/* * Copyright (c) 2011 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * Copyright (c) Imagination Technologies Limited, UK * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sub license, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the * next paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions * of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL PRECISION INSIGHT AND/OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR * ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, * TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE * SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef _PVR2D_H_ #define _PVR2D_H_ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* PVR2D Platform-specific definitions */ #if defined (__linux__) #define PVR2D_EXPORT __attribute__((visibility("default"))) #define PVR2D_IMPORT #else #define PVR2D_EXPORT #define PVR2D_IMPORT #endif /* PVR2D header revision */ #define PVR2D_REV_MAJOR 3 #define PVR2D_REV_MINOR 5 /* Basic types */ typedef enum { PVR2D_FALSE = 0, PVR2D_TRUE } PVR2D_BOOL; typedef void* PVR2D_HANDLE; typedef char PVR2D_CHAR, *PVR2D_PCHAR; typedef unsigned char PVR2D_UCHAR, *PVR2D_PUCHAR; typedef int PVR2D_INT, *PVR2D_PINT; typedef unsigned int PVR2D_UINT, *PVR2D_PUINT; typedef long PVR2D_LONG, *PVR2D_PLONG; typedef unsigned long PVR2D_ULONG, *PVR2D_PULONG; typedef void PVR2D_VOID, *PVR2D_PVOID; /* error codes */ typedef enum { PVR2D_OK = 0, PVR2DERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER = -1, PVR2DERROR_DEVICE_UNAVAILABLE = -2, PVR2DERROR_INVALID_CONTEXT = -3, PVR2DERROR_MEMORY_UNAVAILABLE = -4, PVR2DERROR_DEVICE_NOT_PRESENT = -5, PVR2DERROR_IOCTL_ERROR = -6, PVR2DERROR_GENERIC_ERROR = -7, PVR2DERROR_BLT_NOTCOMPLETE = -8, PVR2DERROR_HW_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED = -9, PVR2DERROR_NOT_YET_IMPLEMENTED = -10, PVR2DERROR_MAPPING_FAILED = -11 } PVR2DERROR; /* 32 bit PVR2D pixel format specifier */ typedef unsigned long PVR2DFORMAT; /* Standard PVR2D pixel formats */ #define PVR2D_1BPP 0x00UL // 1bpp mask surface or palletized 1 bit source with 2x32 bit CLUT #define PVR2D_RGB565 0x01UL // Common rgb 565 format #define PVR2D_ARGB4444 0x02UL // Common argb 4444 format #define PVR2D_RGB888 0x03UL // Common rgb 888 format (not supported) #define PVR2D_ARGB8888 0x04UL // Common argb 8888 format #define PVR2D_ARGB1555 0x05UL // Common argb 1555 format #define PVR2D_ALPHA8 0x06UL // Alpha-only 8 bit per pixel (used with a constant fill colour) #define PVR2D_ALPHA4 0x07UL // Alpha-only 4 bits per pixel (used with a constant fill colour) #define PVR2D_PAL2 0x08UL // Palletized 2 bit format (requires 4x32 bit CLUT) #define PVR2D_PAL4 0x09UL // Palletized 4 bit format (requires 16x32 bit CLUT) #define PVR2D_PAL8 0x0AUL // Palletized 8 bit format (requires 256x32 bit CLUT) #define PVR2D_U8 0x10UL // monochrome unsigned 8 bit #define PVR2D_U88 0x11UL // monochrome unsigned 16 bit #define PVR2D_S8 0x12UL // signed 8 bit #define PVR2D_YUV422_YUYV 0x13UL // YUV 422 low-high byte order Y0UY1V #define PVR2D_YUV422_UYVY 0x14UL // YUV 422 low-high byte order UY0VY1 #define PVR2D_YUV422_YVYU 0x15UL // YUV 422 low-high byte order Y0VY1U #define PVR2D_YUV422_VYUY 0x16UL // YUV 422 low-high byte order VY0UY1 #define PVR2D_YUV420_2PLANE 0x17UL // YUV420 2 Plane #define PVR2D_YUV420_3PLANE 0x18UL // YUV420 3 Plane #define PVR2D_2101010ARGB 0x19UL // 32 bit 2 10 10 10 #define