// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "components/keyed_service/core/keyed_service.h"

class ChromeDownloadManagerDelegate;
class DownloadHistory;
class DownloadUIController;
class ExtensionDownloadsEventRouter;
class Profile;

namespace content {
class DownloadManager;

namespace extensions {
class ExtensionDownloadsEventRouter;

// Owning class for ChromeDownloadManagerDelegate.
class DownloadService : public KeyedService {
  explicit DownloadService(Profile* profile);
  virtual ~DownloadService();

  // Get the download manager delegate, creating it if it doesn't already exist.
  ChromeDownloadManagerDelegate* GetDownloadManagerDelegate();

  // Get the interface to the history system. Returns NULL if profile is
  // incognito or if the DownloadManager hasn't been created yet or if there is
  // no HistoryService for profile. Virtual for testing.
  virtual DownloadHistory* GetDownloadHistory();

  extensions::ExtensionDownloadsEventRouter* GetExtensionEventRouter() {
    return extension_event_router_.get();

  // Has a download manager been created?
  bool HasCreatedDownloadManager();

  // Number of non-malicious downloads associated with this instance of the
  // service.
  int NonMaliciousDownloadCount() const;

  // Cancels all in-progress downloads for this profile.
  void CancelDownloads();

  // Number of non-malicious downloads associated with all profiles.
  static int NonMaliciousDownloadCountAllProfiles();

  // Cancels all in-progress downloads for all profiles.
  static void CancelAllDownloads();

  // Sets the DownloadManagerDelegate associated with this object and
  // its DownloadManager.  Takes ownership of |delegate|, and destroys
  // the previous delegate.  For testing.
  void SetDownloadManagerDelegateForTesting(
      scoped_ptr<ChromeDownloadManagerDelegate> delegate);

  // Will be called to release references on other services as part
  // of Profile shutdown.
  virtual void Shutdown() OVERRIDE;

  // Returns false if at least one extension has disabled the shelf, true
  // otherwise.
  bool IsShelfEnabled();

  bool download_manager_created_;
  Profile* profile_;

  // ChromeDownloadManagerDelegate may be the target of callbacks from
  // the history service/DB thread and must be kept alive for those
  // callbacks.
  scoped_ptr<ChromeDownloadManagerDelegate> manager_delegate_;

  scoped_ptr<DownloadHistory> download_history_;

  // The UI controller is responsible for observing the download manager and
  // notifying the UI of any new downloads. Its lifetime matches that of the
  // associated download manager.
  // Note on destruction order: download_ui_ depends on download_history_ and
  // should be destroyed before the latter.
  scoped_ptr<DownloadUIController> download_ui_;

  // On Android, GET downloads are not handled by the DownloadManager.
  // Once we have extensions on android, we probably need the EventRouter
  // in ContentViewDownloadDelegate which knows about both GET and POST
  // downloads.
  // The ExtensionDownloadsEventRouter dispatches download creation, change, and
  // erase events to extensions. Like ChromeDownloadManagerDelegate, it's a
  // chrome-level concept and its lifetime should match DownloadManager. There
  // should be a separate EDER for on-record and off-record managers.
  // There does not appear to be a separate ExtensionSystem for on-record and
  // off-record profiles, so ExtensionSystem cannot own the EDER.
  scoped_ptr<extensions::ExtensionDownloadsEventRouter> extension_event_router_;
