// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. var Event = require('event_bindings').Event; var forEach = require('utils').forEach; var GetAvailability = requireNative('v8_context').GetAvailability; var logActivity = requireNative('activityLogger'); var logging = requireNative('logging'); var process = requireNative('process'); var schemaRegistry = requireNative('schema_registry'); var schemaUtils = require('schemaUtils'); var utils = require('utils'); var sendRequestHandler = require('sendRequest'); var contextType = process.GetContextType(); var extensionId = process.GetExtensionId(); var manifestVersion = process.GetManifestVersion(); var sendRequest = sendRequestHandler.sendRequest; // Stores the name and definition of each API function, with methods to // modify their behaviour (such as a custom way to handle requests to the // API, a custom callback, etc). function APIFunctions(namespace) { this.apiFunctions_ = {}; this.unavailableApiFunctions_ = {}; this.namespace = namespace; } APIFunctions.prototype.register = function(apiName, apiFunction) { this.apiFunctions_[apiName] = apiFunction; }; // Registers a function as existing but not available, meaning that calls to // the set* methods that reference this function should be ignored rather // than throwing Errors. APIFunctions.prototype.registerUnavailable = function(apiName) { this.unavailableApiFunctions_[apiName] = apiName; }; APIFunctions.prototype.setHook_ = function(apiName, propertyName, customizedFunction) { if ($Object.hasOwnProperty(this.unavailableApiFunctions_, apiName)) return; if (!$Object.hasOwnProperty(this.apiFunctions_, apiName)) throw new Error('Tried to set hook for unknown API "' + apiName + '"'); this.apiFunctions_[apiName][propertyName] = customizedFunction; }; APIFunctions.prototype.setHandleRequest = function(apiName, customizedFunction) { var prefix = this.namespace; return this.setHook_(apiName, 'handleRequest', function() { var ret = $Function.apply(customizedFunction, this, arguments); // Logs API calls to the Activity Log if it doesn't go through an // ExtensionFunction. if (!sendRequestHandler.getCalledSendRequest()) logActivity.LogAPICall(extensionId, prefix + "." + apiName, $Array.slice(arguments)); return ret; }); }; APIFunctions.prototype.setUpdateArgumentsPostValidate = function(apiName, customizedFunction) { return this.setHook_( apiName, 'updateArgumentsPostValidate', customizedFunction); }; APIFunctions.prototype.setUpdateArgumentsPreValidate = function(apiName, customizedFunction) { return this.setHook_( apiName, 'updateArgumentsPreValidate', customizedFunction); }; APIFunctions.prototype.setCustomCallback = function(apiName, customizedFunction) { return this.setHook_(apiName, 'customCallback', customizedFunction); }; function CustomBindingsObject() { } CustomBindingsObject.prototype.setSchema = function(schema) { // The functions in the schema are in list form, so we move them into a // dictionary for easier access. var self = this; self.functionSchemas = {}; $Array.forEach(schema.functions, function(f) { self.functionSchemas[f.name] = { name: f.name, definition: f } }); }; // Get the platform from navigator.appVersion. function getPlatform() { var platforms = [ [/CrOS Touch/, "chromeos touch"], [/CrOS/, "chromeos"], [/Linux/, "linux"], [/Mac/, "mac"], [/Win/, "win"], ]; for (var i = 0; i < platforms.length; i++) { if ($RegExp.test(platforms[i][0], navigator.appVersion)) { return platforms[i][1]; } } return "unknown"; } function isPlatformSupported(schemaNode, platform) { return !schemaNode.platforms || schemaNode.platforms.indexOf(platform) > -1; } function isManifestVersionSupported(schemaNode, manifestVersion) { return !schemaNode.maximumManifestVersion || manifestVersion <= schemaNode.maximumManifestVersion; } function isSchemaNodeSupported(schemaNode, platform, manifestVersion) { return isPlatformSupported(schemaNode, platform) && isManifestVersionSupported(schemaNode, manifestVersion); } function createCustomType(type) { var jsModuleName = type.js_module; logging.CHECK(jsModuleName, 'Custom type ' + type.id + ' has no "js_module" property.'); var jsModule = require(jsModuleName); logging.CHECK(jsModule, 'No module ' + jsModuleName + ' found for ' + type.id + '.'); var customType = jsModule[jsModuleName]; logging.CHECK(customType, jsModuleName + ' must