PVR2D_888RSGSBS 0x1AUL #define PVR2D_16BPP_RAW 0x1BUL // 16 bit raw (no format conversion) #define PVR2D_32BPP_RAW 0x1CUL // 32 bit raw #define PVR2D_64BPP_RAW 0x1DUL // 64 bit raw #define PVR2D_128BPP_RAW 0x1EUL // 128 bit raw #define PVR2D_RGBA8888 0x1FUL // Common rgba 888 format #define PVR2D_NV12_U8V8 0x20UL // NV12 Plane U8V8 #define PVR2D_NO_OF_FORMATS 0x21UL /* Format modifier bit field (DstFormat and SrcFormat bits 16..23) */ #define PVR2D_FORMAT_MASK 0x0000FFFFUL // PVR2D Format bits #define PVR2D_FORMAT_LAYOUT_MASK 0x000F0000UL // Format layout (strided / twiddled / tiled) #define PVR2D_FORMAT_FLAGS_MASK 0x0FF00000UL // Surface Flags mask /* Layout */ #define PVR2D_FORMAT_LAYOUT_SHIFT 16 #define PVR2D_FORMAT_LAYOUT_STRIDED 0x00000000UL #define PVR2D_FORMAT_LAYOUT_TILED 0x00010000UL #define PVR2D_FORMAT_LAYOUT_TWIDDLED 0x00020000UL /* PVR2D_SURFACE_PDUMP This flag requests a surface pdump, to capture the pixel state after host writes. Not needed if the surface state has resulted from previous SGX 2D/3D core writes. */ #define PVR2D_SURFACE_PDUMP 0x00100000UL // calls PVRSRVPDumpMem to capture the surface (pdump builds only) /* Low level 3D format extension - for blts via the 3D core only. If the top bit of the format field is set then PVR2D reads it as a PVRSRV_PIXEL_FORMAT. The outcome is hardware dependant. There is no guarantee that any specific PVRSRV format will be supported. */ #define PVR2D_FORMAT_PVRSRV 0x80000000 /* wrap surface type */ typedef enum { PVR2D_WRAPFLAG_NONCONTIGUOUS = 0, PVR2D_WRAPFLAG_CONTIGUOUS = 1, } PVR2DWRAPFLAGS; #define PVR2D_CONTEXT_FLAGS_PRIORITY_MASK 0x00000003 #define PVR2D_CONTEXT_FLAGS_LOW_PRIORITY_CONTEXT 1 #define PVR2D_CONTEXT_FLAGS_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CONTEXT 0 #define PVR2D_CONTEXT_FLAGS_HIGH_PRIORITY_CONTEXT 2 /* flags for control information of additional blits */ typedef enum { PVR2D_BLIT_DISABLE_ALL = 0x00000000, /* disable all additional controls */ PVR2D_BLIT_CK_ENABLE = 0x00000001, /* enable colour key */ PVR2D_BLIT_GLOBAL_ALPHA_ENABLE = 0x00000002, /* enable standard global alpha */ PVR2D_BLIT_PERPIXEL_ALPHABLEND_ENABLE = 0x00000004, /* enable per-pixel alpha bleding */ PVR2D_BLIT_PAT_SURFACE_ENABLE = 0x00000008, /* enable pattern surf (disable fill) */ PVR2D_BLIT_FULLY_SPECIFIED_ALPHA_ENABLE = 0x00000010, /* enable fully specified alpha */ PVR2D_BLIT_ROT_90 = 0x00000020, /* apply 90 degree rotation to the blt */ PVR2D_BLIT_ROT_180 = 0x00000040, /* apply 180 degree rotation to the blt */ PVR2D_BLIT_ROT_270 = 0x00000080, /* apply 270 degree rotation to the blt */ PVR2D_BLIT_COPYORDER_TL2BR = 0x00000100, /* copy order overrides */ PVR2D_BLIT_COPYORDER_BR2TL = 0x00000200, PVR2D_BLIT_COPYORDER_TR2BL = 0x00000400, PVR2D_BLIT_COPYORDER_BL2TR = 0x00000800, PVR2D_BLIT_COLKEY_SOURCE = 0x00001000, /* Key colour is on the source surface */ PVR2D_BLIT_COLKEY_DEST = 0x00002000, /* Key colour is on the destination surface */ PVR2D_BLIT_COLKEY_MASKED = 0x00004000, /* Mask enabled for colour key */ PVR2D_BLIT_COLKEY_OP_PASS = 0x00008000, /* Colour key op = pass */ PVR2D_BLIT_COLKEY_OP_REJECT = 0x00010000, /* Colour key op = reject */ PVR2D_BLIT_PATH_2DCORE = 0x00100000, /* Blt via dedicated 2D Core or PTLA */ PVR2D_BLIT_PATH_3DCORE = 0x00200000, /* Blt via 3D Core */ PVR2D_BLIT_PATH_SWBLT = 0x00400000, /* Blt via host software */ PVR2D_BLIT_NO_SRC_SYNC_INFO = 0x00800000, /* Dont send a source sync info*/ PVR2D_BLIT_ISSUE_STATUS_UPDATES = 0x01000000, /* Issue status updates */ PVR2D_BLIT_FORCE_ALPHA_FF = 0x02000000, /* set the alpha channel to 0xFF */ } PVR2DBLITFLAGS; /* standard alpha-blending functions, AlphaBlendingFunc field of PVR2DBLTINFO */ typedef enum { PVR2D_ALPHA_OP_SRC_DSTINV = 1, /* source alpha : Cdst = Csrc*Asrc + Cdst*(1-Asrc) */ PVR2D_ALPHA_OP_SRCP_DSTINV = 2, /* premultiplied source alpha : Cdst = Csrc + Cdst*(1-Asrc) */ PVR2D_ALPHA_OP_GLOBAL = 3, /* global alpha: Cdst = Csrc*Aglob + Cdst*(1-Aglob) */ PVR2D_ALPHA_OP_SRCP_GLOBAL = 4 /* premultiplied source with global alpha: Cdst = Csrc*Aglob + Cdst*(1-Asrc)*(1-Aglob) */ } PVR2D_ALPHABLENDFUNC; /* blend ops for fully specified alpha (SGX 2D Core only) */ typedef enum { PVR2D_BLEND_OP_ZERO = 0, PVR2D_BLEND_OP_ONE = 1, PVR2D_BLEND_OP_SRC = 2, PVR2D_BLEND_OP_DST = 3, PVR2D_BLEND_OP_GLOBAL = 4, PVR2D_BLEND_OP_SRC_PLUS_GLOBAL = 5, PVR2D_BLEND_OP_DST_PLUS_GLOBAL = 6 } PVR2D_BLEND_OP; /* SGX 2D Core Fully specified alpha blend : pAlpha field of PVR2DBLTINFO structure */ /* a fully specified Alpha Blend operation is defined as */ /* DST (ALPHA) = (ALPHA_1 * SRC (ALPHA)) + (ALPHA_3 * DST (ALPHA)) */ /* DST (RGB) = (ALPHA_2 * SRC (RGB)) + (ALPHA_4 * DST (RGB)) */ /* if the pre-multiplication stage is enabled then the equations become the following: */ /* PRE_MUL = ((SRC(A)) * (Global Alpha Value)) */ /* DST (ALPHA) = (ALPHA_1 * SRC (ALPHA)) + (PRE_MUL * DST (ALPHA)) */ /* DST (RGB) = (ALPHA_2 * SRC (RGB)) + (PRE_MUL * DST (RGB)) */ /* if the transparent source alpha stage is enabled then a source alpha of zero forces the */ /* source to be transparent for that pixel regardless of the blend equation being used. */ typedef struct _PVR2D_ALPHABLT { PVR2D_BLEND_OP eAlpha1; PVR2D_BOOL bAlpha1Invert; PVR2D_BLEND_OP eAlpha2; PVR2D_BOOL bAlpha2Invert; PVR2D_BLEND_OP eAlpha3; PVR2D_BOOL bAlpha3Invert; PVR2D_BLEND_OP eAlpha4; PVR2D_BOOL bAlpha4Invert; PVR2D_BOOL bPremulAlpha; /* enable pre-multiplication stage */ PVR2D_BOOL bTransAlpha; /* enable transparent source alpha stage */ PVR2D_BOOL bUpdateAlphaLookup; /* enable and update the 1555-Lookup alpha table */ PVR2D_UCHAR uAlphaLookup0; /* 8 bit alpha when A=0 in a 1555-Lookup surface */ PVR2D_UCHAR uAlphaLookup1; /* 8 bit alpha when A=1 in a 1555-Lookup surface */ PVR2D_UCHAR uGlobalRGB; /* Global Alpha Value for RGB, 0=transparent 255=opaque */ PVR2D_UCHAR uGlobalA; /* Global Alpha Value for Alpha */ } PVR2D_ALPHABLT, *PPVR2D_ALPHABLT; /* surface memory info structure */ typedef struct _PVR2DMEMINFO { PVR2D_VOID *pBase; PVR2D_ULONG ui32MemSize; PVR2D_ULONG ui32DevAddr; PVR2D_ULONG ulFlags; PVR2D_VOID *hPrivateData; PVR2D_VOID *hPrivateMapData; } PVR2DMEMINFO, *PPVR2DMEMINFO; #define PVR2D_MAX_DEVICE_NAME 20 typedef struct _PVR2DDEVICEINFO { PVR2D_ULONG ulDevID; PVR2D_CHAR szDeviceName[PVR2D_MAX_DEVICE_NAME]; } PVR2DDEVICEINFO; typedef struct _PVR2DISPLAYINFO { PVR2D_ULONG ulMaxFlipChains; PVR2D_ULONG ulMaxBuffersInChain; PVR2DFORMAT eFormat; PVR2D_ULONG ulWidth; PVR2D_ULONG ulHeight; PVR2D_LONG lStride; PVR2D_ULONG ulMinFlipInterval; PVR2D_ULONG ulMaxFlipInterval; } PVR2DDISPLAYINFO; typedef struct _PVR2MISCDISPLAYINFO { PVR2D_ULONG ulPhysicalWidthmm; PVR2D_ULONG ulPhysicalHeightmm; PVR2D_ULONG ulUnused[10]; } PVR2DMISCDISPLAYINFO; typedef struct _PVR2D_YUVPLANE { PPVR2DMEMINFO pMem; PVR2D_ULONG MemOffset; PVR2D_LONG XStart, YStart; } PVR2D_YUVPLANE, *PPVR2D_YUVPLANE; /* these