/* * Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "VideoEncoderLog.h" #include "VideoEncoderUtils.h" #include <va/va_android.h> #include <va/va_drmcommon.h> #ifdef IMG_GFX #include <hal/hal_public.h> #include <hardware/gralloc.h> //#define GFX_DUMP #define OMX_INTEL_COLOR_FormatYUV420PackedSemiPlanar 0x7FA00E00 static hw_module_t const *gModule = NULL; static gralloc_module_t *gAllocMod = NULL; /* get by force hw_module_t */ static alloc_device_t *gAllocDev = NULL; static int gfx_init(void) { int err = hw_get_module(GRALLOC_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID, &gModule); if (err) { LOG_E("FATAL: can't find the %s module", GRALLOC_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID); return -1; } else LOG_V("hw_get_module returned\n"); gAllocMod = (gralloc_module_t *)gModule; return 0; } static int gfx_alloc(uint32_t w, uint32_t h, int format, int usage, buffer_handle_t* handle, int32_t* stride) { int err; if (!gAllocDev) { if (!gModule) { if (gfx_init()) { LOG_E("can't find the %s module", GRALLOC_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID); return -1; } } err = gralloc_open(gModule, &gAllocDev); if (err) { LOG_E("FATAL: gralloc open failed\n"); return -1; } } err = gAllocDev->alloc(gAllocDev, w, h, format, usage, handle, stride); if (err) { LOG_E("alloc(%u, %u, %d, %08x, ...) failed %d (%s)\n", w, h, format, usage, err, strerror(-err)); } return err; } static int gfx_free(buffer_handle_t handle) { int err; if (!gAllocDev) { if (!gModule) { if (gfx_init()) { LOG_E("can't find the %s module", GRALLOC_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID); return -1; } } err = gralloc_open(gModule, &gAllocDev); if (err) { LOG_E("FATAL: gralloc open failed\n"); return -1; } } err = gAllocDev->free(gAllocDev, handle); if (err) { LOG_E("free(...) failed %d (%s)\n", err, strerror(-err)); } return err; } static int gfx_lock(buffer_handle_t handle, int usage, int left, int top, int width, int height, void** vaddr) { int err; if (!gAllocMod) { if (gfx_init()) { LOG_E("can't find the %s module", GRALLOC_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID); return -1; } } err = gAllocMod->lock(gAllocMod, handle, usage, left, top, width, height, vaddr); LOG_V("gfx_lock: handle is %x, usage is %x, vaddr is %x.\n", (unsigned int)handle, usage, (unsigned int)*vaddr); if (err){ LOG_E("lock(...) failed %d (%s).\n", err, strerror(-err)); return -1; } else LOG_V("lock returned with address %p\n", *vaddr); return err; } static int gfx_unlock(buffer_handle_t handle) { int err; if (!gAllocMod) { if (gfx_init()) { LOG_E("can't find the %s module", GRALLOC_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID); return -1; } } err = gAllocMod->unlock(gAllocMod, handle); if (err) { LOG_E("unlock(...) failed %d (%s)", err, strerror(-err)); return -1; } else LOG_V("unlock returned\n"); return err; } static int gfx_Blit(buffer_handle_t src, buffer_handle_t dest, int w, int h, int , int ) { int err; if (!gAllocMod) { if (gfx_init()) { LOG_E("can't find the %s module", GRALLOC_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID); return -1; } } IMG_gralloc_module_public_t* GrallocMod = (IMG_gralloc_module_public_t*)gModule; #ifdef MRFLD_GFX err = GrallocMod->Blit(GrallocMod, src, dest, w, h, 0, 0, 0, 0); #else err = GrallocMod->Blit2(GrallocMod, src, dest, w, h, 0, 0); #endif if (err) { LOG_E("Blit(...) failed %d (%s)", err, strerror(-err)); return -1; } else LOG_V("Blit returned\n"); return err; } Encode_Status GetGfxBufferInfo(intptr_t handle, ValueInfo& vinfo){ /* only support OMX_INTEL_COLOR_FormatYUV420PackedSemiPlanar HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_NV12 HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_BGRA_8888 HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_8888 HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBX_8888 HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_BGRX_8888 */ IMG_native_handle_t* h = (IMG_native_handle_t*) handle; vinfo.width = h->iWidth; vinfo.height = h->iHeight; vinfo.lumaStride = h->iWidth; LOG_V("GetGfxBufferInfo: gfx iWidth=%d, iHeight=%d, iFormat=%x in handle structure\n", h->iWidth, h->iHeight, h->iFormat); if (h->iFormat == HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_NV12) { #ifdef MRFLD_GFX if((h->usage & GRALLOC_USAGE_HW_CAMERA_READ) || (h->usage & GRALLOC_USAGE_HW_CAMERA_WRITE) ) vinfo.lumaStride = (h->iWidth + 63) & ~63; //64 aligned else vinfo.lumaStride = (h->iWidth + 31) & ~31; //32 aligned #else //on CTP if (h->iWidth > 512) vinfo.lumaStride = (h->iWidth + 63) & ~63; //64 aligned else vinfo.lumaStride = 512; #endif } else if ((h->iFormat == HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_BGRA_8888)|| (h->iFormat == HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_8888)|| (h->iFormat == HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBX_8888)|| (h->iFormat == HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_BGRX_8888)) { vinfo.lumaStride = (h->iWidth + 31) & ~31; } else if (h->iFormat == OMX_INTEL_COLOR_FormatYUV420PackedSemiPlanar) { //nothing to do } else return ENCODE_NOT_SUPPORTED; vinfo.format = h->iFormat; LOG_V("Actual Width=%d, Height=%d, Stride=%d\n\n", vinfo.width, vinfo.height, vinfo.lumaStride); return ENCODE_SUCCESS; } #ifdef GFX_DUMP void DumpGfx(intptr_t handle, char* filename) { ValueInfo vinfo; void* vaddr[3]; FILE* fp; int usage = GRALLOC_USAGE_HW_TEXTURE | GRALLOC_USAGE_SW_READ_OFTEN; GetGfxBufferInfo(handle, vinfo); if (gfx_lock((buffer_handle_t)handle, usage, 0, 0, vinfo.width, vinfo.height, &vaddr[0]) != 0) return ENCODE_DRIVER_FAIL; fp = fopen(filename, "wb"); fwrite(vaddr[0], 1, vinfo.lumaStride * vinfo.height * 4, fp); fclose(fp); LOG_I("dump %d bytes data to %s\n", vinfo.lumaStride * vinfo.height * 4, filename); gfx_unlock((buffer_handle_t)handle); return; } #endif #endif extern "C" { VAStatus vaLockSurface(VADisplay dpy, VASurfaceID surface, unsigned int *fourcc, unsigned int *luma_stride, unsigned int *chroma_u_stride, unsigned int *chroma_v_stride, unsigned int *luma_offset, unsigned int *chroma_u_offset, unsigned int *chroma_v_offset, unsigned int *buffer_name, void **buffer ); VAStatus vaUnlockSurface(VADisplay dpy, VASurfaceID surface ); } VASurfaceMap::VASurfaceMap(VADisplay display, int hwcap) { mVADisplay = display; mSupportedSurfaceMemType = hwcap; mValue = 0; mVASurface = VA_INVALID_SURFACE; mTracked = false; mAction = 0; memset(&mVinfo, 0, sizeof(ValueInfo)); #ifdef IMG_GFX mGfxHandle = NULL; #endif } VASurfaceMap::~VASurfaceMap() { if (!mTracked && (mVASurface != VA_INVALID_SURFACE)) vaDestroySurfaces(mVADisplay, &mVASurface, 1); #ifdef IMG_GFX if (mGfxHandle) gfx_free(mGfxHandle); #endif } Encode_Status VASurfaceMap::doMapping() { Encode_Status ret = ENCODE_SUCCESS; if (mVASurface == VA_INVALID_SURFACE) { int width = mVASurfaceWidth = mVinfo.width; int height = mVASurfaceHeight = mVinfo.height; int stride = mVASurfaceStride = mVinfo.lumaStride; if (mAction & MAP_ACTION_COLORCONVERT) { //only support gfx buffer if (mVinfo.mode != MEM_MODE_GFXHANDLE) return ENCODE_NOT_SUPPORTED; #ifdef IMG_GFX //only enable on IMG chip //do not trust valueinfo for gfx case, directly get from structure ValueInfo tmp; ret = GetGfxBufferInfo(mValue, tmp); CHECK_ENCODE_STATUS_RETURN("GetGfxBufferInfo"); width = tmp.width; height = tmp.height; stride = tmp.lumaStride; if (HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_NV12 == tmp.format || OMX_INTEL_COLOR_FormatYUV420PackedSemiPlanar == tmp.format) mAction &= ~MAP_ACTION_COLORCONVERT; else { //allocate new gfx buffer if format is not NV12 int usage = GRALLOC_USAGE_HW_RENDER | GRALLOC_USAGE_HW_TEXTURE; //use same size with original and HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_NV12 format if (gfx_alloc(width, height, HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_NV12, usage, &mGfxHandle, &stride) != 0) return ENCODE_DRIVER_FAIL; LOG_V("Create an new gfx buffer handle 0x%p for color convert, width=%d, height=%d, stride=%d\n", mGfxHandle, width, height, stride); } #else return ENCODE_NOT_SUPPORTED; #endif } if (mAction & MAP_ACTION_ALIGN64 && stride % 64 != 0) { //check if stride is not 64 aligned, must allocate new 64 aligned vasurface stride = (stride + 63 ) & ~63; mAction |= MAP_ACTION_COPY; } if(mAction & MAP_ACTION_ALIGN64 && width <= 320 && height <= 240) { mAction |= MAP_ACTION_COPY; } if (mAction & MAP_ACTION_COPY) { //must allocate new vasurface(EXternalMemoryNULL, uncached) //allocate new vasurface mVASurface = CreateNewVASurface(mVADisplay, stride, height); if (mVASurface == VA_INVALID_SURFACE) return ENCODE_DRIVER_FAIL; mVASurfaceWidth = mVASurfaceStride = stride; mVASurfaceHeight = height; LOGI("create new vaSurface for MAP_ACTION_COPY\n"); } else { #ifdef IMG_GFX if (mGfxHandle != NULL) { //map new gfx handle to vasurface ret = MappingGfxHandle((intptr_t)mGfxHandle); CHECK_ENCODE_STATUS_RETURN("MappingGfxHandle"); LOGV("map new allocated gfx handle to vaSurface\n"); } else #endif { //map original value to vasurface ret = MappingToVASurface(); CHECK_ENCODE_STATUS_RETURN("MappingToVASurface"); } } } if (mAction & MAP_ACTION_COLORCONVERT) { ret = doActionColConv(); CHECK_ENCODE_STATUS_RETURN("doActionColConv"); } if (mAction & MAP_ACTION_COPY) { //keep src color format is NV12, then do copy ret = doActionCopy(); CHECK_ENCODE_STATUS_RETURN("doActionCopy"); } return ENCODE_SUCCESS; } Encode_Status VASurfaceMap::MappingToVASurface() { Encode_Status ret = ENCODE_SUCCESS; if (mVASurface != VA_INVALID_SURFACE) { LOG_I("VASurface is already set before, nothing to do here\n"); return ENCODE_SUCCESS; } LOG_V("MappingToVASurface mode=%d, value=%p\n", mVinfo.mode, (void*)mValue); const char *mode = NULL; switch (mVinfo.mode) { case MEM_MODE_SURFACE: mode = "SURFACE"; ret = MappingSurfaceID(mValue); break; case MEM_MODE_GFXHANDLE: mode = "GFXHANDLE"; ret = MappingGfxHandle(mValue); break; case MEM_MODE_KBUFHANDLE: mode = "KBUFHANDLE"; ret = MappingKbufHandle(mValue); break; case MEM_MODE_MALLOC: case MEM_MODE_NONECACHE_USRPTR: mode = "MALLOC or NONCACHE_USRPTR"; ret = MappingMallocPTR(mValue); break; case MEM_MODE_ION: case MEM_MODE_V4L2: case MEM_MODE_USRPTR: case MEM_MODE_CI: default: LOG_I("UnSupported memory mode 0x%08x", mVinfo.mode); return ENCODE_NOT_SUPPORTED; } LOG_V("%s: Format=%x, lumaStride=%d, width=%d, height=%d\n", mode, mVinfo.format, mVinfo.lumaStride, mVinfo.width, mVinfo.height); LOG_V("vaSurface 0x%08x is created for value = 0x%p\n", mVASurface, (void*)mValue); return ret; } Encode_Status VASurfaceMap::MappingSurfaceID(intptr_t value) { VAStatus vaStatus = VA_STATUS_SUCCESS; VASurfaceID surface; //try to get kbufhandle from SurfaceID uint32_t fourCC = 0; uint32_t lumaStride = 0; uint32_t chromaUStride = 0; uint32_t chromaVStride = 0; uint32_t lumaOffset = 0; uint32_t chromaUOffset = 0; uint32_t chromaVOffset = 0; uint32_t kBufHandle = 0; vaStatus = vaLockSurface( (VADisplay)mVinfo.handle, (VASurfaceID)value, &fourCC, &lumaStride, &chromaUStride, &chromaVStride, &lumaOffset, &chromaUOffset, &chromaVOffset, &kBufHandle, NULL); CHECK_VA_STATUS_RETURN("vaLockSurface"); LOG_V("Surface incoming = 0x%p\n", (void*)value); LOG_V("lumaStride = %d, chromaUStride = %d, chromaVStride=%d\n", lumaStride, chromaUStride, chromaVStride); LOG_V("lumaOffset = %d, chromaUOffset = %d, chromaVOffset = %d\n", lumaOffset, chromaUOffset, chromaVOffset); LOG_V("kBufHandle = 0x%08x, fourCC = %d\n", kBufHandle, fourCC); vaStatus = vaUnlockSurface((VADisplay)mVinfo.handle, (VASurfaceID)value); CHECK_VA_STATUS_RETURN("vaUnlockSurface"); mVinfo.mode = MEM_MODE_KBUFHANDLE; mVinfo.size = mVinfo.lumaStride * mVinfo.height * 1.5; mVASurface = CreateSurfaceFromExternalBuf(kBufHandle, mVinfo); if (mVASurface == VA_INVALID_SURFACE) return ENCODE_INVALID_SURFACE; mVASurfaceWidth = mVinfo.width; mVASurfaceHeight = mVinfo.height; mVASurfaceStride = mVinfo.lumaStride; return ENCODE_SUCCESS; } Encode_Status VASurfaceMap::MappingGfxHandle(intptr_t value) { LOG_V("MappingGfxHandle %p......