export itself.'); customType.prototype = new CustomBindingsObject(); customType.prototype.setSchema(type); return customType; } var platform = getPlatform(); function Binding(schema) { this.schema_ = schema; this.apiFunctions_ = new APIFunctions(schema.namespace); this.customEvent_ = null; this.customHooks_ = []; }; Binding.create = function(apiName) { return new Binding(schemaRegistry.GetSchema(apiName)); }; Binding.prototype = { // The API through which the ${api_name}_custom_bindings.js files customize // their API bindings beyond what can be generated. // // There are 2 types of customizations available: those which are required in // order to do the schema generation (registerCustomEvent and // registerCustomType), and those which can only run after the bindings have // been generated (registerCustomHook). // Registers a custom event type for the API identified by |namespace|. // |event| is the event's constructor. registerCustomEvent: function(event) { this.customEvent_ = event; }, // Registers a function |hook| to run after the schema for all APIs has been // generated. The hook is passed as its first argument an "API" object to // interact with, and second the current extension ID. See where // |customHooks| is used. registerCustomHook: function(fn) { $Array.push(this.customHooks_, fn); }, // TODO(kalman/cduvall): Refactor this so |runHooks_| is not needed. runHooks_: function(api) { $Array.forEach(this.customHooks_, function(hook) { if (!isSchemaNodeSupported(this.schema_, platform, manifestVersion)) return; if (!hook) return; hook({ apiFunctions: this.apiFunctions_, schema: this.schema_, compiledApi: api }, extensionId, contextType); }, this); }, // Generates the bindings from |this.schema_| and integrates any custom // bindings that might be present. generate: function() { var schema = this.schema_; function shouldCheckUnprivileged() { var shouldCheck = 'unprivileged' in schema; if (shouldCheck) return shouldCheck; $Array.forEach(['functions', 'events'], function(type) { if ($Object.hasOwnProperty(schema, type)) { $Array.forEach(schema[type], function(node) { if ('unprivileged' in node) shouldCheck = true; }); } }); if (shouldCheck) return shouldCheck; for (var property in schema.properties) { if ($Object.hasOwnProperty(schema, property) && 'unprivileged' in schema.properties[property]) { shouldCheck = true; break; } } return shouldCheck; } var checkUnprivileged = shouldCheckUnprivileged(); // TODO(kalman/cduvall): Make GetAvailability handle this, then delete the // supporting code. if (!isSchemaNodeSupported(schema, platform, manifestVersion)) { console.error('chrome.' + schema.namespace + ' is not supported on ' + 'this platform or manifest version'); return undefined; } var mod = {}; var namespaces = $String.split(schema.namespace, '.'); for (var index = 0, name; name = namespaces[index]; index++) { mod[name] = mod[name] || {}; mod = mod[name]; } // Add types to global schemaValidator, the types we depend on from other // namespaces will be added as needed. if (schema.types) { $Array.forEach(schema.types, function(t) { if (!isSchemaNodeSupported(t, platform, manifestVersion)) return; schemaUtils.schemaValidator.addTypes(t); }, this); } // TODO(cduvall): Take out when all APIs have been converted to features. // Returns whether access to the content of a schema should be denied, // based on the presence of "unprivileged" and whether this is an // extension process (versus e.g. a content script). function isSchemaAccessAllowed(itemSchema) { return (contextType == 'BLESSED_EXTENSION') || schema.unprivileged || itemSchema.unprivileged; }; // Setup Functions. if (schema.functions) { $Array.forEach(schema.functions, function(functionDef) { if (functionDef.name in mod) { throw new Error('Function ' + functionDef.name + ' already defined in ' + schema.namespace); } if (!isSchemaNodeSupported(functionDef, platform, manifestVersion)) { this.apiFunctions_.registerUnavailable(functionDef.name); return; } var apiFunction = {}; apiFunction.definition = functionDef; apiFunction.name = schema.namespace + '.' + functionDef.name; if (!GetAvailability(apiFunction.name).is_available || (checkUnprivileged && !isSchemaAccessAllowed(functionDef))) { this.apiFunctions_.registerUnavailable(functionDef.name); return; } // TODO(aa): It would be best to run this in a unit