mock_file = MockFile('', contents)
    warnings = PRESUBMIT._CheckIncludeOrderInFile(
        mock_input_api, mock_file, range(1, len(contents) + 1))
    self.assertEqual(0, len(warnings))

  def testExcludedIncludes(self):
    # #include <sys/...>'s can appear in any order.
    mock_input_api = MockInputApi()
    contents = ['#include <sys/b.h>',
                '#include <sys/a.h>']
    mock_file = MockFile('', contents)
    warnings = PRESUBMIT._CheckIncludeOrderInFile(
        mock_input_api, mock_file, range(1, len(contents) + 1))
    self.assertEqual(0, len(warnings))

    contents = ['#include <atlbase.h>',
                '#include <aaa.h>']
    mock_file = MockFile('', contents)
    warnings = PRESUBMIT._CheckIncludeOrderInFile(
        mock_input_api, mock_file, range(1, len(contents) + 1))
    self.assertEqual(0, len(warnings))

    contents = ['#include "build/build_config.h"',
                '#include "aaa.h"']
    mock_file = MockFile('', contents)
    warnings = PRESUBMIT._CheckIncludeOrderInFile(
        mock_input_api, mock_file, range(1, len(contents) + 1))
    self.assertEqual(0, len(warnings))

  def testCheckOnlyCFiles(self):
    mock_input_api = MockInputApi()
    mock_output_api = MockOutputApi()
    contents = ['#include <b.h>',
                '#include <a.h>']
    mock_file_cc = MockFile('something.cc', contents)
    mock_file_h = MockFile('something.h', contents)
    mock_file_other = MockFile('something.py', contents)
    mock_input_api.files = [mock_file_cc, mock_file_h, mock_file_other]
    warnings = PRESUBMIT._CheckIncludeOrder(mock_input_api, mock_output_api)
    self.assertEqual(1, len(warnings))
    self.assertEqual(2, len(warnings[0].items))
    self.assertEqual('promptOrNotify', warnings[0].type)

  def testUncheckableIncludes(self):
    mock_input_api = MockInputApi()
    contents = ['#include <windows.h>',
                '#include "b.h"',
                '#include "a.h"']
    mock_file = MockFile('', contents)
    warnings = PRESUBMIT._CheckIncludeOrderInFile(
        mock_input_api, mock_file, range(1, len(contents) + 1))
    self.assertEqual(1, len(warnings))

    contents = ['#include "gpu/command_buffer/gles_autogen.h"',
                '#include "b.h"',
                '#include "a.h"']
    mock_file = MockFile('', contents)
    warnings = PRESUBMIT._CheckIncludeOrderInFile(
        mock_input_api, mock_file, range(1, len(contents) + 1))
    self.assertEqual(1, len(warnings))

    contents = ['#include "gl_mock_autogen.h"',
                '#include "b.h"',
                '#include "a.h"']
    mock_file = MockFile('', contents)
    warnings = PRESUBMIT._CheckIncludeOrderInFile(
        mock_input_api, mock_file, range(1, len(contents) + 1))
    self.assertEqual(1, len(warnings))

    contents = ['#include "ipc/some_macros.h"',
                '#include "b.h"',
                '#include "a.h"']
    mock_file = MockFile('', contents)
    warnings = PRESUBMIT._CheckIncludeOrderInFile(
        mock_input_api, mock_file, range(1, len(contents) + 1))
    self.assertEqual(1, len(warnings))

class VersionControlConflictsTest(unittest.TestCase):
  def testTypicalConflict(self):
    lines = ['<<<<<<< HEAD',
             '  base::ScopedTempDir temp_dir_;',
             '  ScopedTempDir temp_dir_;',
             '>>>>>>> master']
    errors = PRESUBMIT._CheckForVersionControlConflictsInFile(
        MockInputApi(), MockFile('some/path/foo_platform.cc', lines))
    self.assertEqual(3, len(errors))
    self.assertTrue('1' in errors[0])
    self.assertTrue('3' in errors[1])
    self.assertTrue('5' in errors[2])

