<!-- @MAC-ALLOW:AXSubrole=* --> <html> <body> Test the accessiblity tree after a pending modal dialog becomes active. <section> <dialog id="top-dialog"> This was the top dialog and should not be in the tree. </dialog> <select> <optgroup label="Group"> <option>This should be pruned out of the tree.</option> </optgroup> </select> </section> <button>This button should not be in the tree.</button> <dialog id="middle-dialog"> This was the middle dialog and should not be in the tree. </dialog> <dialog id="bottom-dialog"> This is the now active dialog. Of course it should be in the tree. <button>This is in the active dialog and should be in the tree.</button> </dialog> <dialog id="pending-dialog"> This is the pending dialog and should not be in the tree. </dialog> <script> var pendingDialog = document.querySelector('#pending-dialog'); var bottomDialog = document.querySelector('#bottom-dialog'); var middleDialog = document.querySelector('#middle-dialog'); var topDialog = document.querySelector('#top-dialog'); pendingDialog.showModal(); bottomDialog.showModal(); middleDialog.showModal(); topDialog.showModal(); middleDialog.close(); topDialog.close(); </script> </body> </html>