// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "content/public/common/user_agent.h" #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> #include <sys/sysctl.h> #include <string> #include "base/mac/scoped_nsobject.h" #include "base/strings/string_util.h" #include "base/strings/stringprintf.h" #include "base/strings/sys_string_conversions.h" #include "base/sys_info.h" namespace { struct UAVersions { const char* safari_version_string; const char* webkit_version_string; }; struct OSVersionMap { int32 major_os_version; int32 minor_os_version; UAVersions ua_versions; }; const UAVersions& GetUAVersionsForCurrentOS() { // The WebKit version can be extracted dynamically from UIWebView, but the // Safari version can't be, so a lookup table is used instead (for both, since // the reported versions should stay in sync). static const OSVersionMap version_map[] = { { 7, 1, { "9537.53", "537.51.2" } }, { 7, 0, { "9537.53", "537.51.1" } }, // 6.1 has the same values as 6.0. { 6, 0, { "8536.25", "536.26" } }, }; int32 os_major_version = 0; int32 os_minor_version = 0; int32 os_bugfix_version = 0; base::SysInfo::OperatingSystemVersionNumbers(&os_major_version, &os_minor_version, &os_bugfix_version); // Return the versions corresponding to the first (and thus highest) OS // version less than or equal to the given OS version. for (unsigned int i = 0; i < arraysize(version_map); ++i) { if (os_major_version > version_map[i].major_os_version || (os_major_version == version_map[i].major_os_version && os_minor_version >= version_map[i].minor_os_version)) return version_map[i].ua_versions; } NOTREACHED(); return version_map[arraysize(version_map) - 1].ua_versions; } } // namespace namespace content { std::string BuildOSCpuInfo() { int32 os_major_version = 0; int32 os_minor_version = 0; int32 os_bugfix_version = 0; base::SysInfo::OperatingSystemVersionNumbers(&os_major_version, &os_minor_version, &os_bugfix_version); std::string os_version; if (os_bugfix_version == 0) { base::StringAppendF(&os_version, "%d_%d", os_major_version, os_minor_version); } else { base::StringAppendF(&os_version, "%d_%d_%d", os_major_version, os_minor_version, os_bugfix_version); } // Remove the end of the platform name. For example "iPod touch" becomes // "iPod". std::string platform = base::SysNSStringToUTF8( [[UIDevice currentDevice] model]); size_t position = platform.find_first_of(" "); if (position != std::string::npos) platform = platform.substr(0, position); std::string os_cpu; base::StringAppendF( &os_cpu, "%s; CPU %s %s like Mac OS X", platform.c_str(), (platform == "iPad") ? "OS" : "iPhone OS", os_version.c_str()); return os_cpu; } std::string BuildUserAgentFromProduct(const std::string& product) { // Retrieve the kernel build number. int mib[2] = {CTL_KERN, KERN_OSVERSION}; unsigned int namelen = sizeof(mib) / sizeof(mib[0]); size_t bufferSize = 0; sysctl(mib, namelen, NULL, &bufferSize, NULL, 0); char kernel_version[bufferSize]; int result = sysctl(mib, namelen, kernel_version, &bufferSize, NULL, 0); DCHECK(result == 0); UAVersions ua_versions = GetUAVersionsForCurrentOS(); std::string user_agent; base::StringAppendF(&user_agent, "Mozilla/5.0 (%s) AppleWebKit/%s" " (KHTML, like Gecko) %s Mobile/%s Safari/%s", BuildOSCpuInfo().c_str(), ua_versions.webkit_version_string, product.c_str(), kernel_version, ua_versions.safari_version_string); return user_agent; } } // namespace content