<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
<string name="bordeaux_app">Bordeaux Apps</string>
<string name="send_data">Send Learning Data</string>
<string name="local_service_started">Local service has started</string>
<string name="local_service_stopped">Local service has stopped</string>
<string name="local_service_label">Sample Local Service</string>
<string name="activity_local_service_controller">App/Service/Local Service Controller</string>
<string name="local_service_controller">This demonstrates how you can implement persistent services that
may be started and stopped as desired.</string>
<string name="start_service">Start Service</string>
<string name="stop_service">Stop Service</string>
<string name="activity_local_service_binding">App/Service/Local Service Binding</string>
<string name="local_service_binding">This demonstrates how you can connect with a persistent
service. Notice how it automatically starts for you, and play around with the
interaction between this and Local Service Controller.</string>
<string name="bind_service">Bind Service</string>
<string name="unbind_service">Unbind Service</string>
<string name="local_service_connected">Connected to local service</string>
<string name="local_service_disconnected">Disconnected from local service</string>
<string name="remote_service_started">Remote service has started</string>
<string name="remote_service_stopped">Remote service has stopped</string>
<string name="remote_service_label">Sample Remote Service</string>
<string name="activity_lava_service_controller">Bordeaux Service Controller</string>
<string name="lava_service_controller">This demonstrates how you can implement persistent services
running in a separate process that may be started and stopped as desired.</string>
<string name="activity_lava_service_binding">Bordeaux Service</string>
<string name="lava_service_binding">This demonstrates how you can connect with a persistent
service running in another process. Use the kill button to see what happens when
the process crashes.</string>
<string name="kill_process">Kill Process</string>
<string name="remote_service_connected">Connected to remote service</string>
<string name="remote_service_disconnected">Disconnected from remote service</string>
<string name="remote_service_unbind_disconn">Unbinding due to disconnect</string>
<string name="remote_call_failed">Failure calling remote service</string>