\n", (void*)value); LOG_V("format = 0x%08x, lumaStride = %d in ValueInfo\n", mVinfo.format, mVinfo.lumaStride); //default value for all HW platforms, maybe not accurate mVASurfaceWidth = mVinfo.width; mVASurfaceHeight = mVinfo.height; mVASurfaceStride = mVinfo.lumaStride; #ifdef IMG_GFX Encode_Status ret; ValueInfo tmp; ret = GetGfxBufferInfo(value, tmp); CHECK_ENCODE_STATUS_RETURN("GetGfxBufferInfo"); mVASurfaceWidth = tmp.width; mVASurfaceHeight = tmp.height; mVASurfaceStride = tmp.lumaStride; #endif LOG_V("Mapping vasurface Width=%d, Height=%d, Stride=%d\n", mVASurfaceWidth, mVASurfaceHeight, mVASurfaceStride); ValueInfo vinfo; memset(&vinfo, 0, sizeof(ValueInfo)); vinfo.mode = MEM_MODE_GFXHANDLE; vinfo.width = mVASurfaceWidth; vinfo.height = mVASurfaceHeight; vinfo.lumaStride = mVASurfaceStride; mVASurface = CreateSurfaceFromExternalBuf(value, vinfo); if (mVASurface == VA_INVALID_SURFACE) return ENCODE_INVALID_SURFACE; return ENCODE_SUCCESS; } Encode_Status VASurfaceMap::MappingKbufHandle(intptr_t value) { LOG_V("MappingKbufHandle value=%p\n", (void*)value); mVinfo.size = mVinfo.lumaStride * mVinfo.height * 1.5; mVASurface = CreateSurfaceFromExternalBuf(value, mVinfo); if (mVASurface == VA_INVALID_SURFACE) return ENCODE_INVALID_SURFACE; mVASurfaceWidth = mVinfo.width; mVASurfaceHeight = mVinfo.height; mVASurfaceStride = mVinfo.lumaStride; return ENCODE_SUCCESS; } Encode_Status VASurfaceMap::MappingMallocPTR(intptr_t value) { mVASurface = CreateSurfaceFromExternalBuf(value, mVinfo); if (mVASurface == VA_INVALID_SURFACE) return ENCODE_INVALID_SURFACE; mVASurfaceWidth = mVinfo.width; mVASurfaceHeight = mVinfo.height; mVASurfaceStride = mVinfo.lumaStride; return ENCODE_SUCCESS; } //always copy with same color format NV12 Encode_Status VASurfaceMap::doActionCopy() { VAStatus vaStatus = VA_STATUS_SUCCESS; uint32_t width = 0, height = 0, stride = 0; uint8_t *pSrcBuffer, *pDestBuffer; intptr_t handle = 0; LOG_V("Copying Src Buffer data to VASurface\n"); if (mVinfo.mode != MEM_MODE_MALLOC && mVinfo.mode != MEM_MODE_GFXHANDLE) { LOG_E("Not support copy in mode %d", mVinfo.mode); return ENCODE_NOT_SUPPORTED; } LOG_V("Src Buffer information\n"); LOG_V("Mode = %d, width = %d, stride = %d, height = %d\n", mVinfo.mode, mVinfo.width, mVinfo.lumaStride, mVinfo.height); uint32_t srcY_offset, srcUV_offset; uint32_t srcY_pitch, srcUV_pitch; if (mVinfo.mode == MEM_MODE_MALLOC) { width = mVinfo.width; height = mVinfo.height; stride = mVinfo.lumaStride; pSrcBuffer = (uint8_t*) mValue; srcY_offset = 0; srcUV_offset = stride * height; srcY_pitch = stride; srcUV_pitch = stride; } else { #ifdef IMG_GFX //only enable on IMG chips int usage = GRALLOC_USAGE_HW_TEXTURE | GRALLOC_USAGE_SW_READ_OFTEN; //do not trust valueinfo, directly get from structure Encode_Status ret; ValueInfo tmp; if (mGfxHandle) handle = (intptr_t) mGfxHandle; else handle = mValue; ret = GetGfxBufferInfo(handle, tmp); CHECK_ENCODE_STATUS_RETURN("GetGfxBufferInfo"); width = tmp.width; height = tmp.height; stride = tmp.lumaStride; //only support HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_NV12 & OMX_INTEL_COLOR_FormatYUV420PackedSemiPlanar if (HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_NV12 != tmp.format && OMX_INTEL_COLOR_FormatYUV420PackedSemiPlanar != tmp.format) { LOG_E("Not support gfx buffer format %x", tmp.format); return ENCODE_NOT_SUPPORTED; } srcY_offset = 