test, but in order // to do that we would need to better factor this code so that it // doesn't depend on so much v8::Extension machinery. if (logging.DCHECK_IS_ON() && schemaUtils.isFunctionSignatureAmbiguous(apiFunction.definition)) { throw new Error( apiFunction.name + ' has ambiguous optional arguments. ' + 'To implement custom disambiguation logic, add ' + '"allowAmbiguousOptionalArguments" to the function\'s schema.'); } this.apiFunctions_.register(functionDef.name, apiFunction); mod[functionDef.name] = $Function.bind(function() { var args = $Array.slice(arguments); if (this.updateArgumentsPreValidate) args = $Function.apply(this.updateArgumentsPreValidate, this, args); args = schemaUtils.normalizeArgumentsAndValidate(args, this); if (this.updateArgumentsPostValidate) { args = $Function.apply(this.updateArgumentsPostValidate, this, args); } sendRequestHandler.clearCalledSendRequest(); var retval; if (this.handleRequest) { retval = $Function.apply(this.handleRequest, this, args); } else { var optArgs = { customCallback: this.customCallback }; retval = sendRequest(this.name, args, this.definition.parameters, optArgs); } sendRequestHandler.clearCalledSendRequest(); // Validate return value if in sanity check mode. if (logging.DCHECK_IS_ON() && this.definition.returns) schemaUtils.validate([retval], [this.definition.returns]); return retval; }, apiFunction); }, this); } // Setup Events if (schema.events) { $Array.forEach(schema.events, function(eventDef) { if (eventDef.name in mod) { throw new Error('Event ' + eventDef.name + ' already defined in ' + schema.namespace); } if (!isSchemaNodeSupported(eventDef, platform, manifestVersion)) return; var eventName = schema.namespace + "." + eventDef.name; if (!GetAvailability(eventName).is_available || (checkUnprivileged && !isSchemaAccessAllowed(eventDef))) { return; } var options = eventDef.options || {}; if (eventDef.filters && eventDef.filters.length > 0) options.supportsFilters = true; var parameters = eventDef.parameters; if (this.customEvent_) { mod[eventDef.name] = new this.customEvent_( eventName, parameters, eventDef.extraParameters, options); } else { mod[eventDef.name] = new Event(eventName, parameters, options); } }, this); } function addProperties(m, parentDef) { var properties = parentDef.properties; if (!properties) return; forEach(properties, function(propertyName, propertyDef) { if (propertyName in m) return; // TODO(kalman): be strict like functions/events somehow. if (!isSchemaNodeSupported(propertyDef, platform, manifestVersion)) return; if (!GetAvailability(schema.namespace + "." + propertyName).is_available || (checkUnprivileged && !isSchemaAccessAllowed(propertyDef))) { return; } var value = propertyDef.value; if (value) { // Values may just have raw types as defined in the JSON, such // as "WINDOW_ID_NONE": { "value": -1 }. We handle this here. // TODO(kalman): enforce that things with a "value" property can't // define their own types. var type = propertyDef.type || typeof(value); if (type === 'integer' || type === 'number') { value = parseInt(value); } else if (type === 'boolean') { value = value === 'true'; } else if (propertyDef['$ref']) { var ref = propertyDef['$ref']; var type = utils.loadTypeSchema(propertyDef['$ref'], schema); logging.CHECK(type, 'Schema for $ref type ' + ref + ' not found'); var constructor = createCustomType(type); var args = value; // For an object propertyDef, |value| is an array of constructor // arguments, but we want to pass the arguments directly (i.e. // not as an array), so we have to fake calling |new| on the // constructor. value = { __proto__: constructor.prototype }; $Function.apply(constructor, value, args); // Recursively add properties. addProperties(value, propertyDef); } else if (type === 'object') { // Recursively add properties. addProperties(value, propertyDef); } else if (type !== 'string') { throw new Error('NOT IMPLEMENTED (extension_api.json error): ' + 'Cannot parse values for type "' + type + '"'); } m[propertyName] = value; } }); }; addProperties(mod, schema); var availability = GetAvailability(schema.namespace); if (!availability.is_available && $Object.keys(mod).length == 0) { console.error('chrome.' + schema.namespace + ' is not available: ' + availability.message); return; } this.runHooks_(mod); return mod; } }; exports.Binding = Binding;