/* * Copyright 2012 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "BenchLogger.h" #include "Timer.h" #include "CopyTilesRenderer.h" #include "CrashHandler.h" #include "LazyDecodeBitmap.h" #include "PictureBenchmark.h" #include "PictureRenderingFlags.h" #include "PictureResultsWriter.h" #include "SkCommandLineFlags.h" #include "SkData.h" #include "SkDiscardableMemoryPool.h" #include "SkGraphics.h" #include "SkImageDecoder.h" #include "SkMath.h" #include "SkOSFile.h" #include "SkPicture.h" #include "SkStream.h" #include "picture_utils.h" BenchLogger gLogger; PictureResultsLoggerWriter gLogWriter(&gLogger); PictureResultsMultiWriter gWriter; // Flags used by this file, in alphabetical order. DEFINE_bool(countRAM, false, "Count the RAM used for bitmap pixels in each skp file"); DECLARE_bool(deferImageDecoding); DEFINE_string(filter, "", "type:flag : Enable canvas filtering to disable a paint flag, " "use no blur or low quality blur, or use no hinting or " "slight hinting. For all flags except AAClip, specify the " "type of primitive to effect, or choose all. for AAClip " "alone, the filter affects all clips independent of type. " "Specific flags are listed above."); DEFINE_string(logFile, "", "Destination for writing log output, in addition to stdout."); DEFINE_bool(logPerIter, false, "Log each repeat timer instead of mean."); DEFINE_string(jsonLog, "", "Destination for writing JSON data."); DEFINE_bool(min, false, "Print the minimum times (instead of average)."); DECLARE_int32(multi); DECLARE_string(readPath); DEFINE_int32(repeat, 1, "Set the number of times to repeat each test."); DEFINE_bool(timeIndividualTiles, false, "Report times for drawing individual tiles, rather than " "times for drawing the whole page. Requires tiled rendering."); DEFINE_bool(purgeDecodedTex, false, "Purge decoded and GPU-uploaded textures " "after each iteration."); DEFINE_string(timers, "c", "[wcgWC]*: Display wall, cpu, gpu, truncated wall or truncated cpu time" " for each picture."); DEFINE_bool(trackDeferredCaching, false, "Only meaningful with --deferImageDecoding and " "SK_LAZY_CACHE_STATS set to true. Report percentage of cache hits when using " "deferred image decoding."); DEFINE_bool(preprocess, false, "If true, perform device specific preprocessing before timing."); static char const * const gFilterTypes[] = { "paint", "point", "line", "bitmap", "rect", "oval", "path", "text", "all", }; static const size_t kFilterTypesCount = sizeof(gFilterTypes) / sizeof(gFilterTypes[0]); static char const * const gFilterFlags[] = { "antiAlias", "filterBitmap", "dither", "underlineText", "strikeThruText", "fakeBoldText", "linearText", "subpixelText", "devKernText", "LCDRenderText", "embeddedBitmapText", "autoHinting", "verticalText", "genA8FromLCD", "blur", "hinting", "slightHinting", "AAClip", }; static const size_t kFilterFlagsCount = sizeof(gFilterFlags) / sizeof(gFilterFlags[0]); static SkString filtersName(sk_tools::PictureRenderer::DrawFilterFlags* drawFilters) { int all = drawFilters[0]; size_t tIndex; for (tIndex = 1; tIndex < SkDrawFilter::kTypeCount; ++tIndex) { all &= drawFilters[tIndex]; } SkString result; for (size_t fIndex = 0; fIndex < kFilterFlagsCount; ++fIndex) { SkString types; if (all & (1 << fIndex)) { types = gFilterTypes[SkDrawFilter::kTypeCount]; } else { for (tIndex = 0; tIndex < SkDrawFilter::kTypeCount; ++tIndex) { if (drawFilters[tIndex] & (1 << fIndex)) { types += gFilterTypes[tIndex]; } } } if (!types.size()) { continue; } result += "_"; result += types; result += "."; result += gFilterFlags[fIndex]; } return result; } static SkString filterTypesUsage() { SkString result; for (size_t index = 0; index < kFilterTypesCount; ++index) { result += gFilterTypes[index]; if (index < kFilterTypesCount - 1) { result += " | "; } } return result; } static SkString filterFlagsUsage() { SkString result; size_t len = 0; for (size_t index = 0; index < kFilterFlagsCount; ++index) { result += gFilterFlags[index]; if (result.size() - len >= 72) { result += "\n\t\t"; len = result.size(); } if (index < kFilterFlagsCount - 1) { result += " | "; } } return result; } #if SK_LAZY_CACHE_STATS static int32_t gTotalCacheHits; static int32_t gTotalCacheMisses; #endif static bool run_single_benchmark(const SkString& inputPath, sk_tools::PictureBenchmark& benchmark) { SkFILEStream inputStream; inputStream.setPath(inputPath.c_str()); if (!inputStream.isValid()) { SkString err; err.printf("Could not open file %s\n", inputPath.c_str()); gLogger.logError(err); return false; } SkDiscardableMemoryPool* pool = SkGetGlobalDiscardableMemoryPool(); // Since the old picture has been deleted, all pixels should be cleared. SkASSERT(pool->getRAMUsed() == 0); if (FLAGS_countRAM) { pool->setRAMBudget(SK_MaxU32); // Set the limit to max, so all pixels will be kept } SkPicture::InstallPixelRefProc proc; if (FLAGS_deferImageDecoding) { proc = &sk_tools::LazyDecodeBitmap; } else { proc = &SkImageDecoder::DecodeMemory; } SkAutoTUnref<SkPicture> picture(SkPicture::CreateFromStream(&inputStream, proc)); if (NULL == picture.get()) { SkString err; err.printf("Could not read an SkPicture from %s\n", inputPath.c_str()); gLogger.logError(err); return false; } SkString filename = SkOSPath::SkBasename(inputPath.c_str()); gWriter.bench(filename.c_str(), picture->width(), picture->height()); benchmark.run(picture); #if SK_LAZY_CACHE_STATS if (FLAGS_trackDeferredCaching) { int cacheHits = pool->getCacheHits(); int cacheMisses = pool->getCacheMisses(); pool->resetCacheHitsAndMisses(); SkString hitString; hitString.printf("Cache hit rate: %f\n", (double) cacheHits / (cacheHits + cacheMisses)); gLogger.logProgress(hitString); gTotalCacheHits += cacheHits; gTotalCacheMisses += cacheMisses; } #endif if (FLAGS_countRAM) { SkString ramCount("RAM used for bitmaps: "); size_t bytes = pool->getRAMUsed(); if (bytes > 1024) { size_t kb = bytes / 1024; if (kb > 1024) { size_t mb = kb / 1024; ramCount.appendf("%zi MB\n", mb); } else { ramCount.appendf("%zi KB\n", kb); } } else { ramCount.appendf("%zi bytes\n", bytes); } gLogger.logProgress(ramCount); } return true; } static void setup_benchmark(sk_tools::PictureBenchmark* benchmark) { sk_tools::PictureRenderer::DrawFilterFlags drawFilters[SkDrawFilter::kTypeCount]; sk_bzero(drawFilters, sizeof(drawFilters)); if (FLAGS_filter.count() > 0) { const char* filters = FLAGS_filter[0]; const char* colon = strchr(filters, ':'); if (colon) { int32_t type = -1; size_t typeLen = colon - filters; for (size_t tIndex = 0; tIndex < kFilterTypesCount; ++tIndex) { if (typeLen == strlen(gFilterTypes[tIndex]) && !strncmp(filters, gFilterTypes[tIndex], typeLen)) { type = SkToS32(tIndex); break; } } if (type < 0) { SkString err; err.printf("Unknown type for --filter %s\n", filters); gLogger.logError(err); exit(-1); } int flag = -1; size_t flagLen = strlen(filters) - typeLen - 1; for (size_t fIndex = 0; fIndex < kFilterFlagsCount; ++fIndex) { if (flagLen == strlen(gFilterFlags[fIndex]) && !strncmp(colon + 1, gFilterFlags[fIndex], flagLen)) { flag = 1 << fIndex; break; } } if (flag < 0) { SkString err; err.printf("Unknown flag for --filter %s\n", filters); gLogger.logError(err); exit(-1); } for (int index = 0; index < SkDrawFilter::kTypeCount; ++index) { if (type != SkDrawFilter::kTypeCount && index != type) { continue; } drawFilters[index] = (sk_tools::PictureRenderer::DrawFilterFlags) (drawFilters[index] | flag); } } else { SkString err; err.printf("Unknown arg for --filter %s : missing colon\n", filters); gLogger.logError(err); exit(-1); } } if (FLAGS_timers.count() > 0) { size_t index = 0; bool timerWall = false; bool truncatedTimerWall = false; bool timerCpu = false; bool truncatedTimerCpu = false; bool timerGpu = false; while (index < strlen(FLAGS_timers[0])) { switch (FLAGS_timers[0][index]) { case 'w': timerWall = true; break; case 'c': timerCpu = true; break; case 'W': truncatedTimerWall = true; break; case 'C': truncatedTimerCpu = true; break; case 'g': timerGpu = true; break; default: SkDebugf("mystery character\n"); break; } index++; } benchmark->setTimersToShow(timerWall, truncatedTimerWall, timerCpu, truncatedTimerCpu, timerGpu); } SkString errorString; SkAutoTUnref<sk_tools::PictureRenderer> renderer(parseRenderer(errorString, kBench_PictureTool)); if (errorString.size() > 0) { gLogger.logError(errorString); } if (NULL == renderer.get()) { exit(-1); } if (FLAGS_timeIndividualTiles) { if (FLAGS_multi > 1) { gLogger.logError("Cannot time individual tiles with more than one thread.