//===- unittest/Format/FormatTestJS.cpp - Formatting unit tests for JS ----===// // // The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "FormatTestUtils.h" #include "clang/Format/Format.h" #include "llvm/Support/Debug.h" #include "gtest/gtest.h" #define DEBUG_TYPE "format-test" namespace clang { namespace format { class FormatTestJS : public ::testing::Test { protected: static std::string format(llvm::StringRef Code, unsigned Offset, unsigned Length, const FormatStyle &Style) { DEBUG(llvm::errs() << "---\n"); DEBUG(llvm::errs() << Code << "\n\n"); std::vector<tooling::Range> Ranges(1, tooling::Range(Offset, Length)); tooling::Replacements Replaces = reformat(Style, Code, Ranges); std::string Result = applyAllReplacements(Code, Replaces); EXPECT_NE("", Result); DEBUG(llvm::errs() << "\n" << Result << "\n\n"); return Result; } static std::string format( llvm::StringRef Code, const FormatStyle &Style = getGoogleStyle(FormatStyle::LK_JavaScript)) { return format(Code, 0, Code.size(), Style); } static FormatStyle getGoogleJSStyleWithColumns(unsigned ColumnLimit) { FormatStyle Style = getGoogleStyle(FormatStyle::LK_JavaScript); Style.ColumnLimit = ColumnLimit; return Style; } static void verifyFormat( llvm::StringRef Code, const FormatStyle &Style = getGoogleStyle(FormatStyle::LK_JavaScript)) { EXPECT_EQ(Code.str(), format(test::messUp(Code), Style)); } }; TEST_F(FormatTestJS, UnderstandsJavaScriptOperators) { verifyFormat("a == = b;"); verifyFormat("a != = b;"); verifyFormat("a === b;"); verifyFormat("aaaaaaa ===\n b;", getGoogleJSStyleWithColumns(10)); verifyFormat("a !== b;"); verifyFormat("aaaaaaa !==\n b;", getGoogleJSStyleWithColumns(10)); verifyFormat("if (a + b + c +\n" " d !==\n" " e + f + g)\n" " q();", getGoogleJSStyleWithColumns(20)); verifyFormat("a >> >= b;"); verifyFormat("a >>> b;"); verifyFormat("aaaaaaa >>>\n b;", getGoogleJSStyleWithColumns(10)); verifyFormat("a >>>= b;"); verifyFormat("aaaaaaa >>>=\n b;", getGoogleJSStyleWithColumns(10)); verifyFormat("if (a + b + c +\n" " d >>>\n" " e + f + g)\n" " q();", getGoogleJSStyleWithColumns(20)); verifyFormat("var x = aaaaaaaaaa ?\n" " bbbbbb :\n" " ccc;", getGoogleJSStyleWithColumns(20)); verifyFormat("var b = a.map((x) => x + 1);"); } TEST_F(FormatTestJS, ES6DestructuringAssignment) { verifyFormat("var [a, b, c] = [1, 2, 3];"); verifyFormat("var {a, b} = {a: 1, b: 2};"); } TEST_F(FormatTestJS, ContainerLiterals) { verifyFormat("return {\n" " link: function() {\n" " f(); //\n" " }\n" "};"); verifyFormat("return {\n" " a: a,\n" " link: function() {\n" " f(); //\n" " }\n" "};"); verifyFormat("return {\n" " a: a,\n" " link:\n" " function() {\n" " f(); //\n" " },\n" " link:\n" " function() {\n" " f(); //\n" " }\n" "};"); } TEST_F(FormatTestJS, SpacesInContainerLiterals) { verifyFormat("var arr = [1, 2, 3];"); verifyFormat("var obj = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3};"); verifyFormat("var object_literal_with_long_name = {\n" " a: 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa',\n" " b: 'bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb'\n" "};"); verifyFormat("var obj = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3};", getChromiumStyle(FormatStyle::LK_JavaScript)); verifyFormat("someVariable = {'a': [{}]};"); } TEST_F(FormatTestJS, SingleQuoteStrings) { verifyFormat("this.function('', true);"); } TEST_F(FormatTestJS, GoogScopes) { verifyFormat("goog.scope(function() {\n" "var x = a.b;\n" "var y = c.d;\n" "}); // goog.scope"); } TEST_F(FormatTestJS, FormatsFreestandingFunctions) { verifyFormat("function outer1(a, b) {\n" " function inner1(a, b) { return a; }\n" " inner1(a, b);\n" "}\n" "function outer2(a, b) {\n" " function inner2(a, b) { return a; }\n" " inner2(a, b);\n" "}"); } TEST_F(FormatTestJS, FunctionLiterals) { verifyFormat("doFoo(function() { return 1; });"); verifyFormat("var func = function() { return 1; };"); verifyFormat("return {\n" " body: {\n" " setAttribute: function(key, val) { this[key] = val; },\n" " getAttribute: function(key) { return this[key]; },\n" " style: {direction: ''}\n" " }\n" "};"); EXPECT_EQ("abc = xyz ? function() { return 1; } : function() { return -1; };", format("abc=xyz?function(){return 1;}:function(){return -1;};")); verifyFormat("var closure = goog.bind(\n" " function() { // comment\n" " foo();\n" " bar();\n" " },\n" " this, arg1IsReallyLongAndNeeedsLineBreaks,\n" " arg3IsReallyLongAndNeeedsLineBreaks);"); verifyFormat("var closure = goog.bind(function() { // comment\n" " foo();\n" " bar();\n" "}, this);"); verifyFormat("return {\n" " a: 'E',\n" " b: function() {\n" " return function() {\n" " f(); //\n" " };\n" " }\n" "};"); verifyFormat("var x = {a: function() { return 1; }};", getGoogleJSStyleWithColumns(38)); verifyFormat("var x = {\n" " a: function() { return 1; }\n" "};", getGoogleJSStyleWithColumns(37)); verifyFormat("return {\n" " a: function SomeFunction() {\n" " // ...