0; srcUV_offset = stride * height; srcY_pitch = stride; srcUV_pitch = stride; //lock gfx handle with buffer real size void* vaddr[3]; if (gfx_lock((buffer_handle_t) handle, usage, 0, 0, width, height, &vaddr[0]) != 0) return ENCODE_DRIVER_FAIL; pSrcBuffer = (uint8_t*)vaddr[0]; #else return ENCODE_NOT_SUPPORTED; #endif } VAImage destImage; vaStatus = vaDeriveImage(mVADisplay, mVASurface, &destImage); CHECK_VA_STATUS_RETURN("vaDeriveImage"); vaStatus = vaMapBuffer(mVADisplay, destImage.buf, (void **)&pDestBuffer); CHECK_VA_STATUS_RETURN("vaMapBuffer"); LOG_V("\nDest VASurface information\n"); LOG_V("pitches[0] = %d\n", destImage.pitches[0]); LOG_V("pitches[1] = %d\n", destImage.pitches[1]); LOG_V("offsets[0] = %d\n", destImage.offsets[0]); LOG_V("offsets[1] = %d\n", destImage.offsets[1]); LOG_V("num_planes = %d\n", destImage.num_planes); LOG_V("width = %d\n", destImage.width); LOG_V("height = %d\n", destImage.height); if (width > destImage.width || height > destImage.height) { LOG_E("src buffer is bigger than destination buffer\n"); return ENCODE_INVALID_PARAMS; } uint8_t *srcY, *dstY; uint8_t *srcU, *srcV; uint8_t *srcUV, *dstUV; srcY = pSrcBuffer + srcY_offset; dstY = pDestBuffer + destImage.offsets[0]; srcUV = pSrcBuffer + srcUV_offset; dstUV = pDestBuffer + destImage.offsets[1]; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < height; i++) { memcpy(dstY, srcY, width); srcY += srcY_pitch; dstY += destImage.pitches[0]; } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < height / 2; i++) { memcpy(dstUV, srcUV, width); srcUV += srcUV_pitch; dstUV += destImage.pitches[1]; } vaStatus = vaUnmapBuffer(mVADisplay, destImage.buf); CHECK_VA_STATUS_RETURN("vaUnmapBuffer"); vaStatus = vaDestroyImage(mVADisplay, destImage.image_id); CHECK_VA_STATUS_RETURN("vaDestroyImage"); #ifdef IMG_GFX if (mVinfo.mode == MEM_MODE_GFXHANDLE) { //unlock gfx handle gfx_unlock((buffer_handle_t) handle); } #endif LOG_V("Copying Src Buffer data to VASurface Complete\n"); return ENCODE_SUCCESS; } Encode_Status VASurfaceMap::doActionColConv() { #ifdef IMG_GFX if (mGfxHandle == NULL) { LOG_E("something wrong, why new gfxhandle is not allocated? \n"); return ENCODE_FAIL; } LOG_V("doActionColConv gfx_Blit width=%d, height=%d\n", mVinfo.width, mVinfo.height); if (gfx_Blit((buffer_handle_t)mValue, mGfxHandle, mVinfo.width, mVinfo.height, 0, 0) != 0) return ENCODE_DRIVER_FAIL; #ifdef GFX_DUMP LOG_I("dumpping gfx data.....\n"); DumpGfx(mValue, "/data/dump.rgb"); DumpGfx((intptr_t)mGfxHandle, "/data/dump.yuv"); #endif return ENCODE_SUCCESS; #else return ENCODE_NOT_SUPPORTED; #endif } VASurfaceID VASurfaceMap::CreateSurfaceFromExternalBuf(intptr_t value, ValueInfo& vinfo) { VAStatus vaStatus; VASurfaceAttribExternalBuffers extbuf; VASurfaceAttrib attribs[2]; VASurfaceID surface = VA_INVALID_SURFACE; int type; unsigned long data = value; extbuf.pixel_format = VA_FOURCC_NV12; extbuf.width = vinfo.width; extbuf.height = vinfo.height; extbuf.data_size = vinfo.size; if (extbuf.data_size == 0) extbuf.data_size = vinfo.lumaStride * vinfo.height * 1.5; extbuf.num_buffers = 