\n"); exit(-1); } sk_tools::TiledPictureRenderer* tiledRenderer = renderer->getTiledRenderer(); if (NULL == tiledRenderer) { gLogger.logError("--timeIndividualTiles requires tiled rendering.\n"); exit(-1); } if (!tiledRenderer->supportsTimingIndividualTiles()) { gLogger.logError("This renderer does not support --timeIndividualTiles.\n"); exit(-1); } benchmark->setTimeIndividualTiles(true); } benchmark->setPurgeDecodedTex(FLAGS_purgeDecodedTex); benchmark->setPreprocess(FLAGS_preprocess); if (FLAGS_readPath.count() < 1) { gLogger.logError(".skp files or directories are required.\n"); exit(-1); } renderer->setDrawFilters(drawFilters, filtersName(drawFilters)); if (FLAGS_logPerIter) { benchmark->setTimerResultType(TimerData::kPerIter_Result); } else if (FLAGS_min) { benchmark->setTimerResultType(TimerData::kMin_Result); } else { benchmark->setTimerResultType(TimerData::kAvg_Result); } benchmark->setRenderer(renderer); benchmark->setRepeats(FLAGS_repeat); benchmark->setWriter(&gWriter); } static int process_input(const char* input, sk_tools::PictureBenchmark& benchmark) { SkString inputAsSkString(input); SkOSFile::Iter iter(input, "skp"); SkString inputFilename; int failures = 0; if (iter.next(&inputFilename)) { do { SkString inputPath = SkOSPath::SkPathJoin(input, inputFilename.c_str()); if (!run_single_benchmark(inputPath, benchmark)) { ++failures; } } while(iter.next(&inputFilename)); } else if (SkStrEndsWith(input, ".skp")) { if (!run_single_benchmark(inputAsSkString, benchmark)) { ++failures; } } else { SkString warning; warning.printf("Warning: skipping %s\n", input); gLogger.logError(warning); } return failures; } int tool_main(int argc, char** argv); int tool_main(int argc, char** argv) { SetupCrashHandler(); SkString usage; usage.printf("Time drawing .skp files.\n" "\tPossible arguments for --filter: [%s]\n\t\t[%s]", filterTypesUsage().c_str(), filterFlagsUsage().c_str()); SkCommandLineFlags::SetUsage(usage.c_str()); SkCommandLineFlags::Parse(argc, argv); if (FLAGS_repeat < 1) { SkString error; error.printf("--repeats must be >= 1. Was %i\n", FLAGS_repeat); gLogger.logError(error); exit(-1); } if (FLAGS_logFile.count() == 1) { if (!gLogger.SetLogFile(FLAGS_logFile[0])) { SkString str; str.printf("Could not open %s for writing.\n", FLAGS_logFile[0]); gLogger.logError(str); // TODO(borenet): We're disabling this for now, due to // write-protected Android devices. The very short-term // solution is to ignore the fact that we have no log file. //exit(-1); } } SkAutoTDelete<PictureJSONResultsWriter> jsonWriter; if (FLAGS_jsonLog.count() == 1) { jsonWriter.reset(SkNEW(PictureJSONResultsWriter(FLAGS_jsonLog[0]))); gWriter.add(jsonWriter.get()); } gWriter.add(&gLogWriter); #if SK_ENABLE_INST_COUNT gPrintInstCount = true; #endif SkAutoGraphics ag; sk_tools::PictureBenchmark benchmark; setup_benchmark(&benchmark); int failures = 0; for (int i = 0; i < FLAGS_readPath.count(); ++i) { failures += process_input(FLAGS_readPath[i], benchmark); } if (failures != 0) { SkString err; err.printf("Failed to run %i benchmarks.\n", failures); gLogger.logError(err); return 1; } #if SK_LAZY_CACHE_STATS if (FLAGS_trackDeferredCaching) { SkDebugf("Total cache hit rate: %f\n", (double) gTotalCacheHits / (gTotalCacheHits + gTotalCacheMisses)); } #endif gWriter.end(); return 0; } #if !defined SK_BUILD_FOR_IOS int main(int argc, char * const argv[]) { return tool_main(argc, (char**) argv); } #endif