\n" " return 1;\n" " }\n" "};"); } TEST_F(FormatTestJS, MultipleFunctionLiterals) { verifyFormat("promise.then(\n" " function success() {\n" " doFoo();\n" " doBar();\n" " },\n" " function error() {\n" " doFoo();\n" " doBaz();\n" " },\n" " []);\n"); verifyFormat("promise.then(\n" " function success() {\n" " doFoo();\n" " doBar();\n" " },\n" " [],\n" " function error() {\n" " doFoo();\n" " doBaz();\n" " });\n"); // FIXME: Here, we should probably break right after the "(" for consistency. verifyFormat("promise.then([],\n" " function success() {\n" " doFoo();\n" " doBar();\n" " },\n" " function error() {\n" " doFoo();\n" " doBaz();\n" " });\n"); } TEST_F(FormatTestJS, ReturnStatements) { verifyFormat("function() { return [hello, world]; }"); } TEST_F(FormatTestJS, ClosureStyleComments) { verifyFormat("var x = /** @type {foo} */ (bar);"); } TEST_F(FormatTestJS, TryCatch) { verifyFormat("try {\n" " f();\n" "} catch (e) {\n" " g();\n" "} finally {\n" " h();\n" "}"); } TEST_F(FormatTestJS, StringLiteralConcatenation) { verifyFormat("var literal = 'hello ' +\n" " 'world';"); } TEST_F(FormatTestJS, RegexLiteralClassification) { // Regex literals. verifyFormat("var regex = /abc/;"); verifyFormat("f(/abc/);"); verifyFormat("f(abc, /abc/);"); verifyFormat("some_map[/abc/];"); verifyFormat("var x = a ? /abc/ : /abc/;"); verifyFormat("for (var i = 0; /abc/.test(s[i]); i++) {\n}"); verifyFormat("var x = !/abc/.test(y);"); verifyFormat("var x = a && /abc/.test(y);"); verifyFormat("var x = a || /abc/.test(y);"); verifyFormat("var x = a + /abc/.search(y);"); verifyFormat("var regexs = {/abc/, /abc/};"); verifyFormat("return /abc/;"); // Not regex literals. verifyFormat("var a = a / 2 + b / 3;"); } TEST_F(FormatTestJS, RegexLiteralSpecialCharacters) { verifyFormat("var regex = /a*/;"); verifyFormat("var regex = /a+/;"); verifyFormat("var regex = /a?/;"); verifyFormat("var regex = /.a./;"); verifyFormat("var regex = /a\\*/;"); verifyFormat("var regex = /^a$/;"); verifyFormat("var regex = /\\/a/;"); verifyFormat("var regex = /(?:x)/;"); verifyFormat("var regex = /x(?=y)/;"); verifyFormat("var regex = /x(?!y)/;"); verifyFormat("var regex = /x|y/;"); verifyFormat("var regex = /a{2}/;"); verifyFormat("var regex = /a{1,3}/;"); verifyFormat("var regex = /[abc]/;"); verifyFormat("var regex = /[^abc]/;"); verifyFormat("var regex = /[\\b]/;"); verifyFormat("var regex = /\\b/;"); verifyFormat("var regex = /\\B/;"); verifyFormat("var regex = /\\d/;"); verifyFormat("var regex = /\\D/;"); verifyFormat("var regex = /\\f/;"); verifyFormat("var regex = /\\n/;"); verifyFormat("var regex = /\\r/;"); verifyFormat("var regex = /\\s/;"); verifyFormat("var regex = /\\S/;"); verifyFormat("var regex = /\\t/;"); verifyFormat("var regex = /\\v/;"); verifyFormat("var regex = /\\w/;"); verifyFormat("var regex = /\\W/;"); verifyFormat("var regex = /a(a)\\1/;"); verifyFormat("var regex = /\\0/;"); verifyFormat("var regex = /\\\\/g;"); verifyFormat("var regex = /\\a\\\\/g;"); verifyFormat("var regex = /\a\\//g;"); } TEST_F(FormatTestJS, RegexLiteralModifiers) { verifyFormat("var regex = /abc/g;"); verifyFormat("var regex = /abc/i;"); verifyFormat("var regex = /abc/m;"); verifyFormat("var regex = /abc/y;"); } TEST_F(FormatTestJS, RegexLiteralLength) { verifyFormat("var regex = /aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa/;", getGoogleJSStyleWithColumns(60)); verifyFormat("var regex =\n" " /aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa/;", getGoogleJSStyleWithColumns(60)); } TEST_F(FormatTestJS, RegexLiteralExamples) { verifyFormat("var regex = search.match(/(?:\?|&)times=([^?&]+)/i);"); } } // end namespace tooling } // end namespace clang