1; extbuf.num_planes = 3; extbuf.pitches[0] = vinfo.lumaStride; extbuf.pitches[1] = vinfo.lumaStride; extbuf.pitches[2] = vinfo.lumaStride; extbuf.pitches[3] = 0; extbuf.offsets[0] = 0; extbuf.offsets[1] = vinfo.lumaStride * vinfo.height; extbuf.offsets[2] = extbuf.offsets[1]; extbuf.offsets[3] = 0; extbuf.buffers = &data; extbuf.flags = 0; extbuf.private_data = NULL; switch(vinfo.mode) { case MEM_MODE_GFXHANDLE: type = VA_SURFACE_ATTRIB_MEM_TYPE_ANDROID_GRALLOC; break; case MEM_MODE_KBUFHANDLE: type = VA_SURFACE_ATTRIB_MEM_TYPE_KERNEL_DRM; break; case MEM_MODE_MALLOC: type = VA_SURFACE_ATTRIB_MEM_TYPE_USER_PTR; break; case MEM_MODE_NONECACHE_USRPTR: type = VA_SURFACE_ATTRIB_MEM_TYPE_USER_PTR; extbuf.flags |= VA_SURFACE_EXTBUF_DESC_UNCACHED; break; case MEM_MODE_SURFACE: case MEM_MODE_ION: case MEM_MODE_V4L2: case MEM_MODE_USRPTR: case MEM_MODE_CI: default: //not support return VA_INVALID_SURFACE; } if (!(mSupportedSurfaceMemType & type)) return VA_INVALID_SURFACE; attribs[0].type = (VASurfaceAttribType)VASurfaceAttribMemoryType; attribs[0].flags = VA_SURFACE_ATTRIB_SETTABLE; attribs[0].value.type = VAGenericValueTypeInteger; attribs[0].value.value.i = type; attribs[1].type = (VASurfaceAttribType)VASurfaceAttribExternalBufferDescriptor; attribs[1].flags = VA_SURFACE_ATTRIB_SETTABLE; attribs[1].value.type = VAGenericValueTypePointer; attribs[1].value.value.p = (void *)&extbuf; vaStatus = vaCreateSurfaces(mVADisplay, VA_RT_FORMAT_YUV420, vinfo.width, vinfo.height, &surface, 1, attribs, 2); if (vaStatus != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS){ LOG_E("vaCreateSurfaces failed. vaStatus = %d\n", vaStatus); surface = VA_INVALID_SURFACE; } return surface; } VASurfaceID CreateNewVASurface(VADisplay display, int32_t width, int32_t height) { VAStatus vaStatus; VASurfaceID surface = VA_INVALID_SURFACE; VASurfaceAttrib attribs[2]; VASurfaceAttribExternalBuffers extbuf; unsigned long data; extbuf.pixel_format = VA_FOURCC_NV12; extbuf.width = width; extbuf.height = height; extbuf.data_size = width * height * 3 / 2; extbuf.num_buffers = 1; extbuf.num_planes = 3; extbuf.pitches[0] = width; extbuf.pitches[1] = width; extbuf.pitches[2] = width; extbuf.pitches[3] = 0; extbuf.offsets[0] = 0; extbuf.offsets[1] = width * height; extbuf.offsets[2] = extbuf.offsets[1]; extbuf.offsets[3] = 0; extbuf.buffers = &data; extbuf.flags = 0; extbuf.private_data = NULL; attribs[0].type = (VASurfaceAttribType)VASurfaceAttribMemoryType; attribs[0].flags = VA_SURFACE_ATTRIB_SETTABLE; attribs[0].value.type = VAGenericValueTypeInteger; attribs[0].value.value.i = VA_SURFACE_ATTRIB_MEM_TYPE_VA; attribs[1].type = (VASurfaceAttribType)VASurfaceAttribExternalBufferDescriptor; attribs[1].flags = VA_SURFACE_ATTRIB_SETTABLE; attribs[1].value.type = VAGenericValueTypePointer; attribs[1].value.value.p = (void *)&extbuf; vaStatus = vaCreateSurfaces(display, VA_RT_FORMAT_YUV420, width, height, &surface, 1, attribs, 2); if (vaStatus != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) LOG_E("vaCreateSurfaces failed. vaStatus = %d\n", vaStatus); return surface; }