class BadExtensionsTest(unittest.TestCase):
  def testBadRejFile(self):
    mock_input_api = MockInputApi()
    mock_input_api.files = [
      MockFile('some/path/foo.cc', ''),
      MockFile('some/path/foo.cc.rej', ''),
      MockFile('some/path2/bar.h.rej', ''),

    results = PRESUBMIT._CheckPatchFiles(mock_input_api, MockOutputApi())
    self.assertEqual(1, len(results))
    self.assertEqual(2, len(results[0].items))
    self.assertTrue('foo.cc.rej' in results[0].items[0])
    self.assertTrue('bar.h.rej' in results[0].items[1])

  def testBadOrigFile(self):
    mock_input_api = MockInputApi()
    mock_input_api.files = [
      MockFile('other/path/qux.h.orig', ''),
      MockFile('other/path/qux.h', ''),
      MockFile('other/path/qux.cc', ''),

    results = PRESUBMIT._CheckPatchFiles(mock_input_api, MockOutputApi())
    self.assertEqual(1, len(results))
    self.assertEqual(1, len(results[0].items))
    self.assertTrue('qux.h.orig' in results[0].items[0])

  def testGoodFiles(self):
    mock_input_api = MockInputApi()
    mock_input_api.files = [
      MockFile('other/path/qux.h', ''),
      MockFile('other/path/qux.cc', ''),
    results = PRESUBMIT._CheckPatchFiles(mock_input_api, MockOutputApi())
    self.assertEqual(0, len(results))

  def testOnlyOwnersFiles(self):
    mock_change = MockChange([
    results = PRESUBMIT.GetPreferredTryMasters(None, mock_change)
    self.assertEqual({}, results)

class InvalidOSMacroNamesTest(unittest.TestCase):
  def testInvalidOSMacroNames(self):
    lines = ['#if defined(OS_WINDOWS)',
             ' #elif defined(OS_WINDOW)',
             ' # if defined(OS_MACOSX) || defined(OS_CHROME)',
             '# else  // defined(OS_MAC)',
             '#endif  // defined(OS_MACOS)']
    errors = PRESUBMIT._CheckForInvalidOSMacrosInFile(
        MockInputApi(), MockFile('some/path/foo_platform.cc', lines))
    self.assertEqual(len(lines), len(errors))
    self.assertTrue(':1 OS_WINDOWS' in errors[0])
    self.assertTrue('(did you mean OS_WIN?)' in errors[0])

  def testValidOSMacroNames(self):
    lines = ['#if defined(%s)' % m for m in PRESUBMIT._VALID_OS_MACROS]
    errors = PRESUBMIT._CheckForInvalidOSMacrosInFile(
        MockInputApi(), MockFile('some/path/foo_platform.cc', lines))
    self.assertEqual(0, len(errors))

class CheckAddedDepsHaveTetsApprovalsTest(unittest.TestCase):
  def testFilesToCheckForIncomingDeps(self):
    changed_lines = [
      '"+grit",  # For generated headers',
      '"+policy",  # For generated headers and source',
    files_to_check = PRESUBMIT._FilesToCheckForIncomingDeps(re, changed_lines)
    expected = set([
    self.assertEqual(expected, files_to_check);

class JSONParsingTest(unittest.TestCase):
  def testSuccess(self):
    input_api = MockInputApi()
    filename = 'valid_json.json'
    contents = ['// This is a comment.',
                '  "key1": ["value1", "value2"],',
                '  "key2": 3  // This is an inline comment.',
    input_api.files = [MockFile(filename, contents)]
                     PRESUBMIT._GetJSONParseError(input_api, filename))

  def testFailure(self):
    input_api = MockInputApi()
    test_data = [
       ['{ x }'],
       'Expecting property name:'),
       ['// Hello world!',
        '{ "hello": "world }'],
       'Unterminated string starting at:'),
       ['{ "a": "b", "c": "d", }'],
       'Expecting property name:'),
       ['{ "a": "b" "c": "d" }'],
       'Expecting , delimiter:'),

    input_api.files = [MockFile(filename, contents)
                       for (filename, contents, _) in test_data]

