<p><b>About:</b> Demonstrates how to create a DelayedConfirmationView in your wearable app. In this
sample, pressing a button on the phone app sends a message to the wearable to start a simple
activity. This activity displays a DelayedConfirmationView that starts when the user presses "Start
Timer." Then, callbacks are implemented on both the wearable and phone to show when the timer is
selected or finishes. The activity on the wearable uses BoxInsetLayout to automatically apply
appropriate margins based on whether the display is square or circular.</p>
<p><b>How to run:</b> Install the Application APK on the companion, and the Wearable APK on the
wearable. Start the sample by running the DelayedConfirmation application on the companion and
pressing "Start".</p>
<p><b>Wearable APIs used:</b> MessageApi, NodeApi, WearableListenerService, BoxInsetLayout,
        <img src="screenshots/delayed_confirmation_box_inset_top.png" alt='DelayedConfirmation view
            in BoxInsetLayout with layout_box="top"' width="160" height="160">
        <img src="screenshots/delayed_confirmation_box_inset_all.png" alt='DelayedConfirmation view
            in BoxInsetLayout with layout_box="all"' width="160" height="160">
        <img src="screenshots/delayed_confirmation_notification.png" alt="DelayedConfirmationView
            selected notification" width="140" height="140">
        <img src="screenshots/companion_delayed_confirmation.png" alt="Timer Selected toast on
            companion" width="216" height="384">
        <figcaption>From left to right: DelayedConfirmationView in a BoxInsetLayout with
            layout_box="top", the same view but with layout_box="all", the notification that shows
            up on the wearable when you select the timer before it finishes, and the toast generated
            on the phone at the same time. Note: normally you would make the circle's background the
            same color as the box background so users won't see the box's edges.</figcaption>