are the coefficients to be used in the FIRH instruction */ typedef struct _PVR2D_YUVCOEFFS { PVR2D_CHAR rY; PVR2D_CHAR rU; PVR2D_CHAR rV; PVR2D_CHAR gY; PVR2D_CHAR gU; PVR2D_CHAR gV; PVR2D_CHAR bY; PVR2D_CHAR bU; PVR2D_CHAR bV; PVR2D_UCHAR rShift; PVR2D_UCHAR gShift; PVR2D_UCHAR bShift; signed short rConst; signed short gConst; signed short bConst; } PVR2D_YUVCOEFFS, *PPVR2D_YUVCOEFFS; typedef struct _PVR2D_AYUVsample8 { PVR2D_UCHAR Cr; PVR2D_UCHAR Cb; PVR2D_UCHAR Y; PVR2D_UCHAR Alpha; } PVR2D_AYUVSample8; typedef struct _PVR2DBLTINFO { PVR2D_ULONG CopyCode; /* rop code */ PVR2D_ULONG Colour; /* fill colour */ PVR2D_ULONG ColourKey; /* colour key argb8888 (see CKEY_ defs below) */ PVR2D_UCHAR GlobalAlphaValue; /* global alpha blending */ PVR2D_UCHAR AlphaBlendingFunc; /* per-pixel alpha-blending function */ PVR2DBLITFLAGS BlitFlags; /* additional blit control information */ PVR2DMEMINFO *pDstMemInfo; /* destination memory */ PVR2D_ULONG DstOffset; /* byte offset from start of allocation to destination surface pixel 0,0 */ PVR2D_LONG DstStride; /* signed stride, the number of bytes from pixel 0,0 to 0,1 */ PVR2D_LONG DstX, DstY; /* pixel offset from start of dest surface to start of blt rectangle */ PVR2D_LONG DSizeX, DSizeY; /* blt size */ PVR2DFORMAT DstFormat; /* dest format */ PVR2D_ULONG DstSurfWidth; /* size of dest surface in pixels */ PVR2D_ULONG DstSurfHeight; /* size of dest surface in pixels */ PVR2DMEMINFO *pSrcMemInfo; /* source mem, (source fields are also used for patterns) */ PVR2D_ULONG SrcOffset; /* byte offset from start of allocation to src/pat surface pixel 0,0 */ PVR2D_LONG SrcStride; /* signed stride, the number of bytes from pixel 0,0 to 0,1 */ PVR2D_LONG SrcX, SrcY; /* pixel offset from start of surface to start of source rectangle */ /* for patterns this is the start offset within the pattern */ PVR2D_LONG SizeX, SizeY; /* source rectangle size or pattern size in pixels */ PVR2DFORMAT SrcFormat; /* source/pattern format */ PVR2DMEMINFO *pPalMemInfo; /* source/pattern palette memory containing argb8888 colour table */ PVR2D_ULONG PalOffset; /* byte offset from start of allocation to start of palette */ PVR2D_ULONG SrcSurfWidth; /* size of source surface in pixels */ PVR2D_ULONG SrcSurfHeight; /* size of source surface in pixels */ PVR2DMEMINFO *pMaskMemInfo; /* mask memory, 1bpp format implied */ PVR2D_ULONG MaskOffset; /* byte offset from start of allocation to mask surface pixel 0,0 */ PVR2D_LONG MaskStride; /* signed stride, the number of bytes from pixel 0,0 to 0,1 */ PVR2D_LONG MaskX, MaskY; /* mask rect top left (mask size = blt size) */ PVR2D_ULONG MaskSurfWidth; /* size of mask surface in pixels */ PVR2D_ULONG MaskSurfHeight; /* size of mask surface in pixels */ PPVR2D_ALPHABLT pAlpha; /* fully specified alpha blend (2DCore only) */ PVR2D_ULONG uSrcChromaPlane1; /* mem offset from start of source alloc to chroma plane 1 */ PVR2D_ULONG uSrcChromaPlane2; /* mem offset from start of source alloc to chroma plane 2 */ PVR2D_ULONG uDstChromaPlane1; /* mem offset from start of dest alloc to chroma plane 1 */ PVR2D_ULONG uDstChromaPlane2; /* mem offset from start of dest alloc to chroma plane 2 */ PVR2D_ULONG ColourKeyMask; /* 32 bit colour key mask, only valid when PVR2D_BLIT_COLKEY_MASKED is set */ } PVR2DBLTINFO, *PPVR2DBLTINFO; typedef struct _PVR2DRECT { PVR2D_LONG left, top; PVR2D_LONG right, bottom; } PVR2DRECT; typedef struct { PVR2DMEMINFO *pSurfMemInfo; /* surface memory */ PVR2D_ULONG SurfOffset; /* byte offset from start of allocation to destination surface pixel 0,0 */ PVR2D_LONG Stride; /* signed stride */ PVR2DFORMAT Format; /* format */ PVR2D_ULONG SurfWidth; /* surface width in pixels */ PVR2D_ULONG SurfHeight; /* surface height in pixels */ } PVR2D_SURFACE, *PPVR2D_SURFACE; typedef struct { PVR2D_ULONG uChromaPlane1; /* YUV multiplane - byte offset from start of alloc to chroma plane 1 */ PVR2D_ULONG uChromaPlane2; /* YUV multiplane - byte offset from start of alloc to chroma plane 2 */ PVR2D_LONG Reserved[2]; /* Reserved, must be zero */ } PVR2D_SURFACE_EXT, *PPVR2D_SURFACE_EXT; typedef struct { PVR2D_ULONG *pUseCode; /* USSE code */ PVR2D_ULONG UseCodeSize; /* usse code size in bytes */ } PVR2D_USECODE, *PPVR2D_USECODE; typedef struct { PVR2D_SURFACE sDst; /* destination surface */ PVR2D_SURFACE sSrc; /* source surface */ PVR2DRECT rcDest; /* destination rectangle */ PVR2DRECT rcSource; /* source rectangle */ PVR2D_HANDLE hUseCode; /* custom USE code (NULL implies source copy) */ PVR2D_ULONG UseParams[2]; /* per-blt params for use code */ PVR2D_UCHAR RotationValue; /* Rotation setting */ } PVR2D_3DBLT, *PPVR2D_3DBLT; typedef struct { PVR2D_SURFACE sDst; /* destination surface */ PVR2DRECT rcDest; /* destination rectangle; scaling is supported */ PVR2D_SURFACE sSrc; /* source surface */ PVR2DRECT rcSource; /* source rectangle; scaling is supported */ PPVR2D_SURFACE pSrc2; /* optional second source surface (NULL if not required) */ PVR2DRECT* prcSource2; /* optional pSrc2 rectangle */ PVR2D_HANDLE hUseCode; /* custom USSE shader code (NULL implies default source copy) */ PVR2D_ULONG UseParams[2]; /* per-blt params for usse code */ PVR2D_ULONG uiNumTemporaryRegisters; /* no. of temporary registers used in custom shader code */ PVR2D_BOOL bDisableDestInput; /* set true if the destination is output only */ PPVR2D_SURFACE_EXT pDstExt; /* Extended format params for dest */ PPVR2D_SURFACE_EXT pSrcExt[2]; /* Extended format params for source 1 and 2 */ PVR2D_LONG Reserved[4]; /* Reserved, must be zero */ } PVR2D_3DBLT_EXT, *PPVR2D_3DBLT_EXT; typedef struct { PVR2D_SURFACE sDst; /* destination surface */ PVR2D_SURFACE sSrc[3]; /* source surface */ PVR2DRECT rcDest; /* destination rectangle */ PVR2DRECT rcSource[3]; /* source rectangle */ PVR2D_UCHAR GlobalAlphaValue; /* global alpha blending */ PVR2D_UCHAR AlphaBlendingFunc; /* per-pixel alpha-blending function */ PVR2D_UCHAR bCoeffsGiven; /* passing custom coeffs to VPB */ PPVR2D_YUVCOEFFS psYUVCoeffs; /* YUV Coeffs needed for RGB conversion */ PVR2D_UINT uiNumLayers; /* no. of YUV planes */ PVR2D_UCHAR RotationValue; /* Rotation setting */ PVR2D_SURFACE sSrcSubpic[6]; /* subpic source surfaces */ PVR2D_UCHAR subpicGlobalAlpha[6]; /* global alpha value for each subpic */ PVR2DRECT rcSubpicSource[6]; /* source rectangle */ PVR2DRECT rcSubpicDest[6]; /* subpicture destination rectangle */ PPVR2DMEMINFO pPalMemInfo[6]; /* source/pattern palette memory containing argb8888 color table */ PVR2D_ULONG PalOffset[6]; /* byte offset from start of allocation to start of palette */ } PVR2D_VPBLT, *PPVR2D_VPBLT; typedef struct { PVR2D_SURFACE sDst; /* destination surface */ PVR2DRECT rcDest; /* destination rectangle */ PVR2DRECT rcSource; /* source rectangle */ PVR2D_UINT RotationValue; /* rotation angle 0/90/180/270 */ } PVR2D_WIDIBLT, *PPVR2D_WIDIBLT; #define