// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "cc/test/begin_frame_args_test.h" #include "base/time/time.h" #include "cc/output/begin_frame_args.h" #include "ui/gfx/frame_time.h" namespace cc { BeginFrameArgs CreateBeginFrameArgsForTesting() { base::TimeTicks now = gfx::FrameTime::Now(); return BeginFrameArgs::Create(now, now + (BeginFrameArgs::DefaultInterval() / 2), BeginFrameArgs::DefaultInterval()); } BeginFrameArgs CreateBeginFrameArgsForTesting(int64 frame_time, int64 deadline, int64 interval) { return BeginFrameArgs::Create(base::TimeTicks::FromInternalValue(frame_time), base::TimeTicks::FromInternalValue(deadline), base::TimeDelta::FromInternalValue(interval)); } BeginFrameArgs CreateExpiredBeginFrameArgsForTesting() { base::TimeTicks now = gfx::FrameTime::Now(); return BeginFrameArgs::Create(now, now - BeginFrameArgs::DefaultInterval(), BeginFrameArgs::DefaultInterval()); } bool operator==(const BeginFrameArgs& lhs, const BeginFrameArgs& rhs) { return (lhs.frame_time == rhs.frame_time) && (lhs.deadline == rhs.deadline) && (lhs.interval == rhs.interval); } ::std::ostream& operator<<(::std::ostream& os, const BeginFrameArgs& args) { PrintTo(args, &os); return os; } void PrintTo(const BeginFrameArgs& args, ::std::ostream* os) { *os << "BeginFrameArgs(" << args.frame_time.ToInternalValue() << ", " << args.deadline.ToInternalValue() << ", " << args.interval.InMicroseconds() << "us)"; } } // namespace cc