    for (filename, _, expected_error) in test_data:
      actual_error = PRESUBMIT._GetJSONParseError(input_api, filename)
      self.assertTrue(expected_error in str(actual_error),
                      "'%s' not found in '%s'" % (expected_error, actual_error))

  def testNoEatComments(self):
    input_api = MockInputApi()
    file_with_comments = 'file_with_comments.json'
    contents_with_comments = ['// This is a comment.',
                              '  "key1": ["value1", "value2"],',
                              '  "key2": 3  // This is an inline comment.',
    file_without_comments = 'file_without_comments.json'
    contents_without_comments = ['{',
                                 '  "key1": ["value1", "value2"],',
                                 '  "key2": 3',
    input_api.files = [MockFile(file_with_comments, contents_with_comments),

    self.assertEqual('No JSON object could be decoded',

class IDLParsingTest(unittest.TestCase):
  def testSuccess(self):
    input_api = MockInputApi()
    filename = 'valid_idl_basics.idl'
    contents = ['// Tests a valid IDL file.',
                'namespace idl_basics {',
                '  enum EnumType {',
                '    name1,',
                '    name2',
                '  };',
                '  dictionary MyType1 {',
                '    DOMString a;',
                '  };',
                '  callback Callback1 = void();',
                '  callback Callback2 = void(long x);',
                '  callback Callback3 = void(MyType1 arg);',
                '  callback Callback4 = void(EnumType type);',
                '  interface Functions {',
                '    static void function1();',
                '    static void function2(long x);',
                '    static void function3(MyType1 arg);',
                '    static void function4(Callback1 cb);',
                '    static void function5(Callback2 cb);',
                '    static void function6(Callback3 cb);',
                '    static void function7(Callback4 cb);',
                '  };',
                '  interface Events {',
                '    static void onFoo1();',
                '    static void onFoo2(long x);',
                '    static void onFoo2(MyType1 arg);',
                '    static void onFoo3(EnumType type);',
                '  };',
    input_api.files = [MockFile(filename, contents)]
                     PRESUBMIT._GetIDLParseError(input_api, filename))

  def testFailure(self):
    input_api = MockInputApi()
    test_data = [
        'namespace test {',
        '  dictionary {',
        '    DOMString s;',
        '  };',
       'Unexpected "{" after keyword "dictionary".\n'),
      # TODO(yoz): Disabled because it causes the IDL parser to hang.
      # See crbug.com/363830.
      # ('invalid_idl_2.idl',
      #  (['namespace test {',
      #    '  dictionary MissingSemicolon {',
      #    '    DOMString a',
      #    '    DOMString b;',
      #    '  };',
      #    '};'],
      #   'Unexpected symbol DOMString after symbol a.'),
        'namespace test {',
        '  enum MissingComma {',
        '    name1',
        '    name2',
        '  };',
       'Unexpected symbol name2 after symbol name1.'),
        'namespace test {',
        '  enum TrailingComma {',
        '    name1,',
        '    name2,',
        '  };',
       'Trailing comma in block.'),
        'namespace test {',
        '  callback Callback1 = void(;',
       'Unexpected ";" after "(".'),
        'namespace test {',
        '  callback Callback1 = void(long );',
       'Unexpected ")" after symbol long.'),
        'namespace test {',
        '  interace Events {',
        '    static void onFoo1();',
        '  };',
       'Unexpected symbol Events after symbol interace.'),
        'namespace test {',
        '  interface NotEvent {',
        '    static void onFoo1();',
        '  };',
       'Did not process Interface Interface(NotEvent)'),
        'namespace test {',
        '  interface {',
        '    static void function1();',
        '  };',
       'Interface missing name.'),

    input_api.files = [MockFile(filename, contents)
                       for (filename, contents, _) in test_data]

    for (filename, _, expected_error) in test_data:
      actual_error = PRESUBMIT._GetIDLParseError(input_api, filename)
      self.assertTrue(expected_error in str(actual_error),
                      "'%s' not found in '%s'" % (expected_error, actual_error))

if __name__ == '__main__':