/* * Copyright (C) 2012 Samsung Electronics Co., LTD * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <stdio.h> #include "tlwvdrm_api.h" #define LOG_TAG "drm_content_protect" #include "log.h" #include "tlc_communication.h" #include "content_protect.h" mc_comm_ctx cp_ctx; // ------------------------------------------------------------- static mcResult_t tlc_initialize(void) { mcResult_t mcRet; memset(&cp_ctx, 0x00, sizeof(cp_ctx)); cp_ctx.device_id = MC_DEVICE_ID_DEFAULT; cp_ctx.uuid = (mcUuid_t)TL_WV_DRM_UUID; cp_ctx.initialized = false; mcRet = tlc_open(&cp_ctx); if (MC_DRV_OK != mcRet) { LOG_E("open TL session failed!"); return mcRet; } cp_ctx.initialized = true; return MC_DRV_OK; } // ------------------------------------------------------------- static mcResult_t tlc_terminate(void) { mcResult_t mcRet; if (cp_ctx.initialized == true) { mcRet = tlc_close(&cp_ctx); if (MC_DRV_OK != mcRet) { LOG_E("close TL session failed!"); return mcRet; } memset(&cp_ctx, 0x00, sizeof(cp_ctx)); cp_ctx.initialized = false; } return MC_DRV_OK; } extern "C" cpResult_t CP_Enable_Path_Protection(uint32_t protect_ip) { cpResult_t cp_result = CP_SUCCESS; mcResult_t mcRet; tciMessage_t *tci = NULL; LOG_I("[CONTENT_PROTECT] : CP_Enable_Path_Protection"); do { // ------------------------------------------------------------- // Step 1: Call the Trustlet Open function. mcRet = tlc_initialize(); if (MC_DRV_OK != mcRet) { LOG_E("Tlc Open Error"); cp_result = CP_ERROR_ENABLE_PATH_PROTECTION_FAILED; break; } // ------------------------------------------------------------- // Step 2: Check TCI buffer. tci = cp_ctx.tci_msg; if (NULL == tci) { LOG_E("TCI has not been set up properly - exiting"); cp_result = CP_ERROR_ENABLE_PATH_PROTECTION_FAILED; break; } // ------------------------------------------------------------- // Step 3: Call the Trustlet functions // Step 3.1: Prepare command message in TCI tci->cmd.id = CMD_WV_DRM_ENABLE_PATH_PROTECTION; memcpy(tci->cmd.data, &protect_ip, sizeof(protect_ip)); tci->cmd.data_len = sizeof(protect_ip); // ------------------------------------------------------------- // Step 3.2: Send Trustlet TCI Message mcRet = tlc_communicate(&cp_ctx); if (MC_DRV_OK != mcRet) { LOG_E("Tlc Communicate Error"); cp_result = CP_ERROR_ENABLE_PATH_PROTECTION_FAILED; break; } // ------------------------------------------------------------- // Step 3.3: Verify that the Trustlet sent a response if ((RSP_ID(CMD_WV_DRM_ENABLE_PATH_PROTECTION) != tci->resp.id)) { LOG_E("Trustlet did not send a response: %d", tci->resp.id); cp_result = CP_ERROR_ENABLE_PATH_PROTECTION_FAILED; break; } // ------------------------------------------------------------- // Step 3.4: Check the Trustlet return code if (tci->resp.return_code != RET_TL_WV_DRM_OK) { LOG_E("Trustlet did not send a valid return code: %d", tci->resp.return_code); cp_result = CP_ERROR_ENABLE_PATH_PROTECTION_FAILED; break; } } while(0); tlc_terminate(); LOG_I("[CONTENT_PROTECT] : CP_Enable_Path_Protection. return value(%d)", cp_result); return cp_result; } extern "C" cpResult_t CP_Disable_Path_Protection(uint32_t protect_ip) { cpResult_t cp_result = CP_SUCCESS; mcResult_t mcRet; tciMessage_t *tci = NULL; LOG_I("[CONTENT_PROTECT] : CP_Disable_Path_Protection"); do { // ------------------------------------------------------------- // Step 1: Call the Trustlet Open function. mcRet = tlc_initialize(); if (MC_DRV_OK != mcRet) { LOG_E("Tlc Open Error"); cp_result = CP_ERROR_DISABLE_PATH_PROTECTION_FAILED; break; } // ------------------------------------------------------------- // Step 2: Check TCI buffer. tci = cp_ctx.tci_msg; if (NULL == tci) { LOG_E("TCI has not been set up properly - exiting"); cp_result = CP_ERROR_DISABLE_PATH_PROTECTION_FAILED; break; } // ------------------------------------------------------------- // Step 3: Call the Trustlet functions // Step 3.1: Prepare command message in TCI tci->cmd.id = CMD_WV_DRM_DISABLE_PATH_PROTECTION; memcpy(tci->cmd.data, &protect_ip, sizeof(protect_ip)); tci->cmd.data_len = sizeof(protect_ip); // ------------------------------------------------------------- // Step 3.2: Send Trustlet TCI Message mcRet = tlc_communicate(&cp_ctx); if (MC_DRV_OK != mcRet) { LOG_E("Tlc Communicate Error"); cp_result = CP_ERROR_DISABLE_PATH_PROTECTION_FAILED; break; } // ------------------------------------------------------------- // Step 3.3: Verify that the Trustlet sent a response if ((RSP_ID(CMD_WV_DRM_DISABLE_PATH_PROTECTION) != tci->resp.id)) { LOG_E("Trustlet did not send a response: %d", tci->resp.id); cp_result = CP_ERROR_DISABLE_PATH_PROTECTION_FAILED; break; } // ------------------------------------------------------------- // Step 3.4: Check the Trustlet return code if (tci->resp.return_code != RET_TL_WV_DRM_OK) { LOG_E("Trustlet did not send a valid return code: %d", tci->resp.return_code); cp_result = CP_ERROR_DISABLE_PATH_PROTECTION_FAILED; break; } } while(0); tlc_terminate(); LOG_I("[CONTENT_PROTECT] : CP_Disable_Path_Protection. return value(%d)", cp_result); return cp_result; }