MAKE_COPY_BLIT(src,soff,dest,doff,sx,sy,dx,dy,sz) typedef void* PVR2DCONTEXTHANDLE; typedef void* PVR2DFLIPCHAINHANDLE; // CopyCode field of PVR2DBLTINFO structure: // the CopyCode field of the PVR2DBLTINFO structure should contain a rop3 or rop4 code. // a rop3 is an 8 bit code that describes a blt with three inputs : source dest and pattern // rop4 is a 16 bit code that describes a blt with four inputs : source dest pattern and mask // common rop3 codes are defined below // a colour fill blt is processed in the pattern channel as a constant colour with a rop code of 0xF0 // PVR2D_BLIT_PAT_SURFACE_ENABLE defines whether the pattern channel is a surface or a fill colour. // a rop4 is defined by two rop3 codes, and the 1 bit-per-pixel mask surface defines which is used. // a common rop4 is 0xAAF0 which is the mask copy blt used for text glyphs. // CopyCode is taken to be a rop4 when pMaskMemInfo is non zero, otherwise it is assumed to be a rop3 // use the PVR2DMASKROP4 macro below to construct a rop4 from two rop3's // rop3a is the rop used when mask pixel = 1, and rop3b when mask = 0 #define PVR2DROP4(rop3b, rop3a) ((rop3b<<8)|rop3a) /* common rop codes */ #define PVR2DROPclear 0x00 /* 0 (whiteness) */ #define PVR2DROPset 0xFF /* 1 (blackness) */ #define PVR2DROPnoop 0xAA /* dst (used for masked blts) */ /* source and dest rop codes */ #define PVR2DROPand 0x88 /* src AND dst */ #define PVR2DROPandReverse 0x44 /* src AND NOT dst */ #define PVR2DROPcopy 0xCC /* src (used for source copy and alpha blts) */ #define PVR2DROPandInverted 0x22 /* NOT src AND dst */ #define PVR2DROPxor 0x66 /* src XOR dst */ #define PVR2DROPor 0xEE /* src OR dst */ #define PVR2DROPnor 0x11 /* NOT src AND NOT dst */ #define PVR2DROPequiv 0x99 /* NOT src XOR dst */ #define PVR2DROPinvert 0x55 /* NOT dst */ #define PVR2DROPorReverse 0xDD /* src OR NOT dst */ #define PVR2DROPcopyInverted 0x33 /* NOT src */ #define PVR2DROPorInverted 0xBB /* NOT src OR dst */ #define PVR2DROPnand 0x77 /* NOT src OR NOT dst */ /* pattern rop codes */ #define PVR2DPATROPand 0xA0 /* pat AND dst */ #define PVR2DPATROPandReverse 0x50 /* pat AND NOT dst */ #define PVR2DPATROPcopy 0xF0 /* pat (used for solid color fills and pattern blts) */ #define PVR2DPATROPandInverted 0x0A /* NOT pat AND dst */ #define PVR2DPATROPxor 0x5A /* pat XOR dst */ #define PVR2DPATROPor 0xFA /* pat OR dst */ #define PVR2DPATROPnor 0x05 /* NOT pat AND NOT dst */ #define PVR2DPATROPequiv 0xA5 /* NOT pat XOR dst */ #define PVR2DPATROPinvert 0x55 /* NOT dst */ #define PVR2DPATROPorReverse 0xF5 /* pat OR NOT dst */ #define PVR2DPATROPcopyInverted 0x0F /* NOT pat */ #define PVR2DPATROPorInverted 0xAF /* NOT pat OR dst */ #define PVR2DPATROPnand 0x5F /* NOT pat OR NOT dst */ /* common rop4 codes */ #define PVR2DROP4MaskedCopy PVR2DROP4(PVR2DROPnoop,PVR2DROPcopy) /* masked source copy blt (used for rounded window corners etc) */ #define PVR2DROP4MaskedFill PVR2DROP4(PVR2DROPnoop,PVR2DPATROPcopy) /* masked colour fill blt (used for text) */ /* Legacy support */ #define PVR2DROP3_PATMASK PVR2DPATROPcopy #define PVR2DROP3_SRCMASK PVR2DROPcopy /* pixmap memory alignment */ #define PVR2D_ALIGNMENT_4 4 /* DWORD alignment */ #define PVR2D_ALIGNMENT_ANY 0 /* no alignment */ #define PVR2D_ALIGNMENT_PALETTE 16 /* 16 byte alignment is required for palettes */ /* Heap number for PVR2DGetFrameBuffer */ #define PVR2D_FB_PRIMARY_SURFACE 0 #define PVR2D_PRESENT_PROPERTY_SRCSTRIDE (1UL << 0) #define PVR2D_PRESENT_PROPERTY_DSTSIZE (1UL << 1) #define PVR2D_PRESENT_PROPERTY_DSTPOS (1UL << 2) #define PVR2D_PRESENT_PROPERTY_CLIPRECTS (1UL << 3) #define PVR2D_PRESENT_PROPERTY_INTERVAL (1UL << 4) #define PVR2D_CREATE_FLIPCHAIN_SHARED (1UL << 0) #define PVR2D_CREATE_FLIPCHAIN_QUERY (1UL << 1) #define PVR2D_CREATE_FLIPCHAIN_OEMOVERLAY (1UL << 2) #define PVR2D_CREATE_FLIPCHAIN_AS_BLITCHAIN (1UL << 3) /* Colour-key colour must be translated into argb8888 format */ #define CKEY_8888(P) (P) #define CKEY_4444(P) (((P&0xF000UL)<<16) | ((P&0x0F00UL)<<12) | ((P&0x00F0UL)<<8) | ((P&0x000FUL)<<4)) #define CKEY_1555(P) (((P&0x8000UL)<<16) | ((P&0x7C00UL)<<9) | ((P&0x3E0UL)<<6) | ((P&0x1FUL)<<3)) #define CKEY_565(P) (((P&0xF800UL)<<8) | ((P&0x7E0UL)<<5) | ((P&0x1FUL)<<3)) #define CKEY_MASK_8888 0x00FFFFFFUL #define CKEY_MASK_4444 0x00F0F0F0UL #define CKEY_MASK_1555 0x00F8F8F8UL /* Alpha is not normally included in the key test */ #define CKEY_MASK_565 0x00F8FCF8UL /* Fill colours must be translated into argb8888 format */ #define CFILL_4444(P) (((P&0xF000UL)<<16) | ((P&0x0F00UL)<<12) | ((P&0x00F0UL)<<8) | ((P&0x000FUL)<<4)) #define CFILL_1555(P) (((P&0x8000UL)<<16) | ((P&0x7C00UL)<<9) | ((P&0x3E0UL)<<6) | ((P&0x1FUL)<<3)) #define CFILL_565(P) (((P&0xF800UL)<<8) | ((P&0x7E0UL)<<5) | ((P&0x1FUL)<<3)) /* PVR2DCreateDeviceContext flags */ #define PVR2D_XSERVER_PROC 0x00000001UL /*!< Set for the Xserver connection */ /* PVR2DMemAlloc flags */ #define PVR2D_MEM_UNCACHED 0x00000000UL /* Default */ #define PVR2D_MEM_CACHED 0x00000001UL /* Caller must flush and sync when necessary */ #define PVR2D_MEM_WRITECOMBINE 0x00000002UL #define PVR2D_MEM_NOUSERVIRTUAL 0x00000004UL /* Functions that the library exports */ PVR2D_IMPORT int PVR2DEnumerateDevices(PVR2DDEVICEINFO *pDevInfo); PVR2D_IMPORT PVR2DERROR PVR2DCreateDeviceContext(PVR2D_ULONG ulDevID, PVR2DCONTEXTHANDLE* phContext, PVR2D_ULONG ulFlags); PVR2D_IMPORT PVR2DERROR PVR2DDestroyDeviceContext(PVR2DCONTEXTHANDLE hContext); PVR2D_IMPORT PVR2DERROR PVR2DGetDeviceInfo(PVR2DCONTEXTHANDLE hContext, PVR2DDISPLAYINFO *pDisplayInfo); PVR2D_IMPORT PVR2DERROR PVR2DGetMiscDisplayInfo(PVR2DCONTEXTHANDLE hContext, PVR2DMISCDISPLAYINFO *pMiscDisplayInfo); PVR2D_IMPORT PVR2DERROR PVR2DGetScreenMode(PVR2DCONTEXTHANDLE hContext, PVR2DFORMAT *pFormat, PVR2D_LONG *plWidth, PVR2D_LONG *plHeight, PVR2D_LONG *plStride, PVR2D_INT *piRefreshRate); PVR2D_IMPORT PVR2DERROR PVR2DGetFrameBuffer(PVR2DCONTEXTHANDLE hContext, PVR2D_INT nHeap, PVR2DMEMINFO **ppsMemInfo); PVR2D_IMPORT PVR2DERROR PVR2DMemAlloc(PVR2DCONTEXTHANDLE hContext, PVR2D_ULONG ulBytes, PVR2D_ULONG ulAlign, PVR2D_ULONG ulFlags, PVR2DMEMINFO **ppsMemInfo); PVR2D_IMPORT PVR2DERROR PVR2DMemExport(PVR2DCONTEXTHANDLE hContext, PVR2D_ULONG ulFlags, PVR2DMEMINFO *psMemInfo, PVR2D_HANDLE *phMemHandle); PVR2D_IMPORT PVR2DERROR PVR2DMemWrap(PVR2DCONTEXTHANDLE hContext, PVR2D_VOID *pMem, PVR2D_ULONG ulFlags, PVR2D_ULONG ulBytes, PVR2D_ULONG alPageAddress[], PVR2DMEMINFO **ppsMemInfo); PVR2D_IMPORT PVR2DERROR PVR2DMemMap(PVR2DCONTEXTHANDLE hContext, PVR2D_ULONG ulFlags, PVR2D_HANDLE hMemHandle, PVR2DMEMINFO **ppsDstMem); PVR2D_IMPORT PVR2DERROR PVR2DMemFree(PVR2DCONTEXTHANDLE hContext, PVR2DMEMINFO *psMemInfo); PVR2D_IMPORT PVR2DERROR PVR2DBlt(PVR2DCONTEXTHANDLE hContext, PVR2DBLTINFO *pBltInfo); PVR2D_IMPORT PVR2DERROR PVR2DBltClipped(PVR2DCONTEXTHANDLE hContext, PVR2DBLTINFO *pBltInfo, PVR2D_ULONG ulNumClipRects, PVR2DRECT *pClipRects); PVR2D_EXPORT PVR2DERROR PVR2DSet1555Alpha(PVR2DCONTEXTHANDLE hContext, PVR2D_UCHAR Alpha0, PVR2D_UCHAR Alpha1); PVR2D_IMPORT PVR2DERROR PVR2DQueryBlitsComplete(PVR2DCONTEXTHANDLE hContext, const PVR2DMEMINFO *pMemInfo, PVR2D_UINT uiWaitForComplete); PVR2D_IMPORT PVR2DERROR PVR2DSetPresentBltProperties(PVR2DCONTEXTHANDLE hContext, PVR2D_ULONG ulPropertyMask, PVR2D_LONG lSrcStride, PVR2D_ULONG ulDstWidth, PVR2D_ULONG ulDstHeight, PVR2D_LONG lDstXPos, PVR2D_LONG lDstYPos, PVR2D_ULONG ulNumClipRects, PVR2DRECT *pClipRects, PVR2D_ULONG ulSwapInterval); PVR2D_IMPORT PVR2DERROR PVR2DPresentBlt(PVR2DCONTEXTHANDLE hContext, PVR2DMEMINFO *pMemInfo, PVR2D_LONG lRenderID); PVR2D_IMPORT PVR2DERROR PVR2DCreateFlipChain(PVR2DCONTEXTHANDLE hContext, PVR2D_ULONG ulFlags, PVR2D_ULONG ulNumBuffers, PVR2D_ULONG ulWidth, PVR2D_ULONG ulHeight, PVR2DFORMAT eFormat, PVR2D_LONG *plStride, PVR2D_ULONG *pulFlipChainID, PVR2DFLIPCHAINHANDLE *phFlipChain); PVR2D_IMPORT PVR2DERROR PVR2DDestroyFlipChain(PVR2DCONTEXTHANDLE hContext, PVR2DFLIPCHAINHANDLE hFlipChain); PVR2D_IMPORT PVR2DERROR PVR2DGetFlipChainBuffers(PVR2DCONTEXTHANDLE hContext, PVR2DFLIPCHAINHANDLE hFlipChain, PVR2D_ULONG *pulNumBuffers, PVR2DMEMINFO *psMemInfo[]); PVR2D_IMPORT PVR2DERROR PVR2DSetPresentFlipProperties(PVR2DCONTEXTHANDLE hContext, PVR2DFLIPCHAINHANDLE hFlipChain, PVR2D_ULONG ulPropertyMask, PVR2D_LONG lDstXPos, PVR2D_LONG lDstYPos, PVR2D_ULONG ulNumClipRects, PVR2DRECT *pClipRects, PVR2D_ULONG ulSwapInterval); PVR2D_IMPORT PVR2DERROR PVR2DPresentFlip(PVR2DCONTEXTHANDLE hContext, PVR2DFLIPCHAINHANDLE hFlipChain, PVR2DMEMINFO *psMemInfo, PVR2D_LONG lRenderID); PVR2D_IMPORT PVR2DERROR PVR2DGetAPIRev(PVR2D_LONG *lRevMajor, PVR2D_LONG *lRevMinor); PVR2D_IMPORT PVR2DERROR PVR2DLoadUseCode(const PVR2DCONTEXTHANDLE hContext, const PVR2D_UCHAR *pUseCode, const PVR2D_ULONG UseCodeSize, PVR2D_HANDLE *pUseCodeHandle); PVR2D_IMPORT PVR2DERROR PVR2DFreeUseCode(const PVR2DCONTEXTHANDLE hContext, const PVR2D_HANDLE hUseCodeHandle); PVR2D_IMPORT PVR2DERROR PVR2DBlt3D(const PVR2DCONTEXTHANDLE hContext, const PPVR2D_3DBLT pBlt3D); PVR2D_IMPORT PVR2DERROR PVR2DBlt3DExt(const PVR2DCONTEXTHANDLE hContext, const PPVR2D_3DBLT_EXT pBlt3D); PVR2D_IMPORT PVR2DERROR PVR2DBltVideo(const PVR2DCONTEXTHANDLE hContext, const PPVR2D_VPBLT pBltVP); PVR2D_IMPORT PVR2DERROR PVR2DScaleBltEx(const PVR2DCONTEXTHANDLE hContext, const PPVR2D_3DBLT pBlt3D, const PVR2D_ULONG color, const PVR2D_INT isFixedSize, const PVR2DRECT *pFillRect); PVR2D_EXPORT PVR2DERROR PVR2D_GetSrcRect(PVR2DRECT *pSrc, PVR2DRECT *pDest, PVR2D_INT tgtXOffset, PVR2D_INT tgtYOffset, PVR2D_UINT tgtWidth, PVR2D_UINT tgtHeight, PVR2D_UINT winWidth, PVR2D_UINT winHeight); PVR2D_IMPORT PVR2DERROR PVR2DBltWidi(const PVR2DCONTEXTHANDLE hContext, const PPVR2D_WIDIBLT pBltWidi); PVR2D_IMPORT void PVRHideTransparent(void); PVR2D_IMPORT void PVRUnhideTransparent(void); PVR2D_IMPORT PVR2D_BOOL PVRTransparentUnhidden(void); PVR2D_IMPORT PVR2DERROR PVR2DMemLock(PVR2DCONTEXTHANDLE hContext, PVR2DMEMINFO *psMemInfo); PVR2D_IMPORT PVR2DERROR PVR2DMemUnlock(PVR2DCONTEXTHANDLE hContext, PVR2DMEMINFO *psMemInfo); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* _PVR2D_H_ */ /****************************************************************************** End of file (pvr2d